Full Name: Tomoyasu “Tommy” Miyazoko Age: 17 DOB: July 29th, 2007 POB: Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, California, United States Height: 5’11” Weight: 174 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown Voice: John Cho’s Spike Spiegel from the live action Cowboy Bebop Example 1 /// Example 2 Theme:Go Green Ranger Go (Metal Cover)
Special Talents & Skills
Fluent in English, Japanese, & Spanish (Speak, Read, & Write) Unwavering Charisma (Charming, Persuasive, & Confident) Mixed Martial Arts Training (Moderate) Gifted Musician (Singing, Songwriting, Electric Guitar) Inherited Culinary Techniques (Traditional Japanese Cuisine)
Scanned Lifeforms
Green Dragon
Air Sylph
Mystic Cheetah
Powers & Abilities
Green Pyrokinesiss
Enhanced Speed, Agility, & Reflexes
Weapons & Gear
Green Dragon Nanosuit (about the size of a belt buckle when compressed, rapidly spreads out and covers the entire body when activated)
Dual Dragon Daggers (short twin blades that can channel Dragonfire abilities)
Dragon Master Sword (the two Daggers can fuse together to form a longer blade for greater control of the channeled powers)
Green Zord Booster Mech (mechanical exosuit that further enhances power output)
Tommy was born into an interracial household, his father being of Japanese descent, his mother Irish-American. While there was warmth and love aplenty in his home, at school, it was a different story. He found himself the target of racism and discrimination, and a handful of kids claiming to be gangmembers tormented him incessantly. After receiving a broken arm from one of these beatings, the young boy became determined to learn how to defend himself, and started taking Karate classes.
By the time Tommy had reached his teens, his dedication to training his mind and body had earned him not only a blackbelt in Karate, but varying levels of proficiency in a handful of other disciplines as well, such as Kickboxing, Judo, Muay Thai, Lethwei, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Krav Maga. His obsession with learning as many aggressive fighting styles as possible began to concern his parents, and he often spent entire weekends traveling around the Los Angeles area to seek out various instructors, some of whom would outright refuse to teach him further upon realizing how much anger he had pent up.
Despite all this training, he had not lifted a hand against the bullies who continued to torment him and his friends, wanting to savor the anger and waiting to strike until he felt confident enough that he could sufficiently harm his abusers. He was harboring increasingly dark and violent thoughts, deriving joy from the thought of making those punks bleed and punishing bullies everywhere.
That all came to a boiling point when Tommy was thirteen, after one of their tormentors came after him and his friends in the park with a baseball bat, threatening to smash their knees if they didn’t hand over their lunch money. This was the final straw, and the young martial artist finally unleashed his fury, severely wounding all six of their attackers with his bare hands. He then kicked the leg of the boy who had carried the bat, giving the punk a limp that would plague him for the rest of his life.
In the aftermath of the conflict, Tommy was sent to juvenile detention as a result of his unnecessary brutality, and ordered to undergo counseling and anger management. His parents were horribly disappointed in him, and his father scolded him for using martial arts for vengeance. This all had a profound effect on the boy, and by the time he was released from state custody a few months later, his entire outlook had shifted. He began implementing breathing techniques and meditation into his daily routine, as well as focusing on less harmful martial arts, such as Tai Chi and Aikido.
To help his recovery, his parents moved away from Little Tokyo and settled in a much nicer suburb of Los Angeles, Angel Grove. Once in his new home, he committed himself to changing his life and helping others, and began an after school program at the Youth Center for bullied kids to learn non-violent self defense. He also engaged in a number of charitable community service activities, such as clean-ups and fundraisers for various causes. His parents were visibly proud of the transformation their son had undergone, and he became quite popular around the neighborhood.
The following Autumn, he began his freshman year at Angel Grove High, making a number of friends with his consistently upbeat and kind personality, chief among them Finn Logan. The two boys formed a strong bond, often working out together at the Youth Center. It was there they eventually met Helia Chilman, who joined their “adventuring party,” as they called it, whether that was hiking in the woods or helping out their local community.
