
Time to kick some Lun-ass-tra!
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: Stands about 6' 3'' tall
Role: Hunter
Weapons: His main go to weapon is the ambitious Greatsword, followed by his two main back up weapons which are the Hammer and the Hunting Horn. He has some combat experience in using the other weapons but prefers these heavier weapons over the quicker and lighter weapons. As for Heavy Bowgun, Light Bowgun, and Bow, he has dabbled but they just never felt right, preferring the action of close range combat over long range.
Armor: One of many Fashion Hunter sets

Bio: Squall's journey to being an A-lister began in the peaceful village of Yukumo. Being a hunter had always been a dream of his since he was a kid and was determined to become one. When he came of age he sent a request to the Guild of his village and eventually was assigned to being a squire/apprentice under another hunter, learning all he could under the veteran hunter. He traveled with his mentor seeing the world that laid outside the safety of his home village. Through it all he became more and more skilled for the eventual time he'd become a hunter. Unfortunately the last mission with his mentor was also the tragic day he last him.
A report of a mysterious elder dragon that had been plaguing the perilous roads of snow swept mountains had saw them brought to the treacherous passes. They had been sent to check for a caravan that had lost contact for quite some time. With biting winds, and frigid temperatures, Squall and his mentor found the remains of the caravan along with strange spikes of an unknown substance. While examining the hardened material, that was when it struck. An elder dragon with a crown of horns, and endless teeth. He did his best to help his master but his blade was struck from his hands and he sent flying to a cliff's edge. The elder dragon was strong and in the blurry weather and snow difficult to keep track of. His mentor having been injured during the fight as well, made their way over to Squall and gave him their longsword before sending Squall down the slopes of the cliff. While painful the snow cushioned most of the fall from the rolling and bouncing down. At the bottom he coughed unsure how he would survive, his sight grew blurry while a small dark form took shape in front of him until all went dark.
He woke up next time in a cave, with a fire going while a Felyne seemed to be sitting in front of it cooking. This was Squall's first time meeting Trygve and the start of their partnership. It had not been easy at first as they simply seemed to not mesh well personality wise. Squall was brash, while Trygve was calculative. Where Squall was ready for a fight, Trygve was seeking means of trapping and disarming before a fight had begone. Their partnership was filled with strife but over time they got use to one another and adapted. While the lost of his mentor stung, he had achieved his dream and eventually became a worthy enough hunter to take on the task of finding the same beast that took his mentor.
Once he had achieved such a feat, he wanted to see more of the world and signed up to join a new fleet traveling to the New World during an Elder Crossing event. There he continued doing hunts with his partner awaiting new adventures.

You've got to be kitten me.
Race: Palico
Gender: Male
Role: Hunting Pawtner/Scout
Weapons: Well versaltile in the many uses of palico gadgets, though personally prefers using either plunderblade or meowlotove cocktails.

Ties in to Squal's above.