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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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Stella Lumite

Things weren't going well. Her Pokemon were faring well, but she could tell they were getting overwhelmed. Electroweb was very effective here, but there were simply too many. As she holstered Scamp's ball, she reached for Kaebe's and Niblet's, as well. She would return them and run. Which way to the nearest town...?

Luckily, she didn't have to resolve that question. A sudden flash of light jolted the rest of the flock and took them from the sky. She turned to find a... Fashionable was the wrong word. Her outfit was too simple for that. Festive. Yes, festive. Bangles and feathers and comfortable clothing. Stella laughed a little nervously, eyeing the flock that just got knocked out in one go, "yeah, maybe a bit of trouble. I wanted one, though, and I got it. Uh," she took out her Pokedex and checked, "him. Oh, Kaebe learned... Ancient Power. Huh." Not a move she'd heard of before. "I'll have to test that out after we've had a rest. Ah!" Her attention snapped back to the girl, "thanks for the save. I'm Stella. This is Kaebe and Niblet," Kaebe came back to her side as she was talking with the new girl, eyeing her curiously. Niblet climbed onto his head.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 18 days ago

Tristan Glory

After listening to Hurly's continued explanation, Tristan's came to the conclusion that this kid was definitely being used unknowingly. As even if this guy was good with tech, it likely wouldn't be difficult to trick or manipulate him which is the likely reason for targeting the nights when he was manning this station. Seeing as no experienced group would have a clumsy screw-up in their group or at least not directly. This line of reasoning led him to the likely possibility that the thieves were someone he knew; a friend (or at least pretending to be friends) or an associate not part of this ranch.

Then there was what Hurly said about the scheduling and how it was handled. If it was indeed someone that worked on the ranch they simply needed to check it in this breakroom. yet, with how prepared this group always seems to be, the digital scheduling which was probably made a day or more early before being put up and if indeed one of them were to be a hacker....

" Hm...an interesting case you have on your hands. These thieves always know the best time to strike and come properly prepared and yet something threw them off last night considering the close call they had last night." If he could just find out what it was that caused such a mistake...he felt like he was close to figuring out this case but was still missing some vital clues. Tristan rubbed at his forehead and let out an annoyed sigh.* Detective work really is not my forte but I already made the deal and made myself look awful enough as is. Besides, the owners are too kind and don't deserve to have their business ruined cause of this.* Grumbling to himself for a moment then took a deep breath to settle down lest he found himself getting all depressed again were he to enter that headspace again.

Leaning back in his chair with his attention kept on the screens as if expecting to notice any other clues though had a feeling he wasn't gonna get anything more off the videos." Hurly, you said this kid is good with tech, correct? I have a strange question to ask but is he part of any outside group/club or brings any friends onto the ranch that show any signs of being good with tech?" He asked while turning his attention to the man." And don't think I can get anything more out of these videos...is it possible to inspect the place where the eggs are kept?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii

The chef scratched his chin in thought on how to satisfy her request. Typically, one would order dessert after a meal, but that isn't to say that this was an impossible request. He then snapped his fingers and flashed a grin. "I've got just the thing. It will not take long."

He said and then went off to go prepare her dish so the only thing that she could do is wait though while waiting, something would've not escaped her notice. Her ability to sense ghostly beings was now flaring up. Something was very close by, as in only a few feet away from her. Whatever it was, it was able to conceal its presence long enough to keep her from detecting its location until now.

Someone yelled out, "Hey, what the hell?!"

This was soon followed up by more shouts of surprise and anger by other patrons as one by food was being snatched off plates by long, shadowy hands with quick precision. People stood up and looked around in a rush to try and spot the thief. However, Amelia would have sensed that this thing was moving around the place and quickly too. It was likely that only she could follow it given her abilities.

What does Amelia do?


Since Freya knew the layout of the city very well, she led Steph to a bus stop, where this time, they actually got on a bus without any actual issues. It was a relatively clean and spacious interior, and the seats were somewhat comfy enough for longer trips around the city. Then again, it would be expected for a place that was approximately the same size as New York City given that the bus was also crammed with people as well. There were subways, but they weren't close to a line that went to the docks.

