Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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"I never expected them to be this aggressive. This behavior is unusual, even for them. Perhaps the Scyther in Evig have grown a strong disdain towards humans after the damage Cipher caused. Even though we've caught them, we've yet to gain their trust so be careful."

"I mean, could be worse."

"It literally can't get any worse."

The three of them made their way out of the deep forest back to the main part of the forest where they were met with the other group of bug-maniacs and catchers. The maniac that accompanied them left Jason and Connor to report his findings, leaving the two of them to head to Starbor Village. Following the path, they would eventually find what they were looking for.

@Joshua Tamashii

The Mimikyu jumped at the sound of some random noise and turned to see the culprit was a little girl though who it was did not matter to the Pokemon. It growled at Ame and those long ghostly arms snaked out from under the cloth and bore its shadowy claws at her. This thing was not happy that it was followed nor was it happy that it was found out though it most of all it seemed to be extremely protective of the Ratata in the box. The Mimikyu was staring her down, watching to see what Amelia would do next. It did not matter if she had no ill-intent, it was desperate to not let anything happen to its friend.

What does Amelia do?

@Sanguine Rose

Quickly, the Rowlet was able to dodge back away from the incoming kicked up puff of sand, but what it did not expect was for the Eevee to come bursting through the cloud and slack it with a Tackle. The bird was sent flying back from the impact though it fiercely flapped its wings to regain its balance in the air. It used Growl defiantly, the sound causing Sage's nerves to tighten out of unease, which lowered his attack.

The Rowlet flew up with a strong flap of its wings and then proceeded to use Leafage, which was a move where leaves were being pelted at high speeds towards Sage. It would proceed to follow up with a divebomb Tackle attack using its own previous attack as cover for itself.

What does Faye do?


"I mean, yeah, but I wouldn't say that work is all that stressful in general. If it weren't for the robberies, things would be fine." He said with a shrug. When asked about his leg he laughed nervously as he looked down at the leg that had the less weight placed on it. "Eh, actually it's a bit embarrassing since everyone saw it, but a Tauros was misbehaving something fierce and kicked my leg while I was getting over the picket fence. Luckily, I got away with just a nasty bruise instead of a broken leg. I typically work with the cattle, but the boss said to take it easy today and put me on egg duty." He explained to Tristan. It seemed like that this guy had a decent alibi given what was already explained to Tristan before.

King lacked any sense of subtlety and stealth when trying to get a better view of the creature. Then again, being magenta makes it very hard to be sneaky Murkrow. The creature noticed the shadow flying above it and saw the very bright colored bird flying above it. In a complete panic from being spotted, the creature transformed back into a Tauros again and ran at full speed to get away.

What does King do?


"There didn't used to be any regulation, but a law was passed a few years ago where selling Pokemon can only be done by those with a license. The licenses are very strict and as long as the Pokemon are properly taken care of then people can sell them though there is no regulation to what the seller can advertise. This place is filled with tourists so there are always a few poor gullible saps that take the bait." Freya explained to Steph. There was a lot about this that they could get into about the intricacies of the law, but really, they would be there all day and Steph probably was not that interested in the long answer anyway.

The man was being to sweat just a bit slightly from the sheer intimidating aura that this young woman gave off. "Well, uh, okay." He grabbed the Pokeball that contained the Pokemon that he was selling, and a flash of white light shot out to form into one the least impressive sights that Steph may have ever seen in her life. It was this tiny bug-type that looked like it was in a perpetual state of discomfort and fear. If Steph and Freya were to scan it with their Pokedex, they would find that it was far worse than they thought.

Wimpod, the Turntail Pokemon. This Pokémon is a coward. As it desperately dashes off, the flailing of its many legs leaves a sparkling clean path in its wake. Its habitat varies from beaches to seabeds. A natural scavenger, it will gleefully chow down on anything edible, no matter how rotten.

The salesman was silent for a a brief moment before he said, "Look, I admit it doesn't look very... impressive, but I guarantee you that it becomes something quite extraordinary! Besides, this one is actually quite special because it knows a move it can't normally get! 500P is a generous price for what you get in the future! If you are a serious trainer, it's an investment!" One could not tell if this man was trying to sell her a product or pleading for his life. Or maybe it was both?


She did say that she was the electric-type gym leader, so chances are she's using electric types. Also, if Stella were to guess Thora's age just by appearance, it would be reasonable that the two of them were around the same age.

"Oh, it's just a Pidgeot." She said nonchalantly though it explained everything and nothing at the same time.

