Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yukitamas
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Unfortunately he knew it would be rather boring to go to these villages and treat normal people. Especially with how they weren't willing to take care of their brewing plague. He could see the future after all. Although, the future was vague, and splintered in bubbles rather than a true path that dictated the future. Still, it was much too boring Well, he thought it was all silly to begin with, and he had what came close to a laugh with the other predictor of the future over it.

Well, he considered it a giggle shared between them anyway.


At this point this was just a plain normal and idyllic country-side rroad trip. Now mind, the annoyance of his servant by the demon, and his attitude in general was very amusing. If he had to choose a roadtrip he'd choose them as companions. Although some fresh meat, and the little Atlas girl would have made it more fun too.

Hmm? walking? why would they walk when they could take proper transportation? A car wasn't all that difficult to get for a magus after all, and he was interested in seeing the riding skill in action even at a low level.

"It's been hours since we've crossed that unofficial border. Are they really so lax that they won't send a committee to greet us? At this point I may as well make a flare to announce our presence. In fact I think I shall do that."
A flagrant provocation.

Now do come and send something worth our time.

The announcement of a victor shone in the sky of the Territory of the Purple Team.

The disappearance of the harlot empress, and the sinful that have yet to be punished was rather troubling. Not because he was plummeting towards the ground. That didn't matter at all. "he impact soaked into his feet and rushed through his body. But physical damage and energy without mystery or magical energy had no effect on a existence like a servant that existed as a high grade mystery. What broke was the ground instead as Lancer cratered the ground and ended up buried to his knees. With the leisure of a man finishing a work out he climbed out and stretched, all the while the magical energy that was supplying him slowly healed his wounds. He had taken his fair licks, and it seems like Assassin had gone through some pain. But they would heal in due time and if they continued their advance they'd likely be in fighting shape by the time that they came to another encounter.

Mph, really this was a bit disappointing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia

After sending a Familiar to Archer of Black to come over in Spiritual Form, as well as for Caules to send Berserker of Black to do the same, Darnic walked towards Yao Ying Xi, the 'wandering magus' who had joined the Black Team for her own interests. Due to siding with Yggdmillenia, but not joining her bloodline to the family itself, she was suspicious, especially as she had one unique... 'Supernatural Skill' which cannot just be added to the collection of knowledge that the Yggdmillenia Family had. Nevertheless, as the Master of Saber of Black, she was a useful asset... And potentially dangerous. So with a slight smile, he waited for her to notice his presence before he said his next words, "Ms. Xi, just the person I was seeking. How are you doing and how is Saber of Black?"

He knew she found him suspicious as well, so he didn't try and project a false image of trustworthiness as he continued, "Yggdmillenia has been the refuge of Magi on hard times, who have fallen into destitution and humiliation. So it is... Exceptional for those who have not experienced such circumstances to show interest in our activities, much less express support for our actions. While I can understand the motivations of people such as our Atlas Defector - She wants revenge on Atlas as much as I do on the Clock Tower, and that keeps her with me despite her own prejudices against my person - I don't understand yours'."

His smile grew wider as he continued, "Which makes you very suspicious, as there literally isn't any incentive for you not to turn against us after we've given you whatever you wanted."

He looked around, searching for any eavesdroppers, before saying, "So I want to make an offer: I give you whatever you need from our faction and I won't summon Lancer here for 'personal safety... And for the duration of this war, you marry my heir, Caules Forvridge Yggdmillenia, to seal our alliance. That way, I can rest easy knowing that the Master of the Strongest Servant in our ranks is practically part of the family."

That and if she chooses to have any children with Caules, they might be strong Magi in their own right... Darnic thought as he made a subtle gesture with his left hand to Archer of Black, plus Caules' Berserker, assuming she or her master obeyed his instructions to come here. This gesture was a signal to potentially attack if Ms. Xi responded with violence towards his offer.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ren no Nurarhiyon + Red Team

Ren no Nurarhiyon felt Oyuki's death and felt a mix of sadness, grief... And fear. The Red Team was stronger than they had thought, and their lack of an Assassin or any means of meaningful reconnaissance was more than balanced out by their base defenses. So as he broke free from the familiars grabbing him, as he punched the earth so hard it burst, as he crawled his way towards the Red Team, he prepared to leverage what assets he had left by -

"I surrender!" he said as soon as he was within hearing range. "You guys need someone to spy out the lay of the land and more information on our group - Information that adds to what the Former Young Master has already given you! Well, I have the power to conceal my presence and Pure Eyes which can see Magecraft which should be unseen - You're going to need me!"

He felt it - Archer, in her spiritual form, was glaring at him for his 'cowardice'. But he knew that this was the only way for him to save his life, as well as all chances of him becoming the 'Supreme Commander' of any group of Mixed-Bloods. "You have a geas curse, don't you?! I am willing to undergo it if you let me live! Otherwise, you won't be able to use my Pure Eyes!"

