Humans are a vile breed of creatures; any “mythical”, as the humans have dubbed them, will tell you that. They are selfish, always thinking of only themselves and their own. They are greedy, always hoarding more and more for themselves instead of giving it to those in need. They are territorial, chasing off anything that they feel do not belong in the places that they feel belong to them. And as if all that selfishness was not enough for the “mythicals” to hate them, the humans even brought a whole new concept to their lands; the concept of war.
Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years ago, humans came across the seas. Never before had any land-living creature ventured out that far into the terrifying seas, not knowing what was out there, if anything. The humans built ships; large, wooden structures that could float on the water even when the stroms caused the waves to get tall as the trees. Only a small portion of humans came, but they came with an idea of a world far different from the one already there. They came with armors and weapons. They tore trees down and built structures instead. They killed peaceful creatures because they were different from them.
It was not long before the creatures that had once inhabitated the areas where the humans settled, had to flee. The humans made their way of life impossible. They even attempted to teach them their way of living, telling them that their way was the right way. They crushed their caves and used the stone to build houses. They felled their forests and used to wood to build huts. They tore up their gardens and spread gravel instead.
But as it turned out, fleeing helped little. The humans were curious creatures and spread out all over the lands, making settlements whereever they felt like. Whether it was in the middle of an nymph clearing or under an elven treehouse, the would simply destroy any and all life around them, whether it was by the means of their weapon or by felling their homes and foods.
As if it was not bad enough that the humans were now spread out all over, it turned out that they were quite reproductive, as well. It was only a hundred years or so before there were more humans that there were creatures of any of the original kinds. Their settlements grew to villages. Some of those villages grew to towns and some of those towns grew to cities. The creatures that had once called these lands home, now lived mostly in hiding, fearing the shimmering blades of the humans.
As it turned out, humans are herd creatures. Without a leader, they run amuck. So, a leader rose for them. In one of the cities, a man claimed himself a King and had a castle build in his honor. He named some of the other humans as Lords, Ladies and other fancy titles, such as Duke, Count or Baron.
For a little while, the humans were peaceful.
Another human, in another city, then decided to appoint himself King as well. He named his Dukes and Barons as well and a divide was made. The two cities were now capitals of each their country and as they were about to find out, humans rage war.
War has been raging between the two countries for what seems like eternities. No one remembers why it even started or why they keep fighting, but neither intends to admit defeat. The “mythicals” are spread out all over the land; some hiding from the humans and living in peace with nature, some in villages or towns of their own and some in human cities and towns. Some abide by the ways of the humans and some of the old ways of their kind. Some have even mated with the humans, creating mixed breeds and magis.
Lately, over the past few years, a rumor has been buzzing around of a creature so strong that it could end all wars forever. A creature that could ground the Great Cities like a small plant. Sadly, no one seems to know what this creature is or where.
So... I am horrible at the whole fleshing out idea bit of GMing. It's fine. You can tell me :-P
Anyways, I am looking for dedicated roleplayers who can write at least a couple of paragraphs, has the decency to spell- and grammar-check their posts before posting them and doesn't mind that their might be a bit of a lull at some points due to IRL stuff and such.
I want this to be High Fantasy with Fireball-throwing Mages, bow-slinging Elves, axe-wielding Dwarves, Knights in shining armor and the whole shebang.
I'm picturing vile beasts roaming the wilderness and, well, wilderness that can eat you. I want people to get really creative with animals and vegetation.
I'm not gonna complain about seven feet tall, acid-drooling dog-rabbit hybrids with front paws the size of a normal person's torso and jaws like a crocodile. Or a plant that will cause yellow spots all over and kill you in slow and painful way; or one that can cure this.
I want some real creative roleplayers ^^
And, uhh, I'm honestly known to be a bit bitchy at times, but that's because I'm a great fan of detail. Even though I want everyone to be creative and all that, I would still appriciate some realism. Stuff like why the acid-drooling dog-rabbit hybrid does't burn itself.
I don't want you to be childish about it. I won't mind if you discuss things with me, like whether or not the acid-drool is actually acidic or if it's just poisonous to human skin and causes it to melt or something like that, but I don't want any “well, if it can't be my way, I'll just leave”... 'cause then I can gladly slam the metaphorical door in your face.
I'm not “rude”. I'm honest.
With that said, I actually do have some humor, though my sense of humor is quite special. I would blame the fact that I am danish, but even danes think I'm weird.
Like everyone else, I find it funny if people fall over; as long as they don't get hurt. I find nudity funny. I even find the taboos funny, sometimes. I don't mind a dirty joke or a “a jew walks into a bar” sort of thing, but we should respect each other.
Also, I rant a lot... Ahem...
(All things in one of these (parantheses) must be removed)
(There is no such thing as writing too much, even if you feel the need to write a detailed story of the origins of the name you choose for your character. As long as you feel the need for it, it needs to be there. Just... put all things too long in a hider. You're welcome to add new “tabs” as well.)
(If you have a picture/image/something, put it here:)
General Info
Name: (Feel free to be creative. It's FANTASY!!! :D )
Age: (Let's face it, we can't all run around being twenty years old. Or 200.)
Sex: (Male, female, hermaphodite, non-gendered... Transgender male... Go nuts.)
Sexuality: (Straight, gay, bi – so on. Is this normal for your kind?)
Occupation: (Tailor? Knight? Grocer? Beggar? Thief? Adventurer? Prince?)
Species: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, something that you made up. Anything but dragons, really.)
Race: (“Gasp! You racist!” “Yup.” Wood Elf, Night Elf, Dark Elf or what?)
Genetic Attributes: (What can your kind do? Hint: Humans have the BRAINS!)
Physical Genetic Traits: (Does your kind have tails? Pointed ears? Are you small?)
Magical Capabilities: (Is your kind able to use magic? What Kind? How?)
Height: (I'm 5'9” or 176cm. I want both written.)
Weight: (Ahem, a woman never speaks of her weight. I want both pounds and kilos.)
Body Type: (Kinda chubby, honestly, but I've got big boobs and a fat ass. Wait...)
Hair Color: (Humans are obvious. Everyone else, well, be realistically creative.)
Eye Color: (Again, humans are obvious. Other than that, realistically creative.)
Skin Color: (That's the racist part. Doesn't matter if you're black or white... or tan.)
Special Traits: (Tattoos, birthmarks, extra limbs... anything not species/race decided.)
Abilities: (Any abilities not blood related. Like... being blessed by a God or something.)
Magical Skills: (Even if your kind is able to throw Fireballs, can you?)
Combat Skills: (Any skills related to combat. Proficient with swords, bow or axe... fists?)
Domestic Skills: (What can you do, that is not combat related? Like cooking, perhaps?)
Pets: (Got any pets? Which? Do you like them?)
Hobbies (You cook? Make bottled ships? Tend to a lush garden?)
Collections: (Do you collect anything? Stones? Feathers?)
Likes: (What do you like? Candy? Beer? The smell of blood? Giant spiders with two heads?)
Dislikes: (What don't you like? Bugs? Bad guys? Puppies?)
Dreams: (What do you dream of? Having a big familiy? Fame and fortune? Peace?)
Fears: (What do you fear? Monsters? Humans? Butterflies? Heights?)
Favorite Color: (Simple as that; what is your favorite color? And why?)
Favorite Food: (What meal is the best? And why?)
Family: (Mom? Dad? Only Child? One out of twelve? Everyone well? Or dead?)
Social Heritage: (Noble? Poor? … Royalty even, perhaps?)
Social Standing: (Have you married a Princess? Been Knighted? Gone bankrupt?)
Childhood: (How was your childhood? Good? Bad? I like details.)
Occupational History: (What jobs have you had?)
General Info
Tillia Berthaer (Tee-lee-ah Bear-thar)
Twenty-eight years of age (28)
Female ♀
Collector and Merchant
Tillia collects, and sells, the bones of various animals and beasts, some stones of various kinds, shells from snails and sea-creatures of many different breeds and seeds for plants that may be used for cooking, decoration or protection. And anything else she comes across which she believes may hold some value.
Jungle Anurae
Genetic Attributes:
With their strong, frog-like legs, the Anurae have a God-given ability to jump about three times their own height into the air even without proper training and much higher with it.
With their nictitating membrane, a transparent third eyelid, the Anurae has the advantage of clear sight under water and the lack of a moment of blindness when blinking.
Anurae can hear both in the air and below water. They do not have external ears; the eardrums are directly exposed or may be covered by a layer of skin and are visible as a circular area where a humans ear would be.
Due to blood vessels directly beneath the skin, an Anurae may breathe through their skin when underwater. The oxygen is drawn from the water and stright into their blood.
During extreme conditions, such as drought, blizzard or famine, some Anurae enter a state of torpor and remain inactive for up to several months.
Some Anurae have a coat of poisonous gel on the outside of their skin to protect them from larger predators. Some have poisonous salvia, as well, to pralyze their prey to make it easier to bring home. Others have salvia that has a cleansing, numbing and almost healing effect.
Physical Genetic Traits:
Large, frog-like hind legs; many with frog-like markings as well.
No ears, only “hearing holes”.
Thick, slimy tongues with poisonous, cleansing or just sticky saliva
Some Anurae have frog-like markings all over their bodies. Thin, often very pale skin. Somewhat large hands, with no nails. They tend not to be very big; some of the smallest are known to be just above three feet at full growth and some of the largest stand at just about five feet.
Magical Capabilities:
Anurae have no special magical capabilities. In fact, they have none at all.
3'5” or 104cm
45lbs or 20kg
Body Type:
With a genetically slender build, Tillia does not have a lot of curve to show. She has next to no bust and barely any hips. Her body appears to be as developed as that of a twelve-years old girl.
Hair Color:
Carrot orange with darker streaks.
Eye Color:
Sharp, almost glowing amber that reflects about any spec of light around.
Skin Color:
A slightly dark tan with a few olive green and black markings.
Special Traits:
Olive green, freckle-like spots on her face, shoulders, upper arms, -chest and -back.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
Tillia, and most Anurae in general, have more of a flight than fight instinct. They will do pretty much anything to stay out of dangerous situations, including, but not limited to, jumping into trees, fleeing underwater or just running like hell. It is rare for an Anurae to try and reason with a foe, either, as their flight instinct is very dominant.
Domestic Skills:
Tillia is quite good at cooking; especially fish as this is her favorite. She knows which plants can be eaten and which cannot; at least for her and her kind.
She can perform first aid on someone in need; give mouth to mouth, wrap a wound and lick wounds to clean them and ease the pain.
Tillia has no pets, but she would like a mount of some kind.
Cooking is as much of a hobby as it is a necessity to Tillia. She enjoys it thoroughly. She also enjoys collecting ingredients, such as spices and herbs, and fishing.
Although the entirety of her collection is admittedly for sale, it is still a collection. Tillia collects, and sells, bones of various animals and beasts, stones of various kinds, shells from snails and sea-creatures of many different breeds and seeds for plants that may be used for cooking, decoration or protection. And anything else she comes across which she believes may hold some value.
Tillia likes water, lush vegetation, cooking, fish for dinner and the color purple.
Tillia dislikes mountainous areas, rock surfaces, people who pee in the water and large, intelligent creatures.
Tillia dreams of a world where humans are not slaughtering each other and anyone who gets in their way; where she can build a hut by a lake with lush vegetation all around her and live in peace with the love of her life, whom she has yet to find.
She dreams of having a grand adventure before she settles down, though, so she can claim to have actually lived.
Tillia has a natural fear of large predators, droughts and a somewhat irrational fear of large crowds.
Favorite Color:
Purple; because her mother had purple spots and the color calms her.
Favorite Food:
Roasted fish with fresh herbs; because it is fun to catch, fun to cook, smells delicious and tastes even better.
Tillia only ever knew of her mother. Her father was napped by a predator when Tillia was just an egg and her mother cared for her at the bottom of a lake for the first year of her life. Her mother is, as far as Tillia knows, still alive and well; living in a small village of various species.
Social Heritage:
Poor, probably, though Tillia never considered herself as such as she never felt she needed anything.
Social Standing:
Tillia is still, technically, poor. She still does not see herself as such. She gets food every day from what she collects for herself, she is dressed and even has a sort-of job.
After spending the first year of her life at the bottom of a lake, feeding on raw fish and playing with sea weeds, the world above the surface seemed odd and terrifying. She had to breathe on her own by drawing air into her lungs and often got dizzy from forgetting. Her mother was there to guide her, though, so she never felt unsafe. She was taught how to jump properly so she could do so without falling over or straining a muscle and with the possibility of jumping around in the trees, quickly found new ways of playing.
When she was just about to reach her teenage years, her mother decided that they should settle, rather than the nomadic life they had lived thus far. They settled in a small village where several different species had come to live in unison. Tillia spent the remainder of her growth there, playing with other children for the first time in her life.
Occupational History:
None other than collector and merchant.
Character Roster
Aldred Wulfsyn by Aleranicus
Ashborn by TheSovereignGrave
Blue by leashapotimus
Bumble Billowgrub by ColoredCyan
Dorrin Binorix by Yog Sothoth
Elias Nihmgor by Big Sister AM
Kalidyn Varin by Everythings
Razzalorn Timmindale by robomonk
Thrure amongst the Man-beasts by Ollumhammersong
Xukhezur Kavinath by Andion Isurand
General World Information
Most of the world will be speaking the human tongue, simply because most of the world is inhabited by humans. Obviously, there are other languages from before the humans got there, but these languages are considered ancient and no one in the cities speaks them as their primary language. There may be a very few species/races that have decided to keep their own language, but most of them will have simply converted. Speaking the human tongue makes it less likely for the humans to slay you.
(Once other languages are decided/made, I will add them here)
All currency is in coins. The worth of each coin is different to each merchant, since there is no established worth of the currency.
Generally, gold coins are worth the most. These are worth at least a full set of clothes of wearable quality. Silver coins are worth about half of a gold coin. Bronze, led, iron and whatever else people have thought to made coins of are only worth as much as the person selling you stuff believes.
Gems are believed to be acceptable currency, as well, though you will most likely get screwed over if you try to buy groceries or clothing with gems.
Places of Notice

