Finally, here's my character.

Seems like you need to be knocked down a few pegs. Luckily for you, you've come to the right place.
Hestia Joy
Appearance Information:
Bearing long, rose-hued locks and a somewhat fit figure, Hestia stands at 5'6" and weighs about 137 pounds. Most of the time, her hair is left to tumble over her shoulders. Her eyes, a dark magenta that at times border on crimson, are often seen fixated into a determined glare. Some may comment on the paleness of her skin, but she considers this something to be proud of, seeing as she comes from the icy region of Circhester.
Her choice in fashion leaves nothing to be envied. Hestia doesn't really care about looking cool or flashy on her days off from work. Instead, she values comfortabilty over beauty; cotton slacks, sneakers, boots, fuzzy sweaters and t-shirts are among her favorite articles of clothing to wear. Such a fact leaves people surprised when they see her in proper gym leader attire. When on the job, Hestia takes on the appearance of a modern dragon-tamer complete with a flowing black cape that is trimmed with gold.
Hot-headed. Brash. Crude. A show-off. These are the first words that might come to mind when they think of Hestia Joy, the Dragon-type gym leader of Galar. Honestly, these assumptions are correct, though they only encompass a small portion of Hestia's overall personality. This young woman believes she has something to prove, so she isn't afraid of showing it. Her flamboyant yet arrogant disposition may rub off on certain other gym leaders the wrong way, but those who are closest to her know that she has a heart of gold. She stands her ground for what she believes is right, no matter what it might cost her-- or others, at that. Hestia abhors injustices and abuse against Pokemon, so much so that she coddles her own as if they were her own children.
Along with her fiery disposition, Hestia shelters a terrible case of imposter syndrome and is known to be quite insecure. One could easily get under her skin if they know where to prod, but push her too much and one is wont to face her wrath. Such a fury can also become incredibly out of control; there have been times where she has said things that she later on regrets, and her rash actions during the Champion's Cup have cost her the crown on more than one occasion.
Despite everything else, Hestia is a hard-worker and quite possibly an over-worker. She takes her job way too seriously and is constantly on edge about doing well enough to keep herself in the higher ranks of the Major League.
Short Biography:
Hestia Joy was born in the midst of a violent blizzard and into a very large family. Her pink hair and red eyes surely denoted her as a member of the Joy family, a prestigious bloodline of healers that are scattered across several regions throughout the world. It only made sense that as soon as she came into this world, it was assumed that she would follow their footsteps and become a nurse along with them. Hestia grew to become a rather rambunctious little girl, often getting into scraps with her little brothers, sisters, and cousins. Even then, they still loved playing with another, and together they tended to the smaller species of Pokemon that occupied Circhester. Her connection with Pokemon came almost naturally due to the influence of her heritage. As she grew older, such connections proved useful in the treatments she provided to sick or injured Pokemon. For the longest time, Hestia thought that she was following her calling, her fate. She was a Joy doing what Joys did. There was nothing else that she could ask for.
Everything changed on a cold, crisp winter morning. Seventeen-year old Hestia left her home on a quick trip to the local store when she came upon a heated Pokemon battle. She didn't know why she stopped to watch; her part of her family viewed Pokemon battles as brutal and unnecessary, as she was told several times by her mother. "Pokemon battles are only for the entertainment of humans," she had told her, "there should be no reason we should force such innocent creatures to fight to the near death." Yet, there was something different in this battle. The way the trainers' Pokemon moved on the field sparked something deep within her chest. In those few moments, the Pokemon and their perspective trainers were as one. And if they were the same entity on the battlefield, then what was it like off of it? The question gnawed her head for the better part of the year. Her desire to heal Pokemon dwindled into mere embers. Flames of passion blossomed anew when she saw advertisements for the Galar Region Gym Challenge. It was then that she knew what she was truly meant to be. She was going to be a Pokemon trainer. Surely, her parents would support her change in career path.
