Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

"No, do not close your eyes, stay with us alright? Focus on me and we will get through this together." said Celestine in a calm and collected voice before responding to Matt's question about taking control of the suits of armor. "Have not tried yet, I need to focus on stabilizing Sparky, then I will. However, I do need your assistance in keeping her awake and what I am about to do next, I will guide you if need be." Reaching for the blood draw bag with her left hand, she grasped onto it swiftly and opened the package that contained the needle and tubing. Pulling back the sleeve that covered her left arm, she was about to attempt to find a suitable vein when she noticed movement out the corner of her right eye. Her head snapped to the right just in time to see one of the Iron Legion reach out. With no time to react, she was picked up and tossed like a children's toy across the train car, hitting the back door and falling to the cold steel floor below. The world spun around her and she struggled to regain herself, but managed to get onto her feet. The thought of reaching for her heavily modified FN SCAR came to mind, but her better judgement and the thought of merely having the rounds bounce off the armor crossed her mind.

"Matt, I am quite disoriented at the moment, not sure how long this is going to take to ware off but you need to help Sparky regardless. You need to keep her from bleeding out, see what you can do while I attempt to deal with these Iron Legion." Reaching out with her Technopath ability, she attempted to lock up the nearest Iron Legion, but it seemed to have a little effect before it returned to normal. "An attempt was made with little effect, I may try again later but we do need to leave, I just wish we could stabilize Sparky before doing so." said Celestine into her teams coms before coming up with an idea. "Are we really attacking medics who are tending to injured individuals? Are we not better than that? Even more so when it is a friendly force, so much for the days of Chivalry. You are team lead Cass, are you willingly going to allow such a thing?" said Celestine into open coms so this worlds Cass would hear her.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 10:10 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron

Oliver's blade sliced cleanly through Hayward's skin, something that would have been impossible for their universe's Cass, thanks to her dermal armor. It seemed Hayward's mutant powers - if any - were remarkably different. Bizarrely, she didn't seem to feel any pain or cry out. In fact, the wound started to glow orange and then a deep red, as if the blood had turned into lava. The strange blood-lava substance extended outwards, taking on the shape of an arm, and then gradually became solid, as muscles and veins and whatnot took their place, finally ending with a fresh layer of skin. "I don't need to reattach it. Gotta love Extremis."

"...Since when could you do that?" Amelia asked, positively gobsmacked. She looked over at Cass for some sort of explanation, but instead Cass looked like she was in the middle of a mental breakdown. Sparky had been shot and Raynor was motionless on the ground. They were barely making any headway in this fight - Amelia didn't want to be a pessimist, but they were losing, badly. The only people making any real progress were Maria and Flynn, but there were still so many members of the Iron Legion to deal with.

Bonnie had been thrown into the wall of the train car, so she was hardly any help at the moment to Sparky - or anyone, really. The necklace she had acquired during her trip to Seattle felt white hot against her skin, but she didn't have the awareness to really think about it. Her head was ringing and she was completely dazed and disoriented, with no idea of what was going on - the very ideas of time and space were eluding her. She was hardly more coherent than Raynor and he was seemingly unconscious, if not just paralyzed.

A horrible feeling was growing in Amelia's stomach. She tried to push through it, to blow back Iron Legion members with a gust of air, but instead Amelia took five repulsor blasts to the chest. The last thing she knew was the smell of burnt hair - her own hair, maybe? - before darkness overcame her, as she fell to the ground unconscious. The Secret Warriors were horribly outnumbered and outmatched. Any efforts to move Sparky would kill her, but if they didn't get her medical attention right then and there, she would die.

"You're a medic?" Hayward said with a snort. "If that's the case and you just want to help, stand down, all of you. I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold." She had her repulsors aimed at Sparky, threatening the others to comply. She had three Iron Legion members left with her, all of them targeting those still standing. Hayward knew that even if they lost, Sparky would die - and she was fine with that outcome, no matter what HQ said.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Subway
Skills: Kree tech, Biology, Jack of all Trades (Science)

Even though they had incapacitated most of the Iron, there were only four standing now. They had lost and Niah knew it. She had two options. Help Sparky or run. She made her choice. "I surrender. Let me stabilize my friend." She wanted to shout at the others to run. For Oli to grab anyone who could and bolt out of there. She couldn't leave Sparky and the others though. They needed her. She hated that she was going to have to probably reveal her leg, because she didn't there would be a subtle way to get it to stabilize Sparky without being obvious.

Niah walked over to Sparky. No-one stopped her. She took off her leg and put it on Sparky, the only thing she could think to do was have the leg integrate with her. Like Stark and his tech, at least in her homeworld. She could tell watching it that Sparky seemed stable now, but there was no removing the Kree tech. Niah didn't have her left leg anymore again.

Location: EARTH 257: Subway

Matt really just wanted to punch stuff. Something was wrong with his Cass. She seemed really out of it suddenly. Bonnie was down. Raynor was down. Sparky was dying because of him under his very hands and there was nothing he could do. He had never felt so absolutely helpless as he did at that moment.

Not to mention Hayward literally regrew her arm. Like she was Deadpool or something. "I'm not leaving Cass." He said. He hadn't moved. He was still doing his best for Sparky, it just wasn't good enough. Matt got why Niah had so many issues suddenly. She had been in very similar situations a bunch.

