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Zeroth Post

"Things have changed, choom. Word on the streets are the corps are starting to fight again, with most the gangs weakened or just considered too much of a liability, Fixers in Night City have more gigs than ever before. The new owner of the Afterlife proved mercs are not to be underestimated any longer; welcome to the golden age of the merc!

Whether it's deckheads, cyborgs, techies, solos, or the odd nomad chasing something besides dust storms and smuggling routes--if you've got the cojones and the skill, legend and eddies are yours for the taking. One gonk move and it can all be over in a flash of gunfire or steel. Think you're ready? Chip on in, choomba, and let's find out."

- Trace Santiago, Night City Leak News

Welcome to the 5th Corporate War, a roleplay set in the cyberpunk dystopian future of Cyberpunk. Each player will be playing a Night City based Merc, though you'll be closer to a Jackie Welles than a Morgan Blackhand. So if you came to feel as bad-ass unstoppable as a Level 50 V from Cyberpunk2077...this is not the game for you. Sorry, choom.

The roleplay is a story driven affair, with plenty of space worked in for some semi-sandbox, create-your-own-storyline type of roleplaying between main Acts of the roleplay's plot. Despite the title of the game you will not be dropped into a red-hot shooting war between out of control corporations. Not to start with, anyway, and I guess we'll just have to see how player choice shapes the in-game universe.

Do you need to know Cyberpunk the RPG, or Cyberpunk Red the RPG for this RP? Nah, that's why I've gone through the corebook of Cyberpunk Red for you. You should probably have played the videogame, Cyberpunk2077 from CD Projekt Red, but hey if you really want to and think you can fake it using YouTube videos and wiki information...who are we to say hell naw?

@Ezekiel and I will be the GMs for this game.

Big thanks to @Hellion for graphics and @Lord Wraith for Character Sheet formatting.

Discord Invite Link

Tensions between corporate rivals was already high after the Reunification War, when Militech fueled NUSA tried to force all former US states and cities operating as Free States and Free Cities back into NUSA, only to have Arasaka show up off the North Californian coast and throw their support behind those states and cities not willing to reunify. The death of Saburo Arasaka and the inflammatory rhetoric and actions by Yorinobu Arasaka have only further inflammed the tensions of the two largest entities left on the planet.

Stuck right in the middle of the conflict is the sprawling North Californian metropolis of Night City. While they were able to holdoff both reunification, unlike Southern California, or wide-scale destruction like other Northern California cities, it came at the cost of letting large corporations back into their city with influence that hadn't been seen since the 2020s, and that only ended in the near destruction and nuclear fallout of Night City. What could go wrong?

Unlike the 2020s there are other forces at work in Night City now, entities that would see the balance of power in Night City changed for good while maintaining it's now largely unique status in North America as a truly Free City. In true Night City, and Cyberpunk, fashion those entities are happy to lay low in the shadows and use Mercs to do their dirty work. Lucky you. Hope your nerves are as ready as your cyberware and your steel, because the age of the Merc has been ushered in by V.

The fate of Night City will be in your hands, if you can hold on...

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sad Ogo
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Sad Ogo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am very interested. Provided I'm able to think up a compelling enough character I should have a sheet to submit by the end of the week.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sad Ogo
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Sad Ogo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Can I create a character not from the N.U.S.A? I've already read up on his home country and made sure my idea fits what lore there is.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Can I create a character not from the N.U.S.A? I've already read up on his home country and made sure my idea fits what lore there is.

Yes you can.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Bork Lazer
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Bork Lazer Struggle On

Member Seen 5 days ago

" Do no harm. Protect the client. Follow the rules.

That's what we were taught.

Awful hard to stand by that rule when everyone in this city's out to harm you."

//NAME: Connie Zhu / Hui Jiang

//STREET NAME: Scalpel

//GENDER: Female

//AGE: 36


- Trauma Team International (10 Years)

- Tyger Claws (3 Years)

- Afterlife Mercenary (Current)

//APPEARANCE: Connie embodies the spirit of a rough and tumble street hooligan caged by professionalism and conduct. Her curled hair is cut precisely in a bob cut, various knots interspersed throughout. Black bangs frame an angular face rimmed with eyebags and a pensive frown. Memories of a misspent youth mark her wiry body as dysfunctioning light-tattoos scribed in a fit of paternal rebellion blink all over her arms alongside a grievous burn mark on her neck as a result of hazing at TT bootcamp.

