Avatar of Artemis Arts


Recent Statuses

10 mos ago
Current Oh hey, I'm back :) Larp was fun!
10 mos ago
I will be unavalible all weekend as I will be at a larp. I
11 mos ago
Check out my RP offers list on the 1x1 channel šŸ˜Š I have some new ideas in there that Iā€™ve been sitting on for two years lol
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11 mos ago
I have been gone for two years.... Ooops. Um, hi I'm back!!!!!!!
3 yrs ago
I apologize to every RP I have left behind these past two weeks- I was finishing up school and graduated. I'm so sorry!!
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Let's get down to business (to defeat the Hunsā€¦).

I have been active since 2010 on one main site with one or two on the side. Since that site has fizzled out, I am looking for a new place to be creative.

I am currently 29, full time teacher

Weekends tend to be when I can respond for longer branches of time but I will try to check every day to every other day. (Summer is approaching which means more time!)

I am a native English speaker and try to at least write 1 paragraph if Iā€™m in a serious rush, but I aim for 2-4. I also write from the female perspective. But hey, Iā€™m a girl that likes detail! My main topics are as listed below:

-Romance (Love me some romance!)
-Fandoms (Supernatural, GoT, HotD, OUAT, MCU, Harry Potter {Iā€™m a Hufflepuff!}, Outlander, ACOTAR, Maximum Rideā€¦ Iā€™ll think of some more!)
-Small Groups
-Time Travel
-School (College/Uni themes)
-Mature themes (We can hash out details in our DMā€™s. I have hard lines I do NOT cross.)
-Historical (Preferably mid 19th century- mid/late 20th century)
-Medieval Era
-Casual OR Advanced (Please note that I am a teacher, so my schedule sometimes varies if I have extra work to do.)
-Always 21+ for character ages and for the author themselves

I always strive to be creative but accurate, and I love to plan out details behind the scenes to then be brought to light in the thread.
DM me and let's set up something fun!

Artemis Arts

Most Recent Posts


Name is Artemis Arts. Seasoned writer and online RP veteran (on/off enjoying this hobby for 10+ years). I normally go for 1x1 RP, and I'm interested in a multitude of topics, I'll list them below. I also don't shy away from mature themes. If anything ever gets TOO mature or centers around a more taboo theme we can always shift it to Discord to DM's. :)
If you are interested in any of these offers, please reach out with the option you life and we can set something up. Of if you have your own idea.

Enemies to Lovers
Soldier and Civilian
Arranged Marriages
Best Friends to Lovers
Nobility and the Help
Tourist and a Local

Historical Eras
Mid-Late 1800s
- Gold Rush Boom Town
- Frontier Life
- Oregon Trail
- City Life
Early 1900s
- Victorian Era
- Prohibition
- Hippie Revolution
- Vietnam War

Adult Romances
Taboo Themes Welcome (Please DM)
Power Dynamic

Slice of Life
Grad School
University (upperclassmen)
Traveling the World
100% totally interested!!!
Here is my own character!

Name: Gwen Thompson
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 15
Familiar: Jasper, a black cat with green eyes
Patronus: Tonkinese Cat
Favorite Class: Potions
Base Personality: Gwen is the kind of kid you can hear a mile away but you don't run in the opposite direction. Always with something witty up her sleeve, she takes magic by the reins and goes all in. Potions is her favorite, she has an entire row of books on it in her room, and Jasper's water bowl looks like a beaker. Learning is her favorite hobby- aside from Netflix with her cat of course. She loves muggle games and TV, but understand the balance between the wizarding world, and the muggle world. She always tells herself that she doesn't want to be too sucked into either one because they are both far to fun.
Extra Information: Pureblood. Her height stands at around 5'5". Though a bit sporty, she has always been a bit nervous to try out for the Quidditch team. Her twin brother Lance attends Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor. Her wand is made of Ashwood, with a dragon heartstring core and the length is 15 1/5".
Name: Theodore ā€œTeddyā€ Whitby
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 13
Familiar: Ginger the orange cat
Patronus: Otter
Teddy is noticeably short for a young man his age. It's not something he likes people bringing up. He has a slim build. He has a mop of black hair on top of his head, and long bangs that cover one of his eyes. He has big brown eyes, a small nose, and a round "Babyface", which give him a youthful appearance. His face is clean-shaven, and his upper body is free of any hair except the top of his head and eyebrows. A lot of people consider him cute, but Teddy finds getting that kind of attention embarrassing.

Favorite Class: Care for Magical Creatures

Base Personality: Teddy is a shy kid. He doesnā€™t like starting conversations unless he really has to, and often speaks with a stutter. He doesnā€™t have much self esteem. When you do talk to him though, heā€™s a sweet kid, and very loyal to his friends. He is passive aggressive towards those he disagrees with.

Extra Information: He is Muggleborn

Teddy is gay. He is not open about that. He already got bullied at home, and there are still people that donā€™t like Muggleborns. He doesnā€™t want to even think about what would happen if people knew he likes boys.

Teddy likes animals of all kinds. Magical or not.

He has a big appetite, and likes food.

Thank you @Crimson Flame for submitting him!!
After the battle of Hogwarts, the school closed down to rebuild, restructure, and reinforce the magical barriers to keep the next generations safe and able to practice freely. The four houses of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw still stand tall and pave the way for the rest of the magical world to model their practices after.

Now that the school has reopened, the rules have shifted to adjust to the qualms of the 21st century. Students have phones, gaming consoles, laptops. They mix magic with technology and the instructors have no way of keeping it all under control. What a joy for the student body!

If you are at all interested in thrusting Hogwarts into the 21st century with me- please send a DM! I encourage funny scenarios, action, romance, and of course- MAGIC!!

(I in no way support JKR and her views, but I still have a love for the fandom led side of HP. Harry Potter is for EVERYONE.)

Character Sheets Outline:
Favorite Class:
Base Personality:
Extra Information:

Possibly looking for 1 or 2 more people to join and then I will make an official post with lore. For now, character sheets of those committed have been posted!!
If you have not watched House of the Dragon, then please reconsider and watch the beauty that is in the GoT universe.


I wanted to do something in that style, sort of medieval, dragons, other cool creatures. Keeping in the style of HotD and GoT in terms of language, fighting, drama, romance, etc. I ask for preferably 21+ since I am over 21 and I know that these worlds do get both hot and heavy- and incredibly violent.

Send a DM!
TBH I vanished for about two months. So I don't hold any negative anything towards you. I'd love to revive this if you're down! @Wolvena
SSA Sam Stannis

Criminal Profiler

The station was buzzing when she and Chris arrived, and were being led to an area reserved for them to set up and begin going over details in private- away from the prying eyes of both the public and the officers. She barely noticed the woman behind them until she began to speak, her tone frazzled and her gestures larger than Sam had expected. Something was off, seriously off not just someone was pissed about a parking ticket. She had a look in her eye like something had happened to her, or someone close to her. A look Sam had seen many, many times before.

She paused in her steps, listening to the conversation that was beginning to transpire a few feet to her left, giving the officer leading them to their homebase a finger to hold on a moment. She turned her head slightly, to listen in better and has to take a deep breath to resist losing it after just a minute or two. The audacity he had to speak to a potential victim in that matter. Accusing her of lying? He could have believed her right off the bat- instead of telling her that she was just paranoid. No wonder they had a serial killer here, they were all idiots.

She was going to step back onto their path to the back room when the young woman, blonde, petite, striking blue eyes, raised her voice in an accusatory manner back at the uninterested officer and that caught her attention more than anything. "Chris..." she softly said and jerked her chin towards the verbal altercation, trying to bring Chris' attention to the matter. "How the hell did half of these people qualify to be here?" she rolled her eyes and sighed, shaking her head at the thought before mentally waving the thought process away and going back to the task at hand.

Potential victim. Less than empathetic officer. Losing faith in getting help. Clues that may be lost of she leaves. STOP. HER. NOW.

Opening her mouth to address the woman, she began to yell once more at the officer and then turn on her heel to storm off. Sam ran past the officer, shoving him gently with her shoulder and grabbing the blonde's arm gently. "Ma'am. My name is SSA Samantha Stannis, I'm with the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit. May I speak with you please?" she asked, pulling her issued ID out of her inner jacket pocket and displaying the official seal for the frazzled individual. "I believe that I may be able to assist you." She nodded, pocketing the precious piece of identification back inside of her suit jacket and turning her head over her shoulder. "Chris, go review the files. You-" she began, pointing a finger at he officer that dismissed the woman before her. "Find an empty interview room for me to sit and chat with this concerned resident. A resident of your town might I remind you. Anyone that comes into the station should find a officer willing to listen. Not dismiss them. Especially now." Her tone was icy, harsh, left little room for him to vocalize any kind of rebuttal as she waved him off to find them an empty room.

Interactions: @OddApproved @evierose
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