Name: John Doe (Only ever referred to as such on documentation. Staff, face-to-face, typically just call him Charon)
Known Aliases: Charon, "The Raggedy Man"
Age: Unknown, but visually somewhere in his early to mid 30's
Appearance: Standing at an even six feet with toned musculature, Charon would well be the very picture of health were it not for everything else about him physically. Sunken eyes, pale skin, obvious veins along his arms and neck. Topping it off is unkempt black hair, dull gray eyes and a general "Stiffness" to his movements and mannerisms make Charon appear as a corpse that just left his own wake.
When using his abilities, Charon's body morphs and twists itself into whatever he may be forming at such time. Almost becoming a mockery of the human anatomy. Whilst it's hardly the most unsettling thing about him, Guards have noted that Charon never seems to blink.
Psyche Profile:
Subject is... A strange one. Which, considering the environment, is really saying something.
John Doe could almost be described as the model inmate. He has no records of violence or even disobedience towards staff, is quiet all hours of the day, complies with any and all pacification methods. About the worst he has ever done is be unwilling to divulge any details about his past life during profiling. This behaviour only ever extends to Asylum staff however. Towards fellow inmates...
Subject is immediately violent if precautions are not put in place. While never devolving into a screaming beast, the Subject will methodically tear apart anything in his path to try and reach his target. He has so far never killed any staff members (even saving one in a particular case, see Incident Report #5A), but several have been injured. Bizarrely, with his current limits and deterrents in place, he is willing to converse with fellow inmates, even coming off cordial and civil. But will still calmly explain that in no uncertain terms he would kill them violently if he were physically able.
Overall while the subject exhibits no special danger to anyone not obviously "Evil" and is capable of surprising self awareness, he is not to be treated as safe by any means. Exhibiting clear signs of megalomania, BPD and a warped sense of morality.
There are many theories regarding the past of John Doe.
Former soldier? Given the way he operates and moves and his familiarity with basic close quarters and long ranged combat. A man wronged by the world? Given his definition for "justice" involves murdering corrupt politicians and public figures as much as it does super villains.
The staff at Thornwood guess often at this, but it amounts to little. Efforts to trace Charon's past before Charon have bore nothing of note. All he is now is all that needs to be known in any case. A brutal, brutal, vigilante with a habit for leaving behind incredibly disturbing crime scenes with his victims. A warning, so to speak. That for criminals, none of them are safe. While it is worrying that the state of the world has left many citizens agreeing if not outright supporting Charon's methods, including some of the Asylum's own guards, it is true that Charon has never claimed an "Innocent" life. Innocent by his own parameters anyway.
While cagey about his past life, Charon has divulged some aspects of how he came to be. He was a regular human being, his current condition the result of extensive genetic testing. Or torture, from another point of view. He claims the scientists who did this to him are long dead and that he still does not fully know the extent of his abilities, only that his powers and effective immortality were not the intended outcome from his captor. Charon gave no more information than this, presumably hoping our own scientists might figure out how to change or revert his condition. Sadly they haven't made much progress themselves as Charon is thus far an anomaly, after hearing of their lack of results, Charon hasn't had much else to say to them.
Skills, Talents and Learning: In terms of practical skills, Charon has demonstrated to be at the least proficient with firearms and knives, though with his powers he rarely has need of these skills anymore. He is surprisingly articulate when need be but is also quiet and reserved. Many patients here enjoy tormenting each other mentally but, to our surprise, Charon has yet to rise to these barbs or pointed statements with any noticeable emotion beyond the cold annoyance he treats most people with anyway.
Power(s) and Capabilities: Arms Dealer: As stated, the full extent of Charon's abilities are not yet known. He has demonstrated thus far to be able to morph his arms into weapons, use his physiology to deploy black spikes from his body and even stretch his limbs to aid in navigating difficult terrain. It seems to limit itself to just his basic humanoid shape, but Charon seems to be able to generally twist and break his body to fit whatever situation he finds himself in.
Trail Of Death: One deviance from the above rule is that Charon can shift himself into a formless black ink-like substance, which moves around faster and can fit into tight spaces. Thankfully, usage of the implant within Charon seems to negate this from happening when the implant is activated.
Mark Of Torment: Charon is effectively immortal, he can be shot, stabbed, burned etc. And will reform himself after some time. The length this takes depending on the severity and conditions of how he died.
Power Limits: Who Wants To Life Forever?: Charon's immortality isn't exactly an enjoyable one. In spite of his corpse appearance and lack of any discernible activity in his body, he still feels pain. It can take him some time to restructure himself, up to several months if his body were to be completely disintegrated. He himself has stated to be fully conscious during the process, which is not very pleasant. So while he could theoretically display much more reckless abandon in his fighting style, he generally likes to avoid fatal wounds if he can help it.
But A Man: Physically speaking, Charon doesn't have any special boons in terms of durability. He is capable of tanking punishment in spite of his agony out of sheer rage but he is as fragile as any other human being. Outside of his blob/biomass like form he is at as much risk as any of the guards, again, physically speaking. Charon is capable of inflicting high amounts of damage, but isn't very good at taking it.
Known Vulnerabilities: Sounds Of Silence: Charon, or at least the twisted abomination that afflicts him, does not play with extremely high pitched piercing sounds. Things like bells and chimes are stated to give him a headache, but concentrated sonic emission at a high frequency can outright debilitate him. Charon himself describes it as feeling like a "drill on fire burning into [his] skull."
