Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LG
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LG Mr. Nice Watch

Member Seen 28 days ago

@metanoia as Jackson Drake, Red Crystal Ranger
@OGSG as Andre Avery, Yellow Crystal Ranger
@Fabricant451 as Mila Doehring, Green Crystal Ranger
@Hey Im Jordan as Ji-Su Kang, Blue Crystal Ranger
@Akayaofthemoon as Hana Song, Pink Crystal Ranger

Episode 1 - Happy New Year

With the year coming to a close, several Angel Grove University students are linking up downtown to celebrate New Years Eve. Celebrations primarily consist of hanging out on the strip, grabbing a few drinks, and listening to some live music. Needless to say, it is extremely crowded in downtown Angel Grove.

Right off the shore there's a concert stage going on with various local acts coming up to perform different sets. Along the side are a row of food trucks, boasting multiple cuisine options. Having already taken off work ahead of time, Andre is meeting up with Ji-Su and Jackson, two of his classmates from a class in a previous semester, to grab a bite at the food truck area seeing as how Ji-Su (surprisingly) didn't bring any snacks with her and Jackson doesn't have any extra pizzas from his job.

Finally for a change, Mila doesn't have her nose in a history book and is enjoying the concert with a new acquaintance she met not too long ago, Hana. Hana is new to Angel Grove and is hoping that attending the New Year's festivities is a perfect opportunity to break out of her shell. What better person to assist in doing that than a cheerful person like Mila?

The evening was supposed to be a fun, relaxing environment... but what happens once there's a terrible explosion on the stage and random creatures begin to harass civilians?

Andre was just thankful to be able to get out of the house.

The GENESIS Warehouse job that he had been working for a little over two years was beginning to take a toll on him. The pay was great, the benefits were even greater, but the work hours were long and exhausting. A student at Angel Grove University, Andre was studying to become a teacher which was a little bit more than he bargained for. Having to complete practicum hours during the day with classes filled with 30+ students and then going into the warehouse at night was a challenge... but he made it happen. On top of looking after his two younger sisters Ava and Nyla, Andre was beginning to wonder where the hell did this capability of carrying such a heavy burden came from? He had to give himself some credit, but that didn't stop him from feeling fatigued at times.

Fortunately for him, in preparation for the New Year's Eve festivities, Andre had a few days to himself where he slept and rested at his apartment prior to December 31st. The holidays were just about rapping up and he was in need of some time to hang out with his friends. He, Ji-Su and Jackson had grown into a bit of an unlikely trio of sorts, each of the three coming from different backgrounds but somehow managing to make things work amongst them. Before this arrangement, Andre hadn't made any friends at AGU due to his work schedule, but the way fate would have it, he stumbled upon a daredevil pizza guy and a perpetual snacker. And here he was, the warehouse worker. Again, an odd grouping... but they made it work.

Andre was the first of the three to arrive at the food truck area, lingering towards the back of the crowd and occasionally checking his phone to provide them with his location. The great thing about Angel Grove was that it was never too cold during the winter time, but cool enough to dress comfortable. He was sporting a dark wash denim jacket with mustard colored crewneck underneath and tan chinos that tapered down into a pair of Pollen Jordan 1s.

I swear you two would be late to your own funeral.

Which reminds me: Ji-Su, what sort of bags of chips do you want at your grave, yo?

A few short moments later after his message to their group chat, Andre was pleased to see that the two of them finally showed up. Dapping up Jackson and then giving Ji-Su a fist bump, Andre nodded his head in the direction of the naturally forming line at the nearest food truck, leading the trio towards it.

"I dunno if it's just me, but I feel like it's way more crowded this year than last year," Andre quipped, lifting a brow as he surveyed the area. There was a dramatic increase in incoming students now that he thought about it, but never did he think the numbers would rise like this. Not that he was on campus anyway, but it was a clear sign that something positive was going on in Angel Grove and at the local university. Maybe he would consider taking more in-person classes now. As the line slowly began to move, from behind them there were blaring police sirens followed by duo cop cars zooming down the street, honking their horns to encourage people to get out of the way. "More people, more problems I guess..." Andre huffed, looking from Jackson to Ji-Su. There had also been a weird uptick in crime and just... strange things happening. Minor explosions, an increase in unidentifiable homicides... it was weird. But it was Angel Grove.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 22 days ago

interacting with: @Akayaofthemoon

At first, Mila wasn't planning on going.

When it came to the holidays, Mila Doehring's relationship with them were complicated to say the least. The last Christmas was spent in the lobby of student housing just because nowhere else was open long enough to spend more than an hour or so inside; she could've bitten the bullet and made an attempt to go see her parents, her family, but she made a promise and she was going to stick to it even if that meant spending a Christmas bouncing between reading about an ancient civilization and humming along to Here Comes Santa Claus. This Christmas, at least, she managed to spend with people at a little party hosted by her favorite teacher at the University. But that was Christmas and now it was New Years Eve and that meant a festival and with a festival meant people celebrating another year gone and another year to come. She didn't go to the festival last year with the excuse of having an excessive amount of homework. She had, of course, been lying, she always made sure her homework was finished at a reasonable enough time. She just didn't want to go. And she almost didn't go this year. But then she went to a cafe.

Going to a cafe was nothing special, Mila went regularly enough when she wanted a change of pace from the library. Normally she would think little of it, except on this particular trip she noticed one of the employees was new and seemed to be a bit in over her head. Mila could empathize, there was a time when Mila didn't know anyone and had a hard time breaking that ice. It might have been an assumption on her part, but that didn't stop her from asking if the employee was new to Angel Grove, and it wasn't long after that that Mila had met Hana Song.

It was Mila who invtied Hana to the festival believing that it would be a good way to end the year without having to worry about if a party was with the right crowd or not. Free music, food from trucks, attractions, what wasn't to like? And if Mila had her way, by the end of the night Hana would have expanded her circle of friends. Just because Mila often chose reading and history over dates and hanging out didn't mean she wasn't still a social butterfly when it mattered. What Mila didn't want to do was force Hana into an uncomfortable situation. Yes, the blonde wanted her friend - associate, whatever the term - to meet more people, to find her voice so the speak, but it was important that it be on Hana's own terms, not on Mila's. As long as it took.

"Keep the change. Happy New Year." Mila paid for a slice of sausage pizza and two canned beverages. One she popped open and took a sip from, the other wasn't for her. The other she offered to Hana. "I probably should've asked if you wanted anything, but I wasn't thinking. Still, it's yours if you want it." Mila took a bite of pizza and her expression could only be described as...intense. Her eyes closed, she sighed deeply, and she savored the bite. What was it about festival food that made it taste better? The perfectly melted cheese, the slightly spiced sausage, the warm sauce holding it all together...Mila couldn't help herself and took a second bite as her ears pricked up from the sound of a police siren whizzing past in the distance.

"Probably some drunken brawls or something." Mila shrugged. It was that time of the year. Plus big gatherings of people always had a tendency to have a few rowdy jerks making things worse for everyone. Mila didn't want to focus on sirens, she wanted to focus on music, on the live performances going on. Some bands were clearly better than others but that didn't matter given the atmosphere of it all. "Do you want to get closer to the stage? Wait, better question: how are you doing? Having fun, right? I told you it wouldn't be so bad." If nothing else, Mila hoped Hana would come away from the night not regretting being there.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location: Her Downtown Apartment & The Food Truck Station
Interactions: @OGSG @metanoia

After moving from the city so nice, it got named twice to sunny California, Ji-Su had quickly realized the songs about California were right. The weed was smoother, the sun never set and it was always warm… most importantly though? That Katy Perry song was right down to a T; a couple years in, and Ji-Su truly believed that it had to be something in the water. California girls, from their sun-kissed skin to Daisy Dukes and bikini tops in the summer really were just… unforgettable. Ji-Su hadn’t expected to be one of ‘those’ university students, but by the end of her fourth month at Angel Grove University, she’d had a body count of eight, and that number certainly didn’t slow down as her time there continued. Around here, girls were into the ‘exotic’ beauty and the ‘tomboy’ personality. Was she even a tomboy? She didn’t think so.

Second only to the girls, the best part of California was definitely the weed. In New York, it’d been hard to get her hands on anything, and what she did get her hands on wasn’t even that good! Once she arrived in California though? It was like they threw the fucking shit at you as soon as you stepped off the plane, and it hit like a truck. Ji-Su had quickly gone from a casual burner to a ‘smoke enough weed to kill Willie fucking Nelson every other weekend’ type.

