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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Gender: She-cat
Age: 48 moons
Rank: Leader
Personality: Intelligent, loyal, charismatic and calm, Fernstar makes a firm and protective leader. However, she is wary of cats who are not clear and genuine about their intentions; be it with her or the Clan as a whole. She seems to have very strong intuition and easily sees through those who lie. She is private with her emotions as well as her personal story, except with Maplestream, who is her best friend.
Description: Long haired calico she-cat with green eyes
Backstory: Fernstar, (originally Fernkit), was born to an ex-Clan Mother and a loner Father. Her Mother raised her alone in the forest, taught her the Warrior code, how to hunt and enough battle moves to defend herself if necessary. Shortly after Fernsky had been given her warrior name, her Mother disappeared suddenly. After searching and waiting for her for moons, she finally realized she had to strike out on her own and survive. While grieving the loss of her Mother, Fernsky made her own way hunting, exploring and learning every bush and gravel trail of the forest until eventually, she stumbled upon a group of loners living and hunting together.
Mate: None
Kits: Honeypaw (adopted)
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Gender: She-cat
Age: 36 moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Overly optimistic, clingy and empathetic, Maplestream makes a wonderful friend to others, but she doesn't want to be one to herself. She lacks self confidence and the ability to trust her gut, so is always seeking validation from others. One could say she has anxiety issues.
Description: Small light brown she-cat with green eyes and a very long tail
History: Maplestream was born to a pair of kittypets and spent the her first few moons with her Twolegs and her Mother. Although her Mother was attentive in the beginning, all that changed when tragedy struck. Of her litter of four kits, Maplestream was the only one to survive. A mysterious illness slowly drained her siblings of their lives and her Mother became more and more distant with each of her kits deaths. She became so disheartened and distant that she never gave her last kit a name. When Maplestream grew big enough to hunt on her own, she said goodbye to her Mother and left her kittypet life to roam the forest. Shortly after, she met Sunfur and the two became friends. After meeting Fernsky and hearing the tales of the Clans, she chose her Warrior name and swore her life to WillowClan.
Mate: None
Kits: None
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Gender: Tom
Age: 72 moons
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Being raised in the luxury of kittypet life made Sunfur very relaxed, aloof and somewhat spoiled. A lot of the time, he is not as serious as he should be and fails to see the potential danger or threat in a given situation. He comes off as lazy and loves to bask in the center of camp soaking up sunlight. However, he is strong and loyal to WillowClan and makes a powerful line of defense against foxes, snakes and rogues.
Description: Long haired orange and white tom with amber eyes
Backstory: Sunfur spent the first few years of his life as a kittypet, but eventually grew tired of the constant routine and wanted something new. So one day, he said goodbye to his Twolegs and his housemate, wrestled free of his collar and set off into the forest to live free. Eventually he forgot his kittypet name; Cheeto, and smelled the scent of other cats. After following it, he wandered into the WillowClan camp and spoke to Fernstar about joining the Clan.
Mate: None
Kits: None

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Spidernose
Gender: She-cat
Age: 26 moons
Rank: Warrior

Personality: Spidernose is a determined, no-nonsense cat with a bit of an abrasive side. She can be blunt, but she only wants what is best for her Clan, she doesn't mean to be stand-offish but sometimes comes off that way when she is lost in her work, however if a Clanmate came to her with a concern she would treat it with the utmost care and compassion until it was resolved.

Appearance: A skinny, long-legged she-cat with cream fur and dark brown points, Spidernose's fur is sleek and short, her appearance calling back to her father's kittypet roots a lot more strongly than her sister's. Her eyes are a piercing blue, and often seem to stare straight through someone very critically.

Backstory: Born as "Spider" to a loner mother and a wandering kittypet father - who, although he cared for the she-cat, could not always be there for her due to his housefolk sometimes shutting him away - Spider was the oldest in her litter of two, with one other sister. Her mother, young and naive, had conceived too close to winter and the result was very nearly a disaster for her two kits. She did her best to try and keep them fed and warm, but doing so alone became a real struggle. When she heard of WillowClan, Spider's mother quickly sought refuge with the Clan and asked them to take in her kits. She was too used to life alone to leave her life as a loner behind and join the Clan, and Spider's sister found staying continually in one place too stifling as well and soon followed her mother to return to a loner's life. Spidernose isn't sure where her littermate went after that as she presumably went to carve out a territory of her own, though she kept in close contact with her mother who is currently living somewhere as a loner, in the area surrounding WillowClan's territory. She will always be an ally to the Clan and has a kind word for any of the cats should they happen to run into her on their travels. Spidernose took to Clan life very well, and is as dedicated a warrior as any, considering WillowClan her home. A few moons ago her mother sought out WillowClan again, she had had another litter with Spidernose's father and yet again brought another kit to them in order to strengthen the Clan, little Frogkit, who seems to take great delight in irritating her big sister and anyone else in the camp whenever possible.

