Desmond Catulus

Hey smile a little, today ain't so bad
18 | Male | Enth | Commoner | 5.0
❖ [Analytical]
❖ [Cynical]
❖ [Optimistic]
❖ [Obstinate]
❖ [Jovial]
❖ [Vindictive]
Desmond is much more of a kind and jovial soul in his daily life and when interacting with people. He loves to have fun and do as he wishes, yet under the beguiling smile hides a devil's scorn. To most he comes off as jovial and a bit of a prankster, yet, when you cross him, he'll come back twice as hard and when you least expect it. However, he does have enough understanding to know who is the most likely to try and do something worst, so with those he bides his time until they slip up for him to capitalize on. Even with this sour spot, Desmond is much of an optimistic person who is hopeful of the future, yet even in that hope lies many doubts, as this world is on the brink of something terrible, and Desmond can feel it in his bones.
When you look at him under a lens, he's much more like a child just clinging to whatever he can. He's much more fragile than his natural demeanor would let on, and he is often teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown. However during these times, he becomes something much more like a stoic statue, all other emotions leave, as the only things that can often be seen are eyes that are colder than ice. As he becomes much more like a machine, analyzing every detail as he methodically moves through situations like a battlefield.
Desmond stands at 5'10 and weighs 165 pounds, he is a much more lean frame. His body is much more like a worked machine running at top efficiency, he has low fat on his body and is quite prone to being cold. Desmond has medium-length dark brown hair that he lets down more often than not. His eyes are these darker brown eyes that seem to always have a sharpness to them. He has many scars across his body, the most numerous being on his back, his torso, and on his legs, many of which look quite nasty as many were never properly treated but easily hidden by simple clothing.
Desmond is a simpler man, he has some money, but he spends very little of it on clothing. He has basic traveling clothing, a black cloak, and some thick travelers boots. However, his 'family' did wish for him to be more properly dressed as he was given a more proper set of clothing so he would not stand out at school (the clothing is of the image above). Desmond is very diligent in keeping his clothing cleaned and washed, as once he finishes his day, he will then clean his clothing and then dry it himself using magic. He has always had this habit as he was normally ever given one set of clothing at a time as it was quite expensive getting tough and durable clothing for a battle for a growing child.
Desmond has multiple languages under his belt that he knows, Agrarian, Kerremanic, Holmanian, Crisian, Perrench, Eskandish, and a few others. Most of these are only passable at best, being just good enough to use for work as most of these countries often employ services of mercenaries and work is always plentiful in the area. Desmond's most fluent in Avincian and Kerremanic as they seemed to have been the most favored languages of his people and the people he was closest to in his work.
Redblooded with no secondary mana type Desmond is nothing special, his RAS score is higher than that of the parlor tricks most would expect of a commoner having magic, however, this did not mean he was gifted with the power to easily become a mage. He had to harness what he could, may it have been the knowledge of those around him, or the battlefield he has studied for most of his life. He will normally watch mages with great intensity, in hopes of pulling knowledge through them, understanding and trying to cultivate the information into applicable skills. This has led to a skill set wholly designed in the aspects of combat and survival.
Yet he has a few skills that allowed him to shine above his station his first being his much more refined use of Freecasting. This skill was not gifted to him, it was hammered into his brain by those training him, as the best friend of a mercenary is flexibility and adaptability, which is the life motto of Desmond. However, Desmond has much more interesting things as his ability in Drawing is quite exceptional and his understanding of energy and the ebbs and flow of it. These abilities by themselves are not too interesting, but it's what he does with it that is so special as with his fast and efficient drawing coupled with his efficient use of his understanding of energy allows him to lightly draw from at a distance from people to almost see what other mages are doing around him. This gives him an almost sixth sense of the magic being used around him and being held within and controlled by people. However, this is a very new development in his skills and requires a decent bit of concentration just to fully use, however it does give him an upper hand in knowing what is about to happen.
Desmond has used skills in many different schools of magic and thought, as he has often used spells and skills in each type of magic to best suit his needs, but he is also a man who plays favorites. Among them, the one that reigns supreme for Desmond is Chemical Magic, as he often uses it for the incredibly powerful and efficient effects that it creates. Desmond has a great focus on External Chemistry rather than Internal Chemistry, causing chemical reactions within areas to create a domino effect, allowing him to continually manipulate small amounts of energy to cause greater effects to make up for his lesser capacity, such as with his use of Inferno bullets and Quick Silver bullets. This does not mean he doesn't use Internal Chemistry, however, as often he uses it to manipulate his Internal Chemistry. He has often dabbled in the use of it in a more offensive manner but finds it is better used in the case to assist himself or those around him.
