Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: André Bellamy
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Appearance: André is a tall and slender young man, standing at exactly six feet. Although he doesn't like to do so, he exercises a little bit so that he doesn't look like a fat slob, and is physically fit and toned as a result. He doesn't spend too much time in the sun, so he has a fair complexion. He keeps his blond hair short, and neatly styled at all times. There is never a hair out of place. André is a quintessential pretty-boy. He has soft facial features, that some would consider feminine. He has a heart shaped face, a small nose, and large, baby blue, almond shaped eyes, that have fairly long eyelashes attached to them. He claims are his eyes are one of his best features. His mouth is usually in some kind of smile, which shows off his perfectly white teeth. Except for his hair and eyebrows, he has no hair on his upper body. He's also pierced his earlobes so he can wear earrings.

André is very much into fashion. He likes expensive designer clothing, and he usually dresses more formally than most people his age. Being famous, he has a certain reputation to uphold, so he makes sure to look his best wherever he goes. His fancy wardrobe mostly consists of button down dress shirts, vests, trousers, and dress shoes. He even wears a tie and blazer often. He always keeps his clothes neat and tidy. It is rare to see him in a simple T-shirt and jeans. His wardrobe contains a lot of different colors, but pink is by far his favorite. These days, André wears all pink from head to toe. His current outfit consists of a pink dress shirt that fits him well. In place of a tie, he wears an elaborate necklace made from pink pearls. On top of that he wears a magenta trenchcoat. He also wears a pair of pink diamond cuff bracelets around both wrists, and a diamond ring on a pink band on his right ring finger. On the bottom he wears tight magenta trousers held up by a fuchsia leather belt with a gold buckle. His choice of footwear include a pair of fuchsia dress shoes with bright pink spats on them. He accesorizes this with his signature pink beret on his head that has a magenta heart barette attached to it, and a pair of pink diamond stud earrings decorating his ears. He carries around a pink heart shaped messenger bag that has a magenta ribbon tied into a bow attached to it, and he wears a pair of pink cat's-eye sunglasses, with diamond studded rims.

André has developed a taste for diamonds and gemstones. He will often be seen wearing various pieces of jewelry, regardless of whether it was intended for a man or not. He enjoys experimenting with fashion, and likes trying out many different things, including wearing women's clothing, wigs, and sometimes make-up. He feels women get nicer clothes than men do, and it lets him get away with wearing more jewelry than a man can. He can pass for a convincing woman when he's all made up. He often wears rose scented perfume.

Personality: First off, André has tastes that are usually considered femmine. His favorite color is pink, and a lot of his things are pink and have hearts on them. He likes fashion, and he has a taste for cute things, and he's not really emabrrased by it. He really doesn't understand why boys in this country have an issue with guys liking that kind of thing. He just guesses it's because they're insecure about their masculinity. André is very obsessed with beauty and looking good. As a movie star, he feels he has to maintain a certain image, and because people don't want to be friends with an ugly person. He always makes sure he is perfectly groomed before leaving the house, and as such it takes him a while to get ready in the morning. Because he puts so much effort into looking good, he hates getting dirty, as it ruins all the work he put in.

He really values his relationships. He doesn't like to be alone, so he goes to great lengths to make friends and fans everywhere he goes. He often attends parties to meet new people. For the same reason, he also likes love and romance, and as such he comes across as a flirt. He openly hits on people (he's openly bisexual, so guys as well as girls) he considers to be attractive, though he is usually more polite about it then most guys, because he is genuinely looking for a relationship. He is very touchy-feely in his flirting, and openly expresses affection through hugs, kisses, caressing, and other forms of touching. He enjoys it when people respond in the same way. He also likes pairing people up who he thinks would make a good couple, regardless of gender and orientation, and jokingly teasing the two involved.

He can be charming and manipulative when he wants to be. He uses his charm, charisma, and the occasional bribe to get what he wants from people. He knows just what to say to win people over, which sometimes helps him get his way in many situations. While he is polite and well-mannered, and typically acts friendly towards others, he treats people like objects to make himself feel better. He can be self-centered, and disregards how other people feel and what they need if it's not benefiting him somehow. It's not something he does consciously, it's just how he is. He was brought up believing that people's affections can be bought, and it's worked out for him so far.