Justice Is Blind: A mental weakness. Charon is so obsessed with the concept of right and wrong, or at the very least the idea of punishment being inflicted on the guilty. That any sort of miscarriage of justice burns him deeply to the core. Whilst not exactly "stable", the idea that the asylum is limiting him from enacting permanent end to the criminals in and outside its walls absolutely infuriates Charon. Awareness of this and temperance of it with patience is one of the few ways Charon tries to keep himself from becoming as deranged as everyone else inside Project Borehole.
Implant X: An experimental little device that was at one point tested on the other patients, but never took physically. It was however, seemingly accepted by the biomass of Charon, much to his displeasure. He is almost the perfect candidate for it however as it essentially monitors who is and isn't Thornwood staff and inmates, if the subject with the implant attempts to do harm to either of these groups, they will feel a sharp constant pain in the back of their heads. Attempting to resist the agony and continue the attack anyway can cause an outright brain haemorrhage and subsequently death. Naturally this last part is something Charon can come back from but, as stated, isn't pleasant. On the plus side, the implant has enabled staff to restrict Charon less, as well as make him a bit less hostile to his fellow inmates... A bit.
Motives: Justice.
Recommended Containment Procedures: Subject's cell is to be constantly monitored for any crack or chink in the foundation, lest the subject attempt to escape through it. Subject's cell window must be sealed and carry several layers of glazing. While the subject has not seemed to need to eat and drink, they should still be given time each day to move around outside their cell, both for interaction with the general population (and possibly as a deterrent against the more violent inmates.)
When moving around, subject must have at least one guard monitoring his implant is working correctly, as well as be secured in reinforced cryonic cuffs to cover the hands and up to the shoulders in case of attempted reconstruction of the limbs. These can be removed in more quiet spaces when the subject is sat down but are mandatory in public spaces such as the cafeteria or yard.
Notes: Eat your fruit and veg or the raggedy man'll kill ya dead.
Known Aliases: The Grimm One Grimm Reaper Soulstealer Reaper Grimm
Age: Grimm estimates her own age to be around one hundred and sixty years old. According to what little she has given us to work with, many of her kind age one year for every five that pass, and she could walk and talk by the time she ended up in our world. With that information given, we estimate she was likely around 40 or 50 years old and had the body of a 4 or 5 year old when she ended up here.
Appearance: Rueyn Grimm is a humanoid female standing at 6’5”. Long and wavy red hair that ends at her thighs seems to blow about gently in an unseen and unfelt wind when not bound or put up. Her skin is an almost unnaturally pale color as if she hasn’t gotten much sun and has a slight rosy tint. Her right eye is a purely gold color, glowing a bright almost white color where her pupils should be. The same gold color applies to her left sclera which is known as the “whites” of the eyes. Her left eye is that same gold color with a bright glow where her pupil should be, but the sclera for that eye is a dark crimson red, almost like blood. Grimm’s face is normal-until you get near the bottom of her nose and across her mid cheekbones, where her skin graduates into bone, showing sharp serrated teeth that collectively look like a cross between piranha, shark, and some sort of needle-toothed horror. The spaces between her teeth, the spaces that should show the inside of her mouth are obscured by a smoky/misty substance that simply cannot be identified as attempts at gathering samples have been unsuccessful. It’s noted that both hands and feet have clawed nails.
A pair of red horns curve away from her head and then back in an S shape, located above and slightly diagonal to her temples. A long tail with an isosceles triangle tip has also been seen on her as well as a pair of large and leathery dragon-like wings but attempts to see them in person have failed as she can bring them in and out of existence at will. Every attempt at blocking this natural ability has failed as it seems to be more like a muscular reflex than any sort of “magic.”
Her body build is largely that of an athlete like a swimmer and runner or warrior but still has an hourglass figure that’s she’s been known to **use to get what she wants. A large dark red rose tattoo covers much of her left breast and the center of what she refers to as her “natural Mark.” This “Mark” that she claims she has had since birth, curls up from the top of the rose, around her left shoulder, and down her bicep to end at the crease of her elbow. A second part curves out and then back in, in a slight “S” shape from the right middle of the rose, up her collarbone and neck, ending just behind her shoulder. It also curls down and diagonally across her side and abdomen from the bottom of the rose. It’s characterized by a base of three lines, with “S” shaped swirls curving along the top and middle, and middle and bottom. There are small circles in between them, but only on the top and bottom rows of stripes.
Grimm has heavy scarring over much of her body, including thick jagged scars on her wrists and ankles that suggest captivity (confirmed when she snarled about being “nobody’s slave ever again”), heavy whip and lash marks on her back and the backs of her thighs, as well as her inner thighs. The ones on her inner thighs suggest assault, and scarring around her throat indicates being collared by a metal shackle as well as some others that suggest attempted beheading. Various scars cover her arms and legs, including scarring around her horns and a long scar that goes from above her left eyebrow and down into the bone where it looks like it’s been scored, a good indication of how severe this injury was. Grimm’s face has also looked completely human until she opened her mouth and revealed her unnatural teeth and a forked, pierced tongue.
