Modern Warlock
"I was given a gift, and I'll use it for good!....But if I get an epic adventure or two out of it, that's awesome too!"
[ NAME ]
Owen Gallard
Modern Warlock! (...He wanted to be called 'Modern Wizard', but apparently it was already taken)
Big O (his nickname at the Academy)
[ AGE ]
22 (give or take a year that he may have spent in a self-made timeloop)
Full-Time Hero, and proud of it! also hosts D&D on weekends if the week hasn't been super hectic
While on occasion you'll meet Owen as he is in the image; which is to say, fairly slender and well-built for his age, it's more often than not that you find him a bit on the stockier side, a trait relating to his ability. While Owen never gets fat per se, normally he's more...Broadly built. Luckily, his exercise routines keep him from looking pudgy. He typically stands on average about 5'10, give or take a few inches depending, and weighs solidly around 180 under normal circumstances.
Owen actually grows out his facial hair quite often, but it never quite seems to grow in all the way, so just as soon as you might see him with some, it'll just as quickly be shaved away. His hair is a pleasant blonde tone, and while not the cleanliest, it is clear enough he puts some effort into it, and his pale green eyes are almost always filled with energy and enthusiasm for what comes next.
When he's just a civilian on the street, Owen keeps it casual. A black beanie which gives him total hipster vibes is almost always a part of the ensemble, unless it's hotter than hell outside (and even then he'll try and manage), along with a grey t-shirt/sweatpants combo, complete with a tied-off checkered jacket that he wears proper during the colder months, and reddish thick boots with plenty of space for him to grow into, if he ends up shaving off a couple more pounds than he intends to...
For hero work, he dons his sorcerous cowl (basically just a black cloak) and brandishes his elder staff (literally just a big-ass, gnarled tree root) as none other than MODERN WARLOCK! He definitely looks a bit heavy on the dorky side in the get-up, but it helps him get stoked for combat, so....As long as it works.
Owen actually grows out his facial hair quite often, but it never quite seems to grow in all the way, so just as soon as you might see him with some, it'll just as quickly be shaved away. His hair is a pleasant blonde tone, and while not the cleanliest, it is clear enough he puts some effort into it, and his pale green eyes are almost always filled with energy and enthusiasm for what comes next.
When he's just a civilian on the street, Owen keeps it casual. A black beanie which gives him total hipster vibes is almost always a part of the ensemble, unless it's hotter than hell outside (and even then he'll try and manage), along with a grey t-shirt/sweatpants combo, complete with a tied-off checkered jacket that he wears proper during the colder months, and reddish thick boots with plenty of space for him to grow into, if he ends up shaving off a couple more pounds than he intends to...
For hero work, he dons his sorcerous cowl (basically just a black cloak) and brandishes his elder staff (literally just a big-ass, gnarled tree root) as none other than MODERN WARLOCK! He definitely looks a bit heavy on the dorky side in the get-up, but it helps him get stoked for combat, so....As long as it works.
BUDDY-BUDDY:Owen is an immensely friendly dude. Sometimes a bit too friendly...Even with people he hasn't met before, he treats them like old pals all the same, and that makes his real friendships all the stronger as well. However, it also means he tends to push a lot of boundaries, and can make less outgoing people more uncomfortable. It's never his intention, but it happens, and while he'll learn from it, well...Sometimes he can't resist a friendly shoulder bump or side hug.
FEARLESS & HEROIC:Owen is a nigh unshakeable individual, rooted all the way back on that faithful day so long ago...Regardless, he's known for his daring heroic acts, unwilling to let fear halt him for even a moment's breath! Sometimes, though, his heroic acts can borderline on self-sacrificial and reckless, and while he's aware that's not the healthiest way to go about it, he'll do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe.
DORK-TACULAR:In spite of his outward appearance at times, Owen is a total dweeb. I mean, his favorite hobby is Dungeons and Dragons, for crying out loud. He loves to read (particularly about epic journeys, so typically high fantasy is his cup of tea), and not just reading on Holo like a normal person. No...He reads hardbacks. Like a major dork. He also used to be a drama kid, which helps him play up his heroics very well.
