Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

"Bonnie, quit saying that you are fine, you and I both know that is a lie... Since you definitely don't look like it!" Flynn responded to her, rolling his eyes slightly. Bonnie was trying to convince him that she was okay, but he definitely didn't really believe her. Usually, flying at those sort of speeds were a horrible thing and everything in general for people who were normally rather healthy. Bonnie on the other hand, it likely wasn't a good thing at all.

Truthfully, he was a bit annoyed at Amelia deciding to flip the plane around like that, but he wasn't going to say anything about it in general. Right now things were (hopefully) going to calm down a little bit and they could figure everything out. They also hopefully were going to end up out of the Iron and somewhere else (called the Blue or something like that?) away from the people clearly trying to kill them all. Then again, he figured they'd run into more problems with their luck. Flynn was focusing on the present now instead of the next 2 hours or so in the future, and he was thankful that Matt went to go clean up the vomit, even though he really didn't like that guy.

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

She was in a bad mood. It also was fairly obvious that she wasn't in a good mood, as she very much still had the sort of angry Pikachu sort of aura around her. Oliver more or less dismissing what she was saying and more or less trying to say she hadn't done anything. "Alright genius, if you think that we'd still be in the air at all without the damn engine back online, then maybe I'll just short circuit it again and we'll see how well Amelia does with that? With no power or anything like that, since the ship clearly doesn't have any sort of backup power system, so do you think we'd not crash for that?" Sparky was trying to pick a fight at this point, and personally she didn't care if anyone got mad at her.

Picking fights and arguing was sort of her go to defense mechanism at this point. It was easier to just get mad at random things then to deal with everything else that was going on in her head. She really needed fresh air, and to get away from everyone else, but until they landed, that sort of thing wasn't going to happen. Sparky glanced slightly towards Raynor for a brief moment, but when she did she felt the urge to cry again, and look away to go back to somewhat paying attention to the engine of the ship or whatever to make sure it didn't go out again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 44 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Aircraft - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned to look at Amelia, she was just glad that they were able to get out of the nosedive in time before they ended up crashing. "You did a really great job there Amelia." Cass said as she turned towards Sparky as she started to snap at just about everyone in the craft that they stole. She could understand being mad at Raynor for hiding stuff from her, but she didnt really have to take it out on the whole entire team. "Go ahead and do whatever you think you can with our ride, and see if you can shut off the transponder or black box on this thing, in case the Iron is still tracking us." Cass suggested, maybe giving Sparky something to do would keep her busy and not trying to fight with everyone.

She turned her attention towards Bonnie she was really concerned for her best friend, since she was pregnant and all and what happened could possibly have hurt the baby as well to. "Once we actually do get home from here, I'm going to order you to go on maternity leave." She told Bonnie, Cassandra started to unstrap herself and stood up as Matt went over to remove Celestine's body. "I'll help you." Cass said to him as she walked over and knelt down to grab Celestine's arms and started to try and move him over towards the next room.

Maria Novikova

Location: Aircraft- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria was just really happy to not be dead as she turned her attention over towards Sparky for a moment as she snapped at both Amelia and Oliver pretty much and rolled her eyes slightly. "Calm down a little bit alright?" Maria said, as she leaned back, she didnt really want to unstrap herself just yet in case there was another attack or something like that again. Maria's attention turned back over towards Raynor, now that they were out of immediate danger it seems.

"Alright Raynor, if you don't mind telling us, everything that you know?" Maria asked him, after being in an interogation room with him, Matt and Flynn seeing this realities version of her doing something really horrible. She wasnt sure how she'd actually react to seeing her evil twin, that would be weird and creepy.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

Oliver closed his eyes and listened to the Quinjet. Finally, he was getting, for however short it may be, a moment of rest. Air ran through his lungs, and he just, let the world come to him as it existed. It was only around now that he realized exactly how much in the zone he'd been. Every action he'd taken in the past bit had been tailored to escaping and surviving, and he didn't need to do that for the time being. Were they still on a mission? Yes. Were their minds still being infected with the malignant memories of some mirror, twisted versions of themselves? Yes; but they were doing what they could to abate those things.

He looked onto the body of his former teammate with a frown as she was moved out of sight. He didn't know her particularly well, but loss was loss, and this still sucked. It was also concerning that, whatever tech she was interfacing with eventually infected and overwrote her. There were terrifying implications there about the nature of consciousness, that it could just be replaced and controlled in that particular manner. Mind control wasn't strictly speaking new to him, but this sudden and complete replacement of a human consciousness was totally unprecedented.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 7:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

Bonnie nodded as Matt asked her if the smell was better, but she was lying. It was horrible. She didn't realize how it was possible for her to still be reacting to the stench, but then she realized it wasn't actually the vomit that was setting her off. It was the smell of Celestine's blood, clinging to the blade that had killed her and Celestine's clothing. Matt was dragging Celestine away, but she wasn't far enough away for it to stop affecting her yet. Even the thought of formaldehyde, one of Bonnie's scents, was enough to send her stomach summersaulting. "I think I need to go lie down," Bonnie mumbled.

