 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Location: Southern Momma's Funnel Cakes → Lacrosse Field Bleachers Interactions: Eachother; Collab with @Akayaofthemoon ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________________________________Danny watched her as she seemed to be battling with herself, confusion very clearly written across her face as she looked the boy over. He couldn't help but feel bad, though. She seemed to be going through an existential crisis over trying to remember who he was. Sure, he didn't look much like he used to 7-years-ago. If it wasn't for him barely catching her name during attendance this morning he probably would have been as clueless as she was right now. Daniel reached up and scratched the back of his head as he chuckled softly, shaking his head still wearing a friendly smile.
"Ha- no. Don't be sorry, seriously. It's been years." Danny looked past her at the line as it moved up, gently motioning for her to take a step back before returning his gaze to hers.
"Uhm. Try imagining me with glasses, curlier hair and-" Daniel held a hand at about the middle of his chest, slightly tilting his head,
"About this tall."Daniel gave it a second, his grin turning to almost a smirk as he added,
"Come on, Charlie Brown. I know I went through a glow-up, but I haven't changed that much, have I?"Years…well, that didn’t narrow it down completely, but it was more than she had before and he wasn’t upset with her, so that was at least a positive. The sudden motion behind her and the indications from him were enough to put two and two together, so she took a few steps backwards, her eyes not leaving him as she did so. She had always been too curious for her own good and who didn’t love a mystery to be solved. The gears in her head were turning, pieces of the puzzle scattered with only a few slotted into place as he continued to provide more information. Glasses, curly hair, and years ago were sadly not the easiest to work with since she wasn’t sure just how many ‘years’ actually meant. It wasn’t until he mentioned height that her mind switched from modeling and events to those of her childhood years. When she was actually free from being shut away and spending so many miserable moments within locked doors. When she could hang out with friends and not have to completely worry about being the perfect little doll her mother wanted and could just be herself without judgement.
Charlotte’s eyes widened a bit, a flood of different memories being supplied as she remembered her group of friends. How much she had missed them and thought of them through rough times? How crushed was she when she realized that she was probably never going to see them again? Her mind ran through their faces as he spoke up again and suddenly it clicked into place. A radiant smile flashed onto her face in a millisecond, even with the awfully corny nickname being applied to her as nothing could stop the pure joy she felt at such a reunion. She should have expected that one of them might be here, but she hadn’t, and it made the surprise all the more special.
"Dandelion!" she happily called out, her body moving before she even registered what she was doing and wrapping her arms around him in a full-blown hug, nuzzling with a tight squeeze. A moment later she froze though, pulling back a bit with an embarrassed blush and continuing to speak,
"I can hardly believe it’s you! How is everyone? Are you all still friends? Wait, are they here?….Sorry, that is probably too much."Danny's smile widened as he could practically see the wheels turning in her head, the slight shift in her features as she came to the final answer. When she called out his own old nickname she'd given him he couldn't help but laugh,
"That's my name, don't wear it ou-" A soft grunt escaped the boy as Charlotte rushed forward and wrapped him up in a hug, tilting his head as he looked down at her and wrapped his own arms around her tightly. It wasn't until she froze up that he loosened his hold on her, letting her pull away with ease. The color in her cheeks made Danny smile just a bit more.
She was still the same shy girl he remembered from elementary school."Yeah. Ha! We are. Few new people have been added to the group, but most of the 'original members' still in it. I'm honestly surprised, out of anyone, you met with me first. I'd have thought you'd notice the twins, first. They're both in our homeroom." Danny cast a look around a moment before returning his gaze to Charlotte with a laugh as he spoke up.
"I mean, come on. Two gingers in one class. Talk about a rarity." Better they weren't around to hear him say it, though he would have even if they were, he just didn't feel like getting smacked in the arm or upside the head right this moment.
"But.. yeah, what about you? 7-frickin-years. How's life been treating you, besides.. you know, th-the modeling, and... such?" ...did he just stutter?
Gods. Danny cleared his throat, folding his arms over his chest as he stood back with his weight set more on his heels.
"I.. don't really use social media, but I've heard from a few about you being in the spotlight."Her blush deepened as he flawlessly pointed out the fact that the twins were in their homeroom which would have been a pretty clear give away had she been paying even a smidge of attention. It was really on her for this one but that didn’t make it less embarrassing. She tucked her arms behind her back, rocking on heels of her feet as she looked about a bit like she was making sure no one was gonna listen in before grinning a bit.
"Yeah, let’s just say my playlist was on point music wise this morning and my mind was completely somewhere else. I don’t remember half the information that was provided in homeroom let alone everyone else that was around but what can you do?" Charlotte chuckled with a small shrug of her shoulders and the grin on her face getting larger. She felt like a stone was sinking into her stomach at his innocent question on how she was. It wasn’t like she had let on just how bad home had been and still was plus her brother’s passing was all still relatively new. Honestly, she wasn’t fully alright but she wasn’t going to burden him with that and just continued to smile. She already felt bad for dragging Lydia into her problems and she still couldn’t bring herself to cry in front of others.
