Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Long ago, there was a vast multiversal war. Countless unique timelines battled each other for supremacy, nearly resulting in the total destruction of, well, everything. But then, the all-knowing Time Keepers emerged, bringing peace by reorganizing the multiverse into a single timeline, the Sacred Timeline. Now the Time Keepers protect and preserve the proper flow of time for everyone and everything."

That was before. Before two variants changed the complete flow of time. An uncontrolled explosion of new realities had formed. Endless possibilities of scenarios. I am The Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me and dare to face the unknown, and ponder the question... What if?

The Roleplay

For this Roleplay, I would like to gather a party of 3 to 6 participants, each one playing with one character (if someone shows interest in playing with more than one character I am open to discussion). Characters should preferably be original, but it is possible to choose a canonical Marvel character that has not yet been shown on the MCU. If someone wants to play with any MCU character we can reach an agreement. In this case, this version of the character should have at least significant differences from the main universe of the films.

I'd like the Roleplay to be as collaborative as possible and for me and potential players to define the storyline together, as I'm interested in roleplaying as well. Still, I will act as GM to set initial plots and guide the creation of the Young Avengers group. In addition, characters must be within a specific age range, as implied by the group's name. Even so, we may end up getting into more adult themes, such as violence and romance. Therefore, players must be over 18 years of age and characters must be 18 to 24 years old.

As you may have already noticed, roleplay will develop in an alternative universe to the MCU. The story will begin shortly after the events of "Captain America: Civil War". In this reality, however, all the Avengers agreed to sign the Sokovia Accords and there was no disbanding of the team. The UN has a special committee to handle the initiative and decided that a branch of the Avengers should be dedicated to recruiting and training young people with superhuman abilities to prevent them from becoming future threats.

Black Widow and Vision were tasked with locating and recruiting possible members of the "Metahuman Training Program". When creating your character sheet, be sure to dedicate yourself to the "Recruiting" section, in which you will describe how you were contacted by the program. We will start the roleplay on the arrival of members at the new program's headquarters.


The game will work with a hybrid sandbox system. The adventure will be divided into chapters. The GM will always make the opening post of each chapter, presenting the general objective of the plot. Players are free to achieve the goal in whatever way they prefer. However, if any player deviates too much and ends up straying from the main goal, the GM will intervene.


  • Be kind: Being respectful with the GM and the other players is a must. If anything is making you uncomfortable, make yourself heard, but always remember that everyone is here to have fun.
  • Don't overstep: If you think any action you are considering taking affects other characters, ask first. In the OOC area we can define the limits of what is acceptable for each case, but until then, don't anticipate reactions from other players or create situations that leave them without a way out.
  • Don't be OP: Even though we're playing superheroes (or villains), it's good to have limitations. This is a team that will face threats from street to national level, so your character doesn't need to be able to face a cosmic threat. Also, no god-mode or metagaming.
  • Be consistent: I'm not expecting you to be a literary genius (neither am I) or to write three posts a day, but I do hope that they are of considerable quality and that there is a certain periodicity. It is expected that each player makes at least 2 posts per week. Of course, there will be weeks when that won't be possible, but talk to me and the other players and we'll sort it out. In case any player stays more than 5 days without posting or without notifying their absence, the GM will describe some action for their character that allows the continuation of the plot. Also, if any player disappears for more than 15 days, they will be considered suspended and if they stay for more than 30 days their character will become a permanent NPC.

    PS: I know everyone has a life outside of the RP world, and so do I. If for any reason you can't post for some period of time, just send me a message and we'll adjust everything.