Grimm has three piercings in each ear (traditional earlobe piercing, one in the upper curve of her ear and another in the curve closest to her head), one in both eyebrows, and the one in her mouth. There are a few piercings in her genital areas. She is allowed to keep her piercings as she has shown extreme violence towards anyone who attempts to forcibly remove them. Once one of them was willfully given to staff for testing, it was proven to not be of a metallic material, and therefore not a potential weapon for the metal manipulating inmate they had in there, as well as not having any visible posts like normal piercings use to stick into flesh. She normally wears the usual black prison jumpsuit with the sleeves rolled to her elbows, the white shirt underneath exposed by the undone buttons that were on the front, her hair either pulled up in a tight Mohawk braid or in a bun where her long hair still trails down her shoulders due to its sheer length. Sometimes she wears the black mask that they gave her to wear, both for her own comfort and to negate the terrifying effect that looking at her terrifying teeth has on a good majority of people.
Rueyn Grimm can be quite hostile when approached or when she feels threatened, never has shown hesitancy in striking out at someone she feels the need to defend herself from. She has the tendency to lean towards bloodthirsty, adrenaline-fueled behavior, especially when riled up or threatened, acting with extreme violence and primal ferocity that has required the use of nearly eight guards to restrain her from tearing her enemy into pieces as her sharp nails are quite capable of slicing through flesh, even when freshly clipped and dulled. Grimm has expressed a sadistic delight in killing and hurting others, mainly those who have hurt her, or those who take her freedom from her, resulting in her extreme hostility and resentment towards all staff and many other inmates who have started problems with her in the past.
When she isn’t in an angry blood-lust or angry in general, she’s reserved and keeps to herself aside from maybe one other inmate that she seems to relate to and talks to sometimes. In normal circumstances, Grimm is generally aloof and keeps to herself, a reserved but intimidating and hostile being who speaks few words to fellow inmates and even fewer words to staff unless she absolutely has to, either of her own will or because it would result in an undesired outcome (such as when her piercings would have been taken from her completely, as she has expressed that they’re important to mental health, which was later confirmed in a test). What words she does speak are often sarcastic or snappish, or intended to get her point across with as little said as possible.
She lashes out both with verbal and physical retaliation at sexual slurs and comments, gets extremely violent around certain kinds of male staff; usually, it is the ones who make sexual comments and attempt to touch her in specific/inappropriate places. This violence though seems to stem from anger, a place of trauma and remembered fears. Combined with the scars on her inner thighs, it has been estimated that she’s been sexually assaulted, and was potentially in captivity of a cruel individual when it happened. Many of her scars are traumatic in their presentation, including what have been identified as wolf teeth marks in her legs and the marks of a steel bear trap on the other, leading us to conclude much of her behavior stems from the resulting PTSD from the highly-likely trauma and lack of mental health help, but also due in part to some level of natural instinct.
She is also shown to have chronic depression and has a habit of engaging in severe self-deprecation, or getting so angry and sad over the loss of her loved ones that she starts screaming about how she wants to tear to shreds every last one of the people who took them from her, and “What did I do so wrong as a child that I am punished eternally? Why punish the innocents?” A common phrase heard uttered by her during these extreme bouts of depression and anger is “I’m broken, of course, that’s why everyone throws me away.”
What little conversation she’s held with us regarding her past paints a picture of a damaged and broken but strong and resilient individual who suffered through much abuse trauma until she finally snapped when the only thing she loved was taken from her. It’s possible she could have been a stable individual who poses no threat to humanity had the events in her life that had happened to her not occurred instead. As she is now, she is highly dangerous; extremely violent and hostile, unpredictable with her moods and she likes killing and hurting people. How far she is willing to go and what lines she won’t cross are unclear.
What little is known of Grimm is shrouded in mystery and questions and Grimm being of the temperament she is, is not willing to discuss it at length. She seems to prefer giving us the pieces of the whole puzzle of her history in the form of snarky or rage-fueled remarks that are aimed towards making the receiver of them to feel like “a complete fucking asshole like they fucking deserve,” or to “hammer the fucking point into their head like an ice pick into their skull.”
What we do know is that her mother was murdered when she was young, and hearing of her mother's death caused her to shadow-travel (more on that later) to our realm whereupon she could not get back as she was just beginning to learn her inborn abilities. She has indicated she found safety for a while after this event until a meta-human hate group conducted a violent raid on the property in which she had found shelter, separating her from the few beings she trusted. After an incident that resulted in a comment about slavery, Grimm was interviewed about it.
The topic was obviously beyond painful, and the interviewing staff didn't wish to cause her any distress, so questions were kept relatively generic so as to avoid a potentially dangerous outburst from Grimm. Grimm did say though, that she was enslaved as a child and abused in every way imaginable until she reached adolescence where it got worse. It is noted that at this point, Grimm began to show signs of emotional distress, likely due to the trauma triggered by the questions, the interview ended shortly after, but not before it was confirmed that Grimm had been horrible sexually assaulted for decades, mostly by creatures of the male gender and as a result, is extremely hostile to almost all males.
Grimm was freed from slavery by what was one of the first bands of heroes in the early days, seventy years prior to the present day, and had been free until she ended up here. Grimm says there was a short period of time after being freed where she simply scrambled and scrounged to survive until a group of people who called themselves “Hunters” captured her simply for being a demon and tortured her. Grimm was near death when she claims that the Patron Goddess of Death Demons appeared and saved her from what would have been her death before she was a full adult and gave her the strength to break free and tear the Hunters to shreds. Grimm also claims that this being is the reason why Grimm herself is so powerful and why she can harvest souls the way she does, having been gifted with a power no other demon alive has ever had.
