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Zeroth Post
"Forget all your preconceptions of war, of battle-lines clashing in the churned ground. Your mission is to attack before the foe even realizes that the war has begun, to strike hard at those vital weaknesses that all armies possess, but that no commander will admit to. Under my tutelage you will learn how to seek out such fragilities and smite them with every weapon at your disposal. Master these duties and I will have nothing more to teach, and you will truly be a Space Marine."

-Sergeant Torias Telion, Ultramarines 10th Company
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Hello Peoples! I have had this idea brewing for a short while now and figured it might be fun to attempt. In this Rp all players will take on the roll of a newly minted scout marine. A youth who, through fire and determination has survived the rigorous and often grueling training of their superiors, Their bodies fully accepting the many bio-implants and genetic alterations forced upon them, and have earned the right to finally wear and utilize the wargear of their beloved chapter. However limited their access to such hallowed equipment may be.

You are all young, strong and determined to make your mark and prove yourselves worthy of your chapters name and this great opportunity to serve the Emperor in such a glorious and honoured means.

For all of you this is your first real combat deployment. Your first true test. Everything up until the moment of deployment. Each pain accepted, limb broken and psychological torment endured through sheer force of will has only been to prepare you all for this. War.... This one act that will become your sole purpose of existence for the rest of your artificially elongated lives. Potentially centuries worth of battles and thousands of enemies might be slain by you personally as you carve a name for yourself in the flesh of the Emperor's foes. If you can survive the next few decades as a neophyte & chapter scout anyhow.

Character Creation

Some people might have noticed I didn't add a section for background to the CS and that is deliberate. You are all young and new to the chapter. You haven't really have the opportunity to make your histories yet, and for some of you the transition into becoming an astartes was so traumatic it may have wiped your memories of your mortal lives partially or entirely.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Alrighty, some questions I will no doubt be asked by people looking in on this idea. Hopefully they read this post

What chapter are we Playing as? - Due to popular demand/popular ambivalence we can confirmed the choice of chapter to be (Drummmmm rolllllll pllllleeeeeaaaassssse) Salamanders! Hail to the children of Nocturne and the sons of Vulkan.

The Salamanders aren't my favourite chapter, can I be a snowflake and be from a different chapter? -In short, No. This isn't deathwatch.

What weapons can I have? - well you are playing scouts. So equipment will be kept to the simpler end of the astartes armoury but that still leaves alot of options. Shotguns, sniper rifles, bolters, bolt pistols, heavy bolters, missile launchers to name a few. I'll even allow certain special weapons like flamers, meltas and perhaps even storm bolter and grenade launchers are valid options as far as lore is concerned. But not everyone in the squad gets a special weapon unless the mission parameters specifically call for it.

Can I play a (Insert anything that isn't a scout marine here) instead of a scout marine? - No, that kind of defeats the point of this idea.

Will this character I make eventually become a company captain or an apothecary or chaplain? - I mean.... Maybe? but not in this rp. This rp hopes to end with your characters simply graduating from the 10th company and earning your first suit of power armour.

Can I have psykic powers? - I'm really iffy on this one for obvious reasons and want to default to saying no. Any psykic powers a character develops would immediately disqualify them from being in the squad as they would be taken for different training.

So like.... what's the plot exactly? - Great question. In short this wont really be a grand continuous epic, but My plan is to break the game into smaller missions and deployments. This allows better opportunity for variety of enemies to face, venues to explore, stories to play out and loadouts for you all to mix and match. This also allows players to come and go more easily as 'reinforcements' can be more easily justified and shoehorned in. The main 'hub' of the game will be a Strike Cruiser that that your characters are serving on board being attached to a battle company.

What year is this game set in? - I'm going to set this roughly a hundred or more years before the end of the 41st millennium as primaris marines don't seem to make great use of scout marines. Plus i'm still reading up on the current lore and don't know 100% everything about what's going on in the galaxy to date.

Do I need to be super well versed in 40k lore to play? - Hell no, the great thing about playing scouts is that we are starting small so to speak, and scouts are learning about the horrors and wonders of the 41st millenium just as you are. So in a way it's actually quite fitting. If anyone tries to be a dink and make you feel bad for not knowing something just let me know.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago

Still looking for peeps, def interested in this?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

yes I am still looking for people
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BangoSkank
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BangoSkank Halfway Intriguing Halfling

Member Seen 21 days ago

I don't have a character in mind specifically just yet.

I like to do slightly off kilter ones usually.

Maybe a Scout who is just a little too gungho, getting further out ahead than he should, putting himself (and thus the squad) in bad situations.

Maybe a Scout who has a big head and is convinced that he will be the one to survive everything, accomplish all the things, and gain all the praises and commands and general big dick awards.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I see nothing inherently wrong with either idea. Just remember not to be too abrasive to the other players
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by VolcanicLaval
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If were going with Salamnder's I do have a character in mind already
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Well no one else is chiming in for other chapter preferences. So I'm willing to run with salamanders for now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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BTW if anyone does want to place a vote for a preferred chapter than please do so soon. This is open to the three who have already posted interest and anyone else currently browsing this thread.

