Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

"I honestly have no idea, i'm not really a medical expert." Cassandra said looking over towards Sparky, she knew a lot of things, but the whole memories being changed was a bit beyond her. Cass listened to Amelia as she started to ramble on, and on she wasn't sure what Amelia was talking about at the moment, but she was glad that her friend was keeping their interrogator off topic. Her attention turned towards Darcy reiterating that she she wasn't qualified with interrogations. But she was able to answer at least their questions and what they were being charged with. Cass leaned forward slightly, she was still more concerned about the rest of her team and their wellbeing as well to.

"All that i'm willing to say is that we are looking for two individuals one by the name of Luminous, and the other by the name of Dr. Doom. I'm willing to cooperate more, but I want to know that the rest of my team is alright." Cass said to Darcy, she kept the rest of the information to herself, she was concerned for the others especially for Matt. Cassandra shook her head slightly when she was being called a clone, though she was curious who else she was talking about. "Also for the record i'm not a clone at all."

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

"Well then how am I suppose to do prove my innocence if I can't get a lawyer? Because thats total bullshit, I don't even know what I did. I mean the worse thing that I did was probably get a DUI and a little shoplifting when I was younger." Maria said looking towards Flynn before turning her attention back over towards Rambeau and pointed directly towards Raynor addressing what he had done. She turned to give Raynor a confused look what Agent Rambeau had said, and it was something she wanted to find out now, it also explained why Raynor was really twitchy the moment that they had gotten here.

Rambeau asked why they had suddenly appeared in the middle of Times Sqaure. "I also heard that coffee here is really good. Though coffee from Genosha is way better in my opinion." Maria said going with what Raynor said, she actually had been to Genosha back in their home reality though it was a bit against her will thanks to Max, who needed her help with their problems there. Maria turned to look at their interrogator. "You already did bring out the cuffs and collars, are you going to bring out the whips next to?" Maria said jokingly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

Celestine let out a heavy sigh and shook her head back and forth a few times in disappointment. This type of outcome was expected, but how dense the man was and how he assumed they had kidnapped someone on top of everything, made it worse. She was unsure of what she could say at this point, so just let the others around her speak their parts for the moment being. In the meantime, she evaluated the room they were inside of, and the thought of using her Technopath abilities came to mind, perhaps a distraction of some sort? The table they were chained to would be a good start, or maybe a camera would shut off or glitch? A smile formed upon Celestine's face as she thought of ways to cause trouble, but she knew doing so would most likely only make things worse for all of them.

With her right hand, she spun the contents of her coffee, looking into the dark liquid as it moved around in a counter clockwise pattern. The currents reminded her of when they first arrived at The Raft, though those waters were much more chaotic and move without what was meaning, or at least appeared to be meaning. Celestine's sapphire blue eyes scanned the room once more, drifting from each member of her team, to the SHIELD agent, to the door where freedom awaited her, or perhaps something else. Only time would tell what would happen next, and she hoped the others were doing better than they were, perhaps they were even making progress with getting them all freed. She shrugged her shoulders lightly then returned her focus to the man who decided their fate, or at least pretended to.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room A1

Niah was astounded. Absolutely astounded. They either should be being shipped off to a mental hospital or unceremoniously sent back to their own reality. She frowned. Kidnapped. Lana? Who...Banner. Oh. A piece of the puzzle clicked into place. "We didn't kidnap her." She gave a look to Bonnie, then looked back to Woo. "As we said, we're from another reality. Lana grew up in our world as Theresa Sparks. You can ask her. She's never heard of Lana Banner, and that isn't because we are that good at brainwashing.

Niah took a deep breath. It seemed she was the only one with all the pieces at the moment, and she knew she only had half the puzzle. Raynor had more of them. "I'm sure if you searched Wales you'll find a Niah Bautista that lived there. She's never heard of Lana Banner or Theresa Sparks." Niah really hoped she wasn't stepping in it giving her name. Part of her figured they already knew her name from some DNA test or facial scan. She also hoped that this Niah hadn't broken as much as she feared was possible. Dalisy's death never seemed to be good for Niah.

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room Z11

Matt couldn't keep his face from showing surprise at the mention that Raynor had committed genocide. He was from this world. Those were his crimes. A lot of what was being said didn't make any sense. The banter felt weird. He didn't know what to say. He also had no idea who the Dark X-Men were. Well, he could guess. Since he knew who the X-Men were.

Was he being included in the whole 'terrorist' thing? He couldn't say. What he could guess from his memories was he wasn't super different here than back in their world. Matt decided to keep his mouth shut. He didn't have enough information and he didn't want to say something that would get them executed. It didn't matter how much he thought they were innocent of any crimes, he was traveling with Raynor. These guys would give them no quarter. The others had no idea...Sparky had no idea. No wonder Raynor avoided talking about it so much.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oliver blinked as Celestine started to speak, before screaming internally. Taking action impulsively was a mistake, but at least something he understood, he did it back on the moon after all. But impulsively infodumping everything about their team's mission to the cop that was interrogating them while they were still handcuffed bordered on the criminally insane. His eye twitched, and he tried vainly to keep something that vaguely resembled a poker face, but it was about everything he had to not scream his head off at Celestine in front of everybody.

