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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"True, it's not helpful to us. But, we got plenty of pokemon here who listened and understood what Ledyba was saying." Amelia said, looking at her Ghosts and the pokemon everyone else had out. She wasn't going to order the other trainer's pokemon, but her own were fine. "So, Litwick, Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Phantump, Driffloon, and Honedge. If someone here was brought up by Ledyba as the one that attacked them, can you move over to them?"

Her pokemon all let out cries of confirmation before every single one of them moved over to Annica, floating around the trainer Ledyba had brought up. While this wasn't the most damning evidence, Amelia did remember something the others had brought up earlier.

"I see. As I recall, you do possess a pokemon that can inflict status conditions. I know you said you left it behind but... could you have lied to us?" Amelia said, turning her attention to accused Trainer.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago

@Joshua Tamashii
appropriate music

Leila and Eric looked on with interest as the ghost Pokémon moved over towards Annica, who blinked in surprise as they gathered around her. Then Amelia asked her question. Annica looked around a little flustered, then sighed.

‘This is not going to lead you anywhere. But, fine. I guess I have no choice,’ Annica said, and pulled out a Pokéball. Leila let out a little gasp, and Eric looked on intently. The Lass brought the Pokéball to her forehead, and… ‘It’s okay. I’ll be right here. Just… stay with me, okay?’ she said, and dropped the Pokéball.

With a flash of light, a new Pokémon took shape. In shape, it was a dog standing on two legs, a pointy hat seemingly on her head, and a long tail that seemed to end in an orange paintbrush…

Pokédex Entry #235 – Smeargle, the Painter Pokémon. A special fluid oozes from the tip of its tail, which colour depends on the Smeargle and is determined at birth. It paints the fluid everywhere to mark its territory. By drawing a move with its tail, Smeargle becomes able to replicate that move whenever it desires, making it very versatile.

‘SMEARGLE!?’ the creature immediately cried out after seeing her surroundings and dashed around to hide behind Annica, looking absolutely thoroughly terrified. Annica sighed, patted her on the head and then looked with a glare at Amelia.

‘I let her out briefly while setting up camp, and she wandered off for a bit… before coming back with a full panic attack. She was so panicked I didn’t want to disturb her. She didn’t know anything about the stone, anyway, how could she have been involved? That said, fine. Let’s see what she has to say,’ Annica said, then kneeled to confront her terrified Smeargle. ‘Hey, Smeargle? Could you tell us what happened when you went off? I promise, nobody here will hurt you. If they do, I’ll deck them. Okay?’ Annica said, looking in concern at her Smeagle.

‘S-smeargle…’ Smeargle replied, somewhat hesitant but okay. With that out of the way, Smeargle stepped forward… and Annica pulled out some white drawing portraits out of nowhere, holding them up. Smeargle spun around, grabbed her tail, and quickly started drawing on the canvas Annica held out with intense force as Annica was struggling to hold the canvas steady!

‘Right, she went a little off-track there towards the end, but that’s her testimony. She protected the stone, not anything else. Does that satisfy you?’ Annica asked, crossing her arms with a “hmpf”.

‘Smeargle!’ Smeargle stated, pointing her orange tail towards Amelia.

‘Heeeeey, this makes it seem like Ledyba’s the villain!’ Eric complained, frowning at the drawings with Ledyba now hiding behind his leg.

‘Do we have any reason to believe he isn’t?’ Annica frowned right back.

‘He fled the scene! Smeargle seems like the much more likely culprit!’ Eric said, crossing his arms.

‘You’re just saying that because you don’t want to think your Ledyba would steal!’ Annica told.

The two argued for a bit, while Leila put a hand to her mouth and looked like she was thinking a bit. To herself, she said…

‘I get the feeling that enough information has been given that this case could be solved in one fell swoop now, with the right deduction. So… what are you thinking?’ she asked, looking towards Amelia.

Indeed. What does she think now?

‘Palpitoad!’ Palpitoad called in support. She can do it!

Or she could leave.