A few years later, Grimm had eventually opened up her own nightclub and bar named The Sanctuary, one that was immensely popular with the local humans, meta-humans, and supernatural beings alike. It was here that she started to make a name for herself as The Grimm One aka Grimm Reaper or even just the Reaper. Stories began to whisper from the shadows of The Sanctuary, one telling of a man who had drugged the customers' drinks with date rape chemicals only for Grimm to rip his throat out with her teeth in front of everyone in the club, of slamming another man into the ground by his head until he was dead for attempting to rob the place and everyone in it at gunpoint. There was also a sense of savage satisfaction when these stories were spoken of though, an “eye for an eye” mentality almost, and naturally, this concerned the local law enforcement.
They sent undercover agents into the bar, but never could find anything illegal, and never saw anything violent happen like what was described. A patrol unit was sent in to ask questions, but nothing illegal was going on. Grimm's alcohol permit was valid, nothing was out of place, there were no illegal items or other such things to be found, no proof of any past murders, nothing. Grimm even let them take samples of the carpet where both men were reported to have been murdered, but nothing. Not even a speck of blood to condemn her. The Local PD knew something went on at The Sanctuary, but Grimm was too good, she had a few powerful friends in powerful places and she clearly wasn't afraid to use them, supernatural or not.
Five years pass, one more story is whispered from the shadows again, but this time, it wasn't one of death, but of love. Grimm was reported to be seen with a smaller female of unknown origin, and they were definitely romantic. Kissing lips, holding hands, menacing the people who stared at her female with her horrifying lower face and glowing eyes. Grimm herself admitted the little female had been her mate, the only love of her life and that she would and had killed people for her out of protection. They somehow had a biological child together and Grimm was the happiest she had ever been in her entire long life.
It was Christmas Even morning, Christmas was a holiday that Grimm admits she still didn't fully understand even after thirty years when she lost that happiness and she and her little family were eating breakfast in the kitchen. Grimm got an urgent call from one of her staff at The Sanctuary and had to go, leaving her mate and their young child at home. When Grimm got to Sanctuary, she was confused, there was no urgent matter and the staff who had called her was confused, claiming she hadn't called her, but that some “Humans in weird, armored black clothing came in smelling like danger and asked for you.”
Grimm shadow-traveled home to find her mate and child surrounded by Hunters, sharp blades at their necks, crying, scared, and already bloodied from the abusive hate this group had for all non-humans. Grim tried to bargain with them, take her, leave her mate and child alone. Her bargaining fell on deaf ears, the Hunters raised their blades and Grimm screamed in pure rage and pain as she darted forwards but was stopped by an invisible force, helpless to do anything but watch as her mate mouthed “I love you” in her native tongue before their heads were severed from their necks.
Whatever force held her in place no longer could as she screeched, this time with demonic power behind it that made it echo and ring with a dark, terrifying quality that made the Hunters try to flee, enraging her further. She pulled a long, dark blue handled bone-colored scythe topped with a skull and roses beneath it from seemingly out of nowhere, slicing through two of their necks and dismembering them before savagely drop-kicking their heads through the front windows of her home with a shattering of glass and a scream of fear from the street that went ignored. Grimm sliced the remaining hunters into chunks and ribbons, making a bloody gory mess of herself and her home's interior walls. Meanwhile, the local PD was thrilled to finally have a reason to go to the Grimm residence, hoping to put what they thought was a criminal away for good, not expecting the horrific scene of violence and tragedy that they encountered.
They found Grimm keening over the bodies of her loved ones, their heads placed above their necks, demonic voice raising the hairs on the arms of the officers that entered the house. Grimm told them, in that same voice to go away or die. The cops refused despite being terrified, and after five minutes of Grimm getting more and more wrathful with wanting to be left alone to grieve, she had had enough and attacked them, too, this time with her clawed hands, having discarded the scythe by this point. The second cop managed to call for backup before his throat was torn out by Grimm's teeth like she'd done to the man in Sanctuary all those years ago.
Grimm killed five more cops before going on a blind, wrath fueled rampage through the neighborhood, killing several cops squads intentionally, and several dozen civilians who were caught in the crossfire until a combination of the local team of heroes and a Special OPS anti-nonhuman Squad was able to be called in to help. Most of them were people who had previously known Grimm and genuinely liked her and had fostered friendly relationships with her. Many reported being heavily burdened by this event, once Grimm was successfully apprehended and detained to be brought where she is now.
One quote has stuck out the most to all authorities involved in the event and the aftermath following said event, one that she'd some much-needed light on the circumstances of Grimm's actions before, during, and after the killings and is as follows: “I don't know, man, it's just incredibly tragic. Rueyn kept things to herself, and unless you were a beloved friend or family member she didn't talk much, never mind about herself. But what little she did say was enough for most of us to know she was a good person who had been through hell. If the scars that covered her body didn't tell you that, then her family had no problem doing it themselves. They were not afraid to tell you, 'hey. You see Rueyn over there? Yeah, she grew up being abused and assaulted and the last thing she needs is your dumb fucking ass making life a living hell for her again.' Most people hear the story of the mage getting his throat torn out, look at Rueyn and her scars, her wickedly scary teeth and go 'Nah, man, I don't want any trouble, I'm good.' And she gave so much to the local community, so to see that she lost everything that mattered to her in that way is horrible. I don't blame her. I would've tried to kill them, too.
“The saddest part is this could have been avoided had those cops simply let her grieve and take care of her family. They were so intent she was a bad person, so intent on getting her locked up for something bad and you know what? They got their wish but they should've been careful what they wished for.”