"I’ve been good, um, some recent big changes obviously but modeling is the same as ever. I’m trying to cut back a bit more so I can focus on school and just being a teen without all the other strings or commitments," she answered before glancing away shyly at the mention of her media accounts and spotlight. She knew that is where she always was, it didn’t really bother her but social media had never been her thing. It had been controlled and monitored, not even feeling like hers until recently. Charlotte had only just started to upload and share more things that were actually her and not just using it as some big promotion. It felt so satisfying to lock her mother out of everything though, posting felt sinfully good because of it, plus Lydia was encouraging her. It was nice, but not something she would probably be doing too often.
"Oh t-that, I am not much for social media but uh, yeah…I am glad you remembered me. I mean, not me but my modeling. N-Not that I am saying y-you wouldn’t want to remember me! I just I, um, I’m glad you heard about me? And, I am clearly babbling so let’s just change the topic to you, how have you been?", she stated in a frazzled manner.
'Smooth Charlie, real smooth. Why the hell am I so nervous and weird?! It’s just Danny. Get it together!', she thought, scolding herself.
The dark haired boy stood there quietly while he listened to her, smirking a bit as she went on. She sure talked a lot. Not that this was a bad thing, by any means. Just something that kept up his smile. Danny shrugged lightly at her question before dropping his arms down to shove his hands into his hoodie pocket, shifting in his stance a little.
"Honestly surprised Goldman didn't ask you to take them out for attendance and the announcements. Though I'm sure she just figures they're a bunch of nonsense, too." He chuckled softly, seeing the line move up one more with Charlotte being next up to order Danny raised a brow and motioned behind her to let her know to both move up and to look to see that she was next. As she continued to speak, he gently nodded from time to time, a bit of a smirk forming though he tried not to as best he could when she stumbled on her words a little. Why was she so nervous? He'd have thought being in the modeling business would have given her nerves of steel.
"Hard to forget you. My mom teased me about you for years after you'd disappeared. And, I mean... come on. Pretty girl with a famous name? Course I heard about you. Was good to know you hadn't just up and disappeared and that you were making a name for yourself." Daniel smiled at her, then, shifting in his stance again before shifting the conversation as she had asked for before.
"As for me, I've... I've been alright. Junior high was a little rough for me, won't bore you with the details. Starting high school, I got into Lacrosse and Water Polo. Wasn't really the best at Water Polo. Definitely nowhere near my brother's skill, and of course he was the top Athlete in the school 3 years running. Kinda hard to compete with that, really. I gave up on Water Polo and decided to switch to Swim, instead. Just made the most sense, to me. After high school, I'd like to go out for Coast Guard, like my uncle Jason. It's... it's always been something I wanted to do, and finally made the decision to go for it." Daniel tilted his head, still keeping eye contact with Charlotte.
"Have you put much thought into what you wanna do after graduation? College, travel, kids..? Anything particular in Ms. Thorne's sights, hm?" He hadn't even realized he'd said 'kids' till he finished speaking, furrowing his brow slightly at his own words. But the mention of kids brought on another question.. one he wouldn't ask aloud. Did she have someone? ...why did it matter.
Good lord, Murphy. Keep it together.Her smile softened, her gaze warm as he spoke of how the years apart had gone. Just hearing Danny speak of quitting anything because of his brother, even if it was only a part of the reason, made her heart go out to him. No one should have to stop something they enjoy because they feel like they are sitting in someone else’s shadow but she was immensely glad that he found a sport even better suited to himself and his dreams.
"I wish I could have seen it…you playing Water Polo, I bet you were amazing but I am so happy to know that you found something even better, one that will help you achieve your dreams." Charlotte replied gently before tilting her head a bit to the side as she hummed in thought on his question.
"As for myself, I’m not really sure. If it was up to my parents, I would go to college and prepare to take over the company but I’m not sure if that is for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love designing and creating something with my own two hands! Watching it come together piece by piece until I get to see the joyful smile from someone else because I made them feel special if only for a moment but…I just… I want to make it on my own. You know? I could just keep that as a hobby and become an artist, expressing my vision of the world in a way that is just my own. As I see it, I have time to decide or fate might just surprise me and set me on a path completely separate from anything I can imagine.", she smiled brightly, answering in an upbeat and excited pace as she spoke of her passions.
"However, as uncertain as I am about my dreams or future…I do hope to have kids and a family one day, all of us getting to travel and see new places together…but that would require actually finding the right guy," she laughed with a bit of a shrug.