"Yeah, but I think your Tyrunt has it beat by a few millennium " Thora joked before she followed Stella along to which ever town or city she decided to go to. Her Electrode was just rolling by her. While on the way there, Stella asked her a pretty interesting question.

"You're really trying hard to figure out my team, aren't you?" She said with a joking smirk though she actually did give her a serious answer eventually. "That depends when you challenge me. Like almost every other gym leader in the league, I have many Pokemon for challengers of all levels, but this Electrode in particular is one of my strongest Pokemon though I do have a few more too for weaker challengers. If we all went full strength for every challenger we met, we wouldn't have a league."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Even though he had briefly entered Starbor before, Jason had been in such a hurry to get his extra pokeballs and be back out in the forest he hadn't paid any attention to anything other than where the Pokemart was. But now that he was looking around, the sheer size and magnitude of everything in this tree-bound town was absolutely stunning. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a team in need of healing all sitting on his belt, he would set to exploring the town right away. Having said that, he glances at Conner and waves. "Alright, I'm going to be heading to get my team healed and then, uh, look around Starbor here. See ya around."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 2 days ago

Stephanie Irwin

Freya was right, the red-head didn't really care for the details as such. It was more just to confirm he was just a shady scam artist than a criminal than much else. That view just further cemented in Steph's mind as he actually listened to her demand of showing the mon he was selling...and honestly it made his case all the worse. Just what was this small, quivering creature? Pulling her hand out of her pocket and brandishing her pokedex, the entry was really not what many would've wanted to hear and just made the girl sigh as the man seemed to be almost pleading in his presentation.

Taking a moment to squat down and really take a long, hard look at the poor quivering creature she just looked up at Freya and shrugged. Honestly, she had half a mind to just whack him. It was honestly that sort of tiring day, but maybe she really was just that tired because she just shook her head. Well, guess she wanted a water type anyway.

"Yah knaow whaht...shooah whuytevah, Oy'll hahve ih'." Handing the man over the 500p he was asking, she just gave him a stern look as she took the poor Whimpods ball. "Just myke shooah Oy naevah cahtch yah troyin thiies crahp aguyn." She added as a warning. Though she knew she was probably getting ripped off, she figured the poor thing was better off with her than some random thug who might buy it and use it for god knows what. The thought of Jack came to mind on that topic, which just made her visible seemingly bad mood even worse.

Once the man had taken off and she had returned the Whimpod to its ball, she would turn to Freya.

"Sao wahnt t' grahb a boigh' t' ayt and say if anythin inteahstin is gaowin on around heah?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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"It's okay. Everything's okay." Amelia said gently, raising her hands to show she wasn't hiding anything while Phantump glanced around its trainer out of curiosity. Amelia understood why the Mimikyu was on the defensive and she knew she was going to need to stay calm and collected to get the Pokemon's trust. Panicking or getting upset would only make things worse and make the pokemon more hostile. "I'm here to help. Ratata needs medical attention. I'm willing to take it somewhere were it'll get some. You can come with if you want."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tristan Glory

The rich teen listened to the man explain what happen though forgot to give his name while doing so. What the man said had him lifting a brow in curious fashion while his gaze focused on the guy's leg." A horrid thing to happen. Quite lucky indeed to have only gotten off with some bruises." He said but found it incredibly peculiar seeing as how getting kicked by a Tauros of all things would more than likely do far worse than some mere bruises." Unfortunate that you found yourself in such an unlucky situation. You don't mind if I ask as to how you found yourself climbing the picket fence?"

As for King who made an attempt to be stealthy only for it to prove disastrous though it was to be expected as the bird lacked experience in such things. And its shiny purple plume wasn't exactly inconspicuous unlike normal Murkrows as the bird saw the strange pink thing transform before its eyes. This caused him to let out a shocked caw upon witnessing it turn into a tauros leaving him to flap incredulously in place for the moment. Knowing if he didn't act fast it would disappear into the forest or more likely hide among the tauros, King decided to give chase as he did not want to return to his trainer with no result.

But what could he do? Battling it might be dangerous due to not exactly knowing what it was or capable of. As it flew after the transformed tauros quick as its wings could take it when it remembered something from his battles and a weird idea came to mind. Uncertain if it would work, but without Tristan his options were limited and so the Murkrow dipped down to get close as possible to the Tauros where it let loose a featherdance sending an array of feathers raining down at the fleeing tauros. Doing so of course left Murkrow stopping and due to this soon lost track of the pokemon, but hopefully his plan worked.