Skills, Talents, and Learning: Grimm is incredibly intelligent and has demonstrated this with her wide range of learned languages, all of which she is fluent in, as well as the many deviously clever (and sometimes brutally violent as well) strategies she has deployed in attempting to escape.
-She has also shown mastery levels of hand-to-hand combat, martial arts, and bladed weaponry, and has stated that she hates most guns, except for sniper rifles, and therefore refuses to use them even under threat.
-Grimm professes to know how to cook, despite her claims of not having the need to eat, and even demonstrated this at one time as compliance for getting her piercings back from the testing labs.
-She has demonstrated incredible natural musical and artistic abilities and says she prefers to play piano and guitar. She has been allowed a sketchbook and sketching tools as a reward for good behavior (well, as good behavior as she can manage at this current point in time).
-She's also displayed an uncanny knowledge of partner dancing at various points, commentary has included references to tango, waltz, and nightclub two-step, and a few others not named here. When questioned she stated, “Lots of immortals miss the older years; waltzing at lavish parties, hunting in the moors with the hounds in front and the horses below, hand to hand sparring practice in the cold winter outdoors. I'm not as old as they are, but I appreciate such joys nonetheless.”
-Grimm, as a Reaper Demon can Reap souls from bodies with the skull-topped bone scythe that she had commonly been seen with prior to captivity. She has said she has matching “Reaper Blades” that can hold or trap any spirit that they reap from the body it belonged to. How she does this is unknown and unexplainable by science, and the blades in question have never been seen.
-Umbrakinesis; Grimm has the ability to control and manipulate shadows. She has used this ability to travel from place to place (Grimm refers to it as Shadow-Traveling), to spy on others and cloak herself from danger. She has also been seen using shadows like weapons, shaping them into blades, a whip, a scythe, or even shadow monsters that attack and do moderately heavy physical damage to the intended target.
-Grimm has been known to disappear completely, or for her soul/spirit to leave her body (this is apparent when her vitals are normal but responses to external stimuli are nonexistent). Referred to as “traveling via spiritual realm/plane,” Grimm can teleport into an alternate plane of existence in which the unseen can be seen (ghosts, spirits, etc) in order to travel to a different location, track someone or something else without being seen or to escape danger.
-Grimm has a natural mark that covers much of her upper body and torso, the center of which is covered by a large, dark red rose tattoo. This mark glows when she uses her powers and abilities and seems to enhance them. She is adamant that she will never, ever allow anyone to know its full design; the wrong person could use her mark to summon her, and then torture/kill, and/or imprison her. Grimm has stated that giving her mark to someone allows them to communicate telepathically but that the only people who knew her full mark are dead, “So don't worry about me coordinating an escape with an outside source because there isn't any.”
-Reports and video footage from a few years prior would indicate that the humanoid appearance she presents to us is not her birth appearance: Grimm confirmed that the form she currently wears is due to needing to blend in more easily among humans for her own safety. She has said that this form includes claw-tipped wings (like those of a bat or a dragon from legends of old), a sharp-bladed tail, and small scales on her skin that act as armor. She refuses to change her appearance simply to sate curiosity though, and with no way of knowing how she changes, we cannot force her to in order to negate the potential threat this other form potentially poses.
-Every 50 years, according to Grimm herself, she can Reap one soul and use the years it had left to extend her own lifespan or that of someone else. Something that could be very concerning depending on whose soul she has taken for herself.
-She seems to have an inborn teleportation ability in addition to the control of shadows that allows her to use them as a means of transportation, but only to places, she has previously been. It is unknown whether this limitation applies to her spirit realm traveling.
-Grimm has extremely keen senses, especially that of hearing and smell, including incredibly fast reflexes, flexibility, and agility. She's been recorded to hear a whisper from just slightly over 100 yards (a little over 303 feet) away. Her sight is impressive as well, with a visual distance of 70 yards (210 feet). Sense of smell is comparable to that of a cat, though perhaps five times stronger.
-Accelerated healing; the extent of this is unknown. Experiments to test this would be extremely dangerous at the very least not to mention immoral at best.
-Sometimes shapeshifts into a tank-sized dragon made of bones and shadow. Not much is known about this form, there is only one photograph from ten years ago to support this, as well as Grimm's own self-satisfied reply of “Yup. That's all you need to know.”
Power Limits: Teleportation-Grimm can only teleport to places she has visited before, whether it was by vehicle, plane or other means, and can only escape from an unknown location if she at least knows what region she is in. As such, even if she did escape her cell or break the power cuffs on her limbs, she would not be able to get out of the prison entirely because the location of this facility is undisclosed to the residents.
Umbrakinesis-The extent to which she can control shadows is closely tied to her emotional state as well as her energy levels. Higher emotional upset increases the intensity of the shadows but also makes them more chaotic and far more erratic in behavior, lashing out at any living thing nearby, friend and foe alike. More exhaustion means she's less likely to be able to physically harm anyone with the shadows. At her lowest levels of recorded energy, she could barely pull the shadows around her in an attempt to hide from the staff-her tolerance for interaction had severely drained by that point and she was about to get violent.
Spiritual teleportation-The biggest vulnerability to this is the instances in which she doesn't have enough energy to bring her body onto the spiritual plane with her. Thus, only her spirit leaves, leaving her still alive, but unresponsive body behind in the physical plane, undefended. Grimm has stated that due to this obvious vulnerability, most of her race (her included) prefer to only travel spiritually if at full energy or at a secure environment such as their own home or the home of a closely trusted ally. She was surprisingly open about this, but when she pointed out that other, similar beings have had similar power-weakness combos and are actually pretty common, it made sense why she would give this particular piece of information up so easily.