The two were lucky enough to find a couple of open seats in the bus to sit down. The ride itself took about forty-five minutes though that was because the traffic actually wasn't that bad for a city that usually has abhorrent traffic. As time moved on, the buildings gradually were becoming smaller, no longer towering over them like great monoliths. Even the style of the architecture changed drastically from magnificent buildings of glass, lights, and concrete to humble buildings with tiled roofs, cobblestone sidewalks, and soon the smell of salt in the air.

In the middle of whatever conversation that they may have been having, Freya said, "You know, I'm really surprised you kept your cool around Basil. I would've thought you'd have more of a reaction meeting a member of the Elite Four."

After any reaction from Steph, the bus would slow to a stop. "Alright, we're here." The two girls would get off the bus to face a bustling crowd of people.


The festive girl arched her brow in a bit of surprise to see that Stella had in her possession a Pokedex of all things. That and once she got a look at her Tyrunt, the damn thing was a shiny variant, which needless to say, was something incredibly rare for an already super rare Pokemon. "I get it now. You're one of Adriane's chosen. You must've gotten that Pokedex from that jerk, Kapoc." She said with a chuckle. She walked over to Stella with each movement marked by the sound of her bangles gently bumping into each other with a middle clang.

She held her hand out to the very green trainer. "My name is Thora. I am the Gym Leader of Starbor Village and as you can see, I specialize in electric-types.", said Thora, patting the Electrode next to her. "Your Pokemon look a little worse for wear. Do you need me to walk with you to town?"


Hurly shrugged. "Yeah, but they're more web-builders than software developers. That's a very different skillset"

When asked if Tristan could go inspect where the eggs are kept, the large man nodded. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. I think Robbie is actually on egg duty today so you can ask him. I can't leave my post, but Bill can show you where it is." Hurly said, motioning to the farmhand that Tristan who has just been standing there silently in thought.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure, I can do that. I'll see you later Hurly." The farmhand motioned Tristan to follow him out of the shed and a few minutes later they arrived at another barn. When they entered, Tristan would find himself in a room filled with incubators containing Pokemon eggs though some of them were empty. "Hey Robbie, you here?"

From around the corner, a thin, red-headed man with freckles that barely broke into his twenties came around the corner with a happy-go-lucky expression on his face. "Hey there Billy. How can I help-?" He then noticed Tristan and looked at him curiously. "Who's the kid?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 18 days ago

Tristan Glory

Tristan gave a nod of his head towards Hurly before standing up." You have been most helpful with this investigation. I extend to you my thanks and will be sure to let the owners know of the immense aid you have given towards putting an end to these egg thieves." He spoke politely to the man who had gained his respect for being so tolerate and accepting of his many array of questions that most others might have been annoyed by.

" Let us be off and see this Robbie then, shall we, Mr Bill." with one last nod of his head to Hurly, the silver haired teen turned to leave the station. Following after Bill; taking this time to organize his thoughts on all that he learned, and all the while King had rested quietly upon his shoulder seeming to know not to be a nuisance as his trainer worked on his investigation.

Such good behavior brought a pleased smile to Tristan lips who then gave King a soft scritch atop his hat shaped head. As he did so, an idea came to mind." Yes, I almost forgot. Perhaps with a different perspective we could discover something. King, I want you to fly around and scope the area. If you notice anything out of the ordinary. then come find me and guide me to such or if you find something bring it to me." He made sure to give the order as clearly as possible in the hopes King could understand his instructions.

The shiny murkrow tilted his head, a bit uncertain but looked to have gotten the gist of it and let out a crow to show he understood then with a flap of its wings took off to the sky.

Tristan watched King fly off with the hope a bird's eye view might lead to finding something that had been missed from all prior searches done by the ground.

Leaving that to King, the rich teen continued in tow behind Bill and before long arrived at the barn. He entered shortly after Bill though remained by the door for the time being to avoid causing any misunderstanding or suspicions. Choosing to wait for this Robbie to reveal himself and during that time moved his gaze over the incubators where some held eggs and others were empty. His eyes scanning over the room checking for anything that might be out of place or an object that wouldn't normally belong in this room when a thinly red bearded man stepped out.