As there was nothing else King could do, the small bird had no choice but to turn back and return to Tristan. He just had to hope he could relay what he had found in some way.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Stella Lumite

Trying to figure out her team? "Oh! Ah, n-no, just... Wondering how he fit into your teams. He would be as much of a puzzle to fight, as he is a strong contender, I imagine. Ground-types will get put right back in the dirt, if they come in too cocky. You have more? Uwaaah, lucky," Stella stared with a certain envy, though she reminded herself that she'd just have to find her own rare Pokemon. And that she already has a shiny Tyrunt. Speakin' of.

"Ya tired, boy?" Kaebe seemed a little slow. Stella held up his ball and lasered him, "go on and rest in your ball, then. Put your feet up." She holstered it and held her hand up for her Joltic to climb into. She brought Niblet down to about chest level and held her there so she could pet the fuzzy thing. "Niblet, I know you ate Kaebe's paralysis earlier, but are you hungry?"

She saw Florasong ahead of them, relieved for the safety of a town. She had Thora with her, granted, but it wasn't a complete guarantee, after all. She'd want to get to the PokéCenter right away, and also see what's in stock at the market. Her Pokedex told her she had money to spend. If she caught enough rare Pokemon, she could buy a house.

"I guess it makes sense, you have more of those Electrode. As gym leader, are you involved in raising them? Wait, you're my age, aren't you? You're a gym leader?!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Connor smiled at Jason and said with a laugh, "Yeah, that was a pretty brutal battle. I've got me some business up in the Entertainment District. You've got my contact info so if you need anything, hit me up. I'll see ya later." And the cowboy walked away and watched him as he entered one of the many cable cars that went to the upper levels of the village.

For Jason, if he ever had been to Foretree City before in his life he probably understood what the way of life here was like for these people to a degree, but this was of a completely other order. In a way, it was like being back in Grand Glory City though it had a different sort of magnificence to it. If Grand Glory was a testament to the region's sheer resilience and carving their own survival through sheer force of will in what would culminate into a colossal monument of defying fate, Starbor Villag was the opposite. This was a place that represented human ingenuity that strove for coexistence with nature and technology rather than just survive. In one way, this place represented a hopeful future for the world.

Still, while not of the audacious size of Grand Glory, one could easily find themselves turned around in this village. In such a large city with many tiers, one would find that getting around Starbor would be complicated, but after asking around Jason would eventually find himself in the Pokemon Center.

Approaching the counter, Jason would meet one of the many friendly Nurse Joys all around the region. She smiled at him kindly and said, "Welcome to the Starbor Village Pokemon Center. Let me take care of your Pokemon." After sitting around for a few minutes, he was called up to the counter to retrieve his Pokemon. "Here are your Pokemon. Thank you for coming!"

Just as he was about to leave, she looked as if she suddenly remembered something. "Oh, by the way, our Move Tutor services has returned. If you are interested, please go to the counter on my left." She said, motioning towards another counter where a breeder was standing behind.

What does Jason do?

Connected Areas
Starbor Forest. A forest filled with ungodly huge trees and many secrets.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Blue Lichen Cave. South of Starbor Village.


The man was quivering in his boots, ready to get his shit kicked in by two teenage girls, but instead received the full price of this less than exciting specimen. "You know what, I will do that because honestly you two scare the shit out of me." He just broke his stall down and just booked it in fear though because he did so in such a rush, he dropped the 500P that Steph had given him for the Pokemon. Sometimes, just the threat of overwhelming violence is enough.

Oh, and her new Pokemon!

Freya had an expression on her face that said, That just happened though shook it off.

"We're spoiled for choice here, but I think I have an idea where to go. It's a pretty short walk for here." Freya lead Steph along the busy, noisy port. It was filled with many citizens, but also with tourists from all over the region as well as sailors who were shaking off their sea legs and relaxing around the many cafes and pubs that were scattered all over the port town area. Speaking of pubs, the two of them soon stopped outside of one that looked like it needed a fresh coat of paint after being exposed to the sea salt air and had a lot of noise considering that it was only a bit past the afternoon at this point.

There was a large sign with red letters that said Mitski's. "Well, come on!" Upon entering, they would see that it was crowded with raucous, joyous people drinking and eating merrily while loud music was blasting in the background. For Steph, she would probably recognize the style of the interior; it was modeled and furnished in a very general Galarian style. The two of them were seated in a booth by an open window.