As I stated in the OP I don't personally care which chapter it is we play, and I'll pick and random if I have to. But would prefer it be agreed upon.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jamesyco
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Jamesyco Forever a Student

Member Seen 1 day ago

Salamanders, Ironhands, or Raven Guard would be my top three
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Iron hands are definitely cool, but they also can get pretty.... intense. An individual iron hand can be a fun addition to a deathwatch team to keep the tone grounded, but having everyone be brooding & embittered self-loathing hatemongers might get a little samey.

if people are up for it though....

Raven guard are dope however. But so far it's three people who are at least ok with the idea of Salamanders
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Steel Legion
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Steel Legion Important plot character

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll join if you'll have me.

1.) Imperial Fists (because the ability to craft fortifications is a good plot device)
2.) Dark Angels (because hunting the fallen is a fun plot device)
3.) New Chapter (because this gives the ability for the GM to be flexible with all your characters and simply say "well thats just how this chapter is", and it gives the possibility to include flavors from many chapters all under one roof.) I'd keep the progenitor a secret to keep the flexibility.

Remember there's nothing to say you can't play a particularly stealthy Imperial Fist or a scout with a penchant for bionics from any other chapter. You dont have to be "type-cast".

Right now I'm thinking of going a boltgun scout, but i need to brainstorm an appropriate skill set for him. I prefer to keep the equipment simple but go wild with the skills.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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i'm not against dark angels but no one else seems interested. I floated them some time ago and no one bit. Same with the new chapter and Imperial fists. Salamanders have 1 firm vote behind them and 2 other people say they are cool with them.

And as for a new chapter, Well to be honest the first time I pitched this game like a year ago I picked a unknown chapter and it only seemed to turn people off so I expect what people really want something is cannon that is also well fleshed out so that they can research ideas. Even if they don't necessarily articulate that.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Steel Legion
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Steel Legion Important plot character

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ok, ill accept Salamanders if it floats several other peoples boats.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 16 days ago

I think Salamanders would be great, and on that note I'd like to participate in this. I've got a few ideas bouncing around in the ol' noggin. Although, my understanding of the lore is somewhat lacking. Foremost, what age do the Adeptus Astartes typically recruit from? It sounds like they'd be teenagers or young adults, but from what I do know of 40K I wouldn't be surprised if they're selected from birth or grown out of a vat or something.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Astartes are forced to recruit kids between 12-14 years. Basically the onset of puberty, any older and the odds of their bodies rejecting the implants and extra organs increases exponentially so it's not seen as worth the effort. After some years of further training & numerous surgeries they are made into scouts at roughly the age of 19-24. I included an age outline in the CS.

Applicants are not vat grown but picked from the youth of a planet, usually a pretty shitty planet either a deathworld or the bowels of a hive world. In the case of the Salamanders they exclusively recruit from the surface of Nocturne. A pretty shitty world wracked by earthquakes, tectonic shifts, volanic eruptions and covered in ash wastes. Barely livable but still livable.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

This also makes 5 people, And I am officially locking in Salamanders as the chapter we are playing as everyone is either voting for them, or are cool with the idea of them. So feel free to start those character sheets.

@Dusty@Steel Legion@Jamesyco@VolcanicLaval@BangoSkank
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Hey everyone. Here is a digitized version of a name chart I found for Salamanders. i've been clicking through it for a couple minutes. The names it generates are actually pretty damn good
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Steel Legion
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Ollumhammersong
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@Steel Legion

Alright, A few things. Your character will not have earned themselves any sort of title this early in their career. As for the picture you used, Salamanders are known for their coal black skin and red eyes. A genetic quirk unique to them specifically.

You are not going to start the game with master-crafted anything even if they are consumable grenades. Stick to frag and krak for now. Specialty equipment may be made available based on your assignments.

Nor would your character have a personal menagerie of pets. barring the Space wolves no chapter, least of all the Salamanders have a history of going to war alongside animals. They hunt them for sport and for trophies certainly, and if you want to give yourself some kind of hunting trophy earned from a trial where you fought a drake than sure, within reason i'll happily allow that.

And i'm sorry but there's no way i'm giving anyone a Grynix. They are not native to nocturne and your not an inquisitor or a librarian so there would be no reason your character would have ever seen or heard of these much less tamed one somehow.

And marines don't use personal stub weapons of any kind. Feel free to take a bolt pistol as a backup weapon.

As as far as his profile. Marines don't choose a specialty. They train to be devasators-> close assault-> tactical in turn. They have to learn to fill whatever roll may be required of them, and are assigned to a role in a battle company based on what they're good at and where the openings are.
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