Name: Charmaine Creusherenada
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Personality: Charmaine is a young man whose heavily involved into gunpla, both building and partaking in fights. Although he has never partaken in a tournament before, but rather have chosen to battle strong opponents one-on-one outside. The young man is shrewd, fierce and cautious all at once, prefering to mock or taunt his opponents into attacking him head-on or act without thinking matters through, whereof Charmaine is more than happy to exploit.
As many people in the world, Charmaine strives to be the best he can be, but this has taken an unhealthy shape in the young man in that he view other gunpla fans as nuisances. He bears a special hatred for bearguy type of suits, SD gundams and people which resort to what he considers to be cheap tricks, such as trans-am, zero system or various other systems which enhance the performance of a suit temporarily or for a brief moment. As such, Charmaine would never use something which uses said systems nor the mirage colloid system to mask his presence or make afterimages like the Destiny gundam's wings. In his eyes that is the works of a coward, and not the way of a true warrior. The same can be said for when he is fighting and someone meddles in his battle, to aid him or the one he's fighting.
While he has a god complex and views himself as if he was superior to all, the young man does acknowledge skill outside of the normal. And if someone would somehow best him, himself forbid, then that realization would take shape in both surprise and anger. But also spark his determination to strive harder, push himself further towards his goal of becoming the strongest of all. Charmaine is also prone to yell out famous gundam quotes or modified ones during fights.
Background: Charmaine wasn't initiated into gunpla at an early age, but rather something that he just familiarized himself with two years prior, as a result of an accident he was part of. One where he lost both his legs and was bound to a wheelchair, he found a liking to gunpla and spent his days building, painting and improving on his fighting capabilities within said genre. Whereof in doing so everything else was gradually phaased out. His physical disability serving as a catalyst or trigger for his pathway deeper into gunpla, to the point it has become his one and only interest.
A place where he could feel how it was to have legs which you could walk with, and bring out his frustrations with people and the world itself all in one. The young man has partaken in many gunpla battles, but he has specifically avoided joining tournaments in the past due to his feeling of exclusivity and that they wouldn't be worthy. This feeling has however changed this year, and the young man is set on beating them all up to silence them, or fall trying. Which in his world isn't an option. Charmaine dons a white mask in battle covering up his nose and upper part of his face, only showing his eyes, he also wears a black and gold uniform most of the times. A customized one which clearly pays homage to the earth alliance of Gundam Seed, specifically blue cosmos and phantom pain. Stickers of it's kind often find their way unto his creations aswell, even if they seem more of a spacenoid type of machine.
Piloting Ability:- Battle sense: 4
- Perception: 3
- Mechanical knowledge: 3
Other Skills, Abilities, and Resources: Physically strong arms, prone to drop small gunpla pieces on the floor upon assembling them.
Mobile suit:Name: Creusherazade
Model: ovv-f Gafran (Headpiece)
xvm-fzc Gundam Legilis (Hands x2, mounted in the Sub-arms)
ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam (Anti-beam Defensive Reflection System, covering the entire machine, including it's weapons)
AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra (Shoulder thrusters and wrist mounted machinecannons)
AMX-009 Dreissen (Back skirt thrusters)
GNZ-005 Garazzo (Hands and GN claws on main arms)
GAT-X370 Raider Gundam (Mjolnir hammer)
GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam (Shield)
ASW-G-11 Gundam Gusion Rebake (Backpack)
AMS-119 Geara Doga (Chestpiece)
ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam (Leg and waist armor)
RX-110 Gabthley (Biceps armor and thrusters aswell as all the arms and legs on the mobsile suit have the inner workings of the gabthley arms, giving extra reach and articulation)
Stats: -Power: 5
-Defense: 6
-Mobility: 8
-Energy Output: 8
Description:The Creusherazade is the end product of Charmaine's gunpla building, in his own mind this is the ultimate fighting machine. It is armed to the teeth with a big assortment of weapons, most of them are however short-middle distance type weapons. The machine has good mobility, armor, thrusters and is like a swiss army knife.
But it doesn't have everything, it lacks long ranged options, but more so it lacks the big heavy weapons that cause immense damage. Instead the Creusherazade focuses on applying smaller albeit still dangerous amounts of smaller-arms fire. It comes equipped with various weapons for range and melee, but the more noteworthy is the Mjolnir hammer which he may use as a spinning shield to block rockets and other projectiles. The calamity shield is another multi-purpose tool and so is the Anti-beam Defensive Reflection System, which this unit comes equipped with. Allowing it to reflect, deflect or redirect ranged beam attacks or bypass energy barriers and shields.
The visually most outstanding feature of the mobile suit is that it has four arms, two of them are in it's backpack and are usually deployed rather than in their shells, holding unto other weapons or the shield.
(The machine is more shimmering than shown on the picture as it's covered in Anti-beam defensive reflection system.)
Armaments:Beam Vulcan/Beam Saber x2 (Sub-Arm are modified with legilis ones)
GN Beam Claw x2 (Main hands, Garazzo weapons)
110mm Machine Cannon (Wrist mounted weapons, standard for the Gerbera Tetra)
"Mjolnir" Spherical Breaker (Held in left main hand)
Anti-beam Shield (Calamity shield, held in right backup hand)
-"Kaefer Zwei" 2-barrel 115mm Ram Cannon (Mounted on shield) (Beam weapons)
Sub-Arm (Gusion rebake backpack, Gabthley arms minus the bicep thruster. Has legilis hands) (The mobile suit has a pair of extra arms on it's back)
Grappling hooks/piercers x2 (Wire-attached weapons at the waist, can be used to pull, drag or move to things. Or fire at enemy.)
"Yata-no-Kagami" Anti-beam Defensive Reflection System
Easy-explanation sheet:All limbs are double-jointed for better articulation and reach from parts of the Gabthley.
Right hand: Garazzo beam claw
Left hand: Garazzo beam claw, Holding unto Mjolnir hammer
Wrists: 110mm Machine Cannon (Both wrists)
Sub arm right: Beam Vulcan/Beam saber, Calamity shield (Has beam cannons, can damage in melee with pointed end)
Sub arm left: Beam Vulcan/Beam saber
Waist: Grappling hooks/piercers x2
Body and weapons: Anti-beam Defensive Reflection System