In addition to his time training and instructing his self-defense classes, Tommy had begun dabbling in computers and video games, and got to a point where he considered himself relatively tech-savvy. He also learned to sing, write songs, and shred electric guitar, though his never-ending martial arts education was always his greatest passion.
Up until the Summer he turned seventeen, his life had been fairly normal by human standards. But after attending a fundraiser at Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum, the lives of Tommy and his friends would drastically change forever...
Shelby the Silver Dragon Ranger
Full Name: Shelby Watkins Age: 16 DOB: October 31st, 2007 POB: Angel Grove, Los Angeles, California, United States Height: 5’6” Weight: 123 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown Voice:Camille Hyde Theme:Pride by SCANDAL
Special Talents & Skills
High Intelligence (Life Science, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Linguistics, History, Art, & Literature) Fluent in Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Greek, Latin, Tolkien Elvish {Quenya & Sindarin}, & Klingon (Speak, Read & Write) Polished Artist (Manga-style Drawing & Digital Painting) Capable Writer (Blogs & Journalism) Mixed Martial Arts Training (Novice)
Scanned Lifeforms
Silver Dragon
Metal Golem
Powers & Abilities
Weapons & Gear
Silver Dragon Nanosuit (about the size of a belt buckle when compressed, rapidly spreads out and covers the entire body when activated) [imagine this as silver instead of white]
Dragon Frostsaber
Icebolt Wand
Silver Zord Booster Mech (mechanical exosuit that further enhances power output)
Shelby was born to wealthy corporate parents, who earned a considerable fortune through their majority-owned dairy company, Watkins Creamery. It was always assumed that she would one day take over the family business, but she really had no desire whatsoever to do so. Her dream was to attend Caltech, so she could stay close to home but still get a top-of-the-line education.
In school, the young girl tended to find herself the target of bullying for being a shameless geek and otaku, but she never apologized for being who she was. She embraced her inner nerd completely, and even excelled ahead of her classmates, arriving at Angel Grove High a year early. It was there she met Tommy Miyazoko, who playfully teased her for thinking anime was an accurate representation of how Japanese people spoke. They formed a close bond, and he even taught her the language properly. It was this that ignited her love for linquisitics, and she would go on to learn multiple other tongues.
By the time Shelby entered her Junior year, she had already earned enough credits to graduate through all her extra-curricular activities, and she was earning top marks in all her classes. But the thought of leaving her friends behind was something she refused to entertain, determined to stay and receive her diploma alongside them all. They tried to tell her they would support her wholeheartedly if she did decide to go to college ahead of them, but she insisted she didn’t want to hear another word about it.
When June of ‘24 rolled around, the young prodigy jumped at the chance to participate in Miss Morgan’s Summer program, despite her surplus of credits. Most of her friends were on board as well, though she was undeniably frustrated when Karone Morrey showed up in the final week, solely to earn reputation points with her social media audience.
Shelby, of course, had no way of knowing what awaited them just around the corner, and how her previous grievances would seem so trivial by comparison...
Karone the Red Dragon Ranger
Full Name: Karone Morrey Age: 17 DOB: January 17th, 2007 POB: Austin, Texas, United States Height: 5’7” Weight: 126 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Dark Brown (sometimes bleached Blonde) Voice:Elizabeth Olsen Theme (before the Taint of Bandora):What The Hell by Avril Lavinge Theme (after the Taint of Bandora):Crawling by Linkin Park
Chaos Miasma (a unique fusion of powers from both the Red Dragon and the Nine-Tailed Fox)
Void Magic (taken from the Void Gremlin, used to summon, banish, and transmute matter and energy to and from the Void of Echoes)
Weapons & Gear
Red Dragon Nanosuit (about the size of a belt buckle when compressed, rapidly spreads out and covers the entire body when activated)
Red Dragon Spear (pictured with Nanosuit)
Scarlet Void Staff (a temporary power-up for the Red Dragon Spear)
Red Dragon Zord Booster Mech (mechanical exosuit that further enhances power output)
Karone and her older brother Andros experienced a rather dysfunctional childhood, trapped in a home with an abusive, alcoholic step-father and drug-addicted, cold, and distant mother. Tragedy then struck when the girl was eight years old, and both their guardians died of an overdose.