Connected areas:
Pureplain City. You can get back without complication.
Infested Woods. You’re right next to it.
Wet Caverns. May need to cross a bridge or two to get there.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Wait... he won? He actually won.

Basil just stood there, processing the fact that the battle just won by just a thread, no pun intended. If Cecil was knocked out, he doubted that the rest of his party would've been able to clutch out a win. It was just by luck that they managed to pull a victory out of that. Still, his Pokemon fought hard and deserved all the praise.

Cecil was returned to her ball while Lorette walked over to him. "It wasn't just me. I only won because of my Pokemon. They're the ones who made it possible." There was no way he could take all the credit in good conscience; his Pokemon worked so hard for that win with so very little training. Heck, it was pretty unfair of him to put them in a battle like this when he only became a trainer yesterday. Still, it was something to be proud of to win a gym battle so early in his career as a trainer, but then again, he wasn't just some dumb little Joey running in guns blazing with his Ratata.

He held his hand out and received the Shrine Badge followed by the TM for U-Turn. Now that he had the badge in his hands, it was starting to feel real. He really was a trainer after all. "And I won't stop until I reach the top." Basil said determinedly, perhaps a bit too serious considering he was on his knees yesterday pleading to a legendary Pokemon to not erase his existence.

But there were more pressing matters to attend to. "I have a lot I want to ask, but it can wait for a moment. Do you have a healing kiosk I could borrow?" It wouldn't be surprising if she did have one being a gym leader and all. One would expect the league to at least provide the tools necessary to keep their gym leaders at tip-top shape. If she did have one, they could probably walk and talk, but if not then he'd have to go to the Pokemon Center.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


‘Of course. No Pokémon Trainer would have gotten anywhere without their Pokémon. Well done, all of you,’ Lorette answered to the part about that Basil’s Pokémon were the one that won. A very true statement, albeit Basil wasn’t without deserving praise as well. With that, Lorette gave a happy smirk at that he wouldn’t stop.

‘Nice! That’s what I wanted to hear!’ she called, encouraging his seriousness. Then there was the part about healing…

‘Oh, don’t worry, leave that to me,’ Lorette said, and then pulled out numerous revives and potions, and she threw in some random Pokémon candies for them as just some treats for a good job…

Basil’s team was fully healed!

‘Now, then. You had questions?’ Lorette asked, smiling kindly.

They could potentially be talking while Lorette was treating the Pokémon.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Questions? Did he have questions? Of course he had questions! Basil looked at her as if she had corn growing out her ears just for even needing to ask that.

"To say I had some would be an understatement." said Basil, slinging his backpack down his arm and grabbed it by the handle. From it, he pulled out the Abundance Berry. "After Landorus recounted the tale of the storm and shrines, he gave us a berry each. I've never a berry quite like this before, but I can make an educated guess that this isn't exactly something normal." Then again, that could be applied to almost any item that a legendary Pokemon gives to anyone, but there was actually something that was bothering him even more than that.

Why go on such a roundabout way of releasing Landorus? Why help me investigate? Basil asked. "You could have sent Anise to release it anytime, but instead you chose to involve a complete stranger. That could've been disastrous if I or anyone else had any ill intentions to do what we wanted with that information." He wasn't wrong. If something similar to Team Amethyst ever got a hold of this information then it would have only ended in disaster.

And this led to perhaps the final, more important question. "So why did you need us to release Landorus?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


‘Yeah, I have no idea what that berry is. But, given you've received a berry from the god of a harvest, we could make an educated guess,’ Lorette replied, rather amused as she did. She listened to the rest of what he had to say, and chuckled a little. She'd gotten herself seated on the floor at some point, because that felt more natural to her.

‘I think you're misunderstanding something. You didn't "release" Landorus. He was free to leave whenever he felt like it. All I did was allow a curious trainer to find the shrine that was once built for him,’ Lorette continued. She then looked towards Anise, giving the frowning red-head an apologetic smile. ‘I'm sorry I didn't clue you in earlier.’