SELF-DOUBT:While outwardly an outgoing, confident, and brave individual, he feels like he has a lot of pressure on his shoulders. Some of it he placed on himself...His desire to do so much as only one man is always heavy on his mind, and while it pushes him to greatness, it also slowly erodes at his mental state. Not to mention that, given the true nature of his power (which he's actually done his best to keep under wraps for some time), many people are expecting him to 'grow out' of using D&D spells as a 'template' of sorts, and start seriously using his power. But...He likes it how it is. If it ain't broke, right? Heh...The point is, while he can put on an excellent brave face, his real confidence in himself is really an in-the-moment thing, and not something he manages to carry around for long.
FEARLESS & HEROIC:Owen is a nigh unshakeable individual, rooted all the way back on that faithful day so long ago...Regardless, he's known for his daring heroic acts, unwilling to let fear halt him for even a moment's breath! Sometimes, though, his heroic acts can borderline on self-sacrificial and reckless, and while he's aware that's not the healthiest way to go about it, he'll do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe.
DORK-TACULAR:In spite of his outward appearance at times, Owen is a total dweeb. I mean, his favorite hobby is Dungeons and Dragons, for crying out loud. He loves to read (particularly about epic journeys, so typically high fantasy is his cup of tea), and not just reading on Holo like a normal person. No...He reads hardbacks. Like a major dork. He also used to be a drama kid, which helps him play up his heroics very well.
SELF-DOUBT:While outwardly an outgoing, confident, and brave individual, he feels like he has a lot of pressure on his shoulders. Some of it he placed on himself...His desire to do so much as only one man is always heavy on his mind, and while it pushes him to greatness, it also slowly erodes at his mental state. Not to mention that, given the true nature of his power (which he's actually done his best to keep under wraps for some time), many people are expecting him to 'grow out' of using D&D spells as a 'template' of sorts, and start seriously using his power. But...He likes it how it is. If it ain't broke, right? Heh...The point is, while he can put on an excellent brave face, his real confidence in himself is really an in-the-moment thing, and not something he manages to carry around for long.
[ BIO ]
Owen grew up on the East Flank, and he had a pretty solid childhood! Well, except for one thing...His dad, the guy little Owen looked up to so dearly, well...He was taken away from him early on in his life, about when he was four. However, it was a formative moment for the young man as well, because as ashamed as he'd be to admit it nowadays, when his dad was on his deathbed, hooked up and wired to half a dozen different gadgets and gizmos, well...His young brain thought that he'd stopped looking like his dad. It scared him. So much so that, when the moment came for him to have a chance to say goodbye to dad...He couldn't muster that courage.
From that day, Owen swore to himself that fear would never rule him again.
He was quick to follow through on that, too. As he grew up, Owen was never afraid of anything or anyone. He stood up for those who couldn't, a friendly smile always on his face; he wanted to be there for others when no one else could be, and be a shoulder willing to uplift anyone. That was the kind of person he wanted to be.
When he discovered his powers, well...It went from a state of mind to a state of being. He really could be there for anyone...If he became a hero.
However, his powers, even by some of the strangest standards in the books, was a peculiar one to comprehend. The power to make things he thought...Reality. It's the kind of ability so overwhelming in scope, that even trying to imagine a single use for it caused the poor guy to wrack his brain. Eventually, though, he found his muse.
While young Owen was quite the sporty guy, he had one dweebish hobby; Dungeons and Dragons. Before this came in his life, he found himself unable to properly use his power. But with the right outlet, anything was possible...Because now, the kind of heroes he could imagine himself as in that world could be a reality.
Thus, while it's far from what his power could really be for, he began using it to mimic spells in D&D. From a simple Mage Hand to help lift things around and handle chores, to the almighty Fireball!....Mom wasn't happy when he first tested that one in his room. Still, he was starting to learn how to really use his powers, and the magical arts of D&D gave him the perfect bag of tricks to work towards heroics in the real world!
At his soonest convenience, he sought to enroll in the Academy for Junior Heroes, and by 14, he did just that! However...His path got thorny rather quickly there. Not only did he not find many who were interested in his favorite pastime, but many folks, teachers included, remarked that he lacked focus; his powers gave him variety, yes, but since he never truly honed anything, he was considered a knock-off grab-bag of Meta abilities many other students could perform with more precision, power, and efficiency. Not to mention how utterly different his power was. It felt like no teacher could truly help him with this...
