Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1 -> Outside -> Interrogation Room A1 -> Outside -> Interrogation Room A1
Skills: SuperSpeed, Hand to hand combat

Oli was still processing everything happening in front of him as the keycard was pressed to his collar, and he felt his speed run through him once more. Making a plan on the fly, he found Niah in his arms, and said, "We should get out of here, I'll start running people out." He said quickly, looking between his friends, and then down at Niah, and like that, he was gone. It was like nothing else for him to have his speed back, moving smoothly through the facility as time stood still. By the time Niah blinked, they'd be out and under tree cover. Looking back at the facility behind him, he shuddered. There wouldn't be an easy way out of here.

The compound was literally built into a mountain, giant cliffs slipping down; getting to the bottom and away from here would be hardPlacing Niah down gingerly, he said, "I gotta get the others, I'll be right back. It looks like aircraft is our best option, so I'll be back with Celestine." He said, still in survival mode, before breaking out of it for a moment, and hugged her, adding on, "I love you." After that, Niah gave him the keycard to let everyone out, and he nodded, before he was running again, only to trip and skid face first into a wall, before otherwise zooming back into the facility.

Getting back to the interrogation room, he next picked up Celestine, and continued to get her out as well. He was starting to feel the burn, having trouble keeping up at his previous speed now, but still getting her out safely. He clumsily placed her next to Niah, before breathing out, "I... I'm gonna get back to Bonnie, we're gonna find the others, and we'll be back shortly after that. Stay under tree cover, stay safe." He said, his voice ragged. Getting back into the facility was easy enough, but he ended up running right past an agent and exhalled, annoyed.

He had to act quickly, but he was tired. He clumsily swung one of his arms at the agent, before getting a second wind, and following up with a suckerpunch to the side of the head, knocking them out cold on the floor. Continuing his run back to Bonnie, once he wa sin the room, he almost collapsed against the wall, taking a much needed breather. "Let's find the rest, Niah and Celestine are safe." He said, between breaths. "By then, I should be able to ferry more people. I just... need a second." He said, meeting Bonnie's eyes, and righting himself, and ready to help her in the search.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: N/A

"Just...Just shut up and leave me alone!" she said as she kept saying, she wasn't doing the best right now, everything was going to hell, that was for certain. Her mind was basically crashing, not really wanting to function correctly. Right now she was just trying to figure out what to do, what to say or really anything like that. She was just sort of trying to figure out what to do still, and all she knew was that this whole situation was super screwed up all things considering. Right now she just wanted to be left alone with her thoughts, but she wasn't sure how well that would go.

Unfortunately, no one seemed to want her to be alone really started blaring really loudly, and she just wanted to be away from all of this noise. Right now though, her brain was not really wanting to listen to her, and the best that she figured, the only thing she could figure to do would be to more or less imagine locking her feelings into a box, and just ignoring them entirely. "If they cared about the alarm or thought we were in danger, pretty sure they would have done something already," Sparky eventually ended up saying a bit coldly with no emotion or anything in her voice anymore. It was a bit eerie now.

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Fire Manipulation

Well he hadn't expected that to fully work all things considering. However it seemed to work out decently well and Monica was kind of down for the count, as well as unfortunately the others kind of were having trouble too. Oh well, who cares too much about that they were still standing right? Flynn instantly caused the fire to then go up his arms in order to heat up the cuffs that were still on his wrists, heating up the metal and expanding it enough so that he was able to get his hands free and he stood up now.

Hearing why Folly was there made him a little concerning to him, though the memories that were going through his head from this reality were really weird. Flynn went towards the door and got it opened, before slowly poking his head out into the hallway to see if anyone was coming. "So if we're all done having a conversation... Let's get going, the coast seems to be clear for the moment but probably isn't going to be for long..." he said somewhat quietly to the others in the room now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 4 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

Celestine opened her eyes when she heard the door to the interrogation cell open once more, she had been expecting good news from Agent Woo and in a way that is what they received. "Well good on you for believing us." commented Celestine under her breath as she repositioned herself in her seat, listening to what the Agent had to say. As soon as he had finished speaking and made his way to the other side of the table, Woo was head butted by Bonnie, knocking him out cold. "And there go the alarms, right on time, they sure are prompt with these things. Thank you for unlocking the cuffs but do you think you can do anything about these collars? I would be able to help us escape better by being able to use my powers." The Blackbird of Chernobyl reached up and felt the collar around her neck, then turned her attention back to Bonnie. The woman tapped the cards against the collars and they thankfully fell free, "Oh, you are already on top of it, good thinking."

"I wonder how the others are doing, may have to get violent. Let me rephrase that, we will have to get violent before the day is out, I am sure." Celestine glanced back at Woo who laid upon the ground, unconscious. "Wait, where is Niah and Oli? Did they ..." There was no time to finish her sentence, she felt herself picked up and the world around her becoming a blur of motions before being clumsily placed down next to Niah, under a tree that was being used for cover. "Thank you for helping us get out of there, we will hold the ground here till you arrive. Please try and locate our gear if possible!"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 5:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Cover - Niah and Celestine -

SWORD HQ looked like it was built into the side of a mountain - think fortresses from Legend of Zelda's Breath of the Wild. The mountain cliffs were incredibly steep, with just a few winding paths that were difficult but not impossible to use to climb down the mountain. Trees were dotted sporadically and providing some cover. Aircraft seemed to be the main method of transportation, with some patrol craft periodically sweeping the area with search lights.

