Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by TheFox
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TheFox Vulpes Vigilant(e)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His ears were still ringing from the stunt the man had pulled with the furnace, yet Yakeru could hear the sounds of explosions coming from somewhere outside of the walls. To make matters even worse for their ears, these sounds were joined with a constant blaring of a horn of some sorts and it seemed to come from everywhere. The person who was blowing that horn must have quite a set of lungs. Or was it some sort of medieval, fantasy yet technological a bit modern alarm system? It made him wonder who had been responsible for something like that. Another question for later, which Yakeru put on his list of many questions in his mind. His hand moved to his sword almost automatically and his feet seemed to move on his own towards the door. He felt nervous but he tried not to show it. The others were getting ready also, Mackensie and her crossbow looking more than capable, David and his shadow arm which was impressive yet freakish if you had not expected that, and then there was the demon boy and the odd, maybe wizard, man. From both of them he could sense something, rather powerful. The forming of a party, though out of necessity for now. He only hoped he would not be in anyone's way during the battle. His mind was thinking back on the knowledge he had about battles in fantasy novels, where the hero and his companions would face hordes of monsters or other kinds of enemies, and where they would survive and win against all odds.

Could this group really do that too?

You think too much. There is only time to think about how to deal with the chaos outside and nothing else!

He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing and steady his heart. This was it. The moment of truth. If all of them were brought here to fight, than fight they will. A burning sensation filled his chest, a sudden rush. The anticipation of a fight.

"So, what are we waiting for, huh?" The sword left its scabbard, the blue light reflecting off it. "You know our answers. Lead on, wizard man."

So the next thing he knew, they were running through some corridor and into what looked like a lobby of sorts, a big hall where the sounds of battle from outside seemed to come closer. The heavy doors of the entrance leading to the outside world crashed open, pouring in a group of well armed and armored goblins.

Holy crap!

Before Yakeru could even blink, one of the goblins went down with a perfect hole through it.

Did that guy just shoot a beam? From his finger?!

It did not deter the others from running towards them, gnarling and ready to cut them up. His sword blocked a first strike of one of the goblin warriors, who relentlessly kept on trying to kill him. For now he was able to block his attacks but he felt that he was being pushed back because of it. He could not find an opening to strike and he realized it was harder then he had expected it to be. And he already had thought it to be hard.

In a novel it would...StOP IT! Don't think! Feel!

He gritted his teeth and with a shout he pushed the goblin back, bringing his sword down and hit the side of the gobs helmet, cutting through the metal, bone and flesh until halfway its skull before pulling the blade back out. He breathed heavily but grinned. There was no time to recuperate. There were still many more to defeat.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

- D E X T E R -

Interactions: @Zool, @TheFox, @Zerofighter and @Conscripts
Location: The Sealed Tower

"No," Dexter shouted at them, unexpectedly he had a sudden burst of confidence almost feeling invincible in that moment "I will not fight, I am too weak and will only slow you down." the boy wasn't ready to just put his life on the line, especially since he had just gotten here.

"I'm not about to put myself in harm's way thanks." he crossed his arms defiantly and turned his nose up with a haughty sniff, he would have no part in this slaughter.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

When the door crashed open and the goblins poured in, MacKensie swore under her breath. Even after all she'd seen in the coffin chamber, with shadow arms and demon children... even after all that, she wasn't prepared for the sight of these things. The eyes, the teeth, the steel. The smell and the rabid blood-thirst emanating from them. She was never much into fantasy tales unless they were romantic. She knew of the medieval fantasy genre, enough to realise some of the parelells of this world with that genre. But she wasn't familiar enough with it to be comfortable, looking at these creatures for the first time. It was terrifying.

Her knees went weak and she started to think of all the horrible things these creatures were going to do to her. It was overwhelming. Stomach-turning. But then the man who'd... well, pretty much told her off, like her father would when she was petulant... he blasted a magic beam from his fingers, that put a dent in the closest goblin. She was quickly reminded of her 'quickdraw' earlier and her confidence bolted back up with a surge of adrenaline.

"I have no idea of their weaknesses yet, so normal combat principle applies for now."

“Qui n’avance pas, recule!" she shouted as her war cry, channelling her father's spirit.

This time her crossbow was loaded, (she'd prepared as they left the room,) and she aimed and shot. Her first bolt hit an enemy in the chest, lodging itself in the armour but doing no damage. This wouldn't do. She'd aimed safely for centre-mass, but there no time for safe shots. And deep down she knew she could push it. If MacKensie Trydant could do anything in this world, she could hit her shots when it counted. When the pressure was on.