Before she had the chance to handover their personnel files to Agent Woo, Oliver nodded along with Bonnie, "That should be what shows up, yeah." Oli agreed, hoping desperately that the flow of time between the two universes was the same, and it hadn't been years since the two of them showed up. He balked a bit at Niah's suggestion, before making a sound that vaguely resembled that of a dying animal, "I'd um, rather you not go in that direction for me... It seems like this world's me is a lot more, um... fun." He said, "Look, I've spent most of the last year hoping desperately not to go to prison, and I'd rather that, if I am, it's for something I actually do." Oliver said, clearly worried at the prospect of them googling him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Well, wasn't this conversation getting to be more than a bit interesting. They ended up learning a few things about what had happened or things that were going on in this reality. So, Raynor had committed Genocide or something like that, and now he was more than a bit curious. However he wasn't really one to judge people. After all, he's done a few horrible things in his own lifetime, so honestly, he actually likely wasn't going to hold it against Raynor entirely. Then again he wasn't sure how everyone else would react to that statement. Personally though, he kind of didn't care.

"I mean based on what's been said, guessing it is really bad otherwise we wouldn't likely have been arrested if I had to guess," Flynn said a bit sarcastically in response to Maria, before actually paying attention to what else was being said. Based on what was being said, Matt was a part of MI13, so he apparently wasn't a terrorist, but considering he was stuck with the group who apparently were all villains in this reality. "I don't really drink much coffee, but anything is probably better than what I'm used to." Flynn added, deciding to keep the joke about the coffee going a bit.

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: N/A

Sparky isn't too sure what really to think with regards to everything that was being said. The whole thing with memory issues was something that was a bit strange, however Darcy started going on and answering the few questions that she had asked, and the instances that stood out a bit were what she referred to them as. Cass was obviously the clone, that was a no brainer, but the other part and her referring to Amelia and her as an Avenger and a missing baby? She wasn't entirely sure who she was referring to, and the missing baby part made her question if she was more or less saying one of them was from this reality, which didn't make sense right? "Uhh... Long lost baby? What are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense."

That had been the first thing that came to her mind, the other part that came to mind was everything else that she had said with regards to the charges that was against them. "...Also for those charges I literally didn't actually do anything? I didn't mess with the scanners, I walked through them, and I saw the Iron Legion or whatever show up, and then people started firing, before I got shot and ended up on the ground, literally before I could do any sort of thing to intervene or whatever... So I kind of was just sort of there and didn't really do anything..." Sparky then pointed out. She hadn't really paid any attention to the fighting, she more or less was more concerned with not dying after she had gotten shot, so she actually hadn't had any time to do anything in the fight, and had honestly felt completely useless.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 4:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Agent Woo didn't believe a word coming out of Niah's mouth. In fact, he was so confident that she was just straight up lying to his face that he didn't even bother pulling up the files to even entertain the notion that she was telling the truth. Instead, he just shook his head at her. "Convenient story, I like how it ties up all the loose ends," he said. "How did she get to your reality then - flying saucer?"

Bonnie was instantly concerned - with what Niah had said about Sparky being Lana Banner and Oliver's admission that his counterpart here was more "fun." Raynor was from this reality - and now Niah was implying that Sparky was too? Or did she mean that Sparky's counterpart here was Lana Banner? She had to assume the former, but that just gave her more questions - mostly why? Wouldn't Raynor have said something? Was this what Niah had wanted to talk to Sparky about earlier? How did Niah know and not Sparky then? (Of course, Bonnie had to admit that Niah knew a lot of things no one else possibly could or should).

Then there was Oliver and his situation, bizarrely, was much easier for Bonnie to read. She had had an influx of memories, he had as well. It seemed he remembered doing some things that were highly illegal. Given that he was the son of Thanos, a cosmic level villain and threat to pretty much life all across the universe, Bonnie imagined that maybe in this world, Oliver had turned out more like his father. That was concerning. If they were gaining memories from this world, what was to stop them from gaining personalities as well?

Would Oliver turn on them and try to kill them all?

"We were investigating an anomaly, we don't know how it works or why it brought us here, it just did," Bonnie answered Woo.

"Sorry, hold up a second - it almost sounded like you were making a confession?" Woo said, looking at Oliver.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Do you, uh, happen to know their real names? I'm guessing no one legally names their child Luminous - and that Dr. Doom doesn't even have a doctorate," Darcy pointed out. "Also, who names themselves Dr. Doom? That's got the same problem the Dark X-Men has, it builds your brand inherently from a place of negative evil shit. No one is going to think someone named Doom has a reasonable argument."

"... I actually have no clue," Amelia admitted. "Cass d'ya know what their actual names are? I don't remember seeing anything else written down on the files and all. I bet Luminous is a Stacy though. She seems like a Stacy. Or maybe a Wendy? I could see that for her too. And Doom... He's from Eastern Europe, right? That can't be his real name, right?"