Luckily, no one spotted them and the search lights weren't passing over the tree cover Oliver had stashed them in. Unluckily, it began pouring down rain and the temperature was freezing.

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver and Bonnie -

Thanks to Niah, Bonnie's cuffs and inhibitor collar were removed. Instantly, Bonnie's mind felt clearer and sharper - and her body more alive, stronger, faster, even better rested. It was a change that she wouldn't have noticed about herself had it not been for the collar, giving her proof - Athena had done something to her with her blessing. She wasn't the same human she had been before. And Bonnie didn't know how to feel about that, so she compartmentalized it, shoving it into a mental drawer to deal with later. She exhaled heavily through her nose in slight amusement as Niah explained that Sparky still had her leg. Only with the Secret Warriors was that something normal to say.

"We can do this," Bonnie said, hoping to reassure the others. Oliver then rapidly sped off with Niah, returning shortly, grabbing Celestine, and dashing off again only to return alone. Only a few seconds had passed. Agent Woo was either still unconscious or merely pretending to be. Oliver looked extremely exhausted and Bonnie couldn't exactly blame him, he had just run an unknown distance carrying someone twice. "Breathe, take a moment, it's all good," she replied. "What's the terrain look like outside - any idea what our location is?"

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

Darcy felt like this super wasn't protocol, but also, she was strongly against dying for a job that didn't pay her very well. Sure, the sign-on bonus had been great and all, but the healthcare plan was a bit lacking and the retirement package was skimpy. Honestly, some company could come along and poach her at any time - she was frequently seen in the break room talking about how little extra money someone would have to offer her in order for her to quit. "Okay, but if I do this, you all can't attack me," Darcy warned. She was a little unnerved by Sparky. She didn't seem particularly stable at the moment.

"Cross our hearts and hope to die, we wouldn't do anything of the sort," Amelia promised. Her gut was telling her that the alarms were probably due to their friends trying or succeeding in breaking out of here, meaning that Darcy was making the absolutely wrong call for her organization, but Amelia wasn't going to say anything. She talked a lot but she wasn't stupid - she knew when to be quiet about certain bits of information. "Don't worry too much about her, she's just a bit of a downer at the moment, mate. You know how it is," Amelia then added, her eyes flickering over towards Sparky.

"... Fine. Whatever. I don't get paid enough anyways," Darcy said, relenting as she undid the handcuffs and then inhibitor collars. She then unlocked the door and pocked her head outside into the hallway, seeing an entire squad of armed men running down the hallway. "They don't seem to be coming here..." They were going somewhere else - not in the direction of the A block of interrogation rooms, Darcy could tell that much.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Inside of Maria's head, she would feel another psyche, another personality battling for control and dominance. For now, Maria would be able to hold the other person at bay, preventing them from taking over her body. "What did you do to me?" the Monica personality screamed inside of her mind. In the real world, Monica was still struggling with the oxygen deprivation, and she weakly sent off blasts of energy at the group, hitting Folly and sending her skidding backwards again.

Flynn then opened the door and oxygen rushed into the room. Monica was incredibly disoriented from the lack of oxygen, and Folly hurried out the door, holding it open for the others. She could hear the sound of heavy boots hitting the ground from nearby, coming closer. They didn't have much time. "Come on, we need to be fast, there won't be another rescue after this one," Folly warned.

Raynor saw how bad Matt was doing and he considered just leaving him here to figure things out, before he sighed. He picked up Matt in a bridal hold. "If you puke on me, I'm dropping you." Oxygen deprivation did weird things to people, even when they regained a proper amount of air.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at Sparky for a moment they'll have to find out more about what was going on with her and this reality later as she turned towards Darcy who actually agreed to set them all free. Feeling her cuffs going off as well as her inhibitor collar going off feeling her strength coming back to her as she turned to Darcy. "Don't worry we won't harm you in anyway." Cass said to her as she started lean against the door as Darcy looked out. The SWORD agents were heading down the hallway away from where their interrogation room was Cassandra turned to face Darcy knowing that she'd know the layout a lot better than the rest of them did. "Is there a way out of here?" Cassandra asked her. When her cybernetic implant for her left eye suddenly shut down.

"Why now?" Cassandra said to herself only really having half of her vision now to navigate, Cass started to head out of the room and started to make her way down the hallway until she started to loose her balance. Thanks to the lack of depth perception and fell to the ground rather hard with a loud thud. Normally she'd work on a diagnostic on the implant but now wasnt really the time, but right now wasnt really the time to get it fixed and working and had to make do with half of her vision for now.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria turned to stare at Monica as she heard her voice inside of her own head, the psyche in her head was now trying to take over, she was holding it back at bay right now, but her head was really pounding right now due to the other presence in her mind. "Lets get the hell out of here." Maria said as she headed out of the room taking in the fresh air and her head started to feel a little bit better and could think a bit more clearly now. Maria could hear the footsteps coming down the hallway and she really didnt want to be there when they decided to show up.