Scars of his time as a Trauma Team EMT riddle her body, dimpled pockets of faded bullet wounds glazing her chest, with a grievous jagged line of mottled skin crossing the flat of her belly By far, the most pressing reminder of her time in Trauma Team International is the sleek blue chrome that makes up most of her left arm and shoulder.

In terms of tactical gear, Connie uses a modified version of her old TT gear that has been jury-rigged by various techies over the years into something that looks downright primitive. When she’s not flatlining gangsters or busy resuscitating gonks, Connie wears an unassuming combination of chic gear, preferring a poncho hoodie that allows her to hide within crowds.


And thus, began Connie’s 20 weeks of hell. The first week, she couldn’t take shits properly as her body struggled to adjust to the near sadistic physical regimens her TO’s put through. TT bootcamp for her was a mixture of NCPD SWAT training and studying for a medical PhD. A TT EMT was expected to know the exact location of every single spinal nerve within the vertebral column and where exactly to administer epidural stims without a proper scan whilst being versed enough to commit hostage-rescue ops.

By the time Connie made it out and started her tours, she was tossed in the meat-grinder of NC’s combat zones. TTI was beginning to regrow the roots it had lost since the 4th Corpo War and with their growth in profits came the installation of new FOBs and offices across Night City and most of NUSA. Recruitment grew and after five years of service, Connie was promoted to the role of Senior EMT in the TTI. Connie grew in renown in TTI for both her compassionate treatment of non-clients as well as her almost suicidal tenacity to rescue her clients, the former of which her COs viewed as her being “ emotionally compromised on the line of duty”.

Then, it all came to shit one day. It was a normal call. A group of mercs who’d managed to pool together their eddies for one license in Heywood. A standard TT unit was assembled and when they got there, things seemed odd. No bodies on the ground. No signs of a firefight.

That was until their AV was crippled with a Kang-Tao EMP munition that sent Connie and her team tumbling down onto an electronics shop.

The situation had just transformed from a rescue to a firefight. The license was true and the client was injured but TTI had never considered that their client might have injured themselves on purpose. A group of Maelstroms had lured them into a trap with the goal being to hijack and commandeer their AV for their own use. Their comms were jammed thanks to Maelstrom netrunners.

Somehow, Connie and her team made it back to Watson with her team mostly unblemished and alive thanks to her leadership. However, with an arm missing and only a biro worth of blood left in her, Connie ended up on medical discharge for a month or so, receiving a new cybernetic arm courtesy of company policy and with over 2000 eddies of newly synthesized blood in her system.

Naturally, as TT began to reshuffle its books, Connie got axed off her position as Senior EMT. Elucidating the reasons behind her termination has been a constant source of frustration for Connie. Was it corporate backstabbing? One client complaint too many? Did her COs see her as a potentia liability? Regardless, she threw her generous severance package on the ground and with it, her company’s privileges. Whether out of good will or good luck, TTI didn’t stick to the standard protocol of removing company cybernetics, allowing Connie to retain much of her dignity as she packed her belongings and moved back to her familiar hometown of Little China in Watson.

No longer being a TTI employee, Connie hitched up with the Tyger Claws as a lone merc for a while under the employ of Wakoko Okada. Then, in 2077, when Arasaka Tower got hit for the second time in the 21st century, Connie found herself scratching the bottom of the barrel to find gigs and contracts to pass the time as mercs flooded the street, eager to pick up the remains of the Arasaka empire.

Nowadays, you can find her in some seedy corner of the Afterlife, schmoozing away on sake and reminiscing about the good old days of the 2050s.



1) Find out whoever fucking axed me from TTI and put their ass permanently in a cryo-bag.

2) Pay rent

3) Try to stop Dad’s hawker business from going under (and repair relationship?)

4) Find a good gig and fast.

//SKILLS: You don't become a senior Trauma Team EMT by pulling a few strings to work your way up the corporate hierarchy. Under Carrie Lachanan's guidance, the only way to move up the ladder is to prove yourself. Connie is a skilled paramedic and emergency surgeon, able to conduct routine amputations and open air surgeries to save an individual's life. If you don't want to be flatlined, she's the gun-toting angel you can rely on to save your ass from entering the pearly gates too early and having your sins judged by whatever cruel god made this sick joke of a world.

