Have you ever met more than one person on the internet on a very anonymous forum that shares the same state as you?
My man @Heat

Have you ever met more than one person on the internet on a very anonymous forum that shares the same state as you?
Have you ever met one person on an Anonymous forum that shares the same state as you?
States? HA! I live in a province and an island! British Columbia represent!
@OddApproved Is the weather slightly warmer in Michigan than say like Seattle?
Might I just say that I HATE some drivers in the UP? It's snowing and slick and a giant truck always has to get right up on my bumper!
<Snipped quote by honorandpride>
Gotta deliver those goods bro, haven't you heard there's a logistics crunch?
That said I feel you I just hate other drivers in general. If I could get away living somewhere where I don't need a car I'd jump on it.
Which is why I'm considering someday leaving for Chicago or Philly or something
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>
No, no... I'm talking the lifted F-350 jackasses!
<Snipped quote by honorandpride>
Oh yeah, fuck them.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>
Let us not forget that they have farm plates to boot!
<Snipped quote by honorandpride>
I bet you they don't even use their truck to farm, it's just their pretty truck to go to church with
Real farmers use the Nissan D-20 because it's fucking impossible to kill a D-20.