" Ahem...hello. I take it then that you are Robbie? I am Tristan Glory..." He paused waiting expectantly and with hope to get some recognition towards his last name for once before carrying on." And I am here regarding the egg thieves and the robberies that have been occurring. I hope you don't mind if I ask questions and have a look around?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Stephanie Irwin

Having finally secured a spot on the bus with no further issues, Steph leaned back to relax for a moment, closing her eyes as Dusk scooted off her shoulder to stare out the window at their surroundings as they passed. While they traveled they exchanged some idle chatter about Pokemon in general, battling, match ups, their favourites etc. So naturally the topic of Basil came to the surface as Steph went quiet for a moment, slowly opening her eyes and giving Faye one of the blankest looks she has possibly ever seen.

"....Thaht praetty boy was an eloigh' foah maembah?" Aaaaand that gave Faye all the explanation she needed. Steph took a moment to process and think about it. Oh wait, there was an elite four member named Basil...wasn't there? Thats how she knew the name! "...oh fuck thaht was Basil Rivens. Oy ine't sayn hiies fyce befoah, only rayd abeow' hiiem. Fuck me.." Groaning, the girl buried her face into her hands and tried her best not to scream her lungs out. She had acted like a complete idiot in front of an elite four member! The thought of why an elite four member was even here with Kapoc did briefly enter her mind, but it didn't matter right now.

Luckily for Steph she didn't have to dwell on how she embarrassed herself in front of an elite four member for long, as they had arrived at the docks shortly afterwards. Slapping her cheeks with both palms, she shook her head and took a deep breath. What was done was done, he didn't seem to be the type be bothered by what had occurred, but guess she would find out when they next met. Getting up, she stopped for a moment before reaching over to the window where Dusk had remained staring out it, fascinated by how fast they had passed things before scooping him back up onto her shoulder.

"C'mawn Dusk buddy, weah heah.." She would as the Litwick shot her an annoyed look for a moment before brightening up as they left the bus and got to bask in the sunlight. The first thing that hit Steph was....just how busy this place seemed to be. See, she didn't know much about the history of the place so the significance of it all was lost on her. But even she could tell this place was important, if not for business then for leisure as well as the sounds of battling were what first drew her attention. She briefly entertained the thought of entering the battles, but that was quickly shot down as she considered her lack of actual experience and the state her party was in. Yeah, she would definitely need to hit up a pokecenter again before leaving. That and she still needed to introduce herself proper to Dennis and Jack...

With a glance about the area at the various stalls, she turned to Faye and pointed out the suspicious man yelling something about a bargain-priced pokemon. "Sounds loike a laowd of crahp t' me dawntcha theenk?" Though even as Steph said that, she was already beginning to approach the man. Leaning against his stall, she cast a doubtful look over the man. Jeez, up close he seemed even dodgier than initially thought huh?

"Whaht koind of hohgwahsh bullshih' ahh yah troyin pull mite? Oy've sayn Trubbish spreow' laess rubbeesh."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jason Connor

While Jason couldn't really place what attack that the Scyther insisted on using over and over again, he could tell that drawing this out much longer was going to be a bad idea for Murus, even with his defensive power. "Alright, buddy, Defense Curl and then try and Astonish him one more time." After that, he would swap out the Ghost type and let Sable have a turn. "Sable, I want you to blast it with Water Gun!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Stella Lumite

This girl was very observant, and she quickly learned why. Thora was a gym leader, not an easy position to win. "You'd escort me? You're so kind. I'd probably be fine, as long as I don't pick any more fights, but company is nice. Is it on your way? I wouldn't want to be a bother."

Her eyes drew to the young lady's Electrode and her eyes grew, "whoa, that's," she paused, checking the features over once, "definitely an Electrode, but it's... It's... Grass? Are you wooden, buddy?" Without even realizing, she'd knelt herself down in front of the Pokemon. She wanted look the Pokemon over, but was restraining herself. Electrode were known to be kind of volatile, right? And she shouldn't be rude. Niblet hopped off of Kaebe and climbed up on Stella's head to see, and Kaebe stepped up beside her to see what she was losing it over. "I've never seen this kind of Electrode before... Fire-types must be a pain. Ooh, but you can counter ground-types, can't you, Electrode?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

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Faye Wrexlyn

Faye nodded. That all sounded fair. She could always check on the kids after seeing this Mr Hoots the kids mentioned. From the description, it sounded like a rowlet, but she didn't want to set her hopes on it and be disappointed by children's poor descriptions. "Well, if you think they'll be fine, I'll help them out after I see this Mr. Hoots. And maybe I can pay them back for Sage's first battles by doing a photo session for them with their Pokémon. I've done it for other young trainers in King's Cross, and it's literally the least I could do to repay them for letting Sage get some experience under his belt." She pulled out one of her business cards and offered it to the teen she was following.