‘I'm a little upset,’ Anise said, arms crossed. ‘I made a huge deal about finding out the truth of the legend, yet here you knew everything all along. I feel like I've worried for nothing.’

‘Ah, but I do still have a need for you,’ Lorette said, and sighed. ‘I asked you to bring what you found back to the Deepforest Shrine. That is, I hoped you'd ask Landorus to come with you back to me. Perhaps you would have if I'd have prepared you better, but that would have spoiled the fun surprise, wouldn't it? But, the truth is, I need him. The other two are getting restless,’ the young Gym Leader said, her face a bit blank.

‘That's on me, though. So, Anise. I'd like to officially task you with the finding and recovery of Landorus, who has flown away. I will send a message to the other Gym Leaders, and they'll give you aid when you need it. You'll need to raise your Pokémon Team to get strong on your own, but we'll be available for you when you need extra help. I ask this of you, as the current guardian of the Reveal Glass you're our most suitable candidate. Can I entrust this to you?’ Lorette asked.

‘Hmpf. That's what I was going to do, anyway. Leave it to me,’ Anise said.

‘Excellent,’ Lorette said, then turned to Basil. ‘I asked that of Anise because I already knew that she wanted to do it. You, though, have your own Pokémon journey ahead of you, don't you? But... if you do happen to see Landorus again, give us a call, won't you?’ Lorette asked, giving him a little happy smile.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


"So its function is probably related to harvests? The ancestor of berries?" Basil mused while looking at the strange fruit. "I wonder if there is someone who knows more about ancient myth in Rainrock that could give some direction. Maybe Professor Paulie, but he seemed more interested in getting dirt samples." Last night the professor was far more excited to study how the cave could have supported any form of plant life and he probably was now knee deep in his own research after that major discovery.

It could have left anytime? Why would a Pokemon as powerful as Landorus willingly stay within the confines of the shrine? Well, it doesn't matter why. It looked like there was an actual purpose for this whole endeavor though they had failed in doing what she actually needed them to do. Anise was of course going to go after it once she was stronger, but when asked Basil couldn't refuse the request. "Um, yeah of course. I feel partly responsible for this too so I'll do what I can." It was only fair that he finished what he started after all.

There was one thing that he didn't like the sound of, however. What did she mean that the 'other two are getting restless?' Basil wondered. Do they sense something dangerous coming? Pokemon were far attuned the the happenings of nature and perhaps that was even more so the case with legandaries. He thought of asking her, but there was no point in even bothering. At their level, there was nothing they would be able to do even if they had that information and only be on the back of their minds. Right now, they just had to get stronger.

"I think it's time for us to go. Anise probably needs to get her affairs in order and I have things I would like to do as well. Thank you for everything." And with that, Basil and hopefully Anise would leave the gym.

"So what are you going to do now? Are you going to head back to Redcoast right now?" Basil asked when they left the gym.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


‘If it's a matter of berries, then Stillwood Village is where I'd go. The Berry Garden is there, as well as the most knowledgeable people within berries. Though, if it's about knowing about the legends themselves, I instead recommend finding Professor Dunstan, the leading authority on legendary Pokémon. His home is in Worldedge City, but lately he's been more-or-less parked in his lab in Raremine Town. That's as much of a recommendation I can give,’ Lorette said in reply where he could find someone to tell him about the berry.

‘Great! I hope to hear from you again!’ Lorette said about Basil going to look out for the Pokémon that had just departed.

‘Thank you for taking my little quest, too! Good luck on your journeys, and don’t forget about me!’ the young Gym Leader said and waved after them as they departed from the Gym, back out into Highhill Town again. With that, it was Basil and Anise again. Basil immediately asked where she was heading…

‘Yeah, I’m heading back to Redcoast City first. Primarily to inform Hector of my findings and then receive his blessing to let me depart on my journey. I’ve been his disciple for so long, I can’t just up and depart without telling him. I should inform my family, too…’ Anise nodded, and then looked to Basil again.

