Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reverio Galand

Morning had come, and despite the events of the day prior, Rev had slept relatively well. Perhaps he had gotten so used to being assailed by nightmares and being unable to sleep that he had learnt to cope with it. The young man found himself staring up at the ceiling, as the water from the shower splashed down his hair and body. Despite it's not as elegant nature, the showers of Rhea was quicker than taking baths in the Vauquelin way. He wondered just how far different the Izumo way of bathing were.

To his knowledge he knew that one apparently shared a big warm pool of water with others, with the towel on the head as to not defile the water. He couldn't help but imagine the people of Izumo had some fascination with water. Then again, it were from Izumo and Albion where tea originally came from. At least to his knowledge. Perhaps it had become a holy thing. Rev's hands began to slide along his long hair as he throughly washed it, to his aid he had some Rhean hair products which had a nice scent to it. While those things were good and all, he felt it necessary to keep a yellow duck present by a plastic plate in the shower. He allowed himself a soft smile, as he squeezed the duck to provide a squeaking sound. Somehow having a bath didn't feel complete without it.

Every now and then, he could hear the chirping sounds of the Phoenix-Pigeon outside of the bathroom door, as it sat on it's artificial tree. He had made sure to take well care of it, though there had been very little use for it in Rhea as most people seemed to rely on other means of communication. The blonde blew some air through his mouth as the hot water fell over his face, his eyes closed as he did.

'Then again you would actually need someone to send letters to... I suppose my cousin may still use that service?' He frowned slightly before he turned the shower handle to instead make the water abit colder. Cold water on the face felt so much better than warm in his opinion, it was as if it helped him wake up from any weariness.

Reverio pulled his hair back over his ears slowly, and then reached out for one of the many shower gel bottles that was neatly arranged along the wall. At least he was keeping himself in good shape, he thought as he applied the shower get over his abs at his chest and belly, aswell as his arms and shoulders. If there was something good coming out of going to Rhea, it was that he likely lived far healthier than before. Which was something that made him feel struck with bafflement considering how most royals in Vauquelin lived compared to the common folk.

'I wonder if Chinami is going to eventually show up with that coat? Perhaps during the evening? Well, it doesn't matter. While that coat is one of few things I still have left to remember the old days, it is in the end just a coat.' His eyes fell to his neatly arranged clothes that laid atop a dresser within the room. It was quite astonishing, how the beheaded king had managed to deceive him, but also the world. Everything had gone exactly to his grand design.

'I need to tell them. I need to tell them the truth of what really happened. If we are to find out more about the whole Nightman ordeal. There can be no place for deception. They might come to hate me... I couldn't blame them now could I? After what I've done.' Rev allowed his hands to turn into fists as he softly slammed them against the wall of the shower, the young man leaned forwards, his head hung down and the water trailed down his long blonde hair. His gaze fell on the floor and how the water would swirl before running out through the hole in the floor.

'You have some secrets of your own, don't you? Chinami? Ken? But are they as grave as mine? When I healed you, I felt something within you Chinami... what kind of wound are you carrying?' He allowed himself to ponder, as time kept trailing on, much like the water which caressed down his body.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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Chinami Nadakai


Daylight came with the unpleasant realization that she'd barely slept a wink and still managed to have her body loyally wake her at the usual time. Glaring groggily at the 7:04 AM searing out at her from her phone's screen, Chinami sighed and resigned herself to the day ahead. At least her body was still somewhat refreshed from Reverio's healing, so it's not like she had gone to bed completely physically wasted or anything.

Habitually, she ran through her morning stretches and mild martial exercises, barely thinking about them, before recalling that she had laundry to handle. A quick trip to the washroom to retrieve the coat from the washing machine and toss it in the dryer, and it was back to the daily grind. Perhaps spurred by the inklings of an actual plan of what the hell to do with herself today, her return to physical exertions was filled with notably more enthusiasm, enough to feel less emotionally deadened.

After working up a sweat and riding high on the endorphins such a completed task elicited in her, Chinami knew another shower was in order despite just taking one the night before. The event itself, however, was briefly waylaid by the sight of her ruined clothes still lying openly on the floor, eliciting a palm being smacked to her forehead and a groan of self-recrimination. Luckily, her mother obviously hadn't been in here since Chinami had last night. Otherwise... Well, there were questions she really didn't feel like answering right now. "I'm losing my fucking touch," the ravenette sighed, before setting about disposing of the evidence of last night's... indiscretions. A several-layered garbage bag was soon thereafter deposited none to gently into the garbage bin outside. In the end, the pants had gone in with the rest. She didn't have the patience to consider repairing them.

The shower itself didn't make her feel much cleaner, but it did make her feel more human. "Not that being human is really much of a compliment, eh?" she muttered, scrubbing the suds deep into her scalp. Snorting, she cupped a small puddle of water in her hands from the showerhead above and splashed her face, clearing the soapy water drifting down her forehead before it could get into her eyes. Leaning back, a final deep rinse cleared her head of floral goodness, and she set about her body.

Not feeling like running up the hot water bill unnecessarily again, Chinami reluctantly called things off far more quickly than the night before, luxuriating only a glorious twenty minutes under the hot spray instead of nearly an hour. Steaming satisfactorily, and after squeezing as much humidity from her hair as she could without using her Spirit, Chinami padded from the shower onto a preprepared towel on the floor and snagged another from the wide sink counter, humming lightly as she dried off. As was her habit, plain undergarments were pulled on first, and the addition of an autonomous pair of hands made securing the bra trivial.

Pulling on fresh jeans, she frowned at a light chafing sensation and rolled her shoulders till the bra straps seemingly got over themselves. Buttoning her pants up, she fiddled with the upper underwear, before scowling in annoyance. "Bigger again? What the hell?" She clucked her tongue, resigned to going shopping far sooner than she'd expected... again. "When in doubt, blame Mina, I guess. I really need to learn to say no when she offers..." Shaking her head, Chinami shoved down the familiar flush and donned a dark grey sweater, humming in satisfaction at cutting off the chill of bare skin against air.

Hair dried and combed, Chinami scrubbed and rinsed her breakfast dishes before sliding them into the dishwasher. Her mother was already bustling about, preparing for the house party. Thankfully, she seemed to have actually opted for the caution of using her wheelchair to move the food to the car. Of course, Chinami didn't see any reason not to help with that and expedite things. The sooner her mother was out of the house, the less likely she would have to deal with annoying questions about where she was going today. A less than full-hearted farewell from Chinami half an hour later, and Harumi was on her way.

Chinami, for her part, retrieved Reverio's coat from the dryer and gave it a once over, frowning thoughtfully. It was hard to tell if the treatment of the washing machine and dryer had been too rough for the swanky-looking article. Her memory was good, but not exactly photographic, and she'd not bothered to use her Spirit's eyesight to really inspect it in excruciating detail the night before. She halfway considered trying to repair it but dismissed the thought. She was no seamstress. Not even close. Life on the road had taught her how to do field repairs and roughly patch and sew things up... including broken skin, but there was nothing she could do here that wouldn't tarnish the coat's splendor almost worse than the holes already did.

That settled, she neatly folded the sleeves and tucked the coat up, glancing at her distinctly empty wrist and then the kitchen clock. It was a little past 8 AM now. Briefly squeezing her crimson eyes shut, Chinami tallied up yet another thing to add to her list of needs. Her watch had been lost in the battle, incinerated by the light beams breaking from her skin most likely. She hadn't really noticed until now, to be honest, but she suddenly distinctly recalled never placing it on her bedside table.

Pinching her nose, Chinami sighed and grumbled, tucking the folded coat under one arm. New bras... again. New watch. Oh, and new shoes too for that matter. Her pair from the night before were as much a lost cause as anything else she'd been wearing, and it was only fortunate that she had a slightly too-tight older pair to fall back on for now. Her personal funds were going to be hurting... Especially over the shoes and bras. Fucking bra prices could roast in the pits.

Before all that though, it was time to fulfill her word.

The lock tumbler clattered and clicked to her Spirit's senses, as Chinami withdrew her house key and tucked it into the appropriate pocket of her jeans. Withdrawing her phone, she flipped to her notes and muttered, "Alto Road... 34 C..." She inputted the address into the GPS, definitely not thinking about the moment she had first received it. 'In and out, or extended visit?' she mused, before shaking her head. 'Don't be ridiculous, girl. The coat was imposing on him enough, and as much as that 'fire pigeon' or whatever sounds neat, he surely has more pressing things to do than entertain guests this early.'

As she briefly zoomed out the GPS map and mentally adjusted her view of the world to approximate its position from her physically, Chinami considered taking the rooftops to expedite things and then shook her head. It was broad daylight, and she wasn't looking to make a scene. And besides, she was already likely making a nuisance of herself coming this early. Any extra time she provided him to recover from the day before would surely be appreciated. Nodding to herself, Chinami set out for a good long walk and inhaled the outdoors air with a relaxed sigh.

It was the weekend, so really, there was hardly any rush. Regardless of keeping her word, she had the luxury to be able take her time.