Daniel Palaiologos was glaring at him now, his hand on the hilt of his special Azoth Blade. Then the Former Young Master said, "It's their decision," referring to the other Red Faction members. "But just so you know, Lord El-Melloi II fought a Magus who just took the heads of people with Mystic Eyes and Pure Eyes and kept those alive for his use..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Berserker of Black

@Letter Bee@GreenGoat

Thusfar, Nennius had done nothing in the war except stand at his Master's side. The boy seemed agreeable enough, although he was clearly the furthest thing from the leader of this group, and not particularly powerful. For the first time, though, the little guy had given Nennius a new command: he was to stand at the side of Darnic, the mage leading their team. It was a big step, for sure.

Tall, dark, and quiet, he followed along with the situation as best as a mad warrior could be expected to, not saying a word of his own accord. After all, formulating his minimal thoughts into minimal sentences was effort enough when he actually had an interest in or understanding of the situation.

For his part, Nennius didn't seem to react or ready himself at all when Darnic raised his hand. After all, he was a shield, and what else was a shield for? If somebody attacked the guy he was standing beside, they would get themselves killed. He understood how that worked without needing anyone to explain it in detail.

Besides, it sounded like his Master had a shot at getting married, here! Never hurts to be a wingman.

A Committee to Greet You


It had certainly been a rough night for the Purple Faction. They had suffered damage, defeats, and losses, and now another one of their enemies was making a show of confidence, calling out for them to mount a defence or be annihilated. It was extraordinary to see things get so heated on the first night of a Holy Grail War, but this was not a story of the ordinary. One had to roll with the punches.

...Still, wasn't there any chance to just put this off and deal with it some other time?

Scarcely a minute after Yamadiya sent up the flare, someone appeared in the glare of the car's headlights. Several someones, in fact. A welcoming party. And boy, did they ever look like a bunch of punks. The Philosopher Kings truly did have all kinds.

Four of them were directly in the road, all crouched or slouching, except for one who held himself off the ground in a cross-legged position, supported by his palms, while his other pair of arms were crossed at his chest. There were at least a half-dozen more scattered on the roadside, leaning against trees or sitting on branches, and they all seemed to be shirtless or in buttoned-down dress clothes. Perhaps someone in the car could tell, or perhaps they couldn't, but these people were Mixed-Bloods of the Oni Kind.

"Hooold it!" The man at the centre of the road called out, raising two of his four arms. The other two, which were supporting his weight off the ground, appeared to be coloured with a slightly different skin tone--most likely taken from another through some savage technique. "Clearly, you know where you are. You know who we are. But listen: there's no need for violence between us on this night. If you turn back and retreat to your Faction's base, we won't pursue you!"

...Judging by the expressions of the other Mixed-Bloods, they didn't think there was much chance of this offer being accepted. In fact, they may have been more interested in fighting. Bloodlust was in the air.

And on top of that, it was impossible that Yamadiya or Jason would fail to detect that there was a Servant nearby, not too much further up the road. They weren't visible from here, but they didn't seem worried about hiding their presence, either.

"Our Factions may be at war, but we can postpone the conflict a little, no? It seems that both your group and the Red Faction consider us to be the first target for destruction, but aren't you hoping that the Reds'll be more exhausted than you by the time we've been butchered? Retreat now, and if they ask, you can even tell them that you made an advance into our territory! What do you say?"

It certainly seemed like everyone here was more than ready for the offer to be turned down.

And if Jason jumped the gun on the whole monologue and just ploughed into the diplomat with his car? Well, they were ready for that, too.

Brutality Night

@SSW[@Yukitamas Again]

The Black Faction's Lancer and Assassin had certainly made a mess of the terrain after their opponents had jettisoned them. Quite a racket, too. As the two of them planned to continue their march on the enemy, the forces of Purple were well aware of where they had landed.

Unlike with that other group, it was already clear how powerful and aggressive Lancer and Assassin were. There was no need to send a probing force, and no use in sending someone to warn them away. At this point, the only thing worth doing was beating the pair of them into the dirt.

The one who came for them was huge. A giant over three meters in height, golden eyes and black skin, covered in white markings. Trees were splintered at his approach through the countryside, caring for nothing in his path except the enemies at the end of it. This Heroic Spirit--for he could have been nothing else--was undoubtedly ancient, in both presence and appearance. Adorned in gold, with a massive axe clutched in each hand, and a crown of black horns and emerald flames on his head.

He wasn't raging or hollering, but there could be little doubt that this was the enemy's Berserker.

