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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

Sara let out a bit of a squeak as Benjamin moved away from her, but she felt the air in the room shift into something more saddening. She watched as Benjamin touched Ari's shoulder and spoke to her, she watched as the 'angry' spirit seemed to calm a little.

Dia didn't even say anything as Benjamin moved over to them, as soon as he was beside her, she pulled him into a hug and cried silently, apart from the odd hiccup or sob, into his chest.
Ari kind of just stared at the ground after Benjamin spoke to her, could they even see her? Dia obviously was seen as staff, but... her?
She looked up to Sara for a moment before she moved to lean against the wall, sliding down it to sit against the ground with her knees to her chest.
"D...Did we... do something bad?" She started slowly, Sara stayed on the other side of the room, but shook her head slightly. "I... I didn't think the connection would be... severed. I didn't... I didn't ask to be solid, I... I was attacked." Ari kind of babbled, mainly to herself.

Ray glared towards the guard as he spoke about Dia.
"Are you all fucking delusional? That bitch wasn't- Isn't staff!" She sneered with a a bit of her teeth bared. She stepped back and moved to slammed into the door with what force she could give; stumbling back and fell onto her ass with a growl. "Let me out of here you twat." She hissed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Benjamin held Dia in his arms, but he looked at Ari when she spoke. "Ari, neither of you are to blame for what happened. Maybe it was inevitable; after Dia became solid, you had moments too. We don't know how it happened or why it happened, but Ray reacted out of proportion. I can understand worry or sadness, but this kind of aggression..."

He gently rubbed Dia's back as he spoke. The last thing he had expected was to see Ray like that. "By who were you attacked?" he asked Ari.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

Ari nodded at Benjamins' words, still unsure if it wasn't her fault or not. "She hasn't been without us in her mind for... years." She started, "Maybe she... Maybe all that anger to her family? To the world? Since it's treated her so... Badly?" She started, trying to figure out what was happening.
Dia stayed in Benjamins' arms, but she had stopped hiccuping before she sniffled and kept hugging Benjamin. She started to breathe more calmly, she moved her head away from him and moved to wipe away the tears before she looked over to Ari before looking to Sara.

Sara stayed quietly by the door, she had closed it but she kind of idly stood there. She listened in carefully as Ari seemed to lift her head at Benjamin asking who attacked her.
"I... He was weird. I'd seen him a few times before, he might be new?" Ari started, Both Sara and Dia seemed to pause and glanced towards each other, as if they both knew what, or who she was talking about. "He had inky black tendrils and he had pure black eyes and-"
"Josh." Dia said, Sara blinked in surprise but she nodded once.
"I knew he was weird." Sara said softly.
"He's a... memopath, feeds of memories and emotions. Of course he got a hold of you." Dia said with a frown.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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What Ari said made sense, maybe there was a lot of pent-up anger inside her. Anger she had always kept down, but got unleashed with the shock of feeling Ari's connection disappear. Still, to blame and attack Dia, who had been with her for so long. He didn't understand it.
At least Dia was noticeably calmer now and he almost sighed in relief when she to participate in the conversation about Josh.
That was also something to keep in mind - what did Josh do and could they trust him? Could he help them escape or did he have his own agenda?
"I want to check on Ray," he said, "but I'm not sure if taking you two with me is the best thing to do," he said to Ari and Dia. "Her seeing Ari being okay will help, of course, but she's an unknown person to the staff and will probably be removed from the facility."

The guard had ignored Ray; he wouldn't let her out and he certainly wouldn't respond to the namecalling. That happened so often it didn't even bother him. He checked the time, the psychiatrist would probably come in about an hour, and then she could assess whether or not Ray could be released or not.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

"Josh... Might help." Sara started, looking away from Dia's look as she smiled towards Benjamin, as if reading his mind, "He's... A weirdo, but I think... Someone on his level might be able to convince him."
"On his level in terms of his gender." Dia said with a nod, "It's... Not that he's misogynistic, he's..."
"Afraid of females." Sara said with a bit of a laugh, "It might be something about his species, but he sees us as a threat to him." Dia nodded in agreement before she glanced to Benjamin.