Mate: None for now, but crushing hard on Stonefall ;3
Kits: None for now

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by TykerS97
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Age: 10 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: He is a very silent and observant cat when on patrol or training with his mentor. Otherwise he is very casual and friendly with his fellow apprentices. He is loyal to a fault to the clan and the code. He also has a deep seated fear of badgers.
Description: He is a very large cat with very fluffy brown and black hair that requires excessive grooming. His hair flows out around him giving him the trait of what almost looks like a lion’s mane.
Backstory: When Moosepaw was 3 moons old he was abandoned by his Twolegs along with his mother. For the next 3 moons he wandered with his mother heading toward Willowclan territory. His mother had heard rumors of cats banding together out in the wilderness from other kittypets that had smelled Willowclan’s scent markers. She figured that was the safest place for her and her son. During the 3 moons of travel Moosepaw was shown the dangers of the forest by his mother. When they arrived on the outskirts of Willowclan territory they were attacked by a badger… Moosepaw’s mother was big enough to hold it off for long enough to let him escape into clan territory. His mother did not survive the encounter.
Mate: None
Kits: None
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 6 days ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WaywardTraveler
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Hazelrah
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Hazelrah unhindered grandma

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Gender: She-cat
Age: 6 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Honeypaw is pure sass and spirit. What she doesn’t know, she demands to learn, and when she fails, she gets up and tries again, and again, and again...even if she’s been told several times to stop. Determined to show that she is better than everyone around her, Honeypaw can come across as aggressive, rude, and downright annoying. But what takes time to realize is that Honeypaw’s tendency towards show-boating and attention-seeking stems from deep insecurity, as someone who doesn’t remember her family or origin. She has a deep attachment to Fernstar, who practically raised her as her own kit, and can often lash out when she feels that relationship is in jeopardy. She tries to make up for her insecurity by being impressive, particularly to impress Fernstar, by being beloved, by being treasured. She hates to be alone and is constantly pestering her mentor for attention, other warriors for attention, basically anyone who will give her the time of day….
Description: Short-haired black and orange tortoiseshell with light green eyes. One ear-tip is black and the other is orange, and her paws are all black.
Backstory: Honeypaw doesn’t remember much before she stumbled into WillowClan’s camp a few moons ago. She’s been told that she suffered memory loss of her life before likely due to a huge bump on the head she had when she arrived, and she has vague recollections of being soaking wet and cold, but that’s all she can actively recall. Fernstar took her in and raised her, bringing her back to life and taking good care of her, almost as her own kit. Honeypaw spends more time trying to remember than she ever lets on.
Mate: None
Kits: None
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Hazelrah
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Hazelrah unhindered grandma

