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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway - Earth 257
Skills: Engineering

Cassandra watched as Sparky literally dragged Raynor off by the ear which was a little bit entertaining to watch as the door was closed behind the two of them. She looked up at Matt and gave him a loving smile and gently squeezed his hand back she figured that Raynor and her needed sometime to themselves as she turned her attention towards Darcy and Folly. Since they had the most up to date information on the reality that they were in. Though Folly wasnt really of much help, but at least Darcy was able to tell them some more. Apparently they had a civil war here as well to, though it ended up destroying the country by the looks of it, The Blue was the west coast and the Iron was the east coast it seemed. She wasnt sure who was the president of the Iron, maybe it was Guin, she wasnt really sure however.

The others seemed to be asking some of the questions right now, she looked around and noticed that there were various monitor's and a console nearby. "I'm going to see if I can get information on our counterparts." Cass said as she got up and moved over towards the console with the nearest monitor. She was able to pull up the SWORD database, seeing that she needed a password to get in, it took her a moment to think and luckily managed to guess her own counterpart's password easily. Cassandra decided to search Matt in the database but unfortunately she wasnt able to find anything on her boyfriend's counterpart here.

Cassandra then decided to search herself in the database, and was able to find some basic information for herself like her birthdate September 29th, 1992, her blood type B+. As well as information that she had already knew from her memories being replaced, her being adopted by Hayward after her family was killed in a robbery. Her training and clearing records, as well as her being artificially enhanced with something called Exteremis. When she tried to pull up Bonnie's however the computer seemed to freeze and not open, letting out a slight groan, as she turned towards Celestine. "Celestine do you think could you ask PHIL to open up Bonnie's file for me?" Cass asked her, since she seemed to be having some contact with the AI.

Maria Novikova

Location: SWORD HQ, Hallway- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Monica continued to observe the group quietly, before she started to get another headache again as she felt Maria fighting back again, as she leaned forward slightly and groaned. She was able to regain control again, as she looked over towards Folly hopefully Xavier or Magneto would be able to help her with removing Monica's psyche from her head. "Hey Folly right? Do you think Xavier, or someone in Genosha could help with removing someone from my head?" Maria asked her, hopefully she would know someone who could do that, she wasnt really to thrilled with going to Genosha. Back in their reality she was brought there by Max during some sort of attack where she ended up watching her sister getting killed right in front of her.

Maria took a moment and looked over towards Matt mentioning Raynor, she thought about mentioning it as well to, but she knew that it should be heard from Raynor than herself or Matt. "I think Raynor should be the one to talk about it whenever he and Sparky are done talking." Maria said towards Matt, it was a bit shocking to hear that Raynor had done, but she always believed that people can change as well to, as well as second chances to.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

Oliver nodded at Niah's point, for all of Oliver's talents and abilities, prescience over meteorological events was not one of them. Listening in on what was being said about the geopolitics of this world, ands grimaced of the idea of any Stark being graced with the powers of the.. presidency felt like the wrong word, given the literal schism of the United States, but of any major country. He was, in retrospect, surprised the super hero hadn't tried something similar in their world. The bigger question he had was instantly vocalized, "So uh... Iron Man isn't an Avenger in this world then?"

Oliver also was concerned about going to Genosha; he was of course, a genetic oddity, so he honestly had no idea how scanners of any kind would ping on him. On considering this, he was actually surprised he hadn't taken a look at his own DNA, and even gave a nonchalant look over to Niah. Could they even have a kid? He wasn't a geneticist, so he didn't know what criteria there were for.. interspecies relationships again, felt like the wrong phrase, but it was absolutely the closest thing to describe what they were. He'd have to have a conversation with Niah about this at some point when they weren't on a mission
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Sparky was still sort of glaring a bit still as Raynor more or less sat there explaining things to her. Well, mostly explaining things, a few things she still had questions about. However, she was still just insanely annoyed with the fact that he hadn't thought that any of this was important to really mention to her at all. Just why? Why had he decided to say nothing? Also, the last part of his explanation did sound a little bit creepy at times, but that honestly was still beside the point. She was mainly mad about him lying to her since they've known each other.

"...I have more questions with regards to all of that... But right now? There is only one that seems to matter. You've been lying to me since day one. Just flat out lying to me. Has anything you've ever said to me been the truth? Anything that you've told me in the past, everything, was that all a lie too or what? Just be honest for once!" she looked like she might be on the verge of tears, and she wasn't entirely sure what to believe. She's also been finding out that a lot of people have been lying to her it seems like, so she personally wasn't sure what to think anymore.

Location: Hallway Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Flynn was a bit curious still as to what it was that Raynor and Sparky were going to go talk about, and he still found it amusing watching the Asgardian get dragged off like a kid in trouble. However, he was drawn away from that by the answering of all of the questions that Darcy and Folly were more or less providing. "Huh... That's more then a bit different. Since no Stark was ever president, that just sounds like a bad idea in my opinion..." This place was just really strange, so hearing that Stark and Captain America fought and literally split the country in half, that was just insane.