It was a longer walk than she suspected, but it was a nice day for the walk anyways. Sneaking through a portion of someone's yard made Sage nervous, but he stuck with her all the same. At last, they came to it though. Why walk so far away to have their little battle? There was plenty of room here. Probably because they couldn't decide how to fairly handle it and needed to be at a place closer to where others might come across them? It was the only way to ensure they maybe got the attention of another trainer and get a fair tournament. (Though calling it a fair tournament didn't seem quite right given how quickly all of Sage's fights went.)

Her thoughts were derailed by an ear-piercing whistle. Sage ducked his head and covered his ears with his paws.

What Faye expected was a run of the mill rowlet. What she saw was far more fantastic. She blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't staring in awe at the poor thing. Considering kids were fighting to get the right to catch it, it might not have appreciated that. Her hands went to her camera hung against her side, but she held it low instead of instinctually snapping a shot of the thing right away.

"Well, before that, would you mind if I take a picture of you? Even if you don't want to join me, I doubt I'll see another rowlet that looks like you and I'd really appreciate getting the opportunity to photograph you." She motioned with her camera but hadn't taken her eyes off the so-called Mr Hoots yet. "Then, if you're interested, I'd would like it if you would join me. Sage and I are just starting out our journey together and we'd love some more company."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago


"Thank you... and sorry for the trouble." Amelia said to the chef before he left. While she waited, she watched the people around her while also keeping Phantump out of trouble but still letting the little phantom explore and sate it's curiosity at all the new things around it. She made sure he didn't bother anyone but otherwise let the Phantump explore as it would.

When her sixth sense flared up, her head quickly shot up and she looked in the direction she has sensed it from before the crowd in the restaurant suddenly began, as far as she could tell, panicking. Sensing the ghost move around and suspecting it was the cause of the commotion. Phantump followed after it's trainer, curious as to what seemed to have gained her attention.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago


No idea where the beard came from, but sure, okay.

The young man looked at Tristan with a very kind, warm smile. "You're the kid the boss hired to investigate the latest burglaries? Sure, feel free to take a look around for as much as you need. I've got to check on the eggs, but I can answer whatever questions you have." He seemed like a helpful enough kind of guy.

So, what does Tristan do?

Meanwhile King would fly around the property looking for anything strange. It was quite big so it will take some time for it to find anything out of the ordinary, if it finds anything at all.


Freya sighed and shook her head. This is not the first time she's seen something like this around the port. "Yeah, things like that- Hey wait!" Steph was already approaching the salesman while Freya spoke and was catching back up to her.

The 'salesman' looked at Steph in complete confusion because, like most normal people, could not understand a word that came out of her mouth. In fact, the more he tried to figure out what she said, the more puzzled he became as trying to figure out what a bogan was saying was akin to trying to understand Eldritch speech.

The confused man said, "Uh, I'm sorry, but your accent is very thick, miss. Do you mind repeating that?"

Freya rolled her eyes in response and said, "She said you're full of shit."

The man looked like he was offended on a personal level, perhaps a bit overdramatically so, by what he heard "You wound me miss! I am a legitimate salesman, and I can assure you that the Pokemon I sell, which I have a license to do so, are all very high quality and for the best value."


Given that Jason did not order Murus to dodge any of the attacks, the Scyther just slashed at it with three Fury Cutters, the two slashes slashing against an already damaged Murus until the third slash came down on it with an even greater impact than what the Golett had experienced before. It was a critical hit! The automaton was sent flying back and crashed into a tree before it could even use Astonish and be switched out. Its body left a circular indent within the wood.

Jason still would have been able to send out Sable and luckily for them, the Scyther was not able to dodge the Water Gun. The bug-type skidded across the ground and its knees buckled, kneeling down and breathing haggardly. It looked very weak! Jason could make a reasonable attempt at catching it now!


Thora just smiled and shook her head. "Nah Stel, do you mind if I call you Stel? It wouldn't be bother. If I was really in a rush, I'd just fly back on my Pokemon."