One of the Two Great Cities. The City of Earroldir is the “original” city of the lands, where the first King resided. It is a rich in both wealth and nature and considered a most beautiful place. With its lush greens around the nicely paved roads, it gives off an air of tranquility for the people that lives within the great walls. At least the ones who live in the inner cicle.
Earroldir is made up of three “circles”.
The center of the city is the King's Castle and the Grand Temple. These two buildings are placed on a platform much higher than the cicle around them. The King's Castle is, obviously, wher the royal family resides. The Grand Temple is the home of monks, nuns, priests and priestesses of the goddess Klavon, also known as the Angel of Peace. Her statue stands by the steps to the Temple.
The Inner Circle of Earroldir is where the rich and famous live. There they are safe from the dangers outside of the walls and protected by the markets from the stares of the poor.
The Middle Circle is the market distrect, where the hard-working, middle-class people live and work. Here is everything from tailors that make dresses with strings of gold for the royals to dirty conmen selling shiny rocks as gems to adventurers selling artifacts to simple grocers.
The Outer Circle is where the poor and unfortunate live. This is also where the Earroldir Army stays when not in battle to protect their lands.

One of the Two Great Cities. The City of Grapholo was the second city, where the King claimed war against the King of Earroldir. Though the Kingdom is rich from the many mines of the mountains around the city, the people as a unity is poor. By far the most of the city's income is spend on feeding the ancient war and keeping the soldiers alive.
The City of Grapholo is build upon three mountains. One mountain has the King's Castle on the top, one holds the Temple of Humossis, The God of Fortune. The people of Grapholo live down the sides of these two mountains and traders travel between the two roots with wares.
The third mountain of Grapholo is the home of the Industrial Quarters, where armors are made, weapons are smelted and magis are trained.
Between the roots of the Two Mountains of the King and the Temple, an arena has been built. This is where their soldiers stay when not at war and where they are trained to be ruthless killing machines.

The Temple of Iaanza was build when the humans first came to the land. It is said that Iaanza was actually an old word for “the land” in one of the natives languages. The humans, however, worship Iaanza as the God of Balance. The Temple and all ground around it is inhabited by those who live and breathe only to serve Iaanza.