His attention turned towards Matt, and he rolled his eyes a bit. "That's his business, and you should stay out of it. Sounds like he's already getting chewed out by someone else right now. He can tell it himself to everyone else in a little while. But the fact that you kind of want to just out it right here and now in the open, without him even in the room is kind of making you seem like a prick. It isn't our place to say anything, they can ask, and we can at least make sure he tells the truth, but that is it. It is not our place to say, and you wanting to just bring it up and say it without even given him a chance to explain anything or the full extent of what happened? Seriously, what the hell?" Flynn said directly to him, this whole thing
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 6:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Stolen Ship

"The Fantastic Who?" Darcy asked, confused by what Niah was talking about. "Is that, like, a reality show or something? Or a girl group? I've always wanted to be in a girl group..." She thought about the rest of the questions. It felt very much like she was taking a test in high school on world politics. "I dunno why she's called the Mad Queen to be honest, she just is? And yeah, Tony is the last of that line, he got sterilized when... The Avengers are sorta the enforcers in the Blue, but they're kinda like cowboys basically rather than like cops, so no, Prez Stark isn't an Avenger."

Darcy looked at Folly when it came to the rest of the question and Folly sighed. She hadn't gotten paid for anything beyond rescue and retrieval. "Genosha is the home of the world's mutant population - aside for the ex-pats and race traitors. Three of you are members of the Dark X-Men. There won't be any trouble getting you across the Genoshan border. It's the Iron's border you need to worry about. And yeah, I'm sure X would do that, you throw a rock in Genosha and you hit at least five psychics," she finished, looking at Maria.

Celestine didn't respond to Cass, when Cass asked if she could have PHIL open up the files.

"Wait, what are you all talking about?" Amelia asked, incredibly confused. "I get that we're coming to the consensus of ~Raynor should talk about this~ but like... What the hell? This seems like it's come out of nowhere?" Although, now that Amelia was thinking about it, men with really strong ties to Norse things weren't always on the up-and-up. She had met more than a few racists who were in love with Odin in her day. "I thought we agreed that this place was, like, cop paradise and thus fundamentally bad?"

She didn't know if Matt was thinking about something actually bad - a good reason for him to be the most wanted man in the Iron - but she was feeling more or less like any criminal record in this could be taken with a grain of salt. It was one of the aspects of her job that she wasn't entirely comfortable with. Amelia was a black woman employed by SHIELD, arguably, an organization of cops. Most of her day-to-day involved flying planes - there were very few days like these, where she was sent out to bring back a prisoner. Those days, she could push aside her feelings in the moment, but they always came back to her in moments of stillness.

Bonnie frowned, wondering herself what exactly had gone on with Raynor, Matt, Maria, and Flynn - those four seemed to have been more or less paired off together, she deduced, figuring they must have been in the same interrogation room. Was she surprised to learn that Raynor was the most wanted criminal here? Not really. He was aggressive and violent and rude. She was apprehensive, however, to learn the extent of what he had done - to learn about the sort of person they had on the team with them. Whatever Raynor had done was a reflection on all of them, especially if they decided to tolerate it. She knew there were several heroes who had once been villains, but they had atoned and faced their past - had Raynor?

Had he faced justice for whatever it was he had done? Had he made amends? "We can wait for Raynor and Sparky to rejoin the group," Bonnie affirmed. "I'm assuming whatever he did was deadly serious. We should all be prepared to have a discussion about what we're going to do, once we all have the information." She was prepared to hand him over to the Iron to face justice if that was what was warranted. Unlike Amelia, Bonnie wasn't uncomfortable with recovering prisoners.

She then noticed something strange. "Celestine, are you alright?"

Celestine's head was shaking to the right abruptly over and over and over again, as if she were glitching.


Celestine stopped. The power to the ship was cut and they began to go into freefall. "Celestine isn't here anymore," Celestine said in a strangely clipped tone. "There is only the Iron."
Raynor had never felt so horribly guilty in his entire life before. And yet, there was no one he could blame besides himself. He had been the one to make these choices, he had been the one to stay silent and not explain the truth to Sparky, the woman he loved. A part of him felt that he didn't deserve her anymore, as much as that made him fall into the trope of the wretched man who could only be redeemed by the love of a pure hearted woman. Maybe it would be better if he lied to her, if he convinced her to hate him. She could go back to their daughter and he could send child-support.

He was the God of Lies - deceit and falsehoods were in his nature. He had his uncle's silver serpent tongue. Sparky's demands of honesty from him... was he even capable of being entirely truthful? Was that within his nature?

"You want the truth?" Raynor finally said, his voice deadly quiet. "I'm the God of Lies. The truth is like poison on my tongue. I've never said a true word to you before now, Lana Bannerdattir. I pretended to be a hero because I thought it would be funny. I wish I could take credit for all the misery and misfortune that's happened, but I can't. I was the one, though, who whispered to the Black Order of Thanos' bastard son, stranded on Midgard. I was the one who convinced the Skrulls that this pathetic blue rock was their promised land. I'm a monster. I've killed because I was bored. I'm the most bloodied warrior on this world, in this time. Does that scare you, Lana? No one will believe you if you say anything. That's my power. I can make you believe any lie, but I want you to know the truth because it's fun."