"Lets head the opposite way." Maria said as she quickly headed down the hallway and started to make her way down until she was facing what looked to be a cafeteria and counted about ten SWORD agents in the room. Maria quickly backed away and looked over towards Folly, wondering if anyone else was with her. "You don't happen to be here with anyone right, also is there a way we can get our gear back?" Maria asked Folly, hoping that there was someone else with her, that could help with her other mental problem to.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Tree Cover

Niah hadn't gotten a chance to give Oliver a kiss and a thank you. Though now that she was sitting outside she was not pleased about it. She felt like she had just gotten sidelined and in the worst possible way. It was nearly freezing outside. She knew it wasn't actually freezing since it was raining and not snowing. And she didn't have her clothing. She was dressed like a prisoner. If she had had her stealth suit on she might have been less cold.

She looked over at Celestine, teeth chattering. "I'm sorry, I'm not certain how your powers work exactly. But if you can keep those things from finding us, that would be ideal." There wasn't much she could do from here. She didn't have any weapons. And her powers were fairly niche. Something that caused her no end of stress when fighting broke out.

Location: EARTH 257: Interrogation Room Z11 -> Raynor's arms (hallway)

Matt was woozy but he didn't feel like he was going to hurl. Being carried by Raynor wasn't exactly what he expected to happen. He had fully expected him to just leave him behind. Matt considered saying something snarky but decided against it. He also didn't like that it was Folly rescuing them. And for two people that back home hated each other. What sort of wild dynamic existed here that they got along.

It hurt Matt's head to try to think about, though that could also be the Oxygen deprivation giving him a headache. "Drop me if a fight starts. I'll take care of myself." Matt did not want to be carried, but it was easier than the alternative at the moment. But if a fight started he'd be more a hindrance than anything. He needed to get oxygen back into his brain.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, no attacking you, why do you people immediately think that we'll attack you when most of the time you attack first and we'd just be defending ourselves," Sparky pointed out with a bit of a shrug as Darcy more or less released them. Honestly she was a bit surprised that Darcy did that without too much arguing. Then again, she seemed a bit unlike the other people they've encountered so far (or at least the few people that she's interacted with currently) so maybe that was the sort of explanation as to why Darcy seemed to almost be helping them? Though she likely was going to end up in trouble for this or something later anyway.

She started to see about following after Cass, when she felt a pain in her chest, and the clank of something metal hitting the ground in front of her. Her face would look a bit pale, and she looked down to see what the hell had hit the ground, before reaching down and picking up what looked to be... Niah's leg? "Ok, what is with this and why is Niah's leg here?" she commented, before she handed the leg over to Darcy, ignoring the fact that she was hurting and looked like she might keel over at a moments notice. "Mind holding onto this?" she asked her, handing it over before sort of following after Cass and seeing her fall over. "Are you alright?" she then proceeded to ask her.

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

"Agreed... And uh, sorry if anyone has any issues from lack of oxygen, it was just me trying to attempt something," Flynn responded to Maria, and adding the last part of his sentence more towards everyone else. That was not likely going to be the most pleasant of experiences, not to mention, he honestly was a little bit surprised that Raynor actually was carrying Matt around, considering the fact that Matt almost had killed his girlfriend. Though hey, clearly it meant that if Matt was going to die, Raynor wanted to ensure that it was going to because of him and him alone. Made for an interesting sort of thought.

He hung back a little ways to keep an eye out behind them to see if anyone was going to come up and attack behind them, before glancing quickly to see why Maria had seemingly stopped, or where they had wound up, and saw a cafeteria area. One that was not fully empty from what he gathered. Flynn listened as Maria was asking Folly if she knew what exactly was going on or a quicker way out of here, or if there were others around. Now, he just sort of just waited for a response as he continued to more or less just keep an eye on everything to hope that they weren't too surprised by anyone popping up.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room A1 -> Interrogation Room B9 -> Interrogation Room A1 -> Interrogation Room B9
Skills: SuperSpeed

Oli hadn't been this winded in a long while, he'd have to add weight to his runs when training, burning muscle pain sucked, but he was always astounded by the capacity of his speed healing. Taking a few breaths in and out, he processed what Bonnie had said, and he took a moment, closing his eyes. He wasn't any kind of geographer or anything, but he knew a few things. For one, they arrived in NYC, which meant east coast of the United States, secondly, he knew they were on a mountain, and a large one at that. Putting all that together he said, "Appalachian Mountains would be my best guess." He responded, before continuing, "Give me a second?"

