Hidden 8 days ago 8 days ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Stella Lumite

”Oof, wrong immediately, huh?” Stella frowned softly to herself as she began reading. It was an immediately sad book. She gently ran her fingers over the egg as she read, subconsciously measuring it.

”Ooh, long break.” The girl hung for a moment on the name of the other woman mentioned. Ellanore’s sickly friend. December, ”you're going after her on new years..”

Another page. She gasped and held the egg a little closer, covering her mouth with the hand she'd been turning the book with. Was that.. blood? What had she done to herself? ”And then, two years later..”

Hesitantly, she turned to the last page, only to find herself confused, ”’32..? But, who wrote this page..?” and why?

Before she could ruminate, Mr. Osman appeared. Stella was so startled, she couldn't help her ”oh, sorry,” as she closed the diary.

She'd read enough. That wasn't Mr. Osman. She put both arms lightly around the egg, petting it gently as she studied the figure in the door. “You're not Mr. Osman. Are you. I'd say you were Marie, but that would make you very old. In this place for a long time. I suppose it's possible you're so long-lived, but,” Stella paused and looked around the room, “to have stayed here for so long.. why?”

"What.." Stella dreaded to even ask the question. She wanted nothing to do with whatever had driven Ellanore mad and made her friend so cold and distant. But.. it could hurt someone else, too, "what's in the woods?"
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Jason read over the menu at raised an eyebrow at the Junkyard Burger. Of course, he was always up for a challenge and...he'd be lying if he said that it didn't also look good. One thing he'd learned about local joints like this was the food was almost always fantastic. Of course, the possibility of loosing meant he'd like pay handsomely. And then there was the rumors about the Dunsparce and the wooden Voltorb, though he'd chase those after he met up with everyone once they had a path forwards figured out. "Before I decide, how much is the pot on the Junkyard Burger?"
Hidden 7 days ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Stephanie Irwin

@Joshua Tamashii@Remram

"Oi, thaht ine't whaht Oy side." I mean, it wasn't far off what she said but Steph still felt the need to correct Freya. Even if she was the only one of the two here who could understand what she was saying. Stab and kill were two very different prospects after all. Regardless, Steph just shrugged it off and gestured to Helga with the hand that had originally been out for a handshake, but with that seemingly ignored during the older womans confusion Steph was just moving on.

"See? Ine't nao nayd t' jump t' cawnclusions, thiies heah lady is just mykin some food. Sohry beow' thaht, Freya heah is a biieh' of a Torchic." With a shake of her head, Steph just sighed at what she seemed to be saying was rudeness on Freya's part and apologized for her friend. Though at Helga's question, Steph stepped back and craned her neck, nodding.

"Yayh, she's weeth us. She's the one who wahnted t' come heah and ooll, Oy ine't one t' stawp someone whaen thy wahnna do somethin buh' Oy gawt hah bahck. Somethin maesses weeth hah, Oy'll bryke thaeh knees in two! hahahaha!" With a beaming grin, she would slap Freya on the back also. "And daon't wohry Freya, Oy'll do the syme faw yah too ok? So lawng as Oy'm around, ine't nao one gawnna hahm moy friends!"

Well, she was confident at least. No doubt the opposite of Freya right now, but who knows, maybe this reassured the girl? Or maybe not. She wasn't really trying all that hard to soothe Freya, but if she could calm her down a bit then that would be swell as honestly being this scared would only make bad things happen.

"Roightio, say ya luytah!" Having turned around again to wave bye to Amelia as she shouted out, Steph turned back to say something to Helga before suddenly turning back round again as a realization hit her perhaps a few seconds later than it really should've.

Wait a fucking gosh darn minute!

"OI GEH' BAHCK HEAH! IH' INEH' SYFE YAH IDIOT!" And like that, Steph was off to the races, leading poor Freya alone with Helga as sure Freya had seen Steph run before, but man...could she run fast.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 22 min ago

@Remram @Lunarlord34

Sadly, Steph's realization and shout did indeed come a little too late, as Amelia was already in the treeline and making her way in deeper, caught up in her little game with the Pumpkaboos.

Amelia found herself woerin for a while and was happy when she finally picked up on a ghostly presence after a bit of walking. She would follow it and eventually reach where it was it's strongest and closest. She looked around, trying to find it before eventually hearing the Pumpkaboo crying out. It seemed to come from above and indeed it was, as a glance up did indeed reveal the Pumpkaboo... who was stuck in a web... surrounded by Spinarak. She noted a skull on the web as well but it was soon revealed to be a different kind of Spinarak. Amelia could sense this Spinarak, meaning it was a Ghost-Type. If she had to take an educated guess, it was a Bug/Ghost type. She pulled out her two last empty pokeballs. She had one shot at the Pumpkaboo and one shot at the Spinarak. Given she was about to steal it's meal, she was expecting a battle. But if she didn't do this, Pumpkaboo might get hurt or worse.
"Pumpkaboo! Whatever you do, don't resist! Just stay in and you'll be safe!" She shouted at the little pumpkin before giving it a few seconds to or at least register what she said. From there, she would throw one of her empty pokeballs at it, hoping that it would stay inside and hoping the Spinarak wouldn't be too upset.
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