According to myth, Boldor was built when humans first came to the land, to protect them from the much stronger and very vile creatures that lived there. It is said that the giant walls was all they could do to keep themselves safe from their magic.
Boldor is a giant fortress. Although it is no longer considered a livable place, many seek refuge behind the giant walls as a means out of the war. Also, the large, cave-painting-esque carvings in the walls are beautiful and tells stories of horror and beauty at once.
People of Notice

[General Info
Aengolis Earroldir
Forty-two years of age(42)
Male ♂
He has never had the option of considering this. For the sake of the Kingdom, he had to take a female wife.
The current ruler of Earroldir.
Pure-blooded human.
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
Well, he's human, so his physical traits are nothing special.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Pure-bred humans have no magical capabilities what-so-ever.
6'1” or 185cm
194lbs or 88kg
Body Type:
He has a pretty standard build for a human, even though he is a bit tall and you can tell he has never suffered from hunger.
Hair Color:
A golden blonde shade of hair is the sign of a pure royal family in Earroldir.
Eye Color:
Steel gray.
Skin Color:
Special Traits:
A bithmark on his right ass-cheek that sort of looks like a tree.
Politics are a hard skill to learn; it takes years of training and even then no decision you make is the right one. He has taught himself the skill of the silver tongue and can talk his way to anything.
Magical Skills:
None; he's human.
Combat Skills:
Although he does know how to swing a sword or throw a punch, he would hardly stand for long at an actual battlefield.
Domestic Skills:
He is the King; he has people to do those things for him. He does, however, know how to draw, and follow, a map.
Aside from their horses, none, and those can hardly be considered as “pets”.
He is the King; there is no time for hobbies. His family, however, is very important to him. As is his country.
The royal treasury is filled with artifacts and glittering things.
Peace, his family, when things go according to plan.
War, when things don't go according to plan and outsiders.
For Earroldir to be at peace by the time his son takes the throne.
That something were to happen to his family.
Favorite Color:
Powder blue; it is just such a nice, peaceful color.
Favorite Food:
Anything. He doesn't care much what he eats; the cooks make it anyways.
He is married to the Queen Lavealis of Earroldir and together they have two beautiful children; Crown Prince Thibian of Earroldir and Lady Prithe, maiden of the Grand Temple of Klavon and Princess of Earroldir.
Social Heritage:
He was born into the royal family, as the first son of the former King and as such, the Crown Prince.
Social Standing:
With the death of his father, he became the King of Earroldir.
During his childhood, Aengolis was trained in the way of the word for the time where he would be the King. He never really got any attention as if he was a child, more like he was an actor to be trained for his role.
He first met his wife when he was seven, as their marriage was arranged and the Duke who fathered Lavealis wanted for them to know each other before the actual marriage. Lavealis was nice, soft-spoken and sweet, so they clicked pretty easily.
He was married by the time he turned thirteen and was to take the throne at the age of sixteen, when his father fell terribly ill.
Occupational History:
Crown Prince of Earroldir, King of Earroldir. That's it.

General Info
Lavealis Earroldir, maiden name Inteer
Forty years of age (40)
Female ♀
She has never considered this; she has just assumed that she is straight.
The Queen of Earroldir.
Pure-bred human
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
She's human. She has no special genetic traits.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Humans cannot use magic.
5'6” or 168cm
123lbs or 56kg
Body Type:
Slender, with slightly wide hips and an avarage bosom.
Hair Color:
Blonde; this was why they chose her as the Queen.
Eye Color:
Gray, with specks of blue.
Skin Color:
Special Traits:
The patience of a saint and seemingly the lack of any negative feeling.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
None, really.
Domestic Skills:
She can sew, knit and care for children.
Her father had hunting dogs when she was young, but now she has none.
Sewing and knitting as well as caring about her husband and children.
Tokens given to her by her children and jewelery.
Children, animals, people who treat her like a person.
People dying because of her husband's choices, people who do eveything for her and the color yellow.
She has never considered what her dream might be. That her children grows up well would be a good guess, though.
That anything was to happen to her children.
Favorite Color:
Favorite Food:
Lamb with roasted vegeables and a cream sauce. Because although she feels sorry for the baby animal, it just tastes so good.
She is married to the King Aengolis of Earroldir and together they have two beautiful children; Crown Prince Thibian of Earroldir and Lady Prithe, maiden of the Grand Temple of Klavon and Princess of Earroldir.
Social Heritage:
She was born as a noble; second daughter of a Duke.
Social Standing:
After marrying the Crown Prince Aengolis at the age of eleven she became the Crown Princess. When he became the King, she became the Queen.
Lavealis never did like talking about what happened at her home before she came to live at the castle with Aengolis after their wedding, but since then she has been quite happy with the turn of events.
Occupational History:
Noble's daughter, Crown Princess and now the Queen of Earroldir.

General Info
Prithe Nihmgor
Twenty years of age (20)
Bisexual, but as a temple maiden, she does not pursue the temptations of the flesh.
Princess of Earroldir and Temple Maiden of Klavos
Pure-bred human
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
She's human. She has no special genetic traits.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Humans cannot use magic.
5'5” or 165cm
99lbs or 45kg
Body Type:
She used to have a nice, healthy body, but after years at the Temple eating nothing but what the soldiers eat, she has become rather thin.
Hair Color:
A golden blonde shade of hair is the sign of a pure royal family in Earroldir.
Eye Color:
Chocolate brown.
Skin Color:
An almost Elfin pale.
Special Traits:
No special traits.
As a Temple Maiden of Klavos, who truly believes in the word of her Goddess, Prithe has been blessed with the power to heal the wounded and cure illnesses. She is also, unlike most followers of Klavos, able to speak to her Goddess.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
Prithe is a true believer of peace and would rather die than fight another living being.
Domestic Skills:
At the temple, Prithe has had to learn how to take care of herself. She can cook, clean, sew, knit, bind wounds and many other things.
Prithe has a small, colorful bird in a golden cage in her room at the temple, hanging by the window. This bird has a most beautiful singing voice and only eats fresh leaves.
Praying, talking to Klavos and protecting the weak and helpless are amongst her favorite things to do.
Prithe has a small collection of feathers that has fallen off of her bird and a few items from her home at the castle to remind her of her family.
Peace, helping those in need, other helpful people, simplicity and Klavos.
Selfish people, snobs, people who only speak to her because she is pretty and war.
Although she is such a sweet and caring woman, Prithe really just dreams of her Prince Charming sweeping her away from all this misery to a kingdom far away, where she could be the Queen with no qualms.
Prithe fears the darkness, though she would never tell. She also fears growing old and dying without seeing an end to this war.
Favorite Color:
White. It is the color of Klavos and symbolises purity, peace and life.
Favorite Food:
Prithe cannot remember the last time she had a real meal. She has been eating only the mere basics; the same as the soldiers who fight the war.
She is the first, and only, daughter of King Aengolis and Queen Lavealis of Earroldir. She also has a younger brother; the Crown Prince of Earroldir, Prince Thibian.
Social Heritage:
Prithe was born as the Princess of Earroldir, the first child of the King and Queen.
Social Standing:
Although Prithe is still a Princess, she does not live as one. As a Temple Maiden, she lives with only the absolute basics.
N/A (might be added at some point)
Occupational History:
Princess of Earroldir and Temple Maiden.

General Info
Thibian Earroldir
Sixteen years of age (16)
He has not quite figured yet; though not from the lack of trying.
Crown Prince of Earroldir.
Pure-bred human
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
He's human. He has no special genetic traits.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Humans cannot use magic.
5'11” or 180cm
154lbs or 70kg
Body Type:
Pretty standard.
Hair Color:
A golden blonde shade of hair is the sign of a pure royal family in Earroldir.
Eye Color:
Emerald green.
Skin Color:
Special Traits:
He wants to get a tattoo, but those are for criminals, according to his father.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
He can swing a sword if he is in danger of dying, but he will not fight for anyone but himself.
Domestic Skills:
None. He is a spoiled brat.
Being a pest to the servants, running off from his “babysitters” to go hang out with people his own age and getting in trouble.
Adventure, meeting new people and probably lots of other stuff, but he's a teenager so... yeah.
Being bored, danger, his babysitters and Klavos.
Becoming the King and winning this war, claiming the entire world beneath him.
His father's wrath and Klavos' wrath.
Favorite Color:
He says it is blue, but it is actually baby pink.
Favorite Food:
Veal or lamb.
Second child, and only son, of the King and Queen of Earroldir. He has an older sister, Prithe, as well.
Social Heritage:
He was born as the Crown Prince of Earroldir.
Social Standing:
He is still the Crown Prince of Earroldir. It does not get much more “upper class” than that.
N/A (might add something later on)
Occupational History:
Crown Prince of Earroldir, only.