Nearly an hour later, as she languidly approached the designated place of residence, Chinami found herself blinking in surprise and then shooting a curious glance at the coat tucked under her arm. For someone dressed like Reverio... she genuinely hadn't been expecting a bog-standard apartment complex. Raising a single brow, Chinami crossed the parking lot and began her search. Thankfully, it didn't take all that long, given the place she was looking for was apparently on the first floor. Honestly, in hindsight, his address had seemed a little off to her before, but now that she realized it was the address for an apartment room, questions she didn't know she had were well and truly answered.

Tucking her long raven hair behind one ear, Chinami fidgeted, making one final check of the address, before knocking on the door and waiting.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reverio Galand

A sudden sound drove the blonde out of his thoughts, had the Phoenix-pigeon knocked something over? No it was knocking sounds. Someone was at the door.

'A visitor? I am not behind on the rent... Oh! It must be Chinami.' Rev thought and quickly turned the water off and stepped out on the bathroom mat and walked over to fetch his towel. He wrapped the white and somewhat small towel around his waist after he quickly used it to make a single swipe over his chest and ruffled this hair once. The towel was large enough to be wrapped around him and reached down just halfway down his thighs. He needed to get dressed quickly.

No. There was not enough time. If he would take too long then Chinami, if she was the visitor would leave and he would be a big jerk not going to greet her. Especially when she would specifically show up at his residence no less. The blonde looked over his neatly folded clothes and then made his decision. He had to be a gentleman. He swiftly opened the bathroom door and made his way towards the apartment main door, almost slipping on the floor in the process due to the water falling from him. The towel loosening slightly, but still hung on as he proceeded to unlock the door hastily, accompanied by slight panting. He had been right, it was Chinami that had come knocking on his door, she really did come to return the coat he had offered her. This was such good fortune, he did have things he wanted to talk with her about.

But first came the appologies. "I am sorry, Chinami! I was in the shower-bath-thing! I came as fast as I could! Sorry to keep you waiting..." He said through his breaths and then calmed down slightly and gave her a smile. "I didn't think you would actually show up here. I hope you slept well?" Reverio smiled and allowed his eyes to close momentarily after having had eye-contact with Chinami.

The water still dripping down his hair and face, trailing down his neck and over his chest and further down his sixpack until being absorbed by the towel, which was getting more heavy for each droplet of water that would come into contact with it. His arms was as muscular as his chest, but not to the point it was all bone and veins. But more akin to a statue depicting the god of fertility. The blonde's cool blue eyes looked Chinami over. In the background the Phoenix-pigeon made a chirping sound, as it grew eerily silent for a moment. Then Rev's mindset began to catch up with his latest choice of action and he looked down his own body.

"Ah... I didn't have time to get dressed properly and couldn't make you wait." Rev bowed his head in an appologetic manner in rhythm with his words. "Please enter while I do my best to remedy this. Would you like some batonnet with cream by any chance? I don't often get visitors. It would be my pleasure." He provided a slight opening for Chinami to slip by in the otherwise narrow hallway part of his apartment. "It's wet. Careful to not slip." He scratched his neck in an appologetic manner and nodded towards the floor.

'Great work. You managed to invite a lady to your home and you are underdressed. This is so -not- court-standard.' He thought to himself before he felt something. Oh no. His towel. It was gradually becoming more heavy and starting to come loose. But he was holding up the door for her with one hand, and motioning with the other. There were protocols still printed into his memory. He had opened many doors personally for the princess in his homeland. This wasn't much different.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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Chinami Nadakai


As the door's lock was disengaged, Chinami straightened up a bit and plastered on a pleasant neutral expression, one that immediately threatened to falter at the dripping sight that appeared before her. "Wha-?" Admittedly, her crimson eyes may have glazed over a bit while her brain tried to process the absurdity in front of her. Squeezing her eyes shut to cut off the visual stimuli and taking a slow, steadying inhale, she tried to purge the sudden surge of sensation she needed to not be having right this second and ignore the pleasant, freshly-bathed scent wafting off the individual across from her!

For a moment, she could have almost sworn she heard a muffled voice screeching, "Take him now, gi-!" before her rational mind caught up with her obvious imagination. As she tried to pacify the intrusive... and annoyingly lurid images that wanted to play out in her mind shortly thereafter ('Damn you, Suzakura!'), she managed to listen with half an ear to what Reverio was actually even saying... which didn't help her settle the fucking hormones.

Was... he actually serious? Sure, she appreciated the fucking legendary vie- No, wait, that wasn't the point! Did he have any sense of modesty?!

'Mama likes~'

Begone, foul THOT!

Shaking her head, Chinami braved opening her eyes- Yep, still half-naked. Still with that guileless expression on his dumb, way-too-unfairly-pretty- 'Shut. UP!' He was doing this on purpose, wasn't he? Surely, he couldn't be-

"Are you trying to seduce me?" a voice asked flatly.

A moment later, Chinami's brain caught up with what her mouth had instinctively blurted out after dealing with Suzakura's bullshit for so long, and she barely managed to restrain the mortified(?) flush that was struggling to do more than redden her ears. 'Fuck it, in for a penny, in for a pound. Own your words! Show no weakness!' Sucking in a sharp inhale, she soldiered on through and strutted boldly through Rev's doorway with a flick of her hair, striding to the center of the room and running a long, searching glance over the premises.

When her crimson eyes turned to Rev next, one might have almost sworn there was a predatory air to them, the pupils narrowed into reptilian slits, the vibrant border around them almost seeming to glow. Then, she blinked, and the moment was over, eyes as normal as ever. "Well, if you are, better do it with pants on. Dunno how they do it in Vauquelin, but I'm a little traditional that way. Hope you don't mind."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reverio Galand

Despite the state in which he had greeted his new partner? Chinami had taken it rather well, looking dignified and proper ladylike to him. They were partners right? They did fight Nightman together after all and made for a great team. Perhaps companion was another word that could be used? While no doubt the blonde felt like he could ponder on things for quite some time, he decided to readjust his towel before it would slip off, securing it around his waist as he closed and locked the door. Chinami had asked him something, but after his shower, he still had water in his ears so did he hear it correctly?

'Are you trying to deduce me? That's what she said right?' He blinked as he began to stroll towards the bathroom doorway. It was true, he was trying to learn things about her, but also about Ken and what possible connection they had. Deduce meant that right?

"You are right, I am. I am very intrigued. I think it's a good idea that we deepen our bond by keeping no secrets from oneanother. So that we can explore and learn more. How is today for you?" Rev smiled and scratched his neck slightly. He couldn't help but feel his entire body tense up, as if he was tightening every muscle in his body. He was preparing himself to tell Chinami and Ken both about his past. They would be the only ones to know about the truth. A thing not even Nightman seemed to know, or if he did, he didn't think any of it.

"I don't mind that!" Rev said in a friendly manner, he was going to dress up properly and then they could have some nice things to eat and- SWOOSH!

The small collection of water that found itself neatly arranged on the floor, connected flawlessly with the blonde's right foot and he slid forwards half a meter, sending his towel flying through the air and landing on the Phoenix-Pigeon which chirped in sudden alarm, before steam could be seen coming from the towel. Thankfully it didn't seem to hurt the bird. However now he had lost even more clothing than before, how could this happen? Rev raised one of his hands to his head as he sat up from his prone position. Good thing he was all tensed up so he could catch the floor with his back. Though from medical experts that was likely not so much better than faceplanting into it. He was a healer, not a damn doctor. That was Nightman's job, and he sucked at it.

"Oof! That was close.. phew. Could have gotten strained a muscle." Rev rose up to standing up fully , now with his back against Chinami. "I'll be right back in abit! Feel free to look around if you wish! If you want anything just let me know!" Rev smiled over his shoulder as he wandered into the bathroom, he made sure to close the door. But at this point, was there any point to be had? Then he began to dress himself properly, after all this wasn't Vauquelin. Maybe he had shown off more skin than was considered proper? But then again leaving a lady waiting was not proper either. What choice does a man have?

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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Chinami Nadakai


Chinami's jaw almost dropped in disbelief. Did she just hear the blonde right? So blunt! Holy shit! Or... was he? She raised a single brow, as she processed his words. He seemed a little... distracted for fairly obvious reasons, not that those reasons were anyone's fault but his own, she decided. Honestly, either there was some sort of serious disconnect here, or she needed to refresh her knowledge on Vauquelin culture fucking yesterday.

She had been joking... mostly. Well, okay, it's not as though she was opposed to this guy giving courting her a shot, even if he seemed like he might have some oddities that would require investigation before anything serious happened. She certainly didn't dislike him, but this really didn't seem like the time or place, right?! She just hadn't expected him to take her words at face-value with that disturbingly open expression plastered on his face. Wasn't this a little fast?!

Wait. She was only here to return a damn coat! Why the hell had she stepped inside?!

A towel flew through the air.

It... flew...

Chinami's brain refused to comprehend what had just happened. Her expression remained flat, unseeing, until the bathroom door finally shut behind the even less decent blonde. It was only once the click of the door sounded in her ears that her eyebrow twitched violently in irritation, and a luminescent angry blush rippled up her face. "Motherfucker," she hissed under her breath, squeezing her eyes closed, as she did her best to quell the ugly instinctive spurt of rage. That... All of that- It- ('Damn you, Suzakura.') She couldn't even enjoy it. She wasn't sure if she even should enjoy it. The crass boy had poisoned that tree badly if this was her automatic reaction to what might have been -and hopefully was- an accident on Rev's part. But she'd been burned far too often by "accidents" of the lurid kind to just respond like she felt she... should have?