Her 2nd shot planted itself between the eyes of the same target. It's feet tried to charge without it's body as it dropped dead. She loaded her crossbow like a machine; her dextrous fingers, her coordination and precision, beyond anything she thought humanly possible. She simply tried not to think about it, loosing a 3rd shot and reloading. But the goblins were soon upon them all and one lept into the air, toward her, into a strong downsweep slash. Panicking, MacKensie's free hand drew her knife and threw it up to defend her, squeezing her eyes shut like a complete and utter amateur. With the luck of God, she somehow blocked the attack, but the strength of it knocked her down.

As her back hit the granite-hard floor, a flex of her shoulders smoothly transitioned her into a backflip and she landed on her feet, firing off another killing shot and reloading. Now a couple of steps behind her comrades, she could see that they seemed to be doing quite well and it invigorated her. As she fired off shots, to assist the party, a quiet part of her mind suggested that she was now in the right position - a little behind the close-range fighters and able to cover them while they shielded her.....................
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 17 days ago

Glaring at the man, "Thanks captain obvious.."

His eyes widened at the sight of the invasion force, it was something straight out of the Lord of the Rings. David jumped when the guy shot lasers from his hands. Great, the guy had lasers too. Of course he had lasers. Quickly drawing his two crossbows, the shadow arm drew the sword at his hip. Raising a eyebrow, he didnt tell it to do that. It must react to his emotions, and it seemed to want to defend him at will. Maybe it had a mind of its own? "Alright, lets take out as many of these guys as we can.

Aiming carefully, he fired the crossbows watching as each bolt hit their mark. Surprised by his new found markmanship. He didnt even think he could do something like this. At least, he think he coudlnt. In the blink of an eye he quickly reloaded both before firing another bolts. One pierced the shoulder of a enemy, and the eye of another. The one who was hit in the shoulder, howled as he charged at him. The Shadow arm moved to defend him. Blocking each strike with a parry. Before thrusting the blade into the neck.

His eyes widened as a particularly large goblins hit him in the chest with a hammer. Cursing as he was hit into the wall, the shadow arm dropped the sword. Hitting the stone ground with a clank. Gritting between his teeth, he watched as the goblin charge again before the Shadow arm lashed at the goblin clawing it's green face. Seeing it blinded the creature. Drawing his crossbow again, he fired hitting the goblin in the neck. As he stood up he spat some blood on the ground, the Shadow arm gave him a thumbs up before picking up one of the crossbows.

Seeing one of the goblins charge at Dexter, shooting the crossbow at its back. "Hey Kid, if youre not gonna fight. Get somewhere safe!" he snapped, before firing a few more bolt. Looking at Mackenzie, "Any idea how many are left?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 21 days ago

The goblins did not expect to face this much resistance inside the tower. Captain Snahl was the first to realize they may not have been facing Imperial soldiers. ["Retreat! Turtle formation on the double!"] he barked. The goblins leaped back toward their healer and formed a shield box around him. But that one archer's bolts still hit true, and pierced several of their number through the small gaps in the formation. And if that swordsman could cut through steel like he did to that one goblin... ["Shit shit shit! Rogit, mana barrier NOW!"]

Rogit whispered a chant into his staff, and a shimmering golden mana barrier appeared around the formation. It won't stop his sword forever, or that wizard, but it should buy us a moment. ["Her Majesty ordered us to live, and that's what we're gonna do! Repeaters out, backstep!"]

The goblins sheathed their swords and broke into two groups. One group laid down covering fire with their repeating crossbows while the other moved toward the exit.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Location: Sealed Tower
@Thinslayer, @Zerofighter, @Zool, @TheFox and @Conscripts

It may have been an easy retreat for the goblin, they were making swift headway however something they hadn't accounted for was about to happen.

Within the chamber of stone sarcophagi where the group was gathered a sound could be heard muffled through layers of stone much like a howl. It sounded inhuman and otherworldly making the demon boy bristle at it's familiarity.

* * *

'This can't be happening...' his heart beat at a million miles an hour, his breathing ragged and dry.

'I must be dreaming, this has to be a nightmare.' the man tried to rationalize his predicament, but upon feeling around in the stale darkness he realized he was stuck in some kind of little room. He could hear faint noise from outside like a battle was raging, then something awoke within him.

