The whiteness shined through. And consumed everything. It left nothing around, it left nothing to be seen, nothing to touch, nothing to breathe. Whiteness pierced through and shined over everything. It hurt eyes for a moment with its merciless shining, before the whiteness pierced through the pain itself and consumed it too into itself. Whiteness was everything and nothing both at the same time.
Runa felt the whiteness to shine and coat over her, and furthermore to take the world away from her completely and herself from the world itself. She felt the ground to disappear underneath her feet as she fell down, on her back, but her back never met any ground to catch her - and so she flew down further and further down into the endless, borderless nothing of the white.
Even though the whiteness was overly extensive and floating all over and through her, it did not stop Runa from feeling and seeing herself at the least of it. And she felt herself more than ever before, despite the fact that she was thrown out of the world of any consistent matter at all, completely. There was just her and the limitless nothing, and in so there was nothing but her and that exclusivity accentuated her senses to turn onto herself and understand herself better than ever before.
It came to a stop as quickly as it came. The sensations felt paused and out of time, out of sync in correlation to Runa's thoughts and body. This was nothing new for the demon of time no doubt, but it was of a force not her own. The endless void that was the Tower's central configuration distorted and grafted upon itself. Light peaked through the endless cracks, reshaped and renewed, the all encompassing light of endless benediction. Then Runa's visage dispersed, replaced with the grandess of an endless sky. The void mixed itself with color and other strange new sensations as if the demon was freefalling in a sky outside of the Tower. Grand celestial objects and other caractures of space floated by, suns and stars dancing as they came. But nothing was as bright as the golden light from which its origin point drew Runa's attention.
"I was wondering who would dare make a mess in my precious Tower," came the compelling voice out of the light. Emanated on the golden throne of the Godhead was a
woman. She stared down at Runa with an unreadable expression and a vaguer smirk.
"And look what I find. A fragile piece of data desperately clinging to be real and whole. You've done all this just to catch my attention. Hello again demon." The whiteness collapsed into itself with the same sense of momentum as when it presented itself in the first place. The limitless void spun and twisted, fusing into itself in shapes of waves looking like the density of the white ocean finally broke from underneath of it and started to press into the fabric of the real itself. It froze and then it shattered into a visage of a sky, as it seemed like the sky itself broke through the void and clashed with the white dull light.
It was the Tower itself. In its full presence the massive construction that held into the sky, reaching through it and disappearing into the distance as it also disappeared into the distance underneath herself. The height of the tower was overwhelmingly massive - or would be for a person with no access to the mechanisms of reality. To Runa it was a point of interest and amusement, something that picked up her curiosity.
“Hm..?”, she hummed to herself in her free fall, when the light was cast in the distance again, this time of a different kind. Not a cold whiteness, but a burning golden rays to surround the figure to approach with a greeting, a smirk on her lips. Runa replied with a same kind of a smirk, there was some kind of ironic connection between the two due to that gesture.
“I bid you well. I must apologize for causing disturbance in your creation, but such were demands of the things to be done”, Runa replied in her usual tone.
"So that's what you see. How interesting," the woman mused, noting Runa saw the full compasition that was her Tower. Curious indeed.
"Oh I'm sure you did. Spare me your excuses and justifications, however thin and flimsy they may be. You simply wanted out. Talking around the matter only reveals your selfish heart Runa," the woman continued. She rested the side of her cheek against her fist, crimson eyes looking through the demon.
"You've become whole. There's no distinction between what you were and what you are, what you will become," she confirmed with more amusement than anything else.
"A shame you won't even give me a greeting after all this time. Or maybe you've forgotten your own dreamwalking...well, that doesn't matter. I just want to know what you plan to do next."The woman waited in expectation as if she already knew Runa's calculated answer.
Runa only kept her smirk painted over her lips as there was little to hide and little to cover at Demyx’s gaze. And in so it was also little to express as well, paradoxically enough. They knew both, here in this moment that the moment to which they came to be and talk here and now was building up for them both to see.
Such was the nature of things they were entangled in.
“Ah yes, the dream… in the land of sleep we did indeed meet each other for the first time. Was something to remember. I apologize for not recalling it.”, Runa said with the same usual tone of hers,
“Hello to you as well. Even though my heart is warped in its design of desire, but such was my fate from the start, and to grow in that desire is only natural to overcome it and overcome the matters of what I was in the Tower. To become what I am now.”She kept on freefalling, her blue hair flapping and twisting in the air, looking like ocean waves in the storm,
“To align with the direction leading me where things lay I did not see, and were denied me. Such is my course of action.”"So you do remember. Most wonderful indeed," Demyx responded. It saved her any trouble of complications or introductions.