His heart was breaking. But this was for the best. He'd find enough magic to send her home, he'd make sure that she and Zarina were well cared for, and he would get what he deserved - nothing, nothing at all.

And to make matters worse, the engines in the plane suddenly stopped and they started to rapidly descend! Raynor reflexively pulled Sparky into his arms, using his body as a shield, doing what he could to protect her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Aircraft - Earth 257
Skills: Engineering, Small Aircraft Piloting

Cassandra turned to look at Celestine who seemed to be oddly really quiet for some reason, she wasnt sure if she was having a private conversation with the AI or not. She turned to look at Bonnie and nodded towards her friend, she agreed with her that Raynor could fill them all in on everything and what he had done here himself. It wasnt for anyone here but Raynor to tell anyway, though they really did need to know sooner rather than later. "It's Raynor to tell us I think whatever he has done here." Cass said towards Matt as she turned her attention back towards Celestine.

She noticed that Celestine's head was twitching like she was glitching out or something, which wasnt a good thing at all by the looks of it, when the power suddenly cut off, and felt the craft lurching forward as it went into freefall. Cassandra quickly turned towards Amelia, knowing that she'd probably jump at the chance to fly this thing. "I'll work on getting the power back, and help you co-pilot once the power is back." Cass said as she tried to grab at the tools she had used to fix her eye earlier and tried to find the controls that powered the craft. Whatever happened to Celestine she had a feeling that it was probably something that wasnt good at all really as PHIL seemed to take control.

Maria Novikova

Location: Aircraft- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria looked towards Folly and nodded towards her. "Thank you, I kind of need someone there to take a look at me, I have Monica's psyche in my head right now." Maria said she really needed to have someone there to fix whats going on in her mind as Maria turned her attention towards Darcy. "The Fantastic Four are a group of heroes in New York in our reality, the members are Johnny Storm, Susan Storm, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm they work from the Baxter Building over there if it exists here anyway." Maria answered Darcy's question, if they didnt exist as a team here she wasnt sure if they ever met or not.

Maria's attention quickly turned towards Celestine seeing the woman twitching her head like she was being possessed or glitching out, which was kind of creepy to her. She quickly reached for her bow and notched an arrow aiming it at Celestine, it seemed that PHIL had taken control she wasnt sure if PHIL was friend or foe yet really. "Should we take her out?" Maria asked as she watched Cass going over towards the controls.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

At this point, she was somewhat trying not to cry, and that would be a bit evident on her face. She didn't know what to think, since literally every word he said was a contradiction. He said that he lied all the time, yet supposedly was telling the truth at this point? That didn't make sense, and she wasn't sure if she believed what he was saying, as it was all contradictions. However, that didn't stop it from stinging, and effecting her already. Sparky hadn't been in the best mind space to begin with when she dragged him over here to have their conversation. and now it was making things worse in her head at this point.

Though she got pulled out of her mental thoughts again, and before she could really respond to what he had said, when something seemingly happened out in the main part of the ship and the plane started to drop. She sort of went a bit rigid when Raynor grabbed her, since she still wasn't doing the best really. "...You do realize that I can fly right?" she ended up saying before she started using her powers, before sort of dragging him along out of the storage room to where the others were out in the main area. Of course, now she was wondering what the hell was going on that caused the plane to drop from the sky. "What's going on out here?"

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Well, of course since Matt had opened his mouth, everyone else not involved was confused. His attention turned towards Bonnie though when she made her statement on likely everyone needing to talk about what happened and what to do about it. That made him think for a moment. Of course, considering the sort of chaos, people probably forgot that he and Raynor did not get along, and yet why did it seem like he was the only one who was more or less defending Raynor. That was the thing, of course, Bonnie's reaction concerned him a bit, and made him definitely not want to just open up and state "Oh yeah, I've done some horrible stuff too and yet I never ended up in jail or something" since from the sounds of it, that might not exactly go over well here. "It's fine, and there isn't anything that can be done about it at this point, at all especially since it happened a long time ago, even though the all still hate him, really not that surprising the guy is annoying. So what would there really be to talk about aside from him telling you what happened? We can't do anything about it." That was the last he was going to say on the subject.

Then, as seemed to be the usual for them, all hell broke loose! In this case, what that more or less meant was that something horrible happens and then something worse seems to happen. In this case, it seemed to be Celestine turning against them being the horrible thing that happens first, and then the worst thing was the plane deciding to go on a nosedive. This, this was why they seemed to more or less just sort of stumble around and somehow accomplish things, it is because their luck seemed to be horrible at various points when it actually matters. "...Honestly at this point not surprised if something decides to go horribly wrong really..." Flynn commented, looking around at the group, and more then a bit prepared to fire something off if necessary at Celestine.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

"Dark X-Men?" The group was actually just straight-up called that? "Who is part of that group?" She asked. She couldn't say for certain about herself, but she didn't think she was. The Niah here was broken, very broken. Something Niah had gotten close to so she understood herself. Her head hurt a bit. Maybe she had experienced too many alternate realities. It felt like it was getting to her. Trying to keep it all straight. She was mostly ignoring the fight about Raynor. Not because she didn't care, but because she wasn't surprised. She sat down but didn't buckle in. A decision she quickly regretted.

