Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago



Erin Maree Chase
∞ Er
∞ Γ„rger ("Trouble" in German)
∞ Inima Mea ("My Heart" in Romani)
∞ Fiore Scuro ("Dark Flower" in Italian)

Daughter of Hades

∞ Cabin Six | Hermes (Flashback)
∞ Cabin Thirteen | Hades (Present)
∞ Palestrina | Rome; Italy (Present)
  • Family Villa 1.0
  • Family Villa 2.0
  • Family Villa 3.0

∞ Quest | Aphrodite's Dove


∞ Top | Jeans
∞ Hoodie (Belongs to Ezra)

∞ None

∞ Rome; Italy | +6 Hours


Taken β™₯
  • Current: ∞ Tyler James Rumancek β™₯

∞ Tyler Rumancek | @Murphys Law
∞ Danielle De Luca | @Murphys Law
∞ Andrea De Luca | @Murphys Law
∞ Sophia Chase | @Vicier

∞ Brandon Murphy | @Murphys Law
∞ Dorian Underwood | @King Kindred
∞ Ezra Griesheim | @Murphys Law
∞ Laren Hastings | @Venus
∞ Lilith Montgomery | @HaleyTheRandom


C A M P H A L F - B L O O D | 3 A M - B E G I N N I N G O F S U M M E R

This... seriously couldn't be happening...

The familiar symptoms bubbling about just underneath the surface; it was like there was something there, however, that kept them from showing. A barrier of sorts, keeping it all at bay. It was weird, sure, not that she was complaining. Having left the Big House, her mind had been firing on all cylinders. Thoughts accelerated- speeding through her head so fast that it was almost dizzying, and at one point, she knew that her body had begun to sway. All she'd managed to do at the time was lift her hand from her side- use it to rub at her sternum, as though the very action was going to help loosen the tightening she could feel restricting her breathing.

She'd felt sick to her stomach. And it was painful- by the Gods, it was painful. The rapid, pounding of her heart against her rib cage... the light trembling in her arms and legs; the quickening of every single breath she managed to suck in. Each coming in shallow, making her feel like she was suffocating; and despite how hard she tried, she just wasn't able to catch it... She was currently caught between a rock, and a severely hard place; and no matter how she attempted to spin it, it just got worse. At least, that was how it felt until she'd seen Laren.

Fuck, that girl could make one hell of a cup of tea...

Dark shadows wrapping around her body, molding to her figure as she passed through them; it wasn't long before the scenery changed. Swapping one bedroom for another, but this time, it was one that she'd become intimately familiar with over the years. Hand lifting, the sleeves of the hoodie she'd stolen from her best friend pushed up her arms, Erin took a quick dash at her eyes. Ridding them of stray tears that might have lingered as silently, she crossed the dark room. Barely making a sound as she climbed her way up to the loft, she eventually rested her weight on the mattress. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she reached out. Using one arm to stabilize herself, her touch was gentle as her other hand moved to cover his mouth. An attempt to muffle any surprised or loud noise made as she woke him up.

"..Ty..." Lips parting slightly, Erin's dark gaze lingered on her boyfriends sleeping figure, "..Ty, I-... I need your help... I'm in trouble..."

After having pulled a long night with the boys on the newly released Battlefield game, Tyler had only been asleep for a couple of hours by the time Erin had found her way into the room to wake him. It wasn’t until she spoke his name the second time that he slowly came to, but quickly forced himself awake when he heard the words β€œI’m in trouble” fall from her lips. The boy sat up a bit too quickly in bed, smacking his head on the ceiling with a soft grunt before glaring up at it like the ceiling was the one to have jumped out and hit him. With a peak over the side of his loft bed to make sure he hadn’t woken his brother and satyr friend, Tyler let out soft but hefty sigh before turning his soft baby blues to Erin, his voice just a whisper as he spoke up.

β€œWhat’s wrong, inima mea..?”

Flinching, unable to help herself from doing so as she watched his head collide with the roof; her hand fell away from his mouth as he shot up. It was only when she felt him relaxing that she herself seemed to; her hand instead coming to a rest over partially over his lap and partially over her own as she gave him time to catch up and gain his bearings. Her dark gaze flicking down to the lower level of the room, to where his brother and the satyr were; it was only a moment or two later that she was once again giving him her full attention.

"..remember that necklace you gave me for my birthday a couple of years back..? It... went missing about a month ago when some of the old campers showed up to visit..." Her long dark locks swaying over her back, Erin shook her head. Giving a light shrug of her shoulders, "I didn't think anything of it... Salem is always taking my jewelry. He's a cat. He likes things that are shiny. But then tonight-..."

Pausing a spell; she hesitated. Holding his gorgeous blues with her dark gaze as she mentally berated herself. Why was it so hard to ask for help..? Even from him. She'd never been so prideful until she'd come to camp; and now, just getting the words out- just simply admitting she actually needed help was like gargling nails. Mega unpleasant; and swallowing her pride, she gave him an apologetic look, "..tonight Dionysus gave it back to me... Ares found it... by the empty cage of Aphrodite's stupid bird... and now he's accusing me of being the thief... I-I have a week to find the dove and get it back to Olympus..."

