"Thomas, don't just rush after her! She's dangerous!"Riku's words fell on deaf ears. Thomas brought forward his glaive and left her behind as he charged towards the wolf warrior. She had wanted to plan out an attack, but both Thomas and Kanbaru moved much too quickly for that. The princess is left behind, unsure of what to do.
"Uh! I'll...be here for support, yeah! I'm ready!" She'd call after the pair, taking up her arms and staying in the reserve in case something went wrong. Playing second fiddle is a new experience for her. She'd stare down at her feet and glance up to the ceiling, feeling very out of place.
Though truthfully she's happy to keep some distance from Kanbaru.
"...is there any crabs I can still help with?" ---

The amount of opponents bearing down on Nephy doesn't seem to phase the wolf in the slightest, she welcomed the challenge. Though of all her potential attackers, she least expected Thomas to be the first to reach her to strike. She too, felt some respect grow from the brazen charge, but it was just so foolish...
Seeing Kanbaru move fast like an arrow out of the corner of her eye, Nephy saw an opportunity in this double attack. The glaive turned sword met Nephy's enchanted katana, the weapons crossed and held in a lock, stopping Thomas's attack dead.
"Weak. I'm not sure why you thought you could just run up to me like that. Seems you have a lot to prove, dead weight."With Kanbaru about to make contact, Nephy would grapple with Thomas to pull him forward, directly in Kanbaru's line of fire. The wolf stepped aside. Her obsidian blade pulsed with a purple energy, readying it's power. The wolf would slash forwards, the slash travelling across the lagoon waters, moving as quick as a bullet from a gun. The magical strike was set to strike Thomas right in the back, Nephy hoped it'd hit both him and the JSTR warrior and knock both out at once.
With her first opponents given proper trouble, she'd turn to face over to Ami and Akiko. A thin smile on her face, her eyes cold and eerily relaxed.
"I welcome the uneven fight. But if you really think it's so unfair, then sure. Let us even things out."The hilt of her black blade would come to rest against her lips. She'd close her eyes and start to mutter a prayer like chant, imbuing the blade with her words of power, making it grow with an azure fire that began to burn up bottom up to the hilt. Nephy then stabbed violently into the ground beneath the waters, dragging her blade through the soil to cut deeply into the earth. She'd strike the sword back out of the water with a show of great strength. The spot where the dark blade struck began to glow brightly, the cut coming to life in a show of light as something began to stir beneath the waves...
From the crevice Nephy created, skeletal warriors broke out of the waters. The warriors were massive, larger than humans and brandishing giant weapons. Ragged old samurai armors from ancient battles with rusted but still very deadly weapons. One wielded a large naginata, twin blades on either side of a long staff. The other carried a giant axe, wielding it around madly in an attempt to cleave anything that stood in it's way.
"Old brothers in arms. Come to my aid. Cut apart that one over there, limb from limb. Make the living fear the dead once more."At Nephy's command with a pointed finger right to Ami, both warriors came barreling her way the second they were free from the ground. The two would split up into flanks just as Thomas and Kanbaru had done earlier. They were beings who knew nothing but violence and death, and would strike out at the berserker in frenzied charges. With Ami presently occupied, that turned Nephy's attention to Akiko.
"Did you think you could sit this one out? You just made yourself a wonderful target. I hope your summoned toys are ready!" Nephy hissed with an urge to kill. She'd break into a mad stride, reaching great speeds with her sword held steady at her waist. She'd jump high into the air with powerful legs, aiming to land on the summoner and cut her apart in one single swing before she could activate her defenses.
Nephy's plan was to be shock and horror. Aim for vulnerable targets and keep moving to never be pinned down.