Honestly, they were all lucky she'd been lucid enough of who was before her to not have her Spirit react the way it might to more of Suzakura's bullshit. If she accidentally punched anyone with half the force she leveled against Suzakura, well... it would hardly be pretty. And without her ability to heal anymore, if she slipped up...?

Chinami worried the tip of one thumb with her teeth. The angry flush was dying from her face. Her libido was... if not dead, then tempered by the reality check... for now anyway. 'Sweet mother of mercy, get a fucking grip!' She couldn't afford to keep spacing out like this! She knew at least part of the problem was the fucking hormones that she could currently do nothing about, but what if...? The blood drained from her face at a damning thought. What if her soul being cracked had more constant effects? Was she just emotionally unstable now? Or was something far more sinister at play?

She needed to be careful going forward. She clearly wasn't acting in her right mind. Emotions and whims could not be afforded such careless leniency in this delicate time. What this situation called for was cold rationality, reason and common sense. She needed to approach everything with the assumption that she was being compelled to act one way, dissect the situation and then assess her true desires and the actions needed to carry them out.

Reverio... she didn't think he was doing this to her on purpose... not yet anyway. However, it was clear just from a rational, objective assessment that she was visiting favoritism upon him... for various reasons. On the one hand, he had healed her, fought beside her and been a perfect gentleman... nakedness aside. But she wasn't treating him like someone she was simply grateful to... No, there was a fixation on every insignificant thing he did... an obsession. Whatever it was, whatever she wanted out of him, she couldn't allow herself to continue on this path... not like this.

Was she really about to throw her Pride away so easily?! To simper and sigh over a pretty face?! Was she such easy prey?! No! Never!

A sneer twisted her lips. She refused to be some hapless, brainless damsel! She was pretty desperate, sure, starved for options in the romantic sense. She knew it perfectly well. After all, one of her primary sub-goals to obtaining the peaceful life she wanted was a worthy life partner. She couldn't allow herself to settle for anything but the best. Just because this "Rev" had all but dropped into her lap like an unsolicited miracle from above, just because he happened to be the best she'd gotten so far... That didn't mean he was the right one. She knew little to nothing about him, and before anything else, that needed to change. One step at a time. Patience. Abstinence. Caution.

Just think of him like Suzakura, she nodded to herself. Paint his intentions with that brush. Not all the way, just a little... just enough to invoke that instinctive disdain... for the time being. Exhaling calmingly, she steadied her nerves, crimson eyes panning over thoughtfully to the so-called "phoenix-pigeon".

She resisted the urge to approach or otherwise physically interact with the creature. For all she knew, it was exceedingly more dangerous than it looked. And even if it wasn't, the little thing had just received a bit of a fright. She had no idea how to read such a foreign creature's body language, but she could imagine it might be stressed enough right now to not entertain the attention of strangers well... assuming that it was friendly even when it wasn't stressed.

Sighing, Chinami readjusted her hold on Rev's folded coat. What was she even doing... She could probably just set it down somewhere and leave, even if that would be a bit rude... No, she'd at least wait long enough for her impromptu host to dress, so she could say a proper farewell. She couldn't recall Rev making any sort of arrangements with Ken the night before, but he told them both his address, so maybe he was expecting more company? Would the implicit invitation even be taken? And did she even want to stick around to find out?

Such were the musings that passed through her mind, as Chinami waited quietly for Rev's return.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


You have friends now, Ken thought to himself. Now the hard part is keeping them as friends, especially when they have obvious romantic tension and look good together.

His parents had finally agreed to drive him to Reverio's apartment complex but told him in no uncertain terms that if the 'Nightman Incident' was repeated again, he was grounded. Either way, he arrived in the apartment room and knocked on the door, saying in a clear, but not loud tone, "It's me, Ken! I presume I was invited in, right?"

He had the feeling that this was more than a social call, that there was emotional baggage from their pasts to bring up and go through before being finally resolved.

Just because you know your true goals does not mean they'd be any easier. If anything, they'd probably bring up how naive and idealistic those goals are and urge me to find something else, those were Ken's private thoughts.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reverio Galand

As the door closed behind him, Rev had breathed out a heavy sigh. That had been so awkward and embarassing. He had not felt so humiliated in his entire life. There was nothing graceful in slipping on the floor at all. Not even his getup, or lack thereof was going to save him from that disgrace.

'Well, at least she didn't laugh at me. I should really start looking where I put my feet.' He pulled at his own hair slightly in distress before he gave out another sigh, this was not the time to have a mental breakdown but to get into a more respectable attire. Or any attire for that matter. He didn't waste time in getting dress, and slid piece after piece on and attached the ruffles at his neck, clasped the belt parts together and adjusted his hair. His gaze fell on the empty spot above the bathroom sink, at least the mirror was not there anyone to mock him. The blonde took a soft inhale and then opened the bathroom door.

"My sincerest appologies for the delay and my lack of proper attire." Rev gave a deep bow towards Chinami, his blue eyes shimmering with sincerity. Before they darted to the side and he noticed his Phoenix-pigeon with the towel on it.

"Oh no!" He reached out to grab the towel from the now dampened bird, thankfully the bird was unharmed. Perhaps due to it's quite large size, or it's slight elemental nature. This particular bird species had natural heat eminating from them, much like how a radiator would behave. So by the time Rev took the towel from it, it had been dried up by a fair amount.

The blonde scurried into the bathroom to hang it up and then he washed his hands, before scurrying out to the kitchen and preparing something which he could offer his guest. When Reverio finally showed up in front of Chinami, over by the small table right in front of his couch he placed down the silver tray with the food on it. The tray held a bowl filled with grapes, a couple of red apples, strawberries and some smaller fruits and berries of various kind.

Right next to the bowl was a pitcher with ice-cool tea which had been flavoured perfectly in mimicry to the kind served in his homeland. There were three cups on the tray aswell and three small plates which one could place the goodies upon. The tray also had a baguette lying on it, flanked by two brioché, which were two smaller rounded bread pieces that were soft to the touch. A small wounded cup also held some whipped cream, and right next to it was a small plate with a various amount of small cheese pieces.

"Please help yourself to some refreshments. I am very grateful that you found the time to come and visit me, I have something important to tell you and I want to ask you something aswell." Rev said in a serious, yet still friendly manner as he poured up some ice-cool tea for Chinami in one of the finely decorated porcelain cups.

"I was trying to find the right size of cup for you, I hope these are allright for you?" There was a slight bit of worry that the porcelain was not on par with that of the people from Albion. While he wasn't a porcelain fanatic, he still felt the need to at least do better than the people that came from there. The now dressed blonde, shifted abit on his feet before he gradually lowered himself into a kneeling fashion akin to knight before a queen. His now light blue coat and white shirt making him look like a fancy pirate. He did have a bird after all. But no peg leg, eyepatch or hat though.

"I want to tell you something..." He said in a soft tone of voice, one of his hands slid into one of his coat pocket. But before he had a chance to ask what he wanted to ask, he heard a knocking.

"Oh? Oh.. there's someone at the door!" Reverio slowly rose up to his feet again. Why now of all times? It better not be one of those religious fanatics trying to recruit him.

"A moment, if you will, fair miss Chinami." He offered another highly appologetic bow with his head., before he marched over towards the door, on his way there he heard a voice.

'Oh! It's Ken... The timing!' The young man strode over to the door, and fake coughed into his hand. He was in a good mood, surely Ken who was the heir to the throne of Izumo was not immune to humor.

"I am sorry! The clinic is closed for the time being!" Reverio said in a jesting manner, his eyes closed as he raised one hand to his mouth to hold back his snickering. Before he unlocked the door and opened it.

"Just jesting! Glad to see you are coming to pay a visit, Lord Ikari. I was hoping you would join us today, for I was hoping to speak to you about something. Miss Chinami is already inside, please come in and help yourself to some refreshments." Reverio motioned with his whole arms for Ken to step inside, the blonde would have waited and then closed and locked the door behind him then joined with them over by the table and the various comfy furniture.

"I have some questions about what you two know about Nightman, and if miss Chinami knows what happened to him. But first I would like to share something with you two, because I feel that you two are the only ones I could share this with. The only ones I can trust. A thing I have been carrying with me for three years, and I wonder if it may have played a part in Nightman chosing me to be one of the people he lured to his clinic yesterday. I realize that I cannot, I should not keep things from either one of you, as this involves you aswell. We are now a trinity, connected and treading upon a similar path. That said let me tell you the truth of my past." Reverio said as he sat down in one of the chairs, making sure he was facing both of them. He seemed to slump into the chair in such a heavy manner, it almost appeared like he had the burden of the entire world on his shoulders. Like what he was about to tell them was the hardest thing he would ever come to face. His expression was firm and sincere, his blue eyes was looking both of them over before he seemed to look into nothingness.

"As you know, I am called Reverio Galand in the lands of Rhea. But this is not my birthname, just a name I claimed to get some solitude from the past. Yet that didn't stop that nickname from spreading. The peasant prince. I am certain both of you have heard of that one." Reverio said with a soft sigh, his hands which had been turned into fists relaxed abit.

