Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room B9 - Earth 257
Skills: Hand to Hand Combat
So far there hadnt been any other SWORD agents coming out for them which was probably a good thing, as Cassandra looked over her shoulder towards the others she nodded towards Darcy. She'd have to assume that the others took the time to break out now and werent in to much trouble. Cassandra started to look at some of the rooms, actually walking past the evidence lockup room, she really hoped that they could get their gear back. When Cassandra was satisfied that there werent any other agents she started to circle back towards the others when Cass spotted the evidence room.
Cass paused and looked through the window to see if anyone was there, she noticed a robot like being standing there as she noticed their gear was right there. As far as she could tell there was only one of them, she quietly opened the door and snuck into the room so far the robot being hadnt noticed her which was good. When Cassandra was close enough she went in and kicked the back of the robot's legs, getting a better look at it Cassandra noticed that it was deactivated. She stopped when she heard some rattling and noticed Raynor's knife was trying to break free.
It was good sign then that Raynor was still alive and quickly broke the chain setting the knife free to fly back to it's owner she quickly started to grab her things along with Maria's strapping the bow and arrows over her shoulder. Cassandra then made her way over towards the others. "The evidence lockup isnt to far and our gear is there if you want to get your things back." Cassandra said turning towards Darcy, she wasnt sure if she wanted to go with them or not Darcy was nice enough to help them out but didnt want her to get hurt during their prison break. "You've helped us out enough so if you want to Darcy you can go or come with us that's up to you though i'd imagine once they find out that you helped us escape you'd be in danger."
Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ Interrogation Room Z11 - Earth 257
Skills: N/A
Maria looked between Flynn and Matt for a moment and shook her head slightly, she tried not to rely on her powers to much as touching someone might harm them, or something like what happened with Monica happened to her again. So far her little head guest was being quiet for now. The main reason she preferred using a bow over any other weapon was that you could reuse the arrows that you used, thats if they were regular arrows anyway that is. "What happens if you don't have a power or a weapon nearby while the other has then?" Maria said, as she started to look around.
Maria spotted an emergency exit and looked outside, seeing the mountainous terrain below and aircraft were on patrol currently she made a note of that for their exit route out of here. "Found an exit we can use when we meet up with the others." Maria said as she gestured towards the door. Right now they needed to find the others and then they can get out of here, Maria started to head down the hallway quietly and carefully so that the agents werent alerted so far everything was clear for now.