"Finally, I can rest my feet. I'll let you two out for a bit too." Freya leaned back in her seat and pulled out a couple Pokeballs and out came two Pokemon that were now sitting next to her in the booth.

Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes. Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly bark at any opponent to protect its own Trainer from harm.

Deino, the Irate Pokémon. When it encounters something, its first urge is usually to bite it. If it likes what it tastes, it will commit the associated scent to memory. Because it can't see, this Pokémon is constantly biting at everything it touches, trying to keep track of its surroundings.

Almost as if on cue for the Deino, it began to bite the table.

What does Steph do?

@Joshua Tamashii

The Mimikyu did not move a bloody inch though it wasn't attacking her so at least that's good. It did seem like Amelia meant no harm, but... She could tell that this Mimikyu was hesitating by the way it was looking back at the Ratata and then back to her as if it cannot make its mind. It wants to help its friend with all of its might, but there seemed to be many other things running through the creature's head. If the Ratata is healed, then the Mimikyu wouldn't be needed. That means that it would be left alone again. It would be abandoned once more. Unloved, once again.

Something seemed to be very wrong with this Pokemon. Its eyes seemed so dead all of a sudden and now it is bearing its shadowy claws at Amelia and her partner Pokemon. Could she avoid confrontation or was it unavoidable?


"You're telling me. Those things can shatter bones with ease!" He said a bit to excitedly, shifting some weight onto the wounded leg only to shift it away fro his leg after wincing. While recovering, he responded to Tristan's question. "Oh, we tend to climb over it to get out of the pen quickly. It's a lot slower to just walk over to the gate."

Meanwhile, King gave chase though it was quite difficult to keep up with the Pokemon. However, as all hope seemed to be lost as the strange Pokemon made its escape, it did not do so without getting pelted by feathers and a few actually stuck onto the creature without any notice luckily. King was successfully able to mark the Pokemon and was now flying back down to the last place where it saw Tristan last to relay the information that it had learned.


Thora arched her brow and had a slight smirk at Stella's panic. To be honest, she didn't expect that kind of response. What a funny girl. "Stell, Stell, chill. I was only joking. The gym guides literally tell you what kind of strategies and battle formats I prefer. Heck, they'd probably tell you my mom's maiden name if they could." She joked again, watching Stella return her shiny dino dog back into its Pokeball and then pet her Joltik. Thora walked over and knelt down slightly to be eye level with the Pokemon and smiled.

"Ah, Joltiks are always hungry little things." She giggled as she gave the small electric tick a head scratch with the top of her finger.

After that, they walked for a bit and was then asked a question that she thought was pretty clear from the start. She had a wide grin and laughed while doing a twirl, the various bangles around her clinging and clanging from her movement, her hair swaying around. "Yup, I'm the youngest gym leader in the league! I'll tell you what, the application and tests were brutal! They put almost every gym leader applicant for their specific type specializing in a marathon tournament against others of the same typing until there was only one of us standing. It was brutal to the say the least though I'd take it over having to test the current Elite 4 again. They're so strong it's almost unfair."

As she explained, Stella would soon realize that they were standing at the entrance of her destination.

"Well, here we are! Welcome to beautiful Florasong. Well, not as beautiful as my Starbor Village. Do you need me to show you around or are you good to go by yourself?"

What does Stella do?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Connor

After thanking the Nurse for healing his Pokemon, Jason had been on his way out the door when she mentioned the Move Tutor and this caused him to pause at the door. Sure his team were all relatively young, but there was no reason not to see if they could pick up on something. Alternatively, he did also need to officially meet his new team mate, but the way those Scythers attacked...Well, there's no harm in talking to them, they are a breeder after all. Smiling at Nurse Joy, he nods. "That sounds helpful, thanks."

Approaching the breeder, he smiles and pulls out the ball containing the Scyther. "Hi, uh, I know that you're technically here to be a move tutor, but do you think you could answer some questions I have about my new friend in this ball here?" The breeder's inquisitive look told him what he needed to expound some. "Myself and two others went out into the deep forest to investigate the recently discovered gash marks in the trees. Turns out it was Scythers, and, uh, they were not kind. They actually tried to take our heads off in a literal sense."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tristan Glory

Tristan observed the man shifting between his legs while he spoke and in an excited manner at that." Then it most fortuitous that you got off with such a minor injury." The teen replied though found it odd. Such a small leg injury would certainly heal in a day or so long as the person kept off it and yet this man chose to keep working instead of taking the day off." I have heard from others that you tend to be a bit...clumsy but looks to me that you are also very hardworking." Nodding his head as he said so. A friendly guy seemingly and yet something about the man seemed off not to mention this whole situation. Noticing the look of pain on his face had him remembering the pain he had to endure after having bird poop staining his hard to clean shirt.