Fortunately, she was only enjoying one of her vices on the night of New Year’s Eve. Truth be told she’d forgotten completely about the upcoming party, even before she’d gotten stoned. By the time Andre’s first text came in, Ji-Su was sunken into a beanbag, staring at a TV older than she was that was way too close to her face, and playing Sonic & Knuckles on a Sega Genesis. It would have been a lie to say her response was even ‘timely,’ let alone ‘quick.’ Ji-Su heard her phone buzz, but hardly even grabbed at it for a few minutes. When she lifted it up, and checked the messages in the group chat, she could only blink and stare at it, slowly processing.

I swear you two would be late to your own funeral.

Which reminds me: Ji-Su, what sort of bags of chips do you want at your grave, yo?


It was the only proper response, Ji-Su had been about ten minutes and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos from passing out in her beanbag. And if that had happened? Well, then there was no result other than her flaking on her boys and the promise of food truck food. She sat the controller down and willed herself out of the beanbag and wandered over to her closet. As she walked, she tapped out a message on her iPhone.

yo, omw. i forgor. just leave me a variety pack man, how ya gonna ask me to choose? thats like a sophie’s choice.

Satisfied with her response, she quickly pulled on an outfit of a hoodie, a pair of jeans, a pair of Vans, and most importantly a pair of sunglasses (yeah, she wore them at night) to block her bloodshot eyes. After getting dressed, she quickly headed out of her apartment and toward downtown. Luckily for Ji-Su, she was fortunate enough to have an apartment downtown… unluckily for Ji-Su, downtown was packed. She reached into the hoodie pocket and pulled out a bag of cashews, tore it open and dumped some in her mouth.

It was fine, she could make her way through the crowd and find the boys easily enough. It only took her a few minutes of patient dodging and twisting to get through the crowd and toward the food trucks. While she was crunching on her cashews and making her way to the food trucks, Ji-Su could hear Jackson’s roaring greeting to Andre, and it made her smile. How she’d wound up with the pair of them as friends… she wasn’t sure, but she was definitely happy about it.

Ji-Su was only a little bit behind Jackson’s arrival, and she returned Andre’s fist bump before she spoke, “Namaste, my brothers.” She said, grinning at both of them as she pulled her sunglasses off and hung them on her hoodie’s collar while listening to Andre talk about the state of how crowded it was. “No worries my man.” She poured what was left of her cashews in her mouth, crunched them down and crumbled the bag up before stuffing it in her hoodie pocket.

“Yo, is the quesadilla truck here? I wanna get a triple threat.” Ji-Su suggested, looking at the long lines winding from the different trucks. “You’d think shrimp, steak, and chicken would be kinda wild if you stuffed it all in one quesadilla, but I hear it’s pretty fire!” Ji-Su was getting herself a little excited as she talked about one of her main passions in life: food.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LG
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LG Mr. Nice Watch

Member Seen 28 days ago

Location: In an Uber
Interacting w/: None

"Just six months into this internship and I'm gonna be fired... ugh..." Charlie mumbled to herself as she settled into the backseat of her Uber.

Adjusting her glasses on her face, Charlie lifted a dainty hand to massage her forehead, hoping to alleviate the ensuing headache. Today had been a long day. Really, every day had been long ever since the GENESIS lab assistants managed to concentrate the energy captured from the Morphin Grid into five crystalized forms. Elizabeth Thorne, Charlie's boss, made it a point that they needed to locate five users for these new powers, but she was resistant in locating people outside of the trust of GENESIS. Several attempts to partner the Power Crystals with GENESIS representatives were met with complete and utter failure or a dangerous physical reaction that got swept under the rug. You couldn't sue GENESIS for something you signed up for.

"It would appear that the Crystals will only bond with people that they trust with this immense power," Dr. Ogden had told her a few weeks ago. "I'm not sure a person of a business mindset will understand the emotional connection of that. Charlie... This is your new assignment: locate five worthy people to possess these Power Crystals. For some reason... I have a good feeling."

Weeks later and Charlie was still trying to find the five worthy people to wield the Crystals. She would be lying if she said that she didn't try one of the colorful Crystals on herself, but that only resulted in a nasty burn mark on her hand that was still recovering based on the tightly taped up hand that she had. Whenever she or the other lab assistants that were actually getting paid worked with these Crystals, they had to wear protective gear. It was worth a shot.

The Uber was directed to take her to her apartment, but there appeared to be a situation going on at the four-way intersection. Several cop cars were closing off a section of the area with a hefty amount of smoke and remnants of fire building up from a considerable distance away. The straight away path was the quickest way to get to Charlie's apartment, but there was no way of getting there.

"I'll just get out and walk. Don't worry: I'll leave you a five-star review," Charlie said with a hint of impatience in her tone. Straightening up her olive green bomber jacket over her body and pulling down the beanie over her ears, Charlie walked down the sidewalk towards the area to see if she could at least make it past the officers, but now they were bringing out the police tape.

"Ma'am, we're gonna need you to stay on this side of the street," one of the officers informed, holding out his hand as the other officers continue stretching out the tape.

Furrowing her brows, Charlie stopped short of crossing the tape, gesturing to the other side of the street. "But the only way to my apartment is literally down this street."

"Kid... what are you, 18? Can you even afford an apartment in this economy?" the officer said with a chuckle. "Listen, we're in the middle of a potentially dangerous situation and just wanna keep you and the other Angel Grove citizens safe. Do yourself a favor and go enjoy the New Years Eve festivities, alright?"

Clinching the bag over her shoulder, Charlie winced from the pressure of her bandaged hand. If there was one thing that she hated it was being referred to as a kid. She didn't spend most of her teenage years at Angel Grove University studying various STEM-based subjects to be disrespected like this. Hell, she hadn't been a kid in years.

"Fuck you," she mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes before turning on her heels to head down the narrow street that led towards the shore where there was music being played. The officer had said something moments after her departure, but Charlie disregarded it. Glancing down at her watch, she noticed that it was about 15 minutes until midnight. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep, not socialize with drunk people. "It won't hurt to find something to eat until this gets cleared out..."

As she walked, Charlie was unaware that the Crystals that were lightly clanging in her bag from the slightest of movements were feebly beginning to glow as she headed towards the crowd of people. The way that her backpack was slightly zipped opened allowed anyone from behind and on the left side of her to see that there was something inside glowing a multitude of colors.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

LOCATION — Downtown food truck station

There was always something about winter in Angel Grove that Jackson always liked. He couldn’t tell anyone who would bother to ask him why he liked it. Maybe it was because winter, summer -- whatever the fuckin’ season was, it wasn’t like most places. Southern California, it being so close to the equator, it wasn’t like other places where it was actually butt-ass freezing like the tip of a mountain or when a bud thought it would be a good idea to shove a bunch of ice cubes down your back and recording it for Tik Tok.

First off, that would be totally not cool. And secondly, what Jackson learned last week was that, when push came to shove, his cousin was insanely popular on social media and pranks were his thing. Over a million views and it captured Jackson screaming and jumping around like he was an extra out of the Jump Around music video from House of Pain. Great song, but not a good look for Jackson. Hindsight and whatnot.

But that aside, Jackson always vibed and today was no exception. Work had been a bust. He made less than 50 bucks, but he didn’t have to pay any bills since he was on his parents’ phone plan. They also didn’t hassle him about rent…yet. He was awaiting the day they would pull him aside, especially his dad, John. John Leonidas Drake wasn’t always a patient man and he knew eventually he wanted Jackson to be part of the family business. Not that Jackson didn’t want to. He was even going to Angel Grove U for business classes and just to hone his general automotive craft. But time was ticking and John set a date.

“Can’t believe he’s giving me until the end of next year. The job at the pizzeria is enough.” Jackson liked to mutter to himself from time to time. It wasn’t a great habit of his or even one that a lot of people liked, especially when he was walking at night, riding on his board. He talked loudly and people liked to stare.

He remembered getting Andre’s text some time ago. He was just chilling at his house, about to take a nap, but Andre knew he couldn’t pass up food trucks. They ruled! But more importantly, that half of a hundred dollars amount of cash Jackson made from work today? Well, if he was a smarter man, he might’ve saved that money. After all, the rainy day fund would probably be a good idea to invest in, but Jackson practiced a simple approach in life: Hakuna Matata. Monentai. YOLO!