Having become used to being given whatever he wants, André has been spoiled by wealth. He has an appreciation for the finer things in life. He wears expensive clothes, drives around in fancy cars, takes exotic vacations, and freely spends money like it grows on trees. He is very generous with his money, since he has so much of it, trading a a few dollars for something better is no problem. He's also found it much easier to woo people with money. He especially enjoys being famous, and being adored by many. He doesn't mind the the craziness that comes with being a cleberty either. Bad publicity is still publicity, as long as people are talking about you, then that's all that matters. André has always been accustomed to life on top. His worst fear is losing it all, whether that be ruining his movie career, or losing his hard earned friends.

History: Born in Lumiose City, Kalos, André's childhood is not what one would consider normal. His mother was Michelle LeBeau, a well known socialite and actress. She was a tabloid fixture known as much for her love life, and party girl lifestyle, than she was for her acting ability. She had flings with men, women, anybody she found interesting. She probably never would not have gotten married at all had she not gotten pregnant after a fling with fellow French actor Charles Bellamy. He was a serious actor, focused more on his craft than being a celebrity. They got married because their publicists thought it would be good for both of their careers to marry. Michelle and Charles Bellamy became even bigger stars once they got married, and had their son, which they named André. They sold the rights to their baby's first photos to a tabloid for a substantial amount of money, and both of them were offered a lot more film roles than before. They became a power couple in the film industry.

Since his birth he's been in the lap of luxury. His parents are both famous actors, and since his birth he's been in the lap of luxury. Due to his parents being famous actors, and therefore often busy, André rarely ever saw them. He was also homeschooled for a while, and was rarely able to leave the house. He felt lonely being in a big empty mansion with only caretakers that were too busy to keep the kid entertained. André's parents brought him expensive toys to make it up to him. For a while the shiny new toy would make him feel less lonely, but soon he would get bored of it, and the loneliness came back. He thought something better would solve the problem. When his parents announced a new trip, the young boy cried, and of course, his parents brought him a new, better, more expensive gift once they got back. The same thing happened, it would make him feel good for a while, but soon he'd get bored again. He would continue to ask and receive more and more expensive things throughout his childhood. It was great, and André grew accustomed to wealth and having anything he wanted on a whim. It was nice, but it still wasn't enough, the bad feelings still didn't go away.

André recieved his first Pokemon from his parents. He asked his parents for a sibling so he would have someone to play with. His parents laughed, and said they would work on it. Shortly after that, his parents brought home an adorable Cleffa that he named Jolie for their son, and the subject of wanting a sibling was dropped. André bonded with this Cleffa quickly due to their similar natures. She is the only gift his parents gave him that André hasn't grown tired of. She is the closest friend André has ever had. After doing research, and learning about the Fairy type, as well as the complete lack of male Fairy type specialists, André decided he would catch more Fairy types one day.

At some point, his parents thought it was a good idea for him to start interacting with other kids, so they enrolled him in a private school. When André started going to school, and meeting other people his age, he got a lot of attention from them due to being the child of famous movie stars. At recess, every kid wanted to play with him. Being with others made him feel just as good, if not better, than opening up a brand new toy. It was then he thought that if new toys won't help, then maybe people will. He made a small group of friends that André was very close to. For a while, André was happy. Then he had to move, and leave his new friends behind, and André was sad again.

At the age of thirteen, André's family moved to Virbank City, to further their careers. There, his parents encouraged their son to follow in their footsteps, and become an Actor. They put him in acting classes, and used their connections to pull a few strings, and get him and his Cleffa a starring role in a major film. He didn't want to do this at first, but did it anyway to please his parents. While making the movie, he came to enjoy being on a movie set, and acting. When his first movie went to theaters, and became a box-office success, he enjoyed all the fame and attention it brought him. Or more specifically, he liked all the adoring fans. He also enjoyed the piles of money, expensive things, and all the glamour that being a movie star brings. He decided to pursue a film career, while also attending school when he wasn't filming. After doing that for a few years, he became as famous and successful as his parents. He is often chased by Papparazzi and crazed fans, and he is also often the subject of ridiculous rumors in gossip magazines. Usually, they involve him spending absurd amounts of money on something lavish, being seen at a party, or romance rumors with various other celeberties. (Not long after hitting puberty, he discovered how attractive people were, and the joys of love. Although he's never had a serious romantic relationship, much to his disappointment.) He doesn't mind all the craziness that much. As long as he has all his adoring fans, then all is well.

