Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia's breathing was soft and shallow, but she was still breathing at least. Soul returned quickly with Sparky after the explosion of power, he moved to set her gently beside Niccia, trying to get the small pokemon safely in the lap of Michael before he moved to look at Niccia.
He gave her a once over and paused, moving off quickly back to where the orbs, the shard and the feather was, gently picking up the feather and quickly returned to Michael. Niccia's breathing seemed to stabilize a bit better when Sparky was brought to Michael.

Missy scampered over to climb to Sparky, her tail between her legs. "Sparky! Friend, are you okay? Are you alive??" She barked in fear.
"She should be fine." Yalgai said as she followed Soul over, gently kneeling by Niccia once Andy stood back up. She notioned with her hands to her brothers to check the gate as she stood by Michael and Niccia. "Once the garbage at the gate with Necrozoma is finished, I'll get someone to heal her a bit better." She started before Soul gave a small chuckle.
"Or if we have any healing items, we could see if they work on her since she's still a Pokemon." He chuckled before Yalgai moved to gently pick Sparky up from Michaels' grip. "I wish this was as easy for me to do to Niccia, but I can at least help with Sparky."
She lifted her hand, runes slowly shaping down her arms and some sparks echoed through the air. The sparkles crackled for a moment before Sparky's chest seemed to take a large intake of air as she coughed loudly. "It's alright." Yalgai cooed, "You're alive, you're okay." She said to her softly, to anyone looking in, this would be out of character for such a 'harsh' legendary, "Mamma's got you, mamma's got you baby." She rubbed her head softly, watching Sparky shudder in her arms as she started to twitch and breathe.

Kyio quickly followed her brother, looking over towards Yalgai as she went to the aid of their shared child. She looked to her brother with a weak smile, "Definitely the most... Interesting StarFall we've had in a while." She joked as they neared where Arceus had landed.
Lecrero had landed twice, bouncing the first time and slamming into the dirt on his back in a small crater. His chest rose and fell shakily, but his head was off to the side and a bit of blood had pooled around his head.
What seemed to be a black inky mess seemed to have splattered around the impact area.

Necrozoma was hit by the Bug Buzz and shook it off as he let out a growl, he looked up to Nethan as he watched both the Mewtwo's suddenly pull psychic energy around their hands.
"Am I not a legendary?" He asked as he pulled himself up, if he was in his humanoid form he would have had a coy grin on his face, "Am I not one of your own? Brother? Sister?" He looked between the two he was related to, glancing to the kids before he turned his attention back towards Nethan, "Hah! You'd really expect me to come alone?" He chuckled as he lifted his hands slowly, wormholes started to twist around him, before he was slammed in the chest by another attack from Luna, despite the injuries that Necrozoma had caused her.
"You say you're here." She started, her breathing partially heavy as she felt the tingling run through her body more, "As family, and yet. You try to attack us? What do you really want?" She hissed as she limped slightly closer to Necrozoma, she wanted to keep her kids safe, she wanted to keep her husband safe and more importantly, there were humans here, they needed to stay safe too.

Necrozoma winced at his own wounds before he sneered towards Luna, "Fine!" He hissed, "I want power, I want either you or Ra to fuse with me so I can achieve my final form. I need the power to do something."
Luna dropped her hands as she limped towards Necrozoma, stopping barely feet away from him. "Will this thing you need power for injure anyone innocent?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. Her guardian stepped forward before Luna lifted a wing to call her off.
Necrozoma watched Luna get closer to him, his glanced towards Ra, knowing how protective he was over his wife and kids. He glanced to everyone who was around him, even if he managed to summon a few of his Ultra Beasts to fight, he'd risk being pushed back through the portal without a step closer to his plan. He mulled over the words as Luna seemed to stare daggers at him, "Answer me brother, or I will blast you through this portal." She growled, the colour of her galaxy patterned parts flooded red slightly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Michael gently touched Niccia's face, stroking her cheek with his fingers. Sure, his uncle was confident she would be okay, and the others didn't seem worried either, but his heart ached. The last thing he wanted was for her to disappear from his life. Would her life always be this dangerous, with first Darkrai and now Arceus. And whatever was going on at the gate.

Andy stayed with his nephew, but his eyes were fixed on the gate where his Pokémon were fighting against Necrozoma. He trusted their ability, but he still worried a little about their well-being. There wasn't a whole lot he could do, but in the very least he could keep an eye on the situation.

"True," Harcu agreed. When he reached Arceus, he crouched down and touched his forehead. "You're not looking too well," he said to him. "But I hope you're feeling more like yourself again."
He didn't need to share with Arceus what their he already head. Especially because it didn't look like Arceus was dying. Badly injured without a doubt, but a Pokémon like Arceus wasn't easily defeated.

