Here she is

E U N - J I " A M A N I T A " P A R K
◄ 28 ▎176 cm ►
Autonomous, Driven, Deadly. Autonomous in the way she’s never known the need for her to rely on anyone else for anything. She’s never been one for want nor asked for support as she can do almost anything she needs herself. Being an Aeon fundamentally encourages this behavior in her, but it will also force her to curb her attitude once she’s placed in a team or paired with her Aeon peers.
Driven, if it weren’t for the drive that bore fruit in her mind when she was a child she had probably remained in the mountains. She’s driven in work first and foremost, but she does not lack when it comes to her UDF training or really what aught else matters in her vision.
Deadly, Eun-ji is often seen as meek or docile because of her appearance and position in the UDF. Despite the inauthenticity of this assumption she revels in it, almost wearing it as a mantle of pride. Playing into the role makes the deception all the more sweet. This is where her nickname is derived from. Amanita are from one of the largest and most diverse divisions in fungi, Basidiomycota. Of the basidiomycetes, Amanita are the most recognized/iconic fungi but also the hardest to differentiate when trying to discern poisonous from edible. Several humans die a year from ingestion of these mushrooms, not before suffering from debilitating cramps, seizures, and a slurry of other agonizing symptoms. Mischaracterizing this fungal scientist just might be the last mistake you’ll ever make.
In her first life Eun-ji was a mycologist. She hated anything and everything that was covered in concrete. Eun-ji preferred the feeling of grass covered in fresh dew slick through her feet on cold hazy mornings, the sharp nip of thorns grown from a thicket of blackberry patches. As far back as she can remember, she always loved the world that was painted in a sea of green. Growing up in the People’s Republic of Goryeo (PRG), her family was located in the far off country side rather than at the heart of the city. Rural areas were a dying breed as the giant known as technology kept on increasing its machinations. Luckily the mountains survived as a deterrent for machinery due to the precipitation and landscape proving to be a natural barrier to progression.
Her family lived in a very modest home made of brick and mortar, but with a lush and bountiful garden and countryside to fill their needs. They raised livestock, made their own clothes by hand, and gathered food and resources from the harvest nearby. This wasn’t without the need to travel into a nearby suburb to trade and sell items that were scarce in cities. Her first encounter with the land of concrete and steel. Eventually when she was of adolescence, her parents trained her in all the traditional ways of living off the land (e.g. making clothes from cotton and silk, dyeing said clothes, fishing etc..) that would eventually lead her to travel down the mountain into civilization.
Cacophonous sound from cars mixed with the light pollution from various LED screens shaped her first experience quite negatively. Though there was one good thing that came of it. She found an old field guide for fungi. Fungi had been lost to her as her parents always warned her of the dangers that could come from consuming them if not careful. Morning, noon, and night, her eyes stayed plastered on that worn and beaten book. Page after page was consumed until nothing was left. Voracious as her appetite for knowledge was, her appetite for the actual mushrooms was just the same.
It wasn’t until a few years later, that she was able to correctly ID which fungi was poisonous to eat and which weren’t, although the lookalikes were quite tricky. Eventually this fondness for the fantastically fun fungi extended well past the dietary and reached into the medicinal and ecological role they played. Homeschooling could only teach her so much and with her desire to learn clear to her parents, they enrolled her into a University in the heart of the country. Eun-Ji’s aversion for the city life was still at the heart of her close-mindedness, but she would have to move past it to get where she wanted to be.
Getting past the mundane, drab, and deleterious effects of assimilating into the city culture seemed almost impossible at first. Yet, little by little it began to grow on her, expanding the horizons she swore never to open. While she wanted to keep her rural roots planted, just like the fungi she studied so much she needed to intertwine her roots with the network of millions of mycelium derived from the underground system housed by fungi. Slowly her personality saw a shift along with her wardrobe and taste for retail. What did not change was the tenacity in which she devoted her life to increasing her knowledge and passion for her field. She attended university where she helped as a volunteer for grad students in the mycology lab, the first step to her dream.
Life seemed to be going well, until the detritus and debris from the comet bombarded the earths surface repeatedly. Queue her second life. The recoil from the landing shook the foundation of her lab sending her and her specimens into a frenzy. Broken glass had been littered everywhere whereas Eun-ji had inhaled many a spore from her specimens. Unbeknownst to her, the spores and the comet would be the catalyst to her transition into an Aeon. Military swept her lab looking for survivors and sent her and other personnel to a military base to be tested like her own work. It was then that the United Defense Force had made her aware that she was a newly awakened Aeon. Using school as a military service excusal she returned to her country and university with the promise of completing her mandatory service upon graduation.
Eun-Ji would go onto complete her bachelors in mycology, which then snowballed into a Master’s degree which then rolled into her Doctorate. Before she knew it, she was one of the youngest and foremost author on several peer reviewed journals in the realm of all things mycology. Breaking away from her village and country she began to travel across the world studying different fungi. Those that grew on different parts of the bodies of arthropods such as beetles with each fungi on each limb being of a different species. To the use of spores in human development, such as keeping items waterproof or serving as pyrotechnics for films.