He sat there listening to her, carefully taking in everything she was laying on him in that moment. With as tired as he was, it was a bit hard to focus... at least harder than normal, though there was no doubt that she had every bit of his attention as she spoke. Erin was never one to ask for help, even with simple tasks.. but the more she explained, the more serious it became and the more Tyler realized just how much shit she was in. The curly-haired boy pressed his lips into a thin line as he looked back at his girlfriend, trying to choose his words carefully. Making a joke about Salem being a Niffler in disguise probably wasn't the best idea. He decided to remain serious. This was serious. He figured to save the less important questions - like why she hadn't mentioned it having gone missing in the first place - and stick to the more to-the-point ones instead.

"Have you been to see Rachel? ..do we even have a place to start? I mean, a week to find a fuckin-" Tyler cut himself off as his voice began to get louder, peaking at the boys sleeping below again before turning back to her. "-a week to find a fucking pigeon... do they not realize that New York alone has millions of them??" Again, he had to forcibly stop himself from continuing, but not because of his voice rising again. This time it was due to a thought that had struck him. His expression turned a bit sad, though he did his best to try and hide it from showing too much as he spoke up.

"Does your dad know..?"

Her dad..? That... was a good question. But unfortunately, it was one that she had no answer for. Shaking her head, clearly unsure, Erin gave a light shrug of her shoudlers. Her voice soft as she responded.

"..I-... I don't know..."

C A M P H A L F - B L O O D | 8 A M - B E G I N N I N G O F S U M M E R

"Do you remember what I told you we tell the god of Death when he comes calling..?"

The words ringing in her mind- playing over and over again like a recording stuck on repeat; Erin's pitch black gaze was drawn down to the double nagimara she held at her side. Thumb curled around the long handle, she flexed her fingers. Though only for a moment before they too, were curling. Readjusting her grip on the weapon; and in a matter of seconds, it was gone. Disappeared. Leaving her instead with a small, though noticeable, lightsaber keyring which she clipped onto one of the belt loops on her jeans for easy access.

Stupid bloody Star Wars franchise...

She'd hung out for as long as she could, but being surrounded on all fronts by nerds and one of the actual actors from the movie; she'd eventually given in. Yep. She'd drunk the kool aid and dove head first into the world of sci-fi. Honestly, it still amazed her with how much they'd managed to wear her down on that… Now she'd been labelled as 'obsessed' by her friends. Gods, that was such a strong word…

She refrained from rolling her eyes. Instead shoving the stray thought from her mind as she gave her attention back to the group in front of her. It hadn't been easy for her to ask for help, even from those she called her friends. No actually, especially from them. She was prideful; stubborn beyond belief. She knew that. Most of the time it kept her from being able to express herself properly; something that she'd been warned to keep in mind during this little expedition outside of camp.

They were there to help her… she had to remember that.

A frown etching its way over her features, she watched on as, one by one, those she trusted enough to turn to in her dire time of need made their way past her towards the corner of the already dark room. Wondering, for the briefest of moments, if she'd made the right choice. Despite the fact that not all of them had been the first names to jump into her mind, particularly when it came to her own personal comfort, she had, however, attempted to be strategic.

With that thought, her gaze flicked to Laren. Watching on as the darkness of her shadows engulfed her friends body. Drawing her in, and pulling her out of sight. Laren was, perhaps, one of the most strategic people she knew. Her mind was a step above others, and her ability to think on the fly in stressful situations was perfect. Only downfall was that she too was prideful. But that was to be expected. Hubris was, after all, a shared trait between children of Athena.

The others though…

Eyes flicking to Lilith; again, she watched another friend get swallowed by shadows. Though she seemed far more at home doing so than Laren had. It simply came with the territory. There was, and always would be, a notable difference between the children of Olympus, and those of the Underworld. The daughter of Hecate though, aside from being an excellent witch, had an amazing ability to command over the mist. And, at least as far as Erin was concerned, it was second to none. A skill that would definitely come in handy, especially considering their destination.

Tyler and Dorian… they were like night and day; and while they both brought skills to the group that picked up in the areas the rest of them were lacking, she knew that her reason for choosing them was purely selfish. Simply put, she needed them. This wasn't something that she could do without them by her side. And while she would have loved to have either Brandon, Ezra, or hell, both of them come along too, she knew it just wasn't practical.

Waiting until the boys had passed through the shadows; it wasn't until they were out of sight that Erin turned her back to the corner. Instead taking a look around the living room of the Hades cabin. It was weird. Taking into consideration the fact that she was about to leave the camp for the first time in four years, she felt oddly calm- somewhat at peace on the whole thing, even when she knew that she shouldn't be. Maybe that was a good thing.

The seam of her lips parting slightly, a gentle sigh passing through them; attention was drawn back to the shadows as they swirled about in a rather inviting manner. And drawing in a deep breath, letting it out as she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder, Erin stepped forward and into the darkness.

"..not today..."

