For Captain Cal Strand, looks like nothin’ ever goes smooth. Now he’s hightailin’ it to the black with a hold full ‘o’ legit cargo...but that don’t stop them hairs on the back of his neck standin’ up. Of course, he wasn’t countin’ on a crime boss puttin’ him right square ‘tween the Alliance an’ the Browncoat underground, a cranky teenager gettin’ stitches in her butt, or a pilot what gangs up on ‘im with a pithy AI. The China Doll could be that gift horse whose mouth he shoulda checked, dohn mah?
The year’s 2521. War ended a decade ago. Been 3 years since the Miranda Broadwave riled some folk up, but the Alliance put the boot down on that right quick. It ain’t easy for “naughty men to slip about” these days, but there’s still work as can be had, long’s the price is right an’ you ain’t the curious type.
“Firefly – Second ‘Verse” is an episodic PBP game. Character and plot development will be encouraged and written over the course of each episode. Certain adventures will involve “capers,” live action scenes played out in chat by member players. These scenes could vary from crimes to action to something as simple as everyone talking over the galley table.
Cal conjures his crew could do well to hear The Word, so we got need of a Shepherd or other spiritual type, male or female. He also wouldn’t object if we got a Companion aboard. (lookin’ for a male Companion, but that ain’t my place to ask.) Passengers, too, but don’t let none of this fence you in. There’s lots of different folk out there. After all...it’s a mighty big ‘verse.
We’re ‘bout to touch down on Greenleaf, a planet known for it’s tropical jungles an’ the major pharma hub for the entire ‘verse. If you wanna fly with us, send us a wave!
@wanderingwolf - he’s the brains...
@sail3695 - he runs the mop...