She didn't like this feeling of weakness and helplessness she was having at the moment. She would have preferred to join in on the line of questioning with the others, to learn more about the strange world they had found themselves plunged into. If it wasn't the knowledge that Doom and Luminous would most certainly hurt innocents, Bonnie would have been focusing all of her thoughts on finding a way home - she wouldn't have bothered to think about apprehending the pair. Of course, it probably wouldn't be that simple anyways. She couldn't imagine Luminous and Doom conveniently staying in one place together, the two mages acting as a team. They probably were on opposite corners of the globe, if they were even still on this planet. "Can someone calm Sparky down? Before she loses her goddamn mind?" Bonnie then muttered.

And then, something bizarre and unfortunate happened. Ordinarily, it would be a simple task to move a body from point A to point B. But the blade must have done more than just impale Celestine - somehow, Celestine ripped in half, her upper and lower body no longer joined together. The most horrific thing, however, was that her blood seemed to be mixed with something mechanical, almost looking like circuitry, like she had been in the process of an even further transformation.

"Holy..." Amelia whistled, uncertain as to what they were looking at. It was so shocking that she temporarily forgot about how Sparky was throwing a fit and threatening to kill them all. She just couldn't look away from the glistening techno components that were mixed in with Celestine's organs and blood, like she had been made into some sort of cyborg - or something else entirely. Maybe that homo novissima thing Folly had mentioned wasn't that far off from the truth. "Was she like that before, do you reckon?" Amelia asked. Celestine hadn't been the more open of people - maybe she already had been filled with a mixture of technological and organic parts.

Darcy bit her lip for a moment. She had clearly seen something like that happen before. But she didn't let on as to what it was. "I don't think so, our scans didn't pick up anything besides evidence of a huuuge amount of radiation exposure - like how are you still moving levels."

Folly recognized it as well. Her eyes narrowed. "And people wonder why mutants hate the Iron."

Raynor was vaguely aware that he had seen something like that before, but he couldn't remember what it was. Some of the things he had done in his 'youth' were just a blur now. All he could recall was a slight sense of fear and trepidation as he looked at the mixture of organic and technological pieces spilling out of what had been Celestine. Whatever it was, Folly seemed to know. But people wanted to question him again - to have him share everything he knew - which frustrated him to no end. "Like I said, that's too big of a question for me to answer," Raynor said.

He realized no one was going to stop asking him stuff like that, so he figured that he might as well tell them about how he had ended up on Earth-666. "My father died in the lead up to Ragnarok. My mother committed suicide. Asgard exploded. The Norns said that everything would be reborn in a golden age, but that didn't happen. We settled here, on Earth, taking land for our own and making New Asgard... I was so angry, angry at destiny and fate and choice. I lashed out. I ended up falling in with the Genoshans, leading their black ops group, the Dark X-Men. I didn't care why we did the things we did. I just wanted to make others hurt the way I did. I was a fucking monster. The Norns said I would never see Valhalla, that I would burn in Surtur's flames if I didn't leave... So I left this world and ended up in yours. Fury saw my anger and decided to help me use it for good. Is that what you all wanted to know? Did you want to condemn me for everything I did? Because I did it all. It's all true. I didn't kill for mutant rights or anything like that - I did it because I was mad and the Iron was as good an outlet as any."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 44 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Aircraft - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra quickly backed up when Celestine's body started to tear in half, she stared at the sword for a moment as her attention turned back to Celestine's bisected body. A mix of blood and organs started to pour out, which made her cringe and looked away for a moment a few seconds later she took a moment to look at the body again. She noticed that some parts of her insides had been replaced with technology, she really wasnt sure as Cassandra turned to look over at Amelia. She and Bonnie would have probably seen this on her medical files but nothing like this was shown. "As far as I know i've never seen this at all in any of her files and records." Cassandra answered Amelia, as she turned her attention over towards Raynor answering Maria's question.

Cassandra remained quiet for the most part as she listened to Raynor and it did surprise her as she looked at Sparky for a moment before turning her attention back over towards Raynor. She really wished that Fury would have told her about this, or Raynor could have said something about this sooner. If she had lost her sister Carolina she would certainly want to get revenge on the person responsible for it, but she wouldnt have gone after an entire people though.

Flynn had been a member of OMEN when it was still a thing before joining with SHIELD, and they had done some shady things before. And he was given a second chance at a fresh start however, she took a moment as she thought about it and sighed. "I don't condone what you did here, I do believe in second chances you chose to come to our reality. I'm willing to give you a benefit of a doubt, but I don't want anymore secrets I intend on finishing this mission on bringing Luminous and Doom back and bring everyone back home."