So thirty minutes ago, he texted Andre back a simple text:

I’ll be there my man! I got money so don’t even think about paying!

And then one more for good measure:

Unless I run out, in which case you’re being tagged in.

As Jackson pulled up on his board, gliding through the open crowd, swerving left to right so he didn’t accidentally bail into anyone and knock them over, Jackson caught sight of Andre. “Dreeeeeeee!” Jackson hollered, kicking up his board and displaying a bit of his skills. He pushed off the nose of the board, went forward, using his left hand to bounce off the ground, and flipped his body landing on his feet, stylistically catching his board in his hand as it came falling down. “What’s up brooooo!” He shouted with that same infectious hype energy he always had as he returned Andre’s fist bump

"I dunno if it's just me, but I feel like it's way more crowded this year than last year,"

“Is it really? I haven’t noticed.” It was true. Jackson was gliding so damn fast that he didn’t have time to notice, but since Dre mentioned it and he was looking around, he had to admit that Andre had a point. There were indeed more people around this year, but Jackson didn’t take it as a bad thing.

“More people, more problems, I guess.”

“Dre, c’mon man! Ya gotta think on the brighter side. You know, be more in the moment. I mean, if people have problems, then we just have to solve it! It’s as good as that, my man!”

“Namaste, my brothers!”

“Fuck Su, you late as fuck! You’re like…three secs behind me.” Jackson teased and laughed in the obnoxious way that he always did.

At her question about the quesadilla truck, Jackson let out a loud “hmm” noise as he looked around. “I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s here somewhere.” When she mentioned the combo, Jackson could literally picture it and knew he just had to have that triple threat. “I need that in my belly right now! And I got like..50 bucks to spend. Not sure how much y’all do, but I think I can take care of us all. I told Dre not to worry, but if not, then he can cover the rest--” Jackson let himself glance over at Andre, a somewhat mischievous grin on his face as he nudged Andre, “--right, buddy?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Downtown
Interactions: Mila@Fabricant451

She found Angel Grove was a completely different change of pace and style in comparison to the small sleepy town boarding the forest she had grown up in. It was quicker in many ways, still friendly but there was no denying it was a true California city. Heck, the festival just proved people came to party as well as enjoy and knew how to let go from their everyday lives. She understood why this appealed to her mother even though the other denied that this was part of the reason she settled here and wouldn’t clearly state how she had met her new husband who had come as a package deal. Either way, the downtown area was a bubble of warm lights, fabulous sights, sounds, smells, and full of cheer as people explored the various food trucks or danced to the free music while waiting for the countdown to occur. Hana felt herself smile at the chaotic mess of bodies from her bench as she sat watching the joyous festivities in full swing while munching on a carnitas street taco. She hadn’t planned to come to the festival but was glad that her mind had been changed due to the invitation from Mila. The woman had put up some fantastic points and arguments in the cafe when she tried to shakily explain she didn’t want to be a bother to her but with the tempting opportunity to at least make a one friend, one who was kind enough to invite her out without even really knowing her and one who insisted she wouldn’t be a bother, it was hard to resist so she had caved.

Sitting here now, she was actually having a nice time and had no regrets even with the vast crowd gathered. Hana heard more than saw Mila return from her adventure to the pizza truck, offering her a drink which she instantly reached out to take and cupping it in both of her hands with a shy smile. ”N-No, that’s okay. T-Thank you for getting this for me, that w-was sweet of you. I was about to get one myself anyway.”, she answered, playing lightly with the tab of the can as she tried to keep her nervous fingers busy. The blare of sirens startled her, making her grip the side of the can a little tighter as her attention shot in the direction of the pasting police cars flying by. She hoped it wasn’t anything serious again but then again, it was New Year’s Eve and people tended to do some pretty stupid things, curtesy of drinking a few more spirits than was necessary in their celebration. It sadly also brought about many worse accidents sometimes which was the major concern for her. Listening to Mila’s explanation of the situation, she hesitantly nodded before adding nervously, ”Y-Yeah, I hope so. I-I mean I d-don’t hope so but I hope it’s nothing worse than that.”

Hana blushed in embarrassment, wanting to just slap her own face every time her mouth opened so she quickly cracked open her drink and chugged, not even caring what the beverage was. Anything that could stop her for a moment from spewing words would be best. "Do you want to get closer to the stage? Wait, better question: how are you doing? Having fun, right? I told you it wouldn't be so bad."
Her fingers reached up to lightly press to her lips after she gulped down the last bit as she couldn’t talk with her mouth full, praying not to hiccup from downing a nice amount of a carbonated drink in a short time. She nodded enthusiastically before taking a deep calming breath just in case. ”I-I’m okay, t-thanks for asking. I’ve never seen a festival q-quite like this so I’m having a lot of fun. I-It’s very different but I’m glad you talked me into coming! It’s definitely not so bad.”, she replied before dumping away her trash. Hana nervously shuffled her feet, her fingers tapping on the sides of her thigh like a piano as she debated on the answer about the stage before getting a determined look on her features, lightly grabbing Mila’s wrist with the softest of pulls. ”Let’s get closer! Come on!”, Hana exclaimed excitedly with a dazzlingly bright smile.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LG
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LG Mr. Nice Watch

Member Seen 28 days ago

“Yo, is the quesadilla truck here? I wanna get a triple threat.” Ji-Su suggested, looking at the long lines winding from the different trucks. “You’d think shrimp, steak, and chicken would be kinda wild if you stuffed it all in one quesadilla, but I hear it’s pretty fire!” Ji-Su was getting herself a little excited as she talked about one of her main passions in life: food.

At her question about the quesadilla truck, Jackson let out a loud “hmm” noise as he looked around. “I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s here somewhere.” When she mentioned the combo, Jackson could literally picture it and knew he just had to have that triple threat. “I need that in my belly right now! And I got like..50 bucks to spend. Not sure how much y’all do, but I think I can take care of us all. I told Dre not to worry, but if not, then he can cover the rest--” Jackson let himself glance over at Andre, a somewhat mischievous grin on his face as he nudged Andre, “--right, buddy?”

Scoffing and waving off Jackson, Andre replied, "Pffft... I don't get paid until Thursday. You're paying for all of us, Jack." Of course, he had some money in his pocket in case he needed to cover the rest of it. Food trucks originally started off cheap in terms of pricing, but their popularity at events like this one, especially on New Year's Eve, allowed owners to increase their prices exponentially. People had to eat and the convenience of proximity was going to be even more of a motivator for people like the three of them to spend money. "Let's get in line before they run out of it though. We got about.. fifteen minutes before the countdown."

As the trio banded together in the line, thankfully it began to move as quickly as they got into the line. Apparently, making your favorite Mexican dish wasn't so difficult to do in an efficient amount of time. The three of them were standing side by side as the guy at the front called them up to place their order. Three "All-in-Ones" was supposed to be the move, but there was a sudden disruption that caused everyone in line to turn their heads in the direction behind them. A woman's siren-like scream alerted the other citizens that something crazy had just happened, followed by a small explosion from a few buildings back off the coast. A faint orange light indicated fire as thick smoke ascended upward towards the dark sky. What the hell was going on?

The moment Andre turned his attention towards the food truck, his eyes looked forward and then lifted upward to the numerous amount of beige-colored creatures that wielded lances with what appeared to be steel claws at the ends of them standing on top of each of the food trucks. The crowd behind the trio dispersed into all sorts of directions as one of the humanoids lifted the weapon and slammed it against the top of the food truck, ripping it open and stirring up another fire from the cooking area.

"I guess no quesadillas for us..." Andre humored, taking a step back to protect himself, but wondering what exactly was going on and who the hell these creatures were. Another explosion from behind them had people running from the streets and back onto the concert area, seemingly being trapped between the two areas with no where to go.

By now, there were dozens of the Bechats as they were called, climbing over the destroyed row of food trucks and gaining slowly on any and every person here with a pulse. Lances were pointed dangerously in the direction of the trio as Andre backed away slowly, holding his hands up.

"Look, bruh... I'm just here because I wanted a quesadilla, yo. If you got beef with somebody else, then take that up with them. Not us." Andre's words were futile; in fact, they only proved to upset the Bechat that was facing him as the other took their own turn of individually going for Ji-Su and Jackson.