Oli was gonna go out and try to find more agents, that had to be the priority. He rested a hand on the doorway, and then sped off again. He had some idea how this place might be organized, just by how much he'd run around it already, so it wasn't awful to find Sparky, Cass, and Amelia. Sticking his head in for a quick second, he pulled back out, and headed straight back to the interrogation room, grabbing BOnnie's hand and saying, "Found some, come on." And before they knew it, they were with their fellow agents, and another woman that didn't seem instantly hostile. He'd normally be paranoid, but he knew that Woo had been friendly, and so he didn't knock her out right away. "We're busting out. Niah and Celestine are waiting outside, current plan is to steal a jet and get away from here, some kind of mountainous terrain, so getting away on foot doesn't seem to be an option. I'll run anybody out who wants to go help them get our escape together. Also hi." He said, barely taking a breath, before looking at his friends, hoping they got all of that.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 5:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Cover - Niah and Celestine -

~paused until Andromedai returns~

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver and Bonnie -

"... Okay, that's good to know, so we're still on the east coast," Bonnie surmised from Oliver's description. The Appalachian mountains covered a large amount of land, but at least they knew what mountain range they were in. The new, added memories didn't tell her the geography of the Iron - it was more memories of people and places, not encyclopedic knowledge, as much as that would've been helpful. They could try fleeing North into Canada - if Canada existed here and the Iron hadn't taken land from them. That could be their best bet.

Oliver sped off to search, returning seconds later with news that he had found some of the others. "Are they okay?" Bonnie asked, before Oliver took a hold of her and sped off.

Outside Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia, Oliver, Bonnie -

"Well, it's complicated - there's ways out, but it's more of how do you get out once you're out," Darcy explained. "That's confusing. Uh, well, we're in a mountain - so if you get outside, you can't really go much of anywhere, so you'd need to get a craft to fly down from the mountain." Darcy then blinked, taking the leg from Sparky. "A... what the fuck?" She shook the leg a little bit, expecting to see something happen, but it just remained a leg. "Where were you... were you hiding this in your vaj?!"

"It's our friend's leg," Amelia explained, which didn't really help Darcy at all. "If we can get outside and snatch a craft, I can fly it. I can fly just about anything." It was her special skill on the team - no one else was born to fly, no one else spoke planes more than they did English. Plus, she was pretty certain that whatever the aircraft were like here, it would be something new and exciting - and it would mark off fly a plane in an alternate world from her bucket list.

"Wait, shit, you're bleeding!" Darcy exclaimed, dropping the leg accidentally as she stared at Sparky. "You shouldn't be moving! Is that a bullet wound?" If Cass' crash hadn't been loud enough to draw attention, Darcy's voice definitely was. Then suddenly, Oliver appeared, disappeared, and then returned with Bonnie.

"Where did you come from?!"

"Bloody hell, it's good to see you two! Oliver, any chance you got some medical stuff on you? The leg fell out," Amelia requested.

Bonnie's eyes widened, taking Sparky in. Sparky's injury looked to her like it had healed some, but she was petrified of what would happen if Sparky moved too much or aggravated it - it was still bleeding even. Bonnie hurried forward and took Sparky's hand, placing it on the wound and then Bonnie put her hand on top. "Oliver, I need you to get me a medical kit and get Sparky to a secure location as soon as possible, or she'll die. Cass, Sparky, why'd the leg come out?"

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

"Don't worry, I'll drop you," Raynor promised Matt. He raised an eyebrow seeing Maria go down the hallway and then double back quickly. He figured she must have seen something. The main issue was that a group of ten agents then appeared from the direction the sound of the boots had come from, all of them armed with guns. Flynn would be able to see them coming, allowing him to drag Maria out of the line of sight.

"You, absorb my healing factor," Folly whispered to Maria, having ducked back into the room. "It's just me here - I was only hired to get him, the rest of you aren't part of the job, but I'm feeling nice."

Raynor put Matt down, tilting his head from side to side as he stretched his neck. He then stuck his hands outside of the door, creating a blast of light designed to blind the agents - but the bullets kept on coming. "... Don't tell me these assholes are wearing sunglasses indoors," Raynor grumbled. He then held out his hand, calling his dagger Lyting to him, but it didn't come - something was stopping it.

"They're containing Ragnarok, they know your tricks," Folly pointed out.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned towards Sparky, she wasnt able to see her through her blind side but gave a slight nod as she started to sit up getting a better look now at Sparky. "Yeah just the eye decided to shut itself down for some reason." Cassandra said as she heard something falling to the ground and noticed that Sparky was looking rather pale, and she was bleeding again. Niah's leg had fallen off, though she had no clue how that piece of kree tech actually worked or kept Sparky alive. "It was the thing that she was wearing when you guys brought us in, your agents shot her." Cass told Darcy, when there was a flash and a gust of wind she knew only two people with super speed, that being Pietro and Oliver.