Niah took over though. His jaw dropped. He knew her leg had been a gift from Dr. Larson, but he hadn't expected it to be able to do this. He leaned back his hands soaked in blood and mouthed Thanks to Niah who nodded with a sad smile on her face. Like she expected this to be the gallows walk.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Times Square, Subway - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra slowly slid down and sat on the floor, while still holding her head while ocasionally looking at the others of her team who continued to fight against the Iron Legion. Her head was still pounding, and just confused in general as she stared at her counterpart as Hayward started to regrow her arm somehow. Something she knew that she couldn't do, her mind felt really jumbled right now and wasn't sure what was real or not.

About half of the team was incapacitated, herself included as she shook her head trying to remember things made her head hurt a little bit, as Hayward pointed her repulsors at Sparky. As much as she wanted to fight, and get away she knew that it wasn't a smart move as Cass held up her hands. She didn't want to say anything as Cassandra looked towards Niah who surrendered while she went to try and tend to Sparky.

Maria Novikova

Location: Times Square, Subway - Earth 257
Skills: Archery

"As far as I know she hasn't been able to do that." Maria said towards Amelia as she watched Hayward Cass' arm started to regrow, and then the Iron Legion fired off a few repuslor blasts at Amelia taking her out as well. The remaining Iron Legion members had their weapons pointed at all of them. With Cass, Bonnie, Raynor, Sparky and now Amelia out and Oliver nowhere to be seen. Maria closed her eyes letting out a slight sigh as Hayward had her repuslsor aimed directly at Sparky. Her wife's best friend probably wouldn't survive if they attacked, Niah decided to surrender as well to.

"Alright you all win just don't hurt anyone else here.." Maria said as she set her bow down and unslung her quiver of arrows setting them onto the ground and kicked them to the side, just out of arm's reach. She looked towards Hayward Cass, she was certainly a lot more different then their own. Maria looked at Flynn for a moment wondering what he was going to do, and Oliver was nowhere to be seen either, hopefully he would at least be able to get free and find some sort of help if he could.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Skills: Molecular Oscillation

The number one priority Oliver had was getting back up to the train, not only for fear of becoming solid where he was standing, but so he could actually try to keep his team from getting slaughtered. Almost like he was swimming, he reached a hand into the train, and pulled his hand down, along with pulling his body up. After a few moments, he was standing on his knees inside the train. That was certainly something new for him, but he really didn't have time to focus on any of that now, given the scene before him. His mind briefly went to running, but he saw how impossible that would be given the number of downed people.

As their team surrendered, Oliver swallowed hard. This wasn't going to end well, but it really seemed like their only option if they wanted the chance for everyone here to survive. Even then, this was about as unideal as possible. Oli put his hands up, before noticing the arm that had grown back. He had so many questions, but figured the evil version of Cass wasn't going to be very amenable to explaining anything to them. He looked over to Niah, and sighed in relief as she started work on Sparky. "Yeah, fine, you win." He said through gritted teeth. None of this was good, but they still had future avenues to work with.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

"I am unsure if this version of Cass still trusts me or not, but I would honestly be surprised if she does after all that has happened here." said Celestine into her teams coms as she observed the woman reform her arm as if this type of thing was common. "Does that hurt? Wish I had that kind of technology." she thought to herself. Celestine carefully walked over to Sparky and took a knee, looking over her then back up to Niah, "What is this supposed to do exactly? Wait neverminded, as long as it helps her I do not care." commented Celestine before she turned to their new friends, "What is your next move, Team lead? would you also mind lowers those weapons, everyone has surrendered and I see no need to keep them posed as such." She tilted her head slightly, moving herself in between this worlds Cass and Sparky.

The Blackbird of Chernobyl would take a knee once more alongside Sparky, occasionally glancing up to Niah with a look of curiosity and concern before turning her attention back to the individual who had taken a stay bullet. "We need to watch our fire in the future, friendly fire incidents such as this should not happen, ever." said Celestine into her teams coms. The thought of what type of caliber it would take it break through the heavy armored suits that the others wore crossed her mind. It would most likely take something higher than a 5.56 Caliber, and she hoped that her 308 Blackout rounds could do so if she ever needed to fight back against them. They had always done to job in the past, but this was a much different scenario than what she was used to. "Armor piercing explosive rounds, I will need to pick some of those up, and a shield, and a proper melee weapon, perhaps some grenades?" though Celestine to herself as she waited for what would happen next.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Subway
Skills: N/A

Flynn wasn't too sure what to do in this situation. Though they really needed to try and get out of there, and in his mind, the best chances of getting out of prison or this mess entirely would be to have a speedster (also known as Oliver) grab however many people he could and race out of there. That would give them the best chance, since those people, even though they would be separated from the others, would still have access to their gear and their powers. Tactically, that made the most sense, since it was obvious that not everyone would get out of this mess since several already couldn't get out of there.

Then when Oliver actually showed up again, he literally did the exact opposite of the smart thing to do. Weren't Sci-Tech people supposed to literally be geniuses? Because he did probably the dumbest thing he could have. Honestly, being a speedster had to be the simplest power set to actually find a use for, and yet Oliver just surrendered instead of trying to get away with two people. Yeah, no, that had to literally be the dumbest thing, but he couldn't say anything flat out to him at the moment, but he probably would give the guy an earful over it later. Flynn put his one hand up, more or less surrendering, since he couldn't exactly hold up his other hand or anything since it was paralyzed or something.

Location: Subway
Skills: N/A

Sparky was beyond confused with what all she was seeing, or why a version of Zarina decided to appear to her. All she knew was that she had been shot, by someone (she still wasn't even sure who since everything had started swirling about in her brain immediately afterwards), and had just closed her eyes since she was so tired. The Zari in the dream was insane a bit to her, but she wasn't going to specifically say anything with regards to it. "Come back mamma, dying would be baaaaad," Zari said to her with a bit of a smile, before walking over and holding her hand.