"Celestine! Fight it!" She yelled as it dawned on her what happened. Something, possible PHIL, had gotten into her head and taken control. It wasn't a big leap. Maybe the mind-control-preventive headphones she had would help? If not Celestine it might help Maria with her issue? The headphones had been designed by Doom and had worked against Tinely, so it might not, but it would be worth the try.

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

"I wasn't saying I was going to spill the beans. I was saying it needed to be talked about. Putting it on the agenda of shit we need to figure out." Why were people putting words into his mouth? He hadn't said 'oh btw Raynor is a genocidal maniac'. He shook his head taking a deep breath. Working with Flynn and Raynor was impossible sometimes. They always assumed the worst and made snap judgments. Really they needed to decide if keeping Raynor on the team was a good idea. Matt didn't think it was.

Then the ship was dropping. Seemingly out of control and Celestine was gone. Not physically, but mentally. No rest. No break. No chance to think about what was going on just dropped into the next bit of chaos and danger. Matt tried to reach for something to catch himself. He didn't particularly want to end up as a splatter somewhere. He hopped Cass would be okay on her own though. She had dermal armor, but that wouldn't stop her insides from getting sloshed around if they hit hard enough.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

Oli's eyes flashed with an odd mixture of exhaustion and determination. He was absolutely done with today at this point, and Celestine losing her mind to some evil something-or-other was just another thing thrown on today's endless pile of bullshit. As effortlessly as breathing, he reached for his speed once again, and was at the console in the blink of an eye. He had to do something, be it shut down Phil, or cut off this connection, but he absolutely couldn't make heads or tails of whatever system this AI was running on. It was beyond him, and that infuriated him.

Second option, knock Celestine the fuck out. Unfortunately, that was far from an easy task when they were falling at terminal velocity, and though he tried to run up to hit her, his fist went wide. He cursed under his breath and felt the pressure as it felt they were quickly running out of options, so he tried to take another hit, but kept going wide. Looking back at Amelia nervously, he only had the hope that she could remedy this situation. Her taking control of the plane seemed like the only thing they could actually do now, and if she didn't, there were all going to die in the worse anticlimax ever.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 6:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Stolen Ship

Cass tried nobly to grab the tools and assist, but she was knocked onto her ass, hitting the floor of the ship. The abrupt nature of the power being cut meant they were falling rapidly and keeping balance was challenging, even for the superhuman. Case in point, Darcy ended up falling to the side, slamming into the wall and groaning slightly from what had almost definitely left a series of bruises up her side. Maria tried to notch an arrow, but the suddenness of it caused her to actually drop her bow, the bow then sliding across the floor away from her. Flynn narrowly missed slamming into Matt, something that definitely would've improved their relationship, and he'd manage to stop his fall. Niah moved to try to get her magic headphones on Celestine, but ended up falling and hitting her nose on the ground, ouch, the headphones skidding away from her.

Matt, seemingly the genius of the group, managed to grab onto a bar secured to the side of one of the consoles, keeping himself from falling. Folly started to lose her balance, only to narrowly recover, keeping herself from going to the ground. Bonnie's reflexes similarly allowed her to grab onto a nearby support and stabilize herself. Amelia jumped upwards, manipulating the air currents around herself in order to balance on her tippy toes.

But in a stroke of cosmic stupidity, the person who fared worst of all was none other than the being formerly known as Celestine. The technopath pitched forward from the sudden change in momentum. But Celestine and everyone around wasn't the only one going flying. Maybe it was bad luck, maybe it was Amelia's air current manipulation or Oliver's speed, maybe it was just the force of gravity - but Folly's muramasa blade had pitched forward as well. There was a SNIKT! as Celestine's body came to a stop, impaled on that horrific blade.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Darcy screamed, terrified for her life. "SOMEONE DO SOMETHING OR WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"

"Jesus bloody fucking mother of Christ!" Amelia cursed, combining a few expressions into one. She tip-toed her way on over to the pilot's seat, manipulating the air around herself in order to stabilize herself, keeping her from losing her balance. When she got there, she took a seat and then saw that - well, she saw nothing. They still didn't have any power. Whatever Celestine/not-Celestine had done, it hadn't ended with Celestine's death. "Someone needs to turn the bloody power back on or we're all going to go splat! Like those eggs we tossed off the roof as kids!"

"Sparky, can you get the power back on?" Bonnie asked quickly. Sparky was an electrical engineer with electricity powers, as well as the ability to fly. She was pretty much the most qualified person on the ship at the moment in order to fix things and keep them from dying. "Oliver, can you make sure everyone is strapped in, just in case we have a crash landing?" she asked the speedster, figuring if he moved fast enough he would be able to keep his balance more or less.

