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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: Hand to Hand Combat

So far there hadnt been any other SWORD agents coming out for them which was probably a good thing, as Cassandra looked over her shoulder towards the others she nodded towards Darcy. She'd have to assume that the others took the time to break out now and werent in to much trouble. Cassandra started to look at some of the rooms, actually walking past the evidence lockup room, she really hoped that they could get their gear back. When Cassandra was satisfied that there werent any other agents she started to circle back towards the others when Cass spotted the evidence room.

Cass paused and looked through the window to see if anyone was there, she noticed a robot like being standing there as she noticed their gear was right there. As far as she could tell there was only one of them, she quietly opened the door and snuck into the room so far the robot being hadnt noticed her which was good. When Cassandra was close enough she went in and kicked the back of the robot's legs, getting a better look at it Cassandra noticed that it was deactivated. She stopped when she heard some rattling and noticed Raynor's knife was trying to break free.

It was good sign then that Raynor was still alive and quickly broke the chain setting the knife free to fly back to it's owner she quickly started to grab her things along with Maria's strapping the bow and arrows over her shoulder. Cassandra then made her way over towards the others. "The evidence lockup isnt to far and our gear is there if you want to get your things back." Cassandra said turning towards Darcy, she wasnt sure if she wanted to go with them or not Darcy was nice enough to help them out but didnt want her to get hurt during their prison break. "You've helped us out enough so if you want to Darcy you can go or come with us that's up to you though i'd imagine once they find out that you helped us escape you'd be in danger."

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria looked between Flynn and Matt for a moment and shook her head slightly, she tried not to rely on her powers to much as touching someone might harm them, or something like what happened with Monica happened to her again. So far her little head guest was being quiet for now. The main reason she preferred using a bow over any other weapon was that you could reuse the arrows that you used, thats if they were regular arrows anyway that is. "What happens if you don't have a power or a weapon nearby while the other has then?" Maria said, as she started to look around.

Maria spotted an emergency exit and looked outside, seeing the mountainous terrain below and aircraft were on patrol currently she made a note of that for their exit route out of here. "Found an exit we can use when we meet up with the others." Maria said as she gestured towards the door. Right now they needed to find the others and then they can get out of here, Maria started to head down the hallway quietly and carefully so that the agents werent alerted so far everything was clear for now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Outside Interrogation Room B9

"I'm fine." Niah said between chattering teeth. "It is almost freezing outside though and I come from a tropical island." She had never cared much for snow. Not that she had lived anywhere that got snow, long enough to experience the worst of it.

"Celestine summoned a damned aircraft though. I don't know if she can handle that on her own. I don't know how many people will be in it." Concern etched in her face, but also irritation. She was pissed that Celestine had gone to such a risk when it had just been the pair of them, unarmed and in pajamas basically. But now Oliver and Amelia were outside in that exact trap that Celestine had sprung.

There was no way they'd have time to find the others and help those outside in time. They'd have to help Oliver, Amelia, and Celestine before they could find the others. She hurried to the evidence lock-up that Cass had found. And gathered her things. Pulling the stealth suit on as quickly as she could. Not bothering to hide her dignity while she did it. Then put her ICER and gun on her hip holster. She grabbed the rest of her stuff and felt better to have it.

Location: EARTH 257: Hallway
Skills: Hand-to-hand; Weapon Proficency

"Yeah I'll keep my fists in mind when the other side doesn't have ranged weapons or armor." Matt rolled his eyes at Flynn. Flynn knew perfectly well Matt could fight hand-to-hand. He took the knife from Folly. "Thanks." It wasn't what he had hoped for, but it was better than nothing. This way he could at least hope to drive it between protective bits and wouldn't have to hope he'd get skin-to-skin contact.

"I'm perfectly capable of holding my own in a fistfight. I just would rather not if I can avoid it. Especially when the other side has weapons." He didn't know why this was the way the conversation was going at this time. He shook his head and followed after Maria.

He turned the next corner after her and found himself face-to-face with two of the Iron Man armored people. They also inexplicably had katanas. That was better than their blasters but gave them more reach than his dagger. He took a deep breath and moved in. Going for one of them to disarm and drive the dagger into one of those in-between places.

They dodged him dexterously flipping away. Great. Just what he needed. Damn acrobats with swords. "Two enemies with swords and suits." He shouted to warn the others.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Interrogation Room B9 -> Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Electricity Manipulation, Electrical Attacks

Sparky was not in a good mood, that much was obvious with how she was acting. Sure, she probably was seemingly acting like a child to the others, but she really didn't care. It made it easier for her to ignore her actual emotions and thoughts that were going through her brain, and if she sounded off or distant or something, she didn't care about it. Right now she just wanted to get out of this place and to fresh air, and upon hearing what Niah was saying about Celestine summoning a ship out of nowhere or something like that, that was just plain idiotic. "Well, of course she's idiotic and clearly wanting to get herself killed or something," she commented rather calmly about it. Before she followed along after Cass and saw the room that had all of their gear in it.

Walking into the room, she instantly grabbed her own gear and such, thinking nothing of it when Cass pointed out the room and everything to everyone. Then she saw the dagger that Cass had freed, and watched as the blade took off and started flying away. "Suggestion to those who might care to find the others maybe," she commented as she stood in the hallway again as the blade took off and looked at the others, "Follow that." Without so much as another word, she took off racing down the hallway, without caring whether or not anyone was actually following along after her. Sparky weaved a few hallways away from where everyone else was, before she saw what seemed to be going on with Matt and the Iron Man suit people. Thinking nothing of it as she raced over, she sent a large bolt of lightning slamming into one of them, and there was the crackle of electricity temporarily short circuited the suit of the one she had hit.