"Yeah, I mean... my mom recorded the meets I did, so.. if you really wanted to, I'm sure she'd love to take up the opportunity to embarrass me in a heartbeat." Daniel chuckled softly, growing quiet again as she spoke up again. His smile grew wider as she talked about her passions. He remembered how much she was into arts and crafts in her younger years. It was nice to see she still enjoyed the simple things in life, even while living such a crazy life as he was sure it was being a model part-time.
"Do you remember the game we used to play? Where we'd take a piece of paper and we'd draw for a minute, hand the paper back and forth to add something to the drawing until we decided to stop?" The boy reached back, firmly grabbing at the back of his neck in a sort of nervous fashion.
"I may or may not still have some of those in one of my drawing pads somewhere." His smile turned almost sheepish, his face flushing with a light blush.
"And... I-I'm sure you'll find someone. Don't doubt you've got plenty of guys- er... following you. I'd imagine it wouldn't be hard to find one that met the standard. I mean... yeah, you know what I mean." Could this get any worse.....Daniel offered a shy sort of smile before looking up as the line cleared in front of them, the lady behind the window looking at them with a kind smile. Clearing his throat, thankful for the distraction, Danny reached into the back of his jeans pocket and pulled out his wallet.
"What were you thinking of getting? I gotchu."Charlotte tried not to laugh, she really did but seeing him so sheepishly nervous about still having those doodles and the way it warmed her heart to hear it, she couldn’t help but giggle.
"No way, I can’t believe you kept those! Some of them were chaotic disasters. I loved doing them though. I’ll definitely have to come over some time so your mom can thoroughly embarrass you and so I can look at those." she stated. She lightly shrugged at his next comment, as nice as it was she found herself sighing a bit.
"You would be surprised. Most have been all about appearances, wanting to boost their own popularity or only liking me because of my looks and not caring to know who I actually am as a person. I’d rather date someone for their personality, looks are just a bonus if you can manage it.".
She smiled brightly as they finally reached the kind looking lady behind the counter being completely patient with her space self,
"Sorry, I —", Charlie started while reaching for her own wallet but was cut off by Danny’s words. She pulled her attention away from the woman behind the counter to look at him in surprise,
"Oh, I was gonna get some funnel cake with fresh strawberries on top and a fried Oreo since I can’t resist trying one but, um, are you sure?".
Danny nodded to both her order and her question, smiling to himself because she was getting his exact order without even knowing it. A soft chuckle escaped him before he turned his eyes back on the woman behind the window, pulling a twenty dollar bill from his wallet before storing it back into his jeans pocket.
"What she said, but double the order please," he reached up through the window, handing the woman the bill.
"Could I get some extra strawberries on the side, please? And none of that fake syrup stuff over the top. Thank you." As the woman got Danny his change, he looked over at Charlotte with a slight smile.
"I don't actually live with my parents, anymore. I, uhm.. I moved out over the summer. But we can definitely go over there sometime. Though I feel like I'm just signing my death certificate at this point." Danny laughed lightly as he turned to grab his change, stepping off to the side to wait with Charlotte for their order.
"I also work at the beach. Got a lifeguard job at Huntington with Damien Lopez. Don't know if you remember him or not..? His girlfriend Sam has no shame. She calls us Baywatch," he laughs and shakes his head, eyeing the food truck as he notices movement behind the service window.
"I guess great minds think alike, I also moved out during the summer.", she said with a smile before continuing on to tease him with a chuckle,
"Though, I have to say if I do end up visiting them, I’m pretty sure no one has ever actually died of embarrassment so you won’t have to worry about that no matter how much you might want to dig a hole in the backyard to bury yourself in.". They both stepped off to the side, letting other customers have their turn and waiting to get their confections.
"Jeez, I can’t imagine why she would call you two that.", Charlotte smirked, watching the service window to distract herself from looking at Danny.
"I can’t say I really remember Damien but I have a feeling Sam and I will get along just fine. I like people who are honest and have no shame. At least I know where I stand with them, you know?""Oh, yeah. Absolutely no idea," Danny laughed, watching the line cook shake powder over the funnel cakes as he listened to Charlotte talk. Nodding as he side-eyed her while he talked,
"Yeah, I get that. And I can tell you now, you and Sam would definitely get along. She's one of my best friends. Don't know if you like dogs or not, but her and her parents own a few wolf hybrids. They're pretty cool. Oh shit- they're ready!" Daniel pushed forward back up to the service window and nodded his thanks to the older gentleman handing him the two plates and small white paper bag with what he assumed could only be the deep fried Oreos in it. He turned back to Charlotte, holding out her plate to her with a soft smile.
"So, uhm... you wanna go see about finding the twins, or go find somewhere to sit and eat? I was originally going to go back to the group, but if you want to eat in peace before you inevitably get tackled to the ground by them.. we can go somewhere to enjoy this first." Danny smirked a bit, turning around to grab a small handful of napkins and a couple of plastic forks. Not that he had any intention of using a plastic fork himself, but just in case she wanted one she'd have one.