"Most people claim to know my story, it has passed from ear to ear, from one mouth to the other. But there are things which these tales do not speak of, as the case of betrayal. The truth which has eluded so many. And it is this truth that I shall now share with you both, and I hope you can forgive me." Reverio offered a deep bow with his head towards both Chinami and Ken.

"The King of Vauquelin had been put in a cell, when the rebellion of my homeland got out of control. The princess to which he was engaged with had been executed, alongside many nobles, including the Duke of D'Contre. The crowd demanded blood for their suffering, the suffering that the ruling class of my homeland had been unable to qwell. This was their way of justice, their way of vengeance. Many people were taken to the execution grounds, loyal ministers, nobles, guards, messengers and children..." Reverio's form seemed to grow more sad in stature as he seemed to lean forwards slightly.

"The knowledge of what happened is grim enough to make me feel sick. But I was there in those last moments, both in the cell and on the execution grounds when my brother paid the ultimate price. He deceived the entire kingdom, including his brother." Reverio said as he pressed his lips together, taking a short pause before he continued talking, yet more gradually his story became more a memory, a vision than a tale.

Flashback 3/3: The final betrayal. Starring: Liger Du Main and King Marlan Maressan.

It was with a creaking sound the door was opened, and with a slamming sound the large heavy wooden door was shut behind him. Liger du Main found himself in the very cell to his brother, the now imprisoned King. The small window of the cell was too high up for the King to see what was occuring outside of it, yet the sounds of the large crowd that had been gathered for the last couple of days made him feel like he didn't want to. Despite being in a cell and surrounded by dust, the King still managed to project an aura of radiance which only a King could. Like the ballroom had been, these cells were also reinforced to prevent any attempt to use a godly given gift.

"My king, it's I. Your loyal servant" The peasant prince gave a courteous bow, while the King still had his back turned towards him.

"They've killed her haven't they?" The King asked his brother, without even turning to look at him. Such was the grief he felt. Deep within he already knew the answer he was about to receive.

"Your majesty, forgive me. I was unable to save her. The young princess... is gone." Liger du Main knelt down and waited for the king to turn around to face him, which he did.

"It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I was the one who failed her. I was the one who failed the kingdom. And now everyone is paying for it with their lives..." The King's eyes shimmered as he moved his hand to his eyes. "I will join them soon, dear brother. Thank you for all that you've done." The King said as he looked his servant brother in the eyes.

It was at that point that the peasant prince took a few steps forwards, the heaviest steps of his life. "Your majesty, in moments such as these, poems and rhymes can ease a heavy heart and soul." Liger du Main, the peasant prince, brother of the last king of Vauquelin said in a low manner, before he leaned in closely to embrace the King in one final hug. "A poem won't remove this pain." The King said, before his lips moved to a few precious words only meant to the servant's ear, and in return the servant gave the king one last poem. Both set of eyes widened in realization of how things would come to play out.

"I will sin with deceit, as my fate I will meet, I will kill a king and the people will sing. My last gift, dear brother, may bring you to tear. But if I won't make my move, comes the future that I fear-" The servant sung softly to the King's ear, and then it all turned into black as the punch came forth. The world had spun around.

Reverio slowly opened his eyes, his vision was blurry, he tried to stand but couldn't, he tried to see clear... but he couldn't. He tried to speak, but all that came out was silence. The King before him yelled for the guards, which quickly opened the door and grabbed Reverio's both arms. The King stood still, his face cold and stern. His voice was clear, like the coldest and cleanest of streams, his words carried like the flowing water.

"Take this prince of peasants, away from here. This king shall smile, when the end draws near. Live your life, free with joy, such is the prince's final ploy. Two stars shone, one must fall, thus I make the final call. Free you are to soar the sky, thus this is my last goodbye. This king here will lie, still and content, next to the princess whose life that's spent." It was with sheer perfection that the king for the first time in his life had delivered such powerful words, with such meaning behind them. It struck Reverio with just how blind he had been to his brother's brilliance, he truly was the one meant to be king. As the reality of that fact came to him, Reverio could do nothing but to scream as the guards dragged him away, before hurling him out into the rain, into the puddle of mud outside of the prison.

The distant cheers of the people at the execution grounds, the sheer amount of hatred could be felt in the very wind itself. The rain itself tasted like blood. When the morning came, Reverio found himself standing in the crowd. Unable to do anything to stop what was happening. The King wasn't dragged towards the guilliotine, nor did he stagger in his walk. Not even when the rotten fruit and vegetables came flying towards him. He held his head high all the way up the wooden structure and then placed himself perfectly under the edge of the blade.

Hooded and standing in the crowd was his brother, with his servant clothes, his hooded cloak pulled over his head as the early day sun shone down upon him. But they could easily see each other. Reverio felt how a tear fell down his cheek, yet the King's reply was a smile with his eyes closed. Then the blade fell.

It was over. The white king had fallen.

Reverio looked up at the bright sun, how had it come to this? This wasn't the ending he had envsioned.

It was at that point that Reverio came back to the present, he looked up to Chinami and Ken. His eyes teary eyed. Yet in his mind, he could hear the sentences made in the past. He was once again in the room with Nightman and his chessboard.

His own words repeated in his mind.

'Even if your face and skin remain the same, names are important...'

'... being yourself is important, no matter what masks you may chose to wear in front of others....'
'A few of the pieces here are in the wrong place though, perhaps a former game? Disarray can be a common thing after going through various experiences as I am certain you are well aware of. In every person's life.' Reverio reached out with his gloved white hand, gently taking hold of one of the white bishops, which stood on the king's spot on the board, and then moved the pieces back to their original places.

Reverio's lips began to twitch abit, as he formed the next line that he had been waiting to part with for the longest time.

"I know how the king felt back then, because..." He swallowed and closed his eyes.

"...because I am not the peasant prince." It was with a sorrowful tone Reverio said the words, yet his eyes fixed themselves to his two guests. He finally brough out what he had kept in his coat, and placed it out on the table. A chesspiece. The white king.

'You were the bishop who stood in my place, how shall I manage through life's wicked maze? There's no peace, there's no song. The white king is now, long since gone. Our blood may be blue, not by choice 'tis true, we share the same sky, our faces look the same, you chose to die, in the hopes I would win this game...'

@Letter Bee@Lewascan2
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"You hurt more than I do," Ken said. "Your brother loved you enough to make the ultimate sacrifice, but you feel unworthy of it, because from a certain point of view, an unbearably cynical and utilitarian one, he should have survived. That is not my point of view. My point of view is that people can change and do better, it just takes an uphill battle sometimes. He gave you this chance - You can live in a way that honors his memory, his sacrifice."

The words were wrenched out of his heart, of his psyche. Ken didn't know he had those words in him, Ken didn't know that he can express such sentiments. But more words kept on flowing as he said, "Rev, or if I can call you that in private, Mar, I bared what I thought was my heart and soul to Nightman; I told him what I thought were my issues, but were in fact only the very beginning of them."

Looking at both Reverio/Marlan and Chinami, his gaze lingering at the latter's face to see if she was skeptical as the boy continued, "I told Nightman I was afraid of my own arrogance, my own ego, my screwing myself over by acting like a 'Protagonist'. And this was true; I wanted my own throne so badly I lost sight of why. But when Nightman put me to sleep, I remembered my childhood, how my parents endured poverty due to having hidden their identities and the Ame-no-Murakumo to keep it away from the Emperor of that time, and how they went without so that they can feed me.

"I remember my parents finally finding jobs and a measure of money and security, and me growing old enough to see that Rhea is a city where the right to smile, the right to strive and work for one's own and others' happiness, was taken for granted. I remembered the haggard faces and hunger and slaughter present in my home country. But I was afraid of making the necessary sacrifices to make that dream come true - No, Mar, I wanted someone else to make the sacrifices for me; that's how warped I was."

He then finished his little speech, "I wanted to sate my ego and my pride and my desire to be important but lost sight of what I originally envisioned: An Izumo which is more like Rhea, but remains itself. An Izumo where people can smile without fear."

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Orpheuz Paladice and ???

"You be surprised what insane things people will do for what is important to them, perhaps we have all a tinge of madness in us? Make your judgements in time as I will. Until we meet again, demoness. Good luck." Orpheuz offered a lazy salute. Then he waited for a few moments to hear Andras replies if there would be any, before he simply began to walk off. Leaving Andras to prep for her next fight.

'They will most certainly not be here, but someone might still know something. The bar over yonder seems to be a good place to start.' Orpheuz placed both hos his hands into his jacket pockets as he made his way towards the bar section, as he got closer he noticed a girl with pink hair.

'That girl... yes that's definitely her.' Orpheuz movements gradually began to speed up, but he still moved in such a manner to avoid bumping into someone. Not too far away from him, another young man was rising up through what seemed to be a broken table. Suzakura was brushing himself off.

"That fucking sack of fishshit got what he deserved!" Someone too short to be seen, screamed towards Suzakura from over where he first had stood watching the fights with disinterest.