"That's good. That's very good. We can get right to business. The only reason I'm not locking you back up as data for an existenstial crisis is because you've caught my curiosity. I saw what you did back there." Of course she did. All things were under her observation under her gaze and if not her, then by her...other half. What she referred to of course was Nephuna, a power both forbidden and unthinkable in its fusion and one that remained as Runa's only bargaining chip as far as the Demiurge was concerned.
"You haven't given me an answer, not really. So allow me to make one for you demon. You can feel it already, can't you? Your time is in place, lined up with the you outside the Tower. One and the same, data becoming real; such is your nature. I see you have no path ahead of you so why not spend your time in my company," Demyx said with a crimson glint in her eye. Runa fell and fell but either she wasn't really moving anywhere or the vast sky was just that expansive. All the same, a great, overbearing golden structure and shape silhouetted itself behind Demyx's throne. It was grotesque and painful to look at with lines and dimensions that made no sense and yet blended in with the clouds and "skyline". It looked vaguely familiar to the thing that so lovingly walked Runa's dreams.
"I'm willing to overlook this incident and offer you a job. The Abyss Floor has already been repaired, copied data restored. I have use for your particular nature."“Of course you did”, Runa said - there was not a hint of surprise in her voice, or confusion or anything else. That phrase was more of a specific nod to Demyx, a point of giving a “I understand you” message. Implying they were on the same wave, that indeed, Runa realized that she was observed like so. Maybe she was doing a show, there was no clear answer to that.
The freefalling of hers never stopped and yet the vision and landscape around her never moved, they stood as still as they were, even though the motion continued, the demoness could make some of it just by moving her limbs or rolling in the air. Though the paradoxical scale of the things to comprehend were only making her think through it, applying her abilities and understanding of the reality around her to study and learn. Curiosity was still lingering bright in her heart. She listened to Demyx’s words carefully as well.
The massive golden rays on the closer study were more of a grander massive of a construction, twisting and shaping the reality around it in a way it managed, the fabric of the real barely holding its presence and cracked at times, amusing the falling demoness with its grotesque shapes and some familiar resemblances.
“Oh? And of what kind that job would be?”"Nothing too complicated. You just have to enforce my law. Maybe hunt down a few dissenters. Above all else, it should no doubt keep you amused for all of Time to come," Demyx answered.
"You may find yourself encountering that party once again, especially when some of them are....less than favorable in my view. There's also the matter of that wolf you've so clung to like a parasite. She too needs to be observed; at least, a part of her. Surely you can handle all that, no? It's not like you have anything better to do," Demyx said knowingly.
“That does not sound very complicated indeed. Just exactly something that would align me with the direction I spoke of.”, Runa said, her deep blue of the eyes locked on Demyx’s redness of a gaze as she spoke back, falling through the endless height still, only slightly twisting in the air to keep herself afloat in one position against the dragging force of the gravity and the turbulence of the falling both.
“So be it. I accept your proposal. Your company surely will guide me to places where I intend to be at, one way or another.”Demyx's smirk widened by an inch at the corner. There was a change of gavity in the air that wasn't entirely evident in the immediate moment.
"So be it then. Reject all that you've known and all bonds that you've forged. You serve a higher purpose now in exchange for your freedom. Become my Demifiend and enact my will."The presence grew larger and large until a shrieking terror gripped Runa's core from the sheer size of it. The great constructy behind Demyx's throne moved subtly, two gargatuan pressures that rended the clouds coming on either side of the demon's body. Like great hands they slammed into Runa completely, molding and changing not just her, but all of the demon throughout her dislocated times. Demyx watched as her newest follower was forged, leaning back on her throne in satisfaction she possessed one piece of the impossible fusion.
“So be it indeed.”, Runa replied once again, as an echo to an echo to an echo, her voice ringing through the space as the deal was sealed and the words rang with the weight of the agreement confirmed. It was no moment later from that when the sky moved in great weight and the weight of the massive golden machina to come from either side of the falling demoness. The great mass of the realm itself shrugged and moved as Demyx spoke to them, and in the momentum it crushed on Runa with all its greatest density.
Her blue eyes remained as cold and motionless in its bottomless deep, reflecting nothing but the reality around and how it spun around her, as the pressure flew through her and across her, into the web of her connections with an electric charge that sparked and exploded through the demoness and all of her presences around and throughout.
That electricity was colored gold.