Desmond's other favored schools of magic are Kinetic and Arcane because of their interesting effects that can be used. Taking the knowledge he has, he siphons heat and kinetic energy from people and their attacks to redirect them back, taking the philosophies of Magnetic fighters and using them in a much different way. His skills were often tested as he has used his skills to take the kinetic energy away from bullets and larger projectiles as he then either converts it into something more useful or he will use the energy to start setting up for a large counterattack on someone. Or when someone tries to take in Thermal Energy, Desmond will often quickly steal their heat from them or from the area they are trying to, to force them to try and convert other sources as he can attack before they could.
His more counter skills can often be duds when faced with people who either have a greater understanding and skill in magic or when he is overpowered by literal magnitudes, which forces him to go into a more offensive position. This doesn't make him slouch as often when something like this happens he will switch to his more Magusjaeger stance. As a Magusjaeger, his skills are quite potent, using the most basic skills he is a powerful sniper. However, using his more customized bullets from his firearms allows him to even fight while going toe-to-toe with other mages. His bullets allow him to use Chemical Magic and cause different effects most aren't normally prepared for.

Born in a place he had no remembrance of, Desmond was to live a quiet life in a village tucked away from anywhere important. With a family he would love dearly, knowing everyone you live with, surviving the cold together, famine, and all hell this world would have. Desmond was to find a cute girl he would settle down with and bear children, all in this village far away from anywhere important. Yet life was not so kind, as this was a place that has been forgotten, with the faces of people long lost and of a home Desmond only remembers as blurs and smells. A raid occurred in his village, everything was covered in flames and was burned to nothing. In this village tucked away from anything important, the men were slaughtered, the village and women were pillaged, and those who were left were all taken as slaves. Desmond was left with the smells of sweet apples from the time before flames occurred, then the sickeningly sweet aromas of burning wood and flesh, with the putrefaction of slaughter grasping at the lungs. This village was gone, as anything important here was left with the fires, to be tucked and buried beneath the land and time. All those memories that would have and should have been, burned in the flames of war, with the smoke of death and apple trees.
Desmond's early life was much more like a blur, as his years being a slave was something much akin to becoming a machine. He had spent much of his time working fields, moving, and surviving on the bare amount able to find. They fed the slaves below just enough, and the slaves had lost their minds to fear and hunger. Desmond had been beaten for his ration, had been stepped on and abused by those around him and above him, and left to die on more occasions than he could count, yet he kept getting back up. He wanted to live, something was calling to him and having him take that next step, keeping his comfort through the hunger, and kept him alive through the cold. Soon when he became old enough to be used in some other way, Desmond was sold off to a merchant with a wicked grin. He did horrible things to Desmond, scarred his body, his mind, abused him, overworked him, and set him near the edge of despair. Yet a voice within him screamed out, like a brewing storm it told him to wait as if something would change. So, Desmond waited and endured the torture and pain, after all, he had survived this long.
When Desmond was 11 years of age, the manor was broken into as people let out yells and screams as this roaring occurred, like the fires he remembers from his childhood. Smoke filled the air, as explosions and yelling filled the corridors, with blood strewing the walls. Desmond moved, trying to leave, but his body felt weak, his vision always being blurry, the smoke made it even harder to see, as all he could do was feel his way through the darkness and smoke until he reach the stairwell, where he saw light. An orange glow filled the stairwell as the heat was much too intense for any person to willingly enter, but Desmond did, this was his chance. Through the smoke and fire, Desmond moved slowly while staying close to the ground as he knows inhaling the smoke can kill him. His eyes were blurry, his vision being obstructed, yet he continued to move, he knew this manor well enough to be able to move without the worry of needing to see. He just needed a chance, and this was it. Desmond had finally made it through the manor, he just needed to move forward, yet the moment he made it out of the manor, he had felt his knees become unbearably weak, as each step became inexhaustibly heavy. He needed to make it a few more steps, and then he would have left the manor, but when he made it maybe 10 feet away from the door, he felt his body collapse. His consciousness waned, as his eyes opened and closed slowly, feeling the grasp of hands upon his body, he saw for a split moment a shadow had grabbed him and whisked him off into the night.