"Friggin heck, I was in the middle of my damn introduction phase. That was totally uncool. Eh what? Are you trying to tell me the fight is over already? What kind of dumb rules are you playing by? Ehh?! You know what? Whatever! I have more important things to do than fight some low tier Mr Muscle posterboy in a ring that is clearly too weak to hold me." Suzakura protested and rose up from the announcer's lap, while making stretching attempts as he heard all his cords in his spine smack back into place again.

"Allright, Holy hells I need a drink..." The bully pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he began wading past the various people, who despite all their cheering, knew to stay the hell away from him. The bar wasn't too far away as he made his way towards it. 'Oi... isn't that peachybitchy over there? Well, what do you know. It's a sign from the allmighty gods. Let's get into Suzaprize mood.' He began to casually stroll over but was cut off along his way by some guy who dressed like those Clausewitz pansies.

'Whoa. You got some friggin nerve to get on my highway... damn Clauzwitz clown.' The bully whistled slightly, in what could be admiration or that things were just about to get out of hand yet again. Orpheuz slid up next to Vera quite smoothly, looking first at the other people at the bar. None was present that he could recognize, so he set his eyes directly at the pink haired girl.

"I didn't expect to see you in this cesspool, what brings you here? Where is your other half? Where is Wolf?" Orpheuz orange eyes homed in on Vera's. Yet before any answers could be received another voice interupted.

"Yo! Did you watch my fight, pinkypants? Did it make you sweaty? I had to hold back on the guy and well, and me being me, I let the guy have this win cause he probably fails at everything else in life." Suzakura said in a cheery manner, as he stepped up closer trying to place himself right between Vera and Orpheuz before his hand reached out and found itself on Orpheuz shoulder.

"Me and the little missy go way back, so would you be a proper gent and get the freck out of here allright?" Suzakura blew some air right into the other young man's face and offered a smug grin as he sized him up.

Orpheuz's gaze had left Vera, the moment he had heard the other young man approaching. His eyes had darted to the hand which now was placed on his shoulder, but soon it was lifted to meet the gaze of the bully. "Whoa. Holy hells look at that glare, my friggin legs are shaking. Don't tell me, you are about to throw up?" Suza said in a mocking manner to Orpheuz face.

"You do not address her like that, show some respect. And get your hands off me, scum!" Orpheuz orange eyes widened as there was a sudden change in temperature near him, as if there had been an instant change from winter to a hot summer. The military clad young man's hair began to flicker, before Suzakura's arm was forcefully lifted by some unseen force from Orpheuz's shoulder. And then the bully was lifted off his feet alltogether by the same invisible force, into a cross-like manner before being violently hurled several meters away, while at the same time not hitting anyone else.

The bully landed safely on his back against the floor. "Hey! What the friggin heck do you think you are doing punk?" Suzakura barked towards the military clad person, as he threw himself back up to his feet using just one of his arms, and from a prone position too.

"Swatting a buzzing fly." Orpheuz replied as he gave the bully a distant glare.

"Holy hells we've got a badasss! Ooooh! I am literally flipping out of my friggin sandals in fear! Allright, I get it, you want to show off to miss C-Cup minus! Go on right ahead, but once she's seen the Suza, you know that's the only way to Cure-ya. Well, since I am feeling generous today and is in need of some good milk, I am gonna let you off the hook today, but I expect to see your Clausewitzy wiseguy ass in front of the Kiburi school in three days from now. So I can properly teach you a lesson about who rules this place." Suzakura made a clicking sound with his mouth and then a snap with his finger, then twirled on his feet and began to walk off.

Orpheuz watched as the bully vanished in the crowd, then turned back to look at Vera. "I see things haven't changed by much here. Ahh, but you are probably wondering who I am? My name is Orpheuz. I am a traveller in search for the holiest of things. Perhaps you can tell me where to find this girl?" He reached inside of his pocket to hold up a photograph of a blonde girl.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Chinami Nadakai

@Dezuel@Letter Bee

Upon Reverio's return, Chinami seemed to be letting the chilly silence do the talking for her. Ruby eyes half-lidded in clear displeasure and the corner of her mouth wavering in a clear struggle to contain a scowl down to cordial neutrality. There was almost a glaze to her vision, like she wasn't quite seeing him and yet still reacting all the same. Her acknowledgement of his apologies seemed to go no further than her eyes narrowing minutely further.

She adjusted the coat in her arms and almost seemed about to speak, before being cut off by Rev's second rapid departure to the kitchen. She was plainly disgruntled by the time he returned with refreshments and seemed to have become quite thoroughly through with waiting for an opening for her own topic of discussion, prompting her to quietly scoff and plop Rev's coat on his couch, clearly finished tolerating the burden. Even when Rev kneeled in front of her, her demeanor hardly faltered. Despite her expression slowly screwing up into something complicated, the undertone of displeasure continued to override it all.

Her mouth opened, and a voice sounded from the door.

'This "Scumsuza filter",' Chinami decided, 'might be just a tad too effective,' as the image of the blonde before her swam in her mind's eye, overlayed by the image of a certain white-haired pissant through the power of imagination. Chinami wasn't sure exactly what it was saying about her that even this obviously false impression was enough to drive up her blood pressure.

Drawing in a slow, calming breath, she turned her eyes away from the retreating Suza- Reverio and eyed the tea and snacks with far more suspicion than they likely deserved. While Rev's back was turned though... Her Spirit flickered out and dove head-first into the teapot with its selective tangibility, soaking its tongue in the liquid thoughtfully, searching for anything "off" about it. Having been to the corners of the world and experiencing many less than edible flora, Chinami had a good head for poisoned and medicinal tastes, and it was with oddly mixed feelings that she determined that the tea was, indeed, perfectly safe, certainly as far as her Spirit's inhumanly enhanced tastebuds could tell.

That thought aside, she still didn't want the tea. She wasn't here for snacks, and furthermore: 'I hate cold tea,' she scowled. 'Give me something piping hot that will warm my belly any day.' Granted, it wasn't like she could be legitimately upset about such a trivial thing. Reverio didn't know her or her preferences, so how could she blame him for that. It wasn't fair.

But the Scumsuza Filter didn't do fair, and by the time Rev had so much as opened the door, her Spirit had once more retreated from sight.

Reverio's rather lame "joke" grated at her ears, and she had to resist a full-body cringe when he addressed the newcomer as "Lord Ikari" again. Really, the worst part wasn't that she knew he was probably dead serious. I was that the brunette he was addressing was... possibly disinclined to stop him from using the flowery over-the-top form of address the way she had.

She remained standing when both boys sat around the table, the only sign of her willingness to "participate" being taking one of the teacups for herself. Though she didn't drink from it. Her lips pursed sourly at the reminder of Nightman, and she was certainly in no hurry to catalyze that train of discussion. She barely choked back a scoff when Reverio addressed her and Ken as "the only ones he could trust", despite having known them all of less than a single day, and briefly squeezed her crimson eyes closed in disbelief, turning to face the window and listening with half an ear to his spun tale of "betrayal".

And oh, what a little tale it was. A fallen kingdom, a pair of twin brothers, a final act of unwavering loyalty. And not a peasant prince, but a King banished from his own lands by the tides of change and revolution. Betrayal? There was nothing of the sort, unless one considered youthful incompetence to be a betrayal of one's nation. And Chinami's gut curdled with a feeling she recognized as... almost envy. What she wouldn't give for a family that actually gave that much of a shit...

She opened her mouth to voice a particular question, but Ken cut in quickly. A little disgruntled, Chinami nonetheless remained silent, allowing the brunette to say his piece, and while it started off well enough... What came after was absurd enough to finally draw her gaze back from the window to the boys. What... the actual fuck? What did his past and dreams have to do with Reverio's problems? "TL/DR, you're an egotistical shitstain, who couldn't even let Reverio have this one moment for himself," her mouth spat before she could stop herself. She almost wanted to snap back those words, but her temper was well and truly riled. And they didn't call her "Barb-Tongue" at Kiburi's for nothing. "That's a nice story and all, but I pose to you this singular question: who the fuck asked? No-one, that's who, but I suppose that so-called 'ego' of yours that you're supposedly "ashamed" of couldn't stand not to make the situation all about you, right?" She scoffed and flicked her raven hair fully over her shoulders, crossing her arms, as her Spirit delivered the still untouched tea back to the table and faded away. "I mean, given the dangerous content of Rev's own tale, he's still a fucking dumbass for just blurting it all out on people who might as well be complete strangers, but you don't see me blathering on about my own life and overshadowing our host."

"And I would strenuously advise against referring to him by that name under any circumstance. King Marlan is dead. Only 'Reverio' remains, and you'd best remember that well... for all our sakes." Where the words harsh? Maybe. Rude? Definitely. Her tone left no room for misinterpreting her open disdain for the entire situation. But at the end of the day, she was someone who hung around in Mina and Suzakura's circles, whether she liked it or not, and that sort of atmosphere, surrounded by bullies -intentional or not- had perhaps rubbed off on her... just a little.