She actually was a bit surprised by it. Well, her Electrode looked very different, but she was not expecting Stella to actually get the typing off the bat. Sure, it looked like it was made of wood, but so does Sudowoodo and then there were grass-types that don't look like grass-types like Dhelmise.

"You've got a good eye. Yeah, this isn't a typical Electrode. It's a regional variant from the Hisui region, or what we know as Sinnoh today. They're extinct back in Sinnoh, but the people of Starbor Village had been selectively breeding Hisuian Voltorb for centuries so it's the only place in the world where you can still find them.", Thora continued, "You're also correct about the typing. Pokeballs used to be made of Apricorns so they adapted to mimic the material and were originally part grass-types. Makes you wonder why they aren't part steel type now."

@Sanguine Rose

The Rowlet did not seem to understand the question as it did not have an understanding of what a camera or a photograph was. It was a wild Pokemon, most of them have never seen a camera before so it just looked at the camera inquisitively. However, it did not seem to object to whatever Faye was requesting as it didn't seem to be something harmful, so she was free to take her picture.

After taking its photograph, the Rowlet looked like it thought about the offer to join her. "Hoot!" It flew down to the ground and spread its wings in a gesture that screamed come at me then. It looked like if she wanted to have it on her team then she was going to have to prove herself to it.

@Joshua Tamashii

As she followed after the ghost-type, she would sense that it was beginning to move away from the restaurant, but not too far. Now the thing was that she did eventually catch up to it, but whatever it was, it was obscured by a comically large sack that it seemed to be holding with two black long arms. The Pokedex seemed to not be able to scan it though that was likely due to the fact that it was obscured. The thing was still walking in whatever direction it was heading to. It does not appear to have noticed Amelia and her Phantump yet.

What does she do?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 18 days ago

Tristan Glory

Tristan observed the man closely; a friendly kind of sort though most of the people on this ranch have been save for the farmhand, but that was mostly due to being suspicious. The man seemed nice enough, but also the one person with the best position to give the thieves an opportunity. Also the first person to be suspected which would make for a poor decision. Still, it was best not to go ruling anyone out just yet." That I am. I will try not to get in the way as I look around and might have some questions. Like for example. Have you noticed anything strange or out of place since the robberies began?" The silver haired teen asked while turning his attention over the room and incubators checking for anything, but chances of him catching something the staff hasn't was pretty slim.

Meanwhile, King was flying around the farm with his eyes scanning the field. The shiny bird did so while making sure not to be too high to lessen the chance of missing anything that could stand out from any mistakes the thieves may have made or left behind.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jason Connor

Worried about Murus but aware he was in a little more imminent danger with his Ghost type safely in its ball, he almost cheered outloud when Sable delivered a powerful hit with her Water Gun. "Atta girl, Sable. Be ready to dodge whatever it throws at you!" Noting the way it was breathing heavily and the way it was kneeling, the rising trainer knew he had his chance. Pulling a Pokeball out, Jason throws it at the Scyther and orders Sable to get ready with another Water Gun if it breaks out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Amelia watched the ghost for a bit, trying to determine what to do. She didn't want to startle it incase it dropped all the items it stole and they got damaged. She couldn't make out which ghost it was either and the arms only gave away so much but several ghost-types had long arms. So for now, she figured it was best to follow the ghost and see where it went. Maybe it was stealing the food for a reason after all.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago


"Uh, chances are you probably heard what has happened every time I am on the cams. It really isn't a good look." He said though he looked incredibly bothered. "I don't know what the heck the deal is with that. It sucks enough that I am being played a fool and I sure don't need to tell you that interrogation rooms are exactly welcoming." It seemed more like this guy was venting than being helpful though one could not exactly blame him considering the scrutiny he'd been under recently.

However, there is something very odd that Tristan would notice about this man, well nothing about his appearance, but the way that he is standing. It seemed like he was shifting most of his weight on one leg to mitigate the weight placed on the other. One could only guess why he was doing this.

What does Tristan do?

Meanwhile, King saw something that would've caused its Murkrow brain to be fried from confusion. It was flying over the pen that held the Tauros and really there was nothing out of the ordinary there. What was strange though was when far out in the field it saw a Tauros' body begin to shrink and morph as if it was made of jelly into a far smaller, gelatinous creature that was now scurrying through the grass.

What does King do?