Thankfully, as it turned out, there was one man who could actually help him...Mr. Lindall. While there powers weren't exactly 1:1, anything even close to Owen's was more than he could ask for. Truth be told, Owen wasn't always the best student, but Mr. Lindall's passion for the work got the kid through his own self-doubt about this whole thing that had been compounded by what the others had thought of the young man and his ability.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end. His time at the Academy was invaluable, but it passed by all the same at his graduation. However, even after that, Owen was still a bit skeptical about entering the scene, still spending a couple of years on his own practicing his power, and occasionally visiting his favorite teacher.
However, by the time he was 21, he had gathered up the courage needed to step through the doors of HERO...And he came out as Modern Warlock. Since then, things've been...Something, for sure, but he wouldn't change it for the world.
From that day, Owen swore to himself that fear would never rule him again.
He was quick to follow through on that, too. As he grew up, Owen was never afraid of anything or anyone. He stood up for those who couldn't, a friendly smile always on his face; he wanted to be there for others when no one else could be, and be a shoulder willing to uplift anyone. That was the kind of person he wanted to be.
When he discovered his powers, well...It went from a state of mind to a state of being. He really could be there for anyone...If he became a hero.
However, his powers, even by some of the strangest standards in the books, was a peculiar one to comprehend. The power to make things he thought...Reality. It's the kind of ability so overwhelming in scope, that even trying to imagine a single use for it caused the poor guy to wrack his brain. Eventually, though, he found his muse.
While young Owen was quite the sporty guy, he had one dweebish hobby; Dungeons and Dragons. Before this came in his life, he found himself unable to properly use his power. But with the right outlet, anything was possible...Because now, the kind of heroes he could imagine himself as in that world could be a reality.
Thus, while it's far from what his power could really be for, he began using it to mimic spells in D&D. From a simple Mage Hand to help lift things around and handle chores, to the almighty Fireball!....Mom wasn't happy when he first tested that one in his room. Still, he was starting to learn how to really use his powers, and the magical arts of D&D gave him the perfect bag of tricks to work towards heroics in the real world!
At his soonest convenience, he sought to enroll in the Academy for Junior Heroes, and by 14, he did just that! However...His path got thorny rather quickly there. Not only did he not find many who were interested in his favorite pastime, but many folks, teachers included, remarked that he lacked focus; his powers gave him variety, yes, but since he never truly honed anything, he was considered a knock-off grab-bag of Meta abilities many other students could perform with more precision, power, and efficiency. Not to mention how utterly different his power was. It felt like no teacher could truly help him with this...
Thankfully, as it turned out, there was one man who could actually help him...Mr. Lindall. While there powers weren't exactly 1:1, anything even close to Owen's was more than he could ask for. Truth be told, Owen wasn't always the best student, but Mr. Lindall's passion for the work got the kid through his own self-doubt about this whole thing that had been compounded by what the others had thought of the young man and his ability.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end. His time at the Academy was invaluable, but it passed by all the same at his graduation. However, even after that, Owen was still a bit skeptical about entering the scene, still spending a couple of years on his own practicing his power, and occasionally visiting his favorite teacher.
However, by the time he was 21, he had gathered up the courage needed to step through the doors of HERO...And he came out as Modern Warlock. Since then, things've been...Something, for sure, but he wouldn't change it for the world.
Eldritch Blast! - Eldritch Blast is, well...A blast of forceful energy, from either his staff or, if necessary, his hands. They act as concussive blasts, and can be fired in quick succession (able to launch about four within a handful of seconds, and they travel as impressive speeds). Perfect for subduing low-danger threats, like villain grunts, or acting as a distraction. It also has a low consumption of energy, so it makes it effective to pepper out.
Mage Hand! - Mage Hand is a utility ability by all means. He simply creates a small, blueish tinged hand in the air. It can lift about a dozen lbs., and can be commanded mentally by Owen to do menial tasks. He uses it very commonly in casual settings, like cracking open a soda and giving him a sip from it while he pages through a new book. It also takes very little energy to manifest, and none to maintain.