If you are interested in playing, you must make an application with a character sheet here in the OOC area. Any player who posts their CS directly in the character area will have its application disregarded. Remember that this is a casual to low advanced RP, so be careful with your application sheet. Do not create an OP character as it will not be accepted. At first, 4 players will be accepted. Thus, the 4 players who first have an accepted CS will start the game. I might consider accepting new players in the near future, so you can already register your CS here. Also, if you want to play a character that has already appeared on the MCU, it's likely that your application will take longer to be accepted, so take that into account.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

under development

Jacob Elordi (I'll change the image later)

Robert Genévrier, 19

Story: Robert is the result of a rare genetic combination. His mother, Alyssa Genévrier, is only a human woman, but his father, Nestor Kalison, is himself a rare hybrid, son of a Dark Elf and an Asgardian God. His parents met in the early 90s, by chance in an alley in Paris. Nestor was evading his responsibilities as commander of an ord of dark elves that was preparing to invade a peaceful planet. Despite having been raised in Svartalfheim, the Asgardian morals he learned from his father carried more weight in his personal ethics. From the moment they met, Alyssa and Nestor stayed together. It had been almost like a meeting of souls. Alyssa already had a well-known and respected fashion studio in Paris and, within a short time of dating, Nestor was already living with her in a penthouse in the city of light. Despite being half dark elf, the Asgardian genetics had overlapped Nestor, and apart from the gray skin and irises and pointy ears, he looked like a human man. He hid those traits with magic. He didn't hide his extraterrestrial origin from Alyssa for long and it didn't hurt their relationship.

A few years after the wedding, Alyssa became pregnant. The pregnancy itself was a concern for the couple, as they were unsure whether a human body would be able to carry such an unusual hybrid. But Robert's birth was peaceful and quiet. The boy was handsome like his parents and the only distinguishing feature he possessed was his piercing gray eyes. His childhood had been extremely happy and brilliant. His mother's brand was growing like never before and was banking on a more than comfortable lifestyle. Nestor, on the other hand, always sought to educate him in the arts in which he was trained. Not only did he master Svartalfheim's combat techniques and technology, he also knew some Asgardian magic. He taught his son the basics, such as a transfiguration spell and how to levitate light objects. Furthermore, he taught him to control his physical strength that was far greater than that of children his age and to wield the legendary Sword of Fu Xi that he had earned in his years of battle in Malakith's army.

With the awakening of his teenage years, Robert began to realize a different side of his powers. He didn't accept the oppressive social hierarchy of his school in central Paris, where older students abused younger children, extorting and beating them. He began to not only defend his teammates physically, but also use his illusion-casting powers to frighten bullies. When he was close to turning 15, he began experimenting with alcohol. He could easily transform into a grown man and buy drinks without anyone knowing. The next two years were the heaviest of her adolescence. He spent most of his time in underground nightclubs in Paris, drinking and abusing drugs. It wasn't until 2013, when his father suddenly disappeared that he decided to change his habits. His mother looked destroyed. This was not like Nestor. He wouldn't just disappear. But neither Robert nor Alyssa had an explanation. He needed to be firm to help his mother withstand the pressure. He quit drinking and drugs and decided to enter university to study Art History. In the meantime he would go to his mother's brand headquarters to help her with management.

Appearance: Robert is a tall, strong and very handsome guy. His face is extremely angular and his unusual piercing gray eyes are the most striking feature of his face. He is 6'2 feet tall. He usually wears haute couture clothes, like Moschino, Versace and Kenzo, usually in streetwear style.

Sexuality: Robert is a gay man.

Relationship Status Robert is single.

Likes: Museums, Van Gogh's art, Lady Gaga, pop music in general, coffee, italian cuisine, open spaces, the beach.

Dislikes: The deep ocean, folk music, swamps, Taylor Swift, people who get more attention than him.

  • Superhuman strenght: As a Human/Dark Elf/Asgardian hybrid, Robert has a strength far superior to that of an average human, being able to lift up to 1 ton in weight.
  • Superhuman durability: Due to his unique genetics, Robert is tougher than the average human. Cuts, explosions and gunfire tend to have very little effect on him, as do poisons and other harmful substances. However, by having 25% Dark Elf DNA, instruments made of pure iron are more effective against him and can hurt him more severely.
  • Swordsmanship: Robert was trained by his father in swordplay and he wields the Sword of Fu Xi.
  • Asgardian Magic: Robert is able to use simple spells to cast illusions, change appearance and levitate light objects.

Recruiting: Describe here how Black Widow or the Vision (perhaps both) contacted your character and recruited them into the training program.