She was insanely confused, but the images started to blur as she felt something warm in her chest, a shock of something almost, and then voices all around her that were talking to, someone, she wasn't sure who. Her eyes opened up, and she saw the chaos that was happening, as well as the weapon that more or less was aimed directly at her. Of course, she had no idea what was going on, or why she suddenly didn't feel like death, however one thing was obvious, she couldn't really do anything else. There were way too many people surrounding her, so if she sent off a blast of electricity, she likely would hurt more people that were on her side than not. So she didn't really move at all.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 10:20 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron

"That's more like it," Hayward commented, seeing how everyone had more or less stood down. "Let's wrap this up, boys." She then twirled a finger and the remaining members of the Iron Legion fired a series of darts, each member of the Secret Warriors getting hit by one, and the next thing they would know, darkness had claimed them as they fell unconscious.
EARTH 257 - 4:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

It was difficult to tell how much time had passed. When Bonnie opened her eyes, the world looked like it was swirling in front of her, the faces of her companions almost entirely distorted. She was a bit shocked to see that Celestine wasn't in her armor. In fact, no one was in the clothing they had on earlier - they were all dressed in bright orange prison garb. The main difference from traditional prison wear was that they all had collars clamped around their throats, with soft glowing red lights.

Bonnie then realized that she was seated, handcuffed to a long, pristine table in front of her. The table glowed softly, like it was some sort of touch screen - a gigantic iPad made into furniture. "What happened?" Bonnie asked softly, her ears ringing slightly. "Is everyone okay?" Her mind was groggy, but she knew the answer to her first question before she even asked it. They had lost. They had been captured. The odds of them apprehending Doom and Luminous were growing ever smaller by the minute. How long had they been here?

Suddenly, then, she had an influx of memories, as something rewrote her mind. Her head was pounding ever so slightly as the memories played through her head. She was at her private school in the Iron, learning that her parents had been killed in a terrorist attack committed by the X-Men. They had died screaming, pleading, begging for their lives. She was an orphan now, a ward of the state. But... how could that be true? How could she remember that? She had talked to her parents on the phone last week and they were fine - but she could remember so clearly seeing their bodies at the funeral, crying as she was taken to the state home for wayward girls.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Crikey... I feel like I had one too many..." Amelia murmured, as she came to. Strangely, she felt incredibly heavy - as if someone had increased the pull gravity held on her. It took her a moment to come to the startling realization that she hadn't felt like this since before the entire terrigen bomb thing, where she had been reborn as an inhuman. She instantly started to stand up, only to realize she was handcuffed to the table and her feet - as if by some weird precaution - had additional weights strapped to them. Around her neck was an odd collar and she was wearing a ghastly orange jumpsuit.

Sparky still had Niah's leg inside of her, keeping her alive.

Amelia blinked and some of her memories were rewritten too. Rather than teenage years spent in Australia, she suddenly remembered growing up in the Blue. She had perfect recall of just showing up to school on days that suited her, goofing off and flying her plane erratically on days that she didn't. She had never felt so free, not even needing a license in order to fly. She remembered emerging from her cocoon after exposing herself to terrigen mist and finding she could fly unaided, soaring high through the sky. Amelia's eyes were shining as she recalled it all, she didn't care that it didn't make sense with the rest of what she knew, all she cared about was the feeling of what it was like to soar through the air under her own inhuman power.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Raynor's eyes snapped open. His mouth felt swollen and numb, probably due to the paralytic that the Iron Legion had given him. He quickly whipped his head around, trying to find Sparky in the room, and he didn't know if he should be relieved or not that she was gone. Maybe she had escaped. That would've been for the best - he shuddered to think about what the Iron Legion and SWORD would do to her, they had to know who she really was by now...

"COME IN HERE AND FACE ME LIKE A FUCKING MAN!" Raynor shouted, certain that their jailers were hiding just out of sight. He was struggling against the handcuffs and the chains, only to suddenly be zapped from an electric discharge from the power dampening collar, forcing him to stop - at least for the moment. His eyes narrowed spotting Matt next to him. "When we get out of here, we're fighting. Be ready for that." He fully wanted to pummel Matt for firing that stray bullet that had nearly killed Sparky. But that would have to wait. He struggled again against his bonds, receiving another shock.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room A1

Niah had tears pouring down her face. Of course. It seemed no matter what world it would always tear her family apart. Dalisy. Here she had been killed by anti-mutants. Though knowing everything Niah did about Dalisy it was likely her death had been at the hands of herself from another universe. Her heart ached with the memories that took over, rewriting as it desired. It was hard to tell now which belonged to her or to 257.

"Everyone was alive. Though if Raynor gets his hands on Matt he'll probably kill him. I sacrificed my leg for Sparky." Niah told Bonnie when she seemed to recover from getting her memories messed with. "I didn't get to tell her the truth." Niah frowned. Then she smiled gently at Bonnie. "We'll figure it out though." The calm that Niah had carried since the incident in the Hospital was back.

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room Z11

Matt's head was pounding. He was surprised that Raynor was waiting to fight him. Matt had already decided he'd let Raynor get in one good punch. If that didn't kill him he'd protect himself after that. But he didn't blame Raynor. If roles were reversed he probably would have the same reaction. Though Cass was a bit more indestructible than Sparky.