Location: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Fire Manipulation

"Or you could just try not to be somewhat useless with regards to things, seriously, trying anything is better then nothing, even if you know that it might not be the most effective thing," Flynn muttered, though it was still loud enough for Matt to hear him. Currently, he was a bit in a bad mood, things were going haywire and some people were being a bit dumb and not doing something useful, or complaining about how they can't do something useful, even when they clearly could. He followed along after Matt as he went elsewhere, and then saw the people sort of jumping around and whirling their swords around or whatever, well this was going to be fun and all right? Two of them, shouldn't be too difficult in theory.

Before he even started to fire off an attack of his own, seemingly out of nowhere a bolt of electricity slammed into one of the people, seemingly short circuiting one of the suits to make things a little easier overall. Glancing down the hallway, he was a bit surprised to see Sparky seemingly there at the moment, and apparently no longer dying from her injury, which was a good thing over all. He instantly started trying to barbecue the other guy whose suit was still working. Despite the fact that he knew perfectly well that his powers weren't the best for fighting people in Iron Man suits. He missed as the guy jumped around, and he ended up getting cut a little bit across the shins from the guy's sword. This was definitely fun over all right? "Hey Raynor, you were wondering where others were? Well Sparky decided to show up right now," he called back to him, figuring to give him a heads up that she was there now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 5:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Line

Amelia had gone over the edge, beginning to fall down what would have been a straight drop - only to, at the very last second, manage to grab onto the side of the cliff. Her grip wasn't incredibly secure, with small rocks falling from the area near her handhold. She only had one hand firmly grabbed onto the cliff, keeping herself from falling to the ground below. Oliver shouted down at her that she needed to fly up to him - but Amelia had never flown unaided before. She didn't know if she could do that. She knew she could glide through the air more or less, but fly?

"Alright, mate!" Amelia called up to Oliver. She wasn't scared, even as the adrenaline was pumping through her veins. This was the sort of thing she loved to do - to take risks and try something new. And beyond that, if she knew one thing about herself, it was that she was born to fly. Amelia took a deep breath, before kicking downwards with her feet, hoping to propel herself up with the air currents, and pushing up quickly with her hand.

She shot up into the air (15 on a d20), landing safely on the ground by Oliver. The aircraft opened fire, deadly laser blasts firing at the two of them. Luckily, Oliver would manage to grab Amelia's hands and phase the two of them, the blasts passing harmlessly through them (19 on a d20). Celestine, meanwhile, had ducked down for cover, somehow avoiding getting hit.

"Into a ship now, yeah?"

Outside Interrogation Room B9 -

"Uh, yeah, I think they would arrest me," Darcy said. "Kinda figured helping you all would mean a career change. Maybe I'll pick a fun new name - like Jane Foster, that'd be fun." She quickly identified that this Celestine person though seemed to be the Jerry of the Parks and Rec TV Show, given how they had messed things up by summoning one of the aircraft. "At least two, maybe more," Darcy chimed in helpfully, giving a count on how many people were in each craft.

Bonnie pinched the bridge of her nose, irritated with the information Niah gave about Celestine. She honestly had to wonder if she was surrounded by idiots sometimes, between Sparky's refusal to take care of herself and Celestine's insistence on making everything harder than it needed to be. She hadn't even had a moment to spare to dwell on the memory rewrites they had all just experienced and whether that was something they'd need to be incredibly focused on solving quickly - they had no idea if more of their memories would be rewritten and if so, when. For all she knew, they could have less than a day to solve that issue.

She definitely wanted a raise after this.

Bonnie moved with the others to the evidence lock-up, gathering her own things. She put on the necklace she had been given and activated it, her clothing transforming into Greek armor, complete with circlet. It wasn't really her style, but armor was better than no armor, even if it felt like Magical Girl Armor.

"Woah! You're like Sailor Moon!"

"... Huh, did not expect that to exist here, interesting," Bonnie said absentmindedly, before following the dagger with the others.

Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 - Basically everyone now -

Suddenly, Raynor's dagger Lyting rushed at him and he grabbed it with his right hand, feeling the surge of energy coursing through his veins. It took him by surprise for a moment, his eyes glowing with a soft golden light, before he understood. He hadn't noticed it when he first arrived here. Back on Earth-666, he was Raynor, an Asgardian from another dimension; here on Earth-257, he was the God of Light. Flynn called from up ahead that Sparky was there and a sense of shame mixed with urgency filled him.

He was a different person in this world - but she wasn't.

Raynor rushed forward, eventually coming into view of the fight going on. "Everyone has a fucking gimmick these days," he cursed. Not only were these two members of the Iron Legion, but they had swords - because of course they did.

Folly instantly recognized the blades. They were re-forged, stolen relics from Madripoor. "Those are re-forged Muramasa blades, they can cut and kill anything," Folly warned. "Even me."

"Great, just fucking great," Raynor complained, before flashing his palms open, sending blasts of light straight on at the two Iron Legion warriors. His aim was fantastic and the warriors were temporarily blinded, their helmets not being able to filter out that much light and struggling to re-calibrate.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra quickly changed and grabbed her gear as she looked towards the others and nodded slightly, she couldnt help but sigh and rub the bridge of her nose. Celestine had done something stupid and put herself and members of her team at risk, making a note to talk to her once they had a free moment when they werent being held in this place. She hoped that Oliver and Amelia would be able to handle it on their own until they could meet up with the others. Cassandra took a moment and stared at the armor that magically appeared on Bonnie and gave her a confused look. "When did you get that?" Cassandra ended up asking, before shaking her head slightly, and wanted to refocus on what was going on now. "Never mind lets get going." Cassandra said as she quickly headed out of the evidence lockup, she tried to catch up with Raynor's dagger, only for her to loose sight of it.