Subplots: Describe at least two subplots you would like to develop with your character through this RP

Character gallery - a little collage of images that represent your character (optionl but if you decide to use it, must be 350x300)

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I will need help with the faceclaim thing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hey Dizzy, glad to help. Do you already have an actor in mind? You can post your sheet without the faceclaim. Later, we can add the image.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Character's Name, Age Kijani Ryane. 20

[indent][indent]Story: Kijani was born to two wealthy, brilliant people who happened to dislike each other. Her conception was essentially an accident, and her parents married out of propriety rather than love. She grew up cared for by a nanny while her parents worked and ignored her, except when they wanted to dress her up and trot her out for parties like a little trophy.

Her school days were strained. While her grades were always top class, whenever there came an event or show for her parents to come to, they were always “busy” and failed to attend. The most painful of these was a ballet recital when she was 10.

Kijani's abilities come from an old genetic kinesis quirk in her mother's bloodline that skips every few generations. Where before the women with power were labeled as "witches" and "weirdoes", today they are "metahumans". When her powers manifested, her parents were quite pleased. One more thing to make their daughter “special” on paper. However, this alienated her classmates, most of which did not have powers or chose to openly show them.

Her nanny was fired in Kijani's early adolescence, leaving the girl without a friend entirely. She spent her time alone, dancing, devouring knowledge, and developing her power to greater strength. When she was eleven, she was kidnapped off the streets and held for ransom by an organization known as the Alpha Continuum.

After about a month, she escaped and made it home to her parents. From that day on she was never quite the same. She promised herself she’d never let that happen to her again, no matter what it took. Kijani pretty much raised herself after that, while her parents worked. She became an emancipated minor at the age of fifteen, took her inheritance from her parents, and used it to start living life on her own terms.

For the first few years she traveled the world. She spent several months touring Europe, learning languages and absorbing culture. She spent a year in China, training extensively, and banishing the softness of a rich life from her spirit and body. Once she returned to America, she started work on becoming who she truly wanted to become. Having taken 'knowledge is power' as an almost-literal mantra, she began to make a name for herself, stealing secrets and gaining information for the highest bidder. Currently, she works as an informant, and no one knows that the pretty girl working in the local library is actually a wealthy, highly trained genius.

Appearance: Kijani is about 6 feet tall with dark skin, black hair in dreadlocks and has golden yellow eyes. She usually wears tailored business suits and bespoke shoes, and usually wears makeup. On casual days, it’s designer jeans and expensive sneakers. She does wear jewelry, favoring gold over silver. She also hides dime romance novels in her designer purses.


Relationship Status Single, open to dating

Likes (optional):Books (especially fantasy novels), dancing, music, wine (she has a very good fake ID)

Dislikes (optional):Rain and cold weather, “stupid” people, the color white in excess (like completely blank walls), the smell of bleach.

Powers/Abilities: Describe your character's powers. Don't forget to describe the limitations of these powers as well.>list]
[*] Paperkinesis: Kijani has the ability to manipulate paper, and control it’s density. She can turn an index card into a razor sharp blade, a book into a brick, and newspaper into armor. She is limited only by her imagination, and distance. Every bit of paper within 50 feet is her plaything, from pages to paper towels.
[*] Specialized Fighting style She also has a lot of grace on the battlefield, her primary talent being evasion and misdirection. Her fighting style is a blend of Tai Chi and Capoeria- moving with the flow of the fight, never stopping. Kijani’s self-invented style flows from move to move, never breaking stride even when she falls or is hit, it simply becomes another move in the dance. Aside from her power and training, Kijani is pretty much human. Cut her, she bleeds. Shoot her, she dies.
[*] PolyglotWhile it’s not necessarily a superpower, Kijani has a gift for languages, and currently speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, and Mandarin Chinese. She is working on Japanese and sign language.
[*] Information programming Kijani has a specialized computer program that she created herself, that builds information profiles on all sorts of subjects. If it can be known, she is determined to find it.