"And you," her eyes flicked to Reverio, narrowing. "I don't know what you hope to accomplish by telling us this. To be honest, given the loudmouth on this one," she jabbed a finger Ken's way, "we were far safer before you said a damn thing. I don't know about anyone else, but I like my life peaceful and free of murderous revolutionaries, thanks. And if they ever find out about the deception..." She hardly felt she had to elaborate on exactly how badly that would go. No matter how slim the odds were, Reverio had just made them a whole lot less slim. As Nightman -and the voice in her head (which she still really needed to investigate, for that matter)- had proved, their minds were not impenetrable sanctums, and Rev had quite literally -at minimum- tripled the chances of his secrets becoming known to the worst sorts of people. Minimum, because Ken didn't seem to understand the concept of "tact", and his dangerous ambitions and overconfidence told her all she needed to know about how safe any secret was in his hands.

Chinami snorted, turning back towards the window. "And, you know, I'm really not sure what you mean by 'betrayal'." Her jaw clenched. "There wasn't even a single bit of it in that tale. Not a smidge. I don't know what sort of rosy, self-flagellating glasses you're seeing through, but all I see is the kind of heartfelt familial loyalty that most people could only seethe in envy of." She sighed heavily, like she was trying to physically purge some of her obvious frustration and ire, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Not to make light of what happened, but you're doing more to shame your brother's sacrifice in being so reckless with your safety than you could ever do by surviving. I mean, mother of mercy," she hissed out, her gaze briefly flicking back to the boys, "We just fucking met. How could you possibly think it was a good idea to spill your secrets out on us so soon. You can't possibly be so naive."

Except... he could, she realized. The fall of Vauquelin, as with Izumo, had been in large part due to betrayal and lack of innovation. Tradition and corruption stifling the ruling class, disconnecting them from the people they were supposed to serve and protect. Vauquelin was a prime example. The wealth. The excess. The parties and speeches and flaunting their riches before the suffering lower classes. Resentment was naturally bred. And all of that, it was easy to forget, had occurred at the hands of a 14-year-old king, all but a child, regardless of his upbringing. At the end of the day, he was helpless in the face of the machinations of the nobility and foreign powers. He didn't understand the people or how to help them, and everyone around him ensured he never had the chance to learn.

She got it.

The odd behavior.

It all made sense now.

Both of these boys, Ken and Rev...

Were complete social incompetents.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Reverio Galand

The blonde had been found blinking and unable to utter a word as soon as Ken began to speak up, and then hearing Chinami reprimanding him for the subject. They were already fighting each other and they had just started to talk. Rev bits his teeth together and reached up with one of his hands to his chest, taking hold of his shirt. He could feel how he was shaking, this wasn't what he wanted. This was the opposite of it. When Chinami had called Ken a shitstain, Rev was raising his hands in a manner to try calm the situation down. He was certain Ken didn't mean anything ill by what he said, he was just sharing abit of his own. Then Chinami had continued to reprimand Ken, and then she also turned to Rev and said something he had never been called before.

'...a fucking dumbass?' Rev blinked, trying to come to terms that indeed, that was what he heard Chinami say. It stung. But in some twisted way, it also wanted to make him laugh. He hadn't gotten scolded in years. What the ravenhaired girl said however did make sense to him, he didn't know them that well yet. But he did know that they were no allies of Nightman, and they had been ensnared by the same person. Rev remained silent waiting for Chinami to finish her reprimand, of both himself and Ken.

"I am sure Ken meant no harm, I do appreciate hearing how others have experienced life. While my story is important to me, I am sure both of you have equally as important stories. But please, Ken. Call me Rev. The king of Vauquelin is no more, there is no kingdom left neither." The blonde shook his head softly from side to side.

"I know that there are those who hate the king, but even they wouldn't trust the mere words by a peasant prince. They would never believe it, but you two... you do believe me don't you? I wanted to tell you, because I believe Nightman targetted us because of our blood. Ken hails from a royal line, so do I. So what I would ask is... are you from a royal line aswell, Chinami? I was hoping we could find out what it truly was that he was looking for. My intuition tells me that Simon, no.. Nightman was trying to activate some old weapon long forgotten or break some seal. His problem being that he didn't know which one? This is just what stomach feeling about all this. But perhaps I am.. uhm... a fu-fu-cking dumbarse, but at least I want to be a honest one." Reverio began to scratch his own hand, it was so difficult to talk to a girl that wasn't his cousin or her mother. He felt nervous and his entire body was as if it had butterflies flying around in it. The mention of his brother's sacrifice did still sting him like an arrow in the chest.

"My brother gave his life for mine, back then... all I ever wanted in life, all I ever dreamed of, was to be like him. He and the princess were the two most important people in my life, I couldn't save her, I couldn't even save myself. And that's why my brother did what he did. It's my fault he's dead." Rev clasped his hands together and he leaned forwards abit, his head hanging down.

"While what you say is true, I have only known you both for such a short time, but in that short time... I have learnt things about you which I find admirable. Ken, you are brutally honest in a world filled with lies, caring for others and burns with a strong passion. Chinami, you are brave and ready to protect others, smart and magnificent in how you carry yourself that would make the goddesses envious. I would be lucky to even have half of your traits." Rev said in a tone that implied that he was envious of that, as he rose up from his seat and walked over towards Chinami.

"I know we just recently met, but after my brother's action, I would say I've learnt how to tell a few things about a person. And I know you are a good person, and I would be honored to fight by your side and find out the truth about the ordeal the three of us just went through. Same goes for you Ken." He added, taking a slight breath before he proceeded.

"I also felt something when I healed you, it was as if you had a burning star in your chest. I couldn't tell what it was, but I was hoping that perhaps you could tell me? I know this may seem like me being nosey, but I would rather be nosey and care about another, than close off my heart... and regret never asking." Reverio held out his hand with the palm facing upwards.

"I will trust you with my life, and I hope you will be able to do do the same. Uhm... perhaps you would be available for dinner today?" The blonde smiled softly and tilted his head to the side in a friendly manner. It couldn't hurt to ask could it?

@Lewascan2@Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Ken was surprisingly able to take Chinami's diatribe, and the valid points behind it, without feeling more than a pinprick of anger and hurt. Instead, he nodded and said, "I apologize; turning the conversation to myself was a most naive blunder - I'm sorry. As it is, it would be remiss of us not to give you a chance to back away from continuing to know us, given that we put your life in danger by revealing our backstories and goals. After all, you're right that we barely know each other, and a friendship cannot be built by forcing another person to accept a threat to their life and wellbeing."

Then the boy added a hint as to his true feelings, "Nevertheless, Rev is right that he sees many likable traits in you - I do too. And we three have kept each other from dying before; why can't that same success be repeated and refined? As it is, we offer our loyalty to you - You know how much that's worth..."

He then turned to Reverio and responded to the other boy's question, "Now, I'd love to stay over for dinner, yes. What are you cooking? Vanquelin cuisine is very well-known worldwide, with multiple restaurants in Rhea claiming to have a chef trained in that country."

All the while he glanced at Chinami as he waited for her to leave, or talk about leaving, or, and he secretly hoped for this, stay.

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Chinami Nadakai

@Dezuel@Letter Bee

Chinami strangled the venom that wanted to continue to pour from her lips, her expression most keenly akin to annoyance. She knew she was probably going slightly too far, but now that she'd started, a large part of her wanted to go all the way, to mercilessly push forward until she'd burned these fledgling social bridges to ash. Some part of her acknowledged that drive to finish things as habit of all things. After all, in a twisted way, she worked very well with Suzakura when it came to putting others in their place.

Suzakura was... not quite as clever as he perhaps thought he was. His jokes were puerile. His taunts were childish and obvious to the point that only those with exceptionally thin skin would be taken in by them immediately. However, he was also extremely annoying in his relentlessness, unrepentance and nigh-unkillability, and that more than anything else was what got under people's skin, the fact that he could get away with nearly anything without lasting consequences. And all the while, Chinami would hang back and -as was her habit- watch carefully, examining the cracks he opened in others' facades, quietly digging deep into their core selves and motivations. And then, if she had to? She'd use her discoveries to tear them apart. In a lot of ways, she could say there was something far more viscerally satisfying about destroying someone with nothing but words. She knew it wasn't exactly right for her to feel that way, but it was the reality of things. Uncommon though the occasion was, she enjoyed it.

So, she could absolutely lean into that, destroy this bond before it had any chance to really matter to her. These two... Normally, she needed days or more of incidents to fully dig into someone enough to rip through them... But these two were so painfully open that she already had nuclear levels of ammunition. It would be so easy. But was that what she really wanted? She wasn't sure.

Chinami lightly smacked Reverio's hand away with a scowl, sighing in resignation, "You really don't understand what you were doing, huh?" Her eyes had traces of disappointment in them. "Dinner? As if. I have more important things to do than being strung along." She sighed again at Ken's... sufficient and yet strangely empty feeling apology but nodded slightly all the same. "Neither of you get it." Her jaw set. "Since when did I ever imply that this was going to be a repeat performance. I only came here today to return the coat, nothing else. We aren't friends. Hell, we're not even friendly acquaintances, just allies of convenience. And frankly, that old saying is bullshit. The enemy of my enemy is not, in fact, my friend. They're just the enemy of my enemy. If they also happen to be my ally and friend, then that's just a happy coincidence."