Darcy then took a moment to answer some of Sparky's questions. "Well, yeah, no one's seen you in decades - you're kind of a famous cold case now, Buzzfeed Unsolved did an entire episode on the conspiracy surrounding your kidnapping," she explained. "As for the charges... I think they're calling you an accomplice, but I'm sure you can, like, claim emotional distress or something."

"Maybe the you from here happened to have been 'napped as a baby?" Amelia suggested. "They've got all sorts of weird tech here, they probably had a pic of what the kid would look like grown up or a DNA sample or something and bam, you show up, and the cold case gets a new lead." She wasn't worrying too much about arguing their way out of the charges, largely because Amelia had the feeling that these people would just make up new ones to hold them here.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Rambeau shifted in her seat slightly, staring at Maria. She had read Maria's file, she knew the long list of crimes this girl had committed, but she believed her. There was something genuine about her. "Whips aren't really my style," Rambeau answered, contemplating what to do next. "But I'll bite. How do you explain this?" Rambeau then tapped her fingers twice on the table and it came to life, holographically projecting images of people in black uniforms with large golden X's across the chest pieces committing acts of terrorism and violence. Hospitals were blown up, schools were burned, water supplies were contaminated. Still images showed clear shots of three of the individuals - Frederick Lensherr and Maria Novikova. Another image showed Raynor, identified as Raynor Baldursen / Ragnarok, using some large device spewing noxious fumes.

Raynor flinched ever so slightly, seeing the picture of himself. He remembered that day clearly. It hadn't bothered him then. He couldn't remember when the guilt had started, when he began waking up in cold sweats, tormented with nightmares over his past actions. He knew that he deserved to be in this interrogation room - but no one else did. He didn't even know if Sparky was okay. If neither of them made it home, who would take care of little Zarina - who would raise their daughter?

"Too hard to look at?" Rambeau asked him. "You sterilized every human citizen of the Iron that day. You did that and it can't be undone."

"... I know," Raynor said, avoiding Rambeau's eye. "And I'd do it again in a heartbeat," he lied.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra listened to Darcy as she answered Sparky's question, turning to look at her for a moment before turning her attention back at Darcy when she asked for their real names. She had read Dr. Doom's file a few times in the past and knew that he was pretty bad and the Fantastic Four were always fighting him most of the time. "I don't understand his last name really, but his full name is Victor Von Doom, he's from the Latveria region. If you don't believe me then look him up in your database i'm sure there is someone with that name, or even look at the traffic cameras where we appeared i'm sure that they appeared sometime before we did." Cass answered Darcy hopefully that would get her to believe what they were saying.

"As for Luminous that is her name as far as I know of her, but she's still a very dangerous threat, we've seen what she can do in person." Cassandra said while looking back at Sparky, she wasnt super sure what they were talking about with her. Maybe she was from here to but was taken as a kid but didn't have any kind of memories here when she was really young.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria turned to look at Agent Rambeau, as she started to use the table and brought up various images of her, Raynor and Flynn doing various acts of terrorism. She had no clue what made this version of her so radicalized and what they had done was really horrible and seeing what Raynor had done was horrible to. But she was willing to look past it if Raynor really did and truly regretted what he had done here in this reality. She took a moment and started to think what to say next and hoped that it wouldn't get them into any kind of trouble really as Maria leaned forward.

"I'll be honest and may sound really crazy but the three of us." Maria said gesturing towards herself, Matt and Flynn before speaking again. "We aren't from this reality at all." Maria said as she thought a little bit before holding out her hands, a side effect of her powers was that she could sometimes gain the memories of those that she had drained in the past. "A side effect of my powers are that I sometimes experience memories of those that I have touched. If you or someone here has an ability like that have them look into my memories, you also have some fancy tech here I dunno if your tech here can do let someone's memories playout in front of everyone." Maria suggested, she closed her eyes for a moment and sighed turning to look at the agent. "I have a wife and newborn daughter back home, I really don't want to end up getting killed for something that my counterpart here has done."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

Things were dragging on with the so called interrogation, and her attempt to be honest with Agent Woo was apparently wasted upon a close minded man, a fool. Celestine let out a heavy sigh, running her left hand through her short black hair, it was going to be a long day, apparently. The others around her apparently were not getting anywhere with the man either, which did not help their case in the slightest. "Should have stayed in bed and not signed on for this mission." thought Celestine with a slight smirk spread across her face, it would have made things much easier in truth. Once more, her eyes scanned the room around her with more curiosity than concern this time around, taking in every detail. They ended up focusing upon the door once more, freedom was so close, if only the collars and handcuffs were not there.

