It Is Cold For July

It is July 24th, 2009. The place is Hildon, New Hampshire. Population: 4,536. Located directly next to the Second Conneticut Lake, Hildon is a little known holiday resort for those that enjoy long hikes, lazy fishing, and a peaceful atmosphere in the summer months. Alas, the Great Recession has put an end to much of that. Although a few holidaymakers have still ventured forth to Hildon, the town is unusually quiet, and something has been wrong as of late. The local sherrif's office is persuing not one, but two missing person's cases, and the normally welcoming Algonquian reservation has gone quiet, refusing most guests outright. Worse yet, for some inexplicable reason the weather has been growing far colder than it has any right to. A bitter cold has gusted down, blanketing this tip of New Hampshire with summer snow, harsh enough to isolate some of the smaller communities. Something is badly wrong in this small New Hampshire town, and as a blizzard rolls in and the arteries to and from Hildon are squeezed shut, seeing the weather warm again has gone from a guarentee to a tenuous prospect indeed.
You take the role of someone in the small community of Hildon this unfortuante summer. Be you a local, a holidaymaker, or something else entirely, you have had the poor fortune to be here now. The last opportunity to leave was two days ago, and panic-buying has stripped the shop and the convenience store that service the community bare of supplies. Something is wrong, and uncovering what it is might just be the only way you'll avoid ending up buried beneath the rapidly-descending snow.
This will be a small group of hopefully dedicated players who want to stick out the slow points, uncover the mysteries beneath Hildon, and make it out of this town alive.
We have a Discord Channel.