She crossed her arms, looking suddenly tired. Some unusually large part of her preened at the compliments, but she shoved it down nonetheless. "I'm not brave, just stubborn. Frankly, if it weren't for the fact that what Nightman was doing pushed several... particular buttons of mine, I never would have interfered in your fates. So, don't assign unnecessary altruism to my actions."

"As for what Nightman wanted..." Chinami's face screwed up into several complicated expressions before finally settling on a strange neutrality that seemed to put a small slump in her shoulders. "I doubt it was anything so grandiose. I talked to him a bit before I left. At the end of the day, he was just a man who lost his way, corrupted by an easily abused power and beaten down by failure. Nothing complicated, just human nature. No..." She huffed. "He just wanted to take power from those he felt didn't deserve it. I don't see what further 'truth' could possibly need to be uncovered." That was what she wanted to believe, certainly. The last thing she needed was for Nightman to simply be the tip of the iceberg to a full-on genuine conspiracy to awaken some sort of long-forgotten evil or other bullshit. She didn't want it to be true. She wanted it to be over and done with. And she most certainly wasn't going to encourage the fantastical "heroic" delusions of a pair of boys that wanted their trials to mean something, to be part of some greater villainy for them to defeat. Why risk them pointlessly throwing themselves at danger? Why risk herself being dragged into it again?

Quite notably, she did not address either Nightman's fate or the "burning star".

"And besides, royal line? Me?" Chinami snorted in what seemed to be genuine amusement, a series of chuckles breaking from her lips, before she sobered up and wiped away a tear of mirth. "As if. That would be the day. Somehow, I doubt archeology is the profession you take up when you have a royal legacy to fall back on." Then again, as far as she knew, it was never about the money so much as the passion her parents had been concerned with... even power. They had, after all, sought out magical ruins and objects above all else. "Until yesterday, I'd not so much as shared the same air as anything royal... unless we're talking ancient artifacts and such." She shrugged noncommittally. She knew her mother's life well enough from when they were handling legal documentation to reenter society to say for certain that Harumi was no royal. Though, her father was... less certain and his birth origins unknown to her mother. Apparently, it had been a shotgun romance and marriage of passion between the two, but Chinami was not even slightly surprised at the careless impulsiveness. It was what she'd come to expect from them. Even so, he wasn't royal. He couldn't be. Someone would have noticed. At least one person would have made a comment on it with her in the vicinity... "Unless Nightman was rocking a 'royal sensing' Gift in his hoard, I can't see how he'd think I was. He only seemed to have the cliff notes of my past, and if I were somehow a royal, not even I was aware of that fact, nor my mother for that matter." She chuffed and shrugged with a smile. "Besides, even if I were one, it's not like there's any way to tell." Honestly, she really wasn't sure why Reverio would jump to such a wild theory so quickly. What evidence other than coincidence was there to suggest it?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Reverio Galand

To having had his offer rejected by Chinami was a first, never before in his life had anyone said no to join him for dinner. It took him by surprise, but also made him realize that Chinami was indeed unlike any of the ladies of the court. It were indeed like she came from a different world alltogether. Ken on the other hand had replied to the question which he had directed towards Chinami, he wasn't the type to ask out other males for dinner. Back in the day, such an action would become the banter of the court and give rise to particular rumors. His late brother was ofcourse excluded from said thing.

"I... see... uhm... sorry Ken, I am not a good cook. The dinner offer was to Chinami. Forgive me. I don't go on private dinners with other men, I did only attend to public ones alongside a room full of other royals, nobles and officials." Rev offered an appologizing set of bows, he felt bad about it, but it couldn't be helped. It was after all Chinami who was hiding behind a mask, not Ken. He had been open and accepting to the three of them working together to put the pieces of the greater puzzle back together.
Then soon after it was time to address Chinami again, his facial expression looked troubled, disappointed and as if he had sold the butter and dropped the money.

"There's a reason people crave power, I don't think Nightman was just collecting what he did for the sake of it. He told me that in order to know great things, you must first know the really bad. Or something very similar to that. He had a chessboard aswell, according to him he used to play with a former patient of his. I find it strange, that a man such as him would keep such a thing to play on his own or as a memento unless it truly meant something for him. I wonder... could Lord Kiburi have been a former patient of his? It would explain how they seemed to know each other. It would also explain why a man such as Nightman didn't just come and fetch us all, it wasn't as if he lacked the power. It was more as if he was hiding from someone or something." Reverio crossed his arms momentarily, his eyes shimmering as they looked into Chinami's eyes.

'Just like you are hiding your heart, what are you afraid of? You carry yourself in such a proud manner, yet at the same time you are as if you are trembling. I wonder, were you once betrayed aswell? What is it that you are hiding behind that ruby gaze? Just what is that burning star?' The blonde took a few moments to ponder before he reached up both his hands above his head, and then with a bright light he summoned his family sword. The damoclaimh solais. He gently took hold of the grip of the sword, then moved his hands to it's hilt so that he could hold it over towards Chinami.

"As for telling if you are of royal blood or not. This is the blade, Damoclaimh solais. The sword of heavenly judgement. It has been passed down in my family for generations and served as a symbol of a better time. It was used in the royal ceremonies to prove ones royal heritage and through that ones legitimacy to the Vauquelin throne. To alot of people it is an important piece of my homelands history, to my remaining relatives it's the key to power... but to me it's a weapon which I draw to protect what is important to me. Please, Chinami. Take hold of it's grip and it shall tell you if you are of royal blood, it's blade will burn brighter if you have. You are not afraid, right?" The blonde held out the blade towards the ravenhaired girl, hoping she would take it.

'How can peace ever come to this world, when not even the three of us can get along?' Reverio mentally sighed as his eyes wandered over Chinami again. He had to try, after all he could feel his faith in humankind slipping away from him, like sand through his fingers.

@Lewascan2@Letter Bee
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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"Rev," Ken said sternly for once, "You should know from being in Rhea for years now that 'virtue' and 'courage' are not confined to those of 'royal blood'. For centuries, Rhea has achieved it's reputation as a center of advancement and the source of the best fighters in the world by allowing people from all backgrounds and walks of life a chance to earn their place up, under the recognition that 'a good birth' isn't the only thing which matters - How one's lives shape us as well, to be better or worse people, counts too."

The boy continued, "The nobility of various nations betrayed the people under them by believing that they are better; not just in looks or in smarts or in powers, but morally as well. Rhea proves that is wrong - This city is a beating heart of people of all attitudes, virtues, and vices and an ever-shifting cast of minor and major heroes and villains. And that is its strength." Then he sighed once more before finishing, "As for everything you just said about Nightman... Why are you not inclined to believe Chinami this time, considering your profession of trust in her?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

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Chinami Nadakai

@Dezuel@Letter Bee

As soon as those final words left Chinami's lips, she knew she had fucked up. It was a somewhat delayed realization, but it came to her nonetheless. As it so happened, there was one way to determine royalty: that damned light sword of Reverio's. She recalled when she had analyzed it, and on a surface level, one might assume the only qualifier for "royalty" would obviously be to specifically be a member of Reverio's bloodline. As a family heirloom, that seemed to most reasonable thing to preserve the integrity of the line... except that Ken was able to hold and wield it. Ken, a member of foreign royalty, so the damned sword did, in fact, legitimize any form of royal blood.

She hoped in vain that Reverio was not so keen as she in that line of thought.

"You're blowing this out of proportion," Chinami scoffed at Reverio's... expanding theory. "Sometimes, people just play chess because they like to or because it's meditative. It's nothing special. I'm sure he played with plenty of other people. Shocking, I know," she drawled borderline mockingly, before rolling her crimson eyes. "And frankly, it would almost beggar disbelief that anyone in this city wouldn't know who Lord Kiburi is. He's arguably the most famous powerhouse in the city, if not the world. You'd practically have to live under a rock not to recognize him." She snorted, her lip curling. "As for how Kiburi knew Nightman? Well, duh. I told him ahead of time. To get me to that damned clinic, that asshole went so far as to threaten my schooling and tried to make trouble for the Academy. To say the least," her expression was grimly satisfied. "Neither Kiburi or I were amused, and I was told -in so many words- to 'make the problem go away'." Chinami shook her head. "Kiburi must have been watching things from afar and only stepped in when we really were on our last legs."

"As for why he would be 'hiding'?" Chinami looked askance at the idea. "I hope you aren't seriously asking that. Obviously, it's because he wasn't an idiot. Hunting down people to take their power in public carries far too much risk of witnesses, and as Kiburi proved, there are always bigger fish in the sea. Plus, he's just one man and can only drain and handle so many powers quickly and efficiently. If he brought serious retribution down on himself, numbers would win the day eventually." Chinami shook her head in disbelief. "And furthermore, for what it's worth, no matter how twisted his methods and ends had gotten, I'm pretty sure he genuinely believed in his mission as a therapist. Nightman believed what he was doing was actually helping people, and if he were to break from even the veneer of that mission -if he were to assault people outside the 'structure' of his work- then he would no longer be able to keep lying to himself about what he'd become..."

Honestly, she was a little shocked at what she was hearing. Frankly, she considered herself to be a bit paranoid, but even she based her theories and suppositions in some level of grounding and fact. Reverio, meanwhile, might as well have been hurling shit at the wall and hoping for something to stick. This man was no detective. Of that, she could be certain. Not that it was really surprising, considering his past. Someone with an actual detective's acumen might have been able to save his dynasty from collapsing, but that required a refined sense for analyzation and telling truths from falsities, something King Marlan most certainly hadn't had in spades -if at all.