"I answered your questions honestly, now I do believe that a few questions of our own should be answered." said Celestine, not waiting for a reply she kept going. "I asked you about Sparky's condition and did not get a reply, how is she? Is she still alive? Secondly, How did this universes Cass regrow her arm after having it cut clean off? Nanotech or something along the lines? Thirdly, Where even are we? Under water? In space? Below ground? something else?" Celestine leaned back in her chair as much as she could, holding eye contact with Agent Woo. "Also if you give me a deck of cards I will show you a real magic trick, not like what you did by keeping your card behind your hand then flexing your fingers to make it appear as if it came out of nowhere."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room A1
Skills: Persuasion

Niah resisted the urge to groan. What in the world was Oli thinking? "Let me reiterate, we are not from this world. Whatever crimes you believe any of us have committed we haven't. Because we are not from here. There are two of us running around." She hoped. She assumed since they had eyes on two Cass's at one point. "And not because of some cloning program."

"We are members of an organization like this. We work for the government in our world. That's why we were on a mission. We were investigating. I need you to for like five minutes just pretend what I am telling you is the truth." Niah took a deep breath. Hoping that Woo would entertain the idea, even if it was only for five minutes.

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room Z11

Matt was horrified. Genuinely horrified. He hadn't been the biggest fan of Raynor, but he hadn't spent a lot of time around him so he didn't have a strong opinion about the man. Matt did now. "Not only am I not from this universe. I do not agree with his actions."

Matt had spent too much time playing catch up on the whole situation and now he was in over his head. He felt like he had just been slapped in the face with this information. He wanted to ask Raynor if Sparky knew. Had he told her? Was she aware of who she was in a relationship with? Was she aware of who the father of her daughter really was?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oli face palmed at Woo, seeming to only hear the one thing out of his mouth that vaguely sounded like a confession of guilt. Between being the son of an intergalactic space tyrant and this universe's version of him being all murder happy, he wasn't sure how to unpack Any of who Oliver Sullivan was to people from this world. The endless ways the conversation could go wrong left him deciding to sit still, "Yeah, it wasn't, like Niah said, we're from another world, and we have doppelgangers here, or at least, we're pretty sure we all do. Do you have Facebook here? Just look us up on there, we should be totally different people."

A small part of Oli wished he took Woo up on the coffee, but he wasn't about to recant now, besides, he probably wouldn't be in the mood to share now. "Look, I don't know how much more clear we can be. We're the good guys; two terrorists, or supervillains, or whatever you want to call them, escaped here, and we were tasked with bringing them back. Every second you waste keeping us handcuffed to your very fancy desks is another one your world is in jeopardy." Oli's eyes darted down at the computer desk, and subconsciously made a note to to ask for the specs for these later.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Things were certainly getting interesting, all things considering what Rambeau was showing them and all on the video. Flynn didn't say anything at all, or seemingly react immediately to what was shown. His counterpart did a lot of horrible things, but then he got reminded that in a way, he'd also done a lot of horrible things in the real world. A bunch of horrible things that he didn't talk to anyone about, back when he had still been with OMEN. Actually, if people had paid attention, well, let's just say there was a reason why he always got beyond annoyed or mad when Hawkeye would tease him about having worked for the organization in general. There had been a lot of stuff he wasn't proud of, and there was a reason why he never spoke of it to anyone. Only ones who knew were the higher ups in SHIELD, and that was about it.

He could understand why Raynor didn't mention what he had done, and unlike the others he probably knew better then most of the others how it felt trying to run away from your past, and even how it sometimes felt coming back to haunt you. Flynn glanced at Rambeau, now, saying nothing to Raynor (actually he'd probably bring it up later) and spoke up, "Look, like Maria said, we're from another reality. I get it, it sounds insane, but to some people the idea of beings with super powers or whatever is still insane probably, or aliens or anything else like that that sounds impossible to some... So is it really that difficult to think that maybe travel between dimensions is so hard to believe?"

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: N/A

She was more or less tuning out most of what Amelia was rambling about (she had gotten used to having to do that) and instead sort of focused in on what Darcy had been saying about her specifically. Apparently she had been missing for decades? But that was impossible right? She wasn't from this reality, she was from the same one as everyone else, not like anyone had ever told her otherwise. However another thing crossed her mind, what was her name supposedly, since the others seemed to at the very least with their counterparts have very similar names to what they actually were. So, she might as well ask right? "...So what exactly is my name supposedly? If you don't mind me asking..."

“Uh, well - Lana Banner. I don’t think there’s a middle name. Kinda sounds like Lana Banana to me but whatever.”

"...Uh, are you sure it's pronounced that way and not Lana (lah-nuh)," she couldn't help but blurt out asking, however the thoughts started connecting dots. And they were dots in her head that she didn't want to sit there connecting. That name was very different then her own, which meant... Was she really from this place? Was she really from this reality? No, that made no sense, right? How could she have gone to their reality? And, that name... Raynor sometimes called her that by accident, and he was from this reality which could only mean one thing. He had known the entire time. He had to have in order for him to call her by that name, and just, why hadn't he said anything? Sparky's mind was racing, and it would be a bit obvious to those in the room that she was not thrilled with what was going through her head, and might be on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 4:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Agent Woo wasn't stupid by any means. As Celestine laid out her questions again, finishing with a critique of his close up magic, he just smiled. "Go on, then," Woo snapped his fingers and suddenly, a deck of playing cards appeared on the table, just out of Celestine's reach. "I don't normally like to brag, but I have my conjuration license."