"Luna," Ra said as he stepped closer. "Get back. Don't get too close before you even know what he wants." He would protect his wife at all costs and he kept a close eye on Necrozoma's movements.
Nathan nodded to himself. "Yes, explain yourself. What do you need to do that required more power. Maybe we can help. We are, after all, family." He wasn't in the least bit inclined to give Necrozoma what he wanted, unless he wanted to do something good for a change.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia suddenly gave a heave of breath before coughing as she rolled closer to Michael. She mumbled something under her breath and moved her hands to pull Michael's hand back to her cheek. "Soft touch..." She mumbled in her native language, a small smile across her face.
Fez held the new Mew egg as he walked to Niccia and Michael, making sure he didn't drop the egg as he got to them. "How did I end up on egg duty?" He grumbled before he looked to Michael with a small smile, "This doesn't happen every StarFall, I promise." He said with a weak smile, "I'm sorry that this had to happen on the one you arrived."

Yalgai put Sparky on the ground gently and headed towards her brothers as they headed towards the gate, their father would be looked after by the two that went to him. "What did I miss?" She asked to Dialga, as she readied herself in case she needed to help.

Lecrero let out a bit of a groan before Kyio slid down the crater to help him up. Kyio helped their father into a sitting position before she gave him a soft smile and cupped his cheek with her hand before she suddenly gave a frown to him.
"What in the realms were you thinking!" She yelled at him, before composing herself and standing up, looking to the inky mess around them. "Darkrai." She said with a frown, "Malamar specifically, but definitely from Darkrai." She moved to rummage through her pockets, "Got a bottle or something on you brother?" She asked Harcu with a tilt of her head.

Lecrero flinched from Kyio's yell before he started to zone back in properly, he moved his hand to wipe his mouth, seeing the blood on his gloves before he sighed.
"My apologies my children." He said softly, his voice croaky and winded. "I'd be lying if I said I don't know what got over me." He continued with a frown. "Is Niccia..." He started before his voice trailed off.

Luna nodded at Ra's words, she knew what she was doing; but it was always nice to have Ra behind her back. Necrozoma sneered at everyone as they seemed to wait to hear what he had to say; the truth was, he was embarrassed about what it was.
"Why would you want to help me?" He hissed towards Nathan with a narrowing of his eyes.
"Vatier." Luna said Sternly, the large black pokemon freezing as he heard his name before he looked to Luna as he seemed to pull in on himself. "Just tell us."
"Humans." Vatier started, dropping to his knees and twisting into his humanoid form, his black cloak draping over his entire body as he sat on his knees. "They... Caught my children. I couldn't save them."
Luna held her breathe as she watched her brother change, and glanced back towards Ra to see if he believed it. Necrozoma barely ever shifted unless it was important, he was able to use his Pokemon form to get away with anything.
But when did Necrozoma have children? Luna thought to herself. Has he been hiding them from Arceus in fear of what would happen?
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Contest Mod Seen 5 hrs ago

The coughing and rolling made Michael sigh in relief, and he smiled a bit when Niccia grabbed his hand. He only glanced briefly at Fez before returning his attention to Niccia. "I'm sure you would have warned my if this was usual," he said, and he didn't sound upset about it. With Niccia seemingly getting better he wasn't angry, just worried this could happen again.

"We're about to find out," Dialga answered as he watched the events at the gate and waited for what Vatier had to say for himself.

Harcu frowned and was about to say he hadn't brought anything useful to the party since he hadn't expected there would be problems that required items to solve, when one of the humans and a Furret joined them.

"I've got a clean empty water bottle and a couple of potions we can empty if all you require is the bottle," Andy said. He had wandered in this direction, as he thought he could be of more use here than at the already crowded gate, and he wanted to give the couple a moment to themselves. He turned to Kim. "Will you..."
Even before he could finish his sentence, Kim nodded and with an Agility rushed to where Andy had dropped his backpack.

As Kim went for the backpack, Andy glanced in the direction of Michael and Niccia when Lecrero asked about her. "She's alive," he said to answer Lecrror's unfinished question. "Still hurt and I have no idea about internal damage, but alive at least."

Meanwhile, Kim reached the bagpack put it over her shoulders and rushed back to them, where she opened the bag and searched for a bottle to give to Kyio.

Ra watched Vatier change as he dropped to his knees. Children? Since when? Ra caught Luna's glance and shifted back into his human form.
"Your children are caught," he repeated. "How many do you have and who are they?"
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Fez gave a weak smile to Michael as he replied, he looked to the egg again and looked to Niccia. He hesitated before he walked over and sat beside her quietly, moving her tail very gently to touch the egg. "I hope she doesn't think that Lecrero is replacing her because he hates her." He said softly, looking up towards Michael with a worried look on his eyes. "She's one of his first, he..." Fez trailed off with a frown as he looked to the ground. "He's just protective, having her out in the world and not have someone essentially 'holding her place' just doesn't sit right with him."
Niccia's tail instinctively coiled around the egg and pulled it slightly closer to her as she snuggled closer to Michael. "Egg..." Niccia mumbled softly.

