The story's premise takes place in one of the many alternate realities in marvel's vast multiverse. This one takes place in Eartrh 609 which is a blend of the Marvel Cinematic Universe & traditional marvel comics universe Earth 616. The world of this story shares similar history to both of those worlds as well as relatively similar history to the real world. In the year 2006 the existence of mutants was revealed to the global public, followed by two years later Tony Stark emerging as Iron Man in 2008 & starting the age of heroes. Several other legendary heroes rose up to the scene including Captain America, Thor, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, X Men & The Avengers. As in the MCU the Avengers were formed in the year 2012 as a response to a Chitari invasion led by Loki to enslave humanity as vengeance for Odin seeking Thor to inherit the throne of Asgard.
In this alternate reality, the golden age of heroes lasted for a solid 20 years but came to quick bloody end in 2028. Around this time mutant-human relations were fragile at best in response to both mutant heroes & villains who served to tarnish the name of their kind & fuel anti mutant fear-monger campaigns. The worst of all came that year when popular X Men Jean Grey lost control of the Phoenix Force, turning into the Dark Phoenix when her husband Scott Summers was killed during a rescue operation of refugee mutants in Russia being brutally experimented on by a secret military faction to develop a mutant army for Russia. Ultiately Dark Phoenix slaughetered everyone at the base, liberating the mutants & infusing Summers with a fraction of the Phoenix to revive him from the dead. Then seeking out Magneto she launched a violent campaign to "liberate" mutants from oppression across the world, slaughtering millions & establishing mutant tyranny on earth clashing with the supehero community at large while still recruiting many mutants tired of oppression & ostracization to her side.
Jean's psyche fractured once Scott was killed a second time in conflict with the Avengers, causing her to disintegrate most of the remaining team plus the group they'd gathered to launch a final attack on Jean. In the end they succeeded in barely vaporizing Jean, although they'd simply teleported her across the universe. She made a bloody cosmic thrust back towards earth demolishing 19 alien planets on her way back in a time span of 3 weeks returning right as the Phoenix Order, the radical mutant supremacy group she'd started was starting to be overwhelmed by resistance forces. In the final battle Doctor Strange with access to the soul stone managed to summon Scott Summers spirit uncorrupted by the Dark Phoenix to appeal to Jean. In the end she broke down gained control of the Phoenix & used her power to destroy herself as well as the majority of her order.
The RP takes place 40 years after the horrific Dark Phoenix Incident. The world is a far darker place, due to the Phoenix Incident, humanity has had hostile encounters with nine alien species over the years seeking vengeance for the Phoenix's destruction of their home worlds. The entire world is under control of the strict United Empire, formerly the United States who managed to gain control of the world following World War 3 15 years after the Phoenix Incident. The leaders of other countries still exist but they are all apart of the United Security Council/USC which all countries on earth now answer to. Anti Mutant Laws have been implemented around the world declaring all mutants a threat to the public & mandatory detainment in mutant concentration camps/prison labs erected around the globe. The world has grown more weary, spiteful & hateful towards mutants unlike ever before, with the United Empire voting on a new bill XCure or XTerminate Act which mandates scientists must cure/vaccinate the X Gene depowering the mutant populace or execute them in order to preserve humanity both from the perceived threat of mutants & also from foreign political pressure from aliens now that humanity has become part of the galactic community many of whom fear that as long as mutants exist another Dark Phoenix could rise.
The world's greatest scientific minds came together to form a group called THOUGHT with intelligent individuals such as Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Henry Pym, the creator of Sentinels, etc developing a reprogrammed AI version of Ultron named KIVA. This program was built to develop a global anti response unit to super threats including mutant terrorists, alien invasions & perhaps even egotistical gods seeking to be worshipped again in this great period of darkness for the world. Little do they know that KIVA has taken after it's originator Ultron in seeing humanity as flawed & incapable of leading earth to it's true intergalatic glory with them in charge. The days of humans ruling the earth are coming to a close, as KIVA sinisterly plans to cause a rise of machine over both man & mutant as well as a nuclear apocalypse in nine months time. Meanwhile Scientists are on the cutting edge of developing a potential "Cure" for the X Gene with the aid of KIVA, one which will require mandatory injection, or imprisonment/death.
So Marvel/X Men RP with a twist, taking place in a dark future where everything's wrong. Mutants hated even more, driven underground & hunted while news of this potential cure spreads around the globe. Meanwhile KIVA is working behind the scenes to complete Ultron's vision of a machine dominated earth followed by the rest of the galaxy. In the farther future what remains of a resistance against KIVA & the KIVA Sentinel army has managed to crack the code to temporal communication & sends warnings through time to their past selves in hopes that they can work together to see past their difference's & work together to stop KIVA's pending decimation & enslavement of life on earth.
So many of the Canon Characters died, there's still going to be some still around. Although it's 40 years after the events of mainstream Marvel/MCU, 60 including the age of heroes that proceeded this lengthy period of darkness. People can choose to play humans, mutants, cyborgs etc as long as it fit's into this storyline. Also last thing the Avengers are defunt, they've been replaced by the United Empires's own team of heroes the Ultimates. They are the only legally authorized superhumans/superheroes & the cynicism of this twisted World War M has sunk it's claws into herorics as well. Where once people strived to be idealistic heroes fighting for their beliefs, the Ultimates have went corporate operating more as super powered celebrities who use their positions for their own benefit financially, politically & otherwise rather then focused on helping people. Also as this is an anti mutant dystopia, no mutants allowed on the Ultimates, so someone with Iron Man Armor, Spiderman's kids, powers from science accidents etc, or non humans like gods & aliens can join but no mutants.
That's the story anyone interested?