André has everything now, devoted fans, a luxurious life, and piles of money at his disposal. Despite this, he still isn't satisfied. He feels like something is missing, but he isn't sure what that is. He decided to take a break from making movies for a while to try the Pokemon trainer thing he never had a chance to do. He decided the best place to do that, would be in his home region of Kalos. The only thing he didn't want to do was travel alone. So gathered up his old group of friends, and go on andventure with them.

Other: He carries around pink roses to give to people.

He has lots of fans in Kalos, so he is often surrounded by screaming teenage girls (and some guys)

He speaks with a French Kalosian accent, and uses French words in his speech often, but is still able to speak English just fine.

Pokemon Party:

Name: Jolie
Species: Cleffa
Gender: Female

Personality: She is very much like Andre in a number of ways. She has starred in several movies with her trainer, and is also a celebrity herself. She likes being the center of attention. When no one is paying attention to her, she will do something cute, to get noticed. In general, she likes to dress up, and she enjoys using her cute looks to get what she wants. Aside from that, she is a friendly and playful Pokemon, who really loves how much her trainer spoils her rotten.

History: Jolie was gifted to André by his parents after he requested a sibling. His parents really didn't want to have another child, so they gave him a Pokemon instead.

Other: She wears a large red bow on top of her head, and a diamond studded collar around her neck. Occasionally, André will dress her up in clothes made for her. Otherwise, she looks like any other Clefa.

She is as much of a celebrity as André is. She’s been in many movies with her trainer, and has appeared on the covers of many Pokemon magazines.

She loves attention and being in front of the camera. If she sees anyone with a camera around, she will try to jump in and be in the picture, whether she’s wanted or not.

Her favorite treat is Pokepuffs
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Grace Pascal

Gender: Female

Age: 18


In a region known for style, Grace's unkempt appearance ironically makes her stand out. Small and slight, with unassuming features, round glasses and messy dark green pigtails, she cultivates the nerdy bookworm look, wearing high-necked blouses, baggy cardigans and simple skirts. If the colours and patterns don't match, ehh, who cares? She's got better things to do than fret over the latest fashions. She typically carries herself with more confidence than you'd expect, although sometimes her wistful side will show when she lets her guard down.

Personality: If Grace could describe herself in one word, it would be unapologetic. She strives to be the opposite of the popular, stuck up, image obsessed Lumiosians she's known - without acknowledging this can make her just as judgmental and arrogant as they are. She prides herself on her achievements, academic skills and independence, using this sense of superiority as a defense mechanism. Rarely will she admit to her own mistakes. Basically, she thinks she's more mature than she is.

While her abrasiveness doesn't make her many friends, she doesn't care, or at least she says she doesn't. She thinks most friendships between humans are fake and fickle, and only Pokemon are trustworthy. Besides, she's more focused on web design/graphic design. However, she does often find herself reminiscing about her former friends from long ago.

History: Grace grew up in Lumiose to a Pokeball engineer mother and a freelance artist father, who both nurtured her creative and intellectual side. To ensure she got a good education, they enrolled her at the best school they could find. While balancing studies with a social life wasn't easy, and the shy, awkward personality she had back then didn't help, she was lucky enough to meet some good friends who accepted her into their group.

For a short while, they were happy and carefree, however that wasn't to last. One close friend, Andre, as the son of two movie stars, quit to pursue his own acting career. She tried to hold on to those who were still around, but the teenage years changed things, and others' life events started getting in the way of their former bonds. She'd have become completely withdrawn if not for a group of girls who took pity on her.

At first, she got along well with the confident and charismatic ringleader Camille. Sadly, Camille and the others turned out to be the kinds of people who built others up only to tear them down. Their interests changed to gossip, skipping school, and other risque behaviour expected by their peers. Grace would hear them trash talking her outfits behind her back. When she confronted Camille about it one day, her so called friend later responded by stealing her phone, showing everyone the "outdated and geeky" games on it. She spread rumours about her, and blabbed secrets Grace had confided. The bullying got so bad, Grace was eventually moved to a different school.