The siblings had no other family, and jumped from foster home to foster home for months until finally being adopted by the Morreys. They were a kind, warm, and joyful couple, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, Karone and Andros were actually smiling and enjoying life.
Mr. and Mrs. Morrey ensured their every need was taken care of, but by the time they were teenagers, Andros began to notice that his sister was becoming a bit too spoiled. He tried to teach her the importance of the little things, and not to take anything for granted, but she was becoming too obsessed with her growing social media presence to listen to his words seriously.
Karone delved even deeper into her compulsive tweeting and streaming when she started her Junior year, now that her brother had gone off to college and was no longer there to keep her grounded. By the time August of ‘24 had rolled around, she was enjoying a considerable spike in her internet fame, becoming a bit of a minor celebrity.
She was sure to be signed on as a Twitch Partner the moment she turned eighteen the following January, as her gaming and cosplay streams were regularly viewed by thousands of people. To help maintain that upward trend, she began documenting herself acting like a generous and kind-hearted person, such as volunteering for Miss Morgan’s Summer Extra Credit Program. However, nothing could have prepared her for the horrors that awaited her deep underground, or the irrevocable damage that would thrust itself upon her life...
Name: Finley “Finn” Logan Age: 17 D.O.B: February 14th 2007 P.O.B: Newark, New Jersey, United States Height: 6’0” Weight: 180 lbs Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Voice:Kenton Duty Theme:Smile Smile Smile
Special Talents and Skills Cheerleader Charisma (Charming, Friendly) Cooking Martial Arts training (Novice)
Scanned Lifeforms
Star Sapphire Dragon,
Powers and Abilities Pink Dragonfire Aura Pink Dragonfire manipulation Photokinesis (Manipulation of visible light. Mainly used to project holograms, and turn invisible) Hard light constructs (Can create objects made of light. Most commonly, he makes arrows fired from his bow, as well as force fields.) Healing (Can heal wounds from his allies)
Gear and weapons
Pink Star Sapphire Dragon Nanosuit
(Pretend it’s a male body)
Dragon Bow
Dragon Zord Booster Mech
Despite what Finn would tell you, Finn did not have the happiest of childhoods. After Finn’s little sister was born, the family started experiencing financial troubles after his father was laid off. The parents would often argue, and his father would often drown his sorrows with alcohol. Eventually, this would result in his parents divorcing. Finn lives with his mother and sister, and doesn’t see his father too often. The two have a strained relationship.
Things weren’t any better at school either. Finn didn’t really share many interests with other boys. He had more stereotypically feminine interests such as playing with Barbie dolls instead of Hot Wheels the otner boys were into. He was also a scrawny child, who wasn’t all that interested in sports. As such he was often called a sissy by other boys and bullied constantly. His father not so subtly reaffirmed the same sentiment. Implying that living with his mother and sister was turning him into a girl. Finn would sometimes cry in his bedroom at night.
Through all the drama, he tried to maintain a friendly upbeat demeanor in order to be a good example for his little sister. He had to care for her a lot when his parents were otherwise unavailable. Since he was the one that had to make dinner for the family, he developed an interest in cooking.
At some point when he was about to start high school, Finn’s mother announced that she would be moving to Los Angeles for a better paying job opportunity. For Finn, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. He could have a fresh start in a new town where people didn’t know him. No longer would he be the bullying victim.
He started working out, and found a sport he liked. Cheerleading. This resulted in him no longer being the scrawny little boy he once was. He was friendly and socialable, and quickly became popular on campus. At some point, Finn came out as gay. There wasn’t as much drama as Finn had been expecting and everyone was supportive, but Finn hasn’t told his dad yet… Currently, Finn attends Angel Grove High, and is the captain of the cheerleading squad. He’s currently unsure what he wants to do after High School.
Helia is a relatively average girl appearing a bit on the heavier side due to her hobbies, standing 168 cm tall and weighing just shy of 70 kilos. She however has a bit lower body fat percentage than is usual for her size and age, as she spends a lot of her time either training martial arts or hiking in nature. Her skin is on the paler side, and she has a bunch of smaller scars from falling a bit too often for her linking.