Recruiting: Black Widow found Kijani through a slip up she made with her computer programming. Some research led her to the area Kijani lived in, and she confronted the young woman directly. Natasha came bearing advice, an offering, and a warning. The advice was how to fix the programming mistake. The offering was to join the team. The warning was that if she didn't, she'd likely be in prison within 5 - 10 years.

Subplots: -Kijani has been a solo act for some time, and isolated longer than that. She might need some help learning to "play with others".

-She wants to take down the group who kidnapped her, but first the team will have to drag that trauma into the light.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Ezka Thank you. My sheet is just above. I may need help with the recruit thing too, as either Black Widow or Vision stands a good chance of finding her.

I don't really know actors and actresses, so I genuinely have no one in mind.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reading your char description, maybe she could be playde by Chloe or Halle Bailey. What do you think?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Ezka Oooh! See, that's what I'm talking about. I don't know either of them but they do match.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Mistress Dizzy I think your CS is practically ready. Before approving it, I would just like to suggest that you write a little more about the origins of Origami's powers. Oh, and about the recruiting section, you can choose one of the two. It's your choice. It could also be another minor UN agent. I'll add a new section at the end with smaller plots you'd like your character to develop over the course of the RP. As soon as I update the CS model, I'll let you know.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

What do you mean by origins? She was born with the power but it didn't really show up until she was about 8.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by QuinnWolfe
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Let me know if there is anything I should change, would love feedback if there is anything that could be described better or if anything needs to be changed because of lore.


Bailey Owens, 19 (from 18 to 23)


Bailey was raised by her dad in Northern California, she was an only child. Her mother died shortly after she was born due to an illness. Her father was a chemist and pharmacist, who had a knack for bringing his work home with him. He had many little side projects, and was a smart but troubled man searching for a cure to the illness that killed his wife. He did his best to be a good father, though was quite often over consumed in his work. There was an accident when Bailey was at the age of 3 when she ingested one of her father’s prototype drugs and she fell into a deep sleep, much like a coma. Her father didn’t take her to the hospital, fearing that she would be taken from him by child services and worked instead to synthesize an antidote to her ailment. When he got her to awake, she would not stop crying. Everything was too loud. She could hear everything.

And thus, her father’s interests changed from scientist to mechanical engineer as he had to learn to make life bearable for his young daughter, as not even regular noise cancelling products were enough. He designed her special ear covers, which definitely took a few tries to get right. The first few designs were clunky, and she was often bullied by her classmates. It became a problem especially as she got older, one time in 6th grade a boy pulled them off her head and ran off with them. She chased him down and beat him up, but she did more damage than someone her age and size should be able to do and put him in the hospital for a few weeks. Her father paid the family off, but they ended up having to move to New York. There she was able to restart her life. She made friends, and found a group to hang out with who didn’t treat her like a weirdo for her ear covers and maintained a relatively normal outer life though at home was anything but normal as her father ran experiments on her, and put her through various tests and training, the scientist in him unable to help but be curious as he knew these were further side effects from his drugs. Throughout her years in high school, her father raved over the idea of somehow getting her in contact with Tony Stark, Iron Man who he knew had the genius to perfect the ear protectors for his daughter. Eventually, with his persistence, (and perhaps some breaking and entering) he did get his audience with Tony Stark who, surprisingly, heard him out and even took a look at a new model her father had been working on. Ultimately he declined to help, and had them leave. But a few months later, they received a package in the mail with no return address and inside it contained the earbuds that worked perfectly and Tony Stark’s business card. Not only were they capable of blocking noise out, it was entirely adjustable so that she could hear as much as she wanted to when she wanted to.

Throughout her life though, Bailey never really knew what “normal” was. Much of her younger years were spent in padded rooms with soft plushy things, away from things that might make noise. Great lengths were gone to ensure insulation from the noise wherever they lived and it took her a while to build up a tolerance. This made school very difficult and from 1st grade to 4th grade she was homeschooled. After the move, she did much better in school and did her best to maintain a normal life. She would get “medical” exemptions from PE, that were because of her sensitive hearing and the gyms acoustics but really in secret it was also so she never accidentally harmed anyone by being too rough during any of the sports. After getting the fixed ear protectors in the mail, she found her place on the robotics team, inspired by Stark. She worked hard to maintain her status as a stellar student, planning to go to college for engineering.