Luckily the others were able to keep track of it and managed to catch up to the others, Cassandra was glad to see that Flynn, Raynor, Maria as well as Matt were all okay, Sparky had jumped into the fray already fired off a lightening bolt at one of the Iron Legion members noticing the swords. Cassandra quickly handed Maria her weapons and gear, taking a moment and looked towards Matt. "Are you doing okay?" She asked him as she then turned her attention towards the two iron men, she just hoped that she wouldnt bump into her doppelganger anytime soon.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria turned towards Matt when two Iron Legion members with swords came out of nowhere and tried to attack Matt, why they had swords was beyond her, since their armor already had a lot of other weapons on them probably. Maria turned to look at Folly as she explained the weapons that they had on them were deadly enough to kill her and nodded. "Don't get hit by the sharp thingies that can kill you, got it." Maria said when there was a flash of lightening and Sparky came rushing out to attack one of them along with Cassandra who was holding her gear.

Maria was really happy to have her actual gear back as Cass handed her bow and arrows back to her. "Thank you." Maria said smiling as she quickly swung her quiver over her shoulder pulling out two EMP arrows, getting into her usual stance. One of them missed the soldier but his armor had already been temporarily disabled, while the other fly true and managed to hit one Iron Man suit. It quickly started to discharge before the suit itself was shutdown.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Outside -> Ship interior
Skills: SuperSpeed, Hacking

Oliver shot a massive grin at Amelia. He knew she could do it; the woman was fucking amazing, and there was no way on any Earth that she would die from a fall. The second her hand touched his, they phased, saving them by the skin of their teeth. This was a hell of a situation, but he was about to give them a ton of cover, assuming he could do it without one of them dying. Nodding at her, he rode off the moment of his oscillation, and transferred that focus and energy into his more traditional speed, and in as long as it took for Amelia to blink, they were inside the grounded ship.

Quickly assessing the new situation, he let go of Amelia and, without letting up his speed, he closed the door behind him, and ran from man to man, disarming each and every one of them, tossing two guns towards Amelia, and keeping two for himself. These obviously weren't his preferred weapons, but it was the best they could do. "Alright, we have cover now, I'm open to ideas. I'm thinking we either get this in the air and start taking out the other ships, or..." Oli walked over towards the console, and started trying to break into the nearby ships, hoping to disable their capacity to fight back, only to have the console shock him. Rearing back in pain and surprise, he stopped, taking a few moments to catch his breath.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11

Niah was frustrated. She didn't dare go alone back outside. She could only hope that Oliver was fast enough. And didn't get stuck out of phase again. Thankfully though she had a good idea of the path back outside. And once they had the group back together they could go together.

She followed to the storage room, gathered her stuff. Bless having her stealth suit back on. She gathered everyone else's stuff that wasn't with them and put them into bundles. She watched Bonnie do her magical girl transformation with wide stunned eyes. That was not something she had expected. Bonnie was keeping something close to the chest. Niah made a mental note. She'd talk to her about it later. If there was a later.

Location: EARTH 257: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Hand-to-Hand; Weapon Proficiency

Matt decided to ignore Flynn at this point. There was no reason for this conversation to proceed and he had a feeling he'd leave it wanting to punch Flynn. The others started to join them in the hallway, which was a good thing, though they did seem to be short a few people. However, he really didn't like what Folly said.

"I'm doing good. Better now that there is oxygen. Glad you're here. We'll have to swap stories when we're done with Katana guys. The swords are very deadly don't let them hit you." He warned anyone who had missed Folly's warning. Feeling the sense of prison pajamas heavily at the moment.

Niah at this point showed up. "Matt." She said tossing him a bundle of stuff. Matt caught it thankful to have his stuff back. "Flynn." Niah said again tossing another bundle to him.

"Thank you." He said to Niah. He had felt naked. Almost. However, there still wasn't much he could do without getting into striking range of the swords, and now that he knew they were worse than normal swords he really didn't want to. He also knew the consequences of shooting at that armor now. Thank god Sparky seemed okay, even if she was covered in blood.

However, Raynor had blinded them and one had been blasted by the EMP that meant its systems were down. This was the best chance he had to take the sword. Matt moved in. He had enough experience with disarming opponents it wasn't hard. Out of nothing more than muscle memory, and knowing that if they didn't take these guys out they would kill them. He stepped and drove the weapon into the man through the armor and then withdrew it and attacked the other man. His suit was still working and he apparently had gained enough of his vision back in order to parry.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: Electricity Manipulation, Electrical Attacks

Sparky was not in the best of moods, and it likely was fairly obvious with how she looked (still very much an angry Pikachu still) and she didn't so much care that everyone else was there along with Raynor. Right now, it was like all of her emotions decided to show up aside from just her anger, and it felt like she might go back to her mental breakdown state where she had been hardly able to really do much of anything, and told people to stay away from her. Unfortunately, that wasn't something that she could easily do with their current situation. No, she really needed to find a way to channel her emotions into something (or someone), since it might be a bit therapeutic to her if she did.

Thankfully, there was a guy with a sword in an Iron Man suit still in front of her! And he made for a lovely target!