She was actually relieved to see that it was Oliver and Bonnie, letting Bonnie do her thing she turned to Oliver. "Get a gurney to if you can find one." Cassandra said to Oliver they needed to get Sparky stable again or at least get the leg installed on Sparky again to get it to work again hopefully. They still needed to find Maria, Flynn, Raynor and Matt still they were the only ones that they hadnt found yet taking a moment noting what Darcy had said getting a jet out of here was their best bet then.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria turned to look at Flynn apologizing for the lack of oxygen. "Thats fine." Maria said towards him as the agents started to come towards them and started to open fire. Thats when she started to hear Monica's voice again in her head, as Maria started to tune everything out going on around her. 'Let me go!' Monica's voice rang out in her head as Folly forced her and Flynn back into the interrogation room, Folly started to speak as Maria lost control.

"Good that means that you are trapped her with no backup." Monica said as she instantly grabbed both sides of Folly's head and twisted it rather hard hearing a sickening snapping sound. Monica dropped Folly's body onto the ground as she was just about to attack Flynn Maria instantly took control again. Maria took a few steps back holding her head as she stared at Folly's body completely shocked after loosing control like that. "I-I didn't mean to." Maria said, as she looked back up at Flynn.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

"I'm fine..." Sparky said, still without really showing any emotion in her facial expression or her tone of voice when people started making a big deal about her injury. Personally, she was fine, at least in her mind, though she looked at Cass when she said their agents had shot her. "I may have been partially out of it, but I did get a look at the suits they had before the fighting started, they didn't have bullets, the only bullets in that confrontation were on our side," she ended up saying towards her, she wasn't entirely sure who exactly had shot her, but frankly, at the moment she didn't really care.

The gust of wind announced the arrival, departure, and arrival yet again of Oliver (he had returned with Bonnie) and she wasn't too surprised with Bonnie instantly freaking out or panicking over her injury, as Bonnie used both of their hands to apply pressure to the injury. "I'm fine, and don't touch me," Sparky said to her, before trying to see about pushing her away. At first they both seemed evenly matched with Sparky trying to get her away, but after another moment, she was able to. A few sparks of electricity would appear along her skin that the others would be able to see. Not enough to cause any serious damage, but enough to cause some discomfort if someone touched her. "I am fine, and no one touch me," she said rather pointedly, but despite her words, for the most part she sort of kept that same emotionless tone of voice.

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Fire Manipulation

Well, things were definitely sort of interesting with how everything seemed to be going. He wasn't too sure what all they were going to do, or even how to really get out of there. Though one thing did catch his attention as he kept watch down the hallway, and that was the appearance of a few of the soldiers or whatever coming around the corner, and he instantly grabbed Maria's arm and yanked her into the room once more, managing to avoid them seeing them, which was good but likely wasn't going to last all too long really. Though he did hear Folly's comments as to why she was there and what she had shown up to do.

"Oh thanks for being nice and all, though pretty sure based on what happened earlier a bit, seriously doubt Raynor is going to leave his girlfriend and mother of his kid in this place," Flynn said rather bluntly to Folly, since he seriously doubted that Raynor would leave Sparky behind somewhere, since he was pretty sure that she, along with the others, were somewhere here in the base. Flynn's attention turned now towards Maria as she decided to go a bit crazy and just literally snapped Folly's neck, and sort of whirled around to attack him it seemed like, before she stopped and apologized. "What the hell Maria? Be really glad that she can heal!" he said, not even sure what the hell just happened, but he decided to attack the people in the hallway.

Flynn stepped into the hallway yet again and sent out a few blasts of fire from his arms. His first attempt to hit anyone sadly failed miserably and he missed. The next few attempts however were much more useful, as he managed to set fire to two of the agents that were in the hallway. Sidestepping, he instantly ducked back into the room, to avoid any sort of fire that they might attack him with, and giving them a better choke point and defensive position in this entire thing.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 4 days ago

(Blackbird of Chernobyl)

As the frigged rain fell down upon Niah and Celestine from the cloudy sky above the two of them, The Black Bird of Chernobyl wrapped her arms around herself for a short moment before moving her hands in front of her and rubbing them together to create friction. Part of her wished they were still inside of the S.H.I.E.L.D. mountain base in the distance, her armor and weapons where still in there, with of course most of the team. "That could have turned out better, wish I had all of my equipment, I am sure you do as well." said Celestine as she turned to face Niah who appeared to be just as cold as she was. Celestine moved closer to Niah before taking a knee next to the woman, just in time to hear the question she had asked about her abilities. "There is no reason to apologize, it is a fair question after all, anyway." began Celestine as she glanced around their surroundings, her focused returned to Niah before she continued. "If you are talking about my technopath ability, that is rather difficult to explain but I will do my best."

She paused once more and slid down into a sitting position, "Since I am a technopath, I can interface and interact with machines and electronics. For example those scanners when we first arrived, tried to interact with them so we could pass through unnoticed. Also tried to interact with the power suits when we were attacked, both times did not work out as well as I would have hoped by maybe next time. Speaking of which, I have an idea that may just work." The Blackbird of Chernobyl reached out to one of the aircrafts in the distance that was patrolling the area with her technopath ability. The next thing she knew, it was then heading towards them, most likely causing the pilot of have some sort of anxiety attack. Celestine turned back to Niah and smiled, "Hey, look sharp Niah, our ride is going to be here soon, and I will be helping you into it after I take care of whoever is inside."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Tree Cover

Niah's teeth chattered. It was probably that biting cold that kept her from responding to Novastrov. How her power worked was not explained, instead, a someone condescending response was given. What was it about technopaths that made it feel like anytime they spoke they were condescending? Her eyes went wide though. Novastrov said they had a ride coming.