"If you have any psychics, have them read our minds - they'll know we're telling the truth," Bonnie offered. She knew that they had some sort of weird psychic damage going on, but she trusted that any decent telepath would be able to see something was going on - to realize that something was altering their memories and that they were really genuine. "Or... I suppose social media works too." Facebook was an inelegant solution, but Oliver wasn't exactly wrong either.

"There aren't any psychics in the Iron," Woo informed Bonnie. "Fine, I'll entertain this crazy idea. So what, you all came from a different reality, where you're the good guys, and you're looking for two fugitives?" Woo summarized.

"Exactly. A speedster named Luminous and a scientist/wizard named Doctor Doom," Bonnie confirmed.

Agent Woo started tapping away on the table, and suddenly, a video was illuminated. It showed the same location in Times Square where they had appeared and the video started to rewind, skipping through their arrival, until it showed a man with an extremely scarred face and a tanned woman with silver hair appearing out of nowhere. "This them?" Woo asked. "Best we can tell, they fled the country together in seconds."

"Yes!" Bonnie confirmed, feeling relieved that maybe, just maybe, everything would work out. They could just cooperate with this organization, apprehend Luminous and Doom, and find a way to get home. They were the Secret Warriors, they did more impossible things than just that on a regular basis. "All we want to do is just apprehend them and then we'll leave this reality. It's a win for everyone involved."

Woo stared into each person's eyes individually for a moment. "Okay," he said. "I'll go talk to my superiors." He then stood up and left the room, the door locking behind him.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

Darcy nodded, not seemingly too surprised or confused by the mention of Latveria - that country seemingly still existed in this world. "Got it, I'll tell them to look into a, uh, Von Doom and a Luminous person with no real name," she confirmed. "And I think so? Not sure, that's how it was always said on Buzzfeed Unsolved, they did a fantastic episode on you, 'course there's all the state secrets and all that they don't know about but yeah. Fun times."

"... I think it is Lana? Like, get off my lawn - uh?" Amelia interjected. That was the way the name was pronounced in Australian English and as someone with an Australian accent, that was how Amelia said it. "How were you saying it? Leena? Wait, ugh, crikey, I can't even get my mouth to make those shapes. Laaana? No?" Amelia was getting a little bit side tracked and she did her best to mentally refocus, seeing that her good friend Sparky was clearly having a bit of a meltdown moment.

"Oi, mate, 's alright. So what if you were born here? You're still Sparky, still Theresa. Doesn't matter where you were born or where you came from, that ain't gonna change anything about your life. Well, except I think then Raynor's a liar? Which I s'pose we shoulda seen coming, since he's the God of Lies or whatever, but if you want me to smack him around, I'll do it. He has a very punchable face. Maybe he made some sort of super secret promise or something to your family here to never tell you, even."

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

"You want me to touch you so that you'll absorb my memories?" Rambeau asked, clearly confused by Maria's logic - and a little skeptical of her reasoning skills. She wasn't hugely convinced either by Maria's claim that she came from another reality, from another world - it was a little too convenient, a little too tidy. She turned her attention briefly to Matt, when he said that he didn't abide Raynor's actions. "That's relieving to hear."

"For the record, I don't abide his actions either," Raynor snapped, irritated at the lack of support from Matt - and just irritated at Matt in general for nearly killing Sparky.

"The problem, Frederick, is that it's an easy, tidy explanation - it seems more like an excuse than something credible," Rambeau explained to Flynn. "You're almost all mutants - we may not officially be at war with Genosha, but we very much are. Unless you have a way to prove your claim, then it's just that - a claim."

The door to the interrogation room then opened and Rambeau stood up, turning around in surprise to see a young woman with long brunette hair and glasses. "Hiiii, I'm Dr. Lewis, I'm here to relieve you?" she said.

"I don't need a break, thanks," Rambeau dismissed.

Raynor kept her facial expression neutral, but he recognized the woman. He had never personally met her, but she had been on SHIELD's watchlist back when OMEN was still up and running. She had been implicated in Satanic murders in a small town in Massachusetts and then got mixed up with Hel. He couldn't remember her name though, but it sure as hell wasn't Dr. Lewis.

"Higher ups said they needed to talk to you, like now, about the Delta Alpha Omega project," the woman pressed. "I'd go right now, it sounded really urgent."

"What did you say your name was, again?" Rambeau asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Dr. Lewis?" the woman tried. "Oh vassa kattan," the woman cursed, before quickly throwing something out of her pockets onto the ground - and the next moment, the room went dark, as the EMP grenade went off, disabling all technology in the room - including the power inhibiting collars.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned to Sparky seeing the look on her face, and reached over towards her it did explain why Sparky hadnt had any of her memories changed, since she was originally from here and didnt have any kind of memories to speak of here. "We'll figure it out, but as far as we know you are still Theresa Sparks, and your family back home are the ones that raised you. And we are your family as well to." Cass said to Sparky, hopefully that would help her cheer up or something, while Amelia continued to rant about how Lana was pronounced turning her attention towards Darcy.

