Height: 5’9, medium lean and muscular build.
Complexion: Fair, evidence - small nicks and scars - of his experience in combat. Dark blonde hair clipped to a French crop. Hazel eyes. Facial hair generally well kept and short.
Attire: Everyday clothes are usually understated, plain linen; a long-sleeve belted tunic, trousers with leg wraps and leather shoes or low cut boot, leather bracers, fit for sparring or riding. Court clothes would include an embroidered quilted tunic (belted) dyed in a deep red or blue over a shirt, and appropriately matching trousers and tall leather boots, a dense fur-trimmed cloak is worn across one shoulder closed together with a heavy silver ouroboros broach, and some articles of jewellery; necklaces and rings.
Erick is the middle child of King Henrick, who rules the northern Kingdom of Jörda. The fringes of the country begin at the other side of the river that cuts through Sahas, they have hard borders up against several Gilthan states in the far north and west, meaning the Kingdom has been involved in conflicts for some time to push back Gilthan advance. Fortunately, much of the northern terrain is hilly and mountainous and larger settlements in Jörda are heavily fortified, King Henrick however fears these advantages will not be sufficient to halt enemy advances indefinitely, and has therefore decided that an alliance with Astalia will be necessary in the preservation of the sovereignty of Jörda.
Jörda has fertile land centrally and south towards the river, highly self sufficient in growing crops for textiles and food, it’s people, whom are predominantly human, are also skilled boat builders; they make use of the river for freshwater fishing as well as occasional access to the Eastern sea where settlements aren’t near the coast. The mountainous regions are rich in ores and some precious metals, consequently, Jörda produces some of the hardest metal weaponry. Jörda traders abroad may be seen with wares such as animal pelts, textiles, and fine crafted weapons and jewellery.
Erick’s older brother Andor, whom was the eldest of the three children, was killed some months ago in a bloody battle at the northern front, from which Erick has returned after completing his brother’s work. He is a skilled swordsman, equestrian and archer. There has been little time for Erick to pursue other interests outside the scope of warfare, as the country is embroiled in perpetual conflict, and he has been tasked with defending the people of Jörda.