From then on, she decided to become the antithesis of the snobs who'd screwed her over so badly. She gave up on anything remotely fashionable and deliberately cultivated a bookish look. She glared at people from over textbooks if they laughed at her, and sometimes even if they didn't. She made no secret of her interests. Her attitude was "you all may be obsessed with the latest phones, but some day I'll be the one making the apps". Not wanting to risk betrayal again, she stayed at arms length from most people. She kept vaguely in touch with some others from Andre's group, but over time lost contact as it became clear they'd drifted apart. To cope with isolation, she threw herself into studies, as well as her hobbies of programming and digital art.

That her standoffish attitude concealed loneliness wasn't lost on her parents. On the day Grace turned sixteen, her mother gave her a Pokeball containing a Porygon. Grace and the Porygon, Vertex, became inseparable over the next two years. It was during those years that Grace considered becoming an official trainer, to prove her skill. To herself, that was! She was above caring what others thought, wasn't she?

The opportunity presented itself in an unexpected way when a letter came through the mail. Reading it brought a swell of anger. Andre, who'd abandoned her and the others for his fifteen minutes of fame, now had the nerve to invite her on a Pokemon journey? She had a good mind to refuse, and go it alone.

Instead, she ended up at Vaniville, not knowing what had gotten into her and only hoping she didn't regret it.

Other: Secretly a fan of Pokestar Studios movies. While she'd never admit to liking something so mainstream, instead claiming it's to "study special effects" or "compare them to the books" if anyone finds out, deep down she does admire talented actors. And the movies starring Andre make her nostalgic every time.

Nickname: Vertex
Species: Porygon
Gender: None
Personality: Smart and curious, Vertex loves to learn about the world, and meet others be they human or Pokemon. They're particularly interested in digital devices, and like to explore them in data form, sometimes accidentally corrupting files in the process.
History: Gifted to Grace on her 16th birthday by her mother, Vertex has since then provided as much emotional support as their limited programming can bring.
Other: The whites of their eyes are light blue.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Kairi Romano
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Kairi is a free spirit and quite laid back. She mat be lazy sometimes but never doubt her in the heat of battle. She's generally a nice person and easy to get along with, but is often quite and mysterious. Kairi looks at Pokémon not only as possible friends or teammates, but she feels a since of equality with them. Shes is a big kid at heart, oftenly found eating candy or playing around with her Pokémon, however she is a serious trainer and sometimes uses no holds barred tactics when needed. She certainly can be described as a rose. Beautiful to look at but come at her wrong and expect a few thorns.
History: Kairi was born amd raised in Lumiose city, as a young girl, she studied all kinds of different pokemon, she can even mimic their calls precisely. Her father pressed her to be a breeder having the knowledge she had. That wasnt her dream, she wanted to be the best trainer there was, her father would not deny her that dream. At the age of eight, Kairi's mother died from an illness, as a result, Kairi's father devoted his life to bcolorong a doctor and eventually got a jb workimg the PokeCenter. On her tenth birtday, she was given a PokeBall. Her father had kept it until she was old enough to start her journey.

Kairi explored for a while in the surrounded area of Lumiose City, mainly where the Ghost Girl had been spotted. Afyer days of lingering in the area, a storm came as the night fell. Kairi experienced a lot of paranormal activity that night, rewardingly she came back to the city with a new Pokemon companion, a Ghastly she named shadow. Her and shadow quickly became a well known duo in the world of trainer's, but her legacy had just begun.

After a few days of being back in Lumiose City, Kairi took Shadow to her favorite spot to dine at, The Red Café. While there, the local post man was making his routes and stopped in, immediately recognizing her. After a brief conversation, she received a letter from a long lost friend, André Bellamy. They were really close friends a few years ago, he was even a tad sweet on her, fooling around here and there but always keeping a feiendship and nothing more. After Bellamy became a big star, the two had a falling out and lost contact, she had changed so much sense then, having been alone all this time, excluding Shadow. The letter instructed her to meet Bellamy and other lost long friends in Vanville Town. Kairi took a few days to finally decide, but she was definitely going, what's the worst that could happen?