Maria Novikova

Location: Aircraft- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria's eyes instantly went wide as she watched Celestine's body split in half, she had seen really gorey things in movies and tv shows, but she never actually seen something like this before in person. "Was she part Borg or something?" Maria asked as she noticed all of the mechanical components mixed in with Celestine's blood. She didnt really know Celestine all that well as a person Maria shuddered slightly as she looked away for a moment before turning her attention back over towards Raynor as he started to answer her question, she looked down for a moment as Raynor said he lost his father and mother. And then all of the thing that he had done that Monica had said to all of them in interrogation.

Maria thought about her wife Novikova, their daughter Diana and her sister, she had already lost her sister Kristina right in front of her when she was dragged to Genosha. "I did loose my sister when I was taken to Genosha a few weeks ago, I honestly would take out all my anger out on those responsible if either my daughter or Novi were killed." Maria said turning to look at Raynor, knowing that loosing someone was really hard. "I think you are a better person now, you do have a daughter now though, so you just have to be better for her." Maria said to Raynor.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Niah looked away. She had been fine. She wasn't pregnant. But that was gross. She listened, sort of to Sparky going off. And to Raynor explaining himself. He still didn't say what he had done here to make him the most wanted. She shivered trying to keep her composure. There was a lot going on. Too much. They needed to do something with Celestine's body. If it continued to...change...that was not good.

She activated her leg with a thought, having it scan Celestine's corpse. Almost immediately it started blaring a warning. Matt looked at her confused. Niah tried to decipher what it was telling her. Her heart sank. This was a big issue. Whatever happened to Celestine was super bad.

"I think this is some sort of trap or something." She said, unbuckling and moving away from the body. "I think it would be best if we dispose of that as quickly as possible and do not let any of that stuff get into the ship or anything." She wished they had a sling-ring like Dr. Strange so they could just send her body away as terrible as that sounded. Normally she would have wanted to bring it home back to her family. Right now she was fine with the idea of setting it on fire.

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Matt recoiled. There was no other reaction possible. It wasn't that he had a fear of blood or was squeamish. In fact, he had prided himself growing up on not being squeamish and he had been in military and military adjacent jobs long enough that that kind of thing just didn't bother him. This however was horrifying. He had not expected the body to come apart like that. And there was something wrong with it. He was able to keep himself from freaking out at least.

"What does that mean Niah?" He looked at her concerned. She looked super freaked out as she backed away from the cockpit area.

"It means consider whatever that is a biohazard." She added before moving further away.

Matt was glad he had already dropped Celestine's body. But here was Niah saying they needed to dispose of it and saying it was a biohazard. What did she want them to do? Dump the body off the ship?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Well, people didn't seem to pay attention too much apparently. "I thought we learned not to ask super broad questions?" he couldn't help but mutter. It had been sort of established that you don't just ask "tell us everything you know," as that was kind of a large question and didn't make any sort of sense to just bluntly ask. As before, when the group had been asking Darcy and Folly about everything, it wasn't really until he had asked more specific questions where they were more easily able to answer the questions. So why was it that no one paid attention to that? Since asking the broadest question in the world clearly worked out so well before.

Flynn just sort of listened as Raynor seemingly gave a bit of a rundown of everything with regards to why he was more or less considered a major villain in the Iron. What he said more or less lined up a bit with what he knew about everything. Of course, everyone was bound to their own opinions on how to react to Raynor's words or what he had done. Personally, he himself was on Raynor's side with this. The people of the Iron from what he so far has gathered aren't exactly the nicest people either, so he wasn't too sure if it was worse what Raynor did, or worse the sort of world and everything that the Iron and all does.

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

"If someone tells me to calm down one more time there are going to be even more issues," Sparky muttered, clearly annoyed and purposefully sort of ignoring what Cass' suggestion was. Everyone kept telling her to calm down, and telling her to do something even as simple as that was a somewhat good way to ensure that she didn't really want to do it. Plus, truthfully the only real way she'd be able to calm down was to step away from everyone, and get some fresh air. Two things that she very much couldn't do with her current situation and them still being on the plane to wherever the hell they were even going.

People started asking Raynor questions, wanting him to explain what the hell was going on, but Sparky sort of tuned out that entire conversation. She very much just wanted to forget all of this insanity was happening currently, and just imagine being back home in their reality and all of this never happened. Thinking about that wasn't really making her feel much better though, since she supposed it wasn't even technically her reality. No, this technically was, and that was going back to a part of her thoughts that she didn't even want to think about right now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: Jack of All Trades (Science, Engineering)

Oliver cringed over at the body, and took a long look at it, or, long for as much as he could stomach. He wasn't the type to enjoy looking at corpses, or at least, he wasn't, but he, as in, this universe's version of him, probably wouldn't have minded at all. He tried not to linger on that thought, that serial killer Oliver Sullivan had probably seen many bodies like this one, and even made them himself. Moving on, he looked up and down, trying to focus on the tech of his former teammate's body instead of the viscera, and came to a quick conclusion.