The Pokeball met its mark and was absorbed in a beam of red light. It fell on the ground and began to shake.

It rolled once... it rolled twice...

The pokeball broke out in a flash of white light and the Scyther growled ferociously at Jason and dodged the Water Gun while dashing towards Sable. It swung its scythe arm at it and completely whiffed the Totodile, giving Jason another chance at catching it. To save time on posts, let's assume that Jason threw a Pokeball at the Scyther again and was absorbed back in a flash of red light.

It rolled once... it rolled twice... it rolled thrice!

"Sable grew to level 7!"

If Jason were to check on his comrades, he would see that they had just about finished up their battles too. The Bug Maniac was drenched in sweat, quite literally as if he just fell in a pool and was shaking while holding his now newly acquired Scyther's Pokeball. "Oh my god we could've died." He muttered repeatedly to himself with this thousand-yard stare.

Meanwhile, Connor wiped a bead of sweat off his head as he picked up the Pokeball holding his newly caught murder bug. "Well, that was an experience. I sure as hell didn't expect to be the hunter to become the hunted." He turned to Hason and said, "I better help get this guy out and head to Starbor. My team took a heck of a beating. What about you?"

While Jason was down one Pokemon and had a very weakened Scyther, he still had two Pokemon that were intact. Does he follow Connor or does he go deeper into the woods to find anything else?

@Joshua Tamashii

So, Amelia decides that the best course of action was to follow the ghost carrying the sack through the city. Every now and again, the creature would turn back to see if it was being followed, but luckily, Amelia rolled high enough that it never noticed her hot on its trail as she was able to quickly able to hide behind walls and various objects. She even hid behind a streetlamp, and it didn't even notice her. One could imagine that the Mission Impossible theme was being played in the background while this was happening.

Eventually, the thing soon went down an alleyway and then stopped by a box. Upon observing from wherever she was, Amelia would notice that the box contained a Ratata with a very obviously injured leg. Long spectral hands began to pull out food and placed it in front of the normal type. One would realize that this thing wasn't stealing food for itself; it was helping its friend.

As the bag shrunk with the contents being removed, Amelia would finally see the ghost's true form.

What does Amelia do?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jason Connor

High-fiving Sable as the second ball secured the catch, Jason still sat down hard when it was all done. Before coming to the Evig region, Jason had met a lot of different Pokemon, including some different bug types and, as many as he'd met, none had been quite so violent. First time for everything I guess... Checking on their maniac friend and Connor, he saw that they had all successfully captured the Bug/Flying type and smiled. That meant that things had been a success and they could exit the deep forest with their heads held high. When the cowboy spoke to him, Jason didn't hesitate as he returned Sable and indicate for him to lead the way. "Probably better get everyone rested up and meet my new teammate away from the trees and ambush places."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Amelia followed the unknown pokemon through the streets, managing to stay out of sight and keep Phantump out of sight as well when it seemed like the little ghost was getting a little too curious. When they finally got to the food-napper's destination, which was a random alleyway with a box in it, she was finally able to see that the pokemon she had been following was a Mimikyu, which made her excited. It required her to get a little closer but she did eventually make out that the box contained an injured Ratata. When she saw that that the Mimikyu was giving the food to the Ratata, she couldn't help but smile, happy to see that the Ghost-Type had a friend.

Coming out from hiding, Amelia knelt down so she was closer to Mimikyu's height before gently knocking on a nearby object to get Mimikyu's attention.
"Hello there." She said. "Does your friend need help?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

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Faye Wrexlyn

Well, it didn't disagree. That helped confirm it wasn't actually someone's Pokemon. Kind of. After giving it a moment longer to consider the camera, she raised it and snapped a few pictures at different zooms and angles. One, if not all, of them would be a great shot of the rowlett. Hopefully she could add the Pokemon to her team. But, if not, at least she could add its image to her portfolio.

Luckily, it seemed to like the idea of joining. Well, it liked it well enough for them to prove they were worth joining. She hadn't figured it would be so easy as to just ask it to join and that it would, but hopefully this would go their way.

"Alright!" Faye grinned. She looked at Sage. "Ready to convince this rowlett to join us?" "Ee," Sage puffed up his chest as he yipped.

