![]() ___________________________________ N A M E Erin Maree Chase β Er β Γrger ("Trouble" in German) β Inima Mea ("My Heart" in Romani) β Fiore Scuro ("Dark Flower" in Italian) G O D L Y A F F I L I A T I O N Daughter of Hades L O C A T I O N β Cabin Six | Hermes (Flashback) β Cabin Thirteen | Hades (Present) β Palestrina | Rome; Italy (Present) A C T I V I T Y β Quest | Aphrodite's Dove ___________________________________ O U T F I T M U S I C β None T I M E D I F F E R E N C E β Rome; Italy | +6 Hours ___________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S Taken β₯
I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H β Tyler Rumancek | @Murphys Law β Danielle De Luca | @Murphys Law β Andrea De Luca | @Murphys Law β Sophia Chase | @Vicier S P E C I A L M E N T I O N S β Brandon Murphy | @Murphys Law β Dorian Underwood | @King Kindred β Ezra Griesheim | @Murphys Law β Laren Hastings | @Venus β Lilith Montgomery | @HaleyTheRandom ___________________________________ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ____________________________________________________________________________ C A M P H A L F - B L O O D | 3 A M - B E G I N N I N G O F S U M M E R This... seriously couldn't be happening... The familiar symptoms bubbling about just underneath the surface; it was like there was something there, however, that kept them from showing. A barrier of sorts, keeping it all at bay. It was weird, sure, not that she was complaining. Having left the Big House, her mind had been firing on all cylinders. Thoughts accelerated- speeding through her head so fast that it was almost dizzying, and at one point, she knew that her body had begun to sway. All she'd managed to do at the time was lift her hand from her side- use it to rub at her sternum, as though the very action was going to help loosen the tightening she could feel restricting her breathing. She'd felt sick to her stomach. And it was painful- by the Gods, it was painful. The rapid, pounding of her heart against her rib cage... the light trembling in her arms and legs; the quickening of every single breath she managed to suck in. Each coming in shallow, making her feel like she was suffocating; and despite how hard she tried, she just wasn't able to catch it... She was currently caught between a rock, and a severely hard place; and no matter how she attempted to spin it, it just got worse. At least, that was how it felt until she'd seen Laren. Fuck, that girl could make one hell of a cup of tea... Dark shadows wrapping around her body, molding to her figure as she passed through them; it wasn't long before the scenery changed. Swapping one bedroom for another, but this time, it was one that she'd become intimately familiar with over the years. Hand lifting, the sleeves of the hoodie she'd stolen from her best friend pushed up her arms, Erin took a quick dash at her eyes. Ridding them of stray tears that might have lingered as silently, she crossed the dark room. Barely making a sound as she climbed her way up to the loft, she eventually rested her weight on the mattress. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she reached out. Using one arm to stabilize herself, her touch was gentle as her other hand moved to cover his mouth. An attempt to muffle any surprised or loud noise made as she woke him up. "..Ty..." Lips parting slightly, Erin's dark gaze lingered on her boyfriends sleeping figure, "..Ty, I-... I need your help... I'm in trouble..." After having pulled a long night with the boys on the newly released Battlefield game, Tyler had only been asleep for a couple of hours by the time Erin had found her way into the room to wake him. It wasnβt until she spoke his name the second time that he slowly came to, but quickly forced himself awake when he heard the words βIβm in troubleβ fall from her lips. The boy sat up a bit too quickly in bed, smacking his head on the ceiling with a soft grunt before glaring up at it like the ceiling was the one to have jumped out and hit him. With a peak over the side of his loft bed to make sure he hadnβt woken his brother and satyr friend, Tyler let out soft but hefty sigh before turning his soft baby blues to Erin, his voice just a whisper as he spoke up. βWhatβs wrong, inima mea..?