'I sense death...' it was a voice as deep as the ocean and filled with a maddening hunger for something.

'Jared want escape...' was that his name? Jared? It sounded right but the man didn't recognize the deep voice echoing in his mind however 'Jared escape and we kill...' the voice began to grow louder, and Jared felt as though something was taking over his mind.

'Wait kill? N-' it was too late the voice boomed over his own 'Jared be free and we kill!' everything began to fade and turn blurry, like he were seeing things from different eyes but couldn't control his own body.

"WE KILL," now fully in control the other spirit howled, hunger in it's deep voice "WE MUST KILL." with unnatural might it launched the stone lid covering the sarcophagus their body had been trapped within, smashing the cover to pieces on impact with the opposite facing wall.

* * *

As the dust settled, heavy breathing echoed within the small chamber. It was a ragged and hungry breathing of someone maddened by hunger, from the dust came a cloaked figure brandishing both sword and shield "DIE." it rumbled, rushing after the small green-skinned creatures.

Screams filled the air as the hulking knight lumbered jarringly towards the retreating goblin, archers fired upon the knight to no avail as It reached the rear party. It swung it's broadsword and blood spattered the walls, as three archers we're hacked down by the knight.

A barrage of arrows rained upon it, bringing it to kneel upon the blood soaked stone "HUNGRY..." suddenly it stood back up, black blood dripping from it's chain coif and ripped out the arrows flecked upon his chest with a howl that shook the room.

It was a horrifying scene for the retreating goblin to behold, the knight seemed unkillable and unrelenting as it stalked after them.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 21 days ago

From her perch at the prow of her flagship, a certain figure robed in black looked down at the chaos beneath her. The industrial complex was seized, its workers captured for escort to North Tower. The nobles' quarter of the residential zone was razed to the ground, and capture of the commoners' quarter was making good progress. But the city center remained a challenge. One group of goblins managed to infiltrate the tower entrance, but they had yet to come back out, a troubling sign. And the defenders of the castle were still putting up fierce resistance. They would need to be broken if she wanted to give her infiltration team any backup.

An elderly goblin withdrew a cigar from his mouth. "Yeah Bossboss?"
"See that castle down there?"
"Mhm, yeah."
"I don't want to."
A wide grin spread across his face. "Thought you'd never ask." He cracked his knuckles and withdrew a pair of double-barreled pistols. With a loud "yee haw!" he leaped off the ship and plummeted toward the castle grounds.

The woman chuckled and turned to her bodyguard.
"And Mai..."
She raised her finger and pointed toward a horde of knights regrouping at the tower entrance.

"Go make a mess."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 21 days ago


The sarcophagus lid blew off and exploded against the wall.


A cold shudder ran down the spine of every goblin in the group. From the dust emerged a figure, wreathed in shadow and clad in darkness, from whom a single word groaned over the din.


There was a streak of shadow, and a goblin's head rolled to the floor.

["FIRE! FIRE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!"] shrieked Snahl. Another goblin collapsed to the floor, cut lengthwise from head to groin. Dozens of arrows buried into the fiend, and for a moment, they thought they'd got him as he kneeled on the floor.


The creature rose to its feet and ripped the arrows out of its chest. Horrified, the goblins lost all semblance of order and fled for the exit, only to find a formation of knights blocking the way out. Trapped between a horrific nightmare and the well-trained Imperial soldiers, the goblins did the only thing they could do - pray for help.


The barrier around the city finally shattered under the concentrated fire from her battleships. As she surveyed the battlefield, a call came in over her comm device- a cry for aid from within the tower.

Could it be? Have the reincarnations awakened?

The woman furrowed her brow. The fools! They've gone and antagonized- no, this is my fault. I was the one who sent them down there. I should have sent someone capable of diplomacy, like myself. Ugh, I'm such a fool! This whole mission is a wash if I cannot recruit at least one of them. I need to go down and observe the situation for myself. I cannot make any judgments on what I have not seen with my own two eyes.

She directed her vessel closer to the tower and leaped down to the tower entrance. She dropped upon a knight and plunged her spear into his neck. The other knights recoiled in fear when they recognized her.

The Witch.

Their momentary hesitation was all the advantage she needed. She struck another knight on the chin with the butt of her spear and beheaded him with a clean sweep. The other knights moved to impale her with a joint attack. The Witch leaped into the air and balanced on the intersection of their spears before beheading the lot of them with another empowered sweep.

