Name: William Prescott Anwell “Liam”
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: The first thing people say about Liam is that he is very flamboyant. It is a trait he wears proudly. Liam is innocent, carefree, and seemingly always happy. He is faithful to his loved ones, and will stand by them no matter what. He wants to spread kindness to everyone, and is accepting of everyone. He enjoys talking to people, and being friends with everyone. His desire to be friends with everyone means he has a hard time making decisions regarding other people, for fear of hurting the rejected party. It also means he can easily be convinced to change his mind once he does make a decision. He tries to see good in everyone, and sees no reason to discriminate against others. Everyone is a friend or potential romantic interest, and he often comes off too strong. Some have been known to manipulate him because of tendency to trust people immediately, but he doesn't see that as a bad thing. He is the one who will cheer you up and offer words of encouragement when you are down. He values loyalty and kindness in other people.
Liam has tastes that are usually considered feminine. His favorite color is pink, and a lot of his things are pink. He is very into fashion, and designs his own clothes to reflect his tastes. While he doesn’t consider himself vain, he does like to take care of his appearance. He carries around a mirror, and often consults it when he feels like he needs a confidence boost. He also doesn't particularly care for getting himself dirty either. Due to the fact that he feels there is a lack of nice clothes for men, he likes to make his own clothes to suit his own tastes. He also has a passion for cute and pretty things. It's the reason why he likes the Fairy type. The Pokemon under it are gorgeous. Anything he perceives to be adorable whether it be a person or a Pokemon makes him squeal excitedly. He also has several childish interests as well. He likes candy and other sweets, and he has a rather large collection of fashion dolls that he makes clothes for, as well as cute Pokemon plushies, and his room is decorated with posters of characters from the cartoons he likes. Liam grew up wealthy, and is accustomed to living fabulously. As such, he is a bit spoiled, and he has an easy time indulging himself in the things he likes. Additionally, he enjoys battling Pokémon, and showing off the power of his favorite type of Pokémon
Liam is adorable, and he knows it. He does use it to his advantage if he knows if it will benefit him somehow. He’ll use his cheery personality, and childish behaviors to manipulate others, usually to flirt with guys, or get himself out of trouble when they get mad at him. He’ll play dumb, and act like he doesn’t understand the other person’s request, to avoid rejection, or just get out of situation he doesn’t like. Due to his small size, and child like appearance, he is often perceived as being weak. This has earned him both the ire of bullies who liked having an easy target, as well as the care of nicer people who felt like they had protect him. He works out regularly to compensate for this, but people still coddle him. He considers it both a blessing because it gets him attention and people think he's cute, and a curse because some people underestimate him. He works hard to prove himself, such as staying up late to study, or consistently practicing a new skill when it’s something that interests him. When it’s something that he doesn’t like (usually things that involve manual labor), he’ll procrastinate, or avoid it altogether. When people give him a hard time, he'll usually respond with some sassy comment, and get on with his life. He doesn't understand why so many people have problems with boys liking pink.
Regardless, Liam is a cheerful optimistic person. He is often seen with a smile on his face, and acting like life is all cupcakes and rainbows. He believes it's easier to live life when you expect the best than expecting the worst. This often means he’ll turn a blind eye to any problems he experiences with others. He has a difficult time empathizing with other people’s problems, and that makes it hard for him to develop serious relationships with others. His focus on positivity does not mean that he is never sad. He cries openly when he's sad, but it doesn't take much to make him feel better. He is also very affectionate. He likes giving, and receiving hugs, and often gets very close to people. He develops crushes on guys rather easily. These qualities make him a natural flirt. While he likes people in general, he is attracted to other males. You can often find him staring at, touching, and flirting with guys he finds attractive. While he does flirt often, Liam is a hopeless romantic who is in love with love. He does dream of having his own boyfriend someday, and maybe a husband in the future. In general he is an emotional person, and expresses all of his feelings openly. When he is happy, he is ecstatic. When he is sad, you'll see him bawling. The occasions when he gets angry, he screams, shouts, and acts rashly. While he seems childish at times, Liam is a happy, fun loving young man, who just wants to be accepted for who he is.