On top of that, he wasn't alone. There did not seem to be any other Servant in the area, but rustling and scratching in the distance indicated that a group of something was following in this Berserker's wake. Perhaps one of the Black Faction's fighters could catch a glimpse of one or two of them as they wove between fallen trees and standing stones. They were definitely humanoid, but whether they were Dead Apostles, Mixed-Bloods, or some new travesty of nature, their manic grins indicated they probably hadn't been informed about the fate of the Santa Maria's crew.

Berserker's approach was far too noisy for him to have been on top of his enemies in an instant, to say nothing of the footsoldiers reinforcing him, who obviously couldn't keep up with his mad dash. He was still a few leaps and bounds short of reaching Assassin and Lancer by the time they could lay eyes on him, but he wasn't one to waste time. Mid-run, the huge warrior raised an arm, and hurled the axe from his left hand with all of his might.

Just from that display, there was no doubt that this was a Servant in possession of top-class physical power, as one of his weapons tore through the air towards Judah's torso.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Black's HQ mansion
@ManyThings@Letter Bee

Ying Xi's expression didn't change as Darnic greeted her, before launching into a speech. Oho? It was certainly an ultimatum, wasn't it? The flow of qi was interrupted here, swirling around a decidedly unbalanced person. Did he eat too much meat? An unbalanced diet leads to an unbalanced body, and thus to an unbalanced mind. She would say that as well to the person beside him, but a being like that will never be balanced. She supposed that was another drawback of being a Heroic Spirit.

"Aa~, perhaps this one has stopped eating for fear of choking? Is it usual for westerners to be so fearful that one offering help is seen as a tiger looking to feast?" She sighed and shook her head. "I have no reason to help, and yet here I am. You have no reason to accept my help, and yet here you are. An ally could be the true enemy, and the enemy could be the true ally. Each have their own goals. You, me, and that Atlas mage you mentioned."

"I have no interest of marrying ignorant gwailo by... what do they call it? Gunboat diplomacy? Decide for yourself if I am an enemy or an ally."

It would not be an exaggeration that any one from her homeland would be outraged at the terms presented to them, and even perhaps one not from her homeland as well. Family and lineage was important to them, as well as their traditions and art. And yet, Yao Ying Xi, heir to centuries of history and traditions, did not so much as bat an eye. It was as if she was presented by a cup of tea and had simply decided it was not to her tastes.

No anger nor incredulity, just the cool pleasant expression she exuded, even with her crossed arms.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia

"Clever answer," Darnic let a tone of rueful admiration creep into those words. "But the fact still remains: We need to guarantee your loyalty and that of the others who signed up with Yggdmillenia but have not joined Yggdmillenia - I am not so stupid to believe that they are genuinely dedicated to my family's cause, after all. So how do I calm my own suspicions without having to resort to blind faith? After all, no one here knows your goals and that fact has not changed."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by HiddenBlue
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From the car, Jason stared at the four armed inhuman and just sighed. “See Master, this is why I told you we should have sneaked instead. Now we wasted the element of surprise.” If it was up to him, Rider would have avoided all signs of trouble and just sneaked to the enemy base. But his master had to be a kid and want some action.

Oh well, great deeds are indeed the measure of a hero.

If he had to be honest that way his master acted, both helping and hindering at different times- that reminded him of someone. His relationship with her had many turns, but even now he could admit that he wouldn’t have been a hero without her. That was why he placed a hand on the dark coat of his master and concentrated.

In that moment, bitter memories returned. Of sweet dreams, cunning tricks and ruined endings- in the end both had been bad to each other. But that was why he still had to remember her; to not repeat those mistakes again. “That’s why Master, for the rest of this night you shall be the Witch. Be cunning, be bold, and above all- win.”

Having someone play her role reassured him, now if only he had his best friend too it would be like old times, or at least as close as it would get these days.

Leaping out of the vehicle, Rider of Black addressed the foreign hybrids, “Leave? After what you did to my future subjects? I would be a poor hero if I did that. No, we end this tonight, so bring out your servant and let’s end this.” In a flash, the mast of his ship appeared in his hands not bigger than any spear. Standing tall like a pole, the sail flowed proudly in the air, reminding all who could see of the pride of the Argonauts and their captain.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yukitamas
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

From the car, Jason stared at the four armed inhuman and just sighed. “See Master, this is why I told you we should have sneaked instead. Now we wasted the element of surprise.” If it was up to him, Rider would have avoided all signs of trouble and just sneaked to the enemy base. But his master had to be a kid and want some action.

Oh well, great deeds are indeed the measure of a hero.

If he had to be honest that way his master acted, both helping and hindering at different times- that reminded him of someone. His relationship with her had many turns, but even now he could admit that he wouldn’t have been a hero without her. That was why he placed a hand on the dark coat of his master and concentrated.

In that moment, bitter memories returned. Of sweet dreams, cunning tricks and ruined endings- in the end both had been bad to each other. But that was why he still had to remember her; to not repeat those mistakes again. “That’s why Master, for the rest of this night you shall be the Witch. Be cunning, be bold, and above all- win.”