"W-w-what do you m-mean?" She chattered out barely. Something coming to pick them up, even if it were somehow blissfully empty, would draw attention. Attention they were not equipped to handle. Niah was not in proper gear, she had one leg and no crutches. Not even an ICER on her person. "S-summoning an aircraft is the opposite of not attracting attention." She snapped and stood on her one leg, hopping behind a tree. It was the best she could do and hoped that whatever weapons the ship had wouldn't get her through that tree.

Location: EARTH 257: Hallway

Matt watched Maria snap Folly's neck, a little stunned by the action. Folly was rescuing them. Something Matt couldn't quite understand at the moment. It probably had seemed entertaining to the young psychopath. Shake things up a bit in the Iron. He sat on the floor confused a bit as to how he had gotten there. Had Raynor put him down? Before or after Maria tried to beat up Fynn?

If Maria continued to be an issue Matt supposed he could touch her and try to paralyze her. But that ran the risk of her touching him. At least his power was something he could control. Matt was suddenly very thankful he could have the touch of someone without the need of a sheet of plastic like he belonged in "Pushing Daisies".

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room B9 -> Outside -> Interrogation Room B9 -< Hallway -> Interrogation Room B9
Skills: SuperSpeed

Oli watched the situation unfold before him, and he was mildly annoyed. Sparky refusing medical attention was not what they needed right now. He didn't know if she wanted to die, but he did know he was fundamentally incapable of forcing anything upon her, especially medical attention. He could get the kit, but he'd need to leave the actual application of it to somebody else. Also on the docket, Oliver knew they needed somebody to actually fly them. Giving a look towards Amelia he said, "Wanna help us steal a place from another universe?" He asked, and upon receiving an affirmative, he took the leg, Amelia, and zipped away.

Arriving outside, Oliver realized how bad of an idea it was to leave his girlfriend there. He also realized he fumbled her leg near the exit of the building. He cursed under his breath, and deposited Amelia on the ground outside, and smiled at Niah, contrasting her soaked and freezing demeanor. "Uh, let's get you inside, okay?", before picking her up, nodding at Celestine and Amelia, and heading back inside, grabbing the leg on the way. As they returned to the room with the rest of the agents, he put Niah down next to her leg, and then said, "Oh right, medkit." Before poofing away again, only to return a second later with a medkit, and held it out for anybody who wanted to try to heal their teammate.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 5:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Cover - Niah and Celestine -

"Bloody fucking hell it's freezing!" Amelia exclaimed, her teeth chattering. She held a hand in front of her eyes to keep herself from being blinded by the lights of the plane Celestine had brought down. Unfortunately for duo, the plane had also brought a small legion of friends - seven other planes were approaching, three of them landing to cut off their escape options. The only place they could run to was over the cliff.

"Uh, any chance you can control all of these, mate? Or Oliver, you're coming back... right?" Amelia said tentatively.


Amelia took a hesitant step backwards. If they could just stall for time, then Oliver could come and grab them - or Celestine would have a chance to take over the planes. Amelia took another step. And another. And then, she moved her left foot back, expecting to feel solid purchase - only for her foot to meet air. She lost her balance and her eyes widened. "Shit..." she whispered, before falling over the edge, plummeting rapidly through the air.

Outside Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia, Oliver, Bonnie -

"Oof, friendly fire? That's rough, buddy," Darcy said sympathetically to Sparky. "Maybe you all should be more careful with your bullets, just saying."

Bonnie's eyes narrowed slightly as Sparky pushed her away, insisting that she was fine. "You have a child depending on you coming back alive in one piece, so shut up, and let me save your life," Bonnie told Sparky sharply. Usually her bedside manner was better than that, but her patience felt very thin. Sparky was on the brink of death and insisting on being left alone, as if just bleeding out was an acceptable option at the moment. Oliver re-appeared, asking Amelia if she wanted to help steal a plane, and then the two of them vanished. A few beats later, Oliver showed up with a medical kit.

"I'll take that, thank you," Bonnie said, grabbing the medical kit and opening it up. She arched an eyebrow - it wasn't what she was expecting. There were glowing red vials with EXTREMIS written on them, in addition to what looked like a gun and some standard medical supplies. Bonnie studied the contents of the container, before picking up the gun. It wasn't a gun at all - it looked like it contained some sort of serum. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY was written on the side of the gun.

Bonnie hesitated for a moment, before taking a leap of faith. They didn't have the proper surgical equipment for Sparky anyways. She took the gun and aimed it at Sparky, pulling the trigger. A needle shot out and hit Sparky in the upper left forearm, injecting its serum. Miraculously, Sparky's wound would then begin to heal rapidly, the blood clotting together, the skin knitting back together, until it was entirely healed.