Things didn't go as planned. Her parents disowned her as soon as she mentioned her newfound passion and she was thrown onto the street with little else but the clothing on her back. Bitter-hearted, she traveled from town to town in search of a proper start. She spent many nights camping underneath star-filled skies and in small caves. It was about two week into her travels that she came across the Slumbering Weald, and it was there that she stumbled upon an injured Treecko resting underneath a thick-leaved tree. After tending to the Pokemon, the Treecko decided to stay with her for her travels, and the two quickly became friends. She named the Pokemon Pine, and together they began their journey as trainer and partner.
With no sponsor, Hestia knew she had to make her way through the Minor League before she had a shot at the Gym Challenge. That was easy enough; she blew right through the League with Pine and the rest of the team she had assembled. At nineteen years old, she was now eligible to take part of the Galar Region Gym Challenge, and she wasted no time in enlisting. It should have been easy enough the first time to get through the challenge the first time, but she still rode on the adrenaline that she had after blitzing through the Minor League. The Major League wouldn't be much different for her. Her aspirations came skidding to a halt when she lost to the Dragon-type gym leader at the very end of the challenge-- three times in a row. With that, she was knocked out of the challenge and flat on her ass.
Hestia was daunted for the first time in her life. The year that followed was spent half-wallowing, half-training. When it was time for the Gym Challenge once again, she wasted no time in enlisting. Her team was stronger than before; Pine had grown into a fierce Sceptile, and the way she had crafted her new team was inspired by the Dragon-type gym leader that decimated her teammates in the year prior. This time, she reigned victorious over their duel, and she moved on to the Champion's Cup-- where she was once again defeated. The cycle occurred anew in the next year. No matter how hard she tried, Hestia simply couldn't become Champion. But she could become something else. The Dragon-type gym leader, having sustained an injury that crippled his right leg in the midst of a ferocious battle, decided it was time for him to retire. In turn, he gave his spot as gym leader to Hestia.
This wasn't enough for her. She knew she would become Champion one day. Though, staying as a gym leader for the time being was a pretty good deal...
- Sweets
- Flying around on Lazuli's back
- Sharing meals with her Pokemon
- Legends; includes both legendary Pokemon and heroes
- Camping
- Exciting battles
- Watching other the other gym leaders' battles
- Romantic dramas, mystery movies
- Crocheting
- Being called by her last name; would much rather be referred to by just her first name or Lady Hestia
- Cocky individuals
- Suck-ups
- Defeatists
- People who don't know how to have fun or ruin the fun that she's having
- Over-eager or intrusive fans-- extends to paparazzi
- Extended periods of downtime
- Spicy food
- Fairy-types
- Thunderstorms
- Researches legends and legendary Pokemon on her spare time
- Cooks her food with her Pokemon's Dragon Breath or Flamethrower attacks
Type Specialty:
League Ranking:
League Placement:
Gym Location:
Gym Description:

Seems like you need to be knocked down a few pegs. Luckily for you, you've come to the right place.
Hestia Joy
Appearance Information:
Bearing long, rose-hued locks and a somewhat fit figure, Hestia stands at 5'6" and weighs about 137 pounds. Most of the time, her hair is left to tumble over her shoulders. Her eyes, a dark magenta that at times border on crimson, are often seen fixated into a determined glare. Some may comment on the paleness of her skin, but she considers this something to be proud of, seeing as she comes from the icy region of Circhester.
Her choice in fashion leaves nothing to be envied. Hestia doesn't really care about looking cool or flashy on her days off from work. Instead, she values comfortabilty over beauty; cotton slacks, sneakers, boots, fuzzy sweaters and t-shirts are among her favorite articles of clothing to wear. Such a fact leaves people surprised when they see her in proper gym leader attire. When on the job, Hestia takes on the appearance of a modern dragon-tamer complete with a flowing black cape that is trimmed with gold.