And then, Reverio called forth his sword.

Chinami tensed up at the action, balking at the by now familiar uncomfortable squirming sensation inside her that the sight of it provoked. She bristled visibly at the taunt -the implication of fear within her- in no small part because she absolutely was afraid of that thing. It put her on edge in ways and for reasons she couldn't describe, not just because she knew it could harm her Spirit. This close to it without any other pressing distractions, she could also determine a new sensation, an almost pleasantly buzzing feeling that ironically got her hackles up.

She could not allow that thing to so much as touch her. She didn't know if Reverio's hunch was correct, and she didn't fucking want to. She would rather live in blissful ignorance for eternity than take even the slightest chance of forever compromising her quiet, peaceful and normal civilian life. She was just a shitty person with shitty luck, taking command of her own life through her own will and skill. She didn't need some damn sign of "destiny" or other bullshit in her life. She was content with what she had and already desired, and she'd be damned if she allowed it to be upended by some "sword of choosing" idiocy. Destiny was for those too weak to shape the future with their own hands, and she already knew what future she wanted. She would permit no other.

Her eyes flicked to Ken at his interjection, raising a brow at the contents of his words. "Ken... I'm pretty sure that's not what Reverio was saying." She certainly hadn't taken Reverio for an elitist. Well, not intentionally at least. He wasn't all that socially adept, but he was... pretty humble all things considered. "I mean, aside from a touch of exaggeration, I wouldn't say you're incorrect about all that other stuff-" Surprisingly, she thought, given the things he'd said before. "-but in spite of everything, Rev doesn't strike me as the type to look down on those not of noble birth. That said..."

Her eyes narrowed into a hostile glare at Damoclaimh Solais, her lips curled into a mixture of disgust, wariness and anger. "I don't need any of that prestige bullshit in my life, so keep that- that thing," she all but spat, "away from me." Stepping back from Reverio, she made to physically put at least one piece of furniture between herself and him. Chair, couch or table. It mattered not to her. "I'm not royal. I refuse to even entertain the possibility. I've got far better things to do with my life. In fact..." She briefly glanced at the door, jaw clenching. "Maybe I've finished wasting my time."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

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A strange individual approached Vera. Had she known he's also approached Alex earlier, she'd have been far more suspicious, but at the time she'd been distracted by-

And there was Suzakura again...

"Yes, I was very impressed by how far you flew," Vera murmured absentmindedly, more focused on the other individual who'd spoken to her. She had no idea who he was, and yet he knew about her and Wolf. Alex or not, this still got her quite suspicious of him. It wasn't like her relationship was a secret, but what was this guy speaking about them by name despite her not recognizing him at all?

"I"m sorry, do I know-" And then Suzakura continued his antics unimpeded, now harassing her new... acquaintance. The guy didn't take kindly to it, and even went so far as to defend her in the midst of his tirade. It might have earned him a point or two if him existing wasn't currently just making Vera's skin crawl.

She grit her teeth before hissing, "Hey help me out h-. . ." But as her view panned over to her friend... she was conked out again. "Fucking... dammit..."

It was about that moment that Suzakura was telekinetically ejected from the scene, leaving Vera's eyes open slightly wider. So he was strange and scary. Wonderful.

Finally it was back to just her and the stranger, who was now showing her a picture.

"Never seen her before," Vera said without hesitation, staring past the picture and at him. "So, Orpheuz, you gonna give me a hint about who you are beyond a name? Maybe explain why you're acting like you know me? Because dumbass there got it wrong. You're no Clausewitz student. That's not their uniform and I know all of Wolf's friends." They weren't hard to keep track of, seeing as how they pretty much didn't exist. She just glared at him suspiciously, one fingertip slipping its way inside her purse to stroke the shell of one of her "asshole deterrents."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Orpheuz Paladice

Orpheuz nodded as Vera replied to him about not having seen the girl in the picture. While this was highly unfortunate, it didn't change his quest. No matter where she were, he was going to find her.

"I am a former comerade and former enemy both, a traveller from a distance yet at the same time so very close. Imagine as if this world we are currently within, is but a single page in a larger book filled with pages that have similarities with oneanother. I came from one of those other pages." Orpheuz's orange eyes widened as he spoke, his seemingly blazing eyes staring right at Vera.

"I am from Rhea, but not the Rhea you know. One of many. In my Rhea... let us call is Alter-Rhea just to separate the two. A great shadow was threatening to destroy the city, heroes rose up to battle it. In the battle against said foe, many heroes and former enemies fell. Said great enemy was forced back through much hardship, but in doing so it seized a host. A person who was... is very dear to me. One cannot fight against ones heart. Thus I came to serve the great shadow. Yet despite that, I still have respect for those who are willing to fight for their beloved. Like yourself who swore vengeance when Wolf was slain. Vittorio who died trying to protect Bak. Cassius who died in Katherine's arms. Among others..." He began to grit his teeth, but soon after eased up again and continued speaking.

"The great shadow and it's host was finally cornered, with nowhere left to run. The five strode forth. You were there too. Watching it happen. How Alto led the four others forth and then struck the host with his blade of light. The dark energies twisted and opened a pathway between the worlds. As the body of the host fell through it. It was only natural that I follow. I embraced my... comerade as we fell. Who knows for how long, but when I came to the bottom. My dear one was nowhere to be seen, but as a resemblence on my very form. I was not alone in the dark, there was someone else there. Who made me an offer I couldn't simply refuse. Thus here I am, to save this and every other world from a looming threat." Orpheuz raised his right hand as he finished, he lifted it so the palm would be facing upwards. Then he bent his fingers slightly inwards as if he was grasping a stess ball, as a pitch black liquid began to quickly form in the shape of a black orb. The young man soon after, moved his hand slightly and the orb began to take the shape of a cone as it began to rapidly spin.

"The dark void change not only your body, it attempts to change your mind aswell. Not to mention the gift of the gods become changed too." The spinning cone of black liquid was soon after brought to his lips where he drank it all up. "I just couldn't stand seeing that insignificant nobody speak to you in that manner, if he causes any further problems. Do let me know and I shall make certain he will understand just how deep waters he is trying to sail upon. I have no intention to show up to his challenge neither, I don't duel with the unworthy. That aside. " Orpheuz nodded his head towards Vera's purse.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Reverio Galand

The blonde had raised both his eyebrows on hearing Ken's words.

"I never said that those of royal blood possess more virtue than those without, Ken. Like you say, one is shaped by ones experience. Nobles may betray the people, but people of any origin may do the same. It's a matter of experiences and what moral code one abides by. But you seem to be misunderstanding what I am saying." Rev shook his head softly, his blue eyes setting on Chinami afterwards.

"Like you said. He was wary of a bigger fish. Wouldn't Kiburi had been just that then? I do not doubt Nightman's intentions, nor do I oppose the intent. I oppose the means however with my entire being." Rev quickly explained, before withdrawing the sword away from Chinami. Then he proceeded to unsummon it. "It was more about finding out if there was something else to Nightman's plan or not. But you make your stance clear, Chinami. It wasn't my intent to make you feel like you were wasting your time. I shall therefor not keep you any longer from the things you have to do with your life. That goes for both of you. Like you said Chinami, it seems like it was indeed a single performance with no encore. That is a shame. Thank you for bringing the coat."

The blonde then walked over to one of the windows of the room, watching how the morning sun was piercing through the leaves of a nearby tree. A duo of birds chirping and chasing each other. He watched them momentarily, as he was greeted by a memory when he had walked the palace grounds with the princess. How they had looked at the various birds while drinking tea. How he missed those times. The time he could stare into his teacup and see his reflection without feeling anger. But that was something he could never return to. Not physically at least. Perhaps the gods would allow him to sit next to his brother and the princess in a life after this one? He wasn't certain if he even deserved that. Especially not when he had that feeling inside of him. The urge to do something. Unlike Ken who seemed to be fully fine with having villains and evil co-exist with what is good within Rhea. Such a world was the world he had grown up into, the kind of world he hated. The world that had guided his dear ones to death and himself down a darker mindset.

'All paths I've taken has led me to the same answer. Ken is fine with having heroes and villains, good and evil co-exist under the same skies. To me that is just cruel and a waste of life. Good people always end up suffering. But these two have made me realize now, that people cannot get along... unless there is an overarching greater threat.' Rev's eyes opened wide, as he felt a cold shiver go up his spine. An overarching feeling of doom. Like a sword above the seat of a rulers throne, ready to plunge down upon him. Could the world find unity if there was a threat of doom looming over them? Reverio swallowed slightly as he realized what he had to find.

'The great evil.' As the words lined up in his mind, he could feel his very being repulsed by the very idea. But what if it was the only way to make people see eye to eye? What if it was the solution to end all struggles and suffering? The line of thought made him travel down a dark path. He quickly shook his head and returned to the room.

"Uhm.. I will unlock the door for you both. I thank you for finding the time today." Rev offered a deep bow as he faced them, before he made his way towards the door to unlock it.

@Letter Bee@Lewascan2
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