Other: Kairi is very open minded and has found herself to be bi-curious at times concerning her sexuality.

Nickname Shadow
Species: Ghastly
Gender: Male
Personality: Mischievous, loyal, determined when need be and is a goofball
History: Shadow was captured by Kairi in the Sanatlune forest. A very rare sighting, probably a once In a life time. Ever since Shadow had been journeying with Kairi happily.
Other: Shadow does not like being in a PokeBall, most of the time he floats right by Kairi's side. Shadow also has a slight green tint in his purple gas surrounding him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 19 min ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Euphoria
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ember Keeton
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Ember is open and outspoken, she loves making new friends and prefers to be surrounded by people. Her personality is infectious and it’s difficult not to smile when she’s around. She lives and breaths everything pokemon related.
Ember was raised in a family that praised anything and everything to do with pokemon. Her father was a pokemon researcher, who traveled all over the world. He’s been to Kanto, working along-side the great professor Oak, and then made his travels through many of the other regions to meet other world renowned professors and researchers. As Ember grew a little older, her father began bringing him along, so that she too could meet some of the most famous researchers. She became fascinated with the creatures, and it wasn’t long before they became her entire world. She studied them, learning everything from their habits to their abilities. She was twelve when she saw her very first in person pokemon battle. She had gone to the market with her mother, when something from the street over had caught her attention. She had wandered off, while her mother was occupied picking out berries. She stepped out into the street over, and the battle before her absolutely marveled her. She had never understood battling before, as a researcher, her father didn’t battle pokemon. The amount of trust that she saw between the trainer and his pokemon… an Eevee. It changed her entire life.

Her father encouraged her to follow in his footsteps, to become a pokemon researcher, as a trainer, while respected, was a hard life to live. At sixteen, she agreed to accepting a beginner’s job with her father, becoming his assistant, running errands, and given small, simple tasks that involved pokemon. Ember didn’t hate the work, she sometimes got to work closely with the creatures she loved so much, but she could feel her heart pulling her in another direction. She spent two years working by her father’s side, graduating from his assistant to a student researcher. She was allowed to travel to locations on her own and perform her own studies, only to return and have each study graded by her father. It was on her very last trip that she encountered a wild Eevee. Ember had never caught a pokemon before, but the furry thing took a liking and began following her everywhere, until she asked if he would like to travel with her. When she got home, she discovered that her Eevee had an adventuring spirit. It was her pokemon who finally gave her the confidence to take the steps that she really wanted. She told her father that she wanted to put her research on hold and become a trainer, with Finn, her Eevee, by her side.


Nickname: Finn
Species: Eevee
Gender: Male
Personality: Adventurous and Determined (Stubborn)
History: Ember found Finn in the tall grass just outside of Coumarine City, and he grew attached and began following her around.
Other: Finn sometimes wears a light blue collar with silver studs, specially fitted above his ruff
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MacieLightfoot
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MacieLightfoot "The United States Superstar"

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Lisa Pidgetta Lightfoot
Gender: Female
Race: Asian
Class: Human
Alignment: Good
Age: 16
Body Type: Lean
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 175lbs
Complexion: light light tan
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Handedness: Right
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: A Lover and a musical heart
Mannerisms: Honest
Likes: Friends, Music, People who tell the Truth, listening to the radio
Dislikes: Drugs, Bloodshed, Bullies, People who waste her time with false alarms, Backstabbing double-crossers.

Santalune City...

Pokemon: Corphish- Female.
Zebstrika- Female
Drillbur- Male
Roggenrola- Female
Gothita- Female.
Geodude- Male
Scyther- Male
Fletchling- Female
Nidoran- Male And Female
Machop- Male
Electrabuzz- Male
Magmar- Male
Tyrogue- Male
Oshawott- Male

All pokemon were caught by her parents and given to her for a team. For protection whilst on the road on a journey.

Lisa is the first born daughter to the Rising Star. She was born as being a rather optimistic sort of girl. Philosophical to a fault and very curious of the world. Looking at everything. She was believed to be rather athletic. But instead... she became a celeb like her mother.

((How's that?))
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