As he was thinking something felt weird in his memories. When had the Asgardians conquered Norway? The information was there, but thinking of his adult life he didn't remember that being there. Asgardians were a more recent thing. And they lived in space. But he clearly remembered them conquering Norway. It made his head spin a bit. "Yeah that's fair." He said out loud after a moment of trying to figure it out, but coming up only more confused. "I think the Mandella effect is happening." There were enough internet conspiracy theories about that that Matt had heard about it.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra was about to say something when she felt something sharp hitting the inside of her mouth, and slowly dug into it and pulled out a dart that was imbedded into her tongue. Then the world around her started to swirl and the sounds and voices around her started to become muffled before darkness overtook her and she collapsed onto the ground with a thud.

Her eyes fluttered open and groaned again as Cassandra came to finding herself strapped down to a chair and handcuffed to a table, turning her head to see that Sparky and Amelia were there as well. And Amelia was already awake now as well by the looks of it, as she started to relax. "Are you guys alright?" Cassandra asked Amelia, and Sparky she was more worried about Sparky after getting shot, but it looks like Niah's kree tech leg was keeping Sparky stable now which was good.

Then her head started to ring and pound again just like it happened on the subway to, as more images quickly started to flash, she was a teenager before getting adopted by a man named Tyler Hayward. Spending most of her teenage years being taught by private tutors, and being trained by Tyler himself and a few other men to be used as a weapon and told to hate mutants, she remembered him saying 'she was only good one.'. And to atone for what she actually was, and everything that she was taught and learned was to help make the Iron better. And remembered that she was being pulled aside and told that her significant other had gone missing as well.

All of her years as a teenager in their original universe were gone as much as she tried to remember events, she couldn't as Cass quickly looked at Amelia. "Something's wrong my memories feel all jumbled.." She said staring at Sparky for a moment, feeling a slight hatred for her.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria felt a sharp pain in her neck as she reached for it and pulled out a dart, when things suddenly started to get dizzy and then she ended up collapsing onto the ground with a loud thud and then she slipped into unconsciousness as she was picked up and carried away with the rest of the team.

When Maria came to she slowly started to open, she winced a little bit as she heard Raynor yelling and turned to glare at him a little bit and then over at Matt. "Mind toning it down a little bit, and you can have your fighting contest when we get home." Maria said as she felt a collar around her neck and her clothes were replaced with the ugly orange prison jumpsuit and she was handcuffed to the chair. She looked over at Raynor for a moment. "You know this place, anyway to get out?" Maria asked him when her head started to pound a little bit.

Her memories of elementary and middle school were suddenly changed, she remembered being woken up by her parents and younger sister Kristina, they were leaving the Iron. She remembered getting smuggled out onto a ship, and then going to the Mutant Island Nation of Genosha. Taking some time to adjust there she eventually went to school where the Principle of the school was Emma Frost, and quickly becoming best friends with another refugee named Dominika.

Maria shook her head slightly as she looked at Matt a bit confused at what he was mentioning. "The what now?" Maria asked ignoring Raynor as he got zapped a few times trying to break free.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oli was honestly shocked that the dart hit him, but that shock quickly faded as it was replaced with unconsciousness. The next thing he knew, he was dressed terribly and kinky at the same time, though he wasn't partial to collars the glowed and blinked. His hands immediately went to it, but his brain was fast enough to realize exactly why he wouldn't be able to phase it off of him. If his powers were still working, he'd be somewhere near the molten center of the earth right now. Exhaling, he flicked at it, annoyed, before taking in his surroundings to try to come up with the start of a plan.

That is, he was about to do that, if not for the killer headrush he got not a few moments after. As fast as he could think, he had a rush of, awful new memories, the blood of countless, well not countless but almost two dozen, people who fell to his hands, not for protection of some greater cause, but for the fun of it. That, and Niah had been helping him get away with it, which was sweet of her but also mildly concerning. His eyes darted over to Niah, and then back to his own hands. He couldn't remember what he had done with his 20's now, only this noir past that dripped with blood. Clearing his throat, he tried to see if he could reach the computer desk in front of them at all, but it was to no avail, he continued to say, "People were fine, or at least alive, before we were knocked out. If they wanted us dead, we'd be it, so I can only assume the rest of our team, the injured included, are as okay as we are right now." He speculated hopefully.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
Avatar of WardenCelestine

WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

As soon as Celestine had felt to dart make contact with her neck, she struggled against the effects of whatever mix of drugs it contained. Her vision formed a gray tunnel, but she quickly fought herself out of it before the tunnel returned, this time, a black abyss that overtook her no matter how had she had attempted to stay conscious. An attempt was made, but in the end, these Iron Legion had defeated them. This was the last thought Celestine had before collapsing upon the ground.

When her eyes opened next, the world spun around her, blurs of color, and a painful headache of which she had not felt in many years assaulted her mercilessly. The confusion and disorientation from whatever she had been drugged with was beginning to wear off, leaving her to find that she was handcuffed to some sort of technological table she had never seen before. Once she had fully regained her faculties, she noticed that she had been changed into a prisoner jumpsuit, and some sort of collar around her neck, none of this bode well for her. For some reason, the first concern she had was her face mask, by some miracle or mercy, it still remained, only her bright sapphire blue eyes showing from it. That alone, was enough to cause a sly smile to spread across her face. The Blackbird of Chernobyl noticed that Oliver, Niah, Bonnie were also in the same room as her, dressed in the same prisoner jumpsuit, with the same collar around their neck. The thought of using her Technopath ability crossed her mind, but if the collars were explosive, that would end extremely poorly for all of them, so for now she merely listened to what the others were saying around her.