β Flinching, unable to help herself from doing so as she watched his head collide with the roof; her hand fell away from his mouth as he shot up. It was only when she felt him relaxing that she herself seemed to; her hand instead coming to a rest over partially over his lap and partially over her own as she gave him time to catch up and gain his bearings. Her dark gaze flicking down to the lower level of the room, to where his brother and the satyr were; it was only a moment or two later that she was once again giving him her full attention. "..remember that necklace you gave me for my birthday a couple of years back..? It... went missing about a month ago when some of the old campers showed up to visit..." Her long dark locks swaying over her back, Erin shook her head. Giving a light shrug of her shoulders, "I didn't think anything of it... Salem is always taking my jewelry. He's a cat. He likes things that are shiny. But then tonight-..." Pausing a spell; she hesitated. Holding his gorgeous blues with her dark gaze as she mentally berated herself. Why was it so hard to ask for help..? Even from him. She'd never been so prideful until she'd come to camp; and now, just getting the words out- just simply admitting she actually needed help was like gargling nails. Mega unpleasant; and swallowing her pride, she gave him an apologetic look, "..tonight Dionysus gave it back to me... Ares found it... by the empty cage of Aphrodite's stupid bird... and now he's accusing me of being the thief... I-I have a week to find the dove and get it back to Olympus..." He sat there listening to her, carefully taking in everything she was laying on him in that moment. With as tired as he was, it was a bit hard to focus... at least harder than normal, though there was no doubt that she had every bit of his attention as she spoke. Erin was never one to ask for help, even with simple tasks.. but the more she explained, the more serious it became and the more Tyler realized just how much shit she was in. The curly-haired boy pressed his lips into a thin line as he looked back at his girlfriend, trying to choose his words carefully. Making a joke about Salem being a Niffler in disguise probably wasn't the best idea. He decided to remain serious. This was serious. He figured to save the less important questions - like why she hadn't mentioned it having gone missing in the first place - and stick to the more to-the-point ones instead. "Have you been to see Rachel? ..do we even have a place to start? I mean, a week to find a fuckin-" Tyler cut himself off as his voice began to get louder, peaking at the boys sleeping below again before turning back to her. "-a week to find a fucking pigeon... do they not realize that New York alone has millions of them??" Again, he had to forcibly stop himself from continuing, but not because of his voice rising again. This time it was due to a thought that had struck him. His expression turned a bit sad, though he did his best to try and hide it from showing too much as he spoke up. "Does your dad know..?" Her dad..? That... was a good question. But unfortunately, it was one that she had no answer for. Shaking her head, clearly unsure, Erin gave a light shrug of her shoudlers. Her voice soft as she responded. "..I-... I don't know..." ____________________________________________________________________________ C A M P H A L F - B L O O D | 8 A M - B E G I N N I N G O F S U M M E R "Do you remember what I told you we tell the god of Death when he comes calling..?" The words ringing in her mind- playing over and over again like a recording stuck on repeat; Erin's pitch black gaze was drawn down to the double nagimara she held at her side. Thumb curled around the long handle, she flexed her fingers. Though only for a moment before they too, were curling. Readjusting her grip on the weapon; and in a matter of seconds, it was gone. Disappeared. Leaving her instead with a small, though noticeable, lightsaber keyring which she clipped onto one of the belt loops on her jeans for easy access. Stupid bloody Star Wars franchise... She'd hung out for as long as she could, but being surrounded on all fronts by nerds and one of the actual actors from the movie; she'd eventually given in. Yep. She'd drunk the kool aid and dove head first into the world of sci-fi. Honestly, it still amazed her with how much they'd managed to wear her down on thatβ¦ Now she'd been labelled as 'obsessed' by her friends. Gods, that was such a strong wordβ¦ She refrained from rolling her eyes. Instead shoving the stray thought from her mind as she gave her attention back to the group in front of her. It hadn't been easy for her to ask for help, even from those she called her friends. No actually, especially from them. She was prideful; stubborn beyond belief. She knew that. Most of the time it kept her from being able to express herself properly; something that she'd been warned to keep in mind during this little expedition outside of camp. They were there to help herβ¦ she had to remember that. A frown etching its way over her features, she watched on as, one by one, those she trusted enough to turn to in her dire time of need made their way past her towards the corner of the already dark room. Wondering, for the briefest of moments, if she'd made the right choice. Despite the fact that not all of them had been the first names to jump into her mind, particularly when it came to her own personal comfort, she had, however, attempted to be strategic. With that thought, her gaze flicked to Laren. Watching on as the darkness of