Lecrero looked up to Andy as he spoke to him, slightly surprised that the human would even dare speak to someone like him; especially after what happened. "My apologies for my actions." He said softly before he watched the Furret move to grab the bag and the bottle.
Kyio relaxed a bit before she looked over towards Kim as she offered the bottle. "Thank you my dear." She moved to gently rubbed the Furrets head. She took the empty water bottle and moved to kneel down towards the ground, moving to gently scoop up the gunk that had fallen around Lecrero.
"Definitely Malamar Ink." Kyio spoke to her brother carefully, a frown on her face before she looked warily towards Lecrero. "Brother can... I have a word with you?"

Vatier hesitated before speaking, looking to the ground before he closed his eyes. "Five." He spoke.
"What?" Luna asked with a tilt of her head, stepping slightly closer to her brother- despite the fear flooding through her that it may be a trick.
"Five children." Vatier managed to speak again, looking up as small trail of tears dripped down his cheeks. "A young Abra, Two Ralts twins- a girl and a boy-, A Rufflet and a Aipom." His voice cracked. "Humans... By the stars they... They took them."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"I can't speak for her," Michael replied, "nor can I give an informed answer. But from my point of view, this should have been communicated before it had happened, not surprise her with it during a party. From what I gathered, Gavin was not happy about it, and both were surprised by it."
He showed a smile when Niccia seemed instinctively protective of the egg. Well, it was of her kind after all.

"You should rest," Andy said, not accepting or refusing the apology as he felt it wasn't his place to do so. He hadn't been harmed in any way and no-one had died. Although at this point it wasn't certain that wouldn't still happen. Instead he watched what Kyio was doing.

Harcu mirrored the look of his sister and nodded when she requested to speak to him. This human seemed somewhat capable of looking after their father, as much as humans were able to do such a task, and walked away so they could talk in peace. Malamar Ink. He mused about it for a moment before turning to Kyio. "Malamar Ink," he repeated out loud.

Ra frowned as he thought about the words. "I'm sorry to hear that, brother," he said eventually. "If we can help..." he began and then he glanced in the direction of Michael. "Well, there are humans here. Maybe they can be of more assistance than we can be. I don't mingle with humans more than absolutely necessary."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Fez nodded at Michael's words, "I completely agree. Sadly Lecrero isn't the best at... Communicating." He said as he watched Niccia carefully, "I'm sure it was a surprise for Niccia, and Gavin is... I love him but he's incredibly stubborn and hot headed. I'm hoping that someone will fix that in him but I'm never too sure." Fez glanced down to Niccia as she stirred again, "Hopefully she'll wake soon. I'm hoping the crowd over there doesn't get violent."
Niccia grumbled and scrunched her nose slightly, moving closer into Michael and moving to wrap her arms around his. Her tail slowly tightening on the egg.

Kyio lead Harcu slightly away from Andy and Lecrero. "I worry that Darkrai managed to get too close to father already." She started with a frown, lifting up the bottle for him to see the ink shimmer and twist in the light. "This is a higher concentrate of ink, I believe he may... Be planning something big and dangerous." She glanced to Andy before looking towards Michael and Niccia. "I don't wish to intervene with Niccia's mission, and I know Darkrai won't go after the new Mew, he wants Niccia specifically..." She trailed off with a bit more of a frown.
"I'm worried."

Lecrero nodded at Andy as he spoke, moving to weakly stand up and looked to Kim, "She is faithful to you." He said with a small smile, offering his hand down. "I'm... Surprised at that but I guess I haven't spoken to a trainer Owned Pokemon in a while." He looked up to Andy, "Did you gain her as a Sentret?" He asked softly.
His mind drifted to Eros, maybe having him go out with a trainer might make him stronger...?

Luna frowned at Vatiers words and offered her hand to let him up. "Please ask the Humans." She said with a soft voice, "They'll help I promise, Niccia is among them so we can trust them. She'll do it for nothing."
Vatier took Luna's hand as she pulled him up, feeling a pulse of her power flood through him before he let her go. "Sorry." He said before he looked at Ra with a nod. "Thank you... For giving me a chance." He said before he closed his eyes. "Can... You go speak to the humans? I don't have... good reputation."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 5 hrs ago

Michael gently held Niccia as she wrapped her arms around his. His fingers trailed over her face as he just watched her. He wasn't worried anymore, she moved around and at least had a subconscious knowledge of where everyone was. There was no doubt she'd wake up soon. Even his uncle hadn't found this interesting enough to stay, which said something.

"If they start to fight, I will," Lyste began, but then stopped when he realised he wasn't even sure what he would do. "I'm sure she'll wake up soon," he muttered instead and gently poked Niccia with his snout.

"Hmmmhm," Harcu hummed in an agreeing way. "This is bad news. We can't leave father alone, who knows what may happen when we do." He gestured to the bottle. "This is only the beginning. Niccia fought bravely and father is himself again, but this is not the end of it. Darkrai will strike again, if not here and now it will happen later."
He narrowed his eyes as he watched Michael. "I hope that human has strong Pokémon with him. If Darkrai can't get to Niccia, he'll hurt her in the worst way he can imagine. Taking that boy away from her might just be his way to make her come close to him, or he'll use him to hurt her." His eyes moved further over the crowd. "We need to have a word with Gavin."