Hot-headed. Brash. Crude. A show-off. These are the first words that might come to mind when they think of Hestia Joy, the Dragon-type gym leader of Galar. Honestly, these assumptions are correct, though they only encompass a small portion of Hestia's overall personality. This young woman believes she has something to prove, so she isn't afraid of showing it. Her flamboyant yet arrogant disposition may rub off on certain other gym leaders the wrong way, but those who are closest to her know that she has a heart of gold. She stands her ground for what she believes is right, no matter what it might cost her-- or others, at that. Hestia abhors injustices and abuse against Pokemon, so much so that she coddles her own as if they were her own children.
Along with her fiery disposition, Hestia shelters a terrible case of imposter syndrome and is known to be quite insecure. One could easily get under her skin if they know where to prod, but push her too much and one is wont to face her wrath. Such a fury can also become incredibly out of control; there have been times where she has said things that she later on regrets, and her rash actions during the Champion's Cup have cost her the crown on more than one occasion.
Despite everything else, Hestia is a hard-worker and quite possibly an over-worker. She takes her job way too seriously and is constantly on edge about doing well enough to keep herself in the higher ranks of the Major League.
Short Biography:
Hestia Joy was born in the midst of a violent blizzard and into a very large family. Her pink hair and red eyes surely denoted her as a member of the Joy family, a prestigious bloodline of healers that are scattered across several regions throughout the world. It only made sense that as soon as she came into this world, it was assumed that she would follow their footsteps and become a nurse along with them. Hestia grew to become a rather rambunctious little girl, often getting into scraps with her little brothers, sisters, and cousins. Even then, they still loved playing with another, and together they tended to the smaller species of Pokemon that occupied Circhester. Her connection with Pokemon came almost naturally due to the influence of her heritage. As she grew older, such connections proved useful in the treatments she provided to sick or injured Pokemon. For the longest time, Hestia thought that she was following her calling, her fate. She was a Joy doing what Joys did. There was nothing else that she could ask for.
Everything changed on a cold, crisp winter morning. Seventeen-year old Hestia left her home on a quick trip to the local store when she came upon a heated Pokemon battle. She didn't know why she stopped to watch; her part of her family viewed Pokemon battles as brutal and unnecessary, as she was told several times by her mother. "Pokemon battles are only for the entertainment of humans," she had told her, "there should be no reason we should force such innocent creatures to fight to the near death." Yet, there was something different in this battle. The way the trainers' Pokemon moved on the field sparked something deep within her chest. In those few moments, the Pokemon and their perspective trainers were as one. And if they were the same entity on the battlefield, then what was it like off of it? The question gnawed her head for the better part of the year. Her desire to heal Pokemon dwindled into mere embers. Flames of passion blossomed anew when she saw advertisements for the Galar Region Gym Challenge. It was then that she knew what she was truly meant to be. She was going to be a Pokemon trainer. Surely, her parents would support her change in career path.
Things didn't go as planned. Her parents disowned her as soon as she mentioned her newfound passion and she was thrown onto the street with little else but the clothing on her back. Bitter-hearted, she traveled from town to town in search of a proper start. She spent many nights camping underneath star-filled skies and in small caves. It was about two week into her travels that she came across the Slumbering Weald, and it was there that she stumbled upon an injured Treecko resting underneath a thick-leaved tree. After tending to the Pokemon, the Treecko decided to stay with her for her travels, and the two quickly became friends. She named the Pokemon Pine, and together they began their journey as trainer and partner.
With no sponsor, Hestia knew she had to make her way through the Minor League before she had a shot at the Gym Challenge. That was easy enough; she blew right through the League with Pine and the rest of the team she had assembled. At nineteen years old, she was now eligible to take part of the Galar Region Gym Challenge, and she wasted no time in enlisting. It should have been easy enough the first time to get through the challenge the first time, but she still rode on the adrenaline that she had after blitzing through the Minor League. The Major League wouldn't be much different for her. Her aspirations came skidding to a halt when she lost to the Dragon-type gym leader at the very end of the challenge-- three times in a row. With that, she was knocked out of the challenge and flat on her ass.