Absorb Elements! - It's shocking (heh) how often elemental assaults come into play as a Hero, whether it's a villain trying to cook you alive, or maybe you're just caught up in a teammate's massive lightning blast! Regardless, Absorb Elements is just what the doctor ordered. Temporarily, it grants Owen incredible resilience to the elements (fire, cold, lightning, and less commonly useful, acid and sound-based assaults) and absorbs it into him, granting a few of his strikes or a smack of his Elder Staff a bit of elemental punch to 'em! The best offense is a good defense, after all! Speaking of...
Shield! - If you aren't getting cooked and/or blasted, then Shield is what you probably need. Put simply, it forms a temporary but potent barrier of kinetic force around Owen, which is incredibly effective against most physical forms of assault, like blades, firearms, or giant crushing fists.
Enhance Ability! - Owen might not be naturally superhuman, but with a touch of Enhance Ability, that's a different story! This nifty trick can temporarily enhance a facet of an individual, such as their strength or agility. He can also use it on others, to incredible results! However, this is an ability that needs his focus, and if he tries to spread too many focus-necessary spells around, it'll probably overwhelm him. He typically sticks to one at a time for abilities like these.
Enlarge/Reduce! - While it isn't always the most helpful, it is always fun. Using this, Owen enlarges or reduces a creature's size, either doubling or halving it. If used on an unwilling target, it usually requires much more focus on his part to actually use the ability. This ability isn't typically super useful, but sometimes, making a really buff dude suddenly 15 ft. tall is worth it.
Fireball! - Ah, a time-honored classic...While Owen does have quite a few dangerous options up his sleeve, most pale in comparison to the destructive might of the Fireball. A massive explosive of flaming goodness can send even the strongest villains packing! Though it ain't easy to shoot them out willy nilly, and they do have a tendency to cause heavy property damage...
Haste! - Have you ever needed to be just a little faster? Maybe quicker to the draw, to dodge that important attack? Owen's got just the thing! Haste, while requiring his focus like Enlarge/Reduce and Enhance Ability, it totally worth it, as the recipient gets a great increase to their speed and reaction time, and a touch more durable as well! It's a great package deal, and if he gives it to the right person, it can make a huge difference!
Here, I'm going to list some of Owen's go-to 'spells'.
Eldritch Blast! - Eldritch Blast is, well...A blast of forceful energy, from either his staff or, if necessary, his hands. They act as concussive blasts, and can be fired in quick succession (able to launch about four within a handful of seconds, and they travel as impressive speeds). Perfect for subduing low-danger threats, like villain grunts, or acting as a distraction. It also has a low consumption of energy, so it makes it effective to pepper out.
Mage Hand! - Mage Hand is a utility ability by all means. He simply creates a small, blueish tinged hand in the air. It can lift about a dozen lbs., and can be commanded mentally by Owen to do menial tasks. He uses it very commonly in casual settings, like cracking open a soda and giving him a sip from it while he pages through a new book. It also takes very little energy to manifest, and none to maintain.
Absorb Elements! - It's shocking (heh) how often elemental assaults come into play as a Hero, whether it's a villain trying to cook you alive, or maybe you're just caught up in a teammate's massive lightning blast! Regardless, Absorb Elements is just what the doctor ordered. Temporarily, it grants Owen incredible resilience to the elements (fire, cold, lightning, and less commonly useful, acid and sound-based assaults) and absorbs it into him, granting a few of his strikes or a smack of his Elder Staff a bit of elemental punch to 'em! The best offense is a good defense, after all! Speaking of...
Shield! - If you aren't getting cooked and/or blasted, then Shield is what you probably need. Put simply, it forms a temporary but potent barrier of kinetic force around Owen, which is incredibly effective against most physical forms of assault, like blades, firearms, or giant crushing fists.
Enhance Ability! - Owen might not be naturally superhuman, but with a touch of Enhance Ability, that's a different story! This nifty trick can temporarily enhance a facet of an individual, such as their strength or agility. He can also use it on others, to incredible results! However, this is an ability that needs his focus, and if he tries to spread too many focus-necessary spells around, it'll probably overwhelm him. He typically sticks to one at a time for abilities like these.