"Nope," Andy said. "She was already a Furret when I met her. And she met my Primeape first. I'd love to think she joined my team because I'm just amazing, but I think she enjoyed Bear's company."
"It could be both," Kim said.
"Or both," Andy repeated. "The only real mystery is is why Merlin is in my team. I don't think he likes me all that much."

Ra nodded. "Of course. You are my brother after all." He still didn't feel completely comfortable leaving Luna alone with him and he hesitated before going to the humans
Nethan picked up on this. "I'll go ask the humans," he said. "You stay with your children." He nodded to them and turned around to walk towards Michael and Niccia. Now he noticed Niccia was lying on the ground, but nothing here seemed to indicate something serious was going on.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia let out a soft mumble as Michael touched her face gently, letting out a soft huff from her nose. "Mmm..." She grumbled as she seemed to stir. "Sparky." She said out loud, moving to lift her head slightly with a wince. "Where's Sparky?" Her eyes started to open weakly, her vision fuzzy. "Is Arceus okay? Where's... The Egg?"
Fez moved to put his hand gently on Niccia's arm as she started to ask where everyone was. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
"Don't worry about me, How's Father? Where's Sparky?" Niccia said, trying to pull herself up with a wince.

"The Glittery one is okay." Yalgai said softly from behind the two of them, holding Sparky calmly in her arms with Missy on her shoulder looking over. "She's still out of it but she's breathing." She looked down to the small creature in her arms, hushing her and rocking her back and forth quietly. "It's okay baby, Mamma has you. Mamma's here."
Sparky's ears flicked as her two main eyes opened slowly, followed by her secondary eyes, which all blinked out of sync as she reached her paws up to touch the Giratina's face.

Kyio looked over towards Michael as her brother spoke quietly, "I'm... Sure they'll be fine." She said hesitantly, her eyes moving towards Lytse, to Missy, and then to Sparky. "They're young, but these Pokemon will protect their trainers. You've seen what the teeny one can do; as soon as she can learn to master her powers I'm sure she'll be a great protector for the New Mew." She trailed off at the idea before she glanced towards the crowd, "I can nab him for you if you wish?" She asked with a small smile.

Lecrero turned his attention back to Andy after a moment. "My apologies for asking," He started, "How competent of a trainer is your child and Niccia?" He tilted his head slightly, lifting his arm to summon his Protector; the large Bouffuant coming to his side carefully and let out a loud huff towards Kim as his eyes stayed on the Pokemon rather than her trainer.
"Will you collect my little one, I believe I have found who I wish for him to live with." He spoke, looking to his guardian. The Bouffuant nodded once and finally pulled his attention away from the Furret and started in a soft trot towards where Eros was hiding.

"Thank you Nethan." Luna said to him as he walked off, looking back to her brother and let his arm go; watching as he let go voluntarily. "I Appreciate your cooperation brother." She said softly with a small smile, "We feared you were here for a negative reason."
"Admittedly I came to get power." Vatier spoke, shame in his voice, "But I'm not one to overlook reason and help when it is offered to me."
"Where is your guardian?" A voice came from behind Luna, A Xatu stepped out from behind the Gliscor and Typhlosion.
"Theta." Luna addressed her sons Guardian.
"Where is he?" Theta asked again, her eyes narrowing.
Vatier fell silent again, looking away from the Xatu's gaze as she asked questions. "They took him."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 5 hrs ago

Michael put a hand on Niccia's shoulder to stop her from getting up. "Don't try to get up yet. Your father..." He scanned the area to see where he was; he hadn't kept track of that while worrying for Niccia. "Your father seems to feel well enough to talk with my uncle, which is which is a good sign, and the egg is still in one piece." He turned his attention to her again. "Rest, please."
While he did notice one of the legendary Pokémon came in their direction, he kept his attention on Niccia.

Harcu made an amused sound when his sister said she was sure they'd be fine; her tone was more in line with how he felt about it. But she did have a point, those Pokémon were young and small, but had potential. Sparky was a special case. That Poochyena felt familiar, and there was something about that Cyndaquil too that he couldn't put his finger on. Like a familiar scent.
But why was Nethan approaching them?
"Hm?" he replied when spoke again. "Oh yes, please nab him."

As the Bouffuant huffed and looked at her, Kim pulled her tail close around her body and averted her eyes. Suddenly she felt a hand on her head and she looked at Andy who had his attention on Arceus.
"He's not my child," Andy corrected him. "He's my brother's child. And... I'd love to tell you he is an accomplished trainer, but he hasn't been travelling with Pokémon that long. He has the necessary theoretical knowledge and lots of kindness, but not a lot of battling experience yet. That being said, he survived being taken by Darkrai once and has a couple of gym badges. And that small Cyndaquil will go into the Distortion World and back if Michael is in trouble."

With the troubles at the gate seemingly over, most legendary Pokémon scattered again. It seemed like the party could continue again. Netherlu trailed behind Nethan, the gate wasn't as exciting as it was before, and he had his own reason for taking a moment to talk with Michael. He had spotted Lytse. But he'd allow Nethan to do the serious talk first.