Bone-Shadow Dragon-Though not much is known about this form in general, Grimm has admitted she only does it rarely as the sheer amount of power needed to fuel it is enormously draining if she hasn't actively prepared for it. Something was said about “storing energy in her core” but that is all that was able to be recorded.
Known Vulnerabilities: Social Anxiety-Severe-Grimm has been known to wear a mask because of the way the skin on her face fades into exposed bones, exposing her jaw bone, long fangs, and sharp, serrated teeth before fading back into the base of her skull. It has been known to send even former allies and friends running from her in instinctual terror and as a result, she has extreme social anxiety. This anxiety manifests in the form of aggressive words and actions that stem partly from fear-trauma. Grimm has been allowed a mask to cover her lower face as it greatly reduces the number of injuries she deals out to the other inmates when experiencing an anxiety attack (often lashes out to get away from whatever or whoever has triggered her).
PTSD-As has been previously noted, Grimm used to be enslaved and was alone for many of her years as a young demon. Unwelcome and unexpected touch causes her anxiety to spike (another instance in which she lashes out with violence), or for her to flinch a bit as she is expecting pain. Certain items (such as whips or whip-like items) make her visibly panic. In these instances she acts with a desperate form of fear-aggression, injuring and destroying anyone or anything that gets in the way of her attempt to escape the room and the item that has triggered this. Panic attacks can last anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours. Sometimes she hyperventilates until she passes out from too much/not enough oxygen and/or shakes so hard she can hardly move.
Dismemberment-While her healing process is known to be extremely fast, only a few instances of this have been observed. The first time was when Grimm somehow managed to sever her left hand from her wrist during a fight in the dining hall (the fight was not started by her, though). It took her hand approximately six hours to fully regenerate to full use. This is also likely tied to the amount of energy she has as the second time she was severely wounded by a deep gash in her left ribs that would have been fatal for a normal human. This merely took an hour.
Demonic Marking-While Grimm has given little information about this part of her nature, what is known is that if her enemies discovered its true design, they could use it to track her down and enslave or kill her. Grimm has professed to want to die rather than be a slave ever again.
Sensory Overload-extremely crowded areas, tight spaces, bright lights, unwanted/unexpected touch, high pitches in sound or extreme volumes give her nosebleeds, trigger anxiety, and make her aggressive and irritable. Certain smells that she doesn't like sometimes make her nauseous and cranky. Feeding time and free time are often the banes of her existence, as both times are usually held in a loud, large, echoing room that amplifies everything to her incredibly sensitive hearing.
Depression/Self Deprecation-Grimm constantly fights with self-hate and depression, some days are worse than others.
Permanently Damaged Vocal Cords-She literally can't speak in a whisper, the traumatic damage done to her vocal cords y the hunters who had captured and tried to dissect her was too great for the goddess who rescued her to heal completely. Grimm explained this by saying that her patron goddess is a goddess of death, not life, and therefore healing didn't come as easily to her (the goddess). Grimm also noted that she was grateful nonetheless, as being able to speak at all was something she treasured. She can talk softly and purr her words, but that's as low as she can go.
Motives: Grimm as far as we know, is merely driven by the desire to escape this facility to return to her bar and nightclub, The Sanctuary. It is aptly named, as it seems that Grimm does indeed view this as a sanctuary where she can feel safe and welcome. Every time she mentions it, there's less aggression in her tone and more sadness, maybe a form of homesickness? That is all we know. Her true motives may very well be different from what she displays. As it has been noted, Grimm is of high intelligence, particularly when it comes to battle strategy, combat, and information gathering (she has some minor, officially recorded intelligence-gathering work on-file with the Lost Haven Private Investigation Agency in Lost Haven, Maine).
Level: Threat level, as defined by the Borehole's parameters. I will assign this to your character.
Recommended Containment Procedures: Grimm is to be kept in a standard size humanoid containment cell, with a reinforced titanium doorway and clear, 2 feet thick bulletproof Plexiglas. Her room is to be lit at all times, with warm yellow lights that are easier on her light-sensitive eyes. Only minor shade is permitted within and even the flooring is lit up so as to mitigate the chances of her shadow traveling outside of her containment cell. Her room is to be outfitted with multiple hidden power dampening devices to further mitigate any potential escapes or injury to/loss of staff lives.
Power dampening cuffs are to be on her at all times, one on each wrist when she is in her cell, and one on each ankle and wrist when outside it. The mask she has been given has also been outfitted with a power dampener (Grimm knows this but deemed it a worthy trade-off in return to help stabilize her emotional state). She is also to be given a small box of ginger candies biweekly, as they help with anxiety-induced nausea and the resulting aggression from being on edge because of it (which leads to the above physical aggression and violence).
Notes:Grimm does not require food or water in order to continue living, and as such, candy and fatty or otherwise unhealthy foods do not have any negative consequences for her. Despite not needing to eat, she still benefits from the energy and nutrients gained when she does. Grimm seems to get the most benefit from meat proteins, cheese, and multigrain bread.
Subject is currently 5 ft. 3, with brown eyes and short white hair. Noticeably pale with a slight build in this form. When having access to her abilities, Subject stands over six feet tall and is visibly more muscular and athletic, her eyes turning bright yellow while she grows sharper teeth and claws on her hands. Fully transformed, it is believed Subject stands as tall as nine feet, fully resembling a heavily muscled wolf-like being with white fur.