"I think we are getting a bit off topic right now, we need to find Dr. Doom and Luminous both of them are highly dangerous and who knows what they are planning here in this world. If there is a way for us to get out of here or let us explain it to your guys' leader here and we can work together and we can take the two of them back to our reality." Cassandra said, hopefully they'd get out of here sooner rather than later.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

"No, what I mean is that if there is someone with my powers or something smiliar then maybe it'll work, or if you have any kind of social media. If anyone of us posted something on there since we have been imprisoned could also help maybe?" Maria said shrugging slightly as she looked between Matt and Raynor, she didnt agree with genocide or sterilizing an entire nation. If Raynor regretted what he had done, and judging by his reactions earlier when they got here Raynor regretted what he had done.

Maria was about to say something else when the door opened and a brunette came into the room, looking between Rambeau and the new woman going by the name of Lewis. She wasnt sure what was going on between the two of them when the woman pulled something out of her pockets and dropped it down onto the ground. All of the lights within the room quickly were disabled, and she felt better now that the collar had been deactivated, Maria quickly pulled the inhibitor collar off of her. "Uh thank you who are you really?" Maria said to the woman.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room A1

Why weren't there psychics in the Iron? Niah didn't ask, but she kept the question, it would be good to ask later if the opportunity arose. Maybe after they got out of the handcuffs. She didn't know when that would be. And part of her figured her sister would look for her if she disappeared off the face of the planet. Though Dalisy would probably confront...well...Dalisy. This wouldn't be easy. Especially considering her sister's habit of leaping before looking.

Some tension went out of Niah's shoulders when Woo left. He was entertaining the idea. Or he had decided they were too insane to bother with. "I figured Novi would have told her." She said resting her head on the table for a moment thinking. "Have you met Lance Banner?" She asked Bonnie lifting her head back up. "I did when Wanda did her thing." She was trying to be vague, but Bonnie should understand what she was talking about. "So did Novi, and when she looked at Lance she saw that he was the same 'soul', if you will, as Sparky.

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room Z11

Matt was the exception. He was Inhuman. He wondered how the Inhuman population was treated here. Was the Moonbase still intact? He doubted the Mist had been released. He suddenly had a lot of questions about that but kept his mouth smartly shut. He had some understanding of Genosha and wondered how legitimized it was here.

Then Dr. Lewis entered the room. Matt was a little concerned because it felt like an interrogation tactic. Switching interrogators would put them off balance. He was partially glad though because Rambeau was not taking them seriously at all. It seemed she was just looking for any excuse to throw them away somewhere very dark and forgotten about. Things got real interesting right after that when the new woman set off an EMP.

Matt blinked into the darkness a little surprised at first and then reflexively ducked down. Half expecting Raynor to dive for him as soon as he was free. Matt hoped Raynor couldn't somehow see in the dark. He pulled off the collar and put it on the ground. A jailbreak didn't seem like a good way to prove they were innocent...though Matt had a feeling this woman was here for Raynor.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1
Skills: N/A

Oli exhaled as Woo seemed to actually listen to them. It seemed that they were lucky, and got paired with an interrogator that actually wanted to get the truth. He knew that, a lot of the time, if you were in an interrogation room, it was because the cops already decided you were guilty of something, and wanted to get you to confess to it, or give some damning piece of evidence, so the fact that they were actually ready to entertain the truth was amazing. He fidgeted in his bonds, still uncomfortable, but starting to feel small touches of hope.

Honestly, being depowered was an odd experience. Ever since getting his speed, Oli had become largely reliant on it to be effective. When you could move and think as fast as he could, moving at a slower pace like this was just, so boring, but at the same time, it was hard to keep up with things. He couldn't "slow" down and think, so to speak, because he didn't have control over his perception of time in the way he normally did. He looked between Bonnie and Niah, a bit confused at what they were talking about. He was glad they were keeping things coded, so the people who captured them couldn't understand, but they were referencing things he wasn't present for.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 5 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

"Okay so conjuring is nice and all but real magic is cheating and takes the fun out of the trick." said Celestine with a shake of her head in disappointment. She reached out towards the deck of cards but was just a few inches away from being able to touch them. "Could of at least let me have the cards, but I guess I still pose a threat." The Blackbird of Chernobyl shrugged, at least Agent Woo had left to go talk to his superiors about letting them go, or at least he had said. She knew the longer that they sat here, the more chaos and destruction that Luminous and Doctor Doom would unleash upon this reality. Glancing at her coffee cup, she noticed that it's contents was now gone, so like the person she was, she reached for another untouched cup of coffee within range and began to drink from it, keeping her eyes on the door that woo had just exited from.