Tanter joined Luna, Ra, and Vatier. "They, as in the humans who took your children?" he asked. He understood Vatier. He didn't know how many of their legendary family had descendants among the Pokémon, but he knew his brother and sister both had them, just like he did. And he worried about his offspring sometimes. Based on the story, Saruya had ended up with bad humans before Michael came along. It had angered him to learn that. "I will definitely help you to get your children back," he offered.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia relaxed as Michael moved to keep her down, "But I need to-" She started before the mention of the Egg entered her mind she instinctively moved to move it into her lap and held onto it carefully. "Egg." She mumbled softly, moving to press her forehead to the egg with a small sigh.
"My sibling." She said as she pulled her head away from the Egg and looked to Michael with a small smile, "Father's talking to Andy? Wow, today is a day for many firsts." She gave a small smile, before Yalgai moved to place Sparky on the ground beside them both before Missy came over and tackled her friend over and the two small Pokemon playfought on the ground happily.

Kyio nodded to Harcu before she softly headed over towards Gavin. "May my brother and I have a word?" She asked, watching as Gavin turned to face her and hesitantly looked towards the other Mewtwo before he nodded and followed Kyio back to Harcu.
"Is something wrong?" Gavin asked with a tilt of his head, "It's not Niccia is it?" He watched Harcu carefully.

Lecrero nodded at Andy's words, mulling over the words. He hesitated and looked up and over to Michael as Andy mentioned Darkrai.
"Darkrai has targeted the boy?" He asked, worry through his voice; before he paused and nodded to himself. "Of course, someone close to Niccia. Mmm, troubling." He said mainly to himself before he looked towards Andy again. He was about to speak before Varina hopped over to Andy and Kim carefully, rolling a Pecha berry for Kim.
"I thought you'd be hungry. I haven't seen you have some food yet." The Spiritomb said softly to the Furret before Lecrero moved to scoop her off the ground.
"It's good to see you well." Lecrero said to her softly, "I'm glad someone good ended up with Varina. I was worried she would have to be a casualty in the plans." He frowned slightly. "I hate having to harm Guardians..."

Vatier looked to Tanter as he came over, hesitating before he nodded softly. "They almost got me but... I had to use too much energy to escape and I...-" He started before Theta moved to gently touch the arm of the legendary.
"You don't have to defend yourself. We believe you." She said softly, Luna nodding.
"If humans had my babies I..." Luna started before she shuddered, "I'm not going to go into the idea of it. I'll get too angry too quickly."
"I appreciate the help." Vatier said to Tanter quickly, watching Hyja for a moment. "The New Mewtwo is... Very different to Gavin..." He uttered, more to himself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 5 hrs ago

"Looks like it," Michael said when he too looked at Lecrero and his uncle. From what he could tell, the conversation was serious but friendly. He couldn't hear a word they were saying, but he had seen his uncle in formal and informal settings and it wasn't that hard to read his body language.
The playing Pokémon tore his attention away from them and he watched Missy for a bit, before returning his attention to Niccia and showing a smile. "How are you feeling?" he asked her.

As Michael asked his question, Nethan joined them and waited patiently for Niccia to answer before he would relay Vatier's request.

Harcu's eyes travelled from Gavin to Niccia, and back to Gavin. He shook his head. "No, Niccia seems to be fine. It's father we are worried about. We fear Darkrai has gotten too close to him. We found Malamar Ink. We were able to stop this now because we were together and we could create that orb for Sparky to use, but..." He glanced at Lecrero. "I'm not even certain if father is fully clean. I hope that explosion expelled everything, but..." His voice trailed off and his forehead rippled as he thought about it.

Kim thanked Varina for the berry and started eating it. As she did, she watched Lecrero pick up the former guardian and was worried for a split second, but relaxed at the warm greeting of Arceus.

"I enjoy having her in my team," Andy said, "but now that we're here I probably need to ask about what usually happens with ex-guardians. Can she stay with me?"
If the answer wouldn't be yes... well, it was a shame he had only Kim with him at the moment.

Tanter examined the new Mewtwo for a moment and shrugged. "Haven't had a chance to talk with her yet. But no-one can replace the delight that is Gavin," he added jokingly. Maybe Gavin wasn't around to hear it, but he would have said it with Gavin in ear-shot just the same. He laughed a bit and gave Vatier a pat on the back. "I'm sure Nethan will bring back good news. I had a moment to speak with them and they are good humans."
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Niccia let out a soft sigh, giving a gentle nod. "I'm... Okay. Sore, but I'm sure I'm fine." She looked to the Egg in her tail and moved it into her arms carefully, "I'm just glad everything went well in the end." She looked up towards Nethan for a moment and gave a smile. "Hello friend!" She said with a happy smile, "Michael this is Nethan, he's Kyruem!"
The Egg pulsed gently in Niccia's arms, warming up a little in her presence. Something moved inside, a small crack just appearing on the tip of the egg.