"You folks have anything like The Borg here?" Oli asked, scooting himself imperceptibly away from the away from the corpse, not wanting to be converted himself, "Whatever was happening with Celestine, I'd have to guess it's some kind of tech-hive mind like that, and I swear to god if Stark built out something like that and released it into the wild..." He murmured off into a vague threat against The Iron Man. He didn't actually think he could do something against an avenger, but with the metric fuckton of shit that he'd put him through, it was cathartic to pretend.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 7:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

Bonnie's stomach had gradually begun to calm down, allowing her to focus on Raynor's admission of what he had done in this world. She noted that he left out concrete details, leaving it up to them to imagine the extent of what he had done there. Because of this, it wasn't surprising to her that no one voiced opposition to continuing to work with him - that everyone seemed fine with it, willing to forgive and forget. But despite being a good Catholic girl, Bonnie didn't necessarily believe in redemption. Or at least, not in Raynor's redemption.

But they needed him. They were in a strange world they couldn't navigate. For now, Bonnie decided to go along with things - to work with the God of Lies. But once they had a way to get home, that was when she'd voice her objections to him continuing to be a part of their team. Besides, they had more pressing concerns - that being that everyone seemed convince that Celestine had been assimilated or something along those lines. Niah (and Niah's leg) seemed terrified. "Flynn, could you destroy the body?" Bonnie asked. Fire ought to do the trick.

Amelia didn't know what to focus on - two incredibly interesting but disturbing things were happening at once. One, Raynor had confessed to having a dark and mysterious past, one that seemed to have involved probably killing a lot of innocent people. She didn't know what Ragnarok really involved or whatever, but it sounded like Norse god stuff, and not really something that the Iron was responsible for. But on the other hand, apparently Celestine was going to be guest starring in Star Trek, as she turned into some sort of creepy cyborg thing? Or would have continued turning into it, if she hadn't been killed by Folly's blade.

"Oh boy, there's a lot to unpack here. Ray-Ray, we obviously can't forgive you for what you did, but the past is the past and I'm sure you're a smashing dad and husband and you've saved the world, so you're all good by me - just maybe try not to relapse and go evil again? We love a redemption arc, but we don't gotta see it again," Amelia rambled. "And the Borg? How the hell did that happen to Celestine? She was, like, totally normal when we got here - or do you think she maybe got infected a while ago? How long does the infection take to spread? Days, hours, minutes?"

"I don't need your approval or forgiveness," Raynor muttered, deeply unhappy with everything going on. At least it seemed like people thought that the Iron had been the ones to kill his parents - that probably made him look a little better in their eyes than the truth would have (not that he had lied, people had just made an assumption).

Of course, Folly wasn't interested in Raynor's brooding - even if she had giggled ever so slightly at him being called Ray-Ray, something he had clearly not enjoyed. "Are you going to tell them all about the Phalanx or should I?" Folly asked Darcy.

Darcy was looking incredibly pale. "The what? I-I've never heard of that," she lied.

Folly rolled her eyes. "Typical flatscan behavior. Ugh. Your friend was being transformed into a part of the Phalanx, an extra-dimensional hive-mind made out of techno-organic machinery. The machine gods that Stark worships, that hunt mutants for sport."

"What?" Raynor asked, lifting his head up, clearly surprised. That wasn't right. There hadn't been any machine gods back when he had been here - the Iron had been advanced for a Midgardian society, but nothing too crazy. Raynor hadn't even heard the word Phalanx before, it wasn't something that even Asgardians knew about. "What do you mean? How.... Just what the hell?"

"Go on, tell them," Folly said to Darcy.

Darcy grumbled. She really didn't want to. She didn't want to talk about this. "I don't officially know any of this, but I saw a file that I was definitely not cleared to have access for once, explaining that the cloning facilities weren't a viable solution to the sterilization problem in the Iron - thanks again for that, Raynor. Buuut Stark was inspired by old myths of gods and humans having kids, so... He made a kid with the Phalanx. A living artificial intelligence - a Generative Uniform Intelligent Network. Buuuut problem was, some of the Phalanx got into all of Stark's AIs, and it seems like it spreads... like through your friend, who had a computer mind...."

"Jesus," Bonnie cursed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 44 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Aircraft - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra stared at Celestine's body as Folly and Darcy seemed to know what it was exactly and moved away from Celestine's body as best as she could. She turned to Folly and Darcy for a moment she wasnt really sure how this thing spread if it was just through simple touch or through other means. ]"Is there any cure, also how does it spread through contact, is it airborne?" Cass asked she looked at Raynor who seemed that he didnt know what this was from his own universe was surprising, she wasnt sure if that was a lie or not given his name and everything.