She groaned into her mask as the golden embers of regeneration filled her injured arm. The entrance cleared, she composed her feelings and strode into the tower.

The steady click of her boots echoed through the halls over the din of battle. When the goblins saw her, they rushed to her side and took a knee. Just outside the open coffin room, several figures stood with weapons drawn, their faces already hardened from the stress of battle.

They are unlikely to join my cause if my forces already attacked them. But maybe I can salvage the situation. The Witch stepped to the side, bowed her head to the reincarnations, and pointed her spear toward the exit.

At the very least, she could allow them to leave unopposed.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheFox
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TheFox Vulpes Vigilant(e)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

They had managed to push the goblins back into a retreat, though the shield blocking them now would prove to be difficult to breach perhaps. Yakeru deflected an arrow with his sword and hid behind the cover of a nearby pillar. He cursed loudly as another arrow flew past him. At least they could not hit him from where they were. He knew he could not let them escape and he tried to get the attention of David and Mackensie. If they could lay some cover fire with their crossbows...

Then the door from which they had entered earlier flew open in a cloud of smoke, revealing something that looked like a massive knight. The raw power that resonated from the walking terror was almost overwhelming. And not just for Yakeru. While he was still wondering if the knight would be friend or foe, he charged and hacked into the goblins. Their shield did not do them any good as it was ignored by the sheer force of the blows the knight gave them. Truly impressive to say the least. Yakeru stared at the scene with open mouth as the goblins tried to make their way back outside, closely followed by the frenzied knight.

Yakeru decided that this was a good moment to engage and push forward, the knight providing a good distraction as he waltzed over them like a bulldozer.

He managed to cut a straggler who did not get away in time, slicing him diagonally from shoulder to waist, staining the floor with its blood.

Suddenly, however, the gobs stopped as their way out was being blocked by a company of knights. The ideal time to strike them all down. Though there was a change in atmosphere and a terrified voice yelled something Yakeru could not hear well. More voices repeated the same thing followed by screams and howl in desperation or pain. It chilled his blood and for a moment it seemed that this was the only thing one could hear. As the screams eventually stopped as well, an eerie silence followed.

A hooded figure of a woman walked into the lobby, her spear still dripping with fresh blood. Now he knew what had happened to the knights outside. She had all the authority that made everyone known that she was the leader of the army attacking the city, not only because the goblins bowed for her or how she acted, no it radiated from every fibre of her being. For Yakeru, she was exactly how a villain or an antagonist would look like. He gripped his sword tighter and swallowed visibly. If this would come to a fight with the main bad...woman, he did not know if they would make it. Hell she defeated single handedly a whole company of knights.

He could not see her eyes through her white mask but he could sense she was watching them. Carefuly. Deliberating. Then she bowed her head, while stepping out of their way, pointing her bloody spear at the entrance.

Does she intent on letting us leave? Just like that?

It was a tempting offer because perhaps they were in over their heads and this way they might survive. To be honest who and what were they even fighting for exactly? He quickly shook his head trying to make that thought disappear. This would be the point of no return for them and he had made his choice.

“Just like that, huh? Why would we trust that you would let us walk away unharmed. You haven't even introduced yourself.” He took a few steps closer to the hooded lady. “Perhaps you could come here, kneel down before us and beg for forgiveness for all the carnage and innocents you and your army have killed. Maybe WE would be inclined on letting you go unharmed.” His words were bold and haughty, though his heart felt frozen as he knew her gaze would be locked on him.

“So? What say you?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 17 days ago

The blonde haired maiden's silver eyes lit up illuminating the darkness she was in. Hearing her lady's request, seeing the knights make their stand. Grabbing the hilt of her massive blade, which was as long as she was tall. Yet she was able to carry it with little effort, as if it weighed nothing. The others creatures backed away in fear of her, normally they wouldnt fear an elf. They would see her as fine meal, easy prey, or even worse. Yet she worked her way through the ranks, and now was her Lady's personal bodyguard.

