Teodora nodded, a smile still on her face as she responded to Elise's thanks toward her. "My pleasure. Just doing my job, fufu. Still, as far as our general situation is concerned..." She observed as whatever little damage her beam shots had inflicted upon the massive Warped were already rapidly being fixed, showing the creature's formidable capability in regenerating damage. "Yes. That is most decisively not a good sight at all. I am loathe to admit it, but it looks like we are currently quite outgunned and out of our depth."
The comm channel soon came alive with message from the HQ. "This is HQ; the target's location has been verified. Selene, Supplice: disengage the Warped and return to base. Over."
"Copy that, HQ. Exactly my thoughts, to be honest." Truthfully there was nothing better to do than to retreat. With Selene's flight capability crippled and Supplice's beam rifle proven to be ineffective against the massive monster, attempting to continue the fight would have been nothing less than a feat of pointless suicide. As reckless and situationally unaware as Teodora can often be, suicidal was more the trait of a certain smaller and rather sadistic girl than that of the Romanian pilot's. "Well then... Let's get out of here without further ado, dear Elise!"
Teodora stored her rifle away, allowing her to use both her hands to gently but firmly grip on to Elise. Of the next barrage of lasers that had been fired once more by the monster, she paid little attention to. Instead, she focused on maximum speed while trusting her barrier to protect them from the attacks. All of Supplice's boosters charged up to the maximum output and with a loud roaring boom, intense jet fires exploded out of them to propel both Teodora and Elise to the direction of the harbor away from the hostile entity, leaving behind contrails in their wake.