![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as Quavanir "The Colorless" Height 6'9" Weight 262 lbs Gender Male Race Altner Age 42 Birthsign The Serpent ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Deity Kynareth Attributes MAJOR: Willpower minor: Strength Skills - Expert: Destruction - Adept: Alteration - Adept: Blunt - Apprentice: Light armor - Apprentice: Athletics - Novice: Restoration - Novice: Acrobatics - Novice: Security Spells ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools Fine iron mace Outfit As long as the need for combat is not present, Quavanir prefers not bothering himself with the weight and discomfort of armor, but allows his skin to get in touch with a simple robe made of thick, decorated cloth. Should it become necessary, he has a set of light chainmail available to him. Elven armor would have been nice of course, but Valenwald is not Sumerset and his budget is not that of a rich man. Consumables 1x Beer 2x Weak Potion of Healing Valuables A small ebony amulet his father gave him when leaving the family, knowing that this could be the last time they'd ever see. Quavanir usually wears it all the time. Quavanir currently carries 95 pieces of gold with him in a small pouch. Misc Inkwell Quill 3x piece of parchment A small leather satchel to keep stuff around on the move | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE People say that Altmer have a golden hue to their skin and blonde hair, but Quavanir easily takes this to a rather extreme up to the point where his pale hull, almost white hair and stubby beard make him pass as an, albeit very mild, case of albinism. That is, of course, only as long as one ignores his eyes. These are so prominent golden orbs that Mundus might well have had more than one sun once until Quavanir stole the other two and imprisoned them in his oculi. Overall his features make him look quite a tad older than he actually is with respect to the average lifespan of his kind, but the fact that his skin has been spared from any deterioration such as notable scars or wrinkles so far betrays his real age to the attentive observer. As is typical for an Altmer, Quavanir stands exceptionally tall compared to the vast majority of others in Cyrodiil, and years of low ranking, physical work from a relatively young age onwards and subsequent exercising have forged his body into something much more hefty than a magically talented beanpole. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK At least up until the current point of time Quavanir's motivation could have been described as that of a commoner, just living an everyday life, founding a family one day, get some children to pass on his heritage and the whole other smack. Okay, maybe a bit above that of your very barebones commoner as he has hopes of improving his magical prowess in certain areas even further, but who hasn't some kind of talent he or she hopes to build upon ? However Akatosh's decision for him has started to raise questions in Quavanir's mind: Assuming that a god choses wisely there must be something else to himself than what he is aware of, otherwise there would have been much more suitable candidates or not ? He is eager to find out what this 'something' is and absolutely convinced that it actually exists. And the number of totally boring days of guard duty will probably be much smaller in the foreseeable future which can't be that bad of a thing either. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Quavanir was born in a small village in relative proximity to the city of Anvil and was the only child of his caring father Anlocur and his equally loving mother Vendil. However it didn't seem that history was willing to give him a good start as his mother Vendil died shortly after giving birth to him, probably even at least partially caused by it. They were anything but a very rich family so there were not only very limited resources in terms of coin and overall wealth, but also only his father Anlocur available to him. The latter took care of his only son the best he could for the first couple of years, but then this woman called Miranir showed up in his life and things went a little more haywire. Or, to restate things using words much more likely to find Quavanir's approval: that ignorant bitch and her wayward spawn invaded his suboptimal, but still peaceful and not even so desperate life! Miranir brought with her a daughter that was younger and two sons that were a tad older than Quavanir, so the latter suddenly found himself boxed in between two other generations and being the only one with a different background. This might have gone well if Miranir had been a thoughtful and understanding person, but at least in Quavanir's retrospective view she instead soon proved to be rather egoistic, ignorant and with her children not being far behind that. Somehow she managed to make Anlocur blind for the slow turn of their family life towards the unbalanced just as she had managed to twist Anlocur around her greedy fingers in the first place. As it happened though