"Glory to your new Empire, my lady.." She said, her voice soft like a dove's coo. In the blink of an eye she was gone, leaping from point to point before reaching the knights.
"I-Its her, the Silver-eyed witch!"
Mai let out a quiet laugh, and swung her blade down. Piercing the ground as if it was butter, "Oh you pathetic fools. Those stories you heard of me, I have to say are un-flattering. Because..." In one fell swoop, she swung the blade cutting clean through three of the knights. The others were in shock at the strength she had.
"Because...Im far worse then those legends." The screaming of the knights could be heard from Mai's Mistress location. Blood and guts of the men covered the walls, smirking as grabbed the last one. Holding his head between her hands. "You know...I learned early on how weak you think us elves are." She gripped harder. "How frail we must be...pathetic." Gripping harder now. "That we must be easy to take over. To steal from...to pillage...to violate She gripped even hard blood began trailing down the man's face as he begged. "Im different, I used my magic to make me strong. Stronger then anyone, and now....youre the weak ones." She crushed the man's skull like it was an eggshell. Shaking away the excess blood, and bone.
Picking up her blade and sheathing it on her back. Humming a old tune, as she went back to her Lady.

Standing beside her as she reached the coffin room. Wondering what plan she had for these ones. They seemed capable, might provide her with a challenge. She would fight them, unless her lady told her too. She stood silently behind her waiting for an order from The Witch. Her eyes narrowed at the one who dare speak against her. In the blink of an eye, she was behind him. "I say you watch your tongue, my Lady has shown you mercy, and you should respect that..."

David's eyes widened at the two women, clearly the hooded one was in charge, while the elf seemed to be the muscle. Not wanting to see his comrade get filleted, he went to him. Grabbing his arm, "Listen...I dont like this anymore then you do. But I think its best we take this time to run, and think of a plan ok? I dont think this will be a fight we can win." Looking at the elf, and the hooded one. Both seemed way out of their league, far better then the creatures they just fought.

Looking back at the others, "Lets get out of here for now, we cant win this fight." Looking straight at the hooded one, he could tell she was the one running the show. This one might have the answers he is looking for. "I promise you though....were coming back." It a warning, they he would make sure to get to the bottom of what is going on her. And would see personally this threat ends.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 21 days ago

“Just like that, huh? Why would we trust that you would let us walk away unharmed. You haven't even introduced yourself.”

The Witch twirled her spear, sheathed it behind her back, and folded her arms. The bold young man ventured a few steps closer.

“Perhaps you could come here, kneel down before us and beg for forgiveness for all the carnage and innocents you and your army have killed. Maybe WE would be inclined on letting you go unharmed.”

She had to smile at that - not that he could see it.

"So? What say you?" he demanded.

"I say you watch your tongue," Mai interjected. "My Lady has shown you mercy, and you should respect that."

The Witch put out her hand. "It's all right, Mai. Let me handle this."

His was a tempting offer. They were clearly powerful. How powerful, she couldn't determine just yet, but reincarnations often had world-shattering powers. And she wasn't the sort of person to let pride get in the way of a tactical advantage. If there was a clear benefit to bending the knee, she would gladly do so.

But that would invert the relationship she was aiming for. She needed them to serve her, not the other way around. She knew what they were up against, and how to fight it. She knew the secrets of the world. These budding warriors hardly where they were, let alone who was guilty or innocent or who they were talking to.

"Do you even know where you are?" she replied, biting back a chuckle. "You speak of 'trust' and 'innocents,' but you barely even know what planet you are on. How bold of you to try and intimidate me by drawing closer."

The Witch took a step closer herself, and gingerly lifted his chin with the tip of her finger. "Lucky for you, I want to get closer. You're quite handsome. If you're inclined to do me harm, make sure to hold me close while you pierce me." She giggled and released him to his comrade, who came over and grabbed his arm.

"Listen, I don't like this any more then you do. But I think it's best we take this time to run and think of a plan, ok? I don't think this will be a fight we can win." He glanced back at the others. "Let's get out of here for now. We can't win this fight. I promise you though: we're coming back."

The Witch touched her hand to her heart. "What, am I so repulsive that you cannot wait to be rid of me? I wished only to parley with you. But perhaps this is a bad time. Should I leave and come back another time?"
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 17 days ago

@ThinslayerMy bad got a little excited
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Opt to pass turn to @TheFox
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheFox
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TheFox Vulpes Vigilant(e)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yakeru blinked. That was all it had taken for the armoured, blonde woman, who had entered soon after the hooded lady, to stand behind him. Her cold voice brought a shiver down his spine and all the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He did not dare to turn his head and he did not know if he could if he wanted to. Even his legs did not move from their place. He had never felt like this before, the fear that gripped him at that moment. If he could he would have run for the hills, hide and never look back. Filled with shame, he bit his lower lip and looked at the ground in front of him.