Electricity crackled along her skin still, before she started sending bolt after bolt of electricity flying at the guy. She just kept firing off the bolts, not even seemingly caring about what all she was doing or how much damage she might be causing. However she did manage to knock the guy down, and ensured that he did not get back up again. In a way, she likely seemed a bit unhinged in general compared to how she usually was. Considering everything she had learned since they had been here, in her mind it likely was understandable in general, but she still just had electricity crackling along her arms, pissed off still, and she turned and moved heading towards Raynor now.

Location: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Well, things went flying and going a bit crazy within the span of what felt like a few seconds in general. Things were flying around as the other group all showed up not long after Sparky did, which was a good thing, made it so that they didn't have to go chase after to find them or something like that at least. Then Niah handed him a bundle of stuff that was his gear, so they must have found their stuff. Well then again, that should have been a bit more obvious by the fact that somehow Raynor's dagger had appeared when it hadn't even when he called for it.

"Thanks Niah," he said to her with a bit of a nod after she had given him his gear. Of course, now everything was calming down, as Matt managed to take down one of the people with the swords, and Sparky proceeded to zap the other one until he fried. Though was it just him or did she seem a bit off the wall or something like that? Since she still had electricity and all with regards to everything. Well, this was going to be a bit of an interesting situation, considering the fact that she looked like she was mad as she headed straight towards Raynor. "Well this is going to be interesting..." he muttered under his breath.

She flat out ignored him, and everyone else, and she walked straight up to Raynor and was glaring, "You and I need to have a conversation. Right now!" she snapped at him, clearly it was apparent she wasn't really going to take a no for an answer about talking right now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 5:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Stolen Ship

Amelia was a bit taken aback, seeing how the console... fought back against Oliver? She didn't know it, but she was witnessing the latest event in a series of oddities, where the technology in this world seemed to almost be sentient, almost alive. She glanced up on the monitor, seeing how Celestine had dashed out of the tree-line, making a run for it. The other ships' fired on her, throwing down a gauntlet more or less - and miraculously, Celestine made it to the ship Amelia and Oliver had hijacked.

"Y'alright, mate?" Amelia asked, her eyes a little wide, but realizing that their situation had taken a turn for the worst. The other ships hadn't known that Amelia and Oliver were in there. And now, they knew that Celestine had hurried inside. One of the buttons on the console began flashing red.

"Someone's hailing us," Celestine said. She was very impulsive. She closed her eyes and put a hand on the console, using her strange powers to patch herself in. "And... I told them we handled it and are going to bring the prisoner back in for interrogation."

"So... Are we going to do the entire trope where Ollie and I dress up in their suits and pretend you're our prisoner?" Amelia suggested, willing to hear the ideas the others had.

"Actually, I'm hearing frequency chatter that the others have escaped - I can patch in and coordinate an extraction point," Celestine suggested. Both of them looked at Oliver, waiting to see his thoughts on the situation and have him weigh in.

"I think either sounds fine to me, 'course that console seems a bit weird, it shocked Oliver," Amelia said. "Ya sure you can control it?"

"Well, that's because the console is alive," Celestine murmured. "His name is P.H.I.L."

Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 - Basically everyone now -

"It's... a long story," Bonnie admitted to Cass, as Cass asked where she had gotten the armor from. Greek armor was a little bit of an oddity. Bonnie had found the transformation necklace in a letter addressed to her, written in ancient Greek. She had managed to cobble together a translation using SHIELD's translation software, but even that hadn't been perfect. It was enough, though, for her to get a rough idea of the message. For whatever reason, the goddess Athena was interested in her. Thankfully, Cass also seemed to agree that now wasn't the time to talk about it - honestly, it never seemed to be the time to talk about the Greek goddess of it all.

Bonnie had been kind enough to grab the gear of those currently not with the group as well, making sure that no one's items had been left behind. Darcy was carrying most of it. "This stuff is so heavy," Darcy complained. "Oof, she is pissed," Darcy then commented, seeing Sparky shouting at some hot guy - Darcy then did a double take, realizing that she recognized the hot guy. His face had been on the news for years, making sure everyone in the Iron knew exactly who Ragnarok was. If anything made her question her choice to throw in with these people, it was seeing him. "Uh...."

Raynor winced. He knew a day like this was going to come at some point. But he had been naive, thinking that he could avoid it. The few times he had tried to tell Sparky he had either ended up being interrupted or just chickening out. And would she have even really believed him? He was the God of Lies. Telling her that she was adopted and came from a different reality was insane. "Sparks, we can talk, okay? Just not here!" Raynor insisted. "I don't want to die and I don't want you to die, so once we escape, you can yell at me."

Folly, meanwhile, had picked up the extra Muramasa blades. "Is this all of you?" she asked the group.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11

"We have three outside." Niah told Folly. "I know the way I came in and out with Oliver." She said. Niah looked over and saw how pissed Sparky looked. She sighed. "I tried to tell you." She didn't understand how Novi hadn't gotten around to it either.

"Now you know. You can figure it out after we are out of immediate danger." Niah looked at Darcy and Folly. She didn't know either of them. "Nice to meet you both, thanks for your help. I'm Niah, and my boyfriend is one of the people outside so I'd like to meet back up with him and make sure he isn't dead. Follow me unless you know a better way out, then I'll follow you I guess." She turned and started walking out of the building.

Location: EARTH 257: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11

The fight was thankfully over. Sparky was...pissed. That seemed like an understatement. He hadn't seen her this mad since Raynor was missing. Now her fury was directed at Raynor. He didn't understand what Niah meant when she said she had tried to tell Sparky. Tell her what? He shook his head confused.