Thankfully, the coffee was still quite hot, "Well at least we have that going for us." said Celestine under her breath as she glanced back to the rest of her team before speaking. "Someone that is a speeder and someone that is part scientist and part wizard, great description there. I wonder though, do they have any other information about our high value targets? I mean, with all of this technology around us, they should have been able to track them outside of the country. Maybe that is just wishful thanking, we shall see though." Celestine felt her shoulder raise slightly but stopped herself from shrugging, "Let's just hope they let us out of here and give us the information we need." If they were lucky and the cards fell in their order, perhaps they could even get help with their mission, or more.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Online

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Photographic Memory, Fire Manipulation

Flynn sort of was just tuning out a bit what everyone was more or less saying at this point. Monica wasn't exactly someone to be reasoned with, since she clearly didn't believe them about anything. "Eh, this is clearly a waste of breath, considering the fact that clearly you don't believe a word we say enough to even entertain the idea and think that there might be some truth to what we say," Flynn said to Monica, before he glanced at the person who showed up. Oh no, last he heard, she was a bit on the crazy side, at least in their reality, and a bit dangerous... So what the hell was Folly Valeska doing here?

He didn't get a chance to say much else about it though, as she instantly sent out an EMP blast, that shut off everything electrical in the room. Though he was not too sure why literally everyone was sitting around doing nothing or just more or less ignoring the fact that Monica was still in the room. Flynn recalled exactly where everyone was, and knew that they really needed to get Monica out of the picture to make this easier, but he wasn't sure how. A thought crossed his mind, one that came more from the memories of this reality or something then his real ones. He created a small flame, just barely in the palm of his hand, and he started trying to see about getting the oxygen levels in the room to drop enough to knock everyone out (he'd wake up his allies later). Everyone would start to feel a little lightheaded, and as he continued to lower the oxygen levels, he accidentally caused all of the air in Raynor's lungs to disappear (it was an accident, and hey, at least he's Asgardian right?) and eventually he'd get it down to the point where everyone else would start feeling incredibly dizzy. Hopefully this would at least slow Monica down.

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: N/A

Mentally, she was definitely not doing well. Sparky was more or less sit there, oddly quiet now, as her brain continued to race along, thinking of how bad things were for her. The people who she thought were her family weren't, not really, and that might also explain why her sisters hated her so much, since they would have been old enough to know that she was biologically their sister. Actually, everything about her life suddenly made more sense now, but that wasn't the main thing going through her mind. The main thing that went through her head right now, nope, but there was a lot of panicking that went through her head currently.

The words that the others were all talking went in one ear and out the other. Her heart was racing, and voices were flying through her brain at a mile a minute. Raynor lied ever since you first met him about it, he probably doesn't really care. Whose your family then here and why did you end up in the other reality anyway? Everything about you is a lie, who are you really? No one really cares clearly. Eventually she started registering the words of the others, but it was all starting to swirl together with the voices that were in her head discussing the entire situation, "How about you all shut the hell up!" she eventually snapped out loud, not looking at anyone still.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 4:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Bonnie thought for a moment, before she shook her head. "I haven't. He's one of the new X-Men, right?" she confirmed, deciding to allude to that fact rather than Lance's infamous father. She had encountered the new X-Men when they had taken down Magneto in New York City, stopping a deadly virus that would've killed every human in the city. Lance hadn't joined until after that, if Bonnie remembered correctly. She wasn't paying super close attention to every member of the X-Men, but when Hulk Jr. joins, SHIELD notices.

Niah's news was, needless to say, a bit mind blowing. Bonnie's eyes widened. Ex-agent Novikova, now current Avenger, could perceive people's alternate selves. If she had looked at Lance and seen Sparky... It explained some things, but also made Bonnie inherently uncomfortable. When had Sparky come over to their world? Had Raynor been stalking a small child, a baby? She shook her head slightly, before glancing at Celestine. "Maybe. I'm pessimistic they'll have any interest in helping us though," she admitted softly.

Some time then passed and Woo returned to the room, looking a little nervous. "So, here's the deal. I believe you, but they don't. Do you want to see more close up magic?" Woo snapped his fingers. Something small and rectangular then appeared in Niah's pants' pocket. Only she would know that had happened. "The trick is, you need to make it look good and believable, otherwise, your audience sees through it," Woo explained, looking at them and hoping they'd catch on.

"Now, you're going to tell me the truth, okay?" Woo then added, before walking over to the other side of the table. "Who sent you here?" he asked.

Bonnie, ever the perceptive one, understood - and promptly head butted Woo, knocking the amateur magician unconscious. Alarms began to blare.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Woah...." Darcy said, looking back and forth between Cass, Amelia, and Sparky. "I think she might, like, need a minute."

Amelia was really concerned about her friend. Even though Cass had told them they needed to get back on track here, she was more worried about Sparky's mental wellbeing. She hadn't known Sparky for a super long time, but coincidentally, Amelia tended to be there for Sparky's more stressful moments - such as finding her lost love again on Asgard or learning that she had been adopted and actually came from a different reality. "Do you want us to shut up shut up? Or do you want us to push through this and have a moment?" Amelia asked.

"Oh shit!" Darcy cursed, as alarms started to sound. "Uhh, don't go anywhere, not that you can," she frantically told them. She wasn't prepared for something like this to happen. Darcy bit her lip, glancing around the room, as if looking for a helpful piece of paper saying what to do when the alarms go off.