Suddenly, she was hit by a wave of nostalgia, one she could not fully explain, but then memories flooded her mind like a violent flood through a broken floodgate. The room around her became a prison, yes, but one used for training, she remembered herself being mercilessly interrogated by her own people as part of her training as an infiltrator, an assassin. "Говорить! Кто вас послал!? (Speak! Who sent you?!)" The large burly man who wore a full suit of black spec-ops Spetsnaz armor yelled at Celestine before hitting her with a metal, electrified baton which caused her vision to fade to black and white from the pain. "Я работаю для твоей мамы. (I work for your mother.)" said Celestine before she was hit once again with the baton.

Her memories moved forward, and she found herself running down a brightly lit hallway towards a man in heavy armor, dressed like a Shield operative. He had turned to fire upon her with a high caliber rifle, but Celestine quickly disarmed the man by breaking his left arm, then used that left arm to heave him over her left shoulder and swing the man onto the ground where she quickly brought her left knee to the mans neck, while grabbing onto his rifle and arming herself all at the same time. This would have broken the neck and killed him on the spot, but a bell rang, and a voice came over the speakers around her. "Eight seconds, run it again till we reach five!" The drill would resume, again and again, different ways of taking out the guard experimented with.

Her memories once more moved forward in time, finding herself standing in a dark and ominous room where three figures sat behind a black desk, their faces obscured from sight. "Agent Celestine, you had struck fear across many fields of battle and have become our most valuable agent, you have even become known as The Blackbird of Chernobyl, for this we entrust upon you a mission of the utmost importance. You will infiltrate the Iron Legion's intelligence and paramilitary operation, SWORD under a false identity. Gather as much information as you can, sew havoc across their ranks, and report back to us for debriefing. We are putting our trust into you Celestine, do not fail us."

As soon as the flood of memories had ceased, she narrowed her eyes slightly but kept her mouth shut for the moment, saying anything about this could result in her getting killed, or much worse. Would her friends even believe her if she said something to them about it? Celestine was in all truth, unsure. Instead, she commented to those around her, "Might I say, I appreciate how calm all of you are currently. Our best option at the moment is to play along and do as they say, these collars could be explosive but I am betting on them being electrical to shock us into shape if we misbehave. So for all of our sanities, please behave." Celestine's voice seemed a bit different from normal, her accent was heavier, and carried more weight.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Flynn had somewhat been expecting them to get knocked out relatively quickly. However what he hadn't really expected were the rush of memories that came into his head when he started waking up in the room with Maria, Matt and Raynor. The memories that ran through his head freaked him out a bit. The memories seemed to more or less come and appear, showing him on an island called Genosha, with his father as one of the heads of state, and his mother worked there as an engineer, a half sister named Lorna, and apparently an on again off again girlfriend who looked like Sapphire in his memories. Problem was? That didn't line up with any of his previous memories, or his ones after his teenaged years. Not to mention he was never raised by Magneto or anything ever so why the hell did he have memories of this now? Nothing was making sense in his brain, but he shook the thoughts out of his head as he turned to look at the group he was stuck in a room with.

He had to try to pay some attention to what the others were saying, and he couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the conversation between Matt and Raynor. Another thought crossed his mind, and before he could even really stop himself, he started talking. "Hey, don't worry about it Matt, just think you are only the second person on the team to nearly kill Sparky, maybe you and Oliver can team up against Raynor so he can fight you both at once and make the fight a little more fair. Weird that two people on our team have nearly killed her, like seriously what are the odds," he commented, before he more or less shut his mouth because he realized that he might have just ratted Oliver out.

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: N/A

Sparky passed out from the drug or whatever that the group got hit with. To think, she literally spent most of that fight unconscious or on the ground dying, and now she was getting knocked out again, this was a lot of fun wasn't it? When Sparky woke up now, she was in a weird room more or less handcuffed to the table or something, and she noticed that she wasn't alone, and that Amelia and Cass were both in the room with her. So at least she wasn't in this weird place alone now, she was just in a weird situation and everything was still very much a blur to her.

She heard Cass' question, and she nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit confused by all that happened, since I was out of it for most of the chaos..." she commented with a bit of a shrug. Her attention turned to Cass when she said something about her memories being all jumbled, and Sparky was even more confused by that. "Jumbled how exactly? Since that sort of thing isn't happening to me, my memories are perfectly fine..." she said softly, not too sure of what to respond with honestly otherwise.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 4:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

"What truth?" Bonnie asked, tilting her head as she looked at Niah. It was easier to focus on the weirdness of the current conversation than the jumbled mess of memories in her head. She guessed that the memories of high school were the anomalies, as they didn't line up with anything else, but there was a small part of her that doubted that - they felt too real to just be dismissed. They felt true and that terrified her.

Bonnie nodded though, agreeing with Oliver's assessment of the situation. "They put us in a group as well, meaning they aren't worried about us having contact with each other," Bonnie surmised. "They aren't necessarily trying to isolate us and make us feel alone..." Of course, she had to wonder why? Had the situation been reversed, Bonnie would have interrogated each person individually. She would have isolated them, allowing her to lie to them about the status of the others. It was logical and strategic - so what was this?

The door then opened and a kind looking man in a suit stepped on inside, holding a tray of coffees in one hand. "Sorry about the wait, I figured you all could use some caffeine," he said, setting the coffees down on the table. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a badge appeared in his right hand. "I'm Agent Jimmy Woo," he said, introducing himself as he sat down opposite them. "Would one of you like to get started?"

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Maybe it's whatever drugs they spiked us with?" Amelia suggested. She knew that her memories were a little bit different and didn't make sense, but loads of things didn't make sense to her. She wasn't too panicked about it anyways. She remembered what it was like to fly through the air unassisted, something she had never been able to do before. And now, all she wanted to do was go outside and try it out, to see if she could replicate it, if she could push herself farther than she ever had before. Her mind was so focused on chasing that feeling that she didn't consider the loss of memories - the loss of loved ones she held only in her mind.