His right hand found its way to the belt where he felt the pokeballs and with it an idea came to mind." Ah! Can't belive I have forgotten and I think I have something that may help." He exclaimed while hammering his right fist onto his left palm then held up a finger telling that he needed a moment before taking a few steps away.

Making sure there was plenty of room before picking up the pokeball as a flash of red shot towards the ground where Tristan's recently caught Riolu appeared who threw her arms out giving a cute little yawn." Riou!" She sleepily cried out.

Tristan crouched down so the small bipedal canine didn't have to crane her neck to look up so much and smiled down at her." Forgive me for making you wait so long to be let out for proper introductions. My name is Tristan Glory and yes I know what you're thinking..what an honor it is to have me, a Glory as your trainer." Grinning widely after doing a bit of self-bragging which only had the Riolu tilting her head in confusion before stepping closer to pat him on the knee in a comforting manner." Lu!" Was all that she said while patting at his knee.

The silver haired teen misinterpreting gave a pleased nod." Yes, I can tell how excited you are as you should be. And I'm happy to say that I have given you the lovely name Princess." He almost started to gush over how cute the riolu was which made the name all the more fitting for this precious mon." And once King has returned and we are free I shall introduce you to him properly as well." Princess looked up at the mention of King who she figured must be that shiny Murkrow that battled her and let out a little excited cheer with a pump of her paws which had Tristan giddily clapping his hands together." Yes! I can tell the two of you will make a tremendous team certain to have everyone recognize I, Tristan!" Pumping his own fists as all this gloating was working to help Tristan regain the confidence that had been so horribly shattered by that brutish imp of a girl and that frosty giant of a woman.

He almost lost himself in the gloating and fantasizing Princess and King dominating any fool that dared to belittle and look down at him had Princess not hopped in place letting out a cry out of worry since Tristan had been staring into space for over a minute.

" Hm? Oh! Sorry, Princess. Looks like I lost myself there for a moment, thank you." Reaching down to pat the riolu on the head who happily murred from the praise then stood back up where he cleared his throat before stepping back over." Apologies for the wait. I needed a moment to get properly acquainted with Princess here." She followed along to stand beside him then looked up curiously at the stranger." Having heard that Riolu's are good at comforting and thought maybe she might of help to ease the suffering you're going through if even a little." He suggested while glancing down at the pokemon then motioned for her to step forward." Princess, if you don't mind?" Tristan asked to which Princess gave a happy." Rioulu!" Then stepped forward as her trainer watched wanting to see how the exchange would go.

As that was happening, King was working on making his way back to his trainer though this took a bit of time with how far he flew off and not knowing right away where Tristan had gone. But, eventually the shiny bird found his way into the building where he made to land on Tristan's shoulder.

The sudden appearance of King took Tristan by surprise making him jump a little but quickly settled down as he turned his attention to the bird." Ah, King! There you are! Here to report your findings?" He inquired the bird who started cawing and squawking as if trying to explain, but Tristan merely looked at the bird with a confused expression until the bird let out a huffed caw out of indignation before flapping his way onto the ground using his beak to try and etch a shape onto the dirt.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia remained still and silent, watching the Mimikyu as it seemed to debate what to do. While it did so, Amelia went over what she knew about Mimikyu's, which was a fair amount. When the Pokemon turned hostile again, she didn't move and flinch. She could tell it was protecting it's friend but she had to wonder what else was going on. Given what she knew of Mimikyu's though, it was likely that it was scared of being alone. She knew Mimikyu had a hard time finding others to be with, due to their creepy nature. Hence why they dressed up like Pikachu. Given that, she figured she would see if that was the actual problem.
"Are you scared of being alone after Ratata is all better? Well, if Ratata leaves you, why not come with me? I love Ghost-Types like you. I'm sure we could be good friends. What about it? Does that sound good?" She said, her tone still calm despite the looming threat.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"We hope to you see safely again." The Nurse Joy said with a kindly smile as she watched him walk over to the Pokemon Breeder. The Breeder was leaning against the counter with a bored expression on his face as if he had not had a single customer all day, which was probably the case so when he was approached by Damian, he looked relieved that someone wanted some form of human contact with him.

"Oh, so that's what they were. Great to know that their numbers are coming back." The Breeder did seem to at least be genuine in his reaction though it would make sense given his profession. After all, the breeders in this region have been doing their best to help increase the lowered populations of Pokemon within Evig.