"Alright then." She pointed toward the rowlett. "Get on in there. Don't let his ability to fly intimidate you. Kick off with a Sand Attack then go in for a Tackle."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 18 days ago

Tristan Glory

The guy seemed nice enough like the rest, but he really wasn't too interested in listening to a stranger talk about their problems which seemed so minor in comparison to the robberies." Right...well tensions are high what with everything that has been occurring on this ranch. Makes sense any sign of mistakes would be scrutinized and certainly those with the best eye on the..." He spoke in a somewhat bored tone as his gaze turned over to the young man speaking when he took notice of the way the man was standing leading to him trailing off.

If there was one thing he learned from modeling it would be the way the models stood and walked. And only times he has seen a person shifting their weight so much save for muscle cramp was a leg injury they wanted to hide." Hm, I can only imagine how stressful this whole thing has been for everyone on top of the long grueling hours of work on top of it. And from what you've said Mr...? Well it sounds like things have been particularly difficult for you. With having to stand for long hours arounds these eggs while every one of your actions are so scrutinize." Nodding his head with a click of the tongue." As I couldn't help but not notice the way you're standing. Maybe a cramped muscle or perhaps hurt yourself recently?" He asked with a concerned look while observing the freckled young adult curiously having the suspicion something was off.

And during that time, King had witnessed seeing something incredibly odd and strange; a tauros transforming into something small and pink. The shiny bird carried a perplexed expression at least in a way a bird could express with a quizzical caw. Uncertain of what he just saw and so the small bird flew off over to the spot in an attempt to see if it could spot or follow the pink moving object for a closer look or determine their numbers.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Stephanie Irwin

Seeing the man just looks at her with a puzzled look, she just sighed and rubbed her temples. Maybe that rich prick had a point. She hadn't had much of an issue back home with her aunt and uncle, or her cousins, so she hadn't noticed it before now. But it seemed like no one could understand her, and it was baffling her as to why this was the case. Like her aunt had always told her she had a thick accent, but was it really that thick? Well the man seemed to think so, but at least he wasn't an ass about it.

Luckily for Steph though, her translator was soon to arrive and convey the pretty simple message. Even if you didn't understand what Steph was saying, her unimpressed look and the way she held herself, arms crossed over her chest that she seemed rather doubtful. Even as he continued speaking, she just seemed to take a moment to think.

"Is theah raylly a loisaense t' saell em at a mahkeh' loike thiies?" Steph was more directing this question at Freya. She was aware breeders and the like obviously sold pokemon off to whomever wished to purchase them, but she hadn't seen a pokemon for sale at a marketplace like this before. She wasn't sure on this topic or anything of the sort though, wasn't her area of expertise so maybe Freya knew? Oh well, not that her answered mattered much other than satisfying Steph's curiosity as she turned back to the man.

"If thaht's sao, thaen Oy wahnna say thiies 'raeh and supah paowerful' pokemawn yaw tohkin abeow'. if yah ine't full of shiieh', yah ine't gawt nawthin t' lose shaowin us roigh'?" As she said this part though, her hand moved to her pocket as her voice came out a lot slower. Maybe she was just speaking too fast so slowing it down would help? Well, it was a start anyway.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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Stella Lumite

"Naw, that's fine." Stella smiled, feeling a little like friends already. She had that kind of energy. If she's a gym leader, is she older? "Oh, yeah. I suppose you could do that, huh? Hmm... Hm?" Electric/flying types weren't much of a thing. Other Pokemon could learn Fly, though, like Flygon. Somehow, this woman felt like an electric-type gym leader (perhaps because of the rescue), and she couldn't think of any electric-types that would have learned fly. Or was she a grass-type leader? Nah, she wasn't green or gardeny enough. "Who's your flying Pokemon?"

"Apricots? No wonder he's so wooden." She found herself staring, fascinated by the difference. "He's a real blast from the past, just like Kaebe." She placed her hand carefully on the back of Kaebe's neck and shoulders, rubbing softly. "Good work, you two. Do you want to return?"

Kaebe shook his head, while Niblet jumped into her arm, climbed up her arm, her shoulder, neck, onto her head to perch decoratively in her hair. Stella reached up and pet her. The two relaxed into her touch. "I'll take that as a no." Stella looked either way, remembering which way she came from before starting them off toward town. She might have lost her sense of direction of she'd had to run earlier.

"That's a strong Electrode, too. Is he part of one of your gym teams?"
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