She hoped that Flynn setting it on fire would be able to do the trick, but then she realized that they were in the air currently and usually things like fire and smoke in an aircraft never really turned out to well since they were always plastered everywhere in commercial airlines. "Amelia you are our pilot and aircraft expert wouldn't a fire be a bad idea though being in an aircraft and all?" Cass asked, looking over at Amelia since she was their pilot and all.

Maria Novikova

Location: Aircraft- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria looked at Raynor and shook her head slightly, some people could be redeemed she quickly unbuckled and backed away from Celestine's body and looked at Bonnie for a moment she wasnt sure who Celestine had direct contact with the most recent. It was a bit scary seeing that happen to Celestine she didnt want that to happen to her or anyone else on the team as Darcy and Folly explained what happened to Celestine.

The fire burning would get rid of it for sure but Maria wasnt sure about doing it in a small area would be a good idea or not. "If she comes back as some really weird and creepy techno zombie i'll freak out." Maria said as she looked at Celestine's two halves the sooner they land the better. "Also how much further to where we need to go?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Niah had put distance between her and Celestine's body, but she continued to listen to the conversation going on. Darcy dropped some info that both surprised Niah and didn't. She knew Raynor had done something shitty, but that was basically genocide. She bit her lip. Of course, now she knew what Phalanx was. She hadn't guessed what the leg could know about this world. She considered that later she might have it interface with a known safe computer and download information here. Maybe she could find out where Doom and Luminous were that way.

Why did it have to be the two enemies they had that she had the deepest fear of? Luminous had traumatized her, not that basically anyone else on the ship knew about that. It happened in a timeline that didn't exist now. Or did it? She reached up and touched the necklace she wore. A replacement for the one for her sister. A habit brought over from that same timeline.

"Less than an hour, Maria." She told her friend. It hadn't been long since Folly had given directions so it wasn't a whole lot less than an hour. "If it is safe, I think destroying Phalanx would be the best idea. Immediately."

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Matt moved away from Celestine's body. He wasn't a computer person. But that didn't mean he wasn't freaked out. Especially with Niah's doomsaying that Celestine's body was a biohazard. He listened to the explanations of Phalanx and noted that Darcy mentioned that the Iron had been sterilized. So it was out there now.

How did Folly know that Darcy knew what Phalanx was? Darcy said she wasn't supposed to know. "Did the blade neutralize it though? That thing can kill anything." Matt asked hopefully. If Phalanx was neutralized at least they could avoid the fire plan. He glanced at Niah who didn't seem convinced.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

"You do realize I can both start and stop a fire right? Shouldn't be too difficult to get it where the body essentially gets incinerated and then make the fire go away right?" Flynn commented, preferring to steer the conversation a bit away from everything that was going on with Raynor. He wasn't going to voice anything too much at the moment with regards to it, but personally he believed in second chances and redemption. It doesn't matter what his motivations were initially with what he had done, what mattered now was what he was seemingly doing instead.

Flynn instantly stepped forward towards Celestine's body, his body engulfing somewhat in flames before he sent a blast of fire directly at the body, and it soon burst into flames. The fire around him dimmed down and dissipated, as he waited for a little bit, until the body had been essentially burned very thoroughly, before he caused the fire to swirl and disappear entirely. "There, problem solved for the moment. Probably anyway, so, now we just sit around and wait to reach our destination or whatever? Or keep asking about the whole Phalanx thing or whatever?"

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

She was still only really half paying attention to the conversations around her, but one thing stuck out and it seemed to be a sort of reoccurring theme with people forgetting. "We aren't married," Sparky corrected Amelia, still sounding a bit cold with her words. Though right now she wasn't even sure if that was going to even happen at this point, considering the words that Raynor had said to her were still swirling around in her head, including whether or not he actually meant it given the other lies he has told easily in the past.

Her attention did turn towards the conversation about the Phalanx, whatever they were. Some strange technological race or something like that, it was a bit confusing. Though it was still a bit strange to see the cyborg thing that had started to more or less take over Celestine's body. It was gone in an instant though really, as Flynn decided to ignore the conversation about whether or not fire on a ship was good or bad, and just burned the body, before making the flames disappear. Well hopefully nothing like that will cause issues again or whatever, soon anyway.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior
Skills: N/A

The more Oliver learned about this world's Tony Stark, the more and more his mind leaned towards euthanizing their Iron Man for the good of society. He was mostly entertaining the idea as form of catharsis, but come on. Every single piece of AI science fiction in the world could've told him why that was an awful idea, but the damn man had such hubris that he didn't care, because nothing could ever go wrong until everything goes wrong. The fucking complex of a man who'd try to make their kid a demigod, he couldn't even imagine, but it just gave him more and more distain.