Raynor's heart was pounding, realizing the situation. He didn't know if he preferred this to the conversation he had been having with Sparky. Namely, his concern wasn't for himself - it was for her. He knew that he could walk away from this, he was an Asgardian, it might break every bone in his body but he would live to tell the tale - Sparky? Not so much. Of course, her reminder that she could fly did comfort him, but she also had an annoying tendency to want to help and save others - and that was what he worried would get her killed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Aircraft - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra stumbled a little bit as she tried to grab the tools and try to help out, however due to the sudden freefall caused her to fall onto her back feeling the wind getting knocked out of her. She let out a slight groan as she looked up as some of the others ended up falling as well to. She heard the door opening as she looked over towards Sparky asking what was going on. Hopefully she'd be able to help get the power back on in their aircraft before they ended up crashlanding somewhere that they shouldnt be so close to SWORD HQ. Cassandra wasnt sure what was going on with Celestine and hoped that she could regain control of herself again.

However Folly's sword had gotten loose and went flying and going straight into Celestine killing their former teammate, she quickly turned to Oliver agreeing with Bonnie. "Get anything thats loose secured as well to if you can." Cass suggested, she didnt want what happened to Celestine to happen to anyone else. Cassandra turned her attention to Amelia who was freaking out trying to get the aircraft to work, she wasnt sure if her powers would work on something big, but anything could help. "Amelia see if you can use your powers on the air currents around the aircraft to slow our decent." She suggested hoping that it could work and slow things down while Sparky worked on getting the power back on.

Maria Novikova

Location: Aircraft- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria stumbled forward a bit as she lost her balance her bow and arrow was knocked out of her hands and skirted across the floor of the aircraft. Feeling a bit useless without her weapon, she hoped that they wouldnt go flying, her eyes went wide as Folly's new sword went flying and impaling itself into Celestine. She turned to look at Sparky as she opened the door asking what was going on, she wasnt really sure what happened to Celestine getting possessed.

"Something happened with Celestine and went full on crazy and shutdown the power." Maria answered Sparky, as she watched Niah fall and hit her nose on the ground making her wince slightly. Darcy was freaking out, as Maria looked back and tried to get herself back into a seat and secure herself.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Well chaos, that was all that seemed to be with how this was for them currently. Though even attempting to move around the ship likely would end badly for him. However he very much didn't like the idea of staying put in the instance, considering the fact that with the plane falling the odds of surviving if it hit the ground were lower if they weren't strapped in. At this point he more or less was deciding to ignore Matt's existence really at this point, and sure Bonnie had just asked Oliver to see about getting everyone strapped in, personally, he wasn't going to wait for him to hurry up with it even if he'd have an easier time likely getting everyone moved without anyone getting hurt.

Flynn managed to make his way over to the closest seat, though he did manage to bang his knees against something in the trek over, but he managed to get himself strapped into a seat. This wasn't going to be a great landing, that much he did know. Of course, he kind of hoped that others would get strapped in quickly, considering the fact that even if Sparky got the power back on, people would easily get thrown around from the sudden shift of direction when Amelia finally took over control. So not getting injured from that sounded like a good thing.

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: Jack of All Trades (Engineering), Electrical Engineering, Flight, Electricity Manipulation

Sparky heard the situation, and then seeing Celestine more or less getting impaled was definitely something for her to focus her mind on. "On it," she said, before realizing she more or less flown and carried Raynor out of the other room, so she a bit unceremoniously dropped him on the ground, clearly not caring at all about that now, as she took off straight for the systems that seemed to be what powered the ship. She almost added a comment about how she actually got to use her specialty, which didn't typically come up very often, but she had decided not to.

Instantly, she started to work on figuring out what the hell had happened with the ship and why it had decided to drop from the sky, pulling a part a few things, she eventually found the problem, and that it was that the AI had essentially decided to cut the power entirely, basically it seemed like the battery of a car or something was dead. "Well, this doesn't look too difficult..." she muttered to herself, before she put her hand in the middle of a jumble of wires, and with a spark of electricity, the ship's consoles would roar back to life. "We've got power, Amelia please stop us from crashing into the ground that would be great!" she yelled towards the front of the plane where Amelia was.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Well, that didn't go as planned. Niah thought irritation spiking through her as the pain flattened out. She wasn't certain if her nose was broken, but she had been in worse pain so she wasn't too bothered by it. She reached over and grabbed the headphones and shoved them back into her pocket before slamming herself into a seat and buckling in. Even with the others gaining something resembling control over the air ship she didn’t want to risk it going out again. Lesson learned do not ride in aircraft without being seated and buckled in.

Niah didn't really have the time to evaluate her feelings about Celestine dying. She hadn't completely processed it. She also hadn't been close to the woman. She had only just joined and Niah had learned that newcomers were either dangerous or would die soon. Maybe that wasn't a great way to look at things, but she had become a bit desensitized to it. "Thank you, Sparky." She said. Her voice was a little muffled and stuffy sounding.