The door then swung open, banging up against the wall. A brunette with glasses had evidently kicked it open, holding a breakfast burrito in one hand and a coffee in the other. "You guys mind if I eat while we do this?" the girl asked, talking with a mouthful of burrito. "I don't usually do this sort of thing, but May is sick, so they asked me to fill in. It's not even my division, but I guess since it's my break they were like go and interrogate the criminals, Darcy, it'll be fun! Your PhD qualifies you for that right?" the woman rambled, before taking another bite of her breakfast burrito, some bits of potato falling and hitting the ground.

"Ooh, nice, is that Chipotle? I could kill for some," Amelia said, her stomach growling. Sure, it felt like it was early in the morning for them, but Amelia hadn't had breakfast yet.

"What's Chipotle?" Darcy asked.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

"It's been over two decades since I was last here, they've unfortunately probably updated their security and covered some blindspots by now," Raynor begrudgingly admitted to Maria. He didn't even know how many of his old contacts were still alive and free to help them.

Raynor had no idea what Matt was talking about - the Mandela effect? He had jumped through reality before and nothing like that had ever happened to him. "What are you going on about? That's not a thing," Raynor chastised. "If it was, don't you think it would've happened to me by now?" Or Sparky? Although Raynor left that part out. He still hadn't managed to find a good way to bring this up to Sparky - but if the God of Lies were to be honest with himself, he didn't want to. He didn't want Sparky to know about his past, he didn't want her to know about the world they were both from, he wanted her to be happy and trauma free. But really, he was scared of the way she would look at him - and the longer he went without saying anything, the worse it became.

His eye twitched and his nostrils flared at Flynn's words. "Note to self, brutally murder Oliver at the same time," he muttered under his breath. He looked like he was about to say more when the door opened and a woman in a sleek blue uniform stepped inside, her arms crossed.

"I'm Agent Rambeau. Are we doing this the easy way or the hard way today?" she asked, taking a seat across from the prisoners.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room A1

"Eh, I've seen some weird shit, and honestly I've got basically a ride the storm out mentality with basically everything now. You sort of get used to it." She said to Celestine. "Probably trying to give us a sense of control. As for what I tried to tell Sparky it was about-" The door opened and Niah closed her mouth. She knew she had a point about the sense of control. There were probably cameras. They had to be careful what they said even when they were alone.

She frowned at the coffee. Niah could go for caffeine, but she didn't like coffee. It was too bitter for her. She was a little confused though. Normally someone doing interrogation would ask questions. But for some reason this guy wanted them to just talk. Maybe he was hoping silence would make them uncomfortable and they would just talk and say something that would give him a break in his case.

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room Z11

"The Mandela effect is, as Raynor so pleasantly put it, not real. Basically, it says that sometime in the '80s Nelson Mandela was executed. However, he wasn't. A whole bunch of people remember it though so it was one of those weird internet theories about alternate universes. I'm just saying I have memories of Asguardians taking over Norway, but pretty certain my sister went to Norway a few months ago for vacation and there weren't any Asguardians there." He was surprised that Maria hadn't heard of it, but honestly, it was a weird internet thing and he didn't know how much time she spent on the internet. He only knew about it because of a youtube video he had seen.

"Top act there Flynn." Matt said rolling his eyes. He knew he'd let Raynor get in one good punch, but after that, he would defend himself and Oliver. He wasn't going to let Raynor just kill either of them. Then a woman was entering the room, and Matt realized he had been put in the room with the "confirmed criminals". What was he guilty of in this world? He hadn't had a wanted poster, but was the Matt Moss of this world a wanted criminal too? The memories he had now would imply he had stayed in Europe. He didn't think the Matt Moss of this world would get involved in stuff, but that might not be true.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned to look at Sparky she was glad that Sparky was doing alright as she leaned forward slightly and started to think about how to answer her question. "I honestly don't know I don't even remember my childhood back home, and just remember being raised by this Hayward guy, and my family and sister were killed in a robbery. But I recently talked to them before we left for the Raft back home, and they are alive and well. And that the X-Men here are evil or something like that." Cass answered Sparky's question as she turned to Amelia and shook her head slightly. "I don't think it was since my memories started to change even before we were drugged." Cass said to Amelia.

She turned towards the door as it suddenly burst open and a brunette girl came walking in carrying a coffee and a breakfast burrito, she honestly wasn't sure why they were all group up into one interrogation room it didn't really make sense here. The girl didn't really seem like a cop or anything like that. "Where are the others, and are they alright?" Cassandra asked, she wanted to know if the rest of her team was alright, and a part of her was worried about Matt as well to.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria rolled her eyes slightly at the three boys who were with her and wanting to rip each other's heads off. "Can you guys not argue about strangling each other and talking about who has the bigger dick for like ten minutes?" Maria said shaking her head slightly as she looked at Raynor as he started to ask why he wasn't experiencing memory changes like she and Matt were mentioned. Flynn hadn't really mentioned it out loud but assumed that it might be happening to him to. "Well, this is your reality or whatever so you are probably safe or something, unless you have an evil clone around here somewhere to? Maybe they haven't updated everything here there has to be something we can try to get out of here." Maria said to Raynor.

