Shirasawa Asumi
Asumi is rather short for her age; she stands at just about 5'3" and has a regular figure. Her hazelnut brown hair is always seen in some sort of combination of half-done-up and half-done-down, such as messy ponytails or loose braids that circle her head. Outside of school, she dresses both comfortably and fashionably. Her go-to outfits during the winter months are often bright, fuzzy sweaters and colorful snow hats, while in the summer she's hardly seen wearing anything but skirts and sundresses. Her notebooks are covered with stickers and her schoolbag always seems to have one or two vinyl pins of cute animals on it.
If one had to describe Asumi, they would probably say that she can be a bit "too much" at times. Whatever that means, she doesn't know. In reality, she's quite cheery, and it's hard to keep her down for long. She tries her best to deal with her problems as soon as they show up, and when she's done with them, she moves on like nothing ever happened. It's extremely difficult to get on her bad side, and because of this, she's known for making friends with practically anyone that comes along her way.
Once you get Asumi rolling, it's hard to get her to stop; she's quite the chatterbox, and will often spout multiple questions at once when it comes to something or someone that she's curious and excited about. While she might be a little over the top and extremely eager to please, she also displays a bit of a short temper when people bother her or the people that she cares most about. Asumi's also pretty tone-deaf in more ways than one, and can be a bit too oblivious for her own good. She's also notoriously nosy due to the fact that she wants to be involved in everything about her friends' social lives.
Asumi's parents were never really around. Being doctors at one of the biggest clinics in Tokyo had its downsides, and one of those were that they could never really spend much time with their one and only daughter. Sure, they were always well-off and could go anywhere they wanted to on trips, but much of Asumi's earlier years were spent by herself. Someone always kept an eye on her when her parents away, which was pretty easy because Asumi was always a good girl; she often buried herself in books, lost herself in cartoons and television shows, and played with the family dog when her parents were away. Even though her mom and dad were constantly busy, she was proud of them nevertheless-- they were doctors, after all. They were helping people all over the city get better. She wanted to be just like them one day; when she grew up, she wanted to help the people or things that were hurting get better. It was when she was eight or nine years old that she decided that she wanted to be a veterinarian, and that was that.
She had just begun high school when her parents decided that perhaps the city life wasn't the type of setting they wanted to raise a teenager in. Things had become far too dangerous for their liking, especially for a girl her age. So, they packed up and moved out of the Tokyo. They decided that Fujihama was both close enough for them to commute to work and far enough away to prevent her from becoming wrapped up in the wrong crowd. Asumi didn't take the move too well; while she would always remain in contact with old friends, she feared that their relationships would fade with time. The young girl decided that she had to make new friends as fast as possible, or else she would be more lonely than ever before.
Luckily for Asumi, that went rather well. Her amiable nature, along with the fact that she was more than eager to please her new friends, granted her several of them. She was always there to help them study, always there to help them pay for their lunches, always there to help them through bad break-ups and horrible test grades. Yeah, she was a good friend, and that was enough for her.
The death of their Prime Minister had shaken Asumi up a bit too much for her liking. She's trying her best to move on from it, even going so far as to ignore the rumors that are currently spreading through Fujihama High School like wildfire.
- Asumi has a huge appetite and often eats more than one plate of food for lunch or dinner.
- She is among the top 10 students in her class.
- Asumi is very superstitious; she strongly believes that performing certain types of rituals will increase her luck during the day.