Keeping distance between himself and Celestine's body, he thought to himself about if there was any chance of dealing with the Phalanx. He put a few things together in his head, and figured the thing that was hacking and adapting against him when he was trying to wrestle control of the ship must've been related to that. This wouldn't be like any system he could take over, it would fight against him, and he had no idea how to deal with that. The thought crossed his mind that, if any hacker could keep up with an AI, it would be a speedster one, but he honestly doubted himself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 7:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

"I mean, yeah fires are generally a no-no inside a ship like this, buuut I think I'll make an exception for stopping us from all being turned into the Borg, as that would ruin the vibes," Amelia said. She liked having free will and autonomy. She didn't know how this sort of thing spread - if it was just limited to computer people and things - but she didn't wanna risk it. The thought that her will and thoughts would be taken away from her was just too much. Every fiber of her being wanted to be free at all times, to soar higher and higher.

"I don't think it can spread through anything beyond, like, signals - so if none of you have a computer brain, then you should be fine," Darcy said, thought she seemed uncertain even as she said it.

"Tell that to Candy Southern," Folly snorted darkly. "All she ever did was love a mutant, she didn't have powers or anything, and it took her."

"I'm not the one who did this!" Darcy protested. "Don't shoot the messenger, geez..." She paused, before nodding hopefully at what Matt said. "I think so? Maybe. It probably depends on whether machines are considered alive."

"We should still destroy it to be safe," Bonnie argued. She couldn't afford to think of Celestine as a person right now - whatever the thing was, whatever the Phalanx was, it wasn't human. The talk of machine gods did intrigue her, mostly as Bonnie had realized she had been given the powers of an avatar of Athena, an ancient Greek god. They already knew that the Norse gods were real, but what else? It seemed like each day, more and more insane things were turning out to be true - the impossible was possible all along. If there were machine gods out there, what else was waiting around the corner that even human consciousness couldn't comprehend?

Thankfully, Flynn did just that and Bonnie relaxed slightly. If she was being honest, they didn't really have the time to worry about machine gods and everything going on in the Iron. This wasn't their world - these weren't their people. They needed to find a way to get back home, back to where they belonged. She hoped that everything here would just live on as a chilling nightmare, a cautionary tale as to what certain people they knew could be pushed to do if things went too far. And of course, their time here had illuminated who Raynor really was - that he couldn't be trusted - that he didn't deserve to be an agent of SHIELD.

"Are you all done interrogating me?" Raynor asked, breaking the momentary silence. Flynn had asked what they were going to do with the rest of the time they were in flight - and it seemed like they still had a little ways to go. To be honest, he was hoping they'd touch down sooner rather than later. At least some Genoshan ex-pats probably wouldn't treat him like he was the devil. He hadn't missed the way Sparky had said that they weren't married, with what felt like venom in her words - but it was good. The further away from him she was here, the better...

"Who exactly are we meeting, Folly?" Raynor then asked. Most of the people he had known and worked with back in the day were a little older now, so it was entirely possible that he didn't know their contacts.

"They're old friends of yours, Ragnarok... Destiny and Mystique," Folly answered.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 44 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: Aircraft - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra turned to look at Amelia and nodded towards her, the sooner they got rid of Celestine's body the better, but it was still a risk using fire in an aircraft. Flynn of course quickly started to use his powers to burn Celestine's body until it wasnt there anymore, and she started to relax as there wasnt any sort of explosion that happened when he did that. Cassandra then went over and sat back down turning to look at Raynor she figured that this was the time to get some more answers.

"Aside from sterilizing the people of the Iron here, do you have any personal enemies here that we should know about or avoid?" Cass decided to ask him, if they did run into people that Raynor was enemies with that would make getting back home a lot harder. Folly mentioned the two people who they will be meeting within the Blue. She was already familiar with Mystique since her brief time in Wanda's world when she rewrote reality in their world.

Maria Novikova

Location: Aircraft- Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria looked at Niah and nodded towards her slightly as she answered her question she was still nervous about the whole Phalanx thing Flynn was quick enough to set Celestine's body on fire, and luckily they didnt get blown up in the process either. She then sat back down looking over at where Celestine's body was before turning her attention to Folly. She wasnt familiar with Destiny but she did remember Mystique pretty well. A part of her was worried about meeting her counterpart here seeing as she was more than willing enough to help Raynor here with the genocide here was a bit worrying.

Maria thought about something to ask Raynor, but she couldnt really think of anything at the moment, as she listened to Cassandra as she asked him if he had any enemies that they should avoid while they were here. She was more than willing to give Raynor another chance, she was curious though how Mystique was here in this reality compared to their own.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship
Skills: Kree tech

"As someone who has a leg made of highly advanced tech. I'd like to make sure I don't get it." Niah said mostly under her breath. She was probably the most susceptible out of anyone left on the ship. And who knew what it would be like where they were going. And what if it was infecting the ship?