He then said, "Oh, well, Scyther's already have a disposition for violence and are well known to be extremely good hunters. I guess after what Cipher had done to their populations this only made their behavior worse. It'll probably take a few generations to improve their views on humans again." Again, given the history of the region, this aggressive behavior should not have been as surprising as it was, but then again, not everyone thinks clearly when they are besieged by murder bugs.

"You've got a long road ahead of you, my friend. Why not make it easier for yourself and teach your Pokemon some moves? With each badge you obtain, the more that will become available to you."


"Oh, um, okay sure?", said Robbie, letting the Rilou come in contact with him.

Okay, so, Riolu is too young and inexperienced to really try and read the man's mind with aura just yet. However, what she could do was sense emotions and with the roll that she got, Princess could sense everything that this guy was feeling at that moment. Feelings of rage, fear, paranoia, desperation, regret, and guilt of great intensity hit her like a flood. She could sense all of these feelings, however, she lacked the ability to pinpoint to the reason to why this man was even feeling this strong cascade of emotions, but it was obvious that this man was going through hell. These emotions would actually cause Princess to recoil from the man and force her back to Tristan for it simply was too much both mentally and emotionally for the bipedal pup.

While that is happening, King had arrived and began to sketch out what he had seen during his patrol of the farm.

So, apparently King was Thomas Eakins because for a bird that only had a beak to draw with, what he drew was an exact account of what he saw and what had happened down to the very last detail in an artistic realism style. There was no room for error to misinterpret what King had seen during its flight around the farm.

The older farmer that had been accompanying Tristan just looked at the drawing in both awe and shock for two very different reasons. One was because a bird drew it and two was that it meant that there was a shapeshifting thing going around in the farm.

"Well I'll be damned," said Bill, the older farmer. "I've got to tell the boss to look out for something with magenta feathers stuck to it."

Robbie spoke up. "Let me help find it too! I can't stand being around being useless and let it make a fool of me!"

@Joshua Tamashii

Yeah... that was really not the right thing to say at that moment. That Mimikyu was just about a thread away from snapping and attacking, but something happened. The Rattata grabbed it by the edge of its costume and gave it a weak tug to get its attention. It looked back at Amelia, to the Ratata, and would repeat this for a few more seconds, its form looking more defeated as time went on. Its long claws slid back underneath its costume as it seemed to go limp in despair. The Mimikyu stepped aside to let her go pick the Ratata up.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia watched and braced herself for the possibility of an attack. Thankfully though, the Ratatta seemed to interfere and calm the Mimikyu down. She watched as the Mimikyu moved aside and seemed to be utterly defeated. She knew what she needed to do so she moved over to the box and kneeled down. However, first she reached out and pat Mimikyu on its head. If it swiped at her hand, she would take the blow but wouldn't stop.
"I know you're upset. But I'm not going to leave you all alone. I want to take you with me. We can be friends. But first, we need to take care of Ratatta. And you deserve to be there as well." She said. She would then attempt to lift Mimikyu up and into the box next to the injured rat pokemon. Once Mimikyu was in the box, she would lift the box up and take both of them to the closest pokemon center.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii
Lucky for Ame, the Mimikyu did not lash out at her, but instead flinched as soon as her hand patted its (the costume's?) head simply because it was so unused to any forms of kindness and affection that it was not used to the touch of another. It looked up at her with a confused expression on its obscured face and even more so when it was picked up. It was so surprised that it did not have any time to react or protest to being picked up, but it was soon huddled against the weak Ratata to comfort it while she carried the two Pokemon off in the box out of the alley. So, there was now just an alley filled with Kalosian bistro cuisine just sitting there randomly. Free food for the other wild mons?

Anyway, Amelia found herself at the nearest Pokemon Center and when she entered, she is greeted by the friendly smile of the city's Nurse Joy. "Welcome to the Grand Glort City Pokemon Center. Let me take care of your Pokemon." Amelia would hand over the injured Ratata and just hang around the lobby with her shiny companion and depression incarnate. While they were waiting for the Ratata, they could see a child sobbing about his missing Pokemon with his mother kneeling down and gentling stroking his hair.

Eventually, the Nurse Joy calls Amelia to pick up the injured Ratata. The little fella seemed to be full of energy again, no longer feeble. Its ears perked up at the sound of the sobbing, as if it was familiar to it and rushed to the child who then squealed with absolute delight. "Chewy!" He picked up the purple rat and the mother approached Amelia with a smile. "Were you the one to find my son's Pokemon?"