When the hooded lady spoke, he raised his head towards her. It was not a voice he had expected to be. Her words soft and kind and it strangely filled him with a certain warmth. His sword felt heavy and his mouth dry as she came closer to him. He felt as if he had lost the ability to speak or that his mouth was glued shut. Or perhaps he simply did not want to disturb her.

Is she putting me under some kind of spell?

Her tone had gotten a bit more flirtatious and he could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. As she touched his chin, he nearly dropped his sword. He tried to see her eyes through the holes of her mask, wondering how she looked like behind it. If her looks matched her voice, she would probably look stunning. Her finger on his chin felt warm and it made him long to be close with her and forever be in her embrace and bask in her warmth.

Why are you even thinking this, you pervert! Concentrate!”

The grip on his sword tightened again and he closed his eyes as fast as he could and kept them closed for some time before finally but carefully opening them again.

He got pulled away from her a bit by his arm. It was David who had brought him back to his senses. His voice sounding decisive, calm and wise. Obviously he was right, and leaving here would be the best course of action for all of them. Better to live and fight another day than die here for nothing.

Though when the hooded lady spoke again, Yakeru got drawn toward her again. He tried to fight this feeling, not knowing what would happen if he would give in to it. He felt that he could not trust himself right now. It all had been a bit much for just a few hours after being shot and waking up in this world, not fully understanding the body he was inhabiting.

“Take...me...out of here. David, please...help...”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zool


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The air changed when she walked into the hall. MacKensie could feel it on her skin, in her breath. The click of her heels as she gracefully moved toward them, like a metronome of death - even the chaotic ambience of battle seemed to take a back seat to her power. MacKensie stood with the party, her breathing and adrenaline starting to wind down. She was ready to fight, but she really didn't want to, if there was another option. The power of the Witch was unmistakable. It was her move. She commanded it.

And make a move she did. The last thing MacKensie would've expected. She bowed her head, then stepped aside to allow them an exit. What kind of crap is that? MacKensie thought, frustration added to the melting pot of emotions. Was this a trick? Was she laughing at them...? Like they were too weak to be worth killing? Whatever her game was, MacKensie remained still, readying herself to counter an attack.

“Just like that, huh? Why would we trust that you would let us walk away unharmed. You haven't even introduced yourself.” MacKensie's mouth slowly opened in shock as the young swordsman sounded off. She could blink stupidly as he took a few steps closer to the hooded lady. “Perhaps you could come here, kneel down before us and beg for forgiveness for all the carnage and innocents you and your army have killed. Maybe WE would be inclined on letting you go unharmed.”

In spite of the life and death stakes, MacKensie actually smiled, "Huh," was the quiet appraisal. Her respect for the swordsman grew tenfold in that moment. The incredibly tall woman with the huge sword, suddenly intervened in the exchange between the young man and the Witch. MacKensie had already drawn her crossbow. She wouldn't let death be the reward for his bravery.

"I say you watch your tongue," Mai interjected. "My Lady has shown you mercy, and you should respect that."

MacKensie made to furiously threaten the tall woman if she raised her sword. "Y..."

The Witch put out her hand. And that was enough to stop MacKensie dead in her tracks. "It's all right, Mai. Let me handle this."

MacKensie lowered her weapon, the better half of her knowing her little bolts probably wouldn't even register on these women. She watched, helplessly, the exchange between the Witch and the young man, knowing that he could die at any point. The Witch seemed to be toying with him. She even had MacKensie recoil and blush with her suggestive remarks. She was toying with all of them.

David had had just about enough of this and ran over to put an end to it. "Listen, I don't like this any more then you do. But I think it's best we take this time to run and think of a plan, ok? I don't think this will be a fight we can win." He glanced back at the others. "Let's get out of here for now. We can't win this fight. I promise you though: we're coming back."

MacKensie nodded half-heartedly to David while the witch continued to crack quips. Did Witch really want to just talk? To us? MacKensie thought. Whatever the reason for this; for wanting to talk, for letting them go, for being summoned to this world... it was all connected. And MacKensie was almost positive that this Witch who'd swamped the city in death, was the evil one. But did she have some actual answers as to what the hell was going on? Where do we go from here?

Where did she go from here? was the question. She could only control her own fate. In the end, she decided that she would go with David and the swordsman. They seemed like good people and they needed all the same answers as her. Perhaps they would find them if they stuck together. Her 2nd nod was more decisive. She hoped the man in the gambeson with the beam fingers would join them too, shooting him a friendly nod if he could see her. Then, before she could forget, she turned for a sight of Dexter. Demon or not, she couldn't just leave a kid to the mercy of the Witch. "Dexter, let's get out of here!" she called.