her shadows engulfed her friends body. Drawing her in, and pulling her out of sight. Laren was, perhaps, one of the most strategic people she knew. Her mind was a step above others, and her ability to think on the fly in stressful situations was perfect. Only downfall was that she too was prideful. But that was to be expected. Hubris was, after all, a shared trait between children of Athena. The others thoughβ¦ Eyes flicking to Lilith; again, she watched another friend get swallowed by shadows. Though she seemed far more at home doing so than Laren had. It simply came with the territory. There was, and always would be, a notable difference between the children of Olympus, and those of the Underworld. The daughter of Hecate though, aside from being an excellent witch, had an amazing ability to command over the mist. And, at least as far as Erin was concerned, it was second to none. A skill that would definitely come in handy, especially considering their destination. Tyler and Dorianβ¦ they were like night and day; and while they both brought skills to the group that picked up in the areas the rest of them were lacking, she knew that her reason for choosing them was purely selfish. Simply put, she needed them. This wasn't something that she could do without them by her side. And while she would have loved to have either Brandon, Ezra, or hell, both of them come along too, she knew it just wasn't practical. Waiting until the boys had passed through the shadows; it wasn't until they were out of sight that Erin turned her back to the corner. Instead taking a look around the living room of the Hades cabin. It was weird. Taking into consideration the fact that she was about to leave the camp for the first time in four years, she felt oddly calm- somewhat at peace on the whole thing, even when she knew that she shouldn't be. Maybe that was a good thing. The seam of her lips parting slightly, a gentle sigh passing through them; attention was drawn back to the shadows as they swirled about in a rather inviting manner. And drawing in a deep breath, letting it out as she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder, Erin stepped forward and into the darkness. "..not today..." ____________________________________________________________________________ C H A S E / D E L U C A F A M I L Y V I L L A | 1 P M - J U S T O U T S I D E O F R O M E Arm lifting from her side, drawing across to shield her eyes from the blinding afternoon sun as she stepped out of the shadows; it didn't take long before the familiar scent of high roasted coffee, olive oil and rosemary hit her. Wafting out from the villa to overwhelm her senses, and all at once, she was home. Back where she belonged. Chest heaving with each breath she took, her free hand reached out. It took a couple of attempts, but eventually she was able to rest it gently over the shoulder of the person that was closest. Her dark gaze drawing across to meet with that of each of her friends; her eyes lingered as they met with Tyler's. A small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, and she gave a light motion towards the large villa from where they stood in the shade created by large cluster of old trees. "..welcome... to my family's home..." Swaying lightly on the spot, needing to take another moment, not wanting to lose her footing after making such a long trip; it was only when she felt stable enough that she began to walk. Hand slipping, falling away from the shoulder she now knew belonged to Dorian, Erin motioning for the others to follow. Her hips swaying lightly, in time with her steps as she began towards the main house. "..vieni, vieni..." Something that could almost be described as a light skip entering her step as she moved; she could already hear it. The familiar sounds of Mozart wafting into the air, gently playing in the background, it only served for her to quicken her pace as she drew closer to the house. Her smile growing over her sharp features. It was growing up listening to classical artists with her grandmother that spurred her love of music in the first place, "..nonna..? Nonna..! Γ la tua nipote preferita..!" βFavorite..? You donβt call, donβt write... donβt come to the family reunions. Pretty sure that disqualifies you from the βfavoriteβ spot, Erin Maree.β Dany..? Step faltering slightly as the sound of her cousin's voice hit her ears; the smile on her features fell slightly. Her dark lips parting from one another as she led the group into the house. Following the path of the voice until she came face to face with her cousin. Though her surprise grew further as she glanced over Dany's shoulder, her gaze meeting with that of not one, but two other women in the room with her. "..zietta..? M-Madre..?" Fuck... she was going to need another cup of tea... ____________________________________________________________________________ T R A N S L A T I O N S β Romani β Italian |