‘And you?’ she simply asked.

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south, is the common route of first journeys. Green and straight.
Route 3. To the north, the route to Rainrock or the Silent Shrine. A wet woodland.
Route 14. To the east, the lake known as the Dragon Lake, potentially for crossing.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


At the very thought of Worldedge City, Basil stiffened from the very thought that he would have to go back to the very place he was trying to escape from though visibly was relieved when Professor Dustan was currently residing in Raremine. He was quite aware of who the professor was due to being a resident of the city as well and that Dustan's reputation quite preceded him as well. Even Basil had a few of his published works in his shelves back home. Actually, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea if someone informed Dustan that Landorus is on the move again since it was inline with the rest of his work. Heading his way was definitely near the top of Basil's priorities.

Before he would answer Anise, he took a look at his Pokedex and used its map feature to take a look at where his next destination would be, the place where he could get some information on the function of the Abundance Fruit. "Well, I'm in this now so I'll probably head to Stillwood Village to find out what these berries are for while you head back home and get your affairs in order, but there are some things to do before that." Basil answered, putting his Pokedex away. I've got very strong intel of how to find a very rare Pokemon deep in the Silent Forest if you want to come with, but I need to shop for the road ahead.

"That and I need to evolve my Karrablast and I may know just how to do it." Basil doubted that he would be back in Highhill soon so he thought it would be best to get his own affairs in order too. Whether or not Anise would stick around he would still do what he planned to do.

First, Basil went to the Pokemart and bought 5 Great Balls, 11 Pokeballs, and 5 Super Potions, which would leave him with 4088 Poke Dollars. He could hear his wallet crying. After that, he would go on his next venture to catch a Shelmet.

Quick Catch! Basil would search for a Shelmet and when he finds one eventually, he would have Cecil take the lead and basically just use Fire Fang and if it maintained a distance then he would just have her use Incinerate.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Anise nodded at the heading towards Stillwood Village. ‘I maybe should do the same. I got one of these berries as well, after all,’ Anise commented, then looked towards him as he mentioned intel for a strong Pokémon. ‘Oh? I might be interested. You’re not going to tell me what rare Pokémon this is? Is it a surprise?’ Anise asked, contemplating how to use her time.

After that, Basil went on a shopping spree, and then went to catch a Shelmet for his Karrablast. He found one almost immediately! Basically just went over and checked the first bush and there it was!

Pokédex Entry #616 – Shelmet, the Snail Pokémon. Commonly found in bogs or similarly wet areas. It closes its shell to protect itself from attacks. It also produces and spits out a poisonous, sticky liquid. If bathed in electricity together with a Karrablast, both will evolve.

Cecil was significantly faster and immediately went up and used Fire Fang on the bug! Shelmet took the Super Effective hit and immediately took way too much damage, even for its heightened defense! Shelmet fainted!

… Though, that means the Shelmet cannot be caught!

A less effective move might be preferable if he wants to weaken the wild Pokémon for the purpose of catching.

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south, is the common route of first journeys. Green and straight.
Route 3. To the north, the route to Rainrock or the Silent Shrine. A wet woodland.
Route 14. To the east, the lake known as the Dragon Lake, potentially for crossing.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Basil blushed when he realized that he was accidentally holding some suspense over the information. No, no it's not a surprise. My bad. Uh, the Pokemon I'm talking about is Pinsir. I think they're pretty strong though they are pretty hard to find because they live high up in the trees and under the ground. He explained. "No one has actually recorded its location yet so I'm going off on what a bug maniac told me after I bribed him with information to get foreign bug-types. Well, hopefully he got there in time before Zachary's ship sailed off or else he'd make a liar out of me."

And back to the failed catching attempt. So, things can't be caught if they're knocked out.