General Info
Sandee Mursa
Thiry-one years of age (31)
Female ♀
The current leader of the Earroldian army.
Human with High Elf ancestors
Genetic Attributes:
She is more graceful, dexterous and agile than most humanbs, though it unknown if this is due to her Elfen ancestors or the fact that she has trained for combat since she was a child.
Physical Genetic Traits:
She has Elfin pale skin and the platinum blonde hair that High Elves are known for.
Magical Capabilities:
Elves are a very magical creature, and High Elves in particular are very magically capable. The magics of which an High Elf can muster is everything between calling upon the healing force of nature to casting deadly fireballs at their foes. They tend to only be able to go one way or another, though, or the magic gets a bit unpredictable.
5'9” or 176cm
185lbs or 84kg
Body Type:
Lean muscles and low body fat.
Hair Color:
Platinum blonde.
Eye Color:
Lavender blue.
Skin Color:
Elfin pale.
Special Traits:
A tattoo of Klavos mark on her left shoulder.
Sandee has been blessed with some minor healing powers by her Goddess Klavos.
Magical Skills:
Sadly, Sandee have not inherited any magical skills from her Elven ancestors.
Combat Skills:
She is very skilled at the use almost any weapon as well as hand-to-hand combat.
Domestic Skills:
She can cook a nutritious meal from next to nothing. The taste is less important and if you complain about the deer poops, you're just not cut out for the army.
When asked this question, she will stare off into the horizon with a sad look on her face and say; “I used too have a pet rabbit...”
Serving her country and her Goddess Klavos is all she cares about.
A collection of minor artifacts of Klavos.++3+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Kittens, flowers, Klavos, Lady Prithe and the sunrise.
Dogs, children, darkness, blood and winter.
World peace. What else?
She claims to fear nothing, but she's terrified of dogs.
Favorite Color:
No color is better than another, but she does tend to favor lavender.
Favorite Food:
There is no reason to have a favorite meal. As long as it is nutritious, it is fine.
She never speaks of her family, so people just assume that they have fallen to the war.
Social Heritage:
No one knows for sure, but it seems that she might have grown up ver poor.
Social Standing:
Upper class. As a Knight of Earroldir, a Maiden of Klavos and the leader of the Earroldian army, she has all she ever wanted.
She never speaks of her childhood, other than a few small bits and pieces, like how she haven't always had it easy and how she had to learn how to cook when she was little.
Occupational History:
She rose from the very bottom of the army to the very top.

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The deities of the world are actually an old species that just call themselves “The Ancients”. Ancients are immortal, indestructible and immune to all disease. They cannot die by any force of nature that we know of. They can, however, be killed by their own powers, or the lack thereof.
Each Ancient have a different power. Their powers varies from shape-shifting into anything they eat to brining the dead back to life. They are very rare and most do not consider them a joined species, but several different deities.

Klavos, the Goddess that watches over Earroldir, is an ancient of great power. She able to do many things by the sheer life force of the world around her. As the world slowly dies by the hand of the humans, her powers grow weaker and she is much more careful of who she lends them to and can only allow them to a true believer of peace.
Her powers include healing wounds and bringing the dead back to life, though she cannot guarantee that they have not changed when they do, as she uses life force in general and not their own life force to ressurect them.
She can also bless and curse lesser beings.
Her Blessings Include:
The power to heal, the ability to talk any language, the power to cure diseases, the power to “transfer energy”, incredible luck and such things. She cannot, and would not if she could, offer a blessing with destructive purpose.
Her Curses Include:
An array of diseases, from minor ones like a flu or diarreaha to such as a disease that would melt your flesh, one that would make you hurl everything you eat until you die from starvation and searing pains in your every muscle, joint and vein. Other than this, she might curse you with horrible luck, a terrible balance, the inability to speak, the inability to have children or even
She is also known to curse those of excessively vile nature with the curse of eternal life, but with a body that is not alive. These are called “Undead”.
It is said that any non-believer that speaks of her as “The Angel of Peace” will have the curse of horrible luck placed upon them. This is just a rumor though; they don't know if all those people already had bad luck.
The mark of Klavos:


Humossis, the Goddess that watches over Grapholo, is an ancient of great power. She can do many things by the control of the workings of the body. As more and more creatures are born, she becomes stronger and stronger. She is quite selective on who she give her blessings, as she enjoys a good show.
Her powers include infinite strenght and speed as well as the ability to turn eveything into gold. If something living is turned into gold, it no longer lives. It is simply gold.
Her Blessings Include:
Incredible strenght, unbelievable speed, the ability to breathe underwater, the ability to use magic, indestructability and such things.
Her Curses Include:
Diminishing mucles, weakening lungs, the disability to use magic, haemophilia, osteoporosis and many other horrible things.
The mark of Humossis:


Iaanza is an ancient of great power, once known to the lesser creatures that roamed the land as the land itself, but he is now known as the God of Balance. He is in conpmete control of the nature, be it plants, animals or any other life form that lives in his land. He can do anything he wishes and he is quite a tricky fellow.
Unlike his fellow ancients, he does not bless or curse anyone, unless he is asked to do so and get something else in return. One may request a blessing of him at his temple and he will respond with a request of his own. If one were to decline, so would he. He might even curse the one that had trobled him for no reason.
The mark of Iaanza:

Rare Species
Dragons as we hear about in the stories do not exsist. They may have, once upon a time, but they would have been too large of a threat and would have been wiped out before they could even say "hello" simply due to their massive size.
However, the dragon race is not completely extinct. Like most of the other creatures that roamed the lands before the humans arrived, the dragons evolved to fit this new world. Most people would not even recognize a dragon as a mythical, any more. Their appearances do not stray far from that of a human.
With white hair that shimmers like crytal under the shine of the sun, slitted eyes and long, bony fingers, they simply appear as a human with mythical ancestors.
The dragons can, however, change this shape whenever they wish. They will wrap themselves in a cocoon, much like a butterfly, and when they emerge, they will be a lizard-like creature with wings, about the size of a human. They will grow to their original size within a few weeks, but their scales are very soft through the process, so they usually stay hidden in caves for protection.
The word “genius” have many different meanings. In the human tongue, it is usually used to descibe someone very smart. However, it means much more than that to the ones that hold the name. It means everything. Humans tend to call them Demons or Devils, although they are in no way related to these creatures.
Genii are a tall, slender species, with long legs that end in in lizard-like foot and a long, lizard-like tail growing from the bottom of their spine. They have razor-sharp teeth, with canines about twice the length of the rest of the teeth and no lips. Their eyes are large and wide; with no iris or pupil. They have hair, but only on their head. Their skin is rough, with a feel almost like sandpaper and a dull, dark gray color. Their hair and eyes vary in color from dark brown to amber yellow or crimson red. Just about any color will do.
Genii are genderless. Their chest area appears to be that of a very fit human male, with defined muscles. They have no nipples, though, and no genitaila. Like with a bird, all bodily waste is handled by the “anus”.
The Genii are belived to live underground, as both their eyes and skin are very sensitive to sunlight and they can see perfectly in complete darkness.
Some myths claim them to steal human children, since their genderlessness will not allow them any of their own. Others claim them to steal human women, for some reason that has to do with reproduction as well.
Undead is a word used for any person that has been struck by the most terrible curse of the Goddess Klavos. They were once normal, living creatures. They might have been an Elf or a Dwarf; they may even have been a Dragon or a Human. They might have been anything before they were cursed.
Once a person is cursed with the “Undead Curse”, they are immortal in the sense that they will never actually stop living. The life force will never leave their body. Their bodies are technically dead, but because of the life force that is still there, they can still move around. Their flesh will rot and fall off. Their eyes will dry out of use, if they do not fall out of their rotten sockets first. They are walking, rotting corpses.
When they have lived for so long that they are nothing but walking bones and even their bones are turning to dust, Klavos gives them the opportunity to repent their sin and gain peace. If they do repent, they will die. If they do not, they will simply waste away to dust and their life force will wander around with no body.
An Undead with no body is usually called a Ghost. Ghosts are harmless, but can seem frightening to any species/race able to see these masses of life force that just wanders around.
Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years ago, humans came across the seas. Never before had any land-living creature ventured out that far into the terrifying seas, not knowing what was out there, if anything. The humans built ships; large, wooden structures that could float on the water even when the stroms caused the waves to get tall as the trees. Only a small portion of humans came, but they came with an idea of a world far different from the one already there. They came with armors and weapons. They tore trees down and built structures instead. They killed peaceful creatures because they were different from them.
It was not long before the creatures that had once inhabitated the areas where the humans settled, had to flee. The humans made their way of life impossible. They even attempted to teach them their way of living, telling them that their way was the right way. They crushed their caves and used the stone to build houses. They felled their forests and used to wood to build huts. They tore up their gardens and spread gravel instead.
But as it turned out, fleeing helped little. The humans were curious creatures and spread out all over the lands, making settlements whereever they felt like. Whether it was in the middle of an nymph clearing or under an elven treehouse, the would simply destroy any and all life around them, whether it was by the means of their weapon or by felling their homes and foods.
As if it was not bad enough that the humans were now spread out all over, it turned out that they were quite reproductive, as well. It was only a hundred years or so before there were more humans that there were creatures of any of the original kinds. Their settlements grew to villages. Some of those villages grew to towns and some of those towns grew to cities. The creatures that had once called these lands home, now lived mostly in hiding, fearing the shimmering blades of the humans.
As it turned out, humans are herd creatures. Without a leader, they run amuck. So, a leader rose for them. In one of the cities, a man claimed himself a King and had a castle build in his honor. He named some of the other humans as Lords, Ladies and other fancy titles, such as Duke, Count or Baron.
For a little while, the humans were peaceful.
Another human, in another city, then decided to appoint himself King as well. He named his Dukes and Barons as well and a divide was made. The two cities were now capitals of each their country and as they were about to find out, humans rage war.
War has been raging between the two countries for what seems like eternities. No one remembers why it even started or why they keep fighting, but neither intends to admit defeat. The “mythicals” are spread out all over the land; some hiding from the humans and living in peace with nature, some in villages or towns of their own and some in human cities and towns. Some abide by the ways of the humans and some of the old ways of their kind. Some have even mated with the humans, creating mixed breeds and magis.
Lately, over the past few years, a rumor has been buzzing around of a creature so strong that it could end all wars forever. A creature that could ground the Great Cities like a small plant. Sadly, no one seems to know what this creature is or where.
So... I am horrible at the whole fleshing out idea bit of GMing. It's fine. You can tell me :-P
Anyways, I am looking for dedicated roleplayers who can write at least a couple of paragraphs, has the decency to spell- and grammar-check their posts before posting them and doesn't mind that their might be a bit of a lull at some points due to IRL stuff and such.
I want this to be High Fantasy with Fireball-throwing Mages, bow-slinging Elves, axe-wielding Dwarves, Knights in shining armor and the whole shebang.
I'm picturing vile beasts roaming the wilderness and, well, wilderness that can eat you. I want people to get really creative with animals and vegetation.
I'm not gonna complain about seven feet tall, acid-drooling dog-rabbit hybrids with front paws the size of a normal person's torso and jaws like a crocodile. Or a plant that will cause yellow spots all over and kill you in slow and painful way; or one that can cure this.
I want some real creative roleplayers ^^
And, uhh, I'm honestly known to be a bit bitchy at times, but that's because I'm a great fan of detail. Even though I want everyone to be creative and all that, I would still appriciate some realism. Stuff like why the acid-drooling dog-rabbit hybrid does't burn itself.
I don't want you to be childish about it. I won't mind if you discuss things with me, like whether or not the acid-drool is actually acidic or if it's just poisonous to human skin and causes it to melt or something like that, but I don't want any “well, if it can't be my way, I'll just leave”... 'cause then I can gladly slam the metaphorical door in your face.
I'm not “rude”. I'm honest.
With that said, I actually do have some humor, though my sense of humor is quite special. I would blame the fact that I am danish, but even danes think I'm weird.
Like everyone else, I find it funny if people fall over; as long as they don't get hurt. I find nudity funny. I even find the taboos funny, sometimes. I don't mind a dirty joke or a “a jew walks into a bar” sort of thing, but we should respect each other.
Also, I rant a lot... Ahem...
(All things in one of these (parantheses) must be removed)
(There is no such thing as writing too much, even if you feel the need to write a detailed story of the origins of the name you choose for your character. As long as you feel the need for it, it needs to be there. Just... put all things too long in a hider. You're welcome to add new “tabs” as well.)
(If you have a picture/image/something, put it here:)
General Info
Name: (Feel free to be creative. It's FANTASY!!! :D )
Age: (Let's face it, we can't all run around being twenty years old. Or 200.)
Sex: (Male, female, hermaphodite, non-gendered... Transgender male... Go nuts.)
Sexuality: (Straight, gay, bi – so on. Is this normal for your kind?)
Occupation: (Tailor? Knight? Grocer? Beggar? Thief? Adventurer? Prince?)
Species: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, something that you made up. Anything but dragons, really.)
Race: (“Gasp! You racist!” “Yup.” Wood Elf, Night Elf, Dark Elf or what?)
Genetic Attributes: (What can your kind do? Hint: Humans have the BRAINS!)
Physical Genetic Traits: (Does your kind have tails? Pointed ears? Are you small?)
Magical Capabilities: (Is your kind able to use magic? What Kind? How?)
Height: (I'm 5'9” or 176cm. I want both written.)
Weight: (Ahem, a woman never speaks of her weight. I want both pounds and kilos.)
Body Type: (Kinda chubby, honestly, but I've got big boobs and a fat ass. Wait...)
Hair Color: (Humans are obvious. Everyone else, well, be realistically creative.)
Eye Color: (Again, humans are obvious. Other than that, realistically creative.)
Skin Color: (That's the racist part. Doesn't matter if you're black or white... or tan.)
Special Traits: (Tattoos, birthmarks, extra limbs... anything not species/race decided.)
Abilities: (Any abilities not blood related. Like... being blessed by a God or something.)
Magical Skills: (Even if your kind is able to throw Fireballs, can you?)
Combat Skills: (Any skills related to combat. Proficient with swords, bow or axe... fists?)
Domestic Skills: (What can you do, that is not combat related? Like cooking, perhaps?)
Pets: (Got any pets? Which? Do you like them?)
Hobbies (You cook? Make bottled ships? Tend to a lush garden?)
Collections: (Do you collect anything? Stones? Feathers?)
Likes: (What do you like? Candy? Beer? The smell of blood? Giant spiders with two heads?)
Dislikes: (What don't you like? Bugs? Bad guys? Puppies?)
Dreams: (What do you dream of? Having a big familiy? Fame and fortune? Peace?)
Fears: (What do you fear? Monsters? Humans? Butterflies? Heights?)
Favorite Color: (Simple as that; what is your favorite color? And why?)
Favorite Food: (What meal is the best? And why?)
Family: (Mom? Dad? Only Child? One out of twelve? Everyone well? Or dead?)
Social Heritage: (Noble? Poor? … Royalty even, perhaps?)
Social Standing: (Have you married a Princess? Been Knighted? Gone bankrupt?)
Childhood: (How was your childhood? Good? Bad? I like details.)
Occupational History: (What jobs have you had?)
General Info
Tillia Berthaer (Tee-lee-ah Bear-thar)
Twenty-eight years of age (28)
Female ♀
Collector and Merchant
Tillia collects, and sells, the bones of various animals and beasts, some stones of various kinds, shells from snails and sea-creatures of many different breeds and seeds for plants that may be used for cooking, decoration or protection. And anything else she comes across which she believes may hold some value.
Jungle Anurae
Genetic Attributes:
With their strong, frog-like legs, the Anurae have a God-given ability to jump about three times their own height into the air even without proper training and much higher with it.
With their nictitating membrane, a transparent third eyelid, the Anurae has the advantage of clear sight under water and the lack of a moment of blindness when blinking.
Anurae can hear both in the air and below water. They do not have external ears; the eardrums are directly exposed or may be covered by a layer of skin and are visible as a circular area where a humans ear would be.
Due to blood vessels directly beneath the skin, an Anurae may breathe through their skin when underwater. The oxygen is drawn from the water and stright into their blood.
During extreme conditions, such as drought, blizzard or famine, some Anurae enter a state of torpor and remain inactive for up to several months.
Some Anurae have a coat of poisonous gel on the outside of their skin to protect them from larger predators. Some have poisonous salvia, as well, to pralyze their prey to make it easier to bring home. Others have salvia that has a cleansing, numbing and almost healing effect.
Physical Genetic Traits:
Large, frog-like hind legs; many with frog-like markings as well.
No ears, only “hearing holes”.
Thick, slimy tongues with poisonous, cleansing or just sticky saliva
Some Anurae have frog-like markings all over their bodies. Thin, often very pale skin. Somewhat large hands, with no nails. They tend not to be very big; some of the smallest are known to be just above three feet at full growth and some of the largest stand at just about five feet.
Magical Capabilities:
Anurae have no special magical capabilities. In fact, they have none at all.
3'5” or 104cm
45lbs or 20kg
Body Type:
With a genetically slender build, Tillia does not have a lot of curve to show. She has next to no bust and barely any hips. Her body appears to be as developed as that of a twelve-years old girl.
Hair Color:
Carrot orange with darker streaks.
Eye Color:
Sharp, almost glowing amber that reflects about any spec of light around.
Skin Color:
A slightly dark tan with a few olive green and black markings.
Special Traits:
Olive green, freckle-like spots on her face, shoulders, upper arms, -chest and -back.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
Tillia, and most Anurae in general, have more of a flight than fight instinct. They will do pretty much anything to stay out of dangerous situations, including, but not limited to, jumping into trees, fleeing underwater or just running like hell. It is rare for an Anurae to try and reason with a foe, either, as their flight instinct is very dominant.
Domestic Skills:
Tillia is quite good at cooking; especially fish as this is her favorite. She knows which plants can be eaten and which cannot; at least for her and her kind.
She can perform first aid on someone in need; give mouth to mouth, wrap a wound and lick wounds to clean them and ease the pain.
Tillia has no pets, but she would like a mount of some kind.
Cooking is as much of a hobby as it is a necessity to Tillia. She enjoys it thoroughly. She also enjoys collecting ingredients, such as spices and herbs, and fishing.
Although the entirety of her collection is admittedly for sale, it is still a collection. Tillia collects, and sells, bones of various animals and beasts, stones of various kinds, shells from snails and sea-creatures of many different breeds and seeds for plants that may be used for cooking, decoration or protection. And anything else she comes across which she believes may hold some value.
Tillia likes water, lush vegetation, cooking, fish for dinner and the color purple.
Tillia dislikes mountainous areas, rock surfaces, people who pee in the water and large, intelligent creatures.
Tillia dreams of a world where humans are not slaughtering each other and anyone who gets in their way; where she can build a hut by a lake with lush vegetation all around her and live in peace with the love of her life, whom she has yet to find.
She dreams of having a grand adventure before she settles down, though, so she can claim to have actually lived.
Tillia has a natural fear of large predators, droughts and a somewhat irrational fear of large crowds.
Favorite Color:
Purple; because her mother had purple spots and the color calms her.
Favorite Food:
Roasted fish with fresh herbs; because it is fun to catch, fun to cook, smells delicious and tastes even better.
Tillia only ever knew of her mother. Her father was napped by a predator when Tillia was just an egg and her mother cared for her at the bottom of a lake for the first year of her life. Her mother is, as far as Tillia knows, still alive and well; living in a small village of various species.
Social Heritage:
Poor, probably, though Tillia never considered herself as such as she never felt she needed anything.
Social Standing:
Tillia is still, technically, poor. She still does not see herself as such. She gets food every day from what she collects for herself, she is dressed and even has a sort-of job.
After spending the first year of her life at the bottom of a lake, feeding on raw fish and playing with sea weeds, the world above the surface seemed odd and terrifying. She had to breathe on her own by drawing air into her lungs and often got dizzy from forgetting. Her mother was there to guide her, though, so she never felt unsafe. She was taught how to jump properly so she could do so without falling over or straining a muscle and with the possibility of jumping around in the trees, quickly found new ways of playing.
When she was just about to reach her teenage years, her mother decided that they should settle, rather than the nomadic life they had lived thus far. They settled in a small village where several different species had come to live in unison. Tillia spent the remainder of her growth there, playing with other children for the first time in her life.
Occupational History:
None other than collector and merchant.
Character Roster
Aldred Wulfsyn by Aleranicus
Ashborn by TheSovereignGrave
Blue by leashapotimus
Bumble Billowgrub by ColoredCyan
Dorrin Binorix by Yog Sothoth
Elias Nihmgor by Big Sister AM
Kalidyn Varin by Everythings
Razzalorn Timmindale by robomonk
Thrure amongst the Man-beasts by Ollumhammersong
Xukhezur Kavinath by Andion Isurand
General World Information
Most of the world will be speaking the human tongue, simply because most of the world is inhabited by humans. Obviously, there are other languages from before the humans got there, but these languages are considered ancient and no one in the cities speaks them as their primary language. There may be a very few species/races that have decided to keep their own language, but most of them will have simply converted. Speaking the human tongue makes it less likely for the humans to slay you.
(Once other languages are decided/made, I will add them here)
All currency is in coins. The worth of each coin is different to each merchant, since there is no established worth of the currency.
Generally, gold coins are worth the most. These are worth at least a full set of clothes of wearable quality. Silver coins are worth about half of a gold coin. Bronze, led, iron and whatever else people have thought to made coins of are only worth as much as the person selling you stuff believes.
Gems are believed to be acceptable currency, as well, though you will most likely get screwed over if you try to buy groceries or clothing with gems.
Places of Notice