With that, she made to follow the guys out of the building. As she passed the Witch, she dared to look at her and was wracked with fear, but she tensed all her muscles and put on her best stern face, lasting for all of 3 seconds before she averted her gaze. This was who she'd been brought here to stop. This titan.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 29 days ago

Unlike the rest of the newly awakened, Robert knew he couldn't afford to waste his energy. Despite the seemingly professional attitude, he was worried about the fight, and that he would run out of strength to cast spells. That is why his fighting sequence was much less the more beautiful yet chaotic solo performance by the other three, or the coward Dexter, Robert's handiwork were a lot more structured. He telekinetically grabbed the sword from one of their dead comrades, and waited for the moment. A goblin impulsively leapt high and down on Robert, only to meet a small invisible barrier right on its chin. The impact made the goblin fell flat sprawling on the ground, its life ended with a stab in the eye. Another one came at him, a forceful slam made it lost momentum, and Robert drove his sword through its opening and into its stomach. He'd then hurl all three swords into those archers in front of him, and then mind controlled their crossbows against their allies.

By the time they retreated into a defensive situations, however, Robert were concerned of his stamina. He could continue, but he'd not hold out for a lot longer, so he would take a step back behind the line and caught his breathe. It was when what apparently were two of the head leaders of this invasion appeared in front of him, slaughtering the people he called upon. Robert groaned as he gazed into their eyes, not really out of fear of being peppered with spear stabs, but really their attitude. He always had the impression that these people at the top were all intentionally being mysterious and never really communicate properly with people. Well, everyone in this world is, to most extent. And he was right.

He was among the last to leave the tower, but unlike the rest of them, he looked calm and non-hostile, but still quite confrontational.

"You know, we're not guessers, so when it's a good time for you people, stick with straightforward languages."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 21 days ago

"You know, we're not guessers, so when it's a good time for you people, stick with straightforward languages," Robert remarked. And as he left the tower, the Witch muttered back:

"If only it were so simple."

As she watched the reincarnations make their way out, Captain Snahl asked, "Are we really going to let them slip away?"

She patted him on the head. "We don't necessarily need them on our side right now. We just need them to stay out of our way. They'll be on our side when the time comes." The Witch leaned on the railing to gaze into the abyss below. She could not see to the bottom, despite the wide breadth of the tower. Somewhere down there was a door, a gateway to the Void sealed shut with the blood of untold millions. What would happen if the number of Voidspawn exceeded the number of souls used to seal them? What would happen if the world wasn't ready?

"Captain Snahl."

"Yes, milady?"

"Smile for me, would you?"

Snahl offered a toothy grin. "Sure boss."

His smile, though monstrous, seemed heartfelt. Grounded at the sight of it, the Witch heaved a long sigh and made herself smile back. "Thank you, Snahl. Here is your next mission: check every tomb on this floor and make sure no one else is primed to awaken. A light on the panel will turn red when one or more coffins unseals, so all you need to do is glance at it. We don't want any more incidents like this to happen again."

"Yes Your Majesty!"

As they scampered off to perform their duties, she opened a channel on all comms.

"The reincarnations have awakened. Do not fight them. Let them pass."

A semblance of peace had fallen over the city as the last of the resistance was either killed or taken into captivity. And Melvin was not happy about it. Goblins kept trampling all over the captain's grass, and he knew, he knew, there would be hell to pay if it wasn't properly punished. He'd managed to scare(?) off the first wave of attackers, but by the second wave, he'd turned into a human carpet and got dogpiled by (he could have sworn was) the whole entire invasion force. They'd apparently decided he was worth something.

So there he was, all tied up and seated next to his midget friend, while hundreds of scary-looking goblin death-knights milled about picking through the debris.

"Quite the puckered pickle we're in, wouldn't you say, Mr. Midget?" he murmured to Chatak. "The damn things have probably flattened the captain's lawn by now. Man, he's gonna be so pissed. I can't decide whether to be worried for him or the goblins. What do you think?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 17 days ago

Mai watched them all leave, standing beside her Lady as always. She wasnt threatened by this little party, that one seemed so scared of her. She almost wanted to laugh, seeing the tough bravdo he had vanish when she appeared behind him. "I apologize my lady, I didnt like how he spoke to you. I'll be sure to wait your command from now on." Once Snahl was gone, she decided to speak again.