"Okay, so that was dumb on my part." Okay so we are trying this again! This time we are going to try with Crocus and use vine whip, since it won't be very very effective and sleeping powder to make it easier to catch.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


‘Pinsir…’ Anise took a moment to consider, bringing a hand to her chin as she did. ‘Do I want a Pinsir? They are pretty tough. But, with the type-spread I will have, would I have use of one?’ She considered a bit, but eventually she nodded. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I’ll gain nothing by dismissing opportunities. I’ll accompany you,’ she eventually decided, so there’s that.

So, then there was that part about capturing. He switched from using the super-effective Fire Fang to using Vine Whip instead! It did significantly less damage to the next Shelmet he found, shortly thereafter for this one, too! The Vine Whip hit… and did almost too little damage! Shelmet replied by throwing Acid back at Crocus, who could shrug it off as his part-poison type protected him from the attack!

They weakened Shelmet a bit and then put it to sleep with Sleep Powder, which took two attempts for some reason, but then Basil threw a Pokéball at it! Shelmet was absorbed into the Pokéball!

The ball rolled once! The ball rolled twice! The ball ro-

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south, is the common route of first journeys. Green and straight.
Route 3. To the north, the route to Rainrock or the Silent Shrine. A wet woodland.
Route 14. To the east, the lake known as the Dragon Lake, potentially for crossing.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


And caught! Basil picked up the Pokeball with a smile and attached it to his belt though is Pokedex buzzed with the message that he would have to swap someone else into the PC. At that moment, he decided to place Aria in the PC temporarily so the Shelmet had a place on his team. Looking down at the newly caught Pokemon's ball, he said,"Alright, I'll call you Sabbah."

He turned to Anise and said, "We'll leave shortly. I just have one more thing to do at the Pokemon Center." If she felt like following him or waiting for him, either would be fine. Basil would head to the Pokemon center to heal his Pokemon and then use the PC. For the time being, he placed Lupin inside the the PC and withdrew Lancer.

"Let's get this started. Lancer, Sabbah, Roxanne!" He tossed the balls of two bug pokemon and the rock-type out onto the floor of the Pokemon Center, pouring out in a white stream of light.



The two both looked up at Basil, but when the bugs noticed each other they immediately butted heads with one another, literally. They growling at each other, ready to throw down at any moment until their trainer finally stepped in. Basil knelt down and put his hands between them and pushed them away from each other. "Alright that's enough. Can you two just keep it cool for a few minutes?" Lancer and Shabbah glared at each other, but begrudgingly agreed to cease since their trainer is asking them. They'll just kill each other later.

Basil sighed in relief and looked at his Nosepass. "Alright Roxanne, use Thunder Wave on the two of them."
"Pass!" Electricity crackled from her big red nose and sparks flew at the Shelmet and Karrablast. If the entries in the Pokedex were correct, then this electricity should evolve them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Anise nodded to the statement, and then followed, because she didn’t have a lot else to do right now.

Basil healed his Pokémon and then retrieved Lancer. Then, with all three Pokémon sent out he got a couple of curious looks by random center-dwellers that just happened to be around because some people consider the Pokémon Center a place to socialize in.

Aaand then his bug-Pokémon almost fighting one another, and he was modestly close to getting a telling to keep all form of fighting outside the Pokémon Center, but he managed to calm them down in time. With that, instead, he could focus on the little plot he had in mind.

Roxanne sent out a wave of electricity to strike at the two bugs! A sphere of electric charges manifested around the two of them and showered them in electricity… Though, because Thunder-Wave is a single-target move and it was targeted at the both of them, neither got paralyzed! Just because there were no negative consequences doesn’t mean it was a pleasant experience, however.

Still, as the electric bolts danced around them, one went directly from Lancer to Sabbah. Further sparks flew as the bolt between them grew in intensity, seemingly drawing the power of the electric move and thickened intensely, and so the both of them were overtaken by a white light…!


Lancer and Sabbah are evolving!