Enlarge/Reduce! - While it isn't always the most helpful, it is always fun. Using this, Owen enlarges or reduces a creature's size, either doubling or halving it. If used on an unwilling target, it usually requires much more focus on his part to actually use the ability. This ability isn't typically super useful, but sometimes, making a really buff dude suddenly 15 ft. tall is worth it.
Fireball! - Ah, a time-honored classic...While Owen does have quite a few dangerous options up his sleeve, most pale in comparison to the destructive might of the Fireball. A massive explosive of flaming goodness can send even the strongest villains packing! Though it ain't easy to shoot them out willy nilly, and they do have a tendency to cause heavy property damage...
Haste! - Have you ever needed to be just a little faster? Maybe quicker to the draw, to dodge that important attack? Owen's got just the thing! Haste, while requiring his focus like Enlarge/Reduce and Enhance Ability, it totally worth it, as the recipient gets a great increase to their speed and reaction time, and a touch more durable as well! It's a great package deal, and if he gives it to the right person, it can make a huge difference!
Owen is given a generous score here. While normally he'd land about a 3/10, he has ways of improving his own physique through Imagination, which allow him to measure up to the average super-muscled individual...Roughly, at least. Get ready, because this is going to be for a lot of his things. 5/10.
Yet again, sparing him a bit more than he deserves. While he was on track, and is no slouch when it comes to training, he'd probably still earn a 2/10 here if it weren't for some tricks up his sleeve, most notably Haste, which can allow him to match car speeds fairly casually, and Fly, which can allow him (or others) to, well...Fly. 5/10.
Owen's a pretty smart kid when he puts his mind to something...But rarely puts his mind to something unless there are dire straits, or he has a dungeon to plan out before Sunday comes to kick his DM rear. 3/10.
In truth, Owen could score quite a bit higher on his Destructiveness scale, but he tends to stray away from using his powers that cause too much widespread damage when he can. Still, they are there, ready to be used...5/10.
In a similar case to Destructiveness, he keeps his more dangerous, lethal powers in reserve. Mostly because those are the ones that eat up too much energy, but also because of the inherent deadly nature some of them possess, such as Fireball. Again, though, there is always the potential.... 5/10.
Owen has a particular focus on defensive tricks to protect others and himself, so it earns him a higher slot here. Things like Absorb Elements and Shield provide him with a variety of defenses, and more generically strong options like Stoneskin (which makes him quite resilient to physical attacks, as well as making his punches and whatnot hurt more due to the sheer durability he gains) grant him a lot of protective prowess. 7/10.
The power to create things out of nothing has to come from something....And that something is Owen. The reason he so freely puts on pounds and eats like garbage is because his power consumes spare energy and fat to power itself, before turning to more...Vital sources. If overtaxed, his power would eventually cause him to pass out, or worse, die outright. However, this is rarely a problem, since he actually understands how to be fairly conservative with his power. Mostly. 3/10.
With Imagination, anything could be possible.
Owen's power is, quite simply, to make his imagination a reality. However, that kind of power was not made for human hands...Much less a guy just getting out of his teens. As such, in his time training to become a Hero, he simplified his power in order to use it more properly, instead choosing to emulate many of the Spells present in his favorite TTRPG, Dungeons and Dragons.
This offers him lots of variably. In fact, it's still a bit overwhelming to him; not quite as bad as the full scope of his potential, but still a hefty load to keep track of. As such, while he's capable of producing a plethora of effects, it's hard for him to use most without a bit of prepwork, essentially preparing a few 'spells' in mind for the days' work.
The limitations to Owen's Powers are as follows;
1: Creating things burns internal energy, starting excess (like fat and spare sugars and whatnot), but could eventually burn through more essential parts of his body until he inevitably dies.
2: The higher complexity of something he attempts to do, the harder it is to both make it happen and maintain it, both from the energy standpoint and a mental one. If he creates something that needs to last and it isn't just an attack, he needs to be able to focus on it. Excessive distractions or taking enough damage could break his focus. Not to mention if something made isn't one-and-done, it is consistently burning through his reserves while it lasts.