One of the Two Great Cities. The City of Earroldir is the “original” city of the lands, where the first King resided. It is a rich in both wealth and nature and considered a most beautiful place. With its lush greens around the nicely paved roads, it gives off an air of tranquility for the people that lives within the great walls. At least the ones who live in the inner cicle.
Earroldir is made up of three “circles”.
The center of the city is the King's Castle and the Grand Temple. These two buildings are placed on a platform much higher than the cicle around them. The King's Castle is, obviously, wher the royal family resides. The Grand Temple is the home of monks, nuns, priests and priestesses of the goddess Klavon, also known as the Angel of Peace. Her statue stands by the steps to the Temple.
The Inner Circle of Earroldir is where the rich and famous live. There they are safe from the dangers outside of the walls and protected by the markets from the stares of the poor.
The Middle Circle is the market distrect, where the hard-working, middle-class people live and work. Here is everything from tailors that make dresses with strings of gold for the royals to dirty conmen selling shiny rocks as gems to adventurers selling artifacts to simple grocers.
The Outer Circle is where the poor and unfortunate live. This is also where the Earroldir Army stays when not in battle to protect their lands.

One of the Two Great Cities. The City of Grapholo was the second city, where the King claimed war against the King of Earroldir. Though the Kingdom is rich from the many mines of the mountains around the city, the people as a unity is poor. By far the most of the city's income is spend on feeding the ancient war and keeping the soldiers alive.
The City of Grapholo is build upon three mountains. One mountain has the King's Castle on the top, one holds the Temple of Humossis, The God of Fortune. The people of Grapholo live down the sides of these two mountains and traders travel between the two roots with wares.
The third mountain of Grapholo is the home of the Industrial Quarters, where armors are made, weapons are smelted and magis are trained.
Between the roots of the Two Mountains of the King and the Temple, an arena has been built. This is where their soldiers stay when not at war and where they are trained to be ruthless killing machines.

The Temple of Iaanza was build when the humans first came to the land. It is said that Iaanza was actually an old word for “the land” in one of the natives languages. The humans, however, worship Iaanza as the God of Balance. The Temple and all ground around it is inhabited by those who live and breathe only to serve Iaanza.