Across the way, the concert had been overrun by Bechats as well with the group of them lining up, Lances extended to push the crowd back towards where the food truck area was. It wasn't long before Hana and Mila were clumped together in a crowd of people that were being cornered by the weapon-holding warriors. One person was brave enough to charge at the creature full-on, but was swept at the feet and lifted up off the ground by scooping the claw portion of the lance before being tossed airborne across the way with a thud on impact. Whether or not the people wanted to get away, it was going to be a fight.

"Y'all are really about to get my shoes dirty huh?" Andre quipped nervously, jumping up when a Bechat tried to sweep his legs. Seeing an opening, he quickly grabbed at the handle and tried to overpower it, pulling it upward and applying pressure to try and make it stumbled backwards. Instead, he was kneed in the gut, which dropped his face enough to receive a thwack in the jaw with the butt of the weapon. Andre's body tussled backwards as he stumbled into the sand, coughing for a moment to catch his breath as a minor stream of blood poured down from a scratch on his cheek. "Shit... that hurt..." he mumbled, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand and seeing the blood. "And now I'm bleeding... well this is embarrassing..."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 22 days ago

If ever there was any doubt in Mila's mind about her grand plan of inviting Hana along to the festivities, they were swept away like dirt from a broom when Hana said she was having fun. Fun was a good start. Fun led to wanting to go to more places with people which, in turn, led to friends and the like. The contented blonde took another bite of her pizza, still piping hot and baked to a meaty, cheesy, saucy perfection that it was impossible for her to stop with just that bite and promptly took another, savoring the flavor, the taste, the everything. Was there anything better than pizza? If there was, Mila would like to meet it. She was about to crack into her drink when Hana lightly pulled at her wrist and they were on their way closer to the stage.

It was fortunate for Mila that she had managed to swallow her bites; had she not then when Hana grabbed Mila's wrist, Mila might well have choked or had the sausage delight go down the wrong tube. Mila blinked as she was pulled along, willingly her steps trailed beside Hana. Her eyes flitted, darted, swirled about. It was nothing, the touch to the wrist, quick and effortless, a gesture shared between friends, and yet Mila was thinking about it. About if she could ever be bold enough to touch someone's wrist - about why she was thinking so hard about it. She knew Hana was having fun, was expressing her desire to get closer, to mingle with the crowd, but for Mila the only thing that mattered to her was the fact that...hands sure were soft. In the best possible way. She spent so much time around rocks and old textbooks that sometimes she forgot these things.

What she did know, though, was that seeing Hana smiling at the suggestion of going closer in turn made Mila smile - though hers was a shade dimmer thanks to her mind racing at a thousand thoughts a minute.

The scream of a woman and the faint rumbling of a distant explosion capped off by the rising of smoke into the night sky snapped Mila from her confused reverie. When beige-clad...beings descended on the crowd around the concert stage, Mila's pizza dropped from her hands, the plate splattering to the ground and the pizza immediately getting trampled to the dirt by people desperately fleeing from the commotion. Mila's first instinct was simple enough. As Hana had before her, Mila grabbed for Hana's wrist not to pull her towards but to try and pivot so Hana was placed behind Mila. "Hana, RUN!" The safety of her friend was more important right now.

Mila watched in horror as someone close to her was scooped off the ground and thrown aside like garbage. She shook her head at the thought. Not garbage. That was a person. The head shake turned to a full body shake. That was a person. A person was tossed aside. A person made a heavy thud as they were thrown away. And there were more people being approached by the strange beige figures.

Instinctively, Mila started moving side to side, the fundamentals of her capoeira training. As one of the beige men lunged at her, she performed a rolê, narrowly avoiding the lance. "Didn't you losers get the memo? Halloween is in October!" Mila taunted as she performed a second rolê to the other side, avoiding a second attack. The third time she wasn't as lucky as one of the attackers was quick-witted enough to not go for an overhead lunge but a sweep.

Mila found herself landing with a thud on the ground, unsure if the wet feeling on her back was blood, water, or... "...I think I landed on my pizza..." Mila groaned out just as she was, quite literally, kicked while she was down. Spittle with a little fleck of blood coughed up from her as she rolled on the ground, rolling onto her side. She wasn't quite ready to just ball up and take the hits, but the wind was certainly knocked out of her. If she'd had a pain like this before she hadn't remembered it. Not a physical one anyway.

"Come on, Mila...get up...get up..." But for the moment, no matter how much she said it, her body was refusing to cooperate.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

LOCATIONFood Truck Station, Angel Grove
INTERACTIONS — Rude visitors and buds who just want to eat good food @OGSG @Hey Im Jordan

"Pffft... I don't get paid until Thursday. You're paying for all of us, Jack."

With a disappointed sigh, Jackson sunk his shoulders down for a few moments. He wasn't against paying. He probably had enough for the triple threat like Su wanted. That amount of meat and other stuff (Shrimp was technically the fruit of the sea but also was categorized as meat), it would be pretty filling. Then again, in the short time that Jackson has known Ji-Su, she could put away a lot of food for such a petite little thing. So maybe she could have her own. Jackson also liked to eat. So that was another one. So he would have to put the rest on his card.

"Do you guys think they accept credit?" He'd ask both Dre and Su. "I mean, dad gave me a card under his name. It's only supposed to be used for emergencies. Feeding your friends is an emergency, right? Right?" Deciding it was even before they would answer, he nodded for himself and only himself.

As they got into line, which was longer than Jackson preferred. He was impatient as all hell. Not so impatient that he would decide it wasn't worth it. The minute Su described it, he subscribed to the idea that it was, in fact, worth the fifteen minutes it would be until the fated countdown. New year, new them, but same unhealthy eating habits.

Fuck yeah! That's how Jackson Drake liked to roll!

But just because he had decided it was worth the wait didn't mean that Jackson could put a nip on his impatience. The excitement was getting the better of him. "Man I can't wait to have that quesadilla. I fucking love Mexican food--" He had to stop himself for a splitsecond. "--Wait, is it even traditional? I mean it's still bomb as fuck, but like, it's not traditional, right? Oh, one of these days I'm gonna go to Mexico and see for myself!" Somewhere in all of that, he made a mental check in his mind to take a trip to Mexico. Maybe he could convince Su and Andre to come with him? "We all should go down there for spring break! All the hotties and babes and chicks in revealing bikinis? Fucking hell yeah! I'll take up extra shifts at the pizzaria! Oh and maybe work at my family's garage, too!"

The more Jackson spoke -- well, really he was thinking aloud -- the more the skater boy was getting excited. He had almost forgotten about the reason why he was in line to begin with. His mind, when it got fixated on something, everything else seemed to be pushed to the backburner. And right now, he was imagining the hot babes on a Mexico beach, the authentic Mexican food, and maybe even sipping a corona beer with a lime wedge. Or lemon wedge. Lime is kinda gross unless it's on tacos.

As his mind raced at all of the possibilities, that singular train of thought had crashed when Jackson heard the alarming scream of a woman and immediately followed by the loud, almost deafening sound of an explosion in the distance. In the darkness of the almost midnight hour, the beacon of orange fire and smoke stuck out like a sore thumb, prompting Jackson to react with a "what the fuck!?"

It seemed both he and Andre had the same idea almost at the same time and what they both saw was, if he was being completely honest, out of a bad dream. Or a really corny SyFy movie airing at midnight right before the 4-hour long spree of corny ads. "Uh guys, I know we're not, like, immune to the weird stuff in town or anything like that, but uhh..." Jackson slowly lifted his hand that wasn't holding his board and gestured to the row of those weird things emerging from the smoke and approaching them. "WHAT ON EARTH ARE THOSE THINGS!?" Normally, Jackson kept his cool under stressful situations, but when life was in danger and the fear of the unknown was carrying lances that looked sharper than his everyday outfit, this was exactly the right time to have a little panic attack.

Calm down, Jackson. Sure, they could probably rip you to shreds and your life may very well be in danger if you linger about, but think of the children!

Well, if there were children out here at this hour, those parents were probably bad ones, but that didn't matter. So think of the hypothetical children who might be here with crap parents! Think of the people screaming and not sure what to do in this highly stressful, deathly situation. These freaks were ruining quesadilla night! Oh, and destroying everything they touched. Yeah that was definitely more important (it wasn't).

"Hey, uh.."

Quick, Jackson! Think of a cool line to get their attention.


Nice one!