Hestia was daunted for the first time in her life. The year that followed was spent half-wallowing, half-training. When it was time for the Gym Challenge once again, she wasted no time in enlisting. Her team was stronger than before; Pine had grown into a fierce Sceptile, and the way she had crafted her new team was inspired by the Dragon-type gym leader that decimated her teammates in the year prior. This time, she reigned victorious over their duel, and she moved on to the Champion's Cup-- where she was once again defeated. The cycle occurred anew in the next year. No matter how hard she tried, Hestia simply couldn't become Champion. But she could become something else. The Dragon-type gym leader, having sustained an injury that crippled his right leg in the midst of a ferocious battle, decided it was time for him to retire. In turn, he gave his spot as gym leader to Hestia.
This wasn't enough for her. She knew she would become Champion one day. Though, staying as a gym leader for the time being was a pretty good deal...
- Sweets
- Flying around on Lazuli's back
- Sharing meals with her Pokemon
- Legends; includes both legendary Pokemon and heroes
- Camping
- Exciting battles
- Watching other the other gym leaders' battles
- Romantic dramas, mystery movies
- Crocheting
- Being called by her last name; would much rather be referred to by just her first name or Lady Hestia
- Cocky individuals
- Suck-ups
- Defeatists
- People who don't know how to have fun or ruin the fun that she's having
- Over-eager or intrusive fans-- extends to paparazzi
- Extended periods of downtime
- Spicy food
- Fairy-types
- Thunderstorms
- Researches legends and legendary Pokemon on her spare time
- Cooks her food with her Pokemon's Dragon Breath or Flamethrower attacks
Type Specialty:
League Ranking:
League Placement:
Gym Location:
Gym Description:
Tourmaline [Drakloak ♀]: A rather somber little thing. Thinks she can't live up to her big brother's prestige, but still tries her hardest. The ethereal part of her body is a bit more transparent than usual.
Opal [Dragonair ♀]: The team's prima donna. Loves making her moves look flashy and constantly tries to impress. Is a slightly lighter blue color than most Dragonair.
Zircon [Altaria ♀]: Perky and sweet, Zircon's fluffy appearance betrays her dedication to her teammates. The feathers at the top of her head are slightly longer than usual. Hestia likes to tie them together at their base.
Lazuli [Salamence ♂]: Hestia's first Dragon-type Pokemon. A quiet and humble beast with an otherwise deadly glare. He's darker in color and his wings are fringed in some places. He has a large scar on his right shoulder.
Jade [Haxorus ♀]: While she might look fierce, she's actually quite friendly and loves to cuddle up to people. Zircon is actually her primary cuddle-buddy. Her eyes are a bright yellow instead of red.
Citrine [G-MAX Appletun ♂]: Silly, goofy, and likes to loaf around. The only reason he battles is because he knows he'll get lots of belly rubs afterwards. Looks like an ordinary Appletun.
Opal [Dragonair ♀]: The team's prima donna. Loves making her moves look flashy and constantly tries to impress. Is a slightly lighter blue color than most Dragonair.
Zircon [Altaria ♀]: Perky and sweet, Zircon's fluffy appearance betrays her dedication to her teammates. The feathers at the top of her head are slightly longer than usual. Hestia likes to tie them together at their base.
Lazuli [Salamence ♂]: Hestia's first Dragon-type Pokemon. A quiet and humble beast with an otherwise deadly glare. He's darker in color and his wings are fringed in some places. He has a large scar on his right shoulder.
Jade [Haxorus ♀]: While she might look fierce, she's actually quite friendly and loves to cuddle up to people. Zircon is actually her primary cuddle-buddy. Her eyes are a bright yellow instead of red.
Citrine [G-MAX Appletun ♂]: Silly, goofy, and likes to loaf around. The only reason he battles is because he knows he'll get lots of belly rubs afterwards. Looks like an ordinary Appletun.