C H A S E / D E L U C A F A M I L Y V I L L A | 1 P M - J U S T O U T S I D E O F R O M E

Arm lifting from her side, drawing across to shield her eyes from the blinding afternoon sun as she stepped out of the shadows; it didn't take long before the familiar scent of high roasted coffee, olive oil and rosemary hit her. Wafting out from the villa to overwhelm her senses, and all at once, she was home. Back where she belonged.

Chest heaving with each breath she took, her free hand reached out. It took a couple of attempts, but eventually she was able to rest it gently over the shoulder of the person that was closest. Her dark gaze drawing across to meet with that of each of her friends; her eyes lingered as they met with Tyler's. A small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, and she gave a light motion towards the large villa from where they stood in the shade created by large cluster of old trees.

"..welcome... to my family's home..."

Swaying lightly on the spot, needing to take another moment, not wanting to lose her footing after making such a long trip; it was only when she felt stable enough that she began to walk. Hand slipping, falling away from the shoulder she now knew belonged to Dorian, Erin motioning for the others to follow. Her hips swaying lightly, in time with her steps as she began towards the main house.

"..vieni, vieni..." Something that could almost be described as a light skip entering her step as she moved; she could already hear it. The familiar sounds of Mozart wafting into the air, gently playing in the background, it only served for her to quicken her pace as she drew closer to the house. Her smile growing over her sharp features. It was growing up listening to classical artists with her grandmother that spurred her love of music in the first place, "..nonna..? Nonna..! È la tua nipote preferita..!"

β€œFavorite..? You don’t call, don’t write... don’t come to the family reunions. Pretty sure that disqualifies you from the β€˜favorite’ spot, Erin Maree.”

Dany..? Step faltering slightly as the sound of her cousin's voice hit her ears; the smile on her features fell slightly. Her dark lips parting from one another as she led the group into the house. Following the path of the voice until she came face to face with her cousin. Though her surprise grew further as she glanced over Dany's shoulder, her gaze meeting with that of not one, but two other women in the room with her.

"..zietta..? M-Madre..?"

Fuck... she was going to need another cup of tea...

∞ Romani
∞ Italian

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago



⚚ LOCATION ⚚ Training Ground β†’ Infirmary β†’ En-route to the Mess Hall
⚚ OUTFIT ⚚ Comfort fit


Someone once said that the early bird gets the worm.

Now, Jackson had no idea what that honestly meant. He wasn’t technically a bird. Maybe in a symbolic sense because he was a Son of Hermes and for one time only, he could fly thanks to those footy-wooty winged shoes that his father so graciously gave him to escape the vile clutches of Kenji.

But what about the worm end of that saying? Jackson wasn’t a worm. Or maybe he was and he spent his entire existence never knowing that fact? No, he wasn’t a worm. Worms were disgusting and Jackson was everything but.

Not that he thought of himself better than worms. Worms were, after all, nutrients for those next in line in the circle of life.

β€œWait, what was I doing again?”

Jackson often got lost in thought and as he was midstep, he forgot what he was even doing at the training grounds. He woke up early today. He always was an early riser. Maybe it had to do with his upbringing. For as much as he’d hate to give Kenji any credit, those years spent being put through his torturous vision of what he called β€œparenting”, it had ingrained a habit into Jackson’s core. Because of all of those days, his body automatically woke up just as the sun was starting to rise. It’s been like this ever since he came to camp nearly seven years ago.

Right. Back to figuring out what he was doing before he got sidetracked.

Suddenly Jackson heard a battle cry from behind. One of the younger kids he helped train had their sword raised high above their head and came down with a thunderous vertical, downward slash. The instinct that Jackson prided himself in kicked in and he sidestepped the younger Demi as his movements were an example of his experience.

The kid stumbled forward. In a fluid motion, Jackson’s body turned and the dull end of his wooden practice sword came behind the kick, bluntly tapping him on the back. β€œAaaand you’re dead!”

β€œI’m not done!” Little Peter, as they called him, declared as he charged forth.

Peter was about five years younger than Jackson. A newcomer to camp and someone who Jackson took on as a student. He had grown to really like the kid and before long they had a schedule to practice every morning before Jackson began his own training.

And Peter came wailing slash after slash. His passion to improve himself was only matched by his heart. Jackson grinned as he effortlessly blocked him, but after the first dozen, it was starting to be less of a game and more of an instinct kind of thing. Peter was better than he was a few months ago.

β€œSorry, but it’s time to end it.”

Using the same move as before but switching up his speed, Jackson ducked under Peter’s horizontal slash and reverse-gripped his practice sword. In the same motion, he drove the bottom of the wooden sword into Peter’s stomach.

And it was in the aftermath of it all did he realize he did it too hard. β€œOh shit!”

Oh shit was right. Jackson saw his student kneeling over on one knee, holding his stomach.

Worried, Jackson rushed to his side only to see his student smiling and holding his hand up, giving Jackson a thumbs up.

And the son of Hermes just laughed. β€œI guess that concludes today’s lesson. Don’t get too cocky, alright? Control yourself and I might be the one keeling over in pain.” Jackson teased him and got to him at eye level. β€œNow, let me go take ya to the infirmary. Lord knows someone’s gotta take responsibility for giving you that shiner that nobody will see unless you take your shirt off.”