According to myth, Boldor was built when humans first came to the land, to protect them from the much stronger and very vile creatures that lived there. It is said that the giant walls was all they could do to keep themselves safe from their magic.
Boldor is a giant fortress. Although it is no longer considered a livable place, many seek refuge behind the giant walls as a means out of the war. Also, the large, cave-painting-esque carvings in the walls are beautiful and tells stories of horror and beauty at once.
People of Notice

[General Info
Aengolis Earroldir
Forty-two years of age(42)
Male ♂
He has never had the option of considering this. For the sake of the Kingdom, he had to take a female wife.
The current ruler of Earroldir.
Pure-blooded human.
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
Well, he's human, so his physical traits are nothing special.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Pure-bred humans have no magical capabilities what-so-ever.
6'1” or 185cm
194lbs or 88kg
Body Type:
He has a pretty standard build for a human, even though he is a bit tall and you can tell he has never suffered from hunger.
Hair Color:
A golden blonde shade of hair is the sign of a pure royal family in Earroldir.
Eye Color:
Steel gray.
Skin Color:
Special Traits:
A bithmark on his right ass-cheek that sort of looks like a tree.
Politics are a hard skill to learn; it takes years of training and even then no decision you make is the right one. He has taught himself the skill of the silver tongue and can talk his way to anything.
Magical Skills:
None; he's human.
Combat Skills:
Although he does know how to swing a sword or throw a punch, he would hardly stand for long at an actual battlefield.
Domestic Skills:
He is the King; he has people to do those things for him. He does, however, know how to draw, and follow, a map.
Aside from their horses, none, and those can hardly be considered as “pets”.
He is the King; there is no time for hobbies. His family, however, is very important to him. As is his country.
The royal treasury is filled with artifacts and glittering things.
Peace, his family, when things go according to plan.
War, when things don't go according to plan and outsiders.
For Earroldir to be at peace by the time his son takes the throne.
That something were to happen to his family.
Favorite Color:
Powder blue; it is just such a nice, peaceful color.
Favorite Food:
Anything. He doesn't care much what he eats; the cooks make it anyways.
He is married to the Queen Lavealis of Earroldir and together they have two beautiful children; Crown Prince Thibian of Earroldir and Lady Prithe, maiden of the Grand Temple of Klavon and Princess of Earroldir.
Social Heritage:
He was born into the royal family, as the first son of the former King and as such, the Crown Prince.
Social Standing:
With the death of his father, he became the King of Earroldir.
During his childhood, Aengolis was trained in the way of the word for the time where he would be the King. He never really got any attention as if he was a child, more like he was an actor to be trained for his role.
He first met his wife when he was seven, as their marriage was arranged and the Duke who fathered Lavealis wanted for them to know each other before the actual marriage. Lavealis was nice, soft-spoken and sweet, so they clicked pretty easily.
He was married by the time he turned thirteen and was to take the throne at the age of sixteen, when his father fell terribly ill.
Occupational History:
Crown Prince of Earroldir, King of Earroldir. That's it.

General Info
Lavealis Earroldir, maiden name Inteer
Forty years of age (40)
Female ♀
She has never considered this; she has just assumed that she is straight.
The Queen of Earroldir.
Pure-bred human
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
She's human. She has no special genetic traits.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Humans cannot use magic.
5'6” or 168cm
123lbs or 56kg
Body Type:
Slender, with slightly wide hips and an avarage bosom.
Hair Color:
Blonde; this was why they chose her as the Queen.
Eye Color:
Gray, with specks of blue.
Skin Color:
Special Traits:
The patience of a saint and seemingly the lack of any negative feeling.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
None, really.
Domestic Skills:
She can sew, knit and care for children.
Her father had hunting dogs when she was young, but now she has none.
Sewing and knitting as well as caring about her husband and children.
Tokens given to her by her children and jewelery.
Children, animals, people who treat her like a person.
People dying because of her husband's choices, people who do eveything for her and the color yellow.
She has never considered what her dream might be. That her children grows up well would be a good guess, though.
That anything was to happen to her children.
Favorite Color:
Favorite Food:
Lamb with roasted vegeables and a cream sauce. Because although she feels sorry for the baby animal, it just tastes so good.
She is married to the King Aengolis of Earroldir and together they have two beautiful children; Crown Prince Thibian of Earroldir and Lady Prithe, maiden of the Grand Temple of Klavon and Princess of Earroldir.
Social Heritage:
She was born as a noble; second daughter of a Duke.
Social Standing:
After marrying the Crown Prince Aengolis at the age of eleven she became the Crown Princess. When he became the King, she became the Queen.
Lavealis never did like talking about what happened at her home before she came to live at the castle with Aengolis after their wedding, but since then she has been quite happy with the turn of events.
Occupational History:
Noble's daughter, Crown Princess and now the Queen of Earroldir.

General Info
Prithe Nihmgor
Twenty years of age (20)
Bisexual, but as a temple maiden, she does not pursue the temptations of the flesh.
Princess of Earroldir and Temple Maiden of Klavos
Pure-bred human
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
She's human. She has no special genetic traits.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Humans cannot use magic.
5'5” or 165cm
99lbs or 45kg
Body Type:
She used to have a nice, healthy body, but after years at the Temple eating nothing but what the soldiers eat, she has become rather thin.
Hair Color:
A golden blonde shade of hair is the sign of a pure royal family in Earroldir.
Eye Color:
Chocolate brown.
Skin Color:
An almost Elfin pale.
Special Traits:
No special traits.
As a Temple Maiden of Klavos, who truly believes in the word of her Goddess, Prithe has been blessed with the power to heal the wounded and cure illnesses. She is also, unlike most followers of Klavos, able to speak to her Goddess.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
Prithe is a true believer of peace and would rather die than fight another living being.
Domestic Skills:
At the temple, Prithe has had to learn how to take care of herself. She can cook, clean, sew, knit, bind wounds and many other things.
Prithe has a small, colorful bird in a golden cage in her room at the temple, hanging by the window. This bird has a most beautiful singing voice and only eats fresh leaves.
Praying, talking to Klavos and protecting the weak and helpless are amongst her favorite things to do.
Prithe has a small collection of feathers that has fallen off of her bird and a few items from her home at the castle to remind her of her family.
Peace, helping those in need, other helpful people, simplicity and Klavos.
Selfish people, snobs, people who only speak to her because she is pretty and war.
Although she is such a sweet and caring woman, Prithe really just dreams of her Prince Charming sweeping her away from all this misery to a kingdom far away, where she could be the Queen with no qualms.
Prithe fears the darkness, though she would never tell. She also fears growing old and dying without seeing an end to this war.
Favorite Color:
White. It is the color of Klavos and symbolises purity, peace and life.
Favorite Food:
Prithe cannot remember the last time she had a real meal. She has been eating only the mere basics; the same as the soldiers who fight the war.
She is the first, and only, daughter of King Aengolis and Queen Lavealis of Earroldir. She also has a younger brother; the Crown Prince of Earroldir, Prince Thibian.
Social Heritage:
Prithe was born as the Princess of Earroldir, the first child of the King and Queen.
Social Standing:
Although Prithe is still a Princess, she does not live as one. As a Temple Maiden, she lives with only the absolute basics.
N/A (might be added at some point)
Occupational History:
Princess of Earroldir and Temple Maiden.

General Info
Thibian Earroldir
Sixteen years of age (16)
He has not quite figured yet; though not from the lack of trying.
Crown Prince of Earroldir.
Pure-bred human
Genetic Attributes:
Humans are considered to be the smartest of the species that roam these lands, mostly because of their creativity and lazyness. Instead of spending day after day carrying stuff from one place to another, they invent a contraption that can carry it for them.
Physical Genetic Traits:
He's human. He has no special genetic traits.
Magical Capabilities:
None. Humans cannot use magic.
5'11” or 180cm
154lbs or 70kg
Body Type:
Pretty standard.
Hair Color:
A golden blonde shade of hair is the sign of a pure royal family in Earroldir.
Eye Color:
Emerald green.
Skin Color:
Special Traits:
He wants to get a tattoo, but those are for criminals, according to his father.
Magical Skills:
Combat Skills:
He can swing a sword if he is in danger of dying, but he will not fight for anyone but himself.
Domestic Skills:
None. He is a spoiled brat.
Being a pest to the servants, running off from his “babysitters” to go hang out with people his own age and getting in trouble.
Adventure, meeting new people and probably lots of other stuff, but he's a teenager so... yeah.
Being bored, danger, his babysitters and Klavos.
Becoming the King and winning this war, claiming the entire world beneath him.
His father's wrath and Klavos' wrath.
Favorite Color:
He says it is blue, but it is actually baby pink.
Favorite Food:
Veal or lamb.
Second child, and only son, of the King and Queen of Earroldir. He has an older sister, Prithe, as well.
Social Heritage:
He was born as the Crown Prince of Earroldir.
Social Standing:
He is still the Crown Prince of Earroldir. It does not get much more “upper class” than that.
N/A (might add something later on)
Occupational History:
Crown Prince of Earroldir, only.