Desmond woke up with the sun bearing down on him, as it felt like he was moving. As he arose he saw he was in a cart with multiple cloaked individuals, each with face coverings that made deducing their identity quite difficult. They watched Desmond with intent as they tossed him a piece of bread and told him to eat. Desmond began eating the bread, but with the eyes on him, he was wondering why they were doing this. They looked to him with much intensity as when he ate too quickly they slapped the bread out of his hand and told him to go slower, as Desmond understood the message, he was going to be trained by them. Desmond began his new life with this mercenary band, they were each skilled Mages who have taken to the life of a Sellsword, they sold their skills and services for certain fees. Desmond was going to be their little errand boy, he would take care of their gear, keep up their camp, and do other things. Desmond wasn't displeased with this arrangement, he was being fed ample food, he was treated okay, they didn't do much to hurt him, but they were distant with him. After a year of traveling with them he began growing attached, they were some of the first in a very long time to treat him well. This loyalty came through as when they were traveling the caravan was jumped as multiple mages began attacking the mercenaries, a few were heavily injured but Desmond was the one who was most severely injured. When a mage came over to check who was in the cart, Desmond jumped out and attacked the mage, as his magic manifested, as even with his small frame, he was able to take down the mage and kill him through a surprise attack.
After this event, the mercenaries began training Desmond to use magic, training him to become something of a child soldier. Desmond felt no remorse nor hatred for the idea, in the end, to him they were doing this to give him something more he can do and secure his future. They began dealing in a great many things, as there was no shortage of work for a mercenary, and ones with magic can be quite useful. During these years Desmond began training and learning to harness his Gift, as the first way he was taught was in ways similar to the Magusjaeger, the use of firearms and stealth. Hiding in plain sight and slowly and efficiently drawing energy from the area, and then smoothly clearing the head off of some poor mage's shoulders. Most never really mention his existence, most assume the mercenaries have a quiet type Magusjaeger in their corner. Yet little did they know Desmond, the kid that the mercenaries have around as their helper, is the same one who just saved their asses. As Desmond grew, he began showing his true talents and began becoming a much more proficient mage of being a Mage killer.
Over the years, the distance between the mercenaries that once took him in and himself shortened. As they moved through battles and work, they became much closer. Desmond had witnessed comrades die, had to fight side by side with them, they became close enough to one day call him one of their own. They watched the boy grow into something of a strong man who they believe is something of a child of their own. Yet once these sentiments came, they realized that they have a feeling of guilt, they did rob this child of his youth. They weren't the ones to enslave him and rob him of his innocence, but they did have him fight in wars, kill men, and witness horrible things. Yet watching him smile made them make up their minds, they will be sending him somewhere in hopes he might find something more than just a life of combat. They began asking him about his different likes as they realized that he has little things he liked to do other than read, learn magic, and explore. At first, they were worried that they couldn't do much until they thought about sending him to a magical institution to learn from. Some knew a few places, however, some thought that Desmond had what it took to attempt to join Ersand'Enise.
Once Desmond made it to Ersand'Enise he had to show his stuff as a mage. Here he showed the skills that he had cultivated for the near past decade, he wasn't a shoo-in to make it, however, through his skills and dedication, he barely slipped by and entered Ersand'Enise. Upon entering the school, Desmond has kept his nose out of most affairs, mostly doing his own thing and living life as he chooses: Learning magic, reading, and roaming around when he can. It seems, however, with the school starting to stir, he's going to be finding himself into trouble again.
The reason Desmond is here is to learn and become stronger. When he believes he has accomplished that he wishes to return to his 'family', where he will spend his days as a mercenary. However, beneath this guise and even his awareness, he wishes to find something more, something that gives reason to his existence. He has survived literal hell, going from a slave who was beaten, abused, and had horrible things done to. To then become a mercenary who has more blood on his hands than he knows could exist. He wants to know what kept him going, what is on the other side of the rainbow, he wants to have something that tells him why he's here.
His biggest fear is him finding out, this world is cruel, everything that has happened came about for no reason other than 'just because. He fears the loss of his 'family' and he fears the most of all, him becoming something he could not even live with.
Bad Day- A rifled musket Desmond has been carrying with him since he was still a young boy. This weapon has seen countless retrofittings, has seen many battles and has scars across it to prove it. However, it has been as trusty as the day Desmond was first given it. This is one of Desmond's prized possessions as it is the first gift he was ever given.
