Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

15th of Sun's Dusk, 4E205 ~ Windhelm

So this... was Windhelm? Justinian took the initial sites in the moment he had arrived the previous night. He couldn't exactly say he was impressed. The roads, though paved with stone, appeared uneven and broken at places. Not to mention nearly an entire third of the town - comprising of the docks and the Gray Quarter - appeared almost outright dilapidated by the treatment it was given by those in charge. Sure, the Imperial City's Waterfront was no paradise either, but it at least was outside the walls of the city itself. That wasn't the case for Windhelm. So for all the talk about Windhelm being this ancient capital of Skyrim containing the would-be High King's throne... the city itself left a lot to be desired. He might even go as far as to assert that his hometown of Bruma was a better-looking city by comparison. Of course, that would also come from an admittedly biased perspective.

Justinian had spent the vast majority of the introductions staying quiet. He'd been eying Brunwulf the whole time, as if sizing him up in some fashion. J'Varga had talked this guy up as a war hero that would set things right. But for now, all Justinian could see was an old man, past his prime. Perhaps his actions would speak louder than words? He hoped so, otherwise Justinian wasn't entirely sure why he ever agreed to this.

"I'm Gungnir." he said, putting on his best nordic accent. He'd been able to fool everyone with this ruse so far, no sense in stopping just yet. Of course, the old man could very well be sharp enough to not be fooled. In which case, Justinian would simply pass this off as a test of some sort, "I'm... not from around here. And let's just leave it at that."

Justinian uncrossed arms and reached for the Akaviri weapon sitting next to him. He quietly unsheathed the blade and used a cloth to wipe it down and give it a good polish, "...Look, I'm here because I promised that crazy cat I'd hear you out. I owe him for keeping me from starving, and I always pay my debts." by now he'd put the blade back in it's sheathe and had instead retrieved his crossbow from his backpack. He began to give it a similar treatment, even taking it apart in order to clean and polish some of it's individual parts before beginning to reassemble it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Tenth of Sun's Dusk, Fourth Era, Year 205
Zazar Palus
Lilaia Storm-Step

Zazar followed behind her making sure to keep some distance behind her, "Where should we go? I do not know anyone in Skyrim. Do you know anyone we could meet to help us keep a low profile?" He asked looking around wondering if there any guards in pursuit. From what he saw he could not see anyone chasing after them, he let out a sight of relief that they were safe.

"I doubt the guards would go to the trouble of pursuing us so far. Their first job is to guard, after all, we're to far away for them to be facilitating that by chasing two minor criminals." The half-Breton glanced over her shoulder at the skittish Argonian, "if you keep acting so suspicious, you're bound to attract more trouble. Windhelm bounties should have nothing to do with Winterhold." She was going to Windhelm, since her college room was going to be a problem to reach, at this point. Or she could leave herself trapped in the college, but that didn't sound very productive. "If you want a low profile, at this point, that's all up to you."

She'd heard of the Vigilants of Stendar. Good things, even, but recent hearsay about the Skyrim branch gave her cause for doubt. She wanted to believe in an organization so rooted in compassion and good will, but it seemed that such things couldn't hold their own against lesser ideals. The Vigilants in Skyrim had seemingly been turned around for lesser causes.

A couple of the vigil came along the road, oncoming to them. Lelaia gave them a steady, easy-going greeting, knowing she need only get past without raising their suspicion. Her companion, though...

"Yes you are correct, we should be safe in Windhelm." He hoped that the two of them would not be chased down for assaulting the guards. Although he assumed that they would not chase them over a small altercation. However, in the back of his mind, he was worried that they would go after them and have them serve a lengthy prison sentence. While traveling with the human woman, Zazar uncloaked himself and kept close proximity to her.

He quite a lot of regret for causing that fight with the guards, however as explained to the woman he had been bullied enough that he felt he needed to retaliate. Zazar had heard some rumblings of a rebellion, and Zazar was tempted to join them but did not want to leave the mortal coil. Watching a few vigil members coming towards them down the road, he looked down at the ground hoping to avoid the Vigilant member's gaze.

Lelaia found her own passage was safe enough, even with the distant elven blood from her Breton father. Perhaps it was her mother's pronounced Nordic features, saving her. Her newest companion, however...

"You're an awful long distance inland, aren't you, lizard?"

Lilaia felt the heavy sigh throughout her being, but thought better of expressing it. She hung her head and steered her steps to spin herself around in place, to face back toward Zazar and his latest badgers.

This time, however, they were outside the reach of a hold. No guards would come running to anyone's aid. Likely, the Vigilants would get the benefit of the doubt, here, anyway

She took a steadying breath as she turned to face the two Vigilants and their target. This kind of attitude was really pissing her off. She wasn't the kind to ignore someone right in front of her, in need. Or behind her, in this case. "How about you boys drop it and be on your way?" She cracked her neck to either side, an attempt to intimidate.

It failed. She wasn't the most intimidating figure. A vigilant turned to her and glowered, "some kind of sympathizer, are you?"