As the two bugs shone, suddenly a portion of the matter of one of the Pokémon was torn from it, part of Sabbah surging over to Lancer. The manifestation of the metal helmet had travelled along the lightning-bolt onto Lancer, attaching to his head, and from there it expanded. The whole Pokémon grew, and the helmet grew over his arms and down over his tiny legs, forming a shell over his lower form and two large lances over Lancer’s left and right arms, and over his head a great horsehair crest grew to add to the majesty…

For Sabbah, in the meantime, something had been taken instead of added, with the Shelmet being left with less than it had before. Yet, her evolution was not done. Pulled out of her shell, Sabbah grew significantly in size, forming a much larger head and body, and was wrapped in a a dark cloth-like membrane. No longer held back by metal shell that had once been her home, she now stood upright, her head adorned with a star and her body capable of far greater nimbleness…

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south, is the common route of first journeys. Green and straight.
Route 3. To the north, the route to Rainrock or the Silent Shrine. A wet woodland.
Route 14. To the east, the lake known as the Dragon Lake, potentially for crossing.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Basil had a self-satisfied smile when the method of evolving his Pokemon was correct. Sure, the Pokedex told him, but actually testing it to see it would work was another thing though he was sure that it would have worked.

What he didn't expect was the sudden random applause by some of the random denizens of the Pokemon Center. His face flushed red and that satisfied smile turned into a sheepish grin. Well, a trainer evolving their Pokemon was an accomplishment and these two were not exactly the kind that were easy to obtain considering it required multiple components though it mainly just be because no one would want to go through the effort.

Basil returned his mons into their respective balls and turned to Anise who gave him praise that he felt was a bit unearned. "Um, thanks, but I just followed what the Pokedex said." He looked down at the Pokeballs on his belts and then said, "Give me a sec." Basil had went over to the PC and a transferred Sabbah into the PC for Lupin. Even if Sabbah was evolved, he still needs to train her enough to catch up to the rest of the team and Lupin needed more experience since he's falling a bit behind.

"Alright, let's go." With that, the hunt for Pinsir has now begun.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


‘Hm. Useful little thing. Most other trainers don’t get one,’ Anise commented about the Pokédex, and of course the ones that’d been applauding couldn’t have known he had a Pokédex so it was impressive because of that, too.

In any case, it was time to go find a Pinsir. The Bug Maniac had told him the place to go was Northern Silent Forest, where it always rained. Therefore, the best way to go was to briefly go into Route 3, and then cross the fence to veer left and into the forest proper. Here, the fantastical lights of the northern forest lit themselves up as if to welcome him.

So, what exactly was it that he was going to do in order to find what he’s looking for?

Anise has followed him, and has her Meditite sitting on her shoulders using weak Psychic power to create a psychic umbrella over her so she doesn’t get wet. Meditite doesn’t seem to mind, in fact, she looks pretty zen. Froakie was also out jumping at her side, looking around for interesting sights.

Connected areas:
Route 3. To the east.
Route 11. If you head directly north for a while.
Silent Shrine. Go south, you should be able to find the road there.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 14 hrs ago


"Oh, yeah...right." It was an odd thing to only just realize that he had been selected over god knows how many hopeful applicants for some reason that he could not understand.

Anyway, it was Pinsir hunting time...! And that meant rain time as well. Basil walked through the woods with his umbrella taking the pitter patter of the rain in his place. At least the lights were more of a pleasant welcome.

Now that they were deep in the wood so it was time to begin. "Glory, come out." He tossed the Pokeball and the Hawlucha appeared from the flash of light. His next order would to have Hawlucha fly up high into the trees since the maniac told him they could be found high up in the trees or in the ground, but considering he he didn't have a Pokemon that could use Dig, this was his best bet. That was assuming that Glory could actually fly high enough.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 11 days ago


Hawluchas can in fact learn Fly, so there was no trouble for Glory to fly up towards the top of the trees against the downpour. After he got there, though, he found a mess of branches that were difficult to navigate. He didn’t find a Pinsir yet. He did, though, find a bunch of bagworms and a very, very lazy-looking sloth that had the strange effect of making anyone looking at it feel lazy, too. But maybe he could overpower it.