As for Raynor's reveal, she thought about it and decided she didn't particularly care. She had decided a long time ago she didn't like Raynor so it wasn't like she would start disliking him now. She'd back up Sparky though. If Sparky decided she wanted to call off the wedding that was her choice and Niah would make sure Raynor backed off. If she decided to stay with him that was also her choice and Niah would be happy to help her pick out a wedding dress or whatever. As for repercussions wasn't it bad enough to not be able to be in your homeland?

Location: EARTH 257: Stolen Ship

Matt was honestly surprised the group wasn't freaking out more about Raynor. But maybe he had missed something before he had joined that made the reveal less surprising or awful. He would trust Cass's opinion on the matter. If she was fine working with him after they got home that was her choice as the leader of the group.

He moved around the spot where Celestine's body had been. Impressed with Flynn's ability. The smell though was...unpleasant. He glanced at Bonnie to make sure she didn't like she was going to hurl again and she seemed fine. He sat back down and re-buckled into the seat. Deciding he didn't want to be up and about just in case.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Well the fire was out and the body had been dealt with, so he personally didn't really care what happened now with regards to it, in theory. Of course, that didn't mean that the Phalanx weren't able to still in theory be around or something like that. He honestly wasn't entirely sure how the whole thing even really worked honestly. That was not really something he figured they'd need to immediately figure out considering the fact that the entire situation was just about over with now, they were going to end up in the Blue at some point soon.

Flynn had to stop himself from laughing a little bit with regards to Cass asking Raynor about if he had any other personal enemies that they had to worry about. Honestly, knowing Raynor he probably had a lot more enemies around the world or something like that, it made perfect sense to him for that to happen. But all of that was just a sort of assumption on his part based on just Raynor's personality in general. Though he wasn't going to voice that opinion out loud, as it might cause some issues still.

Location: Stolen Ship
Skills: N/A

Sparky was more then happy with the fire and the conversation drifting away from other things, plus the mention that they were going to be there after hopefully not much longer was definitely something she was looking forward to. Considering the fact that it would allow her some air and get away to be with her thoughts for a while all things considering. The talk about the Phalanx was really interesting to her, more then just about everything else that was being mentioned, since a whole technological based race or whatever it was, was an interesting sort of thing.

Of course the conversation just circled back around to Raynor, and she was starting to get annoyed at this point with everyone still asking questions. Right now he was the last person she wanted to talk about, and for everyone to keep talking about. "Would you all shut up with the damn questions, honestly we heard just about everything that mattered at this point in time, so can we just stop it already!" she ended up snapping. The conversation was getting on her nerves more then a bit, and the fact that they kept circling back around to the topic being Raynor.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 days ago


EARTH 257 - 7:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

Niah would not detect more traces of the Phalanx present on the ship. However, given that the ship had been stolen from the Iron, it wouldn't be a bad idea to junk the ship upon arriving in the Blue and switch to something else, if only just to be more discrete about things. As for Cass' question, Raynor had gone more or less silent after Sparky screamed wanting everyone to stop talking about him, so she didn't get an answer as to whether or not he had more enemies.

"This is it," Folly told Amelia. They had been gradually descending for the last ten minutes, with Amelia flying relatively carefully. They were in what they would call Colorado back in their world - but here, it was just the Blue. "There should be a landing strip to put her down."

"Okie dokie," Amelia said, flying carefully and cautiously. It was a good thing she was, in her opinion, one of the best pilots out there - not many pilots would have the nerves to land a plane in the Colorado mountains, without air traffic control or someone on the ground to coordinate a landing. But her skills spoke for themselves, as Amelia saw a gigantic mansion built into the side of a mountain - and true to Folly's words, a landing platform. Amelia put them down gently, the landing nice and slow and easy. Once they had landed, Amelia killed the power to the engines of the plane. "Alright, mates, we're here. We know you didn't have a choice in airlines, but we're happy you picked us anyways," Amelia joked.

She felt incredibly awkward - and a little bit stressed out. Celestine had just died. They were stranded in a bizarre strange world where Big Brother had been made a thing. And she didn't have a bloody clue how they were going to get home. At least she could now say she had flown a fascist country's stolen aircraft in an alternate universe - not too many pilots could boast that. "I'm going to kill the power to everything, just in case the Borg happens again..." Amelia said, before powering down the aircraft completely.

"Huh. The Aerie's still here, then," Raynor said, somewhat quietly. He had lived here for a time. Back when he ran with the X-Men, they would sneak to the Aerie and lay low there when the Iron was on high alert. It was faster to get to the Aerie than going all the way back to Genosha. And even though he had been a part of the X-Men in order to enact violence for violence's sake (the others, of course, were there in order to help Genosha as a black ops unit), the Aerie had always been a place of beauty to him. It was a cross between a mansion and a cabin, built into the side of the mountain, with gigantic beautiful trees all around it. Snowflakes were drifting down softly in flurries, stirred up by a breeze.