The girl's face is a bit angular, with prominent cheekbones and pointy chin. Her eyes seem to always have a glitter of mischievousness in them, as if she intended to pull the rug from under you or put a whoopie cushion on your seat at any moment. Whenever it is the least bit sunny, her freckles come out and cover her face. She cuts her hair short and styles it into a perfect mess.
Her wardrobe is a bit boyish, preferring garments with utility such as cargo pants, hiking boots and a vest full of pockets. There is always at least one swiss knife on her, and usually a couple of snacks and a first aid kit. Despite being fit, she usually slouches in her seat or leans against the wall.
Helia's mother is a first generation greek immigrant. Her father was an american with irish roots reaching all the way back to the potato famine. She did not live in Angel Grove for most of her life, only relocating there for high school. This was caused by an unhappy situation in her family. Her father was killed in a gang shooting, being in a wrong place at a bad time. Her mother took this hard, succumbing to alcoholism, which lead to Helia being neglected at first, abused later, and money always being tight.
As such, Helia decided to spend as much time as she could away from the house. Her situation is better now that she makes a bit of her own money serving juice and cleaning at Ernie's, as well as being more than able to stand up to her eternally drunk mother, and on weekends she spends her time outdoors either practicing martial arts to ensure no one hurts her ever again, or just enjoying nature, hiking and camping outside, or going swimming on the public beach. Sometimes she can be found loitering around the city if there is nothing better to do, anything to stay away form home.
+ Fresh food - Something she greatly enjoys, as usually she gets her food in a nonperishable form bought in advance on discount. + Attention - She appreciates the company of her few friends greatly, as her parents never spared her much thought. + Swimming - Most fun you can have for just the price of a swimsuit, even better if you can get some snorkeling gear.
- Bullies - While Helia was never really bullied at school, she suffered enough at home, and as such tolerates none of it. - Schadenfreude - Helia can't help but giggle when she sees a relatively harmful misfortune happen to someone, such as missing the elevator. She hates this about herself, but cannot help pulling pranks at times. - The day before paycheck - Money has always been tight, and eating leftovers and scraps gets old quick.
Combat: Grappling, kickbox, short blades Common: Survival, cooking, mending broken things
Tommy: Arguably Helia's closest friend. They share a major psychotic hatred for bullies and have similar ideas how to go about it, resulting in them having quite similar hobbies, and being a good fill in others. While she never went as dark as Tommy on the bullies, after his self improvement, Helia is objectively the more violent one. Finn: First running into each other at freshman year, Helia chased away some guys who were bullying Finn. While they do not have many hobbies in common, they have a remarkably similar collection of miserable experiences others call childhood. Helia enjoys talking to the guy, as with the exception of fashion choices, the two of th can relate to each other's woes the most, and if not offer helpful insight, at least be an understanding listener to vent at. Sa'Cha: Helia pretty much only has protecting others in common with Sa'Cha, which makes him okay in her book. She didn't talk to the man too much yet though, mostly meeting by proxy through some of their other friends. "Pretty boy" and "Rich kid" would be words Helia would describe him with. Bruce: The two met in some of the practical skill classes, sharing a bit of a knack for fixing things. Where Bruce's skill is more focused on automobiles and generally learned in advance, Helia's abilities are broader and often a result of learning by doing, oftentimes in an emergency. She's always happy to talk shop. Oswald: The two hardly ever talked, seeing as Helia doesn't have access to the web outside of a library or couple classes. Shelby: Helia feels utterly intimidated by Shelby's intellect, which sucks as she is the only other girl in their social circle. Whenever in the same conversation though, Helia feels like she has nothign to add that would not make her look like a retarded baboon in comparison. She does admire her though for taking her nerdiness and making it her castle. Karone: Helia hates the youtuber culture, seeing it as something without a shred of value added, stupidly catering to consumer mouthbreather masses. She does not know Karone personally at all, but her prejudice prevents her from seeking any contact. She does not wish her harm, but doesn't particularly like her.
The copper ranger's technology is a next generation prototype, not entirely mastered even by Eltarian Technomage standards. As such, it offers some key advantages, which however come packaged with a set of pretty crippling downsides.