Maria quickly thought of something she remembered that her memories were changed as well to while she was in Wanda's House of M reality, if this universes version of her wife was alive and well still and they get to Genosha she could try and fix their memories. Maria turned to hear the door opening, and stared at the agent introducing herself to them, and sitting across from them and looked at Matt, Flynn and Raynor before speaking. "Are we allowed lawyers here? Because i'm not going to say anything unless we have a lawyer around."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oliver pursed his lips as the new person entered, and shook his head at the coffee. It was a pretty basic psychological trick, "Gifting coffee, or food, or anything creates a sense that we owe him something." Oliver explained, "Interrogations are give and take, by accepting a gift now, it makes us more open to telling him what he wants for free later, since we already owe him for the coffee." Oliver explained, before smiling at the agent. It wasn't like he was doing anything wrong right now or anything, their interests were just probably opposed, given that one of them was free, and the rest were in cuffs.

Oli's hands writhed a bit, even now, he wanted to gesture when he was talking, and the cuffs made that hard, "Some information would be nice, honestly, where we are would probably be a great place to start, and a quick run down on the last... four years of American history would probably be useful as well." Oli frowned, literally incapable of accepting that he was in practically no control over this situation, "If you can open with that, I think we can submit to some of your questions, Niah? Bonnie? Celestine? What'd you all think? Sound fair?" Oli offered up dryly
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

Having laid her head down upon the high-tech table in front of her, Celestine had been listening to what the others were saying and was about to fall asleep again when the door to the interrogation room opened. Through the doorway came a individual who did not look to be like the normal interrogator that she would have assumed to show in his place. In one of his hands he held a tray of coffee, and from the smell coming from them, it appeared the coffee was fresh. Both of these things were of course enough to pull Celestine away from her nap and to refocus on where she was and what was currently happening around her. As soon as he had introduced himself as Agent Jimmy Woo, and flashed a badge apparently out of nowhere, a smile crept across The Blackbird of Chernobyl's face, she had seen that trick before, and in fact knew how to perform it. The question was then posed, who would speak up first? Celestine responded to that question quickly, "Actually I would like to." she said, taking a coffee from the table with a nod of her head, "Thanks for the coffees by the way."

There was a momentary pause while Celestine collected her thoughts, "Well first off I would like to say that I usually enjoy my coffee with a little bit of creamer, or perhaps a mocha or even pumpkin spice late, I do enjoy a black cup of straight coffee every once in a while." She would pull her mask up just enough to take a few sips of the content before setting it back down the table in front of her. "All joking aside, I am sure you have heard some pretty insane stories that turned out to be true over your time working for SHIELD, right? From aliens, to other strange occurrences, this is all pretty much every day, nothing out of the ordinary. Well this is one of those stories, and I hope you will keep an open mind."

"Back where we are originally from, we were deployed from SHIELD to investigate a super maximum security prison that is mostly underwater known as The Raft. It has sustained critical damage and quite a few high profile prisoners had escaped, and our mission was to find out how this had happened, who had escaped, and what could be done. We came to discover that Dr. Doom and Luminous had most likely both escaped through some sort of portal anomaly that now awaited us. One of our team members reached out to it and we all ended up transported here, wherever here is still remains a mystery to most of us. I have seen advanced technology before but this Times Square is quite a bit different than the one I am used to, did not see five Starbucks on one block either, very strange."

"It was decided that we had to get somewhere and find out where we actually were, it was voted upon that the best way to do that was to take the subway system somewhere, lay low and gather information on what just happened. Though as you and I both know, we did not make it that far. On the subway train, the car was decupled and then our new friends showed up. Sparky ended up taking a wound to the chest, a few others got injured, Cass number two got her arm cut off then it regrew, then we were drugged and ended up here wherever here actually is, once more. Quite a day in all honestly."
Celestine took another sip of her coffee and continued, "Is our injured friend stable? That is my biggest concern at the moment."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Flynn rolled his eyes a little bit at the conversation around him, considering what people were saying. Raynor supposedly was from this reality, so why did he seem to know not too much about their given situation? Or who they might be able to get to help him? "Seriously? Sure, it's been a while but you have to have some idea of potential ways out of here right? Since they can't possibly be prepared for every given scenario, and you know more what to expect from this place than we do," he ended up commenting to Raynor, before he glanced over at the door opening.

The new person seemed to be more of a straight forward person as opposed to someone to dance around a subject. She just introduced her more or less title and last name, and straight to the point of threatening them. Oh this was definitely going to be fun wasn't it? "Based on how things have been since we got here Maria, going to bet that we probably don't get lawyers," he said to her, before looking at Agent Rambeau, "Shouldn't you say that then ask a question first, since that likely would determine if it would be the easy way or the hard way, just saying."

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: N/A

Sparky was seriously confused about the whole memory thing, "Yeah, I still don't get what you're going on about, I just have my standard memories, not anything new or replaced or anything like that..." she said, not too sure what else to think with regards to that. Since apparently Amelia was effected too, "If it was the drugs I likely would have been effected too, so why am I perfectly fine?" Sparky added, looking at Amelia, before her attention turned towards the door that had someone enter the room.

Okay, this was not the sort of person that she expected to enter the room to "interrogate" them or whatever the idea was. This girl seemed like she had no idea what it was she was supposed to be doing. Honestly that was a bit comforting with regards to who they ended up stuck in a room with. "Umm... I have a question if you don't mind, aside from where everyone else is or something... Where exactly are we if you don't me asking... I figure a prison or something like that, but just wondering... And the other being why did you all seem to want to arrest us for kind of existing, since I'm just confused on everything..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 4:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Bonnie couldn't help but be curious as to what it was Niah wanted to share with Sparky, but she understood why Niah had stopped talking - they couldn't trust this agent who had walked into the room. He was dressed in a white collared shirt, khakis, and a dark navy jacket with a sword looking logo on the chest that Bonnie didn't recognize. It was unfortunate (or maybe secretly for the best?) that they didn't have Raynor with them - he might've been able to identify it. She didn't touch the coffee that he brought for them, mostly because she didn't trust it not have been tampered with (who knew what sort of drugs this weird 1984 like state would use in interrogations) and she was pregnant - caffeine wasn't great for a developing fetus.