"What's that alarm mean?" Amelia asked. If she had to guess, something had just happened. Maybe the others had started doing something - maybe someone had escaped! Or maybe it just meant that someone had been smoking and accidentally started a trash can fire inside one of the break rooms. Either way, it sounded scary and was clearly a big deal. "If you don't free us and it's something like a fire, we could die, mate. Do you want that on your conscience?" Amelia asked Darcy.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

From outside of the room, alarms began to blare - but none inside, as the EMP had disabled all technology. Raynor suddenly gasped, feeling all of the air forcibly removed from his lungs. He didn't need oxygen to breathe, he didn't need to breathe even really, but it was still a somewhat painful and uncomfortable experience. He was begrudgingly impressed that Flynn was even capable of something like that. Raynor pulled the inhibitor collar off of himself, tossing it aside.

Raynor's body began to put off a soft glow, just enough so that he could see. "Are you here to help or to fuck with us, Valeska?" Raynor asked.

Monica would manage to function relatively okay with the low levels of oxygen, Maria would be struggling quite a bit, and Matt... Poor Matt would be gasping for air. Folly was struggling as well, falling to the ground as her head was spinning. Monica was seeing double, but still managing to keep herself standing. "Code... " Monica wheezed, "Red..." Of course, there was no one who was going to hear her, as all the tech in the room had been deactivated.

"Here to... get you," Folly choked out. Her healing factor wasn't helping with the oxygen deprivation.

Monica blasted a beam of energy at Raynor, her eyes glowing as she stumbled about, trying to maintain her balance. The beam missed, the shot going wide.

"Who sent you?" Raynor asked Folly, returning fire with a light blast at Rambeau, hitting her and causing her to fall to the ground, but doubtless she would get up again.

"Magneto... and... the Professor..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at Sparky as she suddenly snapped at all of them and quickly backed off on it and nodded slightly towards her, she probably did need a moment to herself. She decided to be quiet about it around Sparky at least until they were safely out of their little prison as Cass looked over towards Darcy when the alarms suddenly started to go off. Part of her thought that this place was under attack or something and another part of her thought that the other members of the team were successful with breaking out.

Cass nodded slightly towards what Amelia was actually saying, they were pretty much helpless with the collars on and chained to the table. "Listen Darcy, if you are under attack or something we are completely powerless to defend ourselves and they could come in here and easily kill us all, you need to get these collars off of us. We are the good guys and you have my word we wont hurt you." Cassandra said looking up at Darcy who seemed to be panicking at what was happening.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: Life-Force Absorption

Maria started to feel really lightheaded as she took a moment and leaned over the table trying to breathe as she looked at Flynn who was using his powers to lower the oxygen in the room. She wasnt sure if he was trying to kill them or not by that, but it seemed to help with slowing down Monica who was having a hard time standing and breathing. "We.. need to.. go.." Maria said between heavy breathes as she went over to Monica after Raynor knocked her down onto the ground and started to put her hands onto Monica making direct skin contact with her to try and absorb her life-force to knock her out.

Instead the opposite happened as Maria started to get memories and flashes of Monica Rambeau herself and stumbled back a little bit, something still felt really off like it was apart of her now. Overhearing what Folly was saying and turned to her when she said she came to get them orders from Magneto and Professor X she went over towards Matt and tried to help him back up to his feet.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room A1

Niah reached into her pocket and felt what was there. It was a key card of some sort. She nodded. And as she moved away to try to slide her hand out of the cuffs she realized they were now unlocked. Interesting. She leaned over Woo and pretended to be searching him pulling the card from her pocket. It wouldn't hold up if someone really looked, but it

"Bonnie." She hopped over to her and used the keycard on Bonnie's cuffs unlocking them. Then proceeded to do that for Oliver and Celestine. "Sparky has my leg. Oliver if you don't mind carrying me. I'll be too slow otherwise. We need to find the others." Niah thought that the sentence 'Sparky has my leg' was rather funny. Niah considered the card for a second and then held it against the inhibitor collar. It clicked off and unlocked. She sighed relieved. "Freedom in our hands." She unlocked the other collars.

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Hand-to-hand, Paralytic Touch

Matt was struggling to breathe. He saw spots in his vision and was thankful for Maria's help to get back on his feet. Raynor wasn't attacking him, so Matt figured he had at least a short reprieve. He reached over to the grounded Rambeau and was able to get a small touch in. He released his paralytic and Rambeau was partially paralyzed. It wasn't perfect, but it would slow her down.

He then focused on getting out of the cuffs. He grimaced and dislocated his thumb on his left hand before sliding off the handcuff and then repeating the process with his right hand. Between the pain and the lack of oxygen, Matt felt really out of it. And wobbled on his feet. He didn't even bother talking. That was a waste of air.

He wasn't particularly excited about the fact that it was Folly who was rescuing them. She was the reason Cass only had one eye in their reality. Matt tried to remember they weren't the same person, but it wasn't easy. It also made him not want to trust her on principle.
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