General Info
Sandee Mursa
Thiry-one years of age (31)
Female ♀
The current leader of the Earroldian army.
Human with High Elf ancestors
Genetic Attributes:
She is more graceful, dexterous and agile than most humanbs, though it unknown if this is due to her Elfen ancestors or the fact that she has trained for combat since she was a child.
Physical Genetic Traits:
She has Elfin pale skin and the platinum blonde hair that High Elves are known for.
Magical Capabilities:
Elves are a very magical creature, and High Elves in particular are very magically capable. The magics of which an High Elf can muster is everything between calling upon the healing force of nature to casting deadly fireballs at their foes. They tend to only be able to go one way or another, though, or the magic gets a bit unpredictable.
5'9” or 176cm
185lbs or 84kg
Body Type:
Lean muscles and low body fat.
Hair Color:
Platinum blonde.
Eye Color:
Lavender blue.
Skin Color:
Elfin pale.
Special Traits:
A tattoo of Klavos mark on her left shoulder.
Sandee has been blessed with some minor healing powers by her Goddess Klavos.
Magical Skills:
Sadly, Sandee have not inherited any magical skills from her Elven ancestors.
Combat Skills:
She is very skilled at the use almost any weapon as well as hand-to-hand combat.
Domestic Skills:
She can cook a nutritious meal from next to nothing. The taste is less important and if you complain about the deer poops, you're just not cut out for the army.
When asked this question, she will stare off into the horizon with a sad look on her face and say; “I used too have a pet rabbit...”
Serving her country and her Goddess Klavos is all she cares about.
A collection of minor artifacts of Klavos.++3+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Kittens, flowers, Klavos, Lady Prithe and the sunrise.
Dogs, children, darkness, blood and winter.
World peace. What else?
She claims to fear nothing, but she's terrified of dogs.
Favorite Color:
No color is better than another, but she does tend to favor lavender.
Favorite Food:
There is no reason to have a favorite meal. As long as it is nutritious, it is fine.
She never speaks of her family, so people just assume that they have fallen to the war.
Social Heritage:
No one knows for sure, but it seems that she might have grown up ver poor.
Social Standing:
Upper class. As a Knight of Earroldir, a Maiden of Klavos and the leader of the Earroldian army, she has all she ever wanted.
She never speaks of her childhood, other than a few small bits and pieces, like how she haven't always had it easy and how she had to learn how to cook when she was little.
Occupational History:
She rose from the very bottom of the army to the very top.

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CS will be added

CS will be added
The deities of the world are actually an old species that just call themselves “The Ancients”. Ancients are immortal, indestructible and immune to all disease. They cannot die by any force of nature that we know of. They can, however, be killed by their own powers, or the lack thereof.
Each Ancient have a different power. Their powers varies from shape-shifting into anything they eat to brining the dead back to life. They are very rare and most do not consider them a joined species, but several different deities.

Klavos, the Goddess that watches over Earroldir, is an ancient of great power. She able to do many things by the sheer life force of the world around her. As the world slowly dies by the hand of the humans, her powers grow weaker and she is much more careful of who she lends them to and can only allow them to a true believer of peace.
Her powers include healing wounds and bringing the dead back to life, though she cannot guarantee that they have not changed when they do, as she uses life force in general and not their own life force to ressurect them.
She can also bless and curse lesser beings.
Her Blessings Include:
The power to heal, the ability to talk any language, the power to cure diseases, the power to “transfer energy”, incredible luck and such things. She cannot, and would not if she could, offer a blessing with destructive purpose.
Her Curses Include:
An array of diseases, from minor ones like a flu or diarreaha to such as a disease that would melt your flesh, one that would make you hurl everything you eat until you die from starvation and searing pains in your every muscle, joint and vein. Other than this, she might curse you with horrible luck, a terrible balance, the inability to speak, the inability to have children or even
She is also known to curse those of excessively vile nature with the curse of eternal life, but with a body that is not alive. These are called “Undead”.
It is said that any non-believer that speaks of her as “The Angel of Peace” will have the curse of horrible luck placed upon them. This is just a rumor though; they don't know if all those people already had bad luck.
The mark of Klavos:


Humossis, the Goddess that watches over Grapholo, is an ancient of great power. She can do many things by the control of the workings of the body. As more and more creatures are born, she becomes stronger and stronger. She is quite selective on who she give her blessings, as she enjoys a good show.
Her powers include infinite strenght and speed as well as the ability to turn eveything into gold. If something living is turned into gold, it no longer lives. It is simply gold.
Her Blessings Include:
Incredible strenght, unbelievable speed, the ability to breathe underwater, the ability to use magic, indestructability and such things.
Her Curses Include:
Diminishing mucles, weakening lungs, the disability to use magic, haemophilia, osteoporosis and many other horrible things.
The mark of Humossis:


Iaanza is an ancient of great power, once known to the lesser creatures that roamed the land as the land itself, but he is now known as the God of Balance. He is in conpmete control of the nature, be it plants, animals or any other life form that lives in his land. He can do anything he wishes and he is quite a tricky fellow.
Unlike his fellow ancients, he does not bless or curse anyone, unless he is asked to do so and get something else in return. One may request a blessing of him at his temple and he will respond with a request of his own. If one were to decline, so would he. He might even curse the one that had trobled him for no reason.
The mark of Iaanza:

Rare Species
Dragons as we hear about in the stories do not exsist. They may have, once upon a time, but they would have been too large of a threat and would have been wiped out before they could even say "hello" simply due to their massive size.
However, the dragon race is not completely extinct. Like most of the other creatures that roamed the lands before the humans arrived, the dragons evolved to fit this new world. Most people would not even recognize a dragon as a mythical, any more. Their appearances do not stray far from that of a human.
With white hair that shimmers like crytal under the shine of the sun, slitted eyes and long, bony fingers, they simply appear as a human with mythical ancestors.
The dragons can, however, change this shape whenever they wish. They will wrap themselves in a cocoon, much like a butterfly, and when they emerge, they will be a lizard-like creature with wings, about the size of a human. They will grow to their original size within a few weeks, but their scales are very soft through the process, so they usually stay hidden in caves for protection.
The word “genius” have many different meanings. In the human tongue, it is usually used to descibe someone very smart. However, it means much more than that to the ones that hold the name. It means everything. Humans tend to call them Demons or Devils, although they are in no way related to these creatures.
Genii are a tall, slender species, with long legs that end in in lizard-like foot and a long, lizard-like tail growing from the bottom of their spine. They have razor-sharp teeth, with canines about twice the length of the rest of the teeth and no lips. Their eyes are large and wide; with no iris or pupil. They have hair, but only on their head. Their skin is rough, with a feel almost like sandpaper and a dull, dark gray color. Their hair and eyes vary in color from dark brown to amber yellow or crimson red. Just about any color will do.
Genii are genderless. Their chest area appears to be that of a very fit human male, with defined muscles. They have no nipples, though, and no genitaila. Like with a bird, all bodily waste is handled by the “anus”.
The Genii are belived to live underground, as both their eyes and skin are very sensitive to sunlight and they can see perfectly in complete darkness.
Some myths claim them to steal human children, since their genderlessness will not allow them any of their own. Others claim them to steal human women, for some reason that has to do with reproduction as well.
Undead is a word used for any person that has been struck by the most terrible curse of the Goddess Klavos. They were once normal, living creatures. They might have been an Elf or a Dwarf; they may even have been a Dragon or a Human. They might have been anything before they were cursed.
Once a person is cursed with the “Undead Curse”, they are immortal in the sense that they will never actually stop living. The life force will never leave their body. Their bodies are technically dead, but because of the life force that is still there, they can still move around. Their flesh will rot and fall off. Their eyes will dry out of use, if they do not fall out of their rotten sockets first. They are walking, rotting corpses.
When they have lived for so long that they are nothing but walking bones and even their bones are turning to dust, Klavos gives them the opportunity to repent their sin and gain peace. If they do repent, they will die. If they do not, they will simply waste away to dust and their life force will wander around with no body.
An Undead with no body is usually called a Ghost. Ghosts are harmless, but can seem frightening to any species/race able to see these masses of life force that just wanders around.