"Actually, the coffee was free - well, one of them was, I finally filled up my stamp card," Agent Woo said, laughing ever so slightly at his own joke. Bonnie kept waiting for some sort of tell, something to tip off that he was the manipulative mastermind Oliver was implying, but she didn't see anything suspicious. He was either an incredibly good actor or just being... genuine? "And oh boy, I can try, but history was not my best subject. I was more of a band geek."

Bonnie couldn't help but do a slight double take as Celestine told the agent about everything about them, directly contradicting what Oliver had just said and the rest of them had more or less agreed on. "... Like Celestine said, we're from another reality and we're here on a purely peaceful extraction mission to apprehend two wanted criminals," Bonnie said. Celestine had already come clean, so there was no sense in hiding any information from the agent. "We're the good guys, agent. As soon as we catch Luminous and Doom, we'll go back to our own reality."

Agent Woo paused for a moment, before he started chuckling, shaking his head as he took a sip of his coffee. "I wasn't born yesterday, but nice cover story. It's much more original than what we usually hear. What are you, a Genoshan terrorist cell? As it stands, you're only implicated in the kidnapping of Lana Banner - but if you don't come clean, it'll only get worse for you."

"Lana Banner? We have no idea who that is," Bonnie said, her eyes narrowed slightly. "We didn't kidnap anyone, if you look at one of the numerous drones you'll see us appear seemingly out of nowhere I suspect, and if you rewind a fair bit, you should see the two individuals we mentioned - Luminous and Doom - appear before us."

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Huh, so if I fought them, teaming up with like Matt and Oliver, it'd be Inhumans versus X-Men right?" Amelia posed randomly to herself. Amelia was confident that that little bit of information wasn't something bad for her to reveal in front of the agent - but to be fair, she more of just said whatever came to her mouth anyways. There was a reason she was a pilot and not an interrogator herself. Of course, the agent seemed just as qualified as Amelia to run an interrogation, as bits of breakfast burrito fell onto the table in front of her and Darcy frantically tried to clean up her mess.

"Honestly, they didn't tell me," Darcy informed Cass with a shrug. "But! I can answer where you are. And if I can't answer, the suits watching the screens better come in here and stop me, as I'M NOT QUALIFIED FOR THIS!" Darcy then fell silent, using her fingers to count down from five. "Well, no one came in to stop me, so you're at S.W.O.R.D.'s HQ - we call it the Keep or well, I call it the Keep since it kinda looks like the tower of a castle and just Tower sounds kinda laaaame."

"Yeah, Keep is wicked cool, completely agree with you there. I used to think that the keeper in like sports and all had to be born in a castle or otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to have that position, since it's the keeper, not the non-keeper y'know?" Amelia chimed in. She had taken some mandatory courses on being under interrogation before at the academy and her instructor had more or less recommended to Amelia that her best (and only) strategy would be to ramble away on things completely irrelevant. Amelia could handle that.

"Kaaay, no, but we are going to pick up this plot thread later. What's your star sign? Wait, let me guess - Gemini!"

"Sorry, mate, I'm a virgo actually - naturally a badass and all," Amelia answered. "What about you... Pisces?" Amelia guessed.

Darcy's eyes widened. "I am! Okay, sorry, getting waaay off topic here. From what they told me, you all were arrested for tampering with the DNA scanners at the metro, fighting the Iron Legion, using powers without a license, and operating without chain codes. So, like, wanna tell me your side of that entire crazy story? Like, how do you get an Avenger, an illegal clone, and a long lost baby alongside the old leader of the Dark X-Men? It's like someone designed what happened with a dart board or something crazy."

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Raynor raised a slight eyebrow when Matt mentioned Asgardians taking over Norway - that had happened in this reality. Raynor had been a part of that. After Ragnarok destroyed their home planet, they conquered a sizable portion of Midgard and resettled, preserving the Asgardian way of life on this planet. The Norns had told them that Baldur would return and Asgard would be remade, but it never happened - so they had to make do. Midgard was as good an option as any.

"Citizens of the Iron are allowed lawyers - terrorists are not. Given that most of your group is part of the Dark X-Men and are wanted for serious crimes against the Iron, including the genocide he committed, none of you will be getting lawyers," Rambeau said sharply. She pointed at Raynor during her answer and rather than look back at her defiantly, guilt flashed over Raynor's face.

He had committed genocide here - the very reason he never wanted to return to this place. He liked to think that he wasn't that person anymore, that he had matured and evolved into something better, but he didn't know whether or not that was true. He was the god of lies, but he could still lie to himself. "You can't make us talk. There are no telepaths in the Iron," Raynor asserted, hoping that things hadn't changed - a little over twenty years ago, all the telepaths on Midgard were mutants.

Rambeau waited for Raynor (and Flynn) to finish, before speaking again. "I see this is going to be the hard way," she said flatly. She didn't give any indication as to what was she was going to do differently now, though. "Why did you teleport to the Iron this morning? Ragnarok, you haven't been spotted in over two decades, and you, our intel indicates that you belong to MI13 across the pond."

"We wanted to get good coffee," Raynor told Rambeau, obviously lying, but he couldn't force her to believe the lie thanks to the collar on him. "The coffee in Genosha tastes like plants."
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