Solar flare gauntlets - The copper dragon ranger's primary weapons are armored gauntlets. They are capable of manipulating light, from flash-blinding enemies to absorbing incoming laser fire. The gauntlets can shapeshift to some degree, growing spikes and claws if needed for combat or scaling walls. Copper dragon nanosuit - The copper dragon ranger's armor has increased maximum energy output compared to the others, sacrificing raw armor thickness in favor of generating an invisible, form fitting energy shield layer. This makes the copper ranger physically weaker than the other rangers, but the shield can regenerate while not taking damage, maximizing the copper ranger's durability in combat and restricting movement a little less. Booster zord: Sentinel mode - Like the copper ranger's armor, the booster zord works on a different principle than that of the other rangers. Composed of a mass of nanites much like the suit, it can reconfigure based on which of the scanned creatures is currently being utilized. For the Copper dragon, it configures to turn their tactics around, giving the ranger heavy armor and decent firepower, at the expense of low mobility and lasting only a short time before it has to be recalled for a recharge.
Solar prominence gauntlets - Upgraded gauntlets that gain the ability to project plasma blades and launch jets of plasma as a ranged attack. Phoenix down - A dagger that can focus the power of the Sun, causing searing cuts and being able to launch waves of hard light. Phoenix nanosuit - Upgraded armor with improved power distribution, allowing it to reflect an energy attack with 25% chance, and to use the shield in an offensive area of effect burst that stuns and flash blinds anyone within three meter radius. Booster zord: Hyper mode - This configuration of the booster zord is so barebones it may look like it is coming apart. While it provides next to no increase of armor, it is the fastest and most agile piece of tech on the field. It has a secret ability to combine with other booster zords in a booster megazord, transforming into a flight, weapons, armor package or a combination thereof. The downside is, that one of the rangers is left demorphed while another is using the ability.
Eclipse gauntlets - The gauntlets with their absorption potential maximized. The Bakunawa ranger can suck energy from incoming attacks, energetic or kinetic, to fuel themselves. Void shard - A short sword that seems to absorb light. It is controlled by the Bakunawa ranger psionically, as it is extremely heavy, to the point of being immovable by anyone else. It's ultimate attack is summoning a microsingularity that consumes a weakened enemy. Bakunawa nanosuit - Armor with ultimate defensive capabilities. Maximized power output and user organism integration, allowing the wearer to temporarily boost their strength, agility, stamina, perception and healing. Booster zord: Flux mode - A piece of black magic even by Eltarian standards. This booster zord configuration exists in a state of continuous flux, constantly appearing and disappearing on the spot, and sometimes creating short-lived, translucent after-images of itself beside it. It can teleport across the battlefield within its' line of sight, and it strikes with extended blades or electrical arcs. As half of the time it does not exists in this reality, it has a 50% chance of an attack phasing straight through it. It provides medium armor and mobility. However, due to its' function, a living user has a hard time coping with using it, causing tremendous psychological wear. This can result in a range of detrimental effects, from the inability to speak to going on a senseless rampage.
”Embrace the song of the Siren. Fill the world with sound!” Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 5'7" Weight: 153 lbs Voice: Sa'Cha's voice Theme: The Untamed OST
Transformation: - His Mystic Sorcerer transformation occurs when he channels the arcane energies through his body and speaks the incantation. His control over the arcane art increases and he’s more potent. He wields the Trident Staff in this transformation.
- Although his Sorcerer transformation is great, when it fuses with his Ranger Suit, it looks slightly different from his teammates. There are emblems drawn on the front and back within a silver circle. These emblems are ancient sigils that allow for different powerups when unlocked and accessed. On the hand of the suit are two sigils that allow for greater mana control and protection. The blade is a weapon known as the Banshee's Scream, a deadly blade that absorbs the souls of its victims. This weapon can be combined with the Trident Staff to form a deadly combo. It can detach a smaller blade, as seen in the right hand, to use for more sudden needs.
Scanned Lifeforms Black Opal Dragon
Zord/Mech: - Standing at an awe-striking 12 feet, the intense magical energy that flows through the mech allows for it to levitate and perform quick maneuvers. It can teleport and has immense psychic strength. Much more agile than other mechs due to its slender nature, though it lacks physical strength.