Jackson helped the young Son of Ares out of the training grounds and helped him secure a bed in the Infirmary. When he heard an earful from whoever was there (not like it was anything that he hadn’t heard before), he exited out of the tent, though he didn’t wander too far off. He wanted to just take a moment to reflect on what just happened. He wasn’t even sure what he wanted to do. He could go back to the training grounds and get his morning training done before the usual suspects decided to infest it with their presence, but he wasn’t quite feeling it.

Part of him wanted to go back to the Hermes Cabin and go back to sleep.

But his body just didn’t feel like it was tired.

So what, then? If not training and not sleep, what could the universe be trying to tell him?


β€œOf course!” He laughed almost in a facepalm-worthy kind of way.

That’s what the universe was trying to point him towards.

β€œThanks universe.”

With that decided, Jackson made a beeline for the mess hall. If he hurried, maybe the line wasn’t that long. And if it was, then he didn’t mind fighting some to get people his food. The early bird might not get the worm, but he sure as hell was going to have his All-American breakfast!

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Location: Aphrodite Cabin --> camp ground, Mess hall


Esmeralda stared up at her ceiling, the various images, posters and drawings on the ceiling a welcome distraction as she tried to will herself back to sleep. It was much too early to be up... she'd only been asleep a few hours, the book she'd been writing in having slipped to the ground, opening still. Gods knew where her pen had gone... Sighing as that thought lead to what she'd been doing, she admitted defeat, reaching over to check the time.

Barely morning, at least by her standards. Sighing, Esmeralda rolled out of bed, running a hand through her long, black hair- perhaps the only thing she absolutely loved about herself in more than just a beauty standard. Absently glancing at her posters once more, Esmeralda allowed herself a moment of indulgence, enjoying the figures of some of her favourite actors, before he gaze moved over the other posters she had. Some might consider it a bit strange for her to have video game, movies, and other such inspired memerolbellia, but it felt right to her.

Who said you couldn't be beautiful and a geek? Oddly enough, that fact seemed to attract many such men to her- although this was one thing she did because she enjoyed it. Smirking slightly as her gaze inevitably moved to one of the many mirrors around her room. She really was a fine specimen, and she supposed she had her mother to thank for that- although she'd never let that be known to her vain, selfish and otherwise entitled Goddess of a mother. And her father to thank for her curious mind, knowing she herself had been a wilful, vain and somewhat child to handle.

Still, who could blame her for that? Chuckling softly, she paused a moment in her thoughts, wondering just what to wear. Her siblings could prim and preen all they liked, but Emseralda would draw eyes to her, not just for her beauty, but for her absolute badass of an attitude. She hoped it was such... As she hurriedly dressed, she was nearly out the door of her bedroom before she remembered her note book. Picking it up, Emseralda placed it back in its spot, pausing another moment to check on Nieve, the hare blearly looking up at her as if she had woken her.

Amused, Emseralda started out again, making her way towards the Mess Hall, pondering what just to have. As she walked, she reached up and tied her hair with a black ribbon she'd found in her pockets- not entirely sure what it had made its way in there.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago



Adeline Vos
∞ Addie
∞ Juliet
∞ Macaroon
∞ Dream Queen

Daughter of Morpheus

∞ Camp Half-Blood | Half-Blood Hill

∞ Retrieval Quest | Return


∞ Top | Jeans
∞ Jacket

∞ None


  • Current: ∞ None

∞ Korbin Aparo | @Apoalo

∞ Octavia Arellano | @Vicier


H A L F - B L O O D H I L L | 8 A M - B E G I N N I N G O F S U M M E R

Fight... flight... or freeze.

Just three options. Three. That was it. No more, no less. Or, at the very least, that was the way that the quote went anyway. The one that described what was supposed to happen whenever you caught yourself in the middle of a high adrenaline situation. Now admittedly, for her, that didn’t happen very often. No. That wasn’t right. If you asked anyone who knew her, it didn’t happen at all. It was an impossibility. Formed by the simple fact that it had become sort of an unwritten rule that she wasn’t supposed to leave the safety of camp unless it was to visit her mother, and she was in the company of her brother.

It had been a surprise to everyone when Mr. D plucked her file out of his filing cabinet, deciding that it was a good idea to send her off to Norway on a retrieval quest of all things. Even if it was her uncle, so many in camp thought there were better demigods for the job.

At this very moment… she most definitely agreed with them.

Scrambling, her feet kicking up dirt and rocks from the forest floor as she ran; Adeline’s heart was pounding. Her chest heaving heavily with each breath she sucked in as she attempted to keep up with the other figure ahead of her. It was becoming increasingly hard to maintain her footing with the ground shuddering underneath each and every step that she took.


Her normally very gentle features scrunching up, a sharp sting shot across her cheek. Pain flooding her shoulder as she felt her body collide with the hard body of the tree, one of its various branches slashed across her face as she hurriedly forced her way past it. Still aiming for their goal; though only the Gods knew if she was still leading them in the right direction.

She could barely hear the sounds of her uncle's wolf snarling beside them, let alone the familiar sounds of Camp Half-Blood over the thunderous rumbling that was a constant blare in her ears.

