- relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly and widely from one internet user to another.
- of the nature of, caused by, or relating to a virus or viruses.
- an image, video, advertisement, etc., that is circulated rapidly on the internet.
Social media has had a momentous impact on our everyday lives. Whether we like it or not, some level of virtual interaction will impact us at some point. Depending on tweet, a photo, a TikTok or anything from that matter, all it takes is one fateful moment for something to viral. The concept of "going viral" is not prejudiced at all. There are influencers who get paid for a living to make digital content in order to make money and sustain their following. While every post on social media may not be a hit, more times than not, it produces a plethora of views and clicks. On the other hand, an ordinary person may not see as much engagement on their accounts. However, all it takes is the right moment and correct usage of the algorithm (intentional or not) for their own posts to reach the masses.
With connection to our entire world in the palm of our hands, no wonder there are so many apps that pique our interests. Social discussions, sharing photographs, trendy dance moves... if you name it, there is probably an app that you can tap to download. But what happens when an app you didn't download appears on your phone? Would you hold down your thumb on it and try to delete it? Or are you curious to learn more about it?
There is a unique bridge between our world and the Digital World that lives across the information superhighway. In recent years, the bridge has been destroyed, but with the progression of new technology, it has slowly rebuilt itself, allowing digital creatures known as Digimon to shift from one side to the other through certain devices (computers, televisions, laptops, phones). For select individuals, one of these creatures, known as Digimon, has biomerged into the real world for an unknown purpose through a new app that has downloaded onto their phone. The true purpose and functions of the app are currently unknown, but it frequently gives updates about their specific Digimon and other creatures as they emerge.
The "engagement and analytics" portion of this app isn't clearly explained, but what becomes clear is this: the more you associate with your Digimon, the more VIRAL you become... for better or worse.

"Going Viral" is a Digimon roleplay that has been created in the mold of Digimon Tamers (the third season of Digimon). Digimon aren't readily known of per se (no card game, video game or anything like that), but it relates to Tamers in that it occurs "our world." So there will be other social media apps/celebrities/influencers that are known of and about. As of right now, I'm keeping the deeper portions of the plot ambiguous for the sake of not wanting to spoil any and everything.
The plot will revolve around a group of individuals who are partnered with Digimon (known as Digi-Influencers); these Influencers (for short) can either have had their Digimon for a while or could be brand new at the start of the roleplay. The Roleplay itself will be episodic and take place in different arcs depending on what is needed. Not all of the characters need to be together at once per se, but they are all working towards crossing paths at some point. Other Digimon (good and bad) will biomerge into the Real World and cause issues, mixed with your usual "slice of life" moments. Influencers will also have the capability of battling each other depending on how things go.
My hope is to keep this RP on the relatively smaller end in terms of the number of players. I would like for this to be roughly no more than 3 to 6 people total as that will help me with managing the characters and the plot. The goal is to eventually craft a team of Influencers to take down the big bad, but as with most other social media personalities, people can either work together or against each other to make themselves look better.
The plot will revolve around a group of individuals who are partnered with Digimon (known as Digi-Influencers); these Influencers (for short) can either have had their Digimon for a while or could be brand new at the start of the roleplay. The Roleplay itself will be episodic and take place in different arcs depending on what is needed. Not all of the characters need to be together at once per se, but they are all working towards crossing paths at some point. Other Digimon (good and bad) will biomerge into the Real World and cause issues, mixed with your usual "slice of life" moments. Influencers will also have the capability of battling each other depending on how things go.
My hope is to keep this RP on the relatively smaller end in terms of the number of players. I would like for this to be roughly no more than 3 to 6 people total as that will help me with managing the characters and the plot. The goal is to eventually craft a team of Influencers to take down the big bad, but as with most other social media personalities, people can either work together or against each other to make themselves look better.

- one who exerts influence; a person who inspires or guides the actions of others
- a person who is able to generate interest in something by posting about it on social media
The Digi-Influencers (or Influencers for short) are your "DigiDestined" or "Tamers" in this roleplay. For the purposes of this roleplay, we'll say that this group will be between 18 to 22 years old (so, college-aged). I've chosen this age range because I feel like they would have enough "freedom" to do what they want, while also having some level of immaturity in there. As with any RP that I host, I'm looking for a diverse cast and interesting characters.
The Influencers are named as such due to their ability to cause influence to their Digimon and those around them (including potentially other people, Digimon and Influencers). If you have seen Digimon Data Squad/Savers, it works almost similarly to Digimon Natural Ability/Digisoul. This power allows Influencers to assist in powering up and digivolving their partners not just in a linear way, but through other means as well (to be revealed). Keep in mind though that influence can be a good or bad thing, though. Influencer's, upon receiving the Digimon app, will have their phones transformed into a D-Phone (Smartphone Digivice).

Influencers will only have one partner Digimon. The Digimon franchise has a plethora of options to choose from over at Wikimon (fan creations are not allowed due to not wanting to cause any issues with the creators of those Digimon). Depending on your character's history, they will have known this Digimon for some time or may even meet them at the start of the roleplay. The nature of the relationship between the Influencer and the Digimon is up to you, but what is solidified is that the two of them are partners.

- First, thanks for making it this far into the interest check. Shout out to you.
- This is not a first-come, first-serve sort of roleplay. I'm looking for roleplayers that can vibe with a casually advanced roleplay while also providing great characters.
- Once you are done with your Character Sheet, please PM it to me so that I can evaluate it before acceptance. Do NOT post your CS in the Character or OOC section until approved. PLEASE NOTE: In your application, only include up to your Digimon partner's Rookie form.
- Looking for this RP to be between 3 to 6 characters. Very much so a small group.
- Please post at least once per week in character. There will be instances where the group may be split up into separate groups to handle a task or quest so the Influencers won't always be together. Because this is a casually advanced RP though, I'm providing a little bit of leeway in posting. The goal is for this to be a long-term plot with minimal pressure. If you are unable to continue the RP, let me know so that we can phase out your character.
- The roleplay will be a combination of slice of life, action, and adventure. Feel free to create your own subplots with other characters (enemies, friends, lovers), but just make sure that the other person approves of it.
- There will be a Discord for quick OOC chatting, but OOC here is fine too. Important information will be posted in the OOC and linked in the Discord.
- At least two paragraphs per post. Give us something to reply to!
- Have fun!