Psyche Profile: While it was initially believed that Subject was a mild-mannered individual suffering from a feral alternate self, follow-up examinations have shown this to be untrue. Rather, Subject is believed to be in full control of her mental faculties, her split personality merely a front to avoid legal consequences before now.
Underneath the facade largely believed to have been created to help avoid legal repercussions for her actions, subject has proven to be highly intelligent, egotistical, and possessing a great talent for manipulating events to her advantage. Analysis also suggests that despite the feral nature of her powers and an utterly ruthless streak, Subject possesses an enormous amount of self-control and restraint. Indeed, while Subject has no record of violence or behavioral trouble at the Asylum, it seems other inmates already see harassing the Subject as a taboo owing to certain 'accidents'.
That being said, it is known that Subject can become temperamental when faced with a slight or potential failure, hyper focusing on revenge against those she considers enemies and even flying into a rage in extreme situations. No such incidents have been definitively shown to occur, though investigation of the aforementioned 'accidents' is ongoing.
Background: Marina Montressor was born in Sicily to a family of once-wealthy vintners that had fallen into destitution. Abandoning her family at a young age for unknown reasons, she traveled north to live with a distant relative where she first attended school, showing brilliance from a young age all the way to her Graduation from university, where she received top marks and commendations in several scientific fields. Orchestrating a hostile takeover of a business venture launched by her estranged parents, assumed to be an act of revenge judging by some of her statements, Montressor rebranded the venture as the bio-technical firm LunarTech, which she helped rapidly grow into a powerful corporate entity that held sway over much of Southern Europe, so much so that the German corporate juggernaut Sonnenlicht even approached the young company with a deal to share dominance over the entire European market, and much of the continent itself in turn.
There was of course one obstacle to that; Sonnenlicht had once attempted to buy out the company when it was still a small tech firm, and Montressor was far from forgiving them for that slight. And so, what could have been a fruitful partnership turned into a bitter feud that threw both companies into chaos, and while her underlings bemoaned her destructive actions against the German tech giant, Montressor was preparing her secret weapon against her hated enemy.
Sonnenlicht was a lot of things, but it was first and foremost a military tech company, supplying advanced arms and weapons to much of the armed forces around the world. Using her own extensive chemical knowledge, Montressor began a project to help break into that market and dethrone her hated rivals, a chemical combat stimulant code-named WARWICK. Pouring millions of dollars and far too much time into the project, WARWICK was the straw that broke the camel's back, and the LunarTech board of directors suspended all of Montressor's projects and began the process to remove her from company leadership. When her long-time partner and friend arrived at her office to smugly inform her of the news, she coolly responded by throwing the man out of the top floor window, followed by her own desk, and proceeded to go on a rampage through the corporate offices, revealing who she had been testing the WARWICK compound on; herself. When the police were called and manage to corner Montressor in her own laboratory, out of a manic desire to ensure her hated enemy would never get her hands on her greatest creation, she dosed herself with the entire stock of WARWICK she had left, completing her transformation into the supervillain Argent.
Amazingly, even after the rampage, Montressor's legal team managed to keep her out of jail by "proving" the attacker was a test subject that had gotten out of control, leaving her as the head of the company with all her rivals conveniently "out of the way". This status quo continued even as mounting attacks on other companies, including of course Sonnenlicht, and even superheroes getting in the way of LunarTech's ambitions, were excused by her army of lawyers as mere accidents or the machinations of a murderous alternate personality. Said excuses ran dry though, and after a very public instance of Marina Montressor's transformation into Argent, she was finally dethroned and sent to Thornwood Asylum for what would hopefully be a very, very long time.
Skills, Talents and Learning: Genius level intellect, fluent in multiple languages and possessing considerable scientific and technical knowledge. Capable hand to hand fighter. Highly charismatic, skilled at social manipulation. In addition, while her company has been dismantled, it's believed that she is still quite wealthy with a personal net worth in the millions.
Power(s) and Capabilities: Due to extensive use of the WARWICK compound, subject possesses the ability to transform at will, partly or fully, into a creature resembling a werewolf. At base level, subject possesses superhuman strength, agility, and durability, as well as heightened senses, sharpened claws and a powerful bite as weapons, and the ability to quickly heal from debilitating injuries. Subject's strength and size increases dramatically as the transformation into full werewolf form progresses; subject in full werewolf form has been known to lift and throw heavy vehicles and tear through reinforced metal with her claws and teeth.
Power Limits: While easily able to tank attacks that would be lethal to standard humans, sustained damage can overwhelm her defenses and healing factor to take her out of a fight. In addition, progressing towards her full transformation sacrifices her agility and speed for increased strength and size, still at an above average level but more able to be exploited by a nimble opponent.
Known Vulnerabilities: The effects of the WARWICK compound can be hindered by a specially made antidote and suppressed entirely by a constant dosage. In addition, heightened emotional states can cause subject to transform involuntarily, and when fully transformed, the subject risks descending into a rage state, becoming fully feral and losing control of her mental faculties, rendering her dangerous but easy to trap and contain.
Motives: Somewhat unclear. Subject expressed a desire to regain the power and success she once held, but it's uncertain how she will manage that, considering the dismantling of her company and public image.
Recommended Containment Procedures: Subject is to be fitted with a medical apparatus constantly providing the antidote to the WARWICK compound, until such a time when a complete cure for her condition is found. Device is to be refilled and inspected three times a day, and any attempt to damage or tamper with the device is to be severely punished. Otherwise, subject can be contained like any other baseline human.