"You're totally ruining quesadilla night! Stop it now!" Jackson yelled out at the same moment Andre rushed them. For a moment, he was cheering for his friend. "Yeah go Dre--"

And before long, Dre was kneed and then whacked in the jaw. "Well... that was a good attempt, man!" Almost chuckling, Jackson realized one was coming his way and he didn't think. He rushed for them. Their lance came down and Jackson tucked and rolled under it, the sound of the metal hitting the concrete ground sending a screeching sound in the air. As he got to his feet, Jackson rushed the freak from behind to the ground, legs wrapping it and securing it on the ground. "Hey! I got one! Dre! Su! I actually got one--"

And much like how Dre experienced pain in the gut, he got the same treatment as his buddy did by the butt of the lance finding a temporary home in his midsection and Jackson fell to the side on his back, clenching his stomach from the immense pain he was currently experiencing. "Okay..maybe I didn't get one."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Downtown
Interactions: Mila@Fabricant451

A woman’s scream sharply pierced over the joyous noise created by the festivities, the music from the band instantly dwindling away mid song as multiple people in the crowd paused, glancing around in curiosity to see what was happening over near the food trucks. She felt herself flinch, the distinct sound of an explosion happening in the distance causing her to turn her attention in that direction for a split second and watching a plume of smoke filter into the night sky like a bad omen. It was for this very reason that she missed the beige clad beings first emerging, interrupting what should have been a wonderful occasion. In turn, it caused people to panic, desperately trying to flee the scene and unfortunately for some, meant they were getting shoved together into a pile and trapping a few in this dangerous situation. Hana felt the grip on her wrist, gasping a bit in surprise as she was moved behind Mila and protected a lot of the chaos around them at the moment. "Hana, RUN!"

”W-Wait, what about you?!”, she insisted worriedly, not planning on being a coward or a damsel in distress though she wasn’t sure how much she could do. She could do a bit to defend but she had never really applied much to fighting, much more a lover than a fighter. That much evident when one brave soul from the crowd went to rush forward to charge, only to everyone’s horror as they were swept off their feet and tossed as if nothing. Hana rushed to the person’s side, not caring if she was going to be noticed or in the crossfire doing so to check on them. Luckily, they didn’t seem too harmed but they would definitely feel it in the morning. ”Are you alright? Can you get up?!”, she asked, waiting for them to reply that they thought they were okay before helping them get up. ”Please be careful.”, she softly, watching them go for a moment before working to try and get other people to safety or at least moving them in the right direction while other people joined the fight.

She noticed one of them was Mila and quickly tried to rush to her to help since two is always better than one, only to run straight into one of their aggressors, lance pointed at her as she was forced backwards. Hana looked around for options, panic rising rapidly as she didn’t have time to think of a plan, the weapon jutting out viciously at her and causing her to have to react by swiftly jumping back, barely being missed as she stumbled. She quickly darted to the side as it went to slam the butt end of the lance to her head, wincing as it hit her part of her shoulder instead but she bit back the pain, climbing onto one of the picnic tables and went to tackle the being but it didn’t go down. Hana didn’t let that stop her, locking her arm around its neck and holding on tight, praying that since it was a humanoid form then maybe it would need to breathe too. It struggled in her grasp, trying to reach behind at her to get her off as she leaned away which applied more pressure. Unfortunately, she was so focused on the one enemy that she had not been prepared for a second one who roughly snagged her and tossed her harshly away. She rolled along the ground, curling as much as she could to protect herself but feeling pretty scraped up.

She weakly pushed herself up with her good side, glancing between the two as one started advancing in her direction. Hana scooted back as best as she could to create some distance, not able to get up as she got a sudden kick to the stomach which caused her to curl and lay on her side. She coughed, gripping her stomach tightly and just glad the beings attention had turned elsewhere by different fights breaking out close by. She groaned, wanting to get up to assist more people who were also on the ground but she couldn’t find it in her to get up just yet. She took a few deep wheezing breaths, closing her eyes tight and gritting her teeth as she pushed herself up weakly but more hunched over. Her shoulder ached and she held her middle as she shakily headed to see how her friend was. Hana only stopped for a moment, pulling out a colorful bandaid from her pocket and holding it out for a guy who had a bleeding cut from his cheek. ”H-Here.”, she said softly, not waiting for him to take it before taking hold of his hand and placing it in his palm before slowly making her way to Mila. Once reaching the other woman, Hana carefully crouched down and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. ”Mila, a-are you okay? D-Do you need help getting up?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location: Downtown || Interactions: Really everyone

As she stood there, in the clouds and waiting for the most delicious quesadilla she’d ever had in her life, it dawned on Ji-Su just how good of friends Jackson and Dre really were. She made a note to tell them later, but the idea of them paying for lunch was one that made her feel warm inside. She totally could have paid for all three of them, but before she even had a chance to offer, Jackson had already agreed to pay. At least they weren’t hanging out with her for the money. A smile found its way to her face, but as far as anyone knew? It could have been the weed, or even the cashews she was still dumping in her mouth.

Before they had a chance to get their hands on the quesadillas she was craving though, Jackson started rambling about going to Mexico. She wasn’t that interested when he started - what reason was there to travel from here to there? She had everything she wanted around Angel Grove! But then Jackson closed his suggestion by mentioning girls in bikinis. Now that? That was something that Ji-Su was definitely interested in.

“Yo, maybe going to Mexico wouldn’t be too bad. We could probably take a trip down, right? I mean, you probably don’t need your passport if you stay within like, eyesight of the border.” The more she spoke, the more she believed what she was laying down. It made sense to her - if they just went down to, like, a beach near the border, they could probably pull that off…. but couldn’t she just go to a beach near Angel Grove and get the same thing? Maybe, but Ji-Su had heard that foreign girls were something else - and that was something she hadn’t had a chance to test out yet.

Ji-Su had only a few seconds to ponder the validity of traveling to another country to kiss girls before all hell broke loose. It happened fast, or at least she thought it was pretty rushed. A boom, some yelling, and then her two friends were knocked on their ass. She looked between Dre and Jackson on the ground, before pausing on Jackson briefly. “Assflowers? Really? Shit.” Ji-Su wasn’t sure she could take these… guys? Things? Creatures? Off to the side, she saw some blonde girl dodging side to side before she got put on her ass.

Everyone was throwing quips out like they were Spider-Man; even Dre tried to throw something out there. The same girl who was flipping around made a Halloween joke!

“Shit!” Ji-Su managed to only narrowly move out of the way as a spear was thrust in her face. Ji-Su quickly lifted her left leg up to her waist and then shot it out like a gun at the creature. She landed what felt like a solid hit and advanced on her left foot as it came back down, pivoting to kick with her right foot — but this one wasn’t so lucky, instead Ji-Su’s foot was caught out of the air, and then she was flipped and slammed into the ground.

Ji-Su had been slammed down like that before, and it was made immediately clear this wasn’t a normal opponent she was facing. Ji-Su could only think about two things as her body made solid contact with the ground: everything hurt, and she probably had a broken rib… and more importantly…

“My Ray-Bans, dude!” The cry had came out as Ji-Su was flying through the air, and the sunglasses she thought she’d kept secure and safe hanging off of the collar of her shirt were flung through the air, bouncing on the ground - and sure to be squashed by stampeding pedestrians.

“Fuck, there goes my high too…” Make that three things. “Guess we ain’t goin’ to Mexico, Jackson.” Ji-Su mused to her fallen companion, watching as the creatures continued to swarm them - but they weren't without saviors, as a new girl showed up to supply Andre with a bandaid, and then head over to...

The cute, blonde flippy girl.

“Yeah, no. I'm fine, I'll just lay here." Stubbornly, Ji-Su gave a thumbs up toward the other Korean girl who seemed to be helping everyone but her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LG
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LG Mr. Nice Watch

Member Seen 28 days ago

Location: Downtown Food Truck Station
Interacting w/: Everyone

Somehow, in an effort to fight back against these random humanoids, Andre was realized that, unlike some of the other civilians that took off running for safety, he was still there along with a few other people. There were two more girls that arrived on the scene with one of them that was tending to the blonde that just got knocked over. Jackson wasn't too far from Andre when he got knocked over, so he went over to lend a hand, lifting up his curly haired companion. And then there was Ji-Su... who was content to just lay there after also getting her ass handed to her. Andre couldn't say that he didn't blame her for playing opossum. Maybe these guys would leave them alone if they all played dead.

"Get up, Ji-Su," Andre quipped in the heat of the moment, reaching down to pull up the third member of their trio shortly after giving Jackson some support as well. With the five of them struggling to their feet and facing an incoming group of Bechats, it appeared that all hope was lost. Now, the attention of the creatures was solely on them with carnage in background. Stirred up fires and clouds of smoke shrouded the battlefield, but Andre was determined to at least survive. They had tried to fight for so long that they may as well go down swinging. "What should we do here guys?" he asked, including to the newcomers Mila and Hana.