"Take Sara with you." Ari offered, "Ray has always had a soft spot for Sara, plus the staff know her."
"We'll... Stay here and try to hide if anyone comes in." Dia said with a smile, "Unless Sara wants to give us the go ahead for her room, people don't check there."
"I... Could do that." Sara said hesitantly before nodding once, "If Benjamin wants me to come along."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

Benjamin listened to everything the girls around him talked about. "Okay," he said at the end. "I will talk with Josh after Sara and I checked up on Ray. I wanted to take Sara to see her too, staff know her." He turned to Sara. "So, shall we go?" then he turned to Dia. "And we'll see you at Sara's room then?"

While he had seen Josh once, that was with Dia and his first impression of him wasn't favourable. But he could try and have a word with him with no one that would make him feel threatened, which meant he'd have to do it alone. He had a few more questions about Josh, but that would have to wait until after they had visited Ray.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

Dia listened to Benjamin before giving him a nod before she looked to Ari as Ari moved to offer her hand to help Dia up.
The two once-was Spirits slipped out of the bedroom and snuck down the halls towards Sara's room.

Sara stood silently as the girls left before she looked over to Benjamin as he spoke to her. She blinked before she zoned back in with a bit of a gasp.
"Yes, of course." She said with an embarrassed smile, "I'm sorry, would you like me to lead?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

"No need," Benjamin said as he left the room and glanced around to see if staff was around. Luckily they were not. "I know where it is, we can walk there together."
He waited for Sara to join him before he started walking towards the isolation cells. It was sad this place needed them.
But were they really needed?

He thought back to Ray's behaviour earlier that day and hoped she wasn't angry anymore.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

Sara nodded gently and started to follow him slowly, "Okay." She started, there was no staff around her, so she could start to relax a bit more. She felt herself breathe in and out a lot easier now. She had relaxed, Benjamin had a calming aura to her- maybe it was the fact he could potentially see her dark spirit and scared it off, maybe he just had that ability to him.
"You've seen the green room right?" She asked, trying to make small talk more than anything.

Ray sat in her cell angrily, she had tried another strike at the guard and had to be drugged again so she just sat in the back, her anger stewing silently as she stared at the wall, wishing she could stare at it hard enough to burn a hole through so she could escape.
"You're lucky I'm stuck in here..." She grumbled a threat to the guard, her cheek slightly bruised from where he had struck her to get her off the bars. "You couldn't take me on..." She hissed, "Cocky bastard."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

Benjamin turned to Sara when she asked her question about the green room, a friendly smile on his face. "Green room?" he repeated. "The only special rooms I've seen so far are the padded room they are keeping Ray in, a white room where we had light therapy, and that enclosed garden."

His smile faltered when he thought back to that garden. He really wanted to be outside again, but that small bit of outdoor was closed off. While he had considered it kind at the time they had let him in there, now he considered it cruel they had let him have a taste of that and then keep it out of his reach. A reward for good behaviour, just another ploy to get him to follow their rules and swallow their medication.

"What makes the green room special?" he asked.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

Sara smiled to him as he spoke, "The little enclosed garden is what I call the Green Room." She said with a weak chuckle, "I spent... a while in there when I first came. It was the only place that made me calm enough to not have a full blown panic attack." She gave another laugh, this time it was more embarrassed.
"Light Therapy only really works if you're not an anxious mess and get overwhelmed by too much light." She said, more to herself before she gave a bigger smile to Benjamin.

"I can try and get the keys for the green room if you wanna go back in there, it won't be too hard of a thing to do." She offered to him, "Of course, only if you'd want to. I don't want you to feel pressured about it." She looked up towards the guards as they got to the padded area, one of them had what looked to be a fresh wound of someone scratching their face.
"Ray." She said quietly, a frown on her face.

The guard looked over to Sara before looking to Benjamin with a bit of a sneer.
"This one get violent?" He asked immediately, looking to Sara, "Why the hell did they send you? Or is it you that needs to be locked up?" His sneer turned into a bit of a smirk, as if he knew something.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

Benjamin didn't answer the question yet. Yes, he wanted to go back there. Being locked inside all day was terrible. But, he wasn't sure if it was worth the risk. If he wasn't supposed to be there, he and Sara could get in trouble for it. It was a dilemma, but at least it was one he didn't have to solve immediately, as they reached the place where Ray was locked up.

"I was told we could be allowed to see other patients when they are here," he said, gesturing to the door. "It helps us realize what can happen if we don't take our pills, and it may help the other patient to get a grip on reality again. So, because of this, I wanted to know if you would allow me to see how Ray is doing."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

Sara tensed up beside Benjamin as the Guard moved to sneer at her, she was about to speak until Benjamin interrupted. She nodded gently at his words as she tried to straighten up to make herself look more official.
"I mean," The guard started with his attention now on Benjamin again, "If you want to try and get through to the crazy bitch feel free. It's dangerous going into the room but if you want to I can let you into the loons cage."