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Gender: Tom
Age: 32 Moons
Rank: Deputy
Personality: Stonefall is a genial, kind soul who is always willing to help out. He is fiercely loyal and a surprisingly vicious fighter for one so affable in nature. Stonefall has a kind word for everyone, respects his leader, and voices dissent or differing opinion very tactfully. While he may be a gentle spirit, soft-spoken and observant, Stonefall is also incredibly passionate and deeply articulate. He has a way of commanding the space around him even if he is speaking softly. His voice is naturally deep and warm to offset his piercing blue-green eyes.
Description: A sleekly muscled grey and black tabby, Stonefall’s fur is soft and dense, and has silver/white undertones. He is of medium build, not particularly long-legged or stout, but is pure muscle from moons of traveling and hunting and fighting. He has a scar along his left back hip from a particularly savage fight with a dog back in his village, just before he left. His eyes are piercing blue-green and expressive, and his tail transitions from grey tabby to a completely black tail-tip.
Backstory: Stonefall’s former life as a neighborhood stray lent itself to being a tom who loves adventure, craves purpose, and seeks companionship. He was born in a small two-leg village to a stray she-cat who called herself Faith; she named him Rocky, and his sisters were called Daisy and Lily. As they grew, their mother taught them how to beg from two-legs, how to hunt for mice in alleys, and how to stay safe from those who might try to catch them. But Rocky looked out beyond the village from atop the two-leg huts and saw miles and miles of trees, and yearned to see what they had in store for him. Soon after they turned 12 moons old, Daisy and Lily ended up becoming kittypets, opting to settle for a safe life inside a particularly cat-savvy two-leg who lured them in. But not Rocky. He alone stayed loyal to Faith, caring for her as she aged and eventually helping her to cross over into what he now knows as StarClan. As soon as he could, he journeyed into the forest. After many many moons of traveling, he met an exiled cat who simply went by Snow, who taught him all about Clan life. Snow tried to paint a picture of bureaucracy and trauma, but Rocky knew that Snow’s exile was justified, and was drawn to Clan life like moth to a flame. So he left Snow and continued to travel until he found fledgling WillowClan, at the age of 28 moons, where he was welcomed in as Warrior by Fernstar. After serving as Warrior for 3 moons, Fernstar promoted Stonefall to Deputy after Brambletail went missing and was not found.
Mate: None for now, major crush on Spidernose
Kits: None
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Age: 10 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Moosepaw is an easily excitable cat that often has trouble thinking through his actions. The bulky cat holds the clan and The Warrior Code in high esteem, and has done so since his kithood. He is casual and friendly with most clanmates, though he has stayed particularly (at times too) formal with his mentor Duskwing.
Description: Moosepaw is big. He a fluffy cat, with thick yet soft fur, and his fur is long enough that it is often too much for him to keep consistently well groomed. But the apprentice is more than just fluffy: underneath the fur is a well built, strong cat. Though not especially agile, he often makes up for it with physical strength and stamina. The bulky cat also has two different colored eyes, one green and one brown.
Backstory: Moosepaw was born a kittypet, and an only kit at that. He had a strange kithood, growing up alone with his mother for the first three moons of his life. When the Twolegs who cared for him and his mother stopped filling their foodbowls, his mother decided that they were better off hunting for themselves. The lazy mice around the barn were easy prey, so Moosepaw's mother assumed they could travel off of the Twoleg's territory for a couple moons and hunt on the way.
Moosepaw's mother was wrong. She was a bad hunter, who had never learned proper techniques while lazing about in a barn full of fat mice she hardly ate. The journey was a hard two moons, mostly subsisting off awful smelling and tasting carrion. Near the end of the journey, unknowingly on the edge of WillowClan territory, Moosepaw and his mother came across a badger. Moosepaw and his mother (mostly his mother) fought desperately against the creature, but it was hopeless from the start. Moosepaw fled after sustaining a heavy injury to his right flank, but Moosepaw's mother was too injured to even flee.
Mate: None
Kits: None
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 days ago

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Frogkit
Gender: She-cat
Age: 4 moons
Rank: Kit

Personality: Quite pacifistic and peaceful, Frogkit isn't much of a fighter but don't be lulled into a false sense of security. Just because she doesn't enjoy using her claws, doesn't mean she can't be troublesome! Frogkit has an insatiable curiosity for the world around her and can be found bugging Spidernose and any old cat in the Clan who will listen with questions of "Why? Why? Why?" near-constantly. It's best not to turn your back on her for too long or else you never know what she might get into. There has to be a way for Fernstar to make use of all this energetic curiosity, surely?

Appearance: Quite a bit fluffier than her sister, Frogkit seems to have taken after their mother's long, thick pelt rather than their father's sleek, short hair. She's the same cream colour, but her face, legs and tail are tortoiseshell instead of solid brown and of course sports the Siamese blue eyes as well.

Backstory: Her mother is a loner who makes her home in the area surrounding WillowClan's territory, their father is a purebred Siamese kittypet with a penchant for wandering quite far from home, who apparently took enough shine to Frogkit and Spidernose's mother to see her twice and father a second litter with her. She was simply named "Frog" at birth, and though she doesn't remember her other siblings' names, she was sure she had been part of a litter of at least three kits. Frog's mother nursed and cared for her for the first two moons of the kit's life, and once she was weaned, brought her to her elder sister Spidernose and asked her to return Frog to WillowClan as a sign of friendship between their mother and the Clan - though she knew she could never become a warrior of the Clan, she could gift them one more of her kits to add to their ranks, since Spidernose spoke so fondly of the Clan and seemed to have settled in well. Though she doesn't need milk, Frog, now named Frogkit, still needs to be watched with a careful eye as she has boundless energy, she has shown a particular interest in exploring the medicine den as of late. Perhaps she will spend more time in the medicine cat den in the future, only time will tell...
Mate: None for now, too young
Kits: None for now, she is one!
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