Emerging from the thick smoke were five crystals, each with its own respective color. The crystals seemed to work together in ricocheting off the group of Bechats, stirring up a mini explosion and sending them back before flying in the direction of the group of five people who showed enough bravery to fend off the threat as best as they could.

Moments later, Charlie emerged from the smoke, scorched backpack in hand from where the Power Crystals zipped out of it. "No way..." she mumbled, stopping in place to see the Red Power Crystal floating in front of Jackson, the Yellow Power Crystal floating in front of Andre, the Green Power Crystal floating in front of Mila, the Blue Power Crystals floating in front of Ji-Su and the Pink Power Crystal Floating in front of Hana. "We... I... found the Rangers?" she said to herself, a bit louder.

By now, the Bechats had recovered from the attack via the Power Crystals, but they were a bit more skeptical about this new threat.

"The Power Crystals have chosen you five," Charlie said loudly to get the attention of the group. "There's no turning back from this point if you choose to accept it."

Andre furrowed his brows as he listened to Charlie and then proceeded to turn his head to the floating and glowing Yellow Power Crystal in front of him. "Hey... if I fought these things without whatever this is, I'll take my chances..." Reaching out with his left hand, Andre grasped the Crystal causing it to instantly phase with his body. An overwhelming energy coursed through his veins as a bright yellow light warped around his left write before dulling out to reveal an intricate new device on it. "What the..." he murmured, lifting his hand to observe what appeared to be... a touch screen watch?

"That... is your Power Morpher. It allows you to access the Morphin Grid to transform into a Power Ranger," Charlie replied, somewhat proudly since she had worked on this project for so long with Dr. O. To see the fruits of their labor in real time was... satisfying.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 1 day ago

LOCATIONFood Truck Station, Angel Grove
INTERACTIONS — Everyone including new hot chick @OGSG @Hey Im Jordan @Hey Im Jordan @Akayaofthemoon @Fabricant451

"What should we do here guys?"

"That's a good question."

Jackson struggled to get up. The freak that had gut-lanced him in his stomach stood a few feet away and they seemed to be enjoying seeing poor Jackson. Would have been poorer if he had paid for those damn quesadillas, which probably weren't important in the grander scheme of things but Jackson was still pretty bummed. He gladly accepted Dre's help to...well help him to his feet. To be honest, Jackson wasn't sure what they could do. They tried to stop and all three of them got their asses beat.

Jackson hated losing and he hated it even more because deep down, he actually tried to do something that wasn't to his benefit (at least not fully). People were afraid and running for their lives and these...things with the lances...javelins -- honestly, he didn't know. Jackson didn't study anything close to freakyweaponology. He was just taking classes that might point him towards something involving cars and engines. And now he was thinking about all of the things he never did and how it was likely he, Su, Dre, and those other two girls were about to meet their maker.

...Not that Jackson was super religious or anything, but it was a figure of speech.

"Damn and I was hoping to have some food before I died." Yeah, he's still stuck on food. He never thought he'd get six feet under on an empty stomach.

As Jackson started to ponder if he should pray, there was something coming from the smoke. Five bright lights that were strangely colored almost all colors of the rainbow and they went fucking ham on the group of freaks that literally gave him, Dre, and Su the hardest time of their lives to just hold their ground, yet floating crystals were not able to strike them down but cause a damn explosion? "What's up with that!?" He exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the brightness of the blast that the floating crystals caused.

And now they were in front of the five of them.

"What the hell?" Jackson looked around. "You guys seeing this? These things are floating. How is this even possible!?" He saw Su and Dre had one in front of them. Dre had a yellow one and Su had blue. Meanwhile, Jackson's was red. "This is so fucking wild! I don't even know what to say..."

"The Power Crystals have chosen you five--"

"Right..Power Crystals. Wait what!?"

He was in such a daze cause of the floating thing that Jackson hadn't realized a super hot babe had shown up. Leaning closer to Dre, Jackson whispered, "yo she's fucking hot, bro. You think I have a shot?" He asked Dre, now wondering if he did, in fact, have a shot with that totally smoking chick. He could definitely romance the fuck out of her.

As he watched Dre completely ignore him (how rude!) and grab his yellow thingy, Jackson shrugged and figured he'd do the same. When he did, he felt a weird sensation through his left arm. It was all tingly. Like someone had put one of them vibrating things for chairs all over his entire body. It felt nice, but then the crystal phased through his entire arm. HIS ENTIRE ARM! it went through it like Kitty Pryde did through walls and went inside him, through his heart. For a moment, Jackson felt nothing. There were no adverse effects of him consuming that weird stone. "That's it? Thought it would be more than that--"

And then he felt it. Something so numbing and rejuvenating at the same time that Jackson couldn't think straight. Everything in him from thoughts to physical reactions to the hairs all over his body -- everything was electrified and not in the The Rock kind of way. He wasn't the most electrifying man in sports entertainment today, but rather, as the surge of whatever he was experiencing subsided, Jackson felt different. The pain in his gut was no longer there and he realized something else. He couldn't explain it because what literally just happened to was too surreal to process right now, but he was feeling...stronger. Faster. It was like this extra something was added to his already impressive physical capabilities.

And then on his wrist, some odd wristwatch appeared. On his left wrist. "Whoa, is this the new smartwatch? It looks so cool!"

"That... is your Power Morpher. It allows you to access the Morphin Grid to transform into a Power Ranger,"

Jackson made an "ah" sound and nodded his head. "Yeah, that's what I thought it was." After a few seconds of nodding like he actually understood what that hot chick meant, he had a delayed reaction and his eyes widened. First, he was staring at the watch, then to hot chick, then back to the watch, and then at hot chick again. "Wait, Power Morpher? And what's this about a Morphin Grid? And what the hell is a power ranger? Is that like a Park Ranger - but better?" So many questions coursed through his brain. Jackson hadn't been this full of questions since the ending of Shutter Island. Truly some intense mind-boggling stuff.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 22 days ago

Interacting With: Everyone

It was truly impressive what a human could do when the fight or flight instinct kicked in - though Mila wasn't even quite sure that was the name for it or if it was just a matter of adrenaline kicking into overdrive. Whatever the reasoning was, she was genuinely surprised to see Hana, the same quiet, reserved Hana, attempt to choke out an attacker and even when getting thrown aside her first response was still in making sure others were okay. Mila included. How could she, in good conscience, let something as painful as getting attacked by weirdo Halloween guys stop her? Mila managed to go from laying on her back to using her hands to lift herself to a seated position, wincing as she placed a hand on her side. Definitely an x-ray sort of situation. Internal bleeding was a killer, she could attest to that personally.

"Hana, you alright?" Mila asked, nodding to her friend who presently had a hand on Mila's shoulder. "I didn't know what a little badass you were." Smiling through the injury and not quite letting the gravity and intensity of the situation bring her down, Mila weakly gave Hana a thumbs up, both to show that she was okay, if a little dinged up, and as approval for her actions. It still hurt, but she couldn't let that stop her.

"I don't think we're the only ones being stupid." Mila gestured with her head towards the fallen Korean girl saying something about Ray-Bans as if she were Johnny Cage complaining about five hundred dollar sunglasses. If it wasn't the whole life and death attacked by weird things situation that it was, Mila might've laughed. She'd have to remember to do so later. At least a smirk. There was also the guy talking about...ass flowers? Mila gave him the benefit of the doubt, under stressful situations people often said things that made...well it probably made sense to him. And then there was the second guy who asked what they should do and Mila couldn't think of an answer. What could they do? They were clearly outclassed and outnumbered.

"I assume you guys aren't going to run." Mila's answer to something like this was easy enough for her. If it meant other people could live, she would throw herself upon the sword to guarantee it. In the grand scheme of things making sure others survived was a worthy conclusion. It was why she was an organ donor. "Then I guess we give 'em hell before we see them there." Mila, through wincing teeth and with the help of Hana, got to her feet, blood lightly dripping from a scrape on her arm. If this was the plan, then so be it. Mila nodded towards Hana and hobbled towards the Ray-Bans girl, offering her a hand to help her to her feet. "You with us, Ray-Bans?"