As far as dating, she went with one of the theater kids to the homecoming dance her junior year and later that year he asked her out. They ended up breaking things off at the end of their senior year though, as he was gonna go to college way over in Pennsylvania. She kept her friend group small, having really just two best friends, one from her robotics team and the other from her math class. She did many robotics competitions with her friends, gaining her some notice from tech schools, and even some companies for her creations.

Appearance: I know we will use a face claim, but don't be shy about describing your character's physical appearance. Maybe they have a specific trait that makes them stand out in the crowd. Or maybe they have some trait that their face claim doesn't. Also describe their personal style. How do they like to dress? Do they wear piercings or earrings?

Instead of her hair being dyed, Bailey’s hair is grey/silver to her roots as a side effect from the chemicals she ingested as a toddler. She also has a scar on her shoulder from her sixth grade fight where the boy bit her. Her ears and nose are pierced and she loves to wear beanies and hoodies.

Sexuality: Bailey is bisexual

Relationship Status Bailey is single

Likes (optional): Tacos, cats, computers, libraries, winning competitions, board games

Dislikes (optional): marching bands, vacuums, swimming, mushrooms, coffee,

Powers/Abilities: Describe your character's powers. Don't forget to describe the limitations of these powers as well.

  • Enhanced Hearing & Echolocation: Bailey can hear a pin drop, literally. Beyond being able to hear down to the smallest of decimals, she can tell exactly where something is and it’s size, thickness, and shape. Many times, she can guess exactly what it is but that is more from practice and she doesn’t entirely have it down yet. The limitation is that this can be extremely overwhelming and even painful if there is too much noise without her ear covers.
  • Enhanced Strength & Endurance: Bailey’s strength and endurance is beyond that of normal human’s but not superhuman. She has yet to test the full extent of it, for fear of hurting someone.
  • Brainiac: Bailey might not know everything but she sure does know a lot. She's an accelerated learner unlike anyone's ever seen, particularly in the realm of technology and mechanics.

Recruiting: Shortly after graduating she was recruited and given an apprenticeship at Stark Industries, and a few months into that she was contacted by Vision for recruitment into a training program.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KZOMBI3
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KZOMBI3 thuggy-lewd-dere

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Ezka most likely a dumb question but are you looking specifically for FCs who were younger? or does it matter at all? i.e. young johnny depp or young debbie harry etc.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

What do you mean by origins? She was born with the power but it didn't really show up until she was about 8.

Oh, I understand Dizzy. But could you describe why she has this power? Normally humans don't have powers, so what gave her those powers? Is it a genetic mutation? Or perhaps the result of a ritual?

@QuinnWolfe I think your CS is pretty much good to go. I'm just going to ask you to fix the image. Oh, and I'm going to add a subplot section, so I need you to add that to your CS too.

@KZOMBI3 Hey, Zombie. Yes, the face claim must be someone who is young (or at least appears to be).
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guys, I updated the CS to include the subplots. Please update your CS's
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by QuinnWolfe
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edit- Apologies, but I'm not longer interested in this roleplay so you can disregard this post. Leaving it in a hider for context though.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


I have adjusted my sheet with the necessary information.

Also: this is the picture I want to use, but I don't know how to change it to fit the shape. Help?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by QuinnWolfe
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Also: this is the picture I want to use, but I don't know how to change it to fit the shape. Help?

I also had troubles with mine and I think I finally got it down.Just updated my character sheet with an image I resized with a better website. I downloaded the image, under the 4th section (resize your image) I unselected "Keep aspect ratio" and put in the dimensions 400 x 150, I selected black for the background color. You will have to download and re-upload somewhere your image to get a permanent weblink for it.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@QuinnWolfe Hey, thanks! I had to fiddle with it some but I did it!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by pexple


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

i gotta do this on mobile this sint letting me upload
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by pexple


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

how do u add pictures
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