Name: The Reaver Continuity, AKA The Second Raider Alliance, AKA The Reaver Movement Reborn
Territory: The recently captured city of The Pitt (Formerly Pittsburg), and some of its surrounding counties. Though the Reavers do not directly work this land, they consider it a salvage claim, and patrol it frequently.

The Reavers themselves operate out of the The Pitt, where the few remaining Elders hold council in the former manse of the Pitt’s previous master, now Reaver captive Ashtur. The countryside surrounding the pitt has been their region of operations for some time after arriving to the East Coast, during which time they constructed simple fortifications and hid their presence until such a time as the city could be conquered, as such this region is littered with temporary lairs, and former Wildman settlements captured and repurposed by Reaver scouts.
Origins: The Reaver Movement was founded many decades before 2197 in the American Midwest. The Reavers began as a small gang, however things changed when they conquered an old American Military base, and salvaged the weapons and equipment within. This began a fascination with technology and old world tactics which has stuck with, and mutated within the then Reaver Gang, then Reaver Movement. Over the course of generations the Reaver understanding of Technology progressed from purely utilitarian to religious in nature, and the Reavers began to worship founders of important electrical laws as gods, such as Ohm and Ampere.
The War of the Demon: In the decade of 2190 the Reaver Movement came into contact with the forces of the Calculator, an omnicidal modified Zax unit installed within the legendary Vault 0 beneath Cheyenne Mountain, and became pivotal in the formation of the Raider Alliance, a eclectic army made up of the Forces of Gammorin’s Army, The Raiders of the Midwest, The Beastmasters, and several other minor raider nations. However, unable to defeat the Calculator alone, the Reavers were forced to agree to accords with the Brotherhood of Steel’s Midwestern chapter for the sake of survival.
Aftermath: Following the war fully half of the Reaver Movement was abducted and indoctrinated into the Brotherhood of Steel, while the Remainder were confined to a limited reservation within the City of Ohmaha, (Renamed ‘Ohm’s City’ ) Nebraska. Cut off from contact with their Elders, who were held as hostages by the brotherhood, the remnant of the Reaver Movement considered their next steps for decades, all the while the ascendant Brotherhood of Steel seemed to decline more and more.
Ties of Blood: Observing weakness, the Reaver Movement attempted to make contact with Brotherhood Initiates who were formerly Reavers, now indoctrinated into the Brotherhood’s military machine, in an attempt to subvert and weaken the Brotherhood further. Over the course of decades, this had mixed success, however in the decades of 2270 operations finally reached a critical point, with the Brotherhood’s first contact with the Legion, and the fall of Denver to the advancing Legion, which weakened the Brotherhood’s regional power significantly. Seizing the moment, a Cadre of Brotherhood defectors, lead by the great granddaughter of the Chief of Army for the Movement during the Calculator War, Moira Gaire, broke ranks and fled to Ohm’s City, where they were pursued by a brotherhood strike force. Ohm’s City was razed, but the Defectors and many of the remaining Reavers were able to flee Eastwards, beyond the Brotherhood’s sphere of influence.
Looking to the Future: The Reaver Movement had lost much from it’s dealings with the brotherhood, reduced to perhaps a tenth of it’s size before the Calculator war, and having lost all of it’s holdings in the Midwest, the Movement was at it’s lowest point. Yet still not all was lost, much of it’s remaining population were former Brotherhood, including a handful of high-ranking knights, possessing the training and expertise that such a station entailed. With newfound skills and purpose the Movement marched Eastwards still, searching for a place where they could recreate the glories of the old movement, which they now saw themselves as the last surviving continuity of, the Reaver Continuity.
The Second Scouring of The Pitt: The Reaver movement found their golden city in the form of the toxic foundry of the Pitt, a natural fortress where centuries of wasteland survival experience and technical knowhow could be applied, and forge an empire. For three years the Reavers seeded the outskirts of the city, bribing Wildman tribes to attack Pitt Raider slave trains and outposts, all while preparing for their own assault of Ashtur’s fortress of Steel. When the day came, the Reavers struck from every angle, harassing Guard Posts with sniper fire, using the local dregs as human bombs to breach the primary gatehouses, and infiltrating into Ashtur’s compound itself through the ruined sewer passages of the city itself. With Ashtur as prisoner, the Reaver Continuity forced the Pitt Raiders into a pact that they had once made the mistake of agreeing to, and binding the Raiders of the Pitt into the newly forged Second Raider Alliance.
Issues: The Reaver Movement is, despite their recent successes, a complete mess. Their leadership structure is anarchic, with a handful of Veteran Knights and Reaver Elders sharing joint leadership through force of arms. While they were unified in taking The Pitt, the path forward is far less clear, and substantially longer, and the chances of one of the Reaver’s leaders taking control of the whole movement through force, and declaring themselves it’s warlord is always on the horizon.
Secondly, though Pittsburg is a major manufacturing hub, producing valuable Steel, a resource of which there are few other producers, it’s trade networks are abysmal, with no contact to the northern powers, and a handful of dangerous rail routes southwards to the Capitol Wasteland. Every other entry to the Pitt must be embarked by leg, and at great peril. Food is becoming scarce with so many newcomers, and finding a stable source of water is a rising issue.
Thirdly, the Plague which slowly turns the residents of the Pitt into troglodytes is still a major issue, as Ashtur and his wife are the only individuals with any information on the matter of an antidote, and refuse to provide any details of such. A Handful of Reaver Doctors and Medics are working on a solution, but as of yet have only been able to slow the progression and spread through the usage of their dwindling supply of Brotherhood-issued chemical suits.
Fourthly, there is the Slavery Question. In order to smooth the transition into power, the Reavers allowed the surviving Pitt Raiders to remain in their positions as slavemasters, and kept the slaves of the Pitt working in the foundry. Factions within the movement view this solution as unsound at best, and immoral at worst, but the ruling council have largely ignored the issue, with the knowledge that the situation will be solved with time by the gradual decline of the slave population, if nothing else.
Finally, there is the external threat. The capture of the Pitt has shifted the regional status quo, and it is still up in the air as to the Reaver Movement’s relationship with it’s neighbors and Ashtur’s former trade partners. Whether it will be a matter of subjugating the Pitt’s old allies, or dealing with them remains to be seen.