Stumbling as she pushed herself forward, feet catching on the underbrush; Adeline only barely managed to catch herself as her body fell forward. The dull, constant ache in her wrist, it wasn’t enough however to stop her as she scrambled back up to her feet. Her arm returned to her side, swinging with the other as she forced herself to keep going.

The forest… it was getting easier to run through. There were less and less trees the further they went, and as the duo broke over the top of the hill, so did the threat chasing after them.

Two bronze bulls the size of elephants, and spewing flames from out of their mechanical mouths stormed over the top of the hill behind Adeline and Korbin. Charging after the two demigods, and followed by the thundering roar that was, by glance alone, a herd of around fifty to sixty giant yak-like cows. The shaggy brown fur of their coats speckled with yellow spots; from the neck up, the fur was a solid yellow. With manes, much like that of a horse, running down the length of their necks, exceedingly long and fluffy tails that resembled that of a golden retriever, and large amber eyes- they almost looked… cute.

Though their looks were so exceptionally deceptive.

Glistening in the sunlight, like two brilliantly white spears made out of pure ridged bone, were their horns - horns that were absurdly long for their heads. Though aside from that, the creatures were something that the red head, now currently running for her life down the side of the hill, would beg to bring home.

The deep rumbling sound, one she could only describe as a truck's horn being held down, ripping through the air and reverberating out through the camp; Adeline turned her head towards where it was coming from. Or, at least, where she thought it was coming from. Really, it was hard to tell, but not moments after that thought had passed through her mind, she had her answer. The familiar voice of the daughter of Ares rang out, booming, as she used her battle cry. Warning everyone her voice could reach; and for those who couldn’t hear, Adeline knew the message would be passed along, and passed along quickly.

β€œ.. STAMPEDE..!”

The war horn sounded again, ringing through the camp again, though this time it was from behind her; Adeline’s confidence returned, even the smallest amount, with the knowledge that she was right where she was supposed to be. She was back home. She’d done it. She’d managed to get Korbin to Camp Half-Blood, though not exactly safely or soundly. No… they’d brought the trouble home with them.

By the Gods, she was never going to hear the end of this…

β€œK-Korbin run..! Get to the cabi-...”

The sound of her voice shifting gears slightly- her sentence cutting short; the sound of her scream instead filled the air. Arms reaching out to catch herself as she fell, pain once again shot through her wrist, but again, she did what she could to ignore it. And rolling over the grass; Adeline sought for protection under the very thing that had been her undoing. The stone bench was the only thing keeping her from being trampled, though it was clear that it would stand no chance against either the Colchis bulls or the other creatures should they step wrong.

Shutting her eyes tightly; Adeline’s arms raised up. Helping to shield her head as she curled her body up in the small space she had for protection.

β€œ.. H-Help..!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by KatKook
Avatar of KatKook

KatKook Mic muted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Location: Camp Half Blood | Half-Blood Hill
Interactions: @Vicier Adeline,
Outfit: Black Tank top, Jagger Pants, Boots.



Quiet mornings are something Caitlyn enjoyed, sun rays seeping through the leaves bouncing off every surface possible. A smell of the forest and fresh air filled her lungs are she walked out of the Boreas Cabin. Campers ran by giving glances and nods at best to battle hardened girl, she ignored these running campers but something felt off. There was no way quiet mornings like these would ever happen, at least, not with today's feel. More campers ran by, pointing behind them and warning others of danger that come from the other direction. Caitlyn's eyes darted before realising that danger is definitely afoot and there is no way people are getting hurt with her around. She chugged her coffee, eyed her bracelet, and bolted to the direction of danger.

With all the ruckus, all she could make out was the word 'stampede' which narrows it down to a couple of things which is pretty useful, nothing really came to mind of anything that would counter her fighting style. She continued to run, the crunching of leaves from beneath her boots echoing in her ears. She focused ahead of her, dodging trees and fleeing campers on the way to what ever was causing such distress this early in the morning.

Her eyes finally saw the colour of bronze and she immediately stopped herself as fast she could, her boot skidding on the leaves. She could barely make out the situation as her eyes jumped from one bull to the other. She shook her hand and the shield formed around her arm, there was someone hiding under a bench who was first in immediate danger which meant she had a target on who to help first. She did one spin to gain momentum and threw her shield, it bounced off the ground, singeing the leaves it connected with, then hitting the bull right in the side of the face, the shield then gravitated back to her and she caught it, she lowered her stance and raised her shield before calling out.

"Hey! Over here!" She yelled out, calling its ire, it blew steam from it's nose and she knew she was in for some trouble. Her eyes quickly looked over at the girl hiding under the bench before the bull started charging towards her. She felt the ground shake for each step it took, and it's speed grew faster and faster, but right before it hit her, she jumped to the side, and with a clang gave a it a quick hit on the side which immediately made it turn its head, hit her shield, along with her and hit her back, sliding on the leaves.

This is going to be rough.