As initially promised, she completed her mandatory two years of service but stayed on as a liaison due to the nature of her expertise being fungi which seemed to be the prevailing hypothesis in what turned fauna and humans into Legionnaires. Eventually her work in attempting to map the genomic sequence of the fungus spawned from the comet had led her to a position being a Researcher in the UDF. Hoping to make it her life’s work and attach her name to the inevitable cure as her predecessors in other fields had, she accepted the offer and has been working for the UDF ever since.
The primary elemental spirits that have manifested within Eun-Ji are Fire and Earth. These two mostly serve as a vehicle for which her main ability/magic can thrive. She also uses these passively to increase the effectiveness of her weapons.
Another form of spirit has also found connection with Eun-Ji, the fungal spirits that she inhaled during the comet. These spirits have lived within her body during the 10 years of her initial exposure and now commune with her. To utilize her spirits, much like the hymenium of a mushroom, they exit her body through the pores in her skin. Between the orb and projectile techniques taught at UDF and the marriage of all three of her spirits she’s devised her own unique magic applications. She can create small clouds of spores that increase the range of her fire spirit and also detonate the gas cloud like an orb would. This also can serve as a smokescreen defensively or even as a poison haze. She can also through the earth, ‘pull’ mycelium from underneath to serve as vine/web-like constructs to inhibit enemy movement or used as utility such as a rope swing. Finally she can spawn tiny mushrooms that have not yet removed their universal veil, if stepped on or the veil is breached they detonate as if they were tiny land mines.
Weapon load out consists of a standard UDF compact sub machine gun. It’s usually worn on a sling around her persons as if it were this seasons satchel or designer bag. Very chic. Next she has several throwing knives in banded holsters running up and down the length or her legs. Lastly, is her most go to weapon when she has to enter close quarters, her waist blade. Neatly position on the back of her waist is a sheathe/holster that houses her blade. It measures about 58 cms/22 inches and posses a circular pommel making it easier for her to retrieve and spin around if changing grip. Channeling her heat element she is able to superheat the tips of both the knives and her blade to increase the cutting and stopping power of both, nothing that could make reinforced doors look like Swiss cheese, but sufficient enough.
While other Aeons were endowed with harder skin or powerful legs, Eun-Ji was simply augmented with more nimble an dexterous hands. Her hands were originally lithe from her house hold chores, but now she’s one deft hand. Unrelatedly, she only takes ice cold showers.

E U N - J I " A M A N I T A " P A R K
◄ 28 ▎176 cm ►
Autonomous, Driven, Deadly. Autonomous in the way she’s never known the need for her to rely on anyone else for anything. She’s never been one for want nor asked for support as she can do almost anything she needs herself. Being an Aeon fundamentally encourages this behavior in her, but it will also force her to curb her attitude once she’s placed in a team or paired with her Aeon peers.
Driven, if it weren’t for the drive that bore fruit in her mind when she was a child she had probably remained in the mountains. She’s driven in work first and foremost, but she does not lack when it comes to her UDF training or really what aught else matters in her vision.
Deadly, Eun-ji is often seen as meek or docile because of her appearance and position in the UDF. Despite the inauthenticity of this assumption she revels in it, almost wearing it as a mantle of pride. Playing into the role makes the deception all the more sweet. This is where her nickname is derived from. Amanita are from one of the largest and most diverse divisions in fungi, Basidiomycota. Of the basidiomycetes, Amanita are the most recognized/iconic fungi but also the hardest to differentiate when trying to discern poisonous from edible. Several humans die a year from ingestion of these mushrooms, not before suffering from debilitating cramps, seizures, and a slurry of other agonizing symptoms. Mischaracterizing this fungal scientist just might be the last mistake you’ll ever make.
In her first life Eun-ji was a mycologist. She hated anything and everything that was covered in concrete. Eun-ji preferred the feeling of grass covered in fresh dew slick through her feet on cold hazy mornings, the sharp nip of thorns grown from a thicket of blackberry patches. As far back as she can remember, she always loved the world that was painted in a sea of green. Growing up in the People’s Republic of Goryeo (PRG), her family was located in the far off country side rather than at the heart of the city. Rural areas were a dying breed as the giant known as technology kept on increasing its machinations. Luckily the mountains survived as a deterrent for machinery due to the precipitation and landscape proving to be a natural barrier to progression.
Her family lived in a very modest home made of brick and mortar, but with a lush and bountiful garden and countryside to fill their needs. They raised livestock, made their own clothes by hand, and gathered food and resources from the harvest nearby. This wasn’t without the need to travel into a nearby suburb to trade and sell items that were scarce in cities. Her first encounter with the land of concrete and steel. Eventually when she was of adolescence, her parents trained her in all the traditional ways of living off the land (e.g. making clothes from cotton and silk, dyeing said clothes, fishing etc..) that would eventually lead her to travel down the mountain into civilization.