Matt wiped off the sword and grabbed the sheath for it. Once the sword was secure he shrugged. "So, Cass, we got rescued by Folly." He pointed to Folly. He wasn't certain Cass would be exactly pleased to see Folly, even if it was a different reality version of her. She did seem a little less...unhinged. That was something.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked between Sparky and Raynor, she was clearly pissed off at Raynor which was understandable since Sparky was originally from here as well as Raynor by what Darcy had said. She walked over and stood between Raynor and Sparky, she wanted Sparky to have her answers but being trapped in SWORD HQ wasnt really a good place to have this conversation really. "Listen we really should get out of here and find Amelia, Oliver and Celestine once we have a ride out of here, then you guys can have your conversation, or have your conversation while we walk out of here." Cassandra suggested before taking a few steps back and joined Matt.

Cass was glad that Matt was alright as she looked over towards Folly and tensed up slightly, Folly from their own reality was the reason why she only had literally half of her vision. "She's not our Folly, as long as she doesnt go unhinged i'll be fine." Cassandra said as she looked at Darcy for a moment when she spotted Raynor. "It's okay he's on our side and a friend, i'll make sure he doesnt do anything." Cassandra said to her hopefully she was able to convince her.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria looked between Sparky and Raynor, Sparky was clearly very pissed off at Raynor seeing that angry Pikachu look that she was giving off, made her take a few steps back. Cass and the others were right though this really was the place to have this conversation, and she did want to know what Monica meant by what Raynor had done. "As much as I agree with everyone else and want answers from you Raynor. But now isnt the place to, we can talk and walk about it if you want on our way out of here." Maria said and turned towards Niah as she started to walk the opposite direction.

"Wait Niah I did find a way outside." Maria called out to her, as she turned around and started to make her way back towards the door she had found leading to the outside. She wasnt sure where Oliver, Amelia or Celestine were currently, hopefully getting a ride out of here or something. "It's right here." Maria said as she went to try and open the door to the exit she had found earlier.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Sparky was not wanting to hear literally anyone telling her that the conversation could wait. Oh no, in her mind this sort of conversation had waited long enough, and the fact that everyone seemed alright with pushing everything off to the side currently was a bit ridiculous. However, something else caught her attention, and that was what Niah had said. Which meant... She had to have known about this, before they ended up in this reality. She had known too, and that made her wonder who else had known. The fact that she was more or less finding out that the people she trusted knew things about her that she hadn't known, and no one had told her. That was the part she was most upset with. She wanted explanations from everyone who had known, namely how they came to know, and why the hell no one had thought to tell her.

She shot a glare at Niah for a moment, before turning her attention back towards Raynor, "Talk later? Fine. You aren't the only one in trouble though," she said to him, though at this point it was a bit of an eerie sort of calm when she spoke. Once more, she was trying to push away the thoughts and feelings that were going through her mind, at least at the moment, and she was having issues with it in general. What she really wanted, was to get far away from everyone and just clear her head, thing was, they weren't in any sort of spot to actually allow her to do that. Right now, she didn't really want to talk to anyone, and she really wished she could be back home at the moment and forget all about the trip to this reality.

Location: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11
Skills: N/A

Well the situation had seemed to escalate rather quickly, before it deflated fairly easily in general. That was beyond weird, and now Sparky was being a bit too calm considering, but Flynn was figuring she had a lot going through her head, so he wasn't going to say anything about it. He glanced over to see the rest of the group showing up now, and he saw a girl he didn't recognize, and then he saw Bonnie in her fancy armor in general. He had known about Bonnie's armor as a whole already, she had mentioned it to him when she got it, so he wasn't too surprised by her popping up where it. Right now, Flynn was just glad to see her.

"Glad to see you're alright Bonnie," he said, giving her a smile, as he walked over towards her. Yup, now that the entire group was back together, they could fully focus on getting the hell out of there. Though a few things crossed his mind, namely where were they going to go after all of this, they had no leads on Doom or Luminous, and no real place to go. "So, once we get out of here on a ship and everything... Anyone have any sort of idea of where we are going to go... We don't have any leads and are kind of stuck... So where do we go?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

Oliver turned instinctively as the door opened to let Celestine in, almost charging her on impulse, before he stopped himself. IT was only at that moment he realized exactly how stressed he was. His heart was racing, pounding faster than he could remember it ever having beaten before. This level of direct engagement and action was new to him, and a part of him honestly loved it. He felt powerful in a way he normally didn't, and in control, something that had been sorely lacking from his life recently. It was also at this moment Oli realized that he was the most senior agent among the three of them, something that was also a new feeling.

Oli shook his head at Amelia's idea, "We needed a way out of here, and we finally got one. We can't give it up now." He said, looking over to the flashing console, and then over to Celestine, "Let's coordinate extraction, make it to the team, and get the hell out of here." He decided, rubbing his temples. Where they would go, once they were out of the Iron, he had no idea, but he had the pressing feeling that time was of the essence. Doom and Luminous wouldn't be sitting on their hands this entire time, and they'd lost countless hours here; they needed to move on as soon as possible.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 6:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Stolen Ship

"Wait, wh'd'ya mean the console's alive?!" Amelia exclaimed. She looked at Celestine, before looking again at Oliver, and realizing she seemed to be the only one troubled by this information. Was she overreacting? Amelia knew that she had a tendency to emote more than other people, but still, hearing that a machine was alive wasn't great news. It was lucky Amelia hadn't been involved in the entire Ultron business, otherwise it probably would've been somewhat triggering as well.

"Yes, alive," Celestine repeated again, before rolling her eyes. "In my country..." she muttered under her breath, stopping herself before going into a cliché in Soviet Russia... moment. Her eyelids fluttered slightly and the next thing the trio would know, their ship was up in the air, moving towards the other side of the complex. The other ships began firing at the ground, as if they had seen something down there - like they were completely oblivious to the fact that they were inside the ship.