Quavanir was still in his early childhood, at least if measurement on an Altmer's development scale. It took the boy a few more years of growing up and becoming a more intelligent, stronger willed and less infantile person to actually understand how much his surroundings had really deteriorated. Once it slowly dawned upon him though he tried to start telling things. Miranir however didn't see anything wrong and Anlocur, having falling seriously ill himself at that time, had become too weak to resist and turn the whole affair inside out. So, instead of major changes, there now was major conflict that kept smouldering until Quavanir ultimately had enough. He left, heavy-heartedly for and in agreement with his father, but still he did. He felt confident enough in himself to stand on his own feet quite a bit earlier than the average person, to get education and work to make a living and then maybe to try and fix things from a then much different point of view. Outside of Sumerset however things are not going as smoothly for an Altmer as they might be there, so that plan didn't exactly work out. For years, Quavanir ended up with various jobs as a temporary worker or doing things other members of the highborn race might not even have touched wearing gloves. It was more by random chance than anything else that somebody actually noticed that a potentially powerful mage would be lost to the world if nothing would change about this. A rich Bosmer called Uungor whom Quavanir had been working for at the time discovered what he deemed to be a great talent. The man decided to sponsor some initial training to see whether anything would come out of it. An entirely altruistic move ? Certainly not! Uungor was in dire need of not only competent, but also loyal guards for his extensive property. Which better way to gain somebody's loyality could there be ? It was not that expensive for the initial stages after all... It worked. After initial successes, Quavanir was allowed to continue exercising on his own as long as he wouldn't happen to burn down the mansion. Luckily it was something he never did. Also the plethora of previous jobs had brought with them a quite hardened body, so for his guard duty Quavaniar decided to keep that in proper shape as well the best he could. And then someone must have seriously overcooked it with his or her conjuration, or how else can be explained what's going on from a humble Altmer's point of view ? If only he knew why Akatosh has chosen him and not... somebody else ? ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS A serious fraction of people appear to claim that the average Altmer's level of arrogance would be as high as he or she is standing tall. Quavanir thinks that they could be right. He has seen things from a low level person's point of view and without much of a protective bubble around him. Had it not been for the benign intervention of a stranger, he would not have made it to his current position. Also certain experiences with Miranir have been enough for him to deduce that living a life that's much longer than anybody else's also means that one can do much more wrong in a lifetime than anybody else. Unfortunately his father Anlocur has fallen victim to his illness in the meantime, so he has pretty much lost contact with his family (or what's left of it anyway). ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC ... |
Sadly, life decided that I didn't get to have the free time needed to fill out my sneak mage Argonian. so I suppose I'll have to bow out.
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as Lucy, Lucretia Height 5’6 Weight 150 lbs Gender Female Race Imperial Age 22 Birthsign The Lady ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Deity Dibella Attributes MAJOR: Willpower minor: Luck Skills Adept Restoration Marksman Mysticism Apprentice Acrobatics Alchemy Destruction Spells Flare Cold Touch Shock Remote Manipulation Detect Life Convalescence Heal Major Wounds ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools A hunting bow An iron dagger Outfit A comfortable and practical dress, usually in a warm colour, paired with nicer accessories which are mostly gold and blue accented hand-me-downs from her mother. She likes to be comfortable but fashionable to the best of her ability. Consumables .. Valuables A few gold rings, necklace, bracelets - heirlooms A few spell tones and notebooks Misc ... ___________________________________ ![]() | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE Lucretia's bright red hair is her most attention-grabbing feature; she has long curls that tumbles down to her chest. She takes particular care of her long hair and often smells like soaps and oils. Though usually found wearing a dress, Lucy changes into warm clothing at the first hint of cold weather despite her partially Nord heritage. She wears gold bangles and earrings, heirlooms from her mother. Her pale skin has a reddish undertone and is speckles with freckles. Lucretia is a tall, lithe woman who carries herself with confidence, shoulders back and head high, but often lacks awareness of her surroundings and has a tendency to be clumsy. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK Lucretia grew up hearing stories about Cyrodiil high society from her mother. While they never got along, Lucretia always idolized the stories and dreamed of being a beautiful, powerful mage - the type who would fit in her favourite books and her mothers stories. She continues to chase the goal into adulthood and believes wholeheartedly that she is capable of succeeding. Her confidence in herself and her skills is unshakable even in difficult situations, despite the fact that she's almost completely untested as an adventurer. She believes in following her gut feelings and that she's naturally a little bit lucky. Being so focused on her own ambitions, Lucretia is often caught up in her own thoughts. She's very focused on the opinions of others and is nowhere near as close to self-aware as she thinks she is. When she sets out to do something, there must always be some benefit to herself even if she can help others at the same time. Saving Cyrodiil is ultimately because she herself wants to live in it. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Lucretia is from a rural area in northern Skyrim, where she grew up in a small family. She has two younger brothers and a father who she was close with. Her family owned a mill where she often worked, and if not there she would be working in the house with her mother. It was a busy lifestyle, though she was close with her family. Her father, a retired Nord warrior, taught her and her siblings archery, while her mother was quite a storyteller. She was an Imperial woman who claimed to be from high birth back in Cyrodiil, though she left out of love for Lucy's father. Through a combination of books and her mother's stories, Lucretia fell in love with the idea of Cyrodiil, high society, and magic. Lucretia and her mother were often fighting and butting heads as Lucy grew up; her mother was aging and Lucy had to take on a lot of responsibility she resented. Ultimately, Lucretia ran away from home when she was 16, chasing her dreams of learning magic in Cyrodiil and believing the stories her mother told her. She had enough money saved to pack her belongings and take a one-way trip to Anvil, where things were harder than she expected. To her surprise, using her mother's maiden name didn't gain her any credit. She wasn't accepted into the Mages Guild without question, and spent the next three years working hard in a tavern while learning from books. She found the work hard, but it taught her how to talk to all sorts of people and she was friendly with regulars and co-workers. After enough stubbornness and enough pestering, she was eventually accepted by the Mages Guild and was able to learn magic properly. Once she learned the basics, she found she really had a knack for it; she spent the next four years honing her skills and making academic connections with the Mages Guild in Anvil. Though talented when it comes to casting spells, Lucretia has really only cast them in a controlled academic environment. With dreams of destruction and ruin in the Imperial City plaguing her, Lucretia has no trouble believing herself a god's chosen. She's always been ready to trust her gut, and this new development feels as if her destiny has dropped into her lap without her even trying. Having always dreamed of life in Cyrodiil, she has the passion to want to save it. Once her dreams points her in the direction of Kvatch, she packs her things and leaves in a hurry, not telling anyone (since who would believe her?). Knowing she represents Dibella, she can't help but believe it must be entirely because of her physical appearance. Lucy knows she's beautiful, but can't imagine she represents aspects of Dibella such as love, lust or artistic passions. ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS When it comes to relationships, Lucretia likes to collect skin-deep friendships. She thinks most people are good to you if you're good to them, so she lives by that - until it conflicts with her goals. Her only close relationships are her living family, a father and two brothers, and a few friends from her home village. Since moving to Cyrodiil, Lucy has collected a lot of scholarly contacts and an array of acquaintances in Anvil from her time living there. ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC ... |
On one hand, I'm tempted, not least because it's been a while since I've RP'ed.
On the other hand, I've only ever played Skyrim, but have never completed the game, and even my knowledge of that era is dubious at best.
On the third hand, you guys seem to be missing your 'rogue', as in, someone who is sneaky and stabby and may or may not be a thief, which is something I have been itching to play, lately.
On the fourth, I'm rusty, and I worry that I wouldn't be able to keep up, especially with IRL obligations and such, and I'm entirely unfamiliar with the Oblivion system, as it were.
Disturbing number of hands aside, I'm conflicted.