Having someone play her role reassured him, now if only he had his best friend too it would be like old times, or at least as close as it would get these days.

Leaping out of the vehicle, Rider of Black addressed the foreign hybrids, “Leave? After what you did to my future subjects? I would be a poor hero if I did that. No, we end this tonight, so bring out your servant and let’s end this.” In a flash, the mast of his ship appeared in his hands not bigger than any spear. Standing tall like a pole, the sail flowed proudly in the air, reminding all who could see of the pride of the Argonauts and their captain.

The witch? a witch indeed. The man who witnesses and does terrible things while knowing the path that they walk so a hero could shine greater. A magic user who looks forward to the demise and collapse of glory. To say that he was in the role of the watch was not one he would dismiss.

Well, if he was told to live up to the expectations of filling in for the great witch it'd be rather difficult, but that wasn't a slight against himself or a matter of a lack of confidence. But as that burden, that role was pressed upon him he could only smile. The magical energy he drew from the land was almost intoxicating despite the pain as his circuits rotated and heated up in a way that he never would have achieved on his own. A technique to draw energy, and various ideas. He was not granted a new channel, nor did he inherit a path or knowledge. It was more like he was tracing another's work and yet...

"Μαρδοξ" The word twisted the air and the magical energy that was laced in it soon took form as a glass-like film that spread out from the mast of Rider. A bubble hardly ephemeral. It was a space that both defended and consecrated, washing away attacks as though it were but seafoam in comparison breaking against the bow. A space of glory, a space of heroes and adventure.

Yes, it was a spell that borrowed the concept of, and in this case, married with the presence of that legendary ship.

As he took his blade in hand and spoke more words of power, and messed with magical formula to improve and set upon his own gear further enchantment he looked and saw. The future, his actions, the outcomes, and the curse that he formed.

"Targets for extermination, Machia"
He saw the flow of mana, and he could meddle with the leylines even better than he could have ever thought was possible even with the eyes he had. The conditions were set, and the battlefield became the curse of extermination. The resonance with the Actor's role, the classification of the enemy...

Swiftly he cursed their enemies as he slipped out of the car. Oh you oni, you barbaric foreigners. Thy role is to be hunted down, destroyed as enemies of civilization.

The Actor rushed forth, his face shifting, his stance and pose focusing into that of clearly practiced muscle. Glory and radiance akin to that of a hero eminated from him as his fists flew out-

Ah, this was indeed the mighty hero, even as a mimicking shade of it... Theseus. A man who wrestled the great boars and minotaur into submission. Against him no monster could stand. A man who with his friend enacted genocide, Centauromachia.

While he...

The witch of treachery who would bring forth painful death unseen.

The clash in battle, the dead who fell, and his own wound even augmented in wrestling with such powerful foes in getting a strike that laid him low not in body, but spirit.

He saw that future, it was recorded in the writings.

Synchronization of events commencing.

His hand twisted into an inhuman shape. Of course he felt the pain, but it was no matter to him, it was simply the function of his arm after all.

He grabbed the bubble he saw.

The trading of blows, plunging his blade into the breast of a half-blood, searing away his mind even as he staggered from a not fatal but serious blow.

The future seen was recorded as an event that occurred. Cause was muddled, skipped as the Avesta wrote and copied, teaching the land and world what had already happened in his eyes, in the future.

The curse placed itself upon his target.

Blood gushed out, and his mind was seared. He was after all struck down by the blade.

Yet they had not clashed yet, they have not yet fought.

But that's not true is it? In that bubble it was what happened after all.

One done, three more to go. Borrowing another technique of the witch he blurred his presence with a veil of magical energy andcovered himself, becoming a ghostly shadow before splitting into two. Duplicates, fakes, blurred and obscured.

But what would come of their servant? and how far would he be pushed with these borrowed abilities? Best to keep it light for now.

Trusting in Assassin, Lancer engaged the enemies. Just as they wove between trees, his strikes speared out with enough of a ferocity that it seemed like the woods were coming alive to punish them for their intrusion. He was not the fastest of the Knights of the Spear, but still as a servant he could hunt them down. He was not one to spend his time too idly, driven by a fervor that bordered onto mania.

It was no different from last time, although it was in his opinion a more palatable situation for them to deal with. Perhaps this time it would continue without a strange and sudden end as well?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Black's HQ mansion
@Letter Bee

Her expression didn't change as he gave her his answer.

"Well, that's how it is, Saber. Let us be off to seek our fortunes elsewhere."

Ying Xi simply turned around and walked away, giving a small wave as she did so. She had her own specific reasons for coming to the war of course, and if this family had no need of her help, then there was no use trying to force the issue. After all, there were other things she wanted to do yet, and this was but a small roadbump on her path.
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