"How'd'ya do that?" Amelia exclaimed. "Without them going obviously they knicked the ship, blast it and all?"

"P.H.I.L. did it for us. I asked him nicely to take us to the others and to make sure no one followed," Celestine answered.

Compound Exit - Basically everyone now -

"Hey, um, I think... I think someone is waiting out there?" Darcy said, gesturing out the exit to where an aircraft was hovering with its boarding ramp lowered, as if waiting for the group to head on out and get inside. It very much had the vibe of an Uber just chilling, waiting for their passenger to realize they had arrived and scramble on outside for the ride.

Folly narrowed her eyes with suspicion, very much enjoying the Muramasa blades she had taken. She felt 500% cooler with them. "Are those your people?" she asked no one in particular. She had been hired to escort Raynor to safety and no one else - the Genoshan government had given her very strict instructions on that account. However, Raynor was a god. She figured he was good for the additional fees rescuing this large group would incur. She just hoped her contact in the Blue didn't mind a few extra mouths to feed for the brief layover in that wild, lawless country. She was, of course, amused with all of this talk of another her that was unhinged and violent.

"Uh..." Raynor was surprised that Sparky just... agreed with him? She never agreed with him. She was clinically unable to agree with him. If he told her the sky was blue, she would scream until her lungs bled that it was actually only an illusion and it was really brown or something. If he said that she looked pretty, she would stab him in the eyes. (Okay, maybe some of that was him thinking about some pregnancy hormone induced moments, but still... ) His wife was stubborn. Well, his almost-wife. They weren't actually married yet, as much as Raynor often thought of them as already being married.

"Anyways, we'll be traveling to the Blue. There's a pair of Genoshan ex-pats there who will provide you all with lodging until the extraction team comes to take you the rest of the way. I will expect all fees to be settled by then," Folly then said pointedly.

That got Raynor out of his own head. "Right, well... The Genoshan government will pay for everyone's passage, okay? X and Magneto can afford it." He didn't want to have to direct Folly to New Asgard to collect the funds for this. He didn't want his family knowing that he was back on Earth-257, after all of the shame he had brought to the house of Odin. At least the Genoshans owed him. And they knew what sort of monster he was. If they wanted to pay for him, then they could pay for his friends too.

Bonnie had hesitantly walked to the exit, peering her head out through the small window in the door. She could just barely make out what looked like Amelia, waving at them from the boarding ramp. She sighed in relief. Oliver and Amelia and Celestine had pulled through then - they had a way to get out of here. And a ship meant resources they could use to figure out what was going on with everyone's memories. And probably a place where they could send Sparky and Raynor off to kill each other.

"That's our ride," Bonnie confirmed, opening up the door and jogging out into the blisteringly cold morning air, climbing up the boarding ramp and into the 'borrowed' aircraft.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Compound Exit -> Stolen Ship

Niah let Maria take over leading and they exited out and found the ship that had been descending on them thanks to Celestine's stupid idea. It had panned out and she might have to apologize to her for not trusting it. She jogged, thankful to have her leg back, onto the ship. Not daring to give out a sigh of relief. It would be asking for trouble if she did. Niah knew better.

She ignored Sparky. If she wanted to have the fight that was brewing so be it. Niah would tell her what happened in House of M and how she knew and why she had thought Nova, Sparky's BEST FRIEND, would have told her before it became relevant. Niah had no part in the fight with Raynor though. That was on him. Niah had tried to tell Sparky as soon as it had become obvious that she hadn't known and it was relevant, but she had been told to wait. If Sparky insisted on acting like a child then that was her prerogative, but Niah wasn't going to put up with it.

As soon as she saw Oliver tension left her shoulders. "Glad you aren't dead." She said smiling at him. Niah smiled more these days.

Location: EARTH 257: Compound Exit -> Stolen Ship

Matt nodded and leaned a little into Cass. Not a hug, but just pressure. To feel the warmth of her and know that she was okay. It was relieving. Being separated had caused some anxiety he hadn't been prepared for. "She seems more stable." He joked. Then followed Niah, until Maria took over.

Outside, seeing the stolen ship was a total relief. It was hope. He followed Bonnie onto the ship and out of the wind and cold rain. He was surprised that Oli, Amelia, and Celestine had been able to get a ship so quickly. He nodded smiling at Amelia, surprised to not see her at the controls. That felt weird. Behind the controls was where she belonged. His smile turned into a frown of confusion. "Hey, you're not the one flying the ship?" He said, though it was more question than a statement.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway - Earth 257
Skills: Engineering

Cassandra gave Matt a loving smile and gently reached for his hand as he leaned into her, subtle that way no one wouldnt really be able to see. She was just glad that he was alright and alive as well to Cass stared at Folly for a moment she wasnt to sure how this reality version of Folly was actually like. "Just keep an eye on her for me if you can." She said towards Matt as she followed behind Maria and the others over towards the exit that she had found somehow. She was instantly relieved to see that Amelia, Oliver and Celestine were all safe, as she heard Darcy and Folly asking about the ride. "Thats our ride out of here and the rest of us here." Cassandra answered the two of them and quickly headed outside.