Ray stared at the wall before she heard Benjamins' voice, she couldn't put together the words in her drugged state and slowly pulled herself up. "Here to laugh at me?!" She yelled angrily, her words slurred. Her cheek throbbed as she yelled, causing her to fall back onto her back with a grumble.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

Benjamin went to the door so he could see Ray. "Why would I laugh at you?" he asked. "I only wanted to see how you are doing."
There was a look of concern on his face as watched her lying on the floor. She didn't sound good, but the slurring was probably due to the sedative. Despite the sedative, she seemed aware and angry, which wasn't good.

A part of him wanted to believe Ray wouldn't hurt him, but he had to admit he'd rather not go inside and be locked in with Ray in her current state. Being locked in somewhere was never a preferable option, but he feared she might still be hostile, even to him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

"I'm doing fucking fine." Ray replied angrily, moving to kick her legs in the air to try and pull herself up. "Why do you care?" She stared at Sara with fire in her eyes. "You're part of this shithole, why do you even care?"

Sara hesitated at her words, "Ray you know I'm your friend." She said, Ray only laughing in response before she frowned a bit more, "You know its true Ray, why are you saying these things? Is it because of the others? They're fine! I promise."
Ray scoffed at her words, looking back at the wall. "You all know I'm just a monster anyway, a fucking weirdo." She growled to them with a sigh, tears welled at her eyes. She was happy they decided to come see her but she wasn't sure why they came when they had Ari and Dia here.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

Benjamin was lost for words. Why wouldn't he care? As far as he remembered, he hadn't done anything that implied he didn't care about her? Hadn't they become friends?
At least Sara seemed to know what to say, but why was Ray referring to herself as a monster?
"You're not a monster," Benjamin replied. "Would we have come if we thought you were? We just want you-" he glanced at the guards, they were definitely listening and he knew he had to be careful with his words. "We all want you back with us. That what happened this morning, I understand why were like that, but everyone is fine. We need you."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

"You have the other two." Ray said, "Why bother coming back for the crazy Witch Bitch." She huffed.
"Ray." Sara said with a serious tone, "We want you as well, you're our friend. Even if you don't have the others in you."
"You two both sound crazy." The guard said with an eyeroll, "I'm surprised I haven't needed to lock either of you up yet." He scoffed before he glanced to Sara, "Or again for that matter."

"Fuck of Larry." Sara said suddenly, sneering at the guard with a glare. "I'm going in." She said to Benjamin before she walked into the padded room with Ray. "Come on. You're coming with us." She moved and grabbed Ray and lifted her up with a grunt.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

"Sara..." Benjamin began, glancing at the guards. "I don't think you can do that..."
Would they get into trouble if Sara would just free Ray from the cell? The guards would surely tell what happened here, if they wouldn't stop this from happening.
He stayed outside; he wasn't going to get inside and potentially get into trouble if he could help it. Sure, Ray didn't deserve to be in there, but she had been aggressive towards Dia and he had to admit to himself he worried about Dia more than about Ray.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 23 min ago

Ray just allowed Sara to lift her up, staring at her quietly before she looked towards the guard.
"He's right." Ray said, almost dismissively, Sara gave a small huff and let her go, gently shoving her back to the wall to keep her on her feet. "I'll be out in no time, don't worry." Ray waved her arm towards Sara as she walked out.

Sara sighed angrily, gritting her teeth as she left the cell and closed the door.
Larry laughed and opened his mouth to speak before Sara shot a glare towards him, "Don't fucking say anything." She said before she crossed her arms and started to walk down the hall, not speaking to Benjamin.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 11 hrs ago

Benjamin watched Sara walk away, then glanced inside the room where Ray was. "I'll come back as soon as I can," he promised her, he greeted the guards with a smile and a nod, and he left to follow Sara. The fact she didn't even say anything and just walked off like that without him didn't bode well. He ran a bit to catch up with her.
"Sara," he began carefully when he was a step behind her and slowed down to match her speed. He thought about how to phrase it.
"I'm sure she'll be free soon," he told her. "I understand why you wanted to get her out now, but... it would only get you into trouble."

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