His expression darkened for a moment, remembering one particularly painful event that had transpired here - his one encounter with the force of nature called the Phoenix. He didn't say anything else though, his eyes glancing over at Sparky. And then without another look, he pressed the button to lower the boarding ramp and walked off of the plane, stepping out into the chilly, thin mountain air.

"Ragnarok. A shame you have made it back here alive," a woman with a gold, terrifying mask and blue robes said chillingly. She wasn't alone, though. A blue skinned woman with scarlet hair and a belt made of real skulls stood protectively by her side.

"You're looking good, Irene, for what... 80?" Raynor said.

"Can't we kill this moron?" Mystique complained to her wife, Destiny.

"No. If we were to kill him, half of his companions would seek to avenge him. The other half would be glad he was dead. In the ensuing battle, I see three outcomes. In one, I am taken prisoner and traded for information on Doctor Doom. In one, you are slain and I return to Genosha and seize leadership in a coup. In one, we slaughter them all and flee to space, forever running from Genosha's dogs."

Mystique groaned, rolling her eyes - but losing her wife wasn't an option. "Fine."

Bonnie disembarked from the plane, as did Amelia, Darcy, and Folly. She heard an inhuman whisper in her ear: Trust the Oracle. Bonnie startled ever so slightly, her eyes darting around for the source of the voice, but she didn't hear a single soul. There was no one there who could have said something like that - no one in their party who even sounded like that. Her eyes then landed on something unnatural in their vicinity. On the branch of one of the nearby trees was a barn owl, its eyes seemingly staring right at Bonnie.

"As you can see, Ragnarok's brought some extras with him. I'm sure you'll tell the X and M that I expect to be paid extra for this," Folly stressed.

"I already told them," Destiny said simply. She then paused for a moment. "Come inside. I know you all will be better behaved than our other house guests."

Then, as if on cue, everyone would hear a female shriek from inside the Mansion - "Remy, Ah told ya not ta try that!!!"

"... Can we kill him, at least?" Mystique asked her wife pleadingly. "Our daughter deserves better."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 15 days ago

Oliver Sullivan

Ship interior -> The Aerie
Skills: N/A

Oliver spent most of the trip lightly dissociating himself away from the awfulness in the cabin. There were things to do, of course, but he was confident that with the current information they had, and the lack of information they had about everything really kept him from doing much. As they landed, Oli rose himself, ready for whatever they'd have to face in The Blue. Hopefully their respite would continue, but he was at least recharged enough that he could knock around a few heads without having to worry about collapse from total exhaustion, and that was all that could be asked of him.

Oli deplaned, and looked at their welcoming party. He was initially shocked by the look of those in front of him. Not that he was one to judge people for their appearances, but he struggled to see how a person with what appeared to be human skulls on her waist could be particularly kind person. As such, he kept his mouth shut, and waited for more data. He wasn't going to attack somebody or attempt to verbally engage when he didn't actually know anything, but he felt uneasy. Whoever these people were, he got the feeling that, at best, their interests were temporarily aligned, rather than them all being called towards a greater good.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 44 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Aerie - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Cassandra took a moment and stared at Sparky for a moment as she snapped back, and sighed slightly she really did hate not knowing things and not being kept in the loop especially when it comes to the safety of her team. She was responsible for all of their lives after all, and any enemies that Raynor had could come to him if they knew where he was at. Then she heard Folly say that they were at their location now, Cassandra stood up looking over towards Amelia. "You did great Amelia." Cass said to Amelia giving her a smile as soon as the boarding ramp opened up Cass followed shortly behind Bonnie gently resting a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Are you doing alright Bonnie?" Cassandra asked, wondering how Bonnie was doing and all.

Cassandra's attention turned towards the two women that greeted them, she immediately recognized Mystique there, though the woman in blue with the strange golden mask she didn't. Mystique clearly seemed to not like Raynor at all, as she looked towards him for a moment and the woman speaking of different possibilities that could happen if she did manage to kill Raynor, and guessed that she had some kind of precognitive powers. "Thanks for allowing us here." Cassandra said figuring that she'd remain friendly for now, she couldnt help but hear someone yelling from inside the building.

Maria Novikova

Location: The Aerie - Earth 257
Skills: N/A

Maria remained pretty quiet for the most part and leaned back slightly as she occasionally stared at where Celestine's body was, she didnt know her but it was sad to see another teammate die like that. Sparky snapped again mainly towards Cass it sounded like with all of the questions towards Raynor. She had gotten the answers that she wanted and felt like there wasnt anything else that she wanted to ask at the moment.

It didnt take to long for them to get to where they needed to go next, Maria stood up and grabbed her gear before making her way off of the ramp. It was a little bit chilly as Maria turned towards the two women standing there, and remembered Mystique from the House of M reality that Wanda had made. "So now that we are here now what?" Maria ask she wasn't sure how long they will be here for really, she then heard someone inside the building. "Who else is here?"
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