She collected herself, locked eyes with the beast, her back against a tree, and immediately it started charging again. She managed to roll out of the way before it hit her once again, and this time it hit a tree but it went through it like it was nothing. As she got to her feet, she threw her shield at it again, it flinched as the flaming shield connected but it shrugged it off and it looked like it annoyed it more than it damage. Her shield bounced off in a weird angle off the beast and it landed way past behind her. She bolted towards it and picked it up, and it chased after her unrelenting from it's attacks.

While she was running, it caught up to her and she was able to block the horns right before it hit her but she got thrown to the side like a wet paper towel, her back hitting a tree.

She was going to need a little bit of help, but at least that girl should be free from the stone bench now.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 3 days ago

Starring: Lilith Montgomery

Time & Location: 3-5AM; Hecate Cabin // Her bedroom.
8AM; Hades Cabin // Erin’s Bedroom @Vicier -> Rome, Italy.

Interactions: Her dog, Nala, and her cat, Mavis.
Honorable Mentions: Tyler Rumancek | @Murphys Law
Dorian Underwood @King Kindred
Lauren Hastings @Venus


Lilith’s sleep schedule had been screwed up for the last week.

Busy with spell work, research, training, her camp responsibilities, and trying to get ready to welcome the new campers… Lilith found herself needing to take a step back - but the only time she really felt like she could was at night.

The hours in which the sun disappeared had always been her favorite. While Lilith’s powers had never been noticeably more stronger at night, she would admit that she felt stronger. The night sky made the young woman more clear headed, focused, creative, and energized. Sometimes it was almost like she could feel the energy of the magic coursing through her veins.

During these quiet times when Lilith was unbothered, she spent her time writing in her grimoire, smoking, listening to music, and doing whatever else she wanted to enjoy that day.

It was on one of these nights that one of her best friends came knocking - Erin Chase, daughter of Hades.

Lilith had always held a special place in her heart for the children of the Underworld. People had a tendency to look at and treat them differently, and Lilith had always made it her personal mission to make sure everyone felt safe around her. Erin was no exception to this, so when Lilith opened the door to see worry in her friends eyes, her heart filled with panic.

After inviting her friend inside, Lilith packed her pipe with lavender and listened as her friend explained the current situation.

Aphrodite was accusing Erin of being a thief.

The thought made Lilith laugh sarcastically at the time. While Lilith didn’t have any personal beef with Aphrodite, she didn’t particularly like her, either.
Erin continued on with her explanation. As the daughter of Hades began to list off the names of the people going on the quest, Lilith was pleased with Erin’s selection. Lilith was sure that there was a person or two extra that Erin wished she could bring along - but she didn’t dare ask. Too many demi-gods in one place attracted too many monsters, and that wasn’t something anyone wanted to deal with. Besides - Erin seemed confident in her decision making, and Lilith trusted her well enough to know that Erin didn’t chose who to come with her easily.

Lilith had made the decision to go with Erin on her quest before the question had even been asked, leaving no hesitation when it came time for her to answer. After doing her best to make sure that Erin was okay before she left, the daughter of Hecate locked her door behind her, and turned back to stare at the bedroom before her.

”Where… Do I even… begin?”

Thankfully, Lilith didn’t have to even answer her own question. Her body and mind went into auto-pilot mode, grabbing her enchanted bag off of her bedside table, Lilith began tossing items inside. Mavis hopped up on the bed as Lilith was packing, Nala watching patiently beside her.

β€œWhat’s going on?” Lilith heard Nala’s question in her mind.

”Were you not listening, silly,” Lilith began, joking. Better to laugh than to panic, after all. ”Erin needs me to leave camp with her for a bit. Aphrodite is accusing demigods of thievery again. I just hope it doesn’t cause issues amongst the campers…”

Now standing by her dresser, Lilith was taking a brief moment to decide on what clothes she should bring. Erin hadn’t mentioned where they were going exactly, so it was best to be prepared for everything. Deciding on a few pairs of jeans and some t-shirts, Lilith continued tossing all of her other essentials into her bag: toothbrush, grimoire, notebooks, pens, herbs, various crystals, weed, drachmas, cash, ambrosia, nectar - and most important - ten of each of her specialty potions - though she had brought plenty extra of the calming potion along for all of them.

Once all packed, Lilith made sure that Mavis and Nala both understood what was going on - Lilith would be gone for a week. They were to behave. Their food bowls were full, and Uncle Christian would make sure they had plenty of water and headpats while she was away.

Taking a long shower to clear her mind, Lilith had decided that it was just best to pull an all-nighter. There was no way that she would be able to wake herself back up in time if she fell asleep in time to be at Erin’s.

Dressed and ready to go, Lilith took her time making her way to the Hades cabin.
Taking in the scenery of the camp around her, Lilith's eyes focused on the sunrise for a brief moment. The colors had almost completely faded, the sun almost awake - but there were still enough pinks and oranges to take her breath away. All around her, Camp-Half Blood was coming to life. Campers were making their way to do their morning chores and to the mess hall for breakfast. Small conversations and laughter filled the young woman's ears as she forced her feet forward.