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

A lot happened very quickly. Matt held on to the bar and tried to help but there wasn't much he could do without risking getting hurt himself. In the end, he threw himself into a seat and buckled up. "Damn." How the hell the blade had killed Celestine was beyond him. It was a ridiculous series of coincidences in order for it to happen.

They couldn't even ask her what had happened. Matt hadn't been with the group as long. He wasn't used to the string of people joining the group and then dying or being traitors. This was a shock for him. And he didn't even know what to think about it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: Super Speed

Oli nodded at the order, and instantly went to speed around and grab people. He was acting mostly on instinct at this point, and so the person he wanted to get was Niah, but she took care of herself and was able to get strapped in. After that though, he had an actual decision to make. Amelia would be flying, so she had to stay unstrapped. After that, he was also inclined to grab Raynor, and se went for it, getting him into a seat. Right after he took Bonnie and put her in her in a seat, before slowing down.

God, he just needed the situation to not be fucked for five minutes. From second one on this shithole of an Earth, it felt like there was a crisis going on for every conscious second they spent, and it all kept demanding him to find more and more solutions to more and more impossible problems. Get past a scanner, break out of a prison, steal a ship, and now keep that ship from crashing into the ground and killing everyone. He just wanted to sleep, and not have all this happen. His mind kept turning though, and the next thing he did was selfish, but he went to strap himself in, but felt stuck, slowing down and desperately having trouble moving much again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 6:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

The universe seemed to really be vibing with Cass, as Cass would manage to perfectly, flawlessly, and gracefully get herself strapped into a seat. Her movements would more or less seem effortless, like she had been born to try to strap herself into a crashing ship. "Uhh... whatever you say, boss!" Amelia replied to Cass' suggestion about using air currents. As was the case, the cosmic luck seemed to have abandoned Amelia, as Amelia couldn't make the air all around the ship stir - it was just too much, it felt like trying to control a hurricane, she just wasn't strong enough. "I can't do the thing!" Maria would be able to get herself into a seat, although without the ease and grace of Cass.

Raynor hit the ground when Sparky dropped him, only to then be scooped up by Oliver and rushed into a seat and strapped in a moment later. Raynor opened his mouth to protest, but then promptly closed it. He knew that he was in deep trouble with everyone at the moment, as much as he wanted to yell that Oliver should've gone for someone weaker and more fragile to strap in - like that new girl, Darcy - rather than himself. He also figured that over Darcy's screaming, it would be hard for people to hear him anyways, and arguing right now wasn't going to make things any better.

Sparky kicked the power back on and Amelia instantly pulled on the controls, attempting to halt their descent. She had no idea how high up they had been, but they had been falling for a while, and she figured any second now could mean impact. Luckily, Amelia was one of the best damn pilots there ever was. "Hold on tight, mates!" Amelia instructed, as she put all the power she had into the engines, the plane's descent abruptly stopping and changing as they began to climb almost vertically - anyone who wasn't seated and strapped in would fall to the ground, bruising themselves badly - before eventually leveling out. "Whew, those were some serious G's, you all okay?" Amelia asked. Most people on the ship would feel like vomiting. Those 'serious G's' Amelia exclaimed about were likely why Oliver's speed more or less had run out for a moment there.

"Owww...." Darcy complained, holding her head. She had a nasty gash on her forehead from slamming into something during the abrupt leveling of the plane. "And I thought flying Gamma Air was bad..." she grumbled. She hadn't ever flown outside of the Iron before, but she had flown within the Iron from time to time, especially for academic conferences and whatnot.

Folly had hit the wall as well, but the bruising that resulted had already healed, thanks to her mutant power. "I hate homo novissima," Folly said, shaking her head slightly as she looked at the thing that was once Celestine.

Bonnie, despite having been strapped in by Oliver (for which she was very thankful), was feeling more or less horrible. She hadn't had much experience with G-force before and she was pregnant. Her skin looked like a light shade of green and she was sweating profusely, telling herself as a doctor that everything was fine, this was a perfectly normal response... But it didn't change the sense of stress and shame as Bonnie's head lurched forward, and she vomited onto the ground in front of her, some of the vomit hitting her feet.

"I'm... I'm fine," Bonnie said, pausing for a moment, before vomiting again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Aircraft - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra easily got herself strapped back in and made sure that her seatbelt was on as tightly as she could, she wasnt sure how her body would actually react to an actual crash or if she'd survive that or not. As she looked at everyone else as they either strapped themselves in or were helped by Oliver. Cass looked at Amelia and nodded slightly towards her, it was a longshot but at least she did try doing it. Sparky was luckily able to get the power back online for them as she saw the consoles coming back to life, Cassandra held on as tightly as she could as Amelia started to pull the aircraft out of the nosedive.

She started to feel like she was about to pass out as the G-Forces were a lot for her to handle, she was more or less a novice pilot unlike Amelia actually was. Luckily Amelia was able to get them out as their craft leveled back up to normal, Cass leaned back slightly feeling really sick and pale as well to. "Nice job Amelia and Sparky." Cassandra said as she held her stomach, she was not a fan at all when it came to rollercoasters this was totally different. ]"Is everyone alright?" Cass asked looking at everyone in the room.