Cacophonous sound from cars mixed with the light pollution from various LED screens shaped her first experience quite negatively. Though there was one good thing that came of it. She found an old field guide for fungi. Fungi had been lost to her as her parents always warned her of the dangers that could come from consuming them if not careful. Morning, noon, and night, her eyes stayed plastered on that worn and beaten book. Page after page was consumed until nothing was left. Voracious as her appetite for knowledge was, her appetite for the actual mushrooms was just the same.
It wasn’t until a few years later, that she was able to correctly ID which fungi was poisonous to eat and which weren’t, although the lookalikes were quite tricky. Eventually this fondness for the fantastically fun fungi extended well past the dietary and reached into the medicinal and ecological role they played. Homeschooling could only teach her so much and with her desire to learn clear to her parents, they enrolled her into a University in the heart of the country. Eun-Ji’s aversion for the city life was still at the heart of her close-mindedness, but she would have to move past it to get where she wanted to be.
Getting past the mundane, drab, and deleterious effects of assimilating into the city culture seemed almost impossible at first. Yet, little by little it began to grow on her, expanding the horizons she swore never to open. While she wanted to keep her rural roots planted, just like the fungi she studied so much she needed to intertwine her roots with the network of millions of mycelium derived from the underground system housed by fungi. Slowly her personality saw a shift along with her wardrobe and taste for retail. What did not change was the tenacity in which she devoted her life to increasing her knowledge and passion for her field. She attended university where she helped as a volunteer for grad students in the mycology lab, the first step to her dream.
Life seemed to be going well, until the detritus and debris from the comet bombarded the earths surface repeatedly. Queue her second life. The recoil from the landing shook the foundation of her lab sending her and her specimens into a frenzy. Broken glass had been littered everywhere whereas Eun-ji had inhaled many a spore from her specimens. Unbeknownst to her, the spores and the comet would be the catalyst to her transition into an Aeon. Military swept her lab looking for survivors and sent her and other personnel to a military base to be tested like her own work. It was then that the United Defense Force had made her aware that she was a newly awakened Aeon. Using school as a military service excusal she returned to her country and university with the promise of completing her mandatory service upon graduation.
Eun-Ji would go onto complete her bachelors in mycology, which then snowballed into a Master’s degree which then rolled into her Doctorate. Before she knew it, she was one of the youngest and foremost author on several peer reviewed journals in the realm of all things mycology. Breaking away from her village and country she began to travel across the world studying different fungi. Those that grew on different parts of the bodies of arthropods such as beetles with each fungi on each limb being of a different species. To the use of spores in human development, such as keeping items waterproof or serving as pyrotechnics for films.
As initially promised, she completed her mandatory two years of service but stayed on as a liaison due to the nature of her expertise being fungi which seemed to be the prevailing hypothesis in what turned fauna and humans into Legionnaires. Eventually her work in attempting to map the genomic sequence of the fungus spawned from the comet had led her to a position being a Researcher in the UDF. Hoping to make it her life’s work and attach her name to the inevitable cure as her predecessors in other fields had, she accepted the offer and has been working for the UDF ever since.
The primary elemental spirits that have manifested within Eun-Ji are Fire and Earth. These two mostly serve as a vehicle for which her main ability/magic can thrive. She also uses these passively to increase the effectiveness of her weapons.
Another form of spirit has also found connection with Eun-Ji, the fungal spirits that she inhaled during the comet. These spirits have lived within her body during the 10 years of her initial exposure and now commune with her. To utilize her spirits, much like the hymenium of a mushroom, they exit her body through the pores in her skin. Between the orb and projectile techniques taught at UDF and the marriage of all three of her spirits she’s devised her own unique magic applications. She can create small clouds of spores that increase the range of her fire spirit and also detonate the gas cloud like an orb would. This also can serve as a smokescreen defensively or even as a poison haze. She can also through the earth, ‘pull’ mycelium from underneath to serve as vine/web-like constructs to inhibit enemy movement or used as utility such as a rope swing. Finally she can spawn tiny mushrooms that have not yet removed their universal veil, if stepped on or the veil is breached they detonate as if they were tiny land mines.
Weapon load out consists of a standard UDF compact sub machine gun. It’s usually worn on a sling around her persons as if it were this seasons satchel or designer bag. Very chic. Next she has several throwing knives in banded holsters running up and down the length or her legs. Lastly, is her most go to weapon when she has to enter close quarters, her waist blade. Neatly position on the back of her waist is a sheathe/holster that houses her blade. It measures about 58 cms/22 inches and posses a circular pommel making it easier for her to retrieve and spin around if changing grip. Channeling her heat element she is able to superheat the tips of both the knives and her blade to increase the cutting and stopping power of both, nothing that could make reinforced doors look like Swiss cheese, but sufficient enough.
While other Aeons were endowed with harder skin or powerful legs, Eun-Ji was simply augmented with more nimble an dexterous hands. Her hands were originally lithe from her house hold chores, but now she’s one deft hand. Unrelatedly, she only takes ice cold showers.
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