"Did you know that would work?" Darcy asked Bonnie.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Folly's eyes snapped open and she took a sharp breath of oxygen, as she stood back up to her feet. "That was fucking rude," she complained. She hadn't had a chance to reply to what Flynn had said before Maria had more or less attempted to kill her, and with more SWORD agents beginning to swarm the area, she didn't have a chance for a lengthy conversation about Raynor's love life.

"We're going to get overrun, anyone have any ideas?" Raynor asked, deciding to ignore Maria's momentary lapse in sanity - maybe her wife was finally rubbing off on her or it was due to lack of sleep from the baby, whatever it was, Raynor decided he wasn't going to worry about it at the moment. Someone else could worry about it. Right now he was sending blasts upon blasts of light out into the hallway, knocking down a good portion of the agents, but more of them were coming. They couldn't stay in the small room they were in forever.

Folly darted out into the hallway, slashing throats and whatnot while cartwheeling to avoid bullets that were flying. She really hated it when bullets were brought into play - they took more of a toll on her healing factor than the typical Iron repulsor blasts did.

Raynor then got an idea. There was a chance it was incredibly stupid, but they were running out of options. He stopped firing light blasts off into the hallway and instead retreated back inside the room, picking the opposite wall... and just firing off blasts at it. The wall was stupidly durable, the blasts hardly doing anything to it. But after a while, Raynor managed to wear it down, creating a gigantic hole in the wall, large enough for them to move through. It led to another hallway, not outside, but it was at least something.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 39 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked at Sparky for a moment, her memories at the time were a little bit scrambled at the time and things were a bit chaotic back in the subway car as well to. "Sorry everything was a bit to chaotic back there in the subway." Cassandra said as she watched as Oliver taking Amelia and whisked her away to hopefully get a ride for them all to escape on, and came back shortly after with a really cold and wet Niah into the hallway. Sparky was acting like a little bit of an angry pikachu seeing the electricity coming off of her skin if anyone touched her. Oliver came back again with a medkit and looked at what was inside of it, seeing a few strange looking vials in it and a gun which she thought was odd.

Bonnie proceeded to then fire off a shot from the gun at Sparky and watched as the wound started to heal up rather quickly and she was back to normal it looked like. At least Sparky would be okay now and she wouldnt die on them or anything like that as Cassandra stood up looking at the others. "We need to go find Raynor, Maria and Matt, as well as our gear back." Cass suggested as she started to head down the hallway turning towards Darcy. "Do you know where either of them would be?" Cassandra asked her, knowing that she had a better layout of the base then they did.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria was actually relieved to see that Folly was alright and that Flynn said that she could heal, she never really met Folly in their reality, all that she really knew was that Cassandra had a cybernetic eye now because of the woman. Maria wanted to explain as she could hear more fighting going off, and Folly had gotten up like it was nothing and went to fight the SWORD agents just outside of the room. She hoped that she could keep Monica's psyche in check for now Raynor entered the room and started to fire off light blasts at the wall, until it finally started to break and a large hole in the wall appeared.

Maria quickly went through the hole in the wall revealing another hallway of sorts she turned to look at Raynor for a moment. "If I loose control like that again knock me out if you can." Maria said, she didnt want to turn on her teammates she knew that she wasnt going crazy, but she knew that there was something else going on in her head as well.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Tree Cover -> Outside Interrogation Room B9

Oliver had come back and blissfully swept her back inside into the relative warmth of the building. She wasn't excited to be back in the prison building, but it was better than freezing and being shot at. And even better she had her leg back. Bonnie was taking care of Sparky so it appeared her leg could return to its use as a leg. For now.

She put it back on, with a thought. And held onto a plan. Based on the armor the Iron agents had, and Iron man had back home. She didn't know if the leg could give her flight, but it was incredibly versatile, it might be able to give her armor at least. She shivered still at the remembered cold from outside.

Location: EARTH 257: Hallway

Matt was feeling significantly better. Good enough that he could walk on his own. "If I can get a weapon, I can help." His second power, thanks to Oliver on the Moon, was the ability to use any weapon he picked up. He was good in hand-to-hand, but he was much better with a gun. It had been pure bad luck what happened in the subway.

However, his original power could only be used when he touched the skin of someone. And that someone, in some cases, could be immune to it. Case in point, Folly. Though this Folly wouldn't know that. And she seemed to be on their side this time. Following Maria, he looked through the hole that Raynor had made and checked for any enemies. At least he had permission to take her down if she went crazy again.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: Interrogation Room B9
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

Sparky was just more or less keeping her distance away from people, kind of ignoring everyone else's existence. Of course, given her injury, it was kind of hard clearly for the others to just leave her alone. "I said that I was fine, why can't you all just leave me alone," she said, her voice keeping a rather flat tone with every word she spoke. "Let's just get out of here..." Yeah, her mind was going into overdrive, and she was definitely wanting to more or less ignore whatever the hell seemed to be going on here.