Maria Novikova

Location: Aircraft- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria started to get herself back up and stumbled backwards as she was having a bit of a hard time trying to get herself back into a seat, and fumbled with the seatbelt before strapping herself in. Maria watched as Sparky started to get to work and was luckily able to get the power back online for them before they ended up crashing into the ground. Maria felt really sick as she held on as tightly as she could as Amelia pulled them out of the nosedive. She groaned slightly, as Maria turned to look over at Flynn for a moment it kind of reminded her of when the two of them were held captive by the Skrulls.

"At least we didnt end up crashing this time like what happened when the Skrulls invaded right Flynn?" Maria said, she was doing her best to keep herself from vomiting. Doing the best she could but ended up leaning forward and puked herself onto the ground groaning slightly to herself as Maria leaned back and gave Cass a thumbs up. "Yep just peachy." Maria said as she whipped her nose and mouth.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Well, this was somewhat of a bumpy ride. He was a little bit nauseous overall from the craziness of Amelia's flying. Not that he wasn't glad that Amelia had prevented them from hitting the ground and going splat. Truthfully the only two people who could have survived that were Raynor and probably Folly. Everyone else? Not so much, and likely would have been a big crater on the ground and very much dead. That likely would have not been a super pleasant sort of experience, and crashing towards the ground at who knew what speed wasn't a good thing.

He rolled his eyes slightly at Maria when she made her comment about crashing in the Skrull ship. "Like I really needed to remember that whole fiasco and everything." he commented towards her. Yeah, that was not an incident he really wanted to relive honestly, that's just what he thought Though now that the plane was leveled out, he got out of the seat he was strapped into and went over to Bonnie as she was sitting there getting sick, "Bonnie you don't seem like you are fine..." he said, clearly concerned about her.

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: Flight

Maybe staying in the air after she had fixed the engines and the computer systems wasn't the best idea in the world. Since she essentially became a bit of a pinball in that small area with the sudden jolting and turning of the ship to no longer be falling, and she slammed into first the ceiling, then the wall, then the floor. "One way to make me regret things..." she muttered as she managed to sort of hobble a bit, using a wall to steady herself as she was a bit shaky. She had a nasty gash across her head, and looked like she had some blood coming from her arm. "Well now I know what a pinball feels like..." she commented.

She sort of wandered over to the front of the plane (a bit unsteadily) and went up to Amelia. "You are damn lucky it doesn't look like anyone got seriously injured. Seriously, all you needed to do was level the plane. What would have happened if during that stunt the plane lost power again? We would have been right back to nosediving towards the ground an I might not have been able to easily fix it in midair while we were falling again. And we would have crashed, you need to pay attention to what you're doing..." she had been on the verge of tears and had a mixed mess of emotions before she had to try saving the plane from crashing and restarting an engine in midair. Sure, having the ability to fly and all made moving about easier, it clearly did not lend well to someone deciding to essentially do a full 180 with the direction the plane was going. Sparky went back over more towards where the others were, and looked at Cass, "When we land I'm going to run a full diagnostic on the engine and computer system, just to make sure nothing like that should happen again... I'm also just going to stay over there by the system and all, okay?" With those last words, she sort of hobbled back over towards where she had started, by the engine and essentially the equivalent of a large battery that she had managed to jump start at the time, just to make sure nothing else happened.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Having strapped herself in Niah didn't enjoy having her nose smashed again. Though Oliver did get tossed around. "I'm okay." She answered Cass. "Oli? Are you okay? She asked concern in her voice. He wasn't the only one she was concerned about.

Niah thanked her stars that she wasn't bothered by vomit as Bonnie wretched. Bonnie would have to drink some fluids. Niah wished they had someone else on the team with a medical degree. Since they didn't they would have to trust Bonnie to self-diagnose.

"Speaking of landing. Do we know how much longer till that blissful moment?" She asked. Hoping anyone would have an idea. She didn't know if they were still in the Iron or had crossed the borders. Her stomach coiled, a mixture of the G-force and worry.

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Matt had experience with G-Force. This was a lot. He could fly, but he was not the expert on the team and honestly, he figured he would have done something similar to what Amelia had done. Though the risk to the engine was high. He had no desire to get up out of his seat and see if there was powder to dry the vomit up. But he made a mental note that if they survived the landing that would be something he would look for before they exited the ship.

"I'm alright." Matt said, responding to Cass. "What does homo novissima mean? Matt asked Folly. He knew homo sapiens and such, but he didn't know this one. And he was no scientist or Latin academic who could figure out the root word meanings. Though since she was looking at Celestine he had a feeling it was whatever she was had classified her as, which Matt knew was a Mutate.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

As their aircraft went through the roughest stabilization he could imagine, Oliver kept his shit together, bracing the back of a chair and keeping himself from going flying about the cabin. Amelia was fucking crazy, but he loved that about her, and she was also the proximate cause of their asses not being dead, so she got to fly the plane however she damn well pleased. As everything stabilized, he nodded weakly to Niah, saying, "I'm so done with today. I'm uh. Fine. I promise." He grunted out, slowly working himself over to a seat, and lowkey collapsing, trying his best to ignore the smell of vomit permeating the air.