Gavin straightened up a little, looking at Harcu as he spoke before looking to Kyio. "And, you're sure it's not Hoopa's guardian?" He asked with a frown. "He might have been here before us and I'm sure that they could-"
"It's too dark purple for Hoopa's guardian." Kyio said softly, "This can only be Darkrai's doing."
Watcher slowly walked to the group quietly, his hands behind his back as he looked between his siblings and looked to Gavin with a soft nod. "My apologies for the interruption." He said softly, the Gligar on his back gently popping her head up to say hello.
"Do not apologize, I'm happy to have you here." Kyio said with a soft smile, waving gently to Ipherias as she poked her head up. "I was just wondering if you got what I was asking you?"
Watcher nodded softly, "There's no sign of Darkrai being here, and Hoopa came after us and I haven't seen his guardian." He said, looking to Gavin with a small nod. "I understand the worry."

Lecrero looked up from Varina to Andy as he spoke, "She's more than welcome to stay with you!" He said with a jovial smile, "She's part of your family now, She accepted the Pokeball from you. I would never take that away from you." She offered Varina back to Andy gently before he looked down to Kim quietly and knelt to gently pet her head. "You know, I know another Furret; well I've known many Furrets, but the one I know had the brightest Pink fur. She was very kind, much like you."
He pulled his attention back to Andy with a bigger smile, "As for Ex-Guardians... Usually they get passed to the next Legendary, sometimes they're caught by Humans much like you. Sometimes they come to me, Or... Well, Pray to me, to become a normal wild Pokemon again and I don't want the Guardians in a spot where they are uncomfortable." He explained gently, "I make sure that those going to become Guardians know what they're in for."
Lecrero look a second to glance towards Sparky as she ran around with Missy playfully.

Vatier was surprised at the sudden touch of Tanter, flinching slightly before he looked to the other Legendary and smiled softly. "I'm glad they're good humans, I hope they can help in some way. I don't want my children harmed, I doubt any of us with normal Pokemon as children would want to see them harmed."
Luna nodded gently, "Exactly." She started, "I've seen Yalgai get very angry at the idea of Sparky getting harmed at all. If my little ones got hurt I would lose my shit." Vatier looked to Luna in surprise at her language before he swallowed quietly. He has been away from everyone for a long time, he was surprised at everyones sudden openness as well.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"It's a pleasure," Nethan said to Michael, "but I've come for more than pleasantries. You see..." he looked back to Vatier. "His children were stolen by humans and he needs help to get them back." He glanced to Michael. "I'm certain you understand why I'm coming to you."
Michael nodded. The legendary Pokémon may be strong, but who knew humans better than other humans?
"So when you can," Nethan continued and he smiled at Niccia. "When you can stand again. I would appreciate it if you'd have a word with Vatier."
"Of course," Michael replied and he turned to Niccia. "If you can walk."

"This may happen again," Harcu said, looking at each of his conversation partners. "One guardian, as strong as he may be, isn't enough. We have our duties in the world from which we cannot stray, but we must find a way to look after father as well. Whether there is any residu, or Darkrai will manage to do this again, this is more than one guardian can handle."

Kim seemed happy with the pat, and continued to listen to what was being said.
"I'm glad to have her in my family," Andy commented. "She'll be the perfect paperweight on my desk!"
Kim's ears twitched and she looked up.
"Joking, of course," Andy quickly said. "But it'll be good to have another female in the team. Poor Kim has been surrounded by males for so long. And we would have been lost without her. Benny is the only one decent at household chores. I'm too lazy, Merlin considers it beneath him, Bear... tends to break things..."

"Come, let's have a drink," Tanter said, gesturing to the table full of filled glasses. "You just arrived, you didn't have anything to eat or drink yet."
It looked like their father hadn't noticed Vatier yet, or he didn't care he was here. "Father seems to be talking with one of the human guests. There was a bit of an issue going on there, but I don't know the finer details yet." He noticed Gavin, Hacru, Kyio and Watcher all together, and having rather serious discussion as well. None of them paid much attention to Vatier; any glances were in the direction of their father.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia's eyes widened at the mention of Vatier, and especially his children. She was deflated how humans could dare do that, but she shook it off and gave a smile. "I can walk." She said towards Michael and bowed her head to Nethan. "Thank you for coming to us, It's a pleasure to see you." She said before she moved to stand slowly; the egg gave another pulse of energy as more cracks forms as the blue outline started to glow brightly.
Niccia winced and closed her eyes at the light as it started to get too bright for her before the weight in her arms shifted slightly as the egg cracked and disappeared. The weight change caused Niccia to stumble before she fell back onto her butt, holding the new Mew in her arms. This Mew looked similar to her own Pokemon form; but his ears were blue, his left foot was blue and his tail was blue as well.

Watcher nodded to Harcu as he spoke, "I can leave some of my cells to care for him?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "I could even call in a couple of my babes for help too." Kyio nodded gently at Watcher's words.
"If you can live without some cells that could work, possibly if you have children that would look after him; I'm sure he'd argue but it would be a good idea." She said as she looked to Harcu, "Have you got little ones yourself? I coparent Sparky, but.. I have a couple of my own." Her face deepened in colour as she said the words.
Gavin listened quietly, thinking to the Pokemon he carried with him and tried to think of one of them he could leave behind.