Meanwhile, the Mimikyu was hiding behind Amelia. It wasn't out of fear of the woman, but more that most people aren't fond of these sorts of Pokemon.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Nodding in understanding, Jason was about to thank the breeder and leave when he made mention about the long road ahead of him and that caused the aspiring champion to pause mid-step. Additional moves wouldn't hurt for any of his team, but he also needed to start saving up in preparation for the battles ahead of them and he knew that. However, the more he considered it, the more he decided getting price ideas wouldn't hurt. "Alright, well, my first Pokemon was a Ralts. What could you teach him and how much would it cost me?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Stella Lumite

Academia could be competitive, and Thora already felt like a friend. She didn't want to poison that by digging where she wasn't appreciated. But, Thora was only joking. Whew. "Ah, yes, such family history would be most informative for my counter-strategy."

"There's a specific test for the Elite Four? Makes sense... It must be really hard. I wonder who has it worse, the applicant or the facilitators? I suppose that would depend on if the applicant makes the cut or not."

As they entered the town, Stella was greeted by pleasant scents and beautiful flowers everywhere. The town was called Florasong, after all. "Wow. It's like the whole town is a park. So different from Edda. I've heard about this place (Starbor, too), but seeing it yourself is worth it." She found herself sniffing some nearby flowers, giving a contented sigh before turning back to Thora, "I think I can see the Center from here. I won't turn down the company if you're not doing anything, though."

She'd want to rest her Pokemon at the center and restock on her supplies. Get some more potions, pokeballs, see what else they had. She also had a lot of new Pokemon that hadn't been looked over by Nurse Joy yet.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tristan Glory

As Tristan watched the magenta-colored bird etch what he found on his search and found himself pleasantly surprised and delighted to discover how skilled he was with that beak in ways besides battle. He checked over the report or more admired it like it was a piece of work." It seems I truly do have an eye for picking out the best. Not only shiny, but an artist as well? I think we will be touching up on this more later." Said with an excited clap of his hands. King, however, who just went through all this work let out an exasperated sigh in a way a bird can then let out an annoyed squawk that made his trainer jump in shock as he pointed at his drawings with his wing.

" What? Ah, right! Nearly slipped the mind. Apologies, King." Offering an apology having remembered the situation and properly studied the drawings this time. Something about some transforming pokemon? The teen stroked at his chin while pondering when two ideas came to mind with the first being a recollection of something Bill said and the other more a warning to destroy the drawing before anyone else could see it. Tristan was just thinking to do this but at that moment Princess came back looking distressed and shaken which caught his attention." Princess? Are you ok?" Concern in his voice as he knelt down to give the canine mon a comforting pet on the head. The poor girl looked overwhelmed and scared; motioning her closer to hug the rattled mon while turning his gaze to Robbie wondering just what in the hell she sensed from the man.

The chance at destroying the etching lost though Princess's comfort came first which he had to accept as the two, Robbie especially now knew the report as well. With a soft yip from Princess nuzzling his hand, he knew she was well once more and stood up." Good idea. You should go let your boss know about this while Robbie and I begin searching for this feather stuck transforming pokemon." He gave one more clap of his hands this time clasping them together before turning his attention to Robbie once more." Though with such a big field, searching together might take too long allowing for it to shake off the feathers so splitting up might allow to cover more ground, yes?" The silver haired suggested while another idea came to mind as he crouched down besides his pokemon." And seeing as you are willing to help even with that injured leg, Robbie. I wish to lend King here to help with giving you eyes from the sky while I shall take Princess?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"A Ralts huh?"

The Breeder mulled over in silent at Jason's question, mainly doing his best to remember what exactly Ralts compatibility was. Eventually, he did speak up.

"Well, for someone that has yet to get a badge the only moves that your Ralts are compatible with that I can teach are Swift and Shock Wave. Each would cost 750 P though the stronger ones that become available from your badges will be of a higher price. If that doesn't tempt you, perhaps I can offer you something from the catalogue that would tempt you for your other team members?" said the Breeder, pushing a list of moves that he could currently offer to someone with no gym badges.

If this does not interest him, then what does he do?

Connected Areas
Starbor Forest. A forest filled with ungodly huge trees and many secrets.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Blue Lichen Cave. South of Starbor Village.


"As much as I would like to show you around, I do have to get back to Starbor. Being a gym leader is cool and all, but it comes with its own set of responsibilities. It was great to meet you though Stell! When you get to Starbor, you better tell me!"