Officer's bane- A pistol that Desmond had picked up off of a dead officer. Honestly, it is one of his more prized possessions as it has saved his life countless times, and he sees the weapon as an extension of his fighting now. He is, however, thinking about upgrading, as often reloading can be a major hassle while in the middle of a fight.
- Bullets- Desmond keeps quite a few bullets on hand in case of an emergency this includes normal lead bullets and his more specially made hollow bullets. These hollow bullets are made by Desmond himself and then filled with either Mercury or Phosphorous. When these bullets are fired Desmond will use Chemical Magic on them upon impact to create powerful effects without the need for high energy.
- Inferno Bullets- Having Phosphorus held within, upon impact the lead ball will dig into the target and flatten, or break upon impact if it hits a hard enough surface. This will allow the release of the Phosphorus which Desmond will then cause to react and ignite, creating an intense flame in the air or inside target which will either burn the person from the inside or start catching others around on fire.
- QuickSilver Bullets- Having Mercury held within, upon impact the lead ball will dig into the target and flatten, or break upon impact if it hits a hard enough surface. This will allow the release of the Mercury which Desmond will then cause to react and turn into a gas, with this causing anyone near the gas to begin to experience acute Mercury poisoning. Causing perfuse sweating, increased heart rate, skin discoloration, muscle weakness, vomiting, and because inhalation is almost guaranteed, if the person is unable to be treated by magic to take out the mercury within about an hour, those affected by the Mercury have a high chance of dying, with each passing hour raising the lethality chance.
- Money- Desmond has quite a bit of money, enough to set himself up for some time without much worry, and enough to allow him to experiment and tinker, but not enough to allow him too much more.
- A large black banner that has a red sun that hangs on his wall, this is a banner from his mercenary group. He is quite proud of it and often makes sure to take care of it.
- In his desk, he has many tinkering tools, miscellaneous parts stuffed into the drawers, schematics that seem to be the drawings of a man who has lost his mind as most are partial scribbles with some coherent drawings underneath.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖ Through years of use, Desmond's use of a gun has become quite proficient, his most notable skills being that of a sniper. This does not mean he is unable to use his skills in close range, as he has become more efficient even in a fight. He can use guns and using modified bullets to assist him as he uses Chemical Magic to shift and cause reactions most aren't ready for.
❖ Desmond is a fighter who preps in advance for fights. He will often have Phosphorous bullets and mercury bullets on standby when normally out in more open areas. Sometimes he prepares many different concoctions to best use with Chemical Magic, after all, the best fighter is the one who is the most prepared.
❖ Desmond is an excellent combat strategist, his skills constantly being honed in combat, as he can acutely see the flows of battle and know best how to capitalize upon it.
❖ Desmond is a student of war, and combat is his teacher, he has learned the fundamental basics of multiple different combat styles, including that being many Hand-to-Hand styles. He is good enough to them in fighting while using magic to make himself a much more dangerous opponent.
❖ Desmond is a Tinkerer by nature, he loves to mess with the many guns, mechanical items, and other such things that land in his lap. Which is where he came up with his hollow bullets that he is now well known for.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Cynical to the idea of the future, the world has been only so kind to him, however at any moment it can take away from him again.
❖ Desmond is inept at the idea of romance and friendship, he will often keep people at a silent distance, often making it feel as if no matter how he or they interact, it almost feels like there is still a distance he keeps.
❖ Desmond is quite an educated man in the studies of magic and combat, however, this left little time nor want to study other things like history, philosophy, languages, and even some forms of reading comprehension and mathematics. If it did not directly assist in his life up to this point, he never learned it.
❖ Desmond does not handle failure well, as often failure results in terrible things, and to him, the fear of failure is worst than death.
❖ Desmond has a deep fear of abandonment, he is afraid to be left alone, and often struggles with it as he is away from his 'family'.
- Color Code:
Gold- His hair is kept down because he was called cute once because of it, didn't know how to feel about it, and never changed it since he will normally keep it exactly as is. Because of this, he has become a good barber for himself and others.
- He is a good cook, this came out of the need to survive than anything else, everyone else in his 'family' creates war crimes and call it food.
- Desmond likes animals with his favorites being cats, he isn't fond of dogs as they bring up bad memories.
- His last name is Catulus as he has no last name he remembers, they gave him the last name Catulus as it means whelp.