Lecrero smiled to Andy as he mentioned that he was glad to have Varina in his party, "I am very glad that she'll be loved. The poor thing has been brutally abused from Darkrai." His smile faded for a moment as he watched Varina as she winced slightly. "As long as you keep her safe from him and don't abuse her any more, I see only good things for this little one." He looked to Andy with a serious look before giving a soft smile, "Spiritomb are said to be evil spirits trapped in the keystone, but I can assure you, not all of them are terrible. That is a rumour that the humans of Hisui created."
Varina sighed, "Not the best rumour for my species, but what can we do." She said quietly.

Vatier gave a smile to Tanter, "Of course." He said as he followed the other legendary, "Things have already gone down before I showed myself?" He laughed slightly, "I would love some food, I used a lot of energy against the humans to try and get them back, plus managing to get here quickly." He moved to rub his neck in embarrassment, "Of course, I'm definitely sorry that whole... scene." He admitted, "I wasn't fully thinking straight, I was terrified about my children, I wanted power immediately to go back and unleash hell but..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 5 hrs ago

Michael averted his eyes when the egg shone brightly; it reminded him of the light of an evolution. When Niccia fell he quickly bent down to help her up, looking at the new Mew. This one had some blue on its body. It looked cute. Niccia would have a similar form. He glanced at her; it was difficult to imagine her as a Mew, he had only ever seen her in her humanoid form. Thinking of her as Mew, well, he preferred not to.

Nethan smiled as the egg hatched; the birth of a new legendary Pokémon was a rare thing.
"I will present the new Mew to father," he offered. "Then you two can talk with Vatier. That's not a conversation a new Mew should be bothered with."

Hacru nodded to Watcher as well, that would work. It would allow them all to return to their tasks as well.
As Kyio spoke to him, he watched her with a blank expression, not blinking at her question or her blush, standing tall with a straight back. "I am known as life giver," he simply stated as he crossed his arms. "That does not limit to just flowers and trees."

Andy shrugged a bit at the rumour. "Humans claim so much. It's what I like about my job, I observe Pokémon to see how they behave and get to destroy persistent myths." He turned to Lecrero. "I'm glad to see you're okay, but I'm going back to my date. I've neglected her far too long now." He glanced aside when light caught his eyes and noticed Niccia fall. "It looks like you have someone to talk to as well."
He turned to Kim, who almost squealed when she saw the egg hatch. "Go on, I know you want to check it out."
Kim didn't need more encouragement and ran on all fours to check out the newly hatched Mew.

Tanter nodded. "I'm not saying you did the right thing, but it is StarFall and you are family." He walked with him to where the food was and grabbed one of pastries. He sniffed it carefully, having never had one before, and took a bite.
Human food was awfully sweet but it wasn't that bad, he decided.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia winced at the egg hatching but looked at her new 'brother' in her arms, "Oh..." She said quietly, watching the small creature look at her with widened eyes before they moved to gently hug her hands to his chest. Niccia watched the small pokemon in her arms before Nethan spoke, breaking her thoughts before she weakly nodded but kept the little one in her arms.
"Can... I hold him for a bit longer?" She asked before Kim ran over, "Hello darling!" She greeted the Furret happily. She moved the little Mew down for her to get a better look, gently placing him quietly on the ground before she looked to Michael. She moved over to him as he helped her up and gently kissed his nose.
"I'm okay, my love." She said softly to him.

The new Mew watched Kim carefully, lifting his paws up to gently reach out to her with a tilt of his head. He let out a small squeak and mumble towards her as he leaned forward, almost falling into the grass if Niccia's tail didn't move to gently stabilize him.

Kyio's blush only got deeper at her brothers words, "Of course." She said with a soft smile, "It was silly of me to even ask." She glanced to Watcher carefully. "How many little ones do you have?" She asked, Watcher only smiled in response.
"A few." He replied softly, "I'm sure father will enjoy having more little ones around; Of course it seems that Eros has taken a liking to the humans, so he'll need something to look after." Watcher said with a small smile, before he looked to Harcu, "You have kids that are Deerling np? I have met a Sawsbuck who speaks very highly of you." He said to his brother with a wink.

"Ah, you are a professor then?" Lecrero asked with a tilt of his head before he watched Kim and Andy interact and watched the little Furret head off. "Oh! The Egg has hatched, I am glad that we were around for it." He said as he clasped his hands together, "Would you join me to see the newborn?" He offered to Andy with a tilt of his head, "But if you wish to go back to Frosiien instead that is fine." Lecrero nodded with a smile, "She's a kind one, be nice to her, okay?" He smiled before he walked towards where the new Mew was.