Weapon: Mystical Trident Staff - Silent Form This beautifully crafted staff is forged from the souls of past Banshee Queens and the tears of the current Banshee Queen and was a gift to Udonna who passed it down to Sa’Cha. The staff is sentient and ensures Sa’Cha’s safety at all costs. It helps him channel the arcane energies of the universe. One-touch of the blade can cut, and a cut from this weapon can cause hallucinations so strong they can cause someone to go mad. This has no effect on Sa’Cha. The weapon is resistant to fire and can only be broken by throwing it into the heart of a volcano. The crystal embedded in the blade is said to harbor the essence of its victims. When not in use the weapon is stored in a trident charm on a bracelet Sa’Cha wears.
Mystic Trident Staff - Sacred Form
Personality: Sa’Cha is kind when it comes to his friends and family. He can have a bit of a temper sometimes. He is cursed with the inability to hide his feelings. This sometimes gets him into a bit of trouble. He is strong-willed and determined. He is faithful and observant. He has been called playful and a perfectionist. When duty calls Sa’Cha ensures he is focused on the task at hand. He is calculating and strikes to bring fear to the hearts of his enemies. He protects, it’s in his blood. He can be shy around someone he likes on a romantic level at first but as things progress he opens up more.
Skills: Aside from his amazing cooking skills, his grandmother saw fit to have him train in martial arts to help with her secret cause. Over the years he has fine-tuned his reflexes, agility, and strength. He’s an amazing gardener, and deadly with polearm weapons. Sa'Cha can speak Korean, English, and a little Spanish.
Abilities: By tapping into the arcane energies of the world, Sa’Cha can transform into the Mystic Sorcerer. By speaking the words “Embrace the song of the Siren. Fill the world with sound” he is able to channel the power to allow his mana to fill. Though he is able to use magic before transforming, once he transforms, his magic is more potent. He excels in his arcane abilities and Udonna believes that even at his young age, he may surpass her. She has never seen a warrior who is able to tap into the arcana so fluidly and easily.
History: Sa’Cha was left in the care of his great grandmother when his parents perished. The entire estate and all the wealth falls to him when he turns 21, but his great grandmother ensures he has access to whatever he needs. Regarding his parent's death, Sa’Cha was told at a young age that his parents didn’t suffer and that the cause of their deaths was natural, but he has always been curious. Nonetheless, he followed the path his grandmother placed before him. She always gave him free will to do what he wanted, but he was all she had, and he had to make sure she was taken care of. At the age of 14, Sa’Cha came out to his grandmother that he was bisexual.
His grandmother is his entire world. She’d taught him about the world of magic. She taught him how to brew potions strong enough to break the strongest of minds and subdue the bravest of souls. She’d taught him about the beauty in nature and how to give and take from it. He became a fully realized sorcerer by the age of 15. Recently, his grandmother experienced strong visions and moved them to a place known as Angel Grove. She didn’t tell him what the visions were, but that he had a mission. He was to enroll in Angel Grove High, blend in and report anything out of the ordinary to her. As a Senior, he hopes to make his grandmother proud.
Full Name: Bruce Bailey Age: 17 DOB: May 28th, 2007 POB: Summit Point, West Virginia, United States Height: 6'7" Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Blue
Special Talents & Skills
Capable mechanic Skilled welder Novice tinkerer Marksmanship(rifle, specifically) High tolerance for pain
Scanned Lifeforms
Blue Dragon
Peregrine Falcon
Powers & Abilities
Blue Dragonfire Aura, feels cold to the touch as it absorbs ambient heat to store as power. High Speed Flight. The fastest of the rangers, however he requires time and distance to get up to speed. Thermal manipulation. Can move thermal energy around, though is not able to increase the amount of heat present. He can absorb heat as energy to power his flight.