Once inside of the Hades Cabin, Lilith made her way to Erin’s bedroom as quickly and as quietly as possible in order not to wake up any of the remaining campers that might be sleeping. Giving a quick knock on the door, Lilith entered her best friend's room, taking a deep breath as she stepped through the doorway. Taking her respective seat on the floor at the foot of Erin’s bed, Lilith exchanged sleepy hellos and pleasantries with her fellow demigods.

When Erin created the shadow in the corner of her room, Lilith felt her stomach tie into a knot. Not because she had a problem with shadow travel - she had always welcomed the darkness - but because this was the first time she was leaving Camp in years. Her home, her safe space, most of her friends and family - she was leaving it all for the β€˜real’ world - and Lilith had no idea how that was about to affect her.

’Woman up and push through,’ she thought to herself quietly as she stood up.

Going through the shadows, Lilith didn’t expect to see what was waiting for her on the other side.

Erin had mentioned that they were stopping by her family's home first - but this was not what Lilith was expecting.

”Wow…” she gasped, clearly mesmerized.

Growing up poor and in the south, you were accustomed to rundown trailers and brick houses in the suburbs. Houses as fancy as the Chase’s were few and far between.

Scared to touch anything in fear that she may break something, Lilith stood there awkwardly amongst the group, waiting on someone else to make the first move so that she could follow.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
Avatar of MarshiestMallow

MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Location: big house
Interactions:Adeline Vos (@vicier), Caitlyn Fitzwilluam (@Katkook)


Leaning low over the neck of the beautiful, graceful and just generally stunning Pegasus, Imogen couldn't help the bubble of luaghter that leapt out her throat as Aethusa glided effortlessly through the air, her muscles and movement of her body giving Imogen that means to stay on the magificant beasts back. She gripped gently with her knees, and completely trusted Aethusa to keep her safe, and to catch her if she fell as she lifted her hands and gave a small whoop of excitement, and could practically feel Aethusa's own excitement before something else caught her attention, the cry of a war horn, shouts that she couldn't quite make out coming to her attention.

Her gaze was drawn to the ground below her, and she stared as the herd of animals raced across the grounds, more than a little confused. What the fuck had happened? Shifted, she guided Aethusa around, circling lower, the panicked cries of a girl reaching her ears over the stampeading creatures. Gathering her will, Imogen sought a way to stop them, or at least stop them enough to help whoever was trapped, as Caitlyn tried to gain one of the creatures attention.

The situation could easilyu go from worse to them all being at the gates of the underworld real quick. Drawing in a breath, Imogen didn't even need to tell Aethusa what to do, the Pegasus aiming towards the ground, seeking to scatter the herd of creatures. Who had cried for help? imogen gripped tightly to Aethusa, searching. Her gaze soon found Adeline, and without hesitation, Imogen leaped off Aethusa's back, the Pegasus snorting as she did so. "Just a few moments, Aethusa." Imogen hoped it was so, as she dashed to the bench.

"Adeline! Are you hurt? Quick, lets get back to Aethusa, I'll get you to safety." Imogen didn't much like the prospects of facing the herd of creatures, but she'd fight them if she had to. Almost as she had that thought, a voice rang out- fear, but what she could also detect as curiosity in their voice- "Don't harm them! They're Yale, endangered and protected by Artemis!" Well, that was just fucking great. Imogen turned back towards Adeline, ready to help her.



Location: Cabin grounds
Interactions: Adeline Vos (@Vicier) Caitlyn Fitzwilluam (@Katkook)


Pierre sipped at his hot chocolate, the to-go tumbler a welcome weight in his hands as he waited for Prince to finish exploring everything around them, the small dog prancing about excitedly. If Pierre started to walk to the mess hall, he was sure the forever puppy would follow, the prospect of food too much of a lure for him. For now, however, Pierre was content to wait for Prince to exhaust his curiosity. Taking another sip of hot chocolate, Pierre enjoyed the relative peace around them, the safety of the camp allowing him to relax, although a part of him was always thinking about Adeline. He trusted her, knew she was stronger than she appeared, but... it was an old brothers job to worry and protect.

As the war horn sounded, the war cry echoing through the camp, Pierre stood for a moment, unable to think just what could have got through the camps defense, before he cursed lightly, "Cabin, Prince!" he ordered the dog, who looked forlorn to have his walk cut short, but obeyed. Pierre took the few seconds required to grab his staff, starting towards the fading sounds of the war cry. Had the defenses fallen? Or had something been able to breach, something that the wards hadn't been dsigned to stop? The Gods themselves? But a stampede? The thoughts echoed through Pierre's mind as he ran.

He didn't have to wonder long, soon coming to the scene that was unfolding much like a battle field fight in a movie. His gaze went from creature to creature, something tugging at his mind as he studied them. He'd seen images of them... heard descriptions... taking a few seconds to study them, Pierre willed the information to come forth. fierce antelope-like creature... large horns... the creatures looked like a cross between a cow and an antelope, and Pierre shifted, gaze moving towards others starting to come in.