Personally, she knew that she just needed time away from everyone else, and just to have the time to think. Unfortunately right now she didn't exactly have that sort of luxury and had to deal with literally everyone else currently. They mentioned trying to go find the others, and currently Sparky wasn't entirely sure whether or not she actually really wanted to talk to Raynor at all, since that was something that she didn't want to even think about having to deal with. However she knew that was likely not going to be entirely possible, and it was something she'd have to deal with eventually.

Location: Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Well, they were running out of options, that much was obvious, since they currently had to deal with the fact that they more or less were cornered in a room with no real way out in any sort of way. Then, he saw what exactly Raynor was doing, and he couldn't help but find it slightly amusing as he was trying to break a hole in the wall to try and open up another way out. Well that was definitely one way to try and get out, of course, they were kind of stuck otherwise, but it was a bit comical watching him blasting at the wall as it was fairly durable.

He rolled his eyes slightly at Matt, "Seriously? You don't exactly need a weapon all the time, there is a thing called using your hands in a pinch or making something that would work," he sounded a bit annoyed with Matt saying that. Seriously, you didn't have to be a genius in order to try and find a way to be useful, even if it meant picking up a bar or a bit of rubble or something to throw as a makeshift weapon, that was all it would take. Of course, he looked over at the hole that Raynor had created in the wall, he saw that others were more or less heading for it, and he sort of backed up slightly keeping his eyes on the main door to potentially buy time for people if need be.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago


EARTH 257 - 5:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Outside Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Niah, Bonnie -

"Umm, I'm a science lady, not actually an interrogator," Darcy explained again. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head, as if struggling to recall something. "Maybe... They're probably just in other interrogation rooms if I had to guess, they didn't really tell me more than what I needed to know to talk to you." Technically she had only agreed to help them out of the room, not to fully escape SWORD's custody, but then again... Darcy was digging their vibes, she wasn't paid enough, and she didn't have anything particularly strong tying her to the Iron. Part of her always did dream about moving to the Blue.

Bonnie was feeling a little bit done with Sparky at the moment. They were all going through it at the moment and Sparky, best as she could tell, was acting like a petulant child. Still, she was glad to see that her intuition had paid off and Sparky was alright. Once they got out of there and had access to a medical facility, she'd want to run tests to confirm that everything looked okay, and if Sparky complained about any of it, she'd hit her with a tranquilizer so fast it would make her head spin. She just wasn't going to deal with any of it.

"Niah, are you good to move?" Bonnie asked, not wanting to abandon either Sparky or Niah at the moment. She was the doctor, after all.

Heading down the hallway, Cass wouldn't see any guards - and she would walk right past the evidence lock-up, unfortunately missing it.

Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Luck was on Maria's side. She would manage to find an emergency exit that would take them outside of the facility. Through the small window of the door, she would be able to see that they were on the top of a cold mountain, with steep drops due to the incline making escape challenging. Blinding lights passed by every minute or so, the searchlights of gigantic aircraft patrolling the facility.

Matt was similarly vibing nicely with the universe, as his keen eyes wouldn't notice any immediate threats or agents.

"Weapons are helpful," Folly agreed with Matt. She reached into her boot and pulled out a knife, before handing it over to Matt. She wasn't worried about him hurting her. She knew that it would be difficult, although not impossible, to kill her - her mutant powers were great but nowhere near the level of Weapon X's.

Folly and Raynor moved through the hole Raynor had created, with Raynor then aiming his light beams up towards the ceiling, firing off his light beams to try to create a small, controlled cave-in. Nothing happened though. Blast after blast after blast until finally, on the fourth try, Raynor managed to cover their escape, rubble blocking the way for the SWORD agents in pursuit of them - but it would only be a matter of time until more came.

"Where the hell are the others?" Raynor grumbled. He wasn't going to leave this place without Sparky - and he supposed the others as well, although he definitely was going to prioritize Sparky. That was more or less a given - it was just as he'd anticipate Maria to prioritize Novikova over the rest of them.

"Likely in the interrogation block still - where we just came from," Folly answered, thinking a bit more on the maps and plans she had studied for this job.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 16 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Interrogation Room B9 -> Outside
Skills: SuperSpeed, Molecular Oscillation (Requested)

Oliver heard Amelia calling for him, so shortly after he ran inside, he was back out to check on her, only to see the scene in front of him. He ran to the edge where Amelia had fallen only to see she was out of reach. His brain quickly formulating a plan, he gritted his teeth, and put his hands up in the air, ready to phase at the first sign of danger. He called down to Amelia, confident that the soldiers couldn't hear him, "Listen, I can't reach you. You need to fly up, and grab my hands. I'll start phasing, and you can fly us into one of the planes."

That was about the only real plan he could come up with at the moment. Failing that, he supposed they could go back in the facility, but that sounded like not a great plan. Once they were in a ship, they'd be safer, and they could get and protect Celestine. The problem from there would be getting the rest of the team, but they'd solve that problem when they got there. The PA system of the plane seemed liked the most obvious option; once the secret warriors were back together, they'd be able to face the problem head on and escape, hopefully.

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