Weapons & Gear
Blue Dragon Nanosuit (about the size of a belt buckle when compressed, rapidly spreads out and covers the entire body when activated)
Blue Dragon Spear
Peregrine Wings
Dragon Zord Booster Mech (mechanical exosuit that further enhances power output)
Despite his father’s best efforts, Bruce was born in the same town his parents were raised in. A small town in Appalachia without much going for it. His mother, Charlene, worked herself to the bone to put his father, Henry through college, and Henry was away at school when Bruce was born. As far as Henry was concerned, all of her efforts paid off, as he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering, and found himself a decent job.
Henry’s work ethic was every bit as stringent as Charlene’s, and it soon became apparent that his job didn’t leave much energy for a wife and child. Charlene had been under the impression, as she slaved away years before, that the end result would be a happy family with good prospects. She got the family with good prospects right, but she was hardly happy, as she found being a stay at home mom stifling. When Henry got a job offer in Los Angeles, working in the design department of a major auto manufacturer, she simply didn’t go with him. Bruce was nine at this time.
Bruce had to become self sufficient at a young age, as his father barely even seemed to notice that Charlene wasn’t still around to take care of their child. He tried taking an interest in his father’s work, to try to get attention from him, and spent a lot of time on the internet learning about how cars function. By twelve, he had an impressive knowledge of vehicle maintenance and repair, as well as a love of cars that would last the rest of his life. And it worked, after a fashion. Henry had as little time as ever for his family, but when he was home, he started talking shop, and was happy to find that his son could follow along most of the time.
At seventeen, Bruce was an ace student of Angel Grove High’s auto shop(and took every other class with “shop” in the name, too), though often a below average student in subjects he was less interested in. His refusal to apply himself, along with his faint Appalachian accent, has led to him being seen by most of his classmates as a dullard. Even the ones in his best classes assume his skill with making and repairing things to be a fluke, or merely a savant-like affinity.
Full Name: Oswald Pittman Age: 17 DOB: March 26th, 2007 POB: San Antonio, Texas, United States Height: 6'2" Weight: 205 lbs Eyes: Green Theme:In a Nutshell
Special Talents & Skills
Savvy in Information Technology Graphic Design Low level hacking Mixed Martial Arts
Scanned Lifeforms
Gold Dragon
Electric Eel
Pistol Shrimp
Powers & Abilities
Gold Dragon Aura, feels warm and radiant with a slight electrical charge that would make ones hairs stand on end.
Golden Lightening. Providing both offensive and defensive capabilities, Oz is able to emit golden lightening from his hands and even create and manipulate electromagnetic fields to create an instant, but short-lived, electro barrier. The limits to these electric abilities and their applications are currently unknown, but continue to develop with use.
Short-Distance Teleportation. Ozzy is able to 'ride the lightening', moving from one location to another in a flash of light. However, he cannot teleport to places unknown without an absolute understanding of the layout. Therefore he typically limits teleporting to be within his line of sight. Overuse of this ability can cause major fatigue.
Technology Influence. Through his understanding and command of electricity and technological systems, Ozzy can often interact with technology as if he could speak its language. Certain applications include his ability to deactivate alarms despite not knowing the code, bypassing internet securities despite not knowing the password, etc. His ability to do this presents itself more like an intuitive keystroke rather than a master/sentient slave relationship between him and the system he is trying to crack and it's success is not guaranteed.
Explosive Burst. A gift from the pistol shrimp, if Oz punches his hands together, an explosive burst erupts out of the clash, sending a sonic pulse outward around his entire body. A great maneuver when outnumbered and being swallowed by a crowd of enemies or even just a perfect technique to invoke a stun.
Weapons & Gear
Gold Dragon Nanosuit
Golden War Axe
Dragon Zord Booster Mech
Oz was never one of the social elite. Despite coming from a father who was an All American Quarterback when he was in high school and a mother who was prom queen in her heyday, Oz was just an apple that happened to fall far from the tree.
Whereas his father was a sports enthusiast and his mother was queen bee in her social circle, Oz's interests were far more virtual in nature. Ever since his parents introduced Oz to the internet, the young man would stare at the screen for hours absorbing knowledge and entertainment with every new click of the mouse.
Unfortunately, this took a toll on his social skills and while he may be willing to talk to a small few trusted associates, he usually keeps to himself for the most part. To him, life in the real world just isn't as exciting as the life he lives through the screen. That is, until recently...