She didn't like the way he turned to face her. His posture was threatening. She took a step back and flame gathered in her hand. He reached for the mace on his belt and that was it. She set a flame rune down, just in front of him, between him and her, and he stepped right on it. She gathered the power to summon a frost atronach as the flames washed over her aggressor's body. "Send him." She commanded as the miniature mountain of ice formed. According to her command, rather than crush the man with an overhead swing, it launched him away into a nearby snowdrift with a sideways blow, before turning to regard the remaining vigilants, as Lilaia gathered more power into her hands. One burned with more fire while the other threatened to summon more artifacts from planes beyond.

Zazar had his head down the entire time they were getting closer towards the two vigilantes. He did not want another crime added to his sentence, however, when they addressed him he almost jumped a couple of feet in the air. He didn't get enough time to respond to their ignorant comment before his companion went on the offensive. He watched in amazement at her magical abilities and how she put the hurt on them. "Amazing." He commented with a toothy smile.

He turned towards the other standing vigilant, "Perhaps you should leave before you two get seriously hurt." He felt some satisfaction seeing the bullies getting their just desserts. Quickly conjuring some pinkish-red energy from his hands, letting it float towards their heads. He had hoped that his spell would work and they would run away in fear.

The other was not so hasty. The sound of flames and wash off heat against his back caught his attention, causing him to turn just in time to see his friend get thrown aside by a moving hunk of ice. His friend landed somewhat safely, in a snow drift, but that left him to deal with two alone.

The vigilant felt fear grip him, a vision of his death popping into his head, so clearly it was like he could see it. It was best to flee. He hadn't even drawn his sword yet, but it was time to go pick Haggar up and get out of here.

Lilaia watched the men run off, dismissing her summon with a wave as she dispelled the magic gathered in her hands. "Huh. Good work. Maybe my luck hasn't been all rotten today, after all. An Illusionist, are you?" she approached the snowdrift she'd flung that man into as she spoke, and started searching for anything Haggar might have dropped. Unlikely he had any soul gems, but alchemy ingredients or just small gold would do. Maybe a potion? "Any way you can help me see anything her might have dropped?

The young lizard was quite happy to see the two men running away thanks to both of their efforts. Watching them running away he could not help but have a huge smile on his face. Clapping his hands together before turning towards his travelling companion, "Thank you miss, you are correct I'm proficient in illusionary and mysticism magic." Zazar soon walked over towards crouching down beside her. Looking around in the snow for any items that the racist could have dropped.

Finding only some gold piece, a bottle of mead, A sack full of food, and some weapons. "Mmm a few items that could be useful towards us, what do you think?" He asked looking around making sure that there was no guards or merchants walking down the road.

"Food and drink and gold? The fool carried too much." If he dropped all that, what was he still carrying? Or did he drop it all, to flee faster? No matter. "I was just getting peckish, pass me that sweet roll."


As they saw the city walls rise from behind a mountain, Lelaia found herself considering things. Could she just walk into the city with an Argonian like this? If those Vigilants were anything to go by, maybe not. She didn't pay enough attention the first time because she didn't think things were this bad, but it looked like tensions were very high. She scanned the road ahead before she turned around and scanned the road behind, finally bringing her attention to Zazar, "have you been to any of the other holds? Apparently you're wanted at... The docks?" It might present a problem if Argonians really have all been sent to the coast to work.

Calling Winterhold a hold was being generous, after all, they took what they could get. Just don't tell that to their face.

Zazar handed his companion a sweet roll, he found a couple of food items that was appetizing to him. It did not matter where the loot came from, but that he got such good loot from the racist.


As the duo came towards the gates of the city, Zazar stopped for a moment rubbing the back of his head. He didn't think it would be a good idea to continue looking like an Argonian. His solution would be to use an illusion spell to disguise his appearance. Waving his hand above his head, his appearance changing all around him. To others, he would look like a Nord. "Perhaps this would be more appropriate, where are going next?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, I suppose that'll do." Lelaia circled around Zazar as she gawked, looking him over in amazement, as well as searching for flaws. She'd never seen a complete body illusion like this before, it was impressive. "Maybe you should be a court wizard? How long can you hold this for?" If he was a court wizard, the fear such a position could inspire might protect him.

"I can hold this form for quite some time, as long as no one knows I am an Argonian we should be fine." Zazar was certain he should be protected as long he keeps the illusion going. His appearance was that of an older Nord wearing a bright blue robe, leather boots, and a fur hat. "It's quite good right?" He moved around so that she could admire his illusion.

They got into the city with little incident. The Vigilants, the ones from earlier, were trying to find them, but they were looking for an Argonian, and couldn't well remember Lelaia's face anyway, only the moving tower of ice she conjured.

She went straight for the tavern, wanting for more in her belly than a sweet roll. Maybe she'd hear something good, too, and mead never hurt.

As the duo went into the tavern Zazar took waked over towards the bartender. "Hello my good man, I would like two pints of your finest mead and some venison? Do you like deer? If not then we can order something else?" He asked his companion putting on his best old man voice for the bartender.

Deer was fine. Who didn't like deer?
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