Hello! I'm interested in joining this RP. Give my character a look and let me know if you like it or have any changes/questions.
Name: Mary Vincent
Known Aliases: Iris
Age: 23
Appearance: 5'4”, athletic body, mulatto tattooed skin, long black kinky hair, brown hazel eyes. Wears her hair in a weave with bright rainbow colors. Wears a lot of brightly colored/rainbow themed clothing usually involving midriff shirts (long-sleeved or tube-top), apple-bottomed pants or baggy ripped jeans, baggy zip-up hoodie with fur lining the hood, high tops, and loud/gaudy jewelry.
Psyche Profile: Iris is a party gal and is always looking for a good time. Unfortunately her idea of a good time ranges from trying to start raves in the mess hall to attacking orderlies or fellow inmates out of boredom. She is unpredictable 80% of the time, made worse by the fact that she appears utterly insane at some points. She often talks to people that are not there/known to be dead, leading the doctors to believe that she is actually schizophrenic or highly psychotic.
Background: She never knew her parents, they were never in the picture. She was raised by the Catholic nuns she was left with as a baby, going to Catholic school until she was 15 when her powers manifested. Most of the nuns and teachers believed she was demonically possessed or was somehow touched by Satan and kicked her out after they failed to exorcise the evil out of her.
From there she lived on the streets and rapidly became involved in crime/drugs. This is how she met her boyfriend Jessie: a drug dealer, thief, and fellow street kid. He encouraged her to use her abilities to commit crimes, convincing her that it was best for the both of them. She went along with it, happy that someone loved/accepted her despite being a meta (or so she thought).
Eventually the police started to close in on the two of them following one of their heists that resulted in the death of an off duty officer (Jessie shot him to get rid of him as a witness). To save his own skin, Jessie gave Iris a lethal dose of drugs. After she had passed out he left the incriminating evidence with her and tried to skip town. Thankfully though the police found Iris and got her to a hospital in time to save her. They also picked up Jessie for stealing a car and after finding out that Iris was still alive he made a deal with them. He lied and said that Iris was the mastermind behind everything, including the death of the cop.
Iris didn't find out about the betrayal until the trial started, assuming that the reason Jessie hadn't been there was that he had been on another job. When he took the stand and blamed her for everything, she lost control and used her powers to kill him in the middle of the court room. Her defense attorney's only option was to go for an insanity plea, which was upheld due to her radical behavior following the murder. This is how she got sent to the asylum.
Skills, Talents and Learning: B&E (lockpicking, safe cracking, how to break a window quietly, etc), parkour, drug trade, street smarts, pickpocketing/sleight of hand, dancing, Latin (language), and Catholic practices
Power(s) and Capabilities: Iris can control/redirect kinetic energy through her body via direct contact. If someone were to hit her or if she fell off a building she can absorb the energy from it without harm and then use it in an attack by hitting or striking another person or object. For example if the Hulk punched her in the face, she would be unphased and then able to hit him back just as hard. She can do the same thing small scale and with more precision to do things like shatter glass or fracture bones with just a flick of her fingers.
Power Limits: She only has a small amount of kinetic energy in her body on a regular basis, requiring an external source or event to charge her powers. Unless she has been hit, fallen, or building energy in some way she's limited to her small scale techniques. She also cannot keep large amounts of energy in her body indefinitely (use it or lose it), especially if the amount of energy she has absorbed was from a lethal blow. She has to channel it out or suffer the damage from it. From the previous Hulk analogy, she would have at max a minute to get the energy from that punch out of her system before suffering consequences.
Known Vulnerabilities: Iris can only absorb energy given to her hard and fast. She can still be stabbed, suffocated, poisoned, attacked psychically, etc. Any material designed to stop kinetic energy or doesn't channel it well will also stop her in her tracks. Iris cannot affect anything she is not making direct contact with. She can hit something and send it flying fast at a target or stomp the floor to break it under an opponent, but other than that there is no ranged capacity for her abilities.
Motives: After the loss of the only one she thought accepted and loved her for who she is, Iris has concluded that it's time to “fuck the haters”. She's a meta and people fear her because of it, as well they should. She's embraced her identity, and her insanity. She's exactly what she was meant to be from the beginning and will not let anyone tell her otherwise. She has no specific ideas about what she'll do when free, but whatever it is it will be whatever she damn-well pleases. The world is her oyster.
Recommended Containment Procedures: A cell with shock absorbing padding over every surface to prevent her from building energy within her cell. Hinges, lock, and handle are to be on the outside of the door so as to prevent attempts at breaking them. Subject is non-compliant with taking anti-psychotics, resisting violently to their application. To protect staff, other options were explored. Subject reacts more positively to behavioral tactics in the form of access to candy and music in exchange for good behavior. Trips outside of the cell are only to be allowed with vibration resistant power-dampening cuffs. Interactions with other inmates are to be heavily monitored for any precursors to a fight. Staff are to prevent other inmates from hitting the subject or to stun the subject if any blow has landed and take her immediately back to her cell. The subject will not be allowed access to other inmates unless good behavior is re-established for at least two months.
Notes: Iris's eyes will shift color from her normal brown hazel to a pale bluish color the more energy she absorbs.
There was one nun, Sister Esther, who was against throwing Iris (then Mary) out on the streets. She lost contact with her until the trial happened and has been making several requests to see or call her since. She is becoming very frustrated by the lack of response and is threatening to cause more of a ruckus if the silence continues.