Before the heroic last stand could occur, though, a colorful rainbow of...color whipped and whisked through the smoke, fending off the attackers before emerging and floating in front of the five of them. Mila's eyes widened, not specifically because of what had happened to the attackers, but because there were floating crystals in front of them. And, more importantly, "I've never seen a crystal like this. It's not jade...or emerald...verdelite? Maybe...prasiolite? No, it's not quartz it can't be...Vesuvinite" Her eyes looked towards the other four crystals floating by the others. "Heliodor?" She said of the yellow crystal. "Eudialyte?...Tanzanite?...Rhodocrosite?" Mila asked of the red, blue, and pink crystals. Without actual closer study she couldn't do anything other than guess based solely on visuals but of course...there was no time.

Mila, instinctively, touched the green crystal in front of her and it was like getting a dose of caffeine or an endorphin rush all at once as her body surged, lurched, and the crystal phased inside of her - not something crystals had a tendency to do. As the rush of sensation continued, the pain in her side subsided and a green swirl whooshed and swooshed and wrapped over her left wrist as a device similar to the ones appearing on the wrists of the others appeared. Mila didn't know what it meant, only that it was likely monumental. Important. Life altering.

"I have a million questions right now but...maybe we should think about them later? I don't know about you guys but I think some payback is in order. I feel like I can kick some ass right now."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location: Downtown
Interactions: Mila @Fabricant451, Jackson @metanoia, Charlie @LG

“What do we do here? Bro, I’m not a ninja. These guys make me look like a fuckin’ clown, and I’m pretty good at those kicks. Guess what ol’ Bruce said about ten kicks a thousand times vs ten thousand kicks is true.” From her perspective, they were right and fucked, but Ji-Su supposed that didn’t need to stop them from going down swinging. Of course, she was more or less content to take it until she saw a hand outstretched to her, and heard words from the blonde girl. At first, she furrowed her brow.


It was better than several other nicknames Ji-Su could have thought of for herself, and she certainly wasn’t above taking the hand of cute blonde girls to stand up. Especially not when the hand turned out to be incredibly soft for someone who was apparently an asskicker - at least when the ass wasn’t supernatural monsters who had an unfair advantage of being superhumanly powerful. Ji-Su stood up and nodded, “Yeah, blondie. I’m with ya.” She hooked a lock of hair behind her ear, and looked toward the mob of monsters that was still surrounding them and sighed. At least this way, she’d never have to tell her mom to her face that she’d decided to get an art degree instead of becoming a surgeon.

And then, just when she’d found the silver lining she needed, the place lit up with more color than the Holi festival of colors, and Ji-Su was suddenly staring face to face with a blue rock. She was slower on the draw than both her friends and the woman standing next to her, who listed off more ‘ites than Ji-Su knew existed. As she raised her hand to touch the blue stone, she made a comment toward the blondie. “So you’re a nerd, huh? Cute.” With that, she tapped the blue crystal with her index finger.

Within seconds, the remnants of haze from the weed she’d smoked earlier was cleared from her body, and Ji-Su didn’t feel any pain from being slammed on her side earlier. It was as if she’d gotten a second wind of the most powerful kind - a second wind where she felt better than she had in her entire life. She turned her wrist around and looked at the new device, muttering to herself. “Well… how about that?” She asked, looking around at her companions, before her eyes fell on the woman who’d mentioned ‘Power Rangers’ and a Morphin’ Grid.

“How about three steps or less, so we can kick the shit out of these assholes?” She paused and leaned over to Jackson, quietly adding. “And maybe get another quesadilla, yeah?” Blondie didn’t need to hear about the prioritization of food.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
Avatar of Akayaofthemoon


Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Downtown
Interactions: Mila@Fabricant451

Hana felt her cheeks heat up at the unexpected comment or maybe it was a compliment from Mila but either way she was left a bit speechless and stumbling to even find words. She took a few tries, opening and closing her mouth before she ended up clearing her throat while slightly turning her face away to cover up her embarrassment. ”I-I’m not so sure about the b-badass part but I think I’m okay. Just kinda banged up.”, she answered, lightly holding her shoulder even though she knew it wouldn’t be much help against the pain. She forced herself to smile back, happy that the other woman seemed okay for the most part and was staying strong in the face of danger. She wasn’t the only one of course which had her turning her attention back to the other three that were still sticking around with them.

She planned to speak to the others but the second it looked like Mila was going to stand, she quickly reached out to help her even though the action instantly made her regret doing so as her shoulder protested. Hana stuck close to her as they made their way over, making sure to be ready to catch Mila if needed, a new feeling of concern blooming as she noticed blood on her arm while helping the girl on the ground to stand. The sudden flash of colors was startling, causing her to flinch and close her eyes for just a moment but when she nervously opened them, all she was met with was a floating pink crystal. She felt drawn to it in a way, like it was meant for her. She reached out her hands, cupping them just underneath the floating crystal without touching it and just staring wide eyed in fascination. This whole situation was getting more and more bizarre.

"There's no turning back from this point if you choose to accept it."

Was she sure she wanted to? Hana watched the others, for a moment before she became determined, closing her hands around the crystal. Instantly, she felt relief as a rush of power flowed through her and dulled the pain she was experiencing before. A new watch-like device now encompassed her wrist and by the looks of things she wasn’t the only one that had the new accessory. Normally, she would have taken time to fully check out the device but Hana turned her attention to more pressing matters. ”Agreed, I don’t want any more people to get hurt. I think payback is definitely in order to teach these brutes a lesson.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LG
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LG Mr. Nice Watch

Member Seen 28 days ago

Location: Downtown Food Truck Station
Interacting w/: Everyone

One moment, Andre had come to terms that this moment would be the end of his time on Earth. Who was going to take care of his two little sisters? Would the news talk about how he went out a hero? Was it selfish to want to actually protect everyone who was out here on New Years? But all of those thought soon vanished with the emergence of a relatively short woman and the synchronization of a mysterious crystal and his body. Everyone was observing the new devices on their wrist simultaneously now with the Bechats looking somewhat hesitant at their enemies being provided with a newfound power. A momentary glow with each person's respective colors emanated from the circular screen of the Power Morpher before subsiding.

Charlie's hazel eyes glanced over at the opposition, the smoke from both sides of the battlefield rising above a quickly spreading fire. The Rangers needed to work quickly before things got out of hand. The morph sequence wasn't something that could simply be figured out on the fly; there was training that needed to be done along with some sort of teaching as well, but Charlie didn't feel qualified for that. If they could somehow survive this battle, Dr. O would be the best person for the job when it came to educating this team about who and what they were now. Between the Bechats sprinting forward now and the Rangers witty comments, Charlie only had one thing to say:

"Focus, guys!"

Glancing up from his Power Morpher, Andre's eyes widened as a Bechat came at him with one of its lances. Before, he was responding and reacting on his own power... but now? He felt an electrical jolt of energy coursing through his body and guiding him with fluid movements. It was like taking a test, but knowing all of the answers to it beforehand... along with actually studying.

Ducking out of the way of the lance, he gripped the staff portion of it and yanked it, sending the Bechat down to its back and then shoving the lance through its torso, causing it to explode in a bright, gray light. "Yooo... what the fuck!?" Andre hollered with brightened eyes. Technically, he had just killed the thing, but somehow watching this intergalactic creature implode upon impact was satisfying. He didn't feel bad about ending a creature that had caused so much damage right into the New Year.

The Bechats swarmed in a manner that forced the group of five to separate with from one another. When Andre finished off one of the humanoids, he looked up and realized that he was back to back with Jackson while the girls were a few feet away handling their own Bechat problem. "You feelin' hella powerful all of a sudden, Jack?" Andre asked, ducking out of the way of another attack of a Bechat, grabbing it by the wrist and then hurling it into Jackson's direction so that he could finish off the double team attack.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 1 day ago

LOCATIONFood Truck Station, Angel Grove
INTERACTIONS — Dre and Ji @LG @Hey Im Jordan

Jackson still had a bunch of unanswered questions. He wasn't typically this curious. Anyone who knew him, especially Dre and Ji-Su who he felt like he had grown close to in the short time he's been hanging with them before now, could vouch that Jackson really wasn't the inquisitive type. He wouldn't even be able to tell you what inquisitive meant or how to use it in a sentence, but even he had the thing where he needed to know some of the basics such as the gem thing that went inside him (sounds worse than it actually is) and the new Smart Watch competitor that was now on his wrist. But above all else, he's just really sad because he was really looking forward to that triple threat.