Stepping out into the cold, didnt really bother her to much she could control the temperature around them whenever she needed it due to her mutation. "I'm glad that you three are alright." Cassandra said to the three of them as she stepped onto the boarding ramp, she turned and pointed towards Raynor. "So mind telling us everything that you know now?" Cass asked him as she started to search around and eventually found what looked to be a toolkit. She searched through what it's contents were and finding the right tools that she would need, Cass had done some occasional maintenance with her cybernetic eye and was used to removing it. Though she had done it mostly in private in her spare time

Cass started to take it apart and was able to find what the problem was, and then started to put it all back together and slowly started to put it back into it's place, it took a few seconds before her eye was able to turn back on again and was able to see again. She turned to face Folly, Raynor and Darcy as Folly mentioned the Blue whatever or wherever that was. "Where exactly is the Blue located?" She asked the two of them. They needed to find Doom, and Luminous as well as figure what what exactly is going on with their minds as well to.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria started to head outside feeling the cold mountain air made her shiver slightly, when she was younger she used to go out hunting with her father and her late sister. It kind of reminded her of their little hunting trips back then, as Maria stepped onto the boarding ramp she looked over at Amelia, Oliver and Celestine. "Nice ride you guys got us, might as well add stealing a government aircraft to our rap sheets here." Maria said jokingly, she was glad that the three of them were alright.

She started to feel a little bit lightheaded and went to sit down holding her head slightly as Monica decided to take over turning to look at the others as they started to get onto the stolen ride. Particularly towards Raynor. Knowing what he had done to everyone who lived in the Iron sterilizing them all. She decided to remain quiet and observe for now the last time she had taken over Maria's body she had snapped Folly's neck and didnt want to expose herself like that again.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 -> Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Sparky was more or less trying to keep control of what was going through her mind, but she was glad that they were getting the hell out of the area. She wasn't entirely sure where exactly they were going or something, but she was just glad they got out of there. Problem was, Sparky really wished she could stay away from everyone and get some fresh air, but they didn't exactly have that sort of thinking at the moment, it wasn't possible. Maybe once they got to this area called "The Blue" or whatever, she'd be able to get away from the others and just clear her head. Then maybe she'd be able in a better headspace to deal with everything, including why they were in this area to begin with.

Once she stepped on board of the ship, she glanced at the area, and noticed that there were smaller storage rooms and such off to the side of the main central area. However, she couldn't help but get annoyed that Cass, despite it being obvious that she and Raynor needed to have a conversation and all right then and there, started asking questions, and Sparky rolled her eyes. "You can interrogate him later, ask the other two people from here. We're talking right now," Sparky snapped, before walking over to Raynor, before proceeding to drag him by the ear to one of the storage rooms nearby and shutting the door behind them before letting go, turning to look at him, and crossing her arms. "...Alright, talk now, what the hell?" she said, clearly not going to let him get away with trying to avoid explaining anything.

Location: Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 -> Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Well this is a good thing overall isn't it? They were able to get the hell out of that place and hopefully go off somewhere else that might not result in them nearly getting killed or something like that in general. The other group had managed to get a plane for them to be able to get away, so that was something. Maybe they could get some answers to what was going on with this world and then maybe see about trying to track down Luminous and Doom, who were still scattered somewhat around this world somewhere. Catching up to a speedster wasn't going to be fun in general though.

They were strangers to this reality, and they knew nothing, so asking questions to those from this reality who knew how things worked made sense. What also made sense was based on Sparky's reaction she apparently needed to talk to Raynor about something rather important, so he didn't think now was the time for them to ask him about the reality, and that asking Folly and Darcy was a better thing then that. Though he barely managed to stop himself from laughing at Raynor getting dragged off by Sparky to go have a conversation right then and there away from everyone else. He turned his attention towards Folly and Darcy. "Ok, since he's obviously not going to be answering any questions at the moment. What exactly can you tell us about this reality or how things are... If you're willing, since we have absolutely no clue what we're doing here, so... And also agree with the question of where is the Blue, and what is that place like or whatever? Sorry for all the questions, but well... The Blue doesn't exactly exist, and this place has been called the Iron right? The Iron though at first glance when we got here clearly seems like it is a part of the United States..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

It was about a second after it was reiterated that Oliver visibly moved his head towards the console. He was doing everything he could to compartmentalize his feelings at the moment, but that was a big revelation, and he wanted to delve more into it, but not now. As the ship flew up and back down, he breathed a sigh of real relief. They were in the home stretch now, they just had to get out of here, and he could maybe pass out on the way to wherever they were heading next. He was desperately exhausted at this point, and needed something to eat.

As people started to board the ship, he was almost instantly in Niah's arms, hugging her. He was so glad to see she was safe, "Sorry um, for leaving you out in the rain." He said, giving her a big squeeze. "I'm really glad you're not dead either." His voice was quiet, and he was visibly tired, but joyous. Letting her go, he looked around and took a headcount, his eyes lingering on Folly and Darcy, but not saying anything. He was always cautious around new people, but he was too spent to be paranoid at the moment. His gaze shifted towards Sparky as she stepped out of the room, then waiting for somebody to take charge of the situation.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


EARTH 257 - 6:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Stolen Ship

Amelia resisted the urge to audibly say awww as Niah reunited with Oliver - romance wasn't something Amelia was interested in for herself, but Oliver was one of her best mates. She liked seeing him and Niah together, they made a cute pair. However, her musings about cute romances was quickly turned into disappointment as Matt pointed out the downside of having Celestine ask an AI to fly the ship - Amelia didn't get to fly this thing. "No," Amelia admitted, clearly dismayed. "Some computer bloke named Phil gets to fly her," she sulked.