Vatier nodded with a smile, moving to try some pastries and a small glass of liquid that glimmered in the light. "Ah, Aguav Berry Juice?" He asked as he glanced around, "Of course Father wishes to be reminded of his home." He laughed a little before he looked around for the Weather Trio, "Do... They know about their sister yet? Or has father not mentioned anything?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"You do what you think is best," Nethan replied. "I only came here to deliver the message and ask for assistance." After a final glance at the newhatched Mew, he nodded a greeting and walked away.

"I'm glad about that," Michael replied, wrapping his arms around her. He glanced in the direction of legendary Pokémon, when he realised Nethan hadn't even said his name, but from what he had seen happen at the gate - the few times he had glanced in that direction to see what was happening - the person with Tanter was Necrozoma. He only knew him from a book, of course, but that knowledge combined with what he had seen made him decide to be careful around him. But that was for when they'd go over there and he turned his attention to the new Mew. It was adorable, and it was obvious Kim felt the same way.
The moment the little Mew seemed to fall forward, the Furret moved to catch him, but stopped when she noticed Niccia had him.
"Aren't you a cute one!" she cooed.

Andy hesitated for a moment. New Mew was fascinating of course, but he figured everyone wanted to have a look at it, so he might as well do that with Frosiien. Instead of following Arceus, he went back to the most important one of this party.
"Sorry for abandoning you like that," he said. "I am all yours again."

Hacru smiled now and nodded. "A lovely Sawsbuck. We have several Deerling children who all live in the forest with me. Some of them... they don't seem to change their form when the season changes. Very peculiar, but I love them nonetheless."

Tanter looked from vatier to the weather trio. "I... don't know? They didn't say anything about their sister when we spoke." He turned back to Vatier. "Did something happen to their sister?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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Niccia nodded to Nethan with a soft smile before she looked to Michael and leaned into him happily. She glanced to where he was looking, looking over towards Vatier and Tanter before she breathed softly, enjoying his touch before her eyes drifted to the new Mew. She was surprised that she didn't feel a sting of anger or annoyance like Gavin did about being replaced; if it was before she became a proper trainer and met up with Michael, she probably would get pissy at Lercero for doing this to her... Now she just felt... right.
Being Replaced didn't feel like she was being simply replaced, she now had a younger sibling who had been put to her job while she was let to go whatever she wanted.

The new Mew's ears perked at Kims words, he looked straight towards her and grinned happily, continuing to waddle towards her before he gently flomped into her fur in a hug.
"Soft." He mumbled happily, "Friend."

Frosiien was sitting with her cousin Rorsh, gently plaiting her messy orange hair before she looked up to Andy as he came back. Frosiien gave a big smile before she tapped Rorsh on the shoulder and allowed her to stand before she gently grabbed her hands.
"Keep righting your sister okay? She's not going to hold your spirit back, you're a nutty, energetic lovely legendary. You're Kickass, remember?" She told her, Rorsh grinned and lifted her hands up in a fighting pose before giggling and running off.
Frosiien gave a soft smile before she shuffled over to Andy could sit beside her with a bigger smile. "I'm glad." She said as she moved to gently kiss him on the cheek when he sat down. "How was the talk to my father?"

Watcher smiled softly, nodding and happy to see his brother smiling, Kyio grinned as well.
"I have a few little ones, Most of them are little flying types. I have a couple of Murkrow Twins who are naughty kids; They live amongst the mess where I stay but they're good kids." She smiled before she looked back to Watcher. "Should we talk to father about our idea?"
Watcher nodded, "Of course, It would be good to find out what children father would like having look after him." He agreed before he looked to Harcu for his input.

Vatier frowned slightly, "I only recently learnt about their Sister, said to be a spirit of Hisui; Old Sinnoh." He started as he moved to rub his chin as he thought for a second, "Of course she's only rumours to the humans now, and I feel like the brothers would be trying to hide her as well. She didn't sound too nice."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 5 hrs ago

Kim gently held the new Mew and wrapped her tail around it. Newly hatched Pokémon were cute, and she adored this little fellow. "When you're ready, we'll go taste some berries and see what flavour you like best~"

Michael took a moment to just enjoy having Niccia with him, and with things settling down at the party he was starting to relax more. But Nethan's message stayed in the back of his head. Eventually he turned to Niccia "It looks like the new Mew is in good paws," he said, watching Kim for a moment. "Shall we go see Necrozoma?"

"Very interesting," Andy commented. "He seems to have recovered from whatever that was, and he told me I had to be nice to you." He glanced in the direction of where necrozoma had appeared. "Whatever was going on down there seems to have cooled down as well. You Legendary Pokepeople sure know how to make an exciting party!"

Harcu nodded. "Indeed, let's go. Father doesn't look to be otherwise engaged at the moment." He let out a gentle sigh. "I just hope he won't let his pride speak and say he doesn't need it. We can't exactly force him to accept it."
He started walking towards their father; this was something he didn't want to wait for the right opportunity to bring up. The right opportunity was right now.

"I see," Tanter said. "I'm sure father would know. I assume he created her like he created all of us." He stroke his moustache. "I admit I'm curious about her..." A faint smile broke through, "but it worries me that you, out of all of us legendaries, thinks she didn't sound too nice."
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