This could end very very badly. "Don't harm them! They're Yale, endangered and protected by Artemis!" He tried to make his voice as loud as possible, knowing that the Yale- for he was certain thats what they were- were attracted to loud noises. If they came after him, well, it would give time for others to rally. He tried to think how the creatures could be stopped safely, but nothing was coming to mind. Strong, determined, fierce creatures, Pierre did not know anything that could stop them.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 10 days ago



Ky' vie Morgan
∞ Lumi
∞ Tonya Stark

Daughter of Hephaestus

∞ Camp Half-Blood | Deimos Cabin

∞ Tattoo Parlour | Day Off


∞ Top | Jeans

∞ None


Single | Benefits
  • Current: ∞ None
  • Benefit: ∞ Brandon Murphy

∞ Ezra Griesheim | @Murphys Law
∞ Anyone close

∞ None


H A L F - B L O O D H I L L | 8 A M - B E G I N N I N G O F S U M M E R

There’s a certain beauty that comes with getting a tattoo…

Despite the pain- the knowledge that there is quite literally a barrage of needles rather quickly piercing the surface of your skin, over and over again. Pushing the ink into your body; painting a picture that, at that precise moment in time, looks so messy and that only the artist themselves can see. The end result is always worth it. And the butterfly effect was that, once it was all said and done- once it was on your skin, and you were walking out; it was as though someone set off a chain of dominos. One was simply never enough, and before the door had even settled in the frame, you were already planning for your next.

At least, that was her experience. If she was being honest, she’d given up keeping track of just how many different tattoos were strewn over her body. Sure… if one was singled out, she knew what it was. Where it was. The meaning behind it, if there was any. But beyond that, she’d given up trying to keep some kind of record of them. Pretty sure the only one who had that knowledge was the artist himself; and even then, she already had a few of them before she’d met Ezra.

Though she kept them closed, darkness fell away as she peeled her arm back from across her eyes; and as it did so, a small frown worked its way over her strong features. Her hand drawing across her bare stomach until she was able to take a gentle hold of Ezra’s. Holding firmly enough to still the tattoo gun as she shifted in the chair. Taking the chance to get comfortable, and to shake off the stiffness that had begun to set in due to the rather long session. Though at this point, it was something that she’d gotten used to. Something she enjoyed.

Hell, aside from sex, it was the next best thing.

With piercings being a close third.

Arm returening back to it's place across her eyes, the other resting down along her side; it was another few moments before she nodded lightly. Giving him the okay to keep going as once again, she seemed to settle into a comfortable position. Lounged back like she would be by the ocean, and looking about ready to take a nap at the drop of a hat. Which at this point, she was pretty sure she would do had she had her music playing in her ears.

It. Felt. Great.

Amazing even.

Doing something that was so normal in comparison to the almost non-stop hustle, bustle, and responsibility that came with running the camps forge. It was nice; having a day off wasn't exactly something she got to enjoy very often. And when she did manage to somehow get one, unless there was some kind of plan set in place, she either wound up sat on the couch, catching up on shows and looking lost, or holed up in the bunker, working on personal projects. Which... honestly; it wasn't too far from her normal every day, but whatever. It was a nice little reprieve.

".. You wouldn't happen to be super busy today, would you babe..?"

The arm over her eyes falling away; Ky' vie turned her head. Her hand drawing up slightly, it was enough though that shew was able to run her fingers back through her long dark locks. Pushing them back and out of her face as her dark gaze drew down to watch Ezra as he worked on placing his mark on her body... again, "Cause, I'm totally comfortable here right now, an' a lot of my tatts are due for a touch-up."

Watching him work, though only for a few moments longer, Ky' vie once again closed her eyes. Head returning back to its original position, and as the seam of her dark lips parted, she let out a rather drawn out, content sigh, "Seriously. I could think of nothing better to do on my day o-..."

Sentence cut off by the familiar thundering of the war horn echoing through the camp, she was quick to once more open her eyes. And turning her head, she first looked over at Ezra before she began to move. Hands pressing down into the chair, she sat herself up in the chair. Her attention drawing across towards the closest window, and craining her neck, she did her best to peer outside. The rumbling causing everything around them in the room to shake.

Oh... shit.

Gaze dropping down to the partially completed tattoo, she swore internally. It hadn't been wiped down, there had been no antibacterial ointment used, it wasn't wrapped up; but then, why would he..? It wasn't near finished yet.

Reaching across, Ky's hand briefly touched against Ezra's forearm before she was on the move. Her body twisting, and getting to her feet, it wasn't long before she was standing in front of the window. Pushing it open so that she could survey the scene playing out in front of them, ".. Fucking shit..."

"Don't harm them! They're Yale, endangered and protected by Artemis!"

"Fucking shit..!"

One day..! They couldn't have one day where something didn't happen around this place. Yale..! Of all the things it could be, it had to be Yale- and Colchis bulls. Of course her father was somehow involved, most likely not on purpose, but by the unfortunate coincidence that it was his creations that were currently wreaking havock on the camp.

Hands pressing down onto the window sill, Ky leant her body out. Raising her voice loud enough for any campers that were close to hear, ".. I might sound like a fuckin' psychopath; but go for the head with the bulls..! Bash them in..! The metal is thinner there, but steer clear of their mouths..! Once they're down, I can re-program them to be docile to the camp..!"
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