Pokédex Entry #412 – Burmy, the Bagworm Pokémon. To shield itself from wind or elements, it creates a cloak made out of whatever elements are easily available in the area. Should the cloak be destroyed in battle, it will simply create a new one from the materials where the battle took place. When female Burmy’s evolve, the current cloak becomes part of its body, giving it a new type.

Pokédex Entry #287 – Slakoth, the Slacker Pokémon. I sleeps for 20 hours a day and are hardly ever seen in motion. Very efficient on energy, they subsist on three leaves a day and their heart beats only once a minute. Just looking at one makes one drowsy, so they’re sometimes prescribed against insomnia.

‘Alright, so search the top of trees,’ Anise said, back on the forest floor with Basil. She took out a Pokéball and opened it, and with a flash of light her Froakie came out, not minding the rain at all as the big-eyed blue frog looked around in mild curiosity.

Pokédex Entry #656 – Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokémon. It secretes flexible and delicate bubbles from its chest and back which absorb damage that would otherwise damage it. While it is known for a happy-go-lucky attitude, it has astute awareness of its surroundings.

‘We’re looking for Pinsirs in the trees. Go up there and help his Hawlucha,’ Anise told, and Frokie happily nodded and skipped up to climb the trees.

‘… Hm,’ Anise made a noise, peering curiously at the trees. ‘When looking for Pokémon high in trees, isn’t there a move that’s usually used? Like, to make them fall down to us rather than us climbing up to them?’

If Basil’s decently read up on Pokémon, that should ring a bell. Wasn’t there such a move that is commonly used to bring a Pokémon down from the top of a tree?

Could it also be that one of the Pokémon in his current team just so happens to know this move?

Connected areas:
Route 3. To the east.
Route 11. If you head directly north for a while.
Silent Shrine. Go south, you should be able to find the road there.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
Avatar of Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Amelia nodded after Smeargle's display of artistic talent and moved over to the Pokémon, kneeling down and gently patting it on the head if Annica or Smeargle let her.
"Thank you very much Smeargle. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. You're very brave though and I hope things turn out better for you in the future." She said gently while her Pokémon all turned towards Ledyba and quickly surrounded it to prevent it from trying to run away if it got any smart ideas. Standing back up, Amelia turned towards Eric. "Smeargle could've been the thief but that seems very unlikely. If you two know her Pokémon that well, then you can attest to whether or not it's this scared all the time. I would believe that it is and being that scared of everything does not lend well to one doing something as daring as stealing an evolution stone from a Pokémon that's likely stronger than it. On top of that, my friends surrounded Ledyba first. That leads be to believe that it said something that drew their suspicions towards it first. On top of that, Smeargle has, and I don't mean this as a joke, painted a clear picture of what it saw. If you're so confident Ledyba didn't steal the water stone, why not let us search it then. Or, we can have my Shuppet test it out. A simple Knock Off could clear you pokemon of any suspicion."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Glory yawned at the sight of the Slackoth, but shook his head to jostle his brain awake. Close one!

Basil looked down at the Pokedex and read the entries for the Pokemon he found. Perhaps this was something to keep in mind for later, but they were not the goal today. It doesn't look like they were very close to finding a Pinsir though Anise brought up an interesting point that he didn't think about. "Actually, I think you're right. It's Headbutt, right? I think someone on my team knows that." He pulled up his Pokedex and pulled up a file of his current team composition and sure enough, someone on his team did know Headbutt. "Alright then. Hey Glory, you can come down now."

"Haw!" The Hawlucha glided his way down to Basil and struck a pose when he landed because that's what these Luchador birds seem to do.

"Thanks for trying." Basik returned Glory into his Pokeball and grabbed a different one from his belt and tossed up in the air and out came the little red thing that was his starter, Cecil. "Hey Cecil, we're trying to knock some Pokemon out of the tree. Can you use Headbutt on that tree over there?" He asked, pointing to the one he was facing.

"Dar!" The Darumaka said in confirmation and began to headbutt the tree as many times as it would take to knock a Pinsir out.
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