
C I N D Y M O O N ♦ S T U D E N T ♦ N E W Y O R K C I T Y
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"Running. That's pretty much the only thing I'm good at. Running from responsibility. Running from friends. I'm tired of running."
In this iteration of Cindy Moon, she is bit by the same radioactive spider that had gotten Peter though she is younger when bitten. However unlike the canon, she opts to suppress and hideaway her powers as I thought being at a young age, it would be natural for a girl to be scared for being different like that. She would have her mishaps (leading to later conflicts as someone might expose her secret identity remembering a girl who could shoot webs), but overall she was lucky enough to avoid anything critical including catching the eye of someone to take her away. She tries and somewhat succeeds at living a normal teenage life in New York City.
Much like the canon interpretation of Cindy's personality, she'll struggle socially with a hefty dose of anxiety. She never get too close with someone, fearing that they might discover her abilities accidentally. She'd restrict her activities from that point as well, fearing that some of her more innate powers might give her an advantage. She would do everything possible to suppress her abilities and as a result, never be quite trained in them.
As time passed, Peter would be making a name for himself as Spider-Man. His feats of heroism and bravery would be enough to get a little fangirl out of Cindy. After all, he was probably the only one just like her. She constantly flirted with the idea of webslinging her way to find him but the fear of rejection and exposure would be enough to keep her at bay. Remember too, she is several years younger than Peter so all those villains he has squared off with would terrify her.
With Spider-Man presently dealing with the unified front against him in the Sinister Six, he would appear to stand alone to the average New Yorker. News would begin to ask and speculate "The End of Spider-Man?" prompting Cindy to start to fear for Peter's life. As the classic Spider-Man saying goes: "With great power comes great responsibility", she'd finally believe it was up to her to save Spider-Man.
Much like the canon interpretation of Cindy's personality, she'll struggle socially with a hefty dose of anxiety. She never get too close with someone, fearing that they might discover her abilities accidentally. She'd restrict her activities from that point as well, fearing that some of her more innate powers might give her an advantage. She would do everything possible to suppress her abilities and as a result, never be quite trained in them.
As time passed, Peter would be making a name for himself as Spider-Man. His feats of heroism and bravery would be enough to get a little fangirl out of Cindy. After all, he was probably the only one just like her. She constantly flirted with the idea of webslinging her way to find him but the fear of rejection and exposure would be enough to keep her at bay. Remember too, she is several years younger than Peter so all those villains he has squared off with would terrify her.
With Spider-Man presently dealing with the unified front against him in the Sinister Six, he would appear to stand alone to the average New Yorker. News would begin to ask and speculate "The End of Spider-Man?" prompting Cindy to start to fear for Peter's life. As the classic Spider-Man saying goes: "With great power comes great responsibility", she'd finally believe it was up to her to save Spider-Man.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
Cindy has just gotten her first taste as a superhero and has come away with the wrong conclusion that she isn't worthy. Her story is only just beginning, though. By pairing up with the media darling Superboy in public, speculation about Silk, another NYC Spider hero will spread. How far can she go before her parents try to crack down? What pressures will she face to keep her in the game? Keep her out? All to be determined...
The Mask Lifted
The most important next step to Cindy's story is her realizing that superheroes are just people making sacrifices like what she could be doing. Like she is willing to do. It'll come more as a surprise to her when she discovers the super villain in this arc, Dragonclaw, isn't evil personified like she was always lead to believe...
Spider-Man, Dragonclaw, other NYC heroes
The First of Nine Lives
Silk branches out on her own and tries to do what Peter never could: Take Black Cat down. For far too long, Spider-Man has let Black Cat go due to some mutual understanding, but that created a shadow over NYC where Felicia's activities have gone unchecked, and she might just be ambitious enough to expand. In the first act of nine, however, Cindy can't help but feel like she is being strung along...
Black Cat, Spider-Man, Spider-Verse villains
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Late 2009: Cindy Moon, age 5, should have been home sick but with her mother having to lead a field trip to Oscorp, takes Cindy along. She is bitten by the same mutated spider that had bitten Peter Parker. Cindy develops her powers but far too young to understand the implications along with her parents, try and cover it up.
2010: A man with spider powers makes the news amid the chaos of the alien invasion due to his role of protecting civilians. The Moons consider the potential relation.
2011: Spider-Man becomes a household name in New York City, the Moon consider pressing charges on account of Cindy but ultimately decide against it to avoid drawing attention to Cindy. The family doubles down on protection, she is strictly prohibited from extracurricular activities.
2012: Through diligence, the Moons have conditioned her daughter to suppress and hide her powers. Cindy is allowed to rejoin grade school at the age of 8. She is terrified of her abilities and becomes a social recluse, afraid of accidentally revealing her abilities.
2018: Cindy makes it to high school without incident. Her enhanced physiology and web abilities are at a level of being unconsciously suppressed effectively de-powering her. The only trace left of her spider bite is her Spider-Sense having been always keenly aware of things around her, that sense grew in strength as her only expression of power throughout the years. She is now at the level of being able to identify people around her by this sense alone. She still thinks about Spider-Man and if they might have some relation somehow.
2020: Daily Bugle runs its hit piece, Spider-Man's Blunder!, outlining the Sinister Six and Spider-Man's failure at keeping them locked up. News throughout the year begins to offer grim takes on Spider-Man's chances. With each new article, Cindy pushes harder to try and awaken her sleeping powers, fearing that she has to do something to help.
2010: A man with spider powers makes the news amid the chaos of the alien invasion due to his role of protecting civilians. The Moons consider the potential relation.
2011: Spider-Man becomes a household name in New York City, the Moon consider pressing charges on account of Cindy but ultimately decide against it to avoid drawing attention to Cindy. The family doubles down on protection, she is strictly prohibited from extracurricular activities.
2012: Through diligence, the Moons have conditioned her daughter to suppress and hide her powers. Cindy is allowed to rejoin grade school at the age of 8. She is terrified of her abilities and becomes a social recluse, afraid of accidentally revealing her abilities.
2018: Cindy makes it to high school without incident. Her enhanced physiology and web abilities are at a level of being unconsciously suppressed effectively de-powering her. The only trace left of her spider bite is her Spider-Sense having been always keenly aware of things around her, that sense grew in strength as her only expression of power throughout the years. She is now at the level of being able to identify people around her by this sense alone. She still thinks about Spider-Man and if they might have some relation somehow.
2020: Daily Bugle runs its hit piece, Spider-Man's Blunder!, outlining the Sinister Six and Spider-Man's failure at keeping them locked up. News throughout the year begins to offer grim takes on Spider-Man's chances. With each new article, Cindy pushes harder to try and awaken her sleeping powers, fearing that she has to do something to help.
P O S T C A T A L O G: