Alright done with my CS! Btw when you said gain a feat level 1 does this mean we get a free feat?

Class: Monk - Way of the Astral Self (from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
Character Sheet
Appearance: Standing at 2 feet tall and 3 feet long (4 if you include the tail), Arma is rather large for a Bori. His dark brown fur and gray carapace meshes well with the walls and rocks of the dojo where he stays. Although it looks rough, the fur covering his body is actually quite soft and pleasing to the touch. The thick and dense strands help keep dust and dirt away but is useless in the face of water. Once wet, he will spend hours or maybe even days trying to dry it out. As Arma is adept at maneuvering his body, the carapace is vital for his defense since he can just redirect incoming blows onto it. His large yellow eyes are useful for seeing in the dark. Arma also sports a headband to keep excess fur from falling into his eyes.
Personality: Like most Boris, Arma is rather timid. He dislikes conflict and prefers to try and talk things through even though he isn't that good at it. Despite this, once he sees that there is no room for negotiation Arma turns into a skilled fighter that utilizes hand to hand combat and his spear. Outside of hostile encounters, Arma likes rocks... a lot. And digging. Since digging brings him closer to rocks that he can see and collect. He doesn't like swimming a lot, or flying for that matter since they take him so far away from the ground which was solid and had rocks.
Background: Arma grew up under the tutelage of Master Pebble in the Dojo of Flowing Stone. Since a young age, it was all he's ever known. Although he was a timid child, Master Pebble saw the innate ability in the young Bori and encouraged him to hone his skills. The fruits of his labor was finally shown when during a spar Arma managed to hit his opponent who was several feet in front of him with what seemed like a flickering spiritual fist which disappeared soon after. Since that day, his training has increased tenfold in an effort to replicate and master the ability. Even though he was clearly the Master's favourite no one envied him as the training regiment that he was going through was enough to make even the most senior members puke their meal. In fact they even encouraged him to improve since he was the first of their kin to learn such a skill. He has never left the dojo and has never had the urge to. He enjoyed his happy, albeit tiring life with his brothers and sisters and Master Pebble.
When Faerieland started to fall, the Dojo of Flowing Stone was one of the first to respond to the external threat. Master Pebble and the most senior warriors set forth in an effort to find the source of the problem and eradicate it leaving Arma and a couple others in charge. Alas, months passed and there was still no news from them. After catching wind that Lord Hagan was recruiting a few adventurers to help solve the crisis, Arma consulted with the others and decided that he was to go. In order to find out what exactly happened to Master Pebble and the other members, for the first time in his life, Arma was on the opposite side of the dojo gates.
Arma Rockspy - Brown Bori

Class: Monk - Way of the Astral Self (from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
Character Sheet
Appearance: Standing at 2 feet tall and 3 feet long (4 if you include the tail), Arma is rather large for a Bori. His dark brown fur and gray carapace meshes well with the walls and rocks of the dojo where he stays. Although it looks rough, the fur covering his body is actually quite soft and pleasing to the touch. The thick and dense strands help keep dust and dirt away but is useless in the face of water. Once wet, he will spend hours or maybe even days trying to dry it out. As Arma is adept at maneuvering his body, the carapace is vital for his defense since he can just redirect incoming blows onto it. His large yellow eyes are useful for seeing in the dark. Arma also sports a headband to keep excess fur from falling into his eyes.
Personality: Like most Boris, Arma is rather timid. He dislikes conflict and prefers to try and talk things through even though he isn't that good at it. Despite this, once he sees that there is no room for negotiation Arma turns into a skilled fighter that utilizes hand to hand combat and his spear. Outside of hostile encounters, Arma likes rocks... a lot. And digging. Since digging brings him closer to rocks that he can see and collect. He doesn't like swimming a lot, or flying for that matter since they take him so far away from the ground which was solid and had rocks.
Background: Arma grew up under the tutelage of Master Pebble in the Dojo of Flowing Stone. Since a young age, it was all he's ever known. Although he was a timid child, Master Pebble saw the innate ability in the young Bori and encouraged him to hone his skills. The fruits of his labor was finally shown when during a spar Arma managed to hit his opponent who was several feet in front of him with what seemed like a flickering spiritual fist which disappeared soon after. Since that day, his training has increased tenfold in an effort to replicate and master the ability. Even though he was clearly the Master's favourite no one envied him as the training regiment that he was going through was enough to make even the most senior members puke their meal. In fact they even encouraged him to improve since he was the first of their kin to learn such a skill. He has never left the dojo and has never had the urge to. He enjoyed his happy, albeit tiring life with his brothers and sisters and Master Pebble.
When Faerieland started to fall, the Dojo of Flowing Stone was one of the first to respond to the external threat. Master Pebble and the most senior warriors set forth in an effort to find the source of the problem and eradicate it leaving Arma and a couple others in charge. Alas, months passed and there was still no news from them. After catching wind that Lord Hagan was recruiting a few adventurers to help solve the crisis, Arma consulted with the others and decided that he was to go. In order to find out what exactly happened to Master Pebble and the other members, for the first time in his life, Arma was on the opposite side of the dojo gates.