"If I may ask My Lady, do you think this group will be any use to use? They seem quite capable. The ones with the crossbows might be of use. That one with the smart mouth though, seems like a coward. I thought he would squirm at the sight of us both." Letting out a small laugh, looking back at her lady with a soft smile. "So My Lady, what job do you have for me now? As Usual, Im at your command."

David had his arm around Yakeru, pulling him to him helping the man out of the cave. Despite trying to hide it, he felt a strange feeling at those two women. The taller one made him scared, that sword of hers looked as if it could cut through them all with one swing. She held it like it was weightless. But the hooded one....she was downright terrifying. It was like she had a strange aura around her or something. Whether it was just her presence, or the way she spoke. It made him feel empty.

At the same time there was a sense of longing. Feeling as if she might have the answer to his missing memories. She might know something about them, or at the very least could help him.

"Yea, Its gonna be ok buddy. Were gonna get out of here." He told Yakeru, patting his shoulder reassuringly. Looking back to make sure everyone else was coming. It looked like MacKensie and Mr.FingerBeams was joining them. He hoped Dexter would join them too. Despite being a demon, he could feel that he was a good kid. And obviously didnt want to leave him alone with those two. The taller one might dillet him alive, and the Witch could probably do something worse. Noticing as they passed none of the creatures tried to attack them.

When they were far enough, he decided to speak "Im assuming those two were the bad guys, I think the giant sword and evil hood made it obvious. I didnt even her move, she was behind Yakeru almost instantly. The Witch....something about her. I couldnt even find the will to draw my weapon on her." Looking back at Yakeru, "You ok there man? Stay with us now."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 29 days ago

Robert made his way pass the unfortunate fallen of the city, surrounded by goblins that a few moments ago were so much hungry for his head. The Witch did keep her promise after all, letting him and the reincarnated go free. Secretly though, he had been carefully checking if they had weapons that contained his enchanted rocks, and he'd sneak them back into his pocket. Meanwhile, he'd begin to ponder. What was her deal with these reincarnated anyway? She had no qualms about slaughtering the city defenders, yet they let a couple of people go freely. But then again, she never made anything clear, so anything he thought up at this point would simply be speculations. What was objective to him at least was that what she did do. Her invasion of the city, the systematic slaughter, her past record, there was no way she is not a villain in his eyes. But then again, Robert didn't have a lot of emotional affiliation with the Empire anyway; he'd care even less if his relative hadn't been once associated. That's sort of the reason why he went independent and just lived his life reclusively near that village.

But the problem now is...

"Oh that seems like her alright." Robert said. "Every appearance of hers is mysterious, spooky and often accompanied with bloodshed, so it gives that aura. I do believe that's what she wants to be seen as. The first time I was unfamiliar, it was icy dicey. Now it just looks edgy."

He's sorta stuck with them now. He could just leave for his house anyway, but considering they just arrived here, it wouldn't be right to leave them there to starve. If Riley were here, she'd bring them home. There probably is something about these guys that the Emperor wanted him to wake them up.

"I believe I owe a formal explanation. I am Robert James Avant. I live down that road, a few cemetaries away, near a village. Local people know me as the man who outsource magic jobs to rocks and planks. But I digress." He said. "Now, I know you have been confused, and rightly so. Let's take a walk to my house, and on our trip, I will be taking all your hearty questions till sundown. Then, a man's gotta eat. It's fish night."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 15 days ago

Chatak Claybitah


"Chatak not know." Chatak said to the guard, as he slowly sawed away at the ropes binding his hands with a nice sharp shard of rock he'd picked up during the attack. As it turned out, 'Invashun' meant invasion. "Captain might be dead. If no, feel bad for gobs. If yes... Still feel bad for gobs. They have bad time soon."

Luckily, when the army of other gobs began their attack, Chatak had managed to send Patches off, so hopefully she got away. If she made it through without getting caught, everything would be fine. If she didn't, well, it'd still probably be fine, just that he'd have to wait a little longer. And it was right at that very moment that he heard an explosion ring out, accompanied by the sounds of screaming goblins. This was quickly followed by a second, and then a third.

"Well, they certainly got to work quickly..." He mumbled in the goblin tongue, finally managing to get through the rope around the same time. He still pretended his hands were bound though, getting to work on cutting through the guards rope as well. "Guardman, you hear boom? That Chatak friends. We wait now, they be here soon."
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