Raynor groaned slightly as Cass asked for him to say everything he knew - this reality was completely foreign and different, explaining everything he knew would take years. And speaking of years, it had been over two decades since he had last set foot on Earth-257. He didn't want to come back here for a reason. Evidently Genosha and the Iron and the Blue were still kicking, but he didn't know what the political climate was like - he didn't know if New Asgard had finally declared war on the United Kingdom or not. He didn't know if Atlantis and Wakanda had finally signed a peace treaty or if Australia, somehow caught in the crossfire, had been raised out of the ocean after Namor sunk the continent.

"Oww!" Raynor exclaimed, as Sparky dragged him off by the ear.

"The Blue is... well, the Blue," Folly explained, looking at Cass with a degree of confusion. "It's a country to the west of the Iron, it stretches all the way to the Pacific Ocean."

Darcy glanced at Folly, pointing at her, before pointing at herself, realizing Folly wasn't going to elaborate, and sighing slightly. "Okay, history was never my strong suit but everyone knows about Civil War II. So it started with the Squadron Supreme, do you know who those are? They're, like, like the Beatles of superheroes. Really cool but really old. The United States President at the time was the original Iron Man and he issued a bunch of executive orders to register and protect mutants, as people were kinda losing their fucking minds. Captain America led a rebel faction of the Squadron against Iron Man and his side, they fought it out, lots of punching and kicking, at one point I think there were a ton of bombings, no more United States. The place was split down the middle - literally - and everything to the west is the Blue, kinda the wild west on steroids from what I've heard. And the east is the Iron, where you've been already."

Bonnie bit her lip slightly. That sounded right, from the false memories implanted in her mind. She understood the desperate urge for information - she had it herself - but they needed to ask more specific questions. This was a foreign land to them, they needed to know who the key players were - who were the threats and who were the allies. They needed to know what sort of technology or magic the world had, in order to both find Luminous and Doom, as well as make a safe trip home. And lastly, more knowledge of their doubles would be helpful. Bonnie had a bad feeling about the idea of running into more of them. "Can you tell us who the global powers are in this world?" Bonnie asked.

"Um, well, the Blue doesn't really have anyone in charge - except maybe the Avengers? But they're more like cowboys than, like, authority figures. The Iron is run by President Stark, the young one, not the old one. The Genoshans have two leaders, Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr. Atlantis is run by this twink, Namor. New Asgard is currently ruled by Mad Queen Freya. Wakanda has King T'Chaka. Umm... I guess the UK, they still have Queen Betsy, that isn't changing..."

Bonnie's eyes widened slightly at the information that Atlantis existed here - and New Asgard, which she was guessing had to be where Raynor was from.

"I don't know if I could name that many world leaders from where we're from," Amelia joked. She was still slightly contemplating bugging Celestine to let her take over and fly, even if "Phil" seemed to be doing a good job. They were pretty steady, no turbulence or anything yet. But it was boring and that made Amelia die a little bit on the inside.
In the supply closet, Raynor's ear was throbbing and he cradled it with one hand. Even though he was an Asgardian, being dragged by the ear hurt. He didn't want to look Sparky in the eye. He opened his mouth, about to reply with what do you mean what the hell? before thinking better of it. He had hidden this for so long and unbeknownst to him, the universe had apparently been conspiring to aid him in this matter, as no one else had broken the news to Sparky. "Fine, fine!" Raynor exclaimed, sounding a bit harsher than he meant.

"You were adopted. Your dad, Bob Banner, sent you through a dimensional rift and you landed here... And I followed you on through," Raynor paused, very aware that this next part was going to sound creepy and insane. "I followed you because my cousin, the goddess of love, told me you were my soulmate... And because the Norns told me I had no future left for me here, that if I didn't go, I would never make it to Valhalla."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Niah sank into the hug. "To be fair it wasn't raining when you left me." She said. Then stood up and turned to watch Folly and Darcy talk. Explaining how the world was different. She shivered a little at the idea. The deviation point made sense. There had been a fight between Ironman and Cap. That wasn't new information even. However, the fight happened much later and ended...more peacefully. Niah had abstained from the fight.

"Why is Freya called Mad queen? And when you say the younger do you mean Tony?" There was an even younger option, Niah couldn't see Guin Stark as President but weirder things could happen. She was also surprised to hear that Magneto and Xavier were working together. That was unexpected. However, her modified memories told a very unpleasant tale about Genosha. She wanted more details about that. "Though more importantly what can you tell us about Genosha? Since we're heading there. Should we expect detectors announcing we are mutants?" Or not in the case of a few of their members. Bonnie was human, Oliver, Matt, and Amelia were inhuman. If they required Mutant status how would they be handled?

Niah also figured Genosha would be where Luminous and Doom would head. Luminous by virtue of Magneto being there. Doom...well she had no idea where he would go. She wished Susan was with them. "And do the Fantastic Four exist here?" Part of her hoped not if they did then Doom did and if Doom did then there would be two Doom's running around and that was a whole lot of Doom.

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

"Will do." Matt said quietly while giving Cass's hand a gentle squeeze. He listened to what mostly Darcy had to say about the differences in the world. Knowing the world leaders was good. And any other major players. "Are there any other major players?" He couldn't exactly ask 'that are different than ours' since how would she know, but it would give them an idea.

Matt was also interested in anything that might have happened in the last 48-hours or so. Who would Luminous and Doom go to? Luminous likely would go to Magento. Matt didn't know much about Doom. What he did know was Genosha was not someplace he ever thought he'd spend some time. What his brain seemed to know about Genosha here was it’s a violent separatist mutant-only nation, that didn't seem to have a personal vendetta against Inhumans. The violent part was particularly concerning. He wasn't surprised that Raynor was associated with them considering his history. Something the rest of the team should learn about.

"You should all know why Raynor is the Iron's most wanted criminal."
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