3: While his power is essentially creation on a wide scale, he has to shrink it down a lot to even wrap his head around it; thus, using D&D spells as a way to hone in on his Powers. He can realistically come up with anything, but having that much potential sorta fries his head and makes it hard for him to figure out what to actually do, so he purposefully shortened his options, essentially. So while it lacks an upper scale of sorts, it's moreso that he can't really comprehend the huge scope, and leaves that part of his Power unattended.
Owen's power is, quite simply, to make his imagination a reality. However, that kind of power was not made for human hands...Much less a guy just getting out of his teens. As such, in his time training to become a Hero, he simplified his power in order to use it more properly, instead choosing to emulate many of the Spells present in his favorite TTRPG, Dungeons and Dragons.
This offers him lots of variably. In fact, it's still a bit overwhelming to him; not quite as bad as the full scope of his potential, but still a hefty load to keep track of. As such, while he's capable of producing a plethora of effects, it's hard for him to use most without a bit of prepwork, essentially preparing a few 'spells' in mind for the days' work.
The limitations to Owen's Powers are as follows;
1: Creating things burns internal energy, starting excess (like fat and spare sugars and whatnot), but could eventually burn through more essential parts of his body until he inevitably dies.
2: The higher complexity of something he attempts to do, the harder it is to both make it happen and maintain it, both from the energy standpoint and a mental one. If he creates something that needs to last and it isn't just an attack, he needs to be able to focus on it. Excessive distractions or taking enough damage could break his focus. Not to mention if something made isn't one-and-done, it is consistently burning through his reserves while it lasts.
3: While his power is essentially creation on a wide scale, he has to shrink it down a lot to even wrap his head around it; thus, using D&D spells as a way to hone in on his Powers. He can realistically come up with anything, but having that much potential sorta fries his head and makes it hard for him to figure out what to actually do, so he purposefully shortened his options, essentially. So while it lacks an upper scale of sorts, it's moreso that he can't really comprehend the huge scope, and leaves that part of his Power unattended.
Owen is given a generous score here. While normally he'd land about a 3/10, he has ways of improving his own physique through Imagination, which allow him to measure up to the average super-muscled individual...Roughly, at least. Get ready, because this is going to be for a lot of his things. 5/10.
Yet again, sparing him a bit more than he deserves. While he was on track, and is no slouch when it comes to training, he'd probably still earn a 2/10 here if it weren't for some tricks up his sleeve, most notably Haste, which can allow him to match car speeds fairly casually, and Fly, which can allow him (or others) to, well...Fly. 5/10.
Owen's a pretty smart kid when he puts his mind to something...But rarely puts his mind to something unless there are dire straits, or he has a dungeon to plan out before Sunday comes to kick his DM rear. 3/10.
In truth, Owen could score quite a bit higher on his Destructiveness scale, but he tends to stray away from using his powers that cause too much widespread damage when he can. Still, they are there, ready to be used...5/10.
In a similar case to Destructiveness, he keeps his more dangerous, lethal powers in reserve. Mostly because those are the ones that eat up too much energy, but also because of the inherent deadly nature some of them possess, such as Fireball. Again, though, there is always the potential.... 5/10.
Owen has a particular focus on defensive tricks to protect others and himself, so it earns him a higher slot here. Things like Absorb Elements and Shield provide him with a variety of defenses, and more generically strong options like Stoneskin (which makes him quite resilient to physical attacks, as well as making his punches and whatnot hurt more due to the sheer durability he gains) grant him a lot of protective prowess. 7/10.
The power to create things out of nothing has to come from something....And that something is Owen. The reason he so freely puts on pounds and eats like garbage is because his power consumes spare energy and fat to power itself, before turning to more...Vital sources. If overtaxed, his power would eventually cause him to pass out, or worse, die outright. However, this is rarely a problem, since he actually understands how to be fairly conservative with his power. Mostly. 3/10.
If you ever wanted to try out a tabletop, or need a way to speed your off-days in heroics, and you're into some nerdy shit (or at least willing to give it a shot), hit up Owen; he's a long-time Dungeon Master and always excited for new blood in the game.
Owen's hero gear of his Sorcerous Cowl and Elder Staff, while normally just a black cloak and a gnarly old tree root, are empowered by Imagination, and help to protect him and focus his abilities. It does look incredibly nerdy though.