In addition, Connie is also trained in urban combat situations and hostage rescue operations, having coordinated a Trauma Team unit of her own for a period of five years before being terminated by TTI. Things often go pear-shaped in every Trauma Team call which has fostered a sense of adaptive intuition and reactive planning in Connie to allow her to respond to every situation with a calm and steady countenance.


KT G-75 Submachine Gun - "Xiao" : The bastardized inbred cousin of the tried and true iron of Trauma Team International. This sucker performs admirably in your typical firefights but without the fun of automated reloading , custom porting to ensure zero heating issues and hyper-spectral radar guidance system. It sure does sucks that your guaranteed, free company supply of guided 5.45 mm hollow-point gyro-ammo runs dry after you terminate your contract, doesn't it?

Don't answer that question.

Medkit - A titanium toolkit containing all the bells and whistles needed to conduct back-alley surgeries and med ops in the most hazardous of environments. From air-hypos filled with various stimulants, pressurized tanks full of liquid oxygen, bonesaws, scalpels, stents and the works. Just don’t expect Connie to work as a ripper doc. It’s not her specialty.

Modified Trauma Team BDU - Connie’s old TT uniform, now with several more holes, scratches and with that classic logo scratched off, lest, she wants to risk a corporate lawsuit. The shins and elbows of the suit have been reinforced with kevlar padding with a thick plate of ballistic armor-gel at the front to support her vitals.


TTI-ECP-G-2060-V4.5 Articulating M-Class Cyberlimb (Modified) - The best that the nano-surgeons and biosculpters of Trauma Team International have to offer. Composed out of a mixture of lightweight ceramics and hybrid alloy poly-laminates, this cybernetic limb allows a higher degree of rotation and flexibility than normal organic homologues, allowing full 360 degree rotation of ulnar-radial joints. In addition, the synthetic carbon-myofilaments allow Connie to crush metal in her grip.

In addition, this cyber-arm still contains the full integrated suite of surgical and medical equipment that Trauma Team International gives to veteran Trauma Team paramedics including but not limited to: a broad spectrum medscanner, a high-voltage defibrillator, a selection of automated hypodermic syringes and a suture applicator.

Biomonitor - A built-in biomonitor on Connie’s left arm that reads out her vital signs. Can be customized in a variety of 64 colors.

Defunct Smart-Link - Allows a user to interact with smart-weaponry if it was operational. Thanks to TTI's built in ICE, no ripper doc thus far has been able to crack through it to allow Connie to use it.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Sad Ogo
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Sad Ogo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Amazing face-claim editing done by Hellion.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Just a friendly reminder:

The CS format in this thread differs in terms of info asked for from the one found in Wraith's personal thread.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sad Ogo
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Sad Ogo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just a friendly reminder:

The CS format in this thread differs in terms of info asked for from the one found in Wraith's personal thread.

I shall edit my CS to reflect this. xD
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Ruby I sent one to you via pm didn't follow the fancy format but it still has all the same info and i still haven't gotten a reply.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 9 days ago

I'm gonna put my interest in here! Missed the interest check but I'll check this out now.

Will work on a CS in the coming days!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Ruby I sent one to you via pm didn't follow the fancy format but it still has all the same info and i still haven't gotten a reply.

Sorry! I'll have a look.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Tossing this up as a Work In Progress. Gotta capture a reference pic still, but figured I'd give people an idea of what I'm working on.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrutalBx


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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I have family visiting all week and won't be able to do anything productive outside answer questions until Saturday.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 9 days ago

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Discord is down, for those curious:

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Hellion
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Hellion Nulla Dies / Sine Linea

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alrighty...well, I see Discord has given me a break to focus on the rest of my CS so here's the 98% finished draft.

I pretty much need to add some "Known Associates" and should be good to go.

Some feedback on the history would be great, as there is A LOT going on with regard to the connection to certain lore characters, and I want to make sure there is cohesion.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fixer NPC posted.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I know that there's still much to do, but I finished with Bluejay's backstory. So hopefully, I get done with the rest of the sheet before the deadline.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interesting character concepts so far here and floated in the Discord.

Is worth noting when crafting your character that they'll want to be a Merc a Fixer would hire for a serious job.
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