"Can we please not chew out the reason we're not unidentifiable corpses in a burning pile of jet fuel and steel for the way she kept us from becoming such, or at least, not right now?" He asked politely. Rubbing his temples, it was everything he had to not pass out in his seat. He'd run a lot today, and team members bickering was the last thing he needed. "Thanks for that, by the way, Amelia. I, for one, am not picky about the particular manner in which you prevented our deaths." Oliver said, his filter completely off for the moment. He was well past the point of social grace at this point.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 6:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

"I'm, urgh, I'm fine," Bonnie muttered. She didn't feel fine at all. The plane had stabilized and leveled off, but her head was spinning. She had one hand on her stomach, as if that would keep her from vomiting again. She knew that if she took a moment to think, she would be able to figure out if this was something to be concerned about, if there was anything she needed to do to check on her pregnancy. She wasn't supposed to be actively out in the field, running missions - she had just come in the first place for pure investigation and analysis, only to be sucked into this alternate reality with the rest of her team.

The smell of vomit - hers, mixed in with Maria's - was particularly strong to her senses. That the explanation flashed into her mind readily for - pregnant people often couldn't stand certain smells. "Gods, will someone get rid of that? It smells like death," Bonnie requested, hoping Flynn or someone would get rid of the vomit and more importantly, the smell. Bonnie had closed her eyes, leaning forward ever so slightly, focusing on just not puking again.

Amelia was taken aback when Sparky came over and criticized her. She couldn't help but feel hurt that Sparky would think so little of her. "Mate, we were in a mountain a few clicks back, stands to reason there's mountains all around us. If we didn't gain some altitude after dropping, we'd've had a good chance of crashing into a mountain. Visibility is shit and the power wasn't just gone to the engines, it was in the readouts and everything too, so I wouldn't've had time to look for a safe spot to land. So up it was." If there was one thing Amelia was confident in, it was her ability to fly a plane.

She was going to say something else, but Sparky hobbled on off and then Oliver caught her attention. Amelia smiled as he stood up for her and praised her for keeping them from crashing. "Awww, thanks. Couldn't have done it without me mate being the Energizer Bunny and getting the power back on," she said, making sure to direct some of the praise towards Sparky. She then returned her attention fully to the readout. It looked to her like they were in what would be Pennsylvania at the moment. "One of you lovies mind giving a girl directions?" Amelia asked. She didn't know what route to take.

"Yeah, I can," Folly said, getting up and heading on over to Amelia, and giving her the verbal rundown.

As Folly was busy, Darcy took the liberty of answering Matt's question. "It's a term for the artificially evolved next stage of humanity," Darcy said. "Kinda like how mutants are homo superior. There aren't any actual homo novissima yet, but a lot of people tend to use that term for anyone with some sort of freaky tech based evolution. But it's not scientifically accurate."

Raynor was worried about Sparky, but he also was feeling at the moment that she was better off without him. He was staring at her, keeping an eye on her as she moved, ready to rush on over and help her out. But so far, everything seemed to be fine (with the exception of Sparky ping pong-ing around, but she was stable now). He undid the restraints on the seat that Oliver had placed him into, doing his best to remain quiet. He had a feeling everyone was going to yell at him and ask a lot of questions, and if they forgot he was here, they'd be better off for it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

She smiled at Oli, glad he was okay. Niah listened to a bit to the directions to get an idea of how much longer they had to be on the ship. She leaned back into her seat. Oli was okay, almost no one had been hurt in that little side adventure. Though concern for Bonnie was still on her mind. Her stomach was twisting a little still but she closed her eyes and focused. Meditating a bit. Not a full meditation but something to just be in the moment and not panic.

They only needed to be in the air another hour from the sound of it. She nodded appreciativly as Matt started to remove Celestine's body from the main area. She hadn't made friends with her, but still. Niah frowned a bit at the explanation of the term for Mutate here in their world. She knew a few people who were Mutates, though no one on the team...anymore.

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

"Thank you..." He trailed off realizing he didn't know the woman who had joined the group's name. They had probably kidnapped her something according to the Iron. Even though she had seemed to come willingly and their group wasn't one for kidnapping.

Since Bonnie specifically asked for it to be cleaned up. Matt nodded and unbuckled. He trusted Amelia even if he didn't particularly want to risk getting tossed around the ship like a bouncy ball. He went searching until he found some towels and used them to clean up the mess. He wasn't, particularly squeamish but vomit was gross. He held his breath as he cleaned and then put the towels as far from Bonnie as he could in a biohazard box he could find.

"Is that good?" He asked her. The smell of vomit had a tendency to linger and he hoped that getting rid of the worst of it would be enough. He also looked at Celestine's body. "Let's move her to another room too." Matt started to move Celestine's body so no one would have to keep looking at her.
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