Yeah, something something 'think of your priorities', but when Jackson was hungry and even willing to pay for his friends' food (he would do regardless if they asked him to or not because Jackson did not let his buds go hungry), but the fact he was going to pay made it all the more heartbreaking because he didn't get the chance to because of those...things. He didn't know what to call them. Freaks seemed to be accurate enough. They certainly fit the bill for freaky things.

“And maybe get another quesadilla, yeah?”

As Ji-Su leaned toward him, there was an odd change in Jackson's demeanor. Curiosity was long gone and, though he still didn't quite understand the reason why that gem seemed to choose him, of all people, he understood in the immediate future (as in the next ten minutes), Jackson could use the promise that his fellow foodoholic friend made about that triple threat quesadilla as his internal motivation to kick a little ass, take some names, and, of course, protect those who were probably shitting their pants like Jackson would if he didn't feel like he was at the start of his own superhero origin story.

"Oh yeah! I'm all...uh--" He was going to say fired up, but not only would that be a copyright issue, but could he say fired up? The thing giving him this power was...well, it wasn't fire. It was a rock-like object. And it dissolved inside him or something like that. So, saying he was fired up wasn't accurate. But it was a cool phrase.. "I'm all jacked up!" Oh yeah, that's much better!

At the same time that he heard that hot chick from before telling them to focus, Jackson watched as Dre completely demolished one of those freaks by giving it a taste of its own medicine. Its weapon was shoved right into its chest and it faded away. "Hot damn man! That was sick!" Jackson cheered, jumping and fist-pumping into the air out of both support for his friend and classmate, but also out of his own pure excitement that was obviously deeply rooted in the fact that he was still a kid at heart who got too excited by watching badass moments like that happen in front of his eyes.

Yeah talk about badass.

As Jackson remained in state of awe of Andre, time stopped for no man, even those admiring the badassery that was just displayed. Those freaks seemed to surround them. "Apparently they couldn't appreciate pure, adulterated epicness." Jackson sighed, looking as they encircled him, Dre, and Ji. The two boys were back to back and Jackson immediately looked around, surveying for the blonde and other asian girl with the softer demeanor than Ji-Su. But again time waited for nobody because as one of the freaks came charging from behind him (to Dre's front) and like a mother-fucking boss, judo threw it towards Jackson. Even though there was very little time for Jackson to react, he felt like that wasn't the case. The thrown freak was coming at him in slow motion.

Wait, slow motion? What was really happening?

Jackson twisted his body, dipping back onto his hands, tucking his legs into his chest and as the thrown freak was directly over him, he thrust both of his legs into the chest of it, sending it flying up into the air, crashing into the food truck.

"Whoa.." Jackson had to take a moment. He didn't expect to be able to do that. He...didn't think he could pull it off. "Holy fucking shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! That was incredible! Like.." Jackson had to get a handle on what he just did. It was cool and all, but he had to focus. Hot chick would be mad if he didn't. Looking at Dre, he still had a grin on his face. "Dude, yes it's like I can see things in slower motion than I should. Also, I have this...strength. Like I'm not a fighter. Never trained in any martial arts, but I feel like I can actually fight."

Jackson glanced over to Ji-Su. "What about you, Ji? Do you feel any different?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 22 days ago

Interacting With: Everyone

Sometimes all it took was a little confidence to change things for the better but when confidence alone wasn't enough sometimes it didn't hurt to have a little backup. Of course, the idea of backup to most people didn't tend to include the appearance of mysterious crystals but Mila wasn't about to look a gift rock in the mouth, so to speak, and if it meant being able to give some measure of payback to the strange beings that were causing chaos then she would happily accept the backup. She already had the confidence in spades, now there was surely nothing that could hold her back. She still had every desire to study the crystals in greater detail but much like a soft spoken word about quesadillas - yes, Mila heard it and smirked at it with a punctuation mark of a head shake - there was a time and place for things.

It seemed in the chaos of the situation that there was a little separation of the sexes, though from the corner of her eye Mila saw one of the Crystal Sorts use a lance against the enemy and another doing a kick that would make anyone think twice and the food truck owner hoping that insurance covered kicked bodies. If someone could do that while boasting about having never trained in martial arts, Mila had to wonder what that would mean for someone like her, who certainly had. The way some people did yoga, Mila did capoeira. It was relaxing in its own way, it allowed her to focus herself on something other than rocks and history and her life before Angel Grove.

With the strange attackers closing in, Mila found herself close to Hana and Ji-Su, not quite back to back to back like some sort of action movie trio, but close enough that Mila had to take a few steps forward for their own safety. She was confident in her ability; she wasn't a master but she knew how to move, how to aim, how to fight, but one of the aspects of her chosen martial art was the movement meant she ran the risk of hitting an ally on a back motion.

But it was a blessing, in is own way, as being the one to take a step closer meant she got to show that her roll from before wasn't just some flailing fluke. Mila couldn't tell if the one who had humbled her was approaching but she was going to act like it was anyway, just to make it hurt him a little more. Mila began her movement. Swaying side to side, body bent slightly, like she was dancing to a gentle beat in her mind. A lance-wielding enemy rushed towards her and rather than simply roll out of the way, Mila twirled, extended her hands, and twisted her body downwards, placing her hands near the ground as her left leg, her back leg, snapped out, spinning as her body completed the rotation; her heel impacted on the jaw of the attacker, sending him to the ground, limp, like he had just gotten knocked out in a fight; though instead of a bell there was a bright light as the body exploded. Evaporated? Disintegrated? Whatever it was, it felt good.

"You like that? We call that the Meia Lua de Compasso! Who else wants some?" Was she gloating? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Without a doubt.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location: Downtown
Interacting with: @Fabricant451 Blondie, @metanoia Good Brother Jackson, @LG Good Brother Dre, and finally @Akayaofthemoon Hana

Ji-Su had to admit, watching these people fight was entertaining in its own way. From Jackson and Dre performing an alley-oop, to Blondie doing some kind of spinning kick… it seemed they had things under control. JS and the other Korean girl probably could have relaxed and let their fellow Crystal wearers handle business. Of course, this was personal. They’d broken her fucking Ray-Bans, and that was unforgivable. Ji-Su glanced at Jackson, who was asking if she felt any different, and Ji-Su gave him a nod, “Yeah, dude. I feel pretty different.” She thought it was a pretty easy question to ask, but then, Jackson wasn’t exactly the most cookie cutter dude she knew.

Ji-Su turned her body to steal a glance at blondie, who was hyping herself up after calling out her move name, and Ji-Su clapped her hands, letting out a small whistle. “Not bad, blondie. Let me try.” Luckily, there was no shortage of mooks for her to slap the shit out of. Ji-Su swung her arms back and forth as she approached one of the Bechats. She was either going to look really, really sick - or like a fucking idiot, there was frankly no in between.

Once she was close enough to one of the bad guys, Ji-Su immediately turned to the side and leaned back, stretching her leg to its full height - essentially doing the standing splits. The impact came with a shout that sounded like it came out of a cheesy martial arts movie. She’d have been lying if she said the result of the kick didn’t surprise her. Ji-Su definitely felt stronger, but seeing the results was different from feeling them; the Bechat was launched a few feet into the air. Testing the limits of her newfound abilities, Ji-Su hopped up into the air as a follow up.

Ji-Su knew she sounded like an idiot, but she didn’t care. She hadn’t played hours and hours of Tekken 3 to not make Bruce Lee sounds as she kicked the Bechat with one foot, using its body as something of an anchor to spin herself around. The second kick landed, and as she spun through the air, she had to admit it was working out way more smoothly than she could have ever imagined. Fighting game juggle in real life? Check that shit off the bucket list. Spinning around. she landed a third kick - a simple roundhouse one. Then, finally she lifted up her dominant leg - her left - and brought it up high over her head. She slammed it down, and axe kicked the enemy straight into the ground.

The Bechat landed sooner than she did, and once Ji-Su touched down, she immediately turned to look at her new group of friends, before the guy popped. Cool guys didn’t look at explosions, after all. Blondie caught a wink and the slightest curve of Ji-Su’s lips into a smirk, which quickly evaporated and was replaced with a brimming smile as she gave Jackson and Dre a deep bow. She, of course, was under the impression that they would be impressed by her display. “I told you I’d do that one day, my brothers.” She straightened up and turned her attention to the final member of the group, the other Korean.

“Well, you’re up. Show us what you got.”
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