"I pretty much melt around animals, dogs or otherwise. If I see them, they are gonna be spoiled with lots of praise, pets, and scratches since I have no self control.", she lightly chuckled. She felt a rush of pure childish joy at the sight of their order being completed, doing her best not to bounce in excitement as he picked up their order. Charlotte took the plate offered to her like she was being handed the holy grail, already popping one of the strawberries into her mouth with a pleased hum.
"As much as I would love to see the M&Ms again as soon as possible, the idea of having to defend against tackles with a funnel cake in hand is probably not the best option. Let’s find a place to polish these off first before trying to hunt those two down. Heck, they might even find us first.", she smiled, breaking off a piece of funnel cake this time to eat, licking the sugar from her fingers.
"Hm, so good…so do you have somewhere in mind we can go in this chaos?" Charlotte asked, lightly gesturing to the crowd of students.
"Well, there's the clear choice. The lacrosse bleachers, but there's also the baseball benches that are just outside of the carnival area." Danny stands up on his tiptoes, though he definitely wouldn't need to, peering over at the bleachers.
"Doesn't seem to be too crowded on our bleachers, though." Flashing a smile at Charlotte, he gently nudged her arm with his elbow as he began to walk off towards them.
"Come on, Charlie Brown," he stuck his tongue out teasingly at her.
"Let's go grab us a spot before they're all gone." Danny led the way to the bleachers, waiting occasionally for her to be sure she was right behind him so he could make a path through the crowd. Stepping up the bleacher stairs, crossing over a couple of rows before heading up to the very top of the bleachers, taking a seat before holding out one of the plastic forks he'd snagged up and a couple of napkins.
"I don't, uh, don't know if you needed one of these.. grabbed one just in case, though." Danny waited for her to take the napkins and fork before tucking them underneath his thigh on the bleacher seat, setting the paper bag with their fried Oreos in it between them before biting into one of the strawberries on his plate.
"God I love fresh strawberries," he mumbled softly under his breath.
She grinned, playfully shoving his shoulder in return with a shake of her head.
"Yeah, yeah, lead the way.", Charlie replied. She followed closely behind him, not wanting to lose him in the crowd but kept an eye out at the different booths and games, marking where some interesting ones were for later. It thankfully didn’t take them long to reach their destination, a couple of people scattered here and there but it was pretty clear as he had stated earlier. She plopped down once they reached the top of the bleachers and was surprised at having the napkins as well as a fork held out to her.
"Oh, thanks!", she said politely. It wasn’t something she really used for funnel cake but the napkins and nice gesture was appreciated. She held the napkin between her knees to keep hold of it and was going to place the fork aside when she heard his comment. A cheshire grin spread across her features and she slowly looked at him, leaning in closer so she was near his ear and started to whisper,
"Same here, but you know what’s even better?…" before continuing to speak normally after a moment pause,
"Strawberries from someone else’s plate." Charlotte quickly used her fork to snag one of his strawberries, swiftly leaning back out of his space and eating her stolen treat.
Danny froze up as she leaned in and whispered in his ear, raising a brow as he corner-eyed Charlotte. An answer came to mind, but he figured he'd go ahead and keep it to himself for the time being. Though it was definitely apart of his usual humor, he didn't want to come off too lewd too fast. When she snuck a strawberry from his plate his jaw dropped and he scoffed at her, grinning from ear to ear.
"You little shit!" He laughed and shook his head, hoarding his plate off to the side before popping the last whole strawberry he had into his mouth, playfully glaring at her as he chewed. The boy was sure to swallow the fruit before speaking up again.
"You're lucky you're cute." Danny scrunched his nose at her before propping his feet up on the bleacher bench seat in front of him, placing his plate on his thighs before starting to dig into his funnel cake with both hands.
Her delighted laughter rang out the moment he cursed her, the reaction behind it just making her sides hurt even more as she tried desperately to catch her breath. She did manage to calm herself after a bit, a huge smile gracing her lips before it slid into a playful smirk.
"And what would you have done if I wasn’t?", she teased, sticking her tongue out at him as he had done earlier and digging into her own funnel cake as well. Honestly, she was glad they had ran into each other again and couldn’t wait to see everyone else.
Daniel shook his head at her with a smirk, finishing his bite of funnel cake before sticking his tongue out at her, choosing not to answer her question. Instead, he continued to chow down on his funnel cake and people watch from the top of the bleachers where they sat together. His mind started going over their previous conversations in line, a smile teasing at the corners of his lips as he recalled how excited she was to have reunited with him. He couldn't wait to see how the others reacted, and she with them. A boyish sense of excitement welled up in him at the thought of it. They'd have the original group back together, as a whole. What a trip this year was starting off to be.
Here's to a great start to the new year.