Appearance: Liam is short for a young man his age. He stands at exactly five feet tall. He is well aware of his small stature, and makes jokes about it if it get's brought up. While he does claim his lack of height adds to his appeal, he does wish he were taller sometimes. Despite seeming weak and fragile based on his appearance, he is actually stronger than he looks. He keeps himself physically fit to compensate for his lack of height, and has a slender, though fairly toned physique hidden underneath all the clothes he wears. He was born with a pale complexion, He has messy blonde hair on top of his head, and his bangs go to his eyebrows. He has big violet eyes. A trait that seems to run in his family. As well as a small nose, and a round "Babyface", which give him a youthful appearance. His face is clean-shaven, and his upper body is free of any hair except the top of his head and eyebrows.
Liam is very into fashion, and likes to dress well. He designs his own clothes to reflect his taste, as he has a hard time finding clothes he likes in men's clothing stores. His fancy wardrobe mostly consists of button down dress shirts, vests, trousers, and dress shoes. He always keeps his clothes neat and tidy. He wears as much pink as he is allowed to get away with. His current outfit consists of a pink dress shirt that fits him well, and he rolls up the sleeves. Over this, he wears a pink vest. He dons a pink ruffled cravat around his neck, with a pink stone attached to it. He also wears a pink pearl bracelet bracelet around his left wrist, and a diamond ring on his right ring finger. On the bottom he wears a pair of pink trousers. His choice of footwear include a pair of pink dress shoes. He accesorizes this with a pink cap on his head that has a diamond brooch attached to it, a pair of pink diamond earrings hanging from his earlobes. He carries around in a pink messenger bag.
Height: 5’0”
History: Liam was born to a wealthy, prominent family in Wyndon, Galar. His family contained a long line of skilled trainers, and Liam was expected to carry on that tradition. Liam lived a very lavish lifestyle. His parents wanted only the very best for their son. Growing up, Liam learned he was never interested in the things typical boys were interested in. He liked cute little ponytas, and fashion dolls while most boys liked playing with toy cars and football. He also preferred Pokemon like Clefairy and Jigglypuff where the other boys were obsessed with Charizard and Garchomp. This made him the target of bullying by other boys.
Other boys often gave Liam a hard time. They made fun of his interests, calling him a whimp, among other insulting nicknames. Liam didn't really care. He figured that if boys didn’t like him, then he would just play with the girls. They played better anyway. As a child, Liam had more female friends than male ones.
Liam's favorite type of Pokemon were always Fairy type Pokemon. They were adorable, but powerful and not to underestimated. Liam’s parents supported his interests. On his tenth birthday, his parents gave him a very special gift. A Mimikyu they encountered while on a trip to the Alola region. Liam bonded with the little guy almost immediately, and nicknamed him Boo.
His parents wanted their son to become a well known trainer like they were. They gave him battling lessons on their own, but they soon realized the best way for his son to become a trainer was to go on a journey of his own. He could train on his own, and catch some of his own Pokémon. Liam wasn’t sure this was what he wanted at first. He wanted to be a famous fashion designer. However, he soon discovered he enjoyed battling with Boo. He decided that he would become a Trainer specializing in the Fairy type, his favorite type. He would even open his own Fairy Gym someday. Maybe even try out those Pokemon Contests he's heard about. Besides, there was no reason why he still couldn’t be a Fashion designer on the side.
Preferred Starter: Mimikyu
Mimikyu (Boo) 14 Male Disguise
Scratch, Astonish, Copycat, Shadow Sneak
Galarian Ponyta (Rarity) 15 Female Pastel Viel
Tackle, Confusion, Fairy Wind, Morning Sun
Brionne (Primadonna) 17 Female Torrent
Water Gun, Disarming Voice, Baby Doll Eyes, Icy Wind
Bag items: Potions, Pokeballs, some money