Lazuli [Salamence ♂]: Hestia's first Dragon-type Pokemon. A quiet and humble beast with an otherwise deadly glare. He's darker in color and his wings are fringed in some places. He has a large scar on his right shoulder.
Jade [Haxorus ♀]: While she might look fierce, she's actually quite friendly and loves to cuddle up to people. Zircon is actually her primary cuddle-buddy. Her eyes are a bright yellow instead of red.
Spinel [Hydreigon ♂]: A Dragon that wields the same amount of ambition as Hestia does, though he can be aggressive. When he loses battles, he spends a long time brooding. Looks like an ordinary Hydreigon.
Quartz [Kommo-o ♀]: Timid, quiet, and curious. She likes to get to know other types of Pokemon. The fluff at her shoulders is a bit longer than usual, which Hestia fashions into short braids at its ends. The scales at the end of her tail are slightly chipped.
Larimar [Dragapult ♂]: Tourmaline's big brother. Mischievous and a rampant trickster among Hestia's team; he loves getting into trouble, especially with Spinel. Looks like a normal Dragapult.
Jasper [G-MAX Tyrantrum ♂]: Loud and arrogant. Knows his strengths and likes to throw his weight around, though he respects his trainer. His scales are a very earthy red, almost brown.
Jade [Haxorus ♀]: While she might look fierce, she's actually quite friendly and loves to cuddle up to people. Zircon is actually her primary cuddle-buddy. Her eyes are a bright yellow instead of red.
Spinel [Hydreigon ♂]: A Dragon that wields the same amount of ambition as Hestia does, though he can be aggressive. When he loses battles, he spends a long time brooding. Looks like an ordinary Hydreigon.
Quartz [Kommo-o ♀]: Timid, quiet, and curious. She likes to get to know other types of Pokemon. The fluff at her shoulders is a bit longer than usual, which Hestia fashions into short braids at its ends. The scales at the end of her tail are slightly chipped.
Larimar [Dragapult ♂]: Tourmaline's big brother. Mischievous and a rampant trickster among Hestia's team; he loves getting into trouble, especially with Spinel. Looks like a normal Dragapult.
Jasper [G-MAX Tyrantrum ♂]: Loud and arrogant. Knows his strengths and likes to throw his weight around, though he respects his trainer. His scales are a very earthy red, almost brown.
Basalt [Garchomp ♂]: If there's something bothering him, he'll be sure to let anyone know with a good bite or two. He's known to even challenge Hestia herself, though she always has a way to calm him down, whether with words or sheer strength. He's heavily scarred on the right side of his face and is blind in that eye.
Topaz [Dracozolt ♀]: The newest addition to Hestia's team. A bit clueless, though she means well. She loves pets and scritches, so she's prone to gravitate towards others in search of affection when Hestia is too busy to tend to her. Looks like a normal Dracozolt.
Topaz [Dracozolt ♀]: The newest addition to Hestia's team. A bit clueless, though she means well. She loves pets and scritches, so she's prone to gravitate towards others in search of affection when Hestia is too busy to tend to her. Looks like a normal Dracozolt.
Pine [Sceptile ♂]: Hestia's first ever Pokemon, Pine spends most of his time relaxing at her Gym or at home. He's rather quiet and wary; he takes his time observing the situation at hand before doing or saying anything. His scales are a brighter green than the typical Sceptile.
Orion [Charizard ♂]: Once the fiercest and strongest Pokemon on Hestia's team during her early years of being a normal trainer. Since his lust for battle has long since been extinguished, he's just a huge couch potato. He spends his time curled up in her living room, watching television. His left horn is broken and his left eye has a scar over it.
Orion [Charizard ♂]: Once the fiercest and strongest Pokemon on Hestia's team during her early years of being a normal trainer. Since his lust for battle has long since been extinguished, he's just a huge couch potato. He spends his time curled up in her living room, watching television. His left horn is broken and his left eye has a scar over it.
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