She had a wide grin on her face and when they said their goodbyes, Stella was soon by herself again and to save time, we'll say that she decided to walk through the floral and music filled streets of the town until she soon found herself in the Pokemon Center and greeted by the kindly smile of one of the many Nurse Joys in the Evig region.

"Welcome to the Florasong Pokemon Center. Let me take care of your Pokemon." After sitting around for a few minutes, she was called up to the counter to retrieve her now healthy Pokemon. "Here are your Pokemon. Thank you for coming!"

Just as she was about to leave, she looked as if she suddenly remembered something. "Oh, by the way, our Move Tutor services has returned. If you are interested, please go to the counter on my left." Nurse Joy said, motioning towards another counter where a breeder was standing behind.

What does Stella do?

Connected Areas
Route 1. A hilly route filled with many ranches and farmland.
Lake Charity. A massive body of water. Used to travel between Starbor Village, Valstille City, and Florasong Town.
Route 2. West of Florasong.


"Right. With any luck, we'll find whatever it is with everyone working together. I'll see you out there." said Bill, rushing out of the barn as fast as he could to go find his employer. Everyone that was in that room knew that if they found whatever this thing was and caught it then they would probably find whoever it was working with. Time was of the essence now that the creature knew it was found out so everyone would have to work quickly, including the criminal that partnered with it.

The only ones left now who were not on the search for this thing was now just Tristan and Robbie, both who were still in the barn. At the mere suggestion of having King travel along with Robbie, the young farmer's face flashed with panic.

"No!" That 'no' sounded far more desperate than what Robbie had meant judging by the look of shock on his own face. For Princess, she could tell that whatever veneer of calm that this man had was beginning to crack though he seemed to regain his composure and smiled embarrassedly. "I mean, that won't be necessary. I'll ask Hurley if I can use the cameras to help look instead. It'll slip up, eventually. Good luck to you though."

As fast as he could, he limped his way out of the barn.

What does Tristan do?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sanguine Rose
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Sanguine Rose The Author: Alexia Wynd

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Faye Wrexlyn

Sage made a solid hit, but the rowlet wasn't going to go down that easy it seemed. Especially not with the way Sage tensed after the rowlet let out a growl of it's own. When it flew up, Faye took on a more serious look to try to figure out what attack it might be. It could just be getting advantage on Sage to divebomb tackle him. Or...oh no.

"Sage, try to dodge the leaves. Use your Sand Attack while you do to kick up a cloud of dust around you to help provide cover. As soon as it's close, Tackle."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Sanguine Rose
Sage is just getting pelted by the leafy projectiles, taking a chunk of damage though not enough to take him down just yet. In an effort to obscure itself, the Eevee obscured itself with Sand Attack to kick up a pretty impressive cloud of dust and hid in it, which resulted the onslaught of projectiles to cease. It just kept itself in the air in place, flapping its wings as it squinted its eyes to scan for any shadows or such in the cloud of dust moving about though it failed to see a thing. What happened next was that Sage burst out of the cloud of dust and smashed his head into the leafy owl. The Rowlet lost its balance in the air and fluttered its wings violently to regain its equilibrium and land on its feet.

The bird was beginning to glow a deep, forest green aura as it became apparent that it was becoming exhausted from the hits. If it were not for the fact that the Eevee's attack was lowered, that last Tackle may have taken it down though because of that it had triggered the Rowlet's ability, Overgrow. When at a low enough HP, the ability increases all grass type attacks by 50%, which was very much apparent by the next Leafage it used. The leaves were larger, and they rocketed towards Sage with an even greater force than before.

Let's assume that Sage landed back in the cloud of dust after using Tackle. Lucky for Sage, the dice were on his side. Since the cloud of dust obscured the Rowlet's target, the leaves just whiffed by the Eevee and leave Faye with an opportunity to react. It was preparing to attack again.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jason Connor

Swift and Shockwave huh... And at 750 P a pop, Jason would be lying if he said that he wasn't considering it. Especially after he reviewed the list in front of him. Catching that Scyther gave my funds a nice boost, but I'm not looking to blow it all again. Still... After a few moments internal discussion, he decided to have Scyther learn Ominous Wind. Sliding the man both the money and Scyther's ball, Jason nods to himself. "I figure this can't be a bad idea, especially since I've yet to pick up a flying type aside from Occisor." Jason also prepped to pull out Sable, just in case there was something about this process he missed.
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