Ruben walked over to where Emma left the bag filled with scones since he was thinking of taking one. His eyes sharpened while in this thought; did he need one? He ate breakfast this morning, and he wasn't that hungry, but he wanted to try the blueberry and lemon zest scones, "Mhm..." he groaned to himself while looking around.
There were no orders at the time; Reya still did not come back with any, so he assumed she was busy. So, he could maybe take a piece of one before quickly washing his hands and getting back to work.
Exhaling quite sharply, he opened the bag and broke a bite-size piece off, "She's going to make me gain weight if she keeps bringing these around," he spoke to himself a lot and others too little.
Plopping the piece of scone in his mouth, he chewed it slowly to savor the flavors as he went over to wash his hands once again. Turning the sink on and putting soap on his one hand before rubbing them together, he placed them under the hotter than warm water.
Ruben began to cough from swallowing wrong, putting his mouth into his arm - he was trying to control his coughing fit. "Dammit," muffled words came from him as he forcefully swallowed the piece of scone. He coughs a little more before turning the water off and grabbing some paper towels.
Orders then started to come in, and he made his way over to the stove as nothing occurred a second ago. His throat was a little sore from the coughing fit.
Beginning to make all the different orders, Ruben seemed to enjoy being in the kitchen. Most of the time, a faint one-sided smile could be seen on his face as it was right now.
"Phew. It's a little busy out there today."
Glancing over to Reya when she spoke, he nodded his head to her comment. For the Fox Hole Tavern, this was considered a busy morning, but he was able to handle it nicely. With his experience in university and with high-end restaurants, Ruben saw this cooking as a piece of cake.
That tone, Ruben thought when his expression seemed to waver a little. The faint smile he had on somewhat turned to furrow brows and a slight frown before being controlled into a more neutral expression.
"Er... Do you want to grab drinks at Bandits later tonight?"
Staring at her, he seemed to be thinking, and he put his attention back on the food. Ruben thought she was going to become sad with the tone she was using, but he ended up getting an offer to go out after their shifts. Making sure the food was not overcooking, Ruben seemed to be thinking about her question.
"I just... was thinking that I need to get out for a bit."
Thinking about it more, he glanced over to her while serving the first order up, which was the couple were on a road trip. Ruben knew he had time to move over to Reya, "I won't answer you till you eat," Ruben said while picking up the bag of scones Emma left and handing them to Reya. He was going to stand there till she took it even if those pancakes were burning; he was a stubborn man.
Making Reya think about eating something gave him time to think about his answer; did he want to go out to the bar and hang out? Was it going to be only Reya and him? Ruben wasn't the best in crowds and flourish in conversations that usually only had one other person than himself - maybe two on a good day, "Also, will it only be us?" he wanted to know. He didn't mind if others were there, but he would tend to lean on the more quiet side, and this was all because of trust issues. Trust issues his mother has built up over years because of living in Sanctuary. Anything that he did that his mom didn't deem 'secret worthy' which was most things, the town knew within a couple of days. He already had irreversible damage because of his father at home, publicly he couldn't handle the comments some people gave him. Ruben acted like stuff didn't bother him, but he realized while he got older - his nerves felt like they were melting and his once invisible shaking became apparent to others when he started to have anxiety. Ruben couldn't keep his emotions fully hidden like he use to; did he really want to keep them hidden like that anymore?
Interaction(s) @The Muse