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Known as Quavanir "The Colorless" Height 6'6" Weight 249 lbs Gender Male Race Altner Age 42 Birthsign The Serpent ___________________________________ C A P A B I L I T I E S Deity Kynareth Attributes MAJOR: Willpower minor: Strength Skills - Expert: Destruction - Adept: Alteration - Adept: Blunt - Apprentice: Light armor - Apprentice: Athletics - Novice: Restoration - Novice: Acrobatics - Novice: Security Spells ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y Weapons and tools Fine iron mace Outfit As long as the need for combat is not present, Quavanir prefers not bothering himself with the weight and discomfort of armor, but allows his skin to get in touch with a simple robe made of thick, decorated cloth. Should it become necessary, he has a set of light chainmail available to him. Elven armor would have been nice of course, but Valenwald is not Sumerset and his budget is not that of a rich man. Consumables 1x Beer 2x Weak Potion of Healing Valuables A small ebony amulet his father gave him when leaving the family, knowing that this could be the last time they'd ever see. Quavanir usually wears it all the time. Quavanir currently carries 95 pieces of gold with him in a small pouch. Misc Inkwell Quill 3x piece of parchment A small leather satchel to keep stuff around on the move | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE People say that Altmer have a golden hue to their skin and blonde hair, but Quavanir easily takes this to a rather extreme up to the point where his pale hull, almost white hair and stubby beard make him pass as an, albeit very mild, case of albinism. That is, of course, only as long as one ignores his eyes. These are so prominent golden orbs that Mundus might well have had more than one sun once until Quavanir stole the other two and imprisoned them in his oculi. Overall his features make him look quite a tad older than he actually is with respect to the average lifespan of his kind, but the fact that his skin has been spared from any deterioration such as notable scars or wrinkles so far betrays his real age to the attentive observer. As is typical for an Altmer, Quavanir stands exceptionally tall compared to the vast majority of others in Cyrodiil, and years of low ranking, physical work from a relatively young age onwards and subsequent exercising have forged his body into something much more hefty than a magically talented beanpole. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK At least up until the current point of time and from a superficial point of view, Quavanir's motivation could have been described as that of a commoner. He just tries to live an everyday life and looks forward to founding a family one day, preferably to get some children in the far future and to pass on his heritage to them. He also has hopes of improving his magical prowess in certain areas even further, but who hasn't some kind of talent he or she hopes to build upon ? Yet there is another thing that keeps stinging in the back of his head: From his point of view Miranir has managed to make his life a lot more complicated and difficult than would have been necessary otherwise, and he prefers not to see himself as the kind of person who forgets and gives up all to easily. While he'd consider himself to be sufficiently self-controlled to stay far away from murdering her, he still wants to prove himself towards her -- not in the sense that she'd accept him, but in the sense that she has to look up towards him in awe and envy. How to achieve this he isn't sure himself yet, but there must be a way: Becoming plain rich maybe ? Possibly, but if so then very preferably without becoming a greedy snob as well. An alternative he considers could be becoming famous somehow, but for that he'd either need an unique talent for something or a lot of luck. Quavanir does not know if Akatosh's dream is a broad hint, but it has started to raise questions in Quavanir's mind: Assuming that a god chooses wisely there must be something else to himself than what he is aware of, otherwise there would have been much more suitable candidates or not ? He is eager to find out what this 'something' is and absolutely convinced that it actually exists. And the number of totally boring days of guard duty will probably be much smaller in the foreseeable future which can't be that bad of a thing either. ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY Quavanir was born in a small village in relative proximity to the city of Anvil and was the only child of his caring father Anlocur and his equally loving mother Vendil. However it didn't seem that history was willing to give him a good start as his mother Vendil died shortly after giving birth to him, probably even at least partially caused by it. They were anything but a very rich family so there were not only very limited resources in terms of coin and overall wealth, but also only his father Anlocur available to him. The latter took care of his only son the best he could for the first couple of years, but then this woman called Miranir showed up in his life and things went a little more haywire. Or, to restate things using words much more likely to find Quavanir's approval: that ignorant bitch and her wayward spawn invaded his suboptimal, but still peaceful and not even so desperate life! Miranir brought with her a daughter that was younger and two sons that were a tad older than Quavanir, so the latter suddenly found himself boxed in between two other generations and being the only one with a different background. This might have gone well if Miranir had been a thoughtful and understanding person, but at least in Quavanir's retrospective view she instead soon proved to be rather egoistic, ignorant and with her children not being far behind that. Somehow she managed to make Anlocur blind for the slow turn of their family life towards the unbalanced just as she had managed to twist Anlocur around her greedy fingers in the first place. As it happened though Quavanir was still in his early childhood, at least if measurement on an Altmer's development scale. It took the boy a few more years of growing up and becoming a more intelligent, stronger willed and less infantile person to actually understand how much his surroundings had really deteriorated. Once it slowly dawned upon him though he tried to start telling things. Miranir however didn't see anything wrong and Anlocur, having falling seriously ill himself at that time, had become too weak to resist and turn the whole affair inside out. So, instead of major changes, there now was major conflict that kept smouldering. What brought things to the boiling point was that Miranir's method of exploitation did not stop with his father's illness, but on the contrary: With it came the need to provide an answer for the ultimate question of who would get which part of the family heritage just in case the situation would arise. She and partly also those she had brought with her insisted that they should receive the very largest part of it, the house, for they would be in the majority, in need and also would have contributed so much to the household already. Quavanir thought differently, stating that he was oldest real child of his family, that he was contributing a lot of things too and that it would only be fair if he got at least his fair share of the place. How such a split should be accomplished in practice was an entirely different thing though and it wasn't like Miranir had any interest in backing off. Ultimately, Quavanir fell under the impression that he didn't even want to live under the same roof with her and the others anymore. He left, heavy-heartedly for and in agreement with his father, but still he did even if that meant giving up part of what he deemed to be his rightful heritage. He felt confident enough in himself to stand on his own feet quite a bit earlier than the average person, to get education and work to make a living and then maybe to try and fix things from a then much different point of view. Outside of Sumerset however things are not going as smoothly for an Altmer as they might be there, so that plan didn't exactly work out. For years, Quavanir ended up with various jobs as a temporary worker or doing things other members of the highborn race might not even have touched wearing gloves. It was more by random chance than anything else that somebody actually noticed that a potentially powerful mage would be lost to the world if nothing would change about this. A rich Bosmer called Uungor whom Quavanir had been working for at the time discovered what he deemed to be a great talent. The man decided to sponsor some initial training to see whether anything would come out of it. An entirely altruistic move ? Certainly not! Uungor was in dire need of not only competent, but also loyal guards for his extensive property. Which better way to gain somebody's loyality could there be ? It was not that expensive for the initial stages after all... It worked. After initial successes, Quavanir was allowed to continue exercising on his own as long as he wouldn't happen to burn down the mansion. Luckily it was something he never did. Also the plethora of previous jobs had brought with them a quite hardened body, so for his guard duty Quavanir decided to keep that in proper shape as well the best he could. And then someone must have seriously overcooked it with his or her conjuration, or how else can be explained what's going on from a humble Altmer's point of view ? If only he knew why Akatosh has chosen him and not... somebody else ? ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS A serious fraction of people appear to claim that the average Altmer's level of arrogance would be as high as he or she is standing tall. Quavanir thinks that they could be right. He has seen things from a low level person's point of view and without much of a protective bubble around him. Had it not been for the benign intervention of a stranger, he would not have made it to his current position. Also certain experiences with Miranir have been enough for him to deduce that living a life that's much longer than anybody else's also means that one can do much more wrong in a lifetime than anybody else. Unfortunately his father Anlocur has fallen victim to his illness in the meantime, so he has pretty much lost contact with his family (or what's left of it anyway). While it appears that he can't follow his guard duties for an undetermined amount of time to come, Quavanir still holds contact with his employer Uungor. The Bosmer is still very much in need of good and loyal guards, now probably more than ever, but he can see that there might be even more important business to do. Quavanir has pretty much broken all ties with Miranir and the others she brought with her. He outright hates them for obvious reasons and does not have the slightest interest in seeing them again until he deems himself 'ready' for it, unless its absolutely necessary to know where they'll be at that point, of course. Thoralf is another person worth mentioning: He was Quavanir's first real teacher in terms of magic, the one Uungor sent him to. With him being a Nord through and through, they also had some opportunity to exchange a couple of bruises with